Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Tho Paper With a
Purpose The Paper
That Does Things
Fair; Warmer
Row Starts When Speaker Pratt
Takes Floor to Defend His Com
mittee Appointments.
Speaker Pro Tem Wood Claims Right
to Preside and ClaBh Follows.
Men Clinch and Both Attempt to'
Put Motion.
.Adjournment n Flnntly Tnken Until
Turin-, nltli 1.1st of Committee
Appointment, Still I n
confirmed. CUKVKNNK, Wyo Jaiu 20.-A riot is
now in progress In the house of represen
tatives of tho Wyoming legislature, with
Speaker Pratt and Speaker Pro rem
Wood both clatmlnff to preside. A violent
fight. Interrupted by members, took place
between tho tn i officers.
Scenes of violence which lasted fully
three-quarter of an hour, nnd whleh l.i
cludcd two separate encounters between
Speaker Martin T. Pratt and Speaker
Pro Tern W. J. Wood, threw the lower
house of the Wyoming legislature Into
hopeless confusion Just before noon to
day, absolutely no parliamentary order
obtained, and the scene was only ended
by an agreement among the. members "n
the floor, when cool-headed leaders of
either faction announced an agreement to
let mattom stand Just as they wero until
2 o'clock this afternoon. Both Pratt anl
Wood claimed authority over tho 'nous',
and with Wood sitting In tho speukc!'
ihnlr and Pratt tho gavel tho
show of authority seemed about equal
either way.
Orluln of Trouble.
The Immediate occasion of the trouble
was tho attempt of Speaker Pratt to call I
to tho chair F. C. Hunter, republican, of
Carbon county. -An appeal had been
taken from the speaker's ruling upon tho
offer of substitute committees by tho
democrats for those he had submitted and
in which ho himself held the balanco of
power upon tho two important commit
tees, rules and elections. Mr. Hunter
took the chair and Pratt went to Hunter's
seat on dho floor. Judge Metr, democrat,
arose and declared that the speaker could
not designate any other than the speakor
pro tern to take the chair and called upon
Representative W, J.. Wood of Crook,
county, 'speaker pro tem and V democrat,
to preside. This Wood proceeded to do
nnd Hunter yielded the chair to htm.
Pratt Attacli "Wood.
Thereupon- Pratt started to resume the-"
ctialr hlmcelf. Wood sat staunchly in his'
plaoe until Pratt, grasping him by tho
shoulders -with both hands, throw him
violently off the platform. Wood struck
on both hands and hts face, but promptly
arosq and rushed bade to the chair again.
The men grasped each other until Chap
lain Davidson apd others on the platform
held them momentarily.
Wielding his gavel, which he had gotten
hold ofi in the melee, Pratt declared the
house adjourned. Having the prestige of
thq speaker's chair and using a paper
weight for a gavel, Speaker Pro Tem
Wood shouted to the sergeant-at-arms to
close the doors and allow no one to leave.
Ho then called for a roll call on the
appeal motion. Standing over the chief
clerk, gavel In hand, Pratt, forbade the
calling of the roll, Hoth sides wero llnod
and pandemonium reigned on. the floor
of the house as well as on the platform.
N ScconifCMmnx Comes.
Another climax followed In ten min
utes after the first violence between the
speaker and speaker pro tem, when, with
several backers on ctlhcr side, lh--y
clashd and Pratt attempted to get his
own chair In place of tho clerk's chair he
hnd appropriated for the time being. At
tempting to Interfere, Representative
Sproul, who had heretofore been closer
to Pratt In counsel than any other dem
ocrat, was soundly kicked in the stomach
by the speaker. Further violence was
then 'averted, but fully a score of the
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
For Omaha. CouncU Bluffs and Vlsilclty
riKlne temuerature.
.lun.n.minri- nt 0 111 ii tin Yesterday.
Hours. yeg.
5 a. m
6 a. ill V 3
7 a. m , 3
8 a. m
9 a. m... 1
10 a. m 2
11 a. m , S
12 ro 4
1 p. m.,.., 6
2 p. m 8
8 v. m 10
4 P. m 3
.-. p. m 9
6 p. ni
7 p. m 8
ii d m S
CojiitiurutfVe Local Record.
1913. 1S12. 1911. 1310.
