Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJJh JJLK: 0.MA1IA, MONDAY, JAM Ait V -0, 1U1J.
Kntcred at Omaha postoftice as stcoml
t'ass mutter
flunday Hpc. ono ytir..., II.M
Faturdar Bee. one yar, l.M
JDallr e, without Sunday, one year. 4.00
P&ilr Bee, and Sunday, one year COO
Jlvenlntt and Sunday. pr month Mo
Kvenlnur without Sunday, per month.. J5o
Dally Hee, Including Hunday. per mo. Ko
Xiiy Bee, without Sunday. Per mo... c
Address all complaint or Irregularities
11 delivery to nt Clirwistton upi
riKMtTTA.VC n.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
pavable to The Bee PuWlsliInK company.
Only l-nont stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Tersonal checfct. ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha Tht Bee bulltllnp.
South Omaha-SIS N street,
rounclt Bluff.v-14 North Main street.
T,tncoln-- T.lttle bulldlnr.
chlcafftt tC4t Marquetto building-.
Kansas City Reliance building-.
New Tork- West Thirty-third.
Pt l onls 02 Frisco building1.
WashlnRton-TJf Fourteenth St.. N." VT
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should be addreMed
Omaha Bee. Editorial dneartment.
Btate of Nebraska, County of DmigU. ss:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manniccr
of The Bee Publishing company, being"
duly aworn. sys that the averaRe dally
circulation for the month of December,
JBli, was 49,041. DWICIHT WIL.L.IAMS,
Circulation ManaKer.
8ubfcrlbed in my presence and sworn
to beforo me this Set day of Dorembcr,
(Seal ) Notary Public.
Snbarrlbrra lenvlnsr the city
temporarily ahonld liar The lire
mailed to tliem. Addrraa mill lie
rhrniifd am often km reunraleil.
Ono golden -wctldlnB beats n, full
hand of divorces.
lou have to fid in It that the aultnn
111 norae pokor nlnyor, though.
It was superfluous to say
'"General Castro was annoyed."
,lt might pa)j Mr, Munsey to-employ
a good contributing editor
Lower watifr rates "not next
month, nor next ycar,"but nov.'"
The most practlcnl' thlo'f yot 1a tho
ono who Invonted a burglar alarm.
Uncle Sam's "rfoublo"! may bo doad,
l)ut your Undo Samuel Is moro nllro
than ever.
While tho short bajlot agitation Is
Krowlng stronger, Uto ballot Itself is
growing longer.
Perhaps Governor Shallenberger Is
counting on being' remembered by
Prcsldont WHroii. '
Pay at tho rat'o of ?5 a day 'pr Jlti
a day? That Is tho question with our
ItfK-m&Icera at Lincoln.
To dnto nothing has boen proposod
to glyo practical application to tho
recall of Judicial decisions.
Only a llttlo moro than ono month
moro beforo Mr. Wilson must bogln
distributing thoso Chrlstmaa pres
ents. An eminent dietician advises tho
eating of bcofstoak "rare but often."
It is getting pretty rare with most
of us.
Apparently it is not necessary to
go outside of tho Union Pacific offi
cial family for men to fill thoso Jobs
higher up.
Every houeeholdor in Omaha has
to use water. Thoro is no slpijlar
compulsion about using gas, oloctrie
light or telephones.
Under tho revised ethics of the, hew
lihlna, men arc to tako off thelNhata
-when they meet women. Trial-- .re
form with a vengeance- ?
The electoral college eieflu
nassed off without many . peoplo
knowing about it, showing; how
calmly wo can tako our politics vhen
we try.
Those Fronch peoplo dr not realize.
what thoy miBs or thoy would npvqc'j
elect their presidents without first!
nominating them in a blB,nntlonaUnati0 Worohand. It was lnovitablo
convnntlnn. I.-. .r i . ..
Perhaps a formal Invitation to ap
pear beforo a Joint session of the
legislature, and expound his vlows
upon the principles of government,
would bring Mr. Bryan back.
Out in tho northwest part of town.
where chicken thieves havo been at!
work, several householders havo ar
ranged for a warm reception "to the,
culprits the noxt time they come
around. "Why not put a pollcemiin or
twp on the committee? ' "
Never mind, the tableau of Bant
George and the Dragon will bo .re
enacted soon when the water power
monster is again forcod into tho cor
ner at Lincoln and put to1 death with
its legislative offspring by tho un
conquerable spear of righteousness.
No danger of Nebraska holdlug
tiack ratification of the proposed
amendment to the federal constltu
Uon for dlroct popular election ot
Vnltcd. States senators alnco this state
has gone on record, over .and ovor
again for thi.refprro.' 'here tho
amendment wijl. encounter backslid
cs will bo among tho democratic
states of the south always ready to
let the people rule" everywhere ex
cept at home.
