Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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    TI1K UKK: OMAHA. MONDAY, JANl'ARY 120. 191.J.
.'he- (Jecg cne agazirvp f)a
Disparity in Age
The New American Beauty, Reine Davies, Thinks This
Well, my dear. what do you want me
to say. and I'll say It, for really you are
going to do just ft you wish about It
after all, aren't you' And why should!) t
you, pray tell?
Tou love the man
and he you. He
Is able to take good
care of you, You are
unhappy away from
him and he wants
you with him. What
is there for you to
do but marry him
and so no mora
About it?
Six years older
than he? Is that the
objection? Not half
such an objection as
I If be wore Just the
' right ago for you
and drank, or If he
wore dishonest, or If he likes one kind of
I life and you like another. There Is al
' ways something, but this matter of a few
years difference in age Is not one of the
really serious objections to marriage,
after all.
The most miserable woman 1 know
married a man just five years older than
sho was. She Is as pretty as a plcturo
and aa Rood as gold. But the man Is
dead In love with an elderly widow, and I
the wife's heart Is broken.
Sx years older, are you? In years you
mean, of course; but how much older ar.i
you In all the things that count? Tear
ore such deceitful things. They mean less
than almost anything else.
So mo women are old at 30 years, some
are young at 0 years. Borne men are
boys at SO years and some boys are men
at 20 years. "What sort of woman ure
you and what kind id the man you love?
Another woman I know married a man
four years younger than herself. Ho
looked ten years younger, for the woman
had much responsibility, much care and
much sorrow in her life.
nn... . .... i, . i .
tt4iii wiej- ivfr? marncu an ino men
said "He's making a mlstnke," and all
the women said. "She'll live to regret it."
As a matter of fact. It Is turning out to
bo a much hnppler marriage than some
of the marriages made by the people who
criticised It as "unsuitable;"
The man and woman who started four
years apart are Just about even now, for
tho woman Is a vital sort of person,
strong, full of life and energy, active and
fond of all that living means.
.The man Is quiet, gentle, fond of rou
tine. He'd rather stay at home every
evening of the week than to go to the
finest piny that ever was acted. The
woman would rather go to the play than
do anything else. They compromised by
oing onco a week, and the man stays
ftt homo and reads in comfort the other
six, while the, woman entertains herself
with her own friends In her own way-.
So It has all turned out far the best.
Tho womamwho wasfour years the oldei
on the wedding day Is ten years tho
younger now. Simply a matter of dispo
sition and tremperament, that's all. She's
the sort that stops growing old at 3rt
years; he's the sort that stops being
young at 33 years. And there they are
very comfy, thank you and highly amused
nt tho Idea that there could bo anything
uilsultabio about their marriage.
"When a man falls In lovo with a
woman he Isn't thinking of her age he's
thinking of the woman nnd of himself,
and ago hasn't a thing in the world to
do with It.
Brains, character, taste, education
these are far mpre important than a
mere matter of a slight dlfferenco In age.
Ella Wheeler
Educating Mothers is
the World's Best Work
This p&thetlo letter, unsigned, holds s,
world of unwritten sorrow in Its few
pages, and & whole sermon is to be read
between Its lines. It should set every
woman who believes
herself to be a friend
to her sex thinking,
and It should give
every ardent suffra
gist a moment of
self-analysis to dis
cover Just -what her
attitude Is, or would
be, under similar
Here Is the letter:
"A girl that is an
unmarried mother Is
a social outcast,
whether the cause
was from Ignorance
or a false lover. Only
those who have ex
perienced this know
the obstacles placed to hinder such a
girl living a virtuous life. If she ap
plies for a portion, or wishes to Join a
church, a social society or a sewing cir
cle, or anything leading to a better life,
Sloan's Liniment is excellent
for sprains and bruises. It stops
the pain at once and reduces
the swelling very quickly.
is penetrating and antiseptic.
Mr. S.T lUOTT.of SOJCedsr 8 1., Chat.
tanoo6a,TDn.,ty: " I Drained my an. pained mevtry tnueh anil wj badly
swollen. After a few applications of
Blosn's liniment iny snkle w relleTed,
and is now entlrtly wtll."