Highest yesterday 10 16 45 8
Ixiwest yesterday 20
Mean temperature 6 8 34 a
Precipitation .t..,. ...... .04 .0 T r
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal r
Normal temperature . o
Deficiency for the day ' V
Total excess since March 1 1
Normal precipitation 02 inch
Uxcess for the day .02 inch
Precipitation since March I.... 25.61 inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.08 Inches
Deficiency cor. period, 1911, ...13.M Inches
Deficiency cor. period, 1910,,., 119a inches
Hrports from Stations at T V. 91.
Station and State Temp. High- 'Raln-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. rail.
Cheyenne, clear, a
Davenport, clear 12
Denver, clear 24
Des Moines, clear 10
Dodce Cltv. clear 7.... 22
lender, cloudy SS
IMIIUCIi i.iuu; -
North Platte, clear A)
linaha, clear k- l'
Pueblo, clear 24 2S
llapld City, cloudy 28 M
Salt. Lake City, clear...... 20 2
Hnnla F. clear 24 .")
Sheridan, cloudy 26 3 .00
Bioux City, clear J .00
Valentine, dear 20 SO -W
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U. A. WtXSHt Local Forecaster.
I V3 V
Commerce Court Has
Right to Do it, but
Did NotDo it Eight
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-I!evcrslng tho
commerce court tho supreme court todny
permitted the order of the Interstate Com
merce commission for reduced class ac
from New Orleans to Mobile ami Ala
bama .Interior points to stand.
The theory advocated by the govern
ment that the Interstate Commerce com
mission haa absolute Jurisdiction ovsr
evidence In ratq cases to the exclusion of
the court, particularly the commerce
court, was struck down by the supreme
court In deciding the commerce court
tmtl h rlslit In nv&mlnn a claim that thr?l'e
was no relevant evidence presented to
mo commission upon wnicn u coum nmo
based' Its order In this case. 1
Justice I-amar In announcing the opinion
today wald hii examination of tho statutes i
shuutd that In a case where an unfair
hearing had been granted by the com
missioner or where no .substantial ovl
denco had been put Into the record, th
couVts could review the commission's or
deAand evidence.
Having held that tho commerce court
could review the order In this case to
see If any -substantial evidence had been
produced the supreme court decided, how
ever, the commerce court had erred In
unuing that none una occii prcscmco. ;
The case Involved a contest between tne ,
inierstute commerce commission ami in.i
commerce court. It also attracted atten
tion because a letter concerping the case,
bearing the name of former Judge Arch
bald, then of the commerce court, and
written to a railroad attorney nt the
time the Judge was preparing the court's
opinion, was made tho busts for one if
the charges In the Impeachmont proceed
ings against htm.
Broker's Mistake
Throws Wall Street
Into an Uproar
NHW iORK, Jan. 20-The mistake Of
a stock exchange broker gave Wall stteet
today the most exciting ten minutes it
lias had for several weeks. Won! was
flashed around that the supremo court
hud handed down its long-awaited led
slon In tho Minnesota rate .case and that
the decision was favorable to railroads.
Uproar followed on the exchange.
Rrokers who had been loitering n Hip
lobby rushed on tho floor nnd began to
bid clamorously for stocks. Price.
mounted rapidly, the leading railroad
Issues rising M or more Jietwoen sales.
Union Pacific bounded up 3 points and
other stocks from 1 to 2 points.
The mo"ement ended as suddenly as It
began. It was learned that i er had
misread a telegram and inntr . of tho
Minnesota rate case it proved to be a
case of only minor Importance 'which, the
.supreme fcourt' ha'd decided;, Prioos fell
bask nnd soon reached, the .lowest level of
tne day.
Most Beautiful Girl
Will Head Parade of
the Suffragettes
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. MIbb Inez Mil
holland of New York City, whoso desig
nation as "tho most beautiful girl In the
suffengo movement" Is said to havo
caused some heartburnings, is to lead the
suffrage parade March 3, it was an
nounced today. Wearing the livery of a
herald of medieval times. Miss . Mllhol
land will go down Pennsylvania avenue
ahead of tho women's band, which In
turn will lead a troop of "petticoat cav
alry." Arrangements were made also to
have several hundred striking women
garment workers from New York and
Baltimore march in tatters and rags be
hind a float depleting the Injustice of the
"sweatshop" system.