. ". . . r " -
Mistakes of Lawmakers.
When a new law to accomplish
ho mo great reform Is proposed, Oip
people hear a great donl about the
Incalculable benefits It will confer
It ia seldom, however, that an In
ventory Is ever taken to nscer-taln
how many of thrso laws make good,
while those that fall nro as a rule
passed .on In silence to tho dcmd-letter
cemetery, whore thoy are burled un
der the mantlo of charity.
Thcso thoughts are suggested by
certain references by which tho out
going governor has caljcd nttontlon
In his tnowiage to cortaln legislative
flukes once the sourco of great ex
pectations. t.
In the snwlon of 1W7 there wa ptu-Sfd
what was known as the 'Hackntt law' pro
vMIng for the removal of derelict offi
cials. I have been durlnir the last two
yearn ttylnir to enforce this law, but find
as It now stands that It Is not suffi
ciently effective."
"1 call your attention to the fact that
the last leg-Mature made nn appropria
tion creating a Country Ufa connnlnslnn.
AVhllc such a commission has n. latMlable
purpose, ami possibly some kixkI may
como from Its wnrkinmt. yet It Is entirely
unnecessary. This commission, In my
Judgment, Is a useless expenditure ami
should bo nbollBllod."
"The session of IW established what
was known as tho 'Junior normals,' t-lglit
In all. Tho last legislature provided for
nn appropriation of JSO.OOO to carry out
the provisions of tlio. slatutc. In tny Judg
ment there Is every renaon to rcixxil this
law, and no valid reason to nontlnuo It."
"The last legislature provided for
the purpose of purchasing certain frame
birds to bo raised awl developed here In
our state, and tho state now hn on its
hands for the monev expended a hundred
dollars' worth of Chinese and Japanese
llhe.asants if nd other, gnmo blils. In (rntnK
Into the- business, of raslmi fnmo Mrds,
the lejrlsliituro overlooked-tho altoBother
rKsentlal feature of a suitable placo In
which (o keep them. I believe It unwise
for the state to embark In tho Industry
of raising panm birds thnt are not Indi
genous to our state." ,
Ono of tho most famous lectures.
of that groat orator, Robert-G. Ingor
soil,, was entitled- "Somo (Mistakes ot
Moses." A? nil pf, uh kndw, Moses
was tho world'" pioneer" Jaw-maker,
but plainly not the onlv one who
made mistaken. (
University Development.
, Neither potty ilocal Jealousies ,npr
'selfish busliiDss Intorcsts should J;o
considered In planning for the future
of tho University of Nobrnakn, whlci
.must always bo a vital factor In tho"
stato's progress. Tho preponderant
sontiroont ovor the stnto undoubtedly
favors removal of tho campus to n
location with room for expansion ns
tho only way of, making 'suffjclnnt
provision T6r th9 Ifuturo. ,
Texas' has on 'ltB liandrt" a problem
;smllar to Nebraska's and It Is going
about It in n, luitUnfismllko way, tak
'Infj'lhB vlow cyjdontly, thattho ma
terial prosperity of tho stnto Is moro
or lesi co-related with tho develop
ment of tho stato'a center ot educa
tion, Thoro tho plans nro much moro
comprehensive than ours. UusIiichs
men and educators proposo making
tho Texas school "tho greatest lir tho
country," and, as tho first Btop in
their (ourso, thoy Intend asking tho
legislature to provldo an oxtunslvo
tslto upon which a groat modern. state
unlvorslty may bo built.
Nebraska must not bo behind . any
othor western state 'lit joduoAtlorial
progress, and It will not" bo when our
peoplo nro fully awnko lo "tli'o situa
tion. .I ': '
Land' Orating Facilities.
'Tho demand p( Uvp stack "men
in tho west for federal laws safe
guarding the interests and rights of
stockmen and providing hotter graz
ing facilities should, bo promptly,
mot. .
Thb president of' tho Amorlcnn
NatlonaVLivb S,topkassoclatt9n at
tributes our diminished,. livo stock
supplieB to tho unsatisfactory rango
conditions ."arising - put ot India
crl)nnatu grazing nld,.tho scrantblo.
to secure what Is. left ot tho already
tleploted rarigos." It Is partially
due also tp 'the natural results In
thy development of tho -west, for
."tthlch Insufficient provisloh wna
tlin ihtk prnat rnntrn nhnnM Hva
if " -J.--.- "pv vxwuata O ' V
v;ay tp tno oucomiug tiao or popula
tion Becking smaller areas for
honnk' and in the transition ado
quutw" provision should have boon
made, ?Jtor grnslug reserves, . somo
thlng uponthe plan now being pur
sued In western Canada.'