1UO iulm. Trtet K . . il.t.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass.
Have- you red hair?
Nineteen hundred and thirteen
great year for red-headed girls.
The hair need not be real carroty red,
just a suggestion will do, but if you want
to be a beauty and a mascot, you must
have the tawny gleam and tho redder the
hair the more tho luck and the greater
the beauty, this year anyhow.
The last typo of beauty was the small
young person who looked as If sho had
just come from Russia, by way of Paris,
of course. She is still somewhat in the
running, but the real thing Is the red
haired, girl.
Miss Rclne Davies Is the embodiment
of the beauty of 1013. She has nil the at
tributes which makes the Titian haired
girl particularly lovely, a perfect pink
and roso complexion and a neck that
artists proclaim the most beautiful In
New York.
"Why is it lucky to have red hair?" I
asked Miss Davies.
"I never knew It was lucky until this
year, when trie red-haired girl seems to
be coming Into her own at last," nnV
swered the lady of .the Titian' lockr.
"She's been Invited to act as mascot for
the christening of battleships, and I bear
that a western hotel keeper, who is open
ing an annex to his hotel, has chosen a
How goes the old rhyme?
If he knows not the language of flowers,
If he loves not to hear the blast blow.
If he dote not on ruins and towers.
My own Aramlnta, say no.
Nothing about tho ago limit there, you
see not a syllable.
Marry the man you love if only six
years divide you, and if you axe not
happy together It will not bo the' differ
ence in age that will bring you sorrow.
Wilcox Smys:
the members may not openly deny ad
mission, but they freere her out by be
ing bo unsocial.
"Brery human being needs living as
sociates and friends. If a girl who hus
erred confesses her error, and does not
try to hide her past, it seems better to
me, because it saves her from being
found out later; yet when she does con
fess, then she meets with much cruelty,
Women that are married and are hav
ing shameful affairs with .other men,
even bearing children by men not their
husbands, will frown on a girl who has
made a misstep and Is trying to be de
cent. "Girls that are Immoral, but have not
become mothers, will turn their backs on,
the unfortunate unwedded mother who
has made only one misstep; and will n
every way try to hinder her from being
received by respectable people.
"So what is Jeft for her but to go on
"The writer of the letter adds a p'M,
that the matter should be a subject for
discussion and says "I believe boys
would be helped If It were written about.
They need help, too."
Tes. "boys need help, too." and mothers
are the ones who should be awakened
to this need of boys to know moro of
the great facts which underlie life and
Two boys reared by wise 'and sensible
mothers were Instructed at the age o'f
10 years In matters of sex. They were
told how human beings were a part of
God's wonderful systems of worlds; and
how, Ilka the seed planted in the earth.
they grew and flowered. They vrrro
told how they must never Tefer to the
subject save to their mothers, who would
explain gradually the marvels of life
as their minds unfolded.
They were told that ail women were
once pure and good; and that each girl
and woman should be regared as some
boy's mother or sister; and Just as a
boy would want to see his slitter and
mother Tespected and treated with clean,
high honor by all men, so they must
treat all women.
Both of these boys at 21 years of nge
were magnificent specimens of young
manhood; both were strong, capable,
high-minded fellows, popular with their
own sex and admired by women; and
both marrlel good girls and carried po
the Red-Haired Woman's Year
Rcino II. lllfllflHHHlHiliHHI
Rcino Davies, II.
K.Keith's first star
for 1018, who is at
R. F. Keith's Or
pheuni Theater in
Brooklyn this
red-heailed leceptlon committee for the
opening festivities, ns he says that they
will bring luck to the enterprise. A
theatrical man told me that he was al
ways glad when there was plenty of red
hair among tho audience, hecuuso that
meant that If the piny was any Rood at
nil It would go with a-rush.
"Bed-haired peoplo have been famouf,
but they haven't necessarily been lucky;
perhaps In 1913 they are turning over a
new leaf. Among the notedly nnlunky
one was Mary Queen of Scots, who lost
her head and hair at the same time, ami
Cleopatra, whose life was full of tri
umphant tribulations.
"But I think I know why red-halted,
people are lucky, and I'll, tell you. Bed
dlsh hair Is a sign of vitality, nnd people
with great vitality believe In themselves
and In their own luck, and that Is half
of the- Ranio. No" one ever was a mascot
Woe Comes to the Race, Says Dorothy Dix, Because
Women Are 111 -Taught About Love
a r.r ?r wh,i hns reached tho ane
when a woman begins to feel as If sho
would like to settle down and have a hus
band and a home of her own Is In a
dilemma. She has a suitor who comes
up to her Ideal, but doesn't fire her
fancy. He is everything of which her
head approves, but he doesn't give her
palpitation of the heart every tlmo sho
ratr.hes a cllmrwo of Mill.
fin the vounsr woman Is undecided
whtw she should marry him or not,
and she wants to know If nffoctlon can
be cultivated, and If liking nnd respect
for a man ever turn Into love.
Of course, Cupid Is a tricksy Imp. and
there Is no accounting for tits vagaries.
Nor can anybody prophesy what he w.111
do. Certainly we do not always love
the good and noWe, whom we should
love, and we arc often drawn Ineslstlbly
toward Uiom who aro unworthy of our
So much may be conceded to tho general
contrariness of human nature, but It has
always seemed to me that thoro Is no
subject about which women are so ill
taught as love, and that not a few of
the woes of the feminine sex may be
laid at the doors of those false prophets
who preach a fallacious doctrine about it.
Every girl, for Instance, is taught that
some day she will find her Fairy Prince,
and that he will be as beautiful as a
dream, and that he will come riding up
on a milk white steed, and that he will
quote poetry by the yard. .nd woo her
In lovely, soulful Booth Tarklngton lan
guage, and waft' her up Into the regions
of romance.
It's too Idiotic to be true, but every
girl believes In the Fairy l'rinco Just us
unquestloningly at So as she believed In
Santa Claus at S, and this childlike faith
ends only too often In one of two things.
It causes her to be an old maid, or else
to make a disastrous marriage.
If the girl Is of a fanciful turn of mind
she goes about with her Fairy Prince
shameful secrets or no hidden diseases
to mar their new homes or blight their
At the age of one night, a youth,
brought up t))" suoh a mother, came home
from his club accompanied by a young
girl. To hs mother he said; "Mother,
this poor girl Is some fellow's sister;
some mother's daughter, tjhn has gone
wrong, and she oocosted me on the street.
I want you to take her tn and help her
to live a good Ufa If you can."
There would be no such evil In the land
as white slave traffic, If all women were
such mothers as these described above,
everything relating to these problems
lies In the hands of the women today.
To educate mothers Is the greatest work
suffragists can undertake.
And nothing In the world can be ac
complished to lift the race or to do away
, with the sex evils- and the social sin until
or could bring people good luck who
didn't absolutely believe In his or 'un
certain powers to get tin better of mis
fortune nnd adverse clroumntnnee..
"tied hair Is very Interesting; at least,
It Is to nie.' Miss Davies went on. "Ho
causo It Is so changeable. Tlu color of
the hair seems to change with the" degree
of vitality. Yes, probably the luck
changes, too. so to keep luck one ought
to keep one's .hair as red ns possible."
"I nm told tho 'henna sprny' Is the
latest thing in shampoo," I Interrupted.
"Hut that Is the raise red that can have
nothing to do with luck, as it has very
little to do with beauty. Artificially col
ored hair nover looks right, no matter
how cleverly It Is done. There nro other
ways of bringing back tho natural red
gleam to tho hair." Insisted tho beautiful
young actress.
"Bed linlr grows dark because It lacks
halo, fitting It on every man she meets,
and sho's Just us apt to slip It nronnd
the head of tho first good-looking scoun
drel she meets as anybody else. K. on
the other hand, a girl Is short on Imagin
ation, sho keeps waiting nnd waiting for
somebody thnt has the earmarks of a
Kalry Prince to como along, until she
lets her marrlaReable years slip by and
flndB herself stranded In the desert of
I Any number of good men
men who
could lravo given her an honest affection
and the comforts of llfo, have asked her
to marry, them, but they didn't como on
milk white steeds. They arrived by
trolley; they talked plain overyday Jan
wore tweed Instead of coats of mall or
satin and lace ruffles, and so she didn't
recognize any one of them as her Fairy
Girls are also taught that when the
right man comes along they will pal
pltablc and thrill, and have cold rigors,
and tljat they will not be able to eat or
sleep fW thinking of tho adored one, rind
that every minute away from him will
be nn almost Insupportable anguish. For
these are accepted signs of being in love.
Many a girl refuses to marry the man
with whom she would, spend a happy and
contented life because when sho searches
her system for these Indications of lov
she doesn't find them, and she is afraid
to marry without them
She's very fond of John and thinks
him the finest fellow she knows, but her
heart Is a healthy organ that doesn't
skip a beat when she sees him turn the
corner. She enjoys John's society, but
she has a very good appetite whetlmr
he's around to see her eat or not, arid
she knows perfectly well that If John
should die she would nov'er even think
of. taking a dose of poison, Therefore,
she concludes that she ln't in lovo with
John, and she never dreams tha,t whut
she lacks Is not affection, but hysterlcAl
mothers are trained to be guides and pro
tectors of their children. vVe can not
hope much from present day mothers.
But we can educate the new generation.
Meantime women who claim to be work
ers for humanity and to believe in one
standard of morals for both sexes must
organize some method of helping girls
who have fallen, through love or through
ignorance; helping them to wholesome so
cial life, nnd helping them to become use
ful citizens and possible good wives and
mothers, Just as young men who have
gone astray In early youth become good
husbands and fathers afterward,
' There Is so much hysterical talk on this
subject, and so little actual work done
by women when they face the situation
In real life.
It la h very needed woik to be done.
(Copyright. 1913, by the Htar Co.)
Miss Dnvles
will ho the licnd
liner nt, II. l
Keith' Colonial
T hunter nevt
sunshine and ventilation. People with
red hair should wear liats us I It t It as pos
sible, especially when they notice that
tho hair Is beginning to darken.
"It's a pity that wo chn't go round with
our hair braided down our backs, In the
holme at nil events, for hair needs nil
the ventilation nnd nlrlng It can get. ob
peclnlly since wo have begun tn wear
those tlght-flttlug hats and keep them
on all day. This Is whnt ruins the color
of the hulr, and tho only thing that will
bring back tho color Is sunshine and nlr,
and !a"U but not least, n cnreful diet.
"I don't know whnt the doctors say on
this subject," continued Miss DaVles,
"but I am perfectly certnlii tlia,l 'the coih
dltlon of the hnlr is affected by tho1 i?otl
dltlon of the stomach, nnd that people
losn their hnlr or see It Krow dnrk nnd
ugly because they eat not wisely nor
It's a pity that women can't realize
that we love according to our natures and
general temperament. The neurotic
woman, who goes off at a tangent about
everything, loves crazlly and Jealously.
Thn placid woman loves calmly. The
fickle woman loves lightly unci Intermit
tently. Tho violent woman loves violently
nnil the sensible, wcll-polscil woman
loves even as she Is made.
How foolish, then, for the level-heudnil,
self-controlled woman tn expect to be
swept off -her feet Into some maelstrom
of passion thnt will transform her Into
another creature! In Judging of whether
sho loves or not sho must first take her
own nature Into consideration.
Of course. If a woman Is of the exces
sively temperamental sort, who Uvea upon
her emotions and has to have sentiment
served up to her piping hot, she should
not marry any man with whom she la not
madly enamoured at the moment, be
cause she will grow tired of him soon
enough, apyhow.
But for the ordinary woman, spicere
liking coupled with respect for n man
Is a good enough beginning of love to
marry upon. Tho whole tendency of
matrimony Is to narrow a woman's In
terests down to a husband and a home,
and any normal woman will come to
love the man she. Is married to If he
Is kind to her.
, i
Therefore, n woman Is wise If, In pick
ing out her husband, she goes by her
head more than she does by htr heart.
For romance is as fleeting as the dew of
morning, Bnd the most sentimental of
fairy princes settles down Into Just uti
ordjnary mortal onco tho marrige cere
mony Is said over him; but a good,
comfortable home and a generous shop
ping ticket are perennial pleasures that
never pall. Also, tho husband who ts
more In love with his wife than she is
with hlin Is tho husband that Is always
on bis god behavior. DOIIOTHV IUX.
One' is a woman that wandered
Through fields of honey and sin
And came to the house of care and
Where they lock tho tnlstukeu In.
The other Is watching the outcast
And fearing the system's ban.
The one Li the fallen womanr-
Tha other the rising man
The rising man Is a bluccoat,
Apd the wholo of his 'manhood shrinks
When taking the toll from a fallen soul.
But he rises, or elso he sinks.
Bo they meet and they pity each othui.
I While they tnlk of life's sorrj plan.
Tim one is the fallen woman
(, The other the rising man
"I go about as much as I can tn the
open nlr without nny hat at all. Of
course, an open-air life manes one reel
licnlthy and vigorous, nnd whenever I
enn enjoy country life, 1 find that my
hair grows a brighter and prettier red,
ami that 1 have no trouble In handling it.
You know." explained the 1918 beauty.
"linlr that won't stny 'put Is sickly hnlr;
that means that the person herself Is In
bml physical condition.
"My advice to tho red-headed girt who
wants to keep her luck Is to nvuld heavy
millinery, mid If she Is wearing one of
those close fitting fur caps. Insist on hav
ing ventilation holes in It. Men always
have these little ventilators, nnd they
don't need them half us much as we do.
Then redhead washes her hnlr at least
once In two weeks with a plain castlle
soup and a little bit of snda. If the hair
Is too oily. After (he shampoo, when the
hnlr Is unite dry. she brushes the hair
for nt least half an hour, using a consid
erable amount of brllllnntlne or olive oil,
perfumed to suit your taste.
."But don't use hennn or any artificial
eoloritg, Take the sunshine cure Instead,
sniVstny nut of doors without a hat Just
as soon as the weather allows. And If
wn keep on having a warm winter like
this, you enn get your sun bath any
Daily Fashions
lly l,A HACONTKl B.
This effective model of afternoon gown
for young girls shows in Its artistic out
line the tendoncy toward oriental lines.
It Is of white silk cashmere.
The blouse Is fastened in front by
string buttons of thn same material with
an orlKlnal small collar, square In back.
Small yoko of Brussels net.
The nrmholc Is rather low and outlined
b a small silk braid. The long sleove,
strlatly fitted from tho elbow, Is finished
by a rinall rever and trimmed with five
stuff buttons.
The blouso Is girded with a sash draped
with a soarf bow, sewed rather high In
front with a tassel and fringed ends.
Advice to Lovelorn.
Auk Voor Statlunrr.
near Miss Fairfax: A young lady
friend of mine sendi me cards, etc., on
' whlfh the stamp Is out of Its natural
position; that Is. it Is falling to the left.
Home one suggested that It means bad
luck, a careless person, etc. Another that
i it means love. Is there a stamp language?
, if so. Is It printed and for ssle?
, ? 4 uutniti v .
There is a stamp language, and while
your stationer probably has It for sale I
advise you not to waste any time on It
, A misplaced stamp Is an annoyance to
I til poMal clerks, and there are othr
and more nfllit'd ways of telling of t e
l.itute of one's affection
Ml .7m
iSSSSBI ' i I vh..", iMm
My Kill IE RT IIimilARD.
Copyright, 19111. tnternnt'l News Ssrxi
I It whs onlly about to) years a-to w.k
1 men were still stalling themselves
1 I'ngland of "the benefit of the clerg
Hie word "clergv" menns rlerque
I cleric clerk
The clergy kept
! the : ecords, lie-
.-nuse thej were
i the only men who
! were educatedthe
or.l men who
i coul 1 rend mid
, wr t
i The iltst .'allege
i in A merit's were
fcvtld.-.' fur the
sole purpose of
j tducatlns' clergy
mot'. It was the
I ideA that a man
who could read
mitl, write was In
prieucssl u of a
very superior qual
ity o' intellect. Just an In ISTtf we sAid
no one could operalo the tvpowrlter wlo
did not have the piano touch.
The good writer toditv must not b
ry much wiser than the reader. Utc
' ntnro Is self-discovery. The things w
j like are the things we recognise ns o
, own. In order to make a man pleased
I with vou. you have to make him pleased
I with himself.
Tho tioet need no longer storc in
garret, getting his living through uuasl
mendicancy or the tinfettnln favor of i
patron. Advertising has opened up
Held for nnv one who can push a pen.
shake the literary brush-plies nnd put
alt on the tall of ntv Idea.
Twenty-five years ago the advertis
ing man was unknown. The proprietor
of a store wroto his own ads. and of
,,.itv Irtoriln urnvallcd to such a ile-
...x.. . ...j ...... -
that an "ad" once written
run In the paper until thn type worn
nut. The Idea of a new advertisement
every day was n thing unguessed.
A. T. Stewart wrote his own adver
tisements. 11 wrote them In the Im
personal style. simply: "Mr. A. T
fltewitrt begs to Inform thn people of
New York that he has Just received a
few cases of Irish linens, especially se
lected for him In Belfast. These will be
opened on the sldownlk. In front of the
Palace of Business, and offered to the
first comers nt fully ID per cent below'
the figures which the same goods will
bring nfter they aro carried Into the
To hire a man Just to look after your
advertising would have been regarded n
rank extravagance at that time. The
argument would also have been made
thai no man could write about things
unless he were an expert In handling
them. Wo did not perceive that a few
simple rules apply, and that tne om
slder often gets a better perspective
than the man who Is close up against
tho game.
Ufe consists either in being In andi
looking out or in being out and looking
In. And tho man who It outside looking
In has a little better view, often, than
the man who Is Inside struggling with
details, perplexed, aggravated, worn and
wondering whether ho will ever get his
money bnck.
There are now upward tif i.' men In
America preparing advertising copy.
Some of these men command salaries of
princely magnitude, say $1,000 a month
nnd there are a doren or so whoso
figure Is Just an even hundred dollars
There U no doubt, however, that thn
genius required In writing advertisements
has been moro or los .overrated, and
thme Is soon o be a swinging back of
the pendulum. "VVe must understand the
truth that writing Is mote or less of a
knack. , ,
Detn Bwlft said that a good man could
write on any subject und make the thorn"
Interesting. "Then." wild Stella, "write
me an -say on, broornatlck." And
strnlghtway the dciin accepted the chal
lenge and wrote an Immortal thing itv
i Charles Tximb's essay on "Boast Pig''
I Is another example of good writing about
nothing In particular.
Both Charles Lamb and Dean Bwlft, it
they lived today, would be writing ad
vortlsemonts for department storeH, an t
they would be making a deal more money
than they over made in literature.
America has 5,000 men Who can writo
Just as well as Dean Hwift, Charlei
Lamb, Coleridge, Dick Steele or Dr. John
Certainly Ends
Stomach Misery
"Pape's Diapepsin" Cures Heart
hum, Gas, Sourness and Indi
gestion in Five Minutes.
Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges
tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when tin
food you cat ferments Into gaaen ant
stubborn lumps: your head aches an
you feel alck and miserable, that's wher
you realize the magic n Pape's Dlapup
sin. It makes such misery vanlst tr
five minutes.
If your stomach is in a continuous
revolt If you can't get It regulated,
please, for your sake, try Diapepsin. It's
so needless to have a bad stomach
ir.ako your next meal a favorite food
meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There
will not be any distresseat without
fear. It's because Pane's Diapepsin.
"really does" regulate weak, out-of-order
stomachs that gives It Its mil
lions of sales annually.
Get a large fifty-cent case of I'upe')
Diapepsin from any drug store. It Is
the quickest, surest stomach relief and
cure known. It acts almovt Ilk magic
It Is a scientific, harmless and pleas
ant preparation which truly belongs In
every' home. Advertisement.