Bond for Clancy is j
Rejected by Court!
CHICAGO, Jan. 20. The tfiO.000 bonds
tendered in behalf of Eugene Clancy of
San, Francisco were not approved by
tho court because oi objections made by
District Attorney Miller, who prosecuted
the union leaders In the Indianapolis
"dynamite conspiracy" trial. The ball
was declared Insufficient because tho
lability of each surety was limited by
stipulation and for other reasons.
It was said that ball for Frank M.
Ryan, president of the iron Workers'
union, and the two other Chlcagoans
under .icntence may be perfected in a
few days.
Bonds for $30,000 also were presented
for. William B. Reddln of Milwaukee,
! wnu unuer h. mi te years scmence.
I These also will be Investigated by the
rnr.rnmnl '
IJpnds for the release of XV. Bert
Brown and William J. McCain of Kan
sas City, convicted in Indianapolis in
connection with tho illegal transporta
tion oflynamlte, were approved by the
United KtateB circuit court , of appeals
here today. Tho men will be released
from the federal prison at Leavenworth,
Kan., in a fe.w days, pending the appeal
of the cases. The bonds were $30,000 in
each case.
Leahy Testifies
For Osage Indians
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20.-T. J. Leahy,
representing the Oage Indian councillors,
recently deposed byecretary Fisher, oc
cupied the entire time today before the
house Indian affairs committee, hearing
charges that the secretary, acting favor
ably to the Standard OH company, had
refused to permit the Indians to lease
their Oklahoma lands to the Uncle Sam
Oil company. Mr, Leahy declared there
(was nothing Improper or criminal In the
fU negotiations for the Uncle Ram leases,
'.oo I The Department of Justice is about to.
W present the result of Its Investigation re
',0i ! gardlng them to a federal grand Jury. It
!oi I developed that Secretary Vliher had pre
iSivlously removed a chief, on aslstant
chief and a councillor for bilbery. Secre
tary Flshei was waiting to make hU
statement, but the committee adjourned
until tomorrow.
Interstate Commerce Commi
' Considers Reducing Trat
tation Chare
mvinced Corn-
Long List of Questions Put to
Official Representatives,
nnllronri Offirlnlx I nlte lu lleolnr
Innr Impossibility of I'ltmlshliiK
Hxnct PlKiiren to First
Vnlnr of Holding.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-A conference
wus held today- between Chairman Ixine
of the Interstate Commerce commission
mid representatives of the anthracite
conl carrying railroads s a step In the
commission's Investigation Into tho opera
(,on9 of ,nfl WBd!, ml ,llt0 the mining
Hiid sales operations of their affiliated
conl companies.
Convinced that sound basis cslsts lor
complaint thut the cost of anthracite.
coal and the charges for Its transporta
tion from the mines to the markets
excessive, the commission instituted Its
Inquiry with it view to reducing the trans
porutlon rates on anthracite nnd to rrgu-
i late further th methods and practices
of the roads If the Inquiry should war
! rant such aitlon.
As ono of the first steps In the InvcstU
gatlon the commltto submitted to tho
roads an exhaustive list of questions con
corning their operations, rules, value of
their property nnd their relations with the
coal companies. An to many of tho In
nulrles the raJlronds Wore prepared today
to furnlsli answers, it was cvioeni, now
ever, that as to others, such as the first
oost of the properties, little infoimatlon of
valua could be obtained from the railroad
The railroad officials united in declaring!
the Impossibility of furnishing exact fig
ures n the first cost of ther properties.
The rallrouds made respondents by til
commission's proceedings :iro tho Central
of New Jersey. Delaware & Hudson,
Laokawannn, Brie, Susquehanna, Wllltes
barre A: Kastern. I,ehlRh Valley. Now
York. Ontario & Western. Pennsylvania,
Northcvn Central and Reading. Affiliated
with all these nro coal companies, con
cerning tho operations of which the com
mission seeks information.
Aged Woman is
-Injured When Hit.
by' a Trolley Oar
Waiting -for a street car at Sixteenth,
and draco streets, which was to take
her from Omaha forever, Mrs. ISsther
Pratt, a widow, CO years old, who, until
yesterday, lived at 1539 North Slxtoenth
street, failed to notice the approach of
tho oar and was struck. Sho.was drngged
several feet beforo tho car stopped. She
was carried Into a tailor shop nearby and
later she was taken to the Presbutorlan
hospital, where It was found that io
was suffering from a contusion of tho
brain, a possible skull fracture and deep
scalp wounds.
Mrs. Pratt has relatives in Council
Hluffs and was going to pay them a
final visit before going to New Mexico,
whero she intended to mako her home.
Because of her age It Ih feared that her
Injuries will piovo serious.
Safe Blowers'
Cache Discovered
LONG BEACH. Cal Jan. 30,-WhaUls
believed to have beon a safe blower's
cache, discovered In a swapm near hor
today, yielded several Ingenious con
trivances apparently Intended to divert
pursuit after the commission of tho crlmo
They were a pair of imitation horse
hoofs, made of pine!' and fitted with
straps so that they could be adjusted to
a pair of shoes. An Imitation cow's noof
fastened to a cane evidently was Intended
to be used In conjunction with the others
to give the impression of a man on
horteback driving a cow.
In addition to the hoofs the police also
found a complete burglar's kit and a bot
tle of nitroglycerin together with a com
plete change of clothing.
Woman Member of
Utah House is Dead
SALT LAKK CITY, Jan, 20. Mrs.
Kdyth Ellcrbeck Mead, member of the
lower house of the Utah legislature, died
today from nervous prostration. She was
elected on the republican ticket at thoj
last election and her condition became
critical following an exciting campaign,
Mrs. Read graduated from Leland Stan
ford, Jr., university, where she took a
prominent part In literary and dramatic
The National Capital
.Holiday, Jnnnnry UO, 1013.
s The Senate.
Convened at noon.
Began consideration of conference re
port on immigration bill.
Pensions for 8panlsu war veterans'
widows were advocated before the pen
sions committee at hearing on the Crago
bill passed by the house.
If. ......
Convened at iibon.
Considered l"glslutlon on
consent calendar.
Oeag Indian lands Investigation n
resumed beforo the Interior department
expenditures committee.
Tariff revision hearing on agricultural
schedule was begun by ways and means
Currency reform committee postponed
Its hearing until Tuesday,
Senator-Elect Finds it Impossible to
Make Trip West.
!- Chosen Offlelnl Kx presses
ThnnUa to People of Mtnle null
Snyn Services Are Needed
In 'nnt nt Present.
i Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-(Specil Tele-
gram.) Senator-elect cGorge W. Nonis
will be in Washington when the legisla
ture meets In Joint session next Wednes
day to promote him to a scat lu the sen
ate. Mr. Norrls stated today that much i
ns he would prefer to bo In Lincoln .-.t
Hint time, conditions here demanded thut
he remain on guartl over several meas
ures which ho considers nro at most
critical periods. Ho Is especially Inter
ested In the workmen's compensation bill,
tho bill to prevent secret healings lu
government cases and the hill to dlssolw
tho coffeo trust.
"I regret more than I can say that I
cannot seo my way clear to attend the
Joint si'sslon of the legislature of Ne
braska next Wednesday." said Senator
elect Norrls.
"i assume thut the legislature U
carry out tho wishes of tho people ex
pressed at the last election. 1 would like
to return to them, and through tbem to
the people of Nebi-ank. my tliuuks for
the honor they have given me, ami ths
confidence they have cxpressAd lu me.
by according mo a sent In tho United
States somite.
Three .Mutter Pending;.
"t believe, however, that I can better
show my appreciation of thnt expression
of confidence by remaining lwre. My
duty to do so seems plain. Thcio uro
many important matters pending, tho
passage of which might bo seriously In
tcrfei with by my absence. There Is
pending before the Judiciary conmiltteo
tho workmen's compensation bill, on
which u fight Is being m:idc.--Its consid
eration Is a continuing order nnd ovtcs
will bo taken on It every day from now
until wo go tin oiigh with It.
"My own Idea Is that the committee Is
niettv evenly divided on tho bill, so that
'my vote ought to be recorded.
"Another matter demanding uiy atten
tion is a hearing to be held this week
lefore a subcommittee of the Judiciary
committee In the scmito on my bill pro
larlng to do away with he Tlrazlllan
yaloricution scheme, which makes a cof
fee trust poHHlble. it Is needless to av
that many Interests are opposing the
meusuro and I want to be. there to pro
tect It.
AKnlnst Seeret llenrlim.
" Is cjidlnga bill which would
provont Hecret hearings In all cases In
violation of the Sherman anti-trust law.
It .has passed tho senate and If I can
have my bill reported out by the Judiciary
committee and passed 'by tho hduHe, It
will need only tho signature of tho presi
dent to make It a law. It should be dls
!OBd of this week.
"Taking till these tilings into con
sideration I feci thnt inuoh ns I should
llko to bo in Ncbraslta It Is my duty to
remain here."
Senate Sends the
Immigration Bill
BacK to Conference
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Following a
vigorous fight upon It led by Senator J.a
Follette tho conferonco report on the
Burnott-Dilllnghnm Immigration bill wus
rejected by the senato today because of
a clause which it was clalmel would ex
clude a majority of Jew Immigrants from
Ilussla and Roumanla. At the request of
Senator Ixidge tho bill went back to con
ference, which will be asked to ellmlnutc
the feature.
Farmers of State
Meet at Lincoln
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 20.-(Rpoclal.) The
twelfth annual sessions of organized agri
culture began today at, tho state farm and
overflowed Into the city, Tho Corn Im
provers' association began ItM annual
meeting at tho state farm this afternoon 1
with addresses by Doan K. A. Burnett,
A. B. Anderson of Wayne, D. S. Dalboy of
Beatrice. II. F. Mcintosh of Alda, Dr.
George O. Virtue of tho University of Ne
braska. L. S. Herron. editor of the Ne
braska Farmer, and O. F. Dornblazer of
Tho afternoon was devoted to a dls-
cusalon of the best means by which a
young man with little capital can make a
Btart on tho farm.
Tile State Association of Ice Cream
Manufacturers opened Its annual meeting
at tho Lincoln hotel with addresses by
S. C. BasBctt of Gibbon. It. W. McGlnnls
and other. Tho big combined apple and
corn show opened Its doors nt tho city
auditorium this morning to a largo at
tendance. This allow la tho feature of the
week, several carloads of fancy Nebrasku
grown apples being on exhibition In at
tractive style. Tho show will continue
through the week.
The corn improvers, horticultural so
ciety, horse breeders. Ice cream manu
facturers and the state board of agricul
ture meet on Tuesday. The State Asso
ciation of Fair Managers holds Its annual
banquet and business meeting Tuesday
evening and the annual banquet of the
horticulturists also takes .place at this
Incendiaries Use
Gasoline Sausages
CHICAGO, Jan. 30, Operations of the
alleged "arson ring" and tho Ingenuity
employed by its members, in arranging
Incendiary fires were dlscosed to State's
Attorney Hoyne when he resumed his
investigation of the case today.
In one fire under investigation it is
said a score or more of sausage skns
filled with gasoline were strung on wires
to start the blaze. There "gasoline
sausages" exploded and spread the
Ten witnesses were examined by the
state's attorney' today. It Is expected
the case will be presented to the grand
Jui? the last of this week.
Delegates Given Power to Declare
Armistice Ended by Bulga-
j rian Premier.
Fourteen Days Allowed in Whioh to
Accede to Terms.
Hostilities to Begin Four Days After
Truce is Ended.
The- Kind thnt Aitrlnnnple U Not
In Sore Ntrnlt nnil thnt It linn
Fond Sufficient for Sev
ern I Week.
LONDON, Jan. 10 Full power to de
clare tho resumpth n of hostilities against
Turkey was telegraphed today to t)r.
Danoff, leader of tho Uulgarian delega
Hon and his colleagues by tho Uulgarian
premier, J. 8. Guochoff, who told them
to oxerclse it whenever in their opinion
further pence negotiations became ueu
less. Tho repicsrntallvcs of tho Halkan
allies will therefore directly notify Gen
eral Bavoff, tho Uulgarian commander in
chief, that tho armlstlco hns ended as
soon ns it becomes apparent that there Is
no hope of tho peace plctiipotcntluiles
reaching a mutually satisfactory arrange
ment. Hostilities win 'commence four
days afterward.
Ilulgarln, Sot via and Montenegro today
presented nn ultimatum to Turkey, giving
tho Ottoman government fourteen days
In which to make a favorable reply to'
their demands, ncrordlng to dispatches
from Constantinople.
IlulrenrlitiiN Mnko DUroierj.
Tho nulgarlans havo now discovered
that thoy havo been completely misled
In regard to tho conditions prevailing In
tho bolcagured Turkish fortress of .
Adrlanoplo and hove consequently decided i
that a prompt change lu their policy is J
.i I...- , .. . '
nuenn iih" uie wcru informed mm i
the. fall of the fortress could he emectert
hourly, but a recent council of war held
nt Mustapha Pasha, under tho precedency
of King Ferdinand, came to the conclu
sion that Shukrl Pasha, tho Turkish com
inandnr In Adrlanoplo had been nbto to
economize tho supplies In tho fortress to
such nn extent that tho garrison would
bo able to resist perhaps for several
months more.
Shukrl Pashn, It nppenrs, deluded ths
Bulgarians by means of false reorts
spread by supposed deserters who reached
tho Bulgarian lines drawn around the
" The'Jommandors of the Bulgarian forves
now know the" truth, and Bulgaria has de
termined to forco ii Hpoedy solution, so
ss to put an end to the heavy expend!
tures and permit tho men under arms,
who comprise virtually tho wholo' of the.
nblo bodied mnln population of Bulgaria,
to return to agriculture work. Oth'crVrise
It Is thought tho next harvest wilt ba
nilinvsndnrH Meet Weilnemlny.
Tim Tiext meeting of the ambassadors
Of tho Huropcun powers at tho British
foreign offlco has liecu postponed until
Wednesday, owing to tho absence from
town of two of the ambassadors.
Tho Servians have decided to present
tomorrow to tho powers a memorandum
whlch they have drafted, detailing their
Intention In regard to the territorial
changes arising out of tho war. Scrvla
will ask to -he permitted to occupy per.
manently the eastern part of tho district
i of Novlpotar, bordering on the Servian
frontier and also tho entire region east
ward from the river Drln to Lake
Ochrlda, as well as the fortress of
Monastlr, which the Servian troops cap-
from tho Turks after a severe
Ohio River Stays v
at Danger Point
KVANSVILLK, Ind Jan. 20. With thn
Ohio river today standing at 43.7 feet,
the same ns last night, Kvnnsvlllo and
the lower valley settled down to an en-
i Ouranco test with the water. It Is bo
lloved now that the river will not begin
i to recede before tho end of tho week.
The greatest danger from the flood
Is at Hhawneetown, III., seventy-five miles
j below here. That city Is protected by a
high levee and now lies is reet oeiow tne
water's level. Boy scouts patrol the levee
In the day time, tiellovlng their fathers,
who guard tho big dike at night. The
I Hhawneetown loveo broke In 185S, causing
a loss of thlrty-ftvo lives.
BliBLIN. Jan. 20. Until Paur, formorly
director of the Pittsburgh orchestra, sud
denly resigned today as conductor of thi
Boyal opera at Berlin. Ills action, ac
cording to press reports, was due to dif
ferences of opinion with Bmiieror Wil
liam? Paur took the place a year ago.
Talking about names, the "L" In John
L. Kennedy Is the Initial cut off of
And again our recent governor would
be called Cheater Hardy Aldrlch If he
got all that was coming to him.
. 1
Also the second "II." claimed by H. H.
Baldrlge stands for "Hammond" when
written out.
When ex-Senator Millard U Invested in
the full i aiiupy of nomenclature U is
Joceph Hopklni Millard.
John L. Webster and Itiohard L. Met
calfe are not related, but both havo the
same middle name of Lee.
Wilson Proposes
Reforms in State
, Corporation Laws
- i
TltKNTON. N. J Jan. JU.-A sweeping
piogrant ofi proposed changes In tha cor
poration taws of .New Jersey was an
nounced by Governor Woodrow Wilson
today. Not only would it bo a misde
meanor, under tho proposed laws, to ac
quire a monopoly or Interfere with free
dom of competition, but Jail sentences aro
contemplated for those who promote or
organize trusts.
To effect these changes, seven vol
uminous bills have been diafted by Gov
ernor Wilson, Chancellor Walker and
Judge Van Syckel. They will be Intro
duced In the stnto legislature today.
Tho (list of these bills provides for pun
ishment not exceeding three years' Im
prisonment and JlfrO flno for any cor
poration, firm or Individual who 'nay
agree to limit pioductlon or Increase
pi Ices, to prevent competition or to make
any agreement which shall directly or
Indirectly preclude a flee and unrestricted
competition among themselves or any
purchasers or consumers.
The othor bills rule that corporations
shall not Issue Jtock upon fictitious
vnlues of property, provide punishment
b fine and Imprisonment for those who
orgaliixc a corpoi anon in rcsirnim oi
trade; prohibit holding competition and
prevent merged companies from acquiring
stovk of other corpointlons.
Story of Holdup that
Nearly Caused Panic
is Invented by Girls
KANSAS CITV. Mo Jan. SO.-lna
Slandroni nnd Nelllo Ilusch, l-yeor old
girls, whoso story Saturday night of be
ing robbed by a negro, brought out a
patrol wagon and police ambulance- and
throw a quiet residence section Into a
near panlo, confessed today thnt they In
vented the story to save Nellie from
pwalslunent after ::p 3lrl had ' hid a
good tltno" on b!vh NellU by. her
mother to pay a teas bill.
Iote Saturday evening mud-hcdrngglod
weeping and (creaming tho girls appeared
"l ho rear door of a neighbor's houe,
noUl apparently fainted. They wr
taken to tho city hospital in an ambulance
aim tout tne roouery story, in tneir con
fesalon tbn clrl snlil nftnr thrv had
" "
"I'0"1 mo ht money on movlwt
'Mctures and candy, they suddenly thought
of punishment to come. Turning' Into an
alley near home, they rolled In the mud,
toru their skirts nnd took out their hair
pins, then ran down the alley screaming.
They choso tho homo of a neighbor
known to ho sympathetic! and "fainted"
upon the back porch.
Proposes New
National Park
WASHINGTON, Jan.' 20.-A national
park In-the. Ilocky Mountains In Colorado.
In the vicinity of Long's poak, Including
the valley knowtt ls Kstbs park, tho con
tlnental dlvido and tho mountain ranges!
neurbj Is recommended to Secretary oC
tho Interior Fisher by It. n. Marshall,
ohlef geographer of the United States
geological survey, who has Just con-
1 eluded a detailed examination of tho
region. Mr. Marshall suggests that It bo
numed tho Bocky Mountain National
"Tho region Is as beautiful as nny to
be found In the United States," says Mr.
Marshall, "us there Is spread beforo the
eye the gorgeous assemblage of wondur
ful mountain ranges surrounded by fan
tnstlo and over-changing clouds, Tho clo
vatlou ranges from 7.WJ0 to 14,000 feet and
tho area Is well watered and affords
abundant opportunity for the camper.. It
would be nearer to the largo contera pt
population than any of the present parks
and would bo available 'for many people
who cannot afford to go to the parks
further away. ,
Plans to Impeach
Japanese Cabinet
TOICIO, Jan. 20. Plans to Impeaoh the
Japanese cabinet at tho reassembling of
tho Diet tomorrow have been made by
the Solyukos, or Constantinople party,
which has a majority In the lower house,
but It Is thought probable than an ad
journment will bo taken until February
5, when It Is expected the budget will' be
Should- the opposition insist on Its im
peachment plans, tho Diet will bo dis
solved at once. Tho cabinet, however,
will remain In power until the elections,
which will demonstrate the strength of
tho new "progressive"" party, which
Prince Katsura, the premier. Intends to
form, Katsura declared today that the
new group would bo drawn from all the
old parties and factions. The platform
and policies of the new combination will,
he said, be made public shortly.
Inaugural Ball
is Declared Off
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, There will be
no Inaugural ball In connection with the
ceremonies of Inaugurating President
elect Wilson. The committee in charge
so officially decided today and was in
formed by tjie members from Tronton
that should a public reception be planned
In Its stead Mrs. Wilson and the daugh
ters of the president should not be ex
pected to attend. It was decided to leave
the reception feature to congress.
NEW YOrtIC, Jan. 30.-Ten thousand
girls of the 37,000 affected by the agree
ment Saturday between shirt waist and
dress manufacturers and their employes
t-.b.lltil todav at the terms of the pro
posed settlement and remained out -n'
strike. The other S7.W0 went to work at
Increased wagts. There oie still 'apprpxl
mately 123,000 woikers op strike In nil
branches of the garment trades. Soyeral
clashes between the strikers', pickets and
the police occurred today,
Governor Morehead Says Matter
Can Wait Until DutiesAre
Fixed by Law.
Tom Smith's Commission Held Up
Fending Negotiations.
Stirrer Up of Strife Begs the Chief
Executive's Pardon.
Trenmaeh Man Confident It Will
Get Good Job When Governor
Morrhrnd Gets llendr to
Name Illm.
(From a Starf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 20.-(HperlaUNow tho
nbony Is to bo continued Indefinitely. Thi
hungry hordo of. seekers for a placo on thn
state, board of control will have another
spell In which to fuss nt pitch, other and
nt the democratic party In general, for
Governor Morehead unnounced this after
"I havo decided not to appoint the hoard
of control, until after tho legislature has
passed tho Mil tinder which tho board will
At. Iho samn time ne tequested William keep In chargo or tho oil
offlco until the first of tho month ami
Mr. Husenettor Immediately started hla
helpers out on the road for two moro
wcelui of work.
This, decision on the part of the gov
einor will glviv Tom Smith time to- gen
squared around and also It will give ex
Governor .ShaJlenbcrKer time to rccbnsldcr
his declination of tho Job and tho Urynus
thnn to dig up more reasons why neither
should .have a place on tho board. And
there Is talk today thnt It may give tho
governor' lime to select an entire now
board, or at least two new members, for
there Is objection to confirming Gtrdcis
unothei' democrat already appointed.
Another complication .entered Into tho
tangla and discord this .morning when
Charlie Pool hiked In from Johnson
county and held a long conference with,
his oxcellrnoy. At tho conclusion of tho
talk Mr. Pool said:
Where Will Pool T.nndf
"I am satisfied I am not going to bo
appointed, oil Inspector. That is about all
I know this morning." Others are of th
opinion that Pool will gt something olse,
ISrovtous'to the appearance of Pool Tom
Sn,ltl and tho governor hod confer
ence, after which Mr, gmltti ssJd;
"I owo the governor an apojojry fpr tho
stdrloa that havo been printed about mo
dictating tho appointment of the Board of
Control, As a matter of fact, thoro wan
no dictating t6 it The governor nnd t
discussed only Governor , Shallenbontcr.
and ho, culled 'hlni up and allied with htm
at Alma. I assured, Shalienbcrger. ho
would not- be nosing mo out If he aciiejneil
the place, and I hoped ho would. I can
easily sen 'where the governor would bo
very much put out by tho articles that
have been published." .
Oil on the, Vnetn.
Thin statement was made Just before
Pool mndo his talk that he was sure ha
would not get the place, so It Is possible
that the breach between the governor
nnd Smith will be treated with oil and
healed over.
Willis J3 Jlecd was also a caller at tha
executive .orftCe this morning, as wora
some physlolans ,who are fayorable to tho
appointment of a dqctor on the board.
They, recommended Dr. N. T. Johnson ofi
Tho callers wero so fast and furious
that the governor put the mater over and
ho still holds onto the statement that 16
will do no good to' keep Bending In dele
gat ions, to nee him about, appointments;
he wilt make them when he gets to It and
they will not bo "dictated."
The ogvernor reached his office tins
morning before it was unlocked and
having forgotten his keys was waltlnp
for Mr. Bulard, head Janitor, to coma
across and let him In. While standing lit
front of the door ,a stranger walked up
and said:
"Has Tom Smith got you locked out
governor and is he rurnilng tho office?"
Before tho governor could unllmbor his
alxshoojer II. If. Wheeler calmed nny
stormy feelings by remarking:
"Governor, they tell me there Is More
head In the office than ever before."
After that Mr. Dullard arrived and
led the governor to a chair.
folk Countr Member Resurrects Is
nnd Altera Provisions.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 20.-(Speclal.)-Norton,
of Polk, whoso resolution to keep dowa
the number of employes In tho house tq
tho number actually needed was tabled
last week, brought tha house up standing;
this afternoon, raised his resolution front
the table and had It adopted.
Before the final vote was taken, how
ever, ho cut out anything which might
be construed as a reflection on the com
mittee on employes and Inserted a clausa
(Continued on Page Five,)
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