Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Every-day Dyspepsia ,
my article I
Sunday t '
nilt the state
ment that thele
Bte a great man
cast of catarrh
of t li stomach
Stack-raloonsr Co., Undertakers.
Bursa' Celebration Jamiaiy
Hare Boot rrlnt It Now Beacon Press. .
Lighting- natures, Burfftf Oranden Co.
New Administration Charter Bill to
Be Introduced.
the stomach great inntv uei".
onstlpatlon ai-c caused by cata.-rli or the
tomach. A greivt many cases tliat come
rider the. general term of blllousns are
fatarrh of the stomach
, ThuitMinds or TcUtmmlnlK.
As stated In m nn .1 . , Is no class of coses i'.hI me
nore. frequently or mdre ciitlit:;lflstlca.tly
i to tho benefits received from Pe-:u-na
:han this very class. I feel safJ In tay
ng that a greatur number of people liave
ecovered from catanh of the stench
jy toklng Pe-rti-iia than any other lcm
dy In the world. ThH may be p.iitlr duo
o the fact that ntitu people know nbout
?o-ru-na thnji any other remedy, but It
alpo due to tho fact that IV-
excellent for such
nauty the Dsntlst, City Mat I. u-
that are not rec- j classes now forming. Douglas 1S71.
ognlzed as such , . .
t tuu vnn Blurt a ortu
the Nebraska Ravines and toan Ass".
' with HO) or more. 160G Kaniam atreet.
The Stat Bank ot Omaha, pays 4 per
1 ceht on time deposits, 3 per cent on aav
1 lut accountM. The only bank In Omaha
whoso doposltora axe protected by the
depositors' gtiaranteo fund of the state
of Nebtaska. 17th and Harney streota.
Announcement to the Public The safe
;. .-IT vf ... 1 :iKht icinpany, locaUd
Kt H.o Awaui stieetr-is now being eoid
I want to nn
P h a s I a r that
itatetnent Near,
ly everj case of
so-called dyspep
sia Is In reality
catarrh of the
stomach. great
m an? Me.., of
:-o-calI"J .'
llnckrrR lihr llnl (tint 11111 Wilt
ot Hp UrMiKiilril When l'resent
l.rRlaInt nrr Crls Thrntiuti
vfllh It.
After a session behind doors olocd and
locked In the office of the city clerk the
council yeeterdnv evening let the eat out
! of the bag and coyly admitted that ther-
j would be presented to the legislature, an
other annexation Mil besides the one to
be Introduced by State Kepresentatlvo
I Michael I.ce. The administration annex-
at g.-e.u ..icrlflces In prices. Anyone in ; "- . " imuevMoou. is uie worn
need of -ife or vault doors please take!"' Hoctor's charter committee. nlthouRh
ad . a. .ur.' of this opportunity. Continul-ig ' '"' authenticity ot It Is not acknowl
.., .!, . i,i n.n m i.i stand. J. J. I edged by anyone as yeC It was prepared
s certainly
ru-na Is an
Write to Dr. Hnrtiiian.
Wherever it seems to fi'.l n ltter call'
Ing uiy attention to the matter is gen
erally sufficient for me to be able to set
It right even though I'e-ru-na bo tnken,
the patient may be Imprudent In his diet
pr' habits and thus defeat the reined-.
But under culinary, reanonable clrcum
ktanoes Pe-ru-na may confidently bo ex
pected .to render exactly the assistance
fchat Nature needH In the?e t ajes.
Pc-ru-nn. Ian-a-lln and La-cu-pia,
hianufnctured by tho Pe-ru-naCompany,
Columbus. Ohio. Sold at all drug stores.
FOR 113.
rei iii t t'oinpany.--Advertisement. '
JCichaelaen to St-'toula City l'.lcc
l.Iiiiin Mtchaclsen will go to St. Isolds to
attend . convention ot electrical men
Jnni'aiy 2. i"9 aud 30.
Howell aoea to Washington United
States Attorney V. S. Howell has gono to
Washington. D. C. to appear before the
I'nltcd Stutes supreme court.
Mrs. Page Wants Divorce Susie L.
Page has sued Chester W. Page, a
painter, for divorce, charging cruelty.
She wants her maiden name, dlnsspole.
Br. Vision to Speak Here Dr. V. M.
Slssop'of Kremont, former pastor of the
llansconi I'ark chureh, will deliver his
famous lecture. "Plus," at tho lllrst Me
morial Methodist Uplscopal church, Thirty-fourth
and Larimorc avenue, Friday
Harden Bros. Buyers Qo Bast Will
lam Nash, manager Jot the domestic de
partment at llayden ros.; T. V. IMynn.
manager of the dress goods deimrtment,
and Pat Johnson, manager of the laco
department, huvo gono to New York to
secure some early spring goods for their
! Tho OimiNE treatment for the Drink
Ilablt can bo used with absolute confl
flence. Jt destroys all desire for whiskey,
beer or other alcoholic stlpiulanls. Thou
sands have, successfully used It and have
tiecn restored to lives of gobrltty and use-
illness. Can bo glvc-n secretly. Costs
nly $1.00 per box. If you fall to t
esult from OHKINI3 after a trial, yo-ir
noney will be refunded. Aslc for tree
ooklet telling all about OftnlNB.
, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Pith
land Dodge, 207-09 No. lBth, 2Uh and Kar
iam, Owl Drug Co.. 16th and Harney.
Cellmate of Diggs
Nolen is Held to
. the Federal Jury
Alfred Gallahue. who was a cellmate
of Diggs Nolen In tho county Jail and
who Is alleged to have aided Nolen In
his attempt to escape from Insti
tution, was bound over to tho federal
grand Jury under bonds of $1,WX) by
United States Commissioner Daniel.
dallahuo was charged with conspiracy
to rescue or set at liberty a federal pris
oner, llntry Seaman, another prisoner
In the county Jail, was the only witness.
He told of tho plan worked out In his
presence, whereby Gal'ahue, upon his re
Ir.Hhe from Jail, was to tie a package of
saws and other articles on a string which
would be dropped from a window In the
toji floor of the Jail by a triiBty. Seaman
said ho did not see Gallahue tie the
package oil tho string" after he was dis
charged from tht Jail, but ho did sea
tho package after Nolen had secured It.
George Iteddy, who was charged with
conspiracy also, was discharged,
being no evidence showing that he was
U any way connected jvlth the deal.
Toothache Gum
Hm Wen terfecttifctioi for 25 JUC
All dros torcm or by intil, lie
C. a. DrnT & Co . DrrnoiT. mich.
John Dale to Be a
"Boy" at Sons' Dinner
John Dale, Sfi years old, has been sent
a special Invitation by tho Commercial
club to attend tho boys' dinner to. bo
gien the evening ot January 31. The
special invitation was sent when Mr.
Dale asked tho age limit on boys and
I declared that he was still In his youth,
being St ycais young.
Thero have been JSC reservations made
for boys at the dinner so far, and of
that numbei sixty 'will have to be sup
plied with foster fathers. The banquet
In primarily for the sons of members,
but ihose members without sons will be
supplied. Kach man intending the dinner
will have to bring a boy.
Only seventy drug stores in the city
have druggists' permits to sell Intoxicat
ing liquors. There aie at least 'S3 drug
stores In the city. City commissioners
are at a loss as to what to do, but tbey
will probably tabulate tho names of
druggists who huve not taken out per
mits and those who have und see that
no druggist sells ltquof unless he has a
(Gray Hair Sign
of Age. Easy Way
to Restore Color
It's a Ituruliiar SliaiiM-
i not to have Bucklen s Arnica Salve to
cure burns, eczema, bolls, sores, piles,
flits, bruises, wounds nnd ulcers. 25c.
For hale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
without publicity and it Is thought for
a very good reason.
It appenrs that the bill had been
hailed with a great deal ot pleasure by
thonajorlty of the cltlxens. Its fnlrnes
was ndniltted on every hand, hut 11 dons
not please the officials who aro against
annexation absolutely, whatever pretenses
they may put up to lull the people to
The annexation bill prepared by the
administration for Instance, makes the
submission of the annexation question
more difficult In that It makes It neces
sary to submit a petition signed by SG
per cent of the registered voters Instead
of 10 per cent as at present A like pro
vision prnctlcnlly nullified tho recall sec
tion of the charter. The rest of the ad
ministration bill takea carp of the flrti
and police departments, schools, li
brary, etc.
It Is being urged upon the cltlxens who
are hot conversant with the facts that
the Ijoe bill does not tako earn of the
schools, whllo those conversant with tho
law know that the school bill must be
prepared and has been prepnred as a
separate measure In order to meet the
needs of the school department which Is
a separate corporation from tho city gov
ernment. The great Joker In the administration
hill Ik that If It falls to pass, then the
question of annexation cannot be sub
mitted to th people for five years. That
hn8 been the point of attack all along
the line to emasculate the old lee bill
In one way or another. It Is thought that
tho Joker contained In the administration
annexation bill will do the work. Another
provision of tho administration bill re
quires that In case annexation carries'
a committee of five cltlxens from South
Omaha and as many from Omahah shall
then get together and arrange for the
merger of the two cities. It Is provided
that no one who has not lived for ten
years In South Omaha may serve on tho
committee. Whether this committee was
to be appointed or elected could not be
found out, because of the Jealous cale
with which the Instrument was guarded.
At any rate It was generally circulated
last night that John 15., Watklns, chair
rran of the Hoctor committee was to leave
last night or this morning to tell the
legislature what to do with the annexa
tion bills prepared by Representative
Michael I-ee.
KpcoiiiI Comnijl Ire Active.
Hoctor's charter committee is not to
have the game all Its own way. If the
committee appointed at the cltlzeV.i
meeting last Thursday has an thing to
say about tho matter, and the membe-n
think th'ey will have something' to say
Tho committee elected Is composed of
Deau Ringer, A. H. Murdoch and Sam
uel r Wlnteis. It was thu purpose ct
tho meeting that appointed the three
men to amend the charter from a stall I
point ot the common citizen as opposed
to that of the officeholders and corpora
tions. A meeting of tho committee la
called for next Wednesday night at t'le
office of A. 11. Murdock. In the mean
time John B. Watklns of Hoctor's chap
ter committee will go to Lincoln to look
after the affairs that affect South Omahn.
John M. Tanner, another of the IIoctM-
committee, has given it out that he .vlll
not know his own bill when "we g"t,
through tacking on amendments."
MuKtr Clly Gossip.
Mrs. Kllza Courtrlirht. need Tl
died Sunday night at her home.
sixth and I. streets.
Lost A red slet-r from stock
weight. U00 lbs. So. 1012.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis fimcml of
Rapids, la., were the Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Brlggs.
Mr. and Mra. .1. M. Ahhott nf this citv
have returned from a trip to Chicago.
where they visited with friends.
The Relief association ot the Union
Stuck yards will give Its annual ball
Thursday evening at Rustling's hall,
Twenty-fourth and J street.
The body of James GogglnsI who died
January 16 at Havre, Mont., arrived last
night. Funeral services will be held at
the home of his brother, Michael Goggius,
Thirty-fourth and Q streets, Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock. Burial In St.
Mary's cemetery. There will be no carriages.
ff PlllllIPllI
n , r, r
Wednesday Begins Our Big January Sale
A Remarkable Saying Event of Bargain Interest to Every Mother in This City
Every womnn who litis ever nt tended this Annual Kvent remembers it. as the biggest bargain opportunity of tho
tire year in children's dresses. These specially priced groups are made possible only by months of preparation.
Positively the choicest, newest, snappiest and
best values in children's dresses we evor offered.
Separate Children's Apparel
On Our Second Floor.
.CHILDREN'S $1 AND $1.25,
WASH DRESSES at 45c and 75c
Pretty juvenile styles made of
percales, ginghams and chain
brays, plain or neatly trimmed
ages 2 to (i years- -serviceable
dresses in the most desirable col
ors, worth up
to $1.25, each..
CHILDREN'S $1.50 AND $2,
Colored and White Wash Drosses
made up with little fnncy touches
of style iu tho best of ohockod and
striped ginghams iu ages G to
14 years, values up to
$2.00, January Sale
Price, each
Beautifully made from chain'
brays, Anderson's giughams,
Toilo du Nords and percales, also
white lace dresses with lace and
ombroldory trimmings, In
nges C to 14 yearn
worth up to,
at. onch
and COLORED DRF-SSES Wnrt.1i n rn M Krt ot (9 t.OO
flj .Snappy, girlish effects made from the choicest fabrics in
nrigui colorings, aiso some ueaminu winto Jace and swiss
dresses with dainty lace and embroidery trimmings, many
new ideas, in ages (5 to 14 years.
Extraordinary values in dainty and practical garments,
made in the finest wash fabrics obtainable, also epocial
groups of the season's nowest ideas in dresses for the
little tots that will be highly appreciated hy all mothers.
I New Lots Desirable Cotton Goods Every Day in Basement
White Goods Specials
Fine quality Imperial Long
from fine
soft finish
no filling.
j A harmless remedy, mode from com-,
itnon earden fcaRe. quickly restores cray
lialr to natural color. Tho care of thej
hair, to prevent It from losing; Its color
tend lustre, is Just na Important ns to vhtl i
for the teeth to keep them from discolor- j
log. w hy apend money for cosmetics
and creams to Improvo tho complexion,
said yet neglect your hnlr, when trray hair
is even more conspicuous and sugKcstlvc
of nee than wrinkles or a poor compter-,
Ion? Of the two It Is easier to preserve '
jthe nutural color nnd beauty of the hair
Ilha.n Jt la to have a Kood complexion. '
All that la necessary Is the occasional
itise of Wyeth's Kase and Sulphur Hair
Jlemedy. n. preparation of common Har
den Saeo and Sulphur, conlblncd with
other valuable remedies for dry, linrxh,
faded hair, dandruff, Itching scalp and
falling; hair. After a few applications of
thl simple, harmless remedy, your hair
nvlll gradually be restored to Its natural
(olor, In a short time the dandruff will
e removed, and your hair will no longer
come out, but will start to grow na Na
ture Intended It should.
Don't neglect your hair, for It goea
further than anything else to make or
mar your good looks. You can buy this
remedy at any drug store for fifty cents
bottle, and your druggist will give your
money back if you aro not satisfied after
Using. Turchase a bottle today. You
"will never regret It when you realise tho
difference It will make In your appear
unce. Advertisement.
Fat Is Ridiculous
and eon
.'H inch
30 inch wide Mercerized nainsook,
pure white, soft material, splendid
for underwear, box ot qa
width, in 12 yard
bolts, at
10 yartlB at
Vartl Wide IHcnrli
ed Mvfriirj nnd fine 1
quality 38 inch un-1
blenched muslin, In
desirable lengths at
the extremely low
price of
Fine White Goods
at 7y2c Yard
New goods for spring,
1013. Think of all tho
purposes for which you
tme these 2 to 10 yard
lengths fine India Un- j
ohb, fancy lawns, striped i
and checked dimities,
cneeKed and striped naln
sooics, etc.,
ISc and 19c
values, at, yard
Blue, lliotvn, Green
nnd Pink Apron
OliiRhanm in all tho
wanted broken and
even checks, colors
are absolutely fast,
White Goods Specials
White and colored cotton bobt
sucker crepo, adapted for under
muslins, house, dresses and chil
dren's wear, plain white, also
black and white stripes and dots,
30 inches wide, at, f)1
por yard Lt'zC
25 bolts ot that splendid quality
or pure- whltn liupn cambric that
Bells regularly at 29c a yard , 36
luuhes wide, at 1 El
per yard t 1 OC
3G inch Mull Checked -9 t
Dimity, at, yard 1'2C
Col. Cody to Have a
New Steel Train for
famous old scout, which will be mudc
with brand new equipment and In a
model steel train, the only one now being;
used by a traveling show In this country
His Wild West Show i says the jewelry store
The army recrultlnr force In Omaha
will havo to solve the problem once for all
with the police department as to whether
they will or will not be allowed to keep
their board sign on the sidewalk near the
curbstone. A big policeman told the pri
vate walking the beat outside the army
building at Fifteenth and Dodge streets
that the army men would have to take
their sign out of the way.
The navy recruiting station maintains
a similar slfcn board on the sidewalk on
the east side of the postofflce. The marine,
recruiting station as well keeps a similar
board on the sidewalk near tho curbing at
Fourteenth and Karnam streets.
flrerfat men and women, mortified and
humiliated by the publicity of conspicu-
, ou rolls and b"lows of fat. are gradually
learning that through the discovery of an
eminent physician the burden of cverfat-
I nets Is taken from thrm, lesYinjr tbe fig
ure attractively proportioned, the fleab.
firm, the skin amooth. and the generaJ
health vastly Improved, without dleUnr,
rrmrrim nr rwmltlna: wrlnkls or ftohbi-
bess. There Is no equal and no substitute
llllrabeth Furffuaon, ISIS yut street,
was held up Jioiiday nlglit In front of
hor home. Rbo was returning from re
hearsal of the Mendelssohn club and
Just as she wns turning Into her home
a man with a revolver stepped out from
the shadodwa and took a dollar out of
her purse. Me made no attempt, how
ever, to take a valuable rlntf and Imucp-Iet
Hilly AlcCune, wester.n representative to
ltuffalo BUI, has returned to Omaha to
start arrangements for the coining season
for the reat wild west exhibition. Mr.
ItcCunc has been spending the lust few
weeks In the reservation country bandlim
bis warriors together for the big opening
at Philadelphia. March 31. With him
coming from the Plije nidge agency Is
Bam Ijone Bear, Jack Itsd Cloud and
Ben American Horse, who will meet Col
onel Cody during the latter part of the
week for a business conference.
Bam tane Bear Is chief of polloo of the
outfit during play time, and has a most
arduous time In keeping many ot tho
aborigines from Investing their monthly
pay in copious shares of fusil oil. konn
Bear has been with the company for
twenty odd years and Is an especial
favorite of "Bison William" having had
charge of the Indian affairs for the last
seven years. He speaks KnKllBh fluently
and Is fond of candy and burlesque
shows. Jnck Red Cloud Is the eldest son
of the famous Red Cloud of early Ne
braskan history ami a chief In every
Fenso of the word. TheHo men, as soon
as Colonel Cody arrives from Denver,
will start mustering thHr tribesmen for
tho 1913 model "farewell" tour of tho
Claude A Hammeny, who confessed to
stealing hundreds ot dollum worth of
Jewelry from the Platan atom at Six
teenth and Dodge streets, pleaded not
guilty and waived preliminary examina
tion In police court. Ho was bound over
to, the district court In the sum of l,00.
He was charged with breaking and en
tering. He says he stole the Roods, nufl
that he did not break Into the store, ua
the door was open.
Ilia Stomach Tronlilrs Offer.
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to
feel that your stomach troubles were over,
that you could eat any kind of food you
desired without Injury? That may intm
to unlikely to you that you do not even
hope for an ending of your trouble, but
permit us to assure you that It Is not al
together impossible. If others can be
cured permanently, and thousands have
been, why not you? John n. Barker of
Battle Creek. Mich., Is one of them. He
says. "I was. troubled with heartburn,
indigestion and liver complaint until I
used Chamberlain's Tablets, then my
trouble wan over." Sold by all dealers.
Free land information
You can learn the facts about any
tvection of the oountry through The Twentieth CeDr
tury Fanner 'b Free Land Information Bureau,
which ib maintained for the benefit of our readers.
Climatic conditions, land laws, best landB for any
particular crop, best sections for fruit growing, stock
raising and general faioang all Buoh facta may be
had if you will simply Bend postage for reply, and
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska. '
Over 100,000 farm hzmillet rtaJ ft.
t'lriUnn in (lit llotrU.
, Charles Perry of llarvurd, II. K. Price
of Columbus, I,. U. Krye of Meadow
iGrove and J. M. Carney of Lincoln aie
stopping at tho Millard.
I Mr. and Mrs. II. Mollera of Lincoln. .1
tor the famous Mannola. PreeerrpOon. but W, Weston of OgullfUa. II. II. Andrews
Utere la a new and more courenient form ,of Callaway and G, A. Butler of nurwull
llu. vi it&nrii iuwiiib ill 4 uxion.
Flncn or Kearney
I iiMat form of thta safe fat remover.
i Vanoola Prescription Tablet contain the
, came harmless, effective lnartdlrnts aa
the original prescription that has enabled
I ao many thoaaanda of uncomfortable nwa
t . ana women u iruaco iuw "tum ....
,A 'Great Farm Journal "lW fiStlX
I rhc ,n ,,," nr"- I -aid by aU I orugglaU at i5cj or lentjmi John jBCob- ot ,,lalr (Jeor8e II Ileg
fTWENT eTH CENTURY FARHPP SSSJWS !,5iSVECr I i um?JF wuiiam Ouyie of
i.fwnan mmmmtwnmm -r jyaiiey are ai mt ijoyaj-
C. B. Kinch of Kearney . Mira M. Mini.
field of Wlsner, H. I). Hannah of Ht.
Kdwnrd and S. K, Warrick of Scott'H
Bluff are gucstx ot the Henshaw.
John Illnor of Kustls, Ceorgi li. Itelgli
T .Stanton. V. II lladdox ot Wolhaclt
and Mrs W. V. Miller of North Platte
Stomach Sick, Sour, Upset and
' Full of Gas? Pape's Diapepsin
In five minutes! Time it! All Indigestion, Heartburn and
Dyspepsia gone and your stomach feels fine.
Nvonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did the damag,
do youT Well, don't bother. If your
stomach Is In revolt; If Four, gMsy and
upset, and what you Just ate hae ror.
mentcd into stubborn lumps; your head
dizzy and aches; belch gases and acMi
and eructate undigested food; breath
foul, tongue coated just take a little
Diapepsin and In five minutes jou will
wonder what became of the Indigestion
and dliiticsji,
Millions of men and women today know
jtfcat it U needleu to have a bad stomach.
Keeps the
eat their
A little Diapepsin occasionally
stomach regulated aud they
favorite foods without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take care ot
our liberal limit without lebolllon; If
your food Is a damage Instead of a help,
remember tho quickest, surest, most
haimles relief Is Pupe's Diapepsin which
cofta only fifty oents for a large case
at drug store. It's truly wonderful-It
tllgealH food aud sets things straight, so
gently and easllv that it is astonishing
Please don't go on and vi
oiwoereu aionuun, it o unnecessary
I have a certain cure for rupture with
out resorting to u painful and uncertain
surgical operation. I on, tho only rep
utable phynlclan In thl line of work
who will take such cases for treatment
upon a guarantee to cure, or raako ao
charge. You may deposit tho money in
a bank, In your own name, and when
yoj are satisfied a cure has been made
you then instruct the bank to pay tln
money to me. By doing this you are
1 ahflolutcly certain of a cure, or It will
! cost you nothing. If I was not perfectly
I sure of my work I couVI not do busi
ness In thin way very long, hut Instead,
have been doing business ho for SO years,
and adopted this plan because ao many
have been swindled by quacks and fak
ers. Not one of them will permit a pa
ttent to deposit Ills money until a euro
has been inado.
When taking my treatment, patients
must corne to my offico once each week
for four weeks, and If they live nearbr
tan return home and work during the Interval
treatment, as it (la daagerons. Call or wri t! tVr
Z do not e the Paraflne Wax
A FEW OF MY nilDPn BiTiriiT
- .. ... - w
A. V. I'orn. NorioiK. rseb.j V
IC5C No. lstn umin
nrrln Itecd. Ogallala r
weak, 1 1 .. 'rr'"i iWi 'TCV f.: H. V. Reige, porchea,.r.
.,r....r v. ..v.w:i-r."' "", ou, inn ai , ti joaenii mo. J
. 'I-."0- POBtmaater. Holateln, la.: Dan Murp
JSr",. -V.,,',',00,tiel1 ,a - Joh" leaver. Blair. Neb
wiiii. C.V, ' 5' Stanard, Beaver Crossing, litb.; John
vimsra. ia. "imiBDS of others rould bo added to this list.
" TTKi, : aiUta 306 Xa Mlitm Omaha, VtK
mi. i