.But tho errors of; tho past do not
excuse further -blunders. Congress
should glvo Ha immediate attention
.to tills' question nud work out .better
ways of accommodating this prime
Industry, whloh cannot Buffer ex
cept by entailing nntlonal injury,
lr Is gratifying o noto In this con
nection tho action of the Doparttjielit
of the interior in throwing opeii
more thnn 6,000,000 acre.a In west
ern states partially for grazing pur-
' n n.'m. Mn n 1 n n 1. 1 ' mu,.- -w
uu. u itiaou' musih. -luis ia'-'inw
dlan land and should bo secured
satisfactorily by cattlemen, ,'Whose
contracts for it would be made
dlroetwlth tho Interior department.
There ought to be a vast amount of
other land also thus available.
. The country probably will ,ot go
Into great excitement "aver .Governor
SulzerV pardoning of' Uran4l, tho
valet of Mr. Sohlff, slnco from tho
flret the facts leading to his convic
tion and sentence of thirty yoara up
poared bo cloudy..
cklW Backward
v juw r. v aii w min
I. i.-.;-;jAxt'.itr so. sssa
Thirty Venrs A co
lt hwks like hollow mockery, says The
Hee, to see the stork of aa-rloultura.1 Im
plements piled up In front of some of our
warehouses, the only thin available now
being the snow plow.
The recent election of the Ilrliklnyers
union resulted In the choice of these of
ficers: president. Hon. William Turtle:
vice president, Major 8. Patten recordlnK
secretary, Anthony T. Dowllnc; financial
secretary, William Ixjok; treasurer, Philip
Clark; doorkeeper, Hnmuel O. Walker! di
rectors. Charles Willis, Henry Wandt.
Daniel O'Kccfe, John C Stevenson, Will
iam Foarn, Robert T. Montfort.
About forty tnen nre at work In court
house siiiare rutting stono and getting
material In shnpe lo rush tho work enrly
In the sprlnc In the hopo of putting the
rmif on the building before fall.
Notarial commissions benrlnp the auto
Kraph of Governor Dawes, havo been Is
sued to John Hohonns, I D. Temple and P. O'llrlen.
The funeral of tho late Thomas Mc
.SIiniioivHs solemnized by Pklhcr fihoffel,
assisted' by Father Hlllmnn and Mr. Her
ein. The inll bearers were John McGinn,
Thomas Hwlft, Mat Clare, M. Donovan,
T. A. lxarj. T. Callan ai)I I". P. Shelby.
Invitations are out for the wedding of
Mr. Morltj: Meyor of this city and Miss
TUrnma Klsher, daimhtrr of Mr. and Mrs.
I. 8. Klsher of New York City, to tako
place January 36.
A round-up of the coul yards loads The
Hew to puncture tho story about an Im
pending coal famine.
Twenty Yearn Ago -
The funeral service of Charles l' 11c.
Claln were hold at the homo of his par
ents, .Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. I. Mcliln, .1010
Hurt street, and largely attended, as the
young man was very popular. The ser. p wore comltirted by Rev. W. K.
Ileuns of Trinity Methodist church and
IU'V. C. W. HavldRe of tho People's
church. Mr.McClaln wnj n civil engineer
of Kreat promise nnd was engaged In tho
construction of a water works at Kail
spell, Mont., when taken sick,
i The Hoard of Majors, otherwise, known
as yio Hoard of Public Works, met nnd
opened bids for sower and grading work,
One of tho majois, .1. II, Kgray, wan ab
sent, lenvlng MhJoi-.Ulrkhnuser nnd Major
linlcotnh to transact tho business.
The Halo water totycr. bought by tho
SOjnjiha fire department pnd delayed In
'coming, arrived at Inst and woa tested
with satisfactory restdts. Chief Oalllgan,
members of tho Hoard of I'ro and Police
Commissioners, and Dr. Caaoy pf Kansas,
City, representing , the manufacturers,
kvvro present at tho demonstration.
Chief of Detectives Hnze sent out 150
postal onrds to as many cities -asking for
nsntslnnco In tho upprchnnslon ot a
smooth crook who had passed n couple
of bogus checks on W. A. Paxton, Jr.,
of tho Merchants hotel. k
Ten Yeur.H Ago
Mayor Frank K. Moures addressed n
.written communication 'to the elty coun
cil advising It that tho city's right of ac
quiring tho water wprks by purchasoias
provided In tho contract with the 'water
company would nccsruo Hcptembor 4, and
ho acwedilt wUaorktho council to con
sler tllo feuxt effectlvo means of making
Jtr??Mllrer, Wlfffbf Colonel Jiimes Mil
ler, commanding tho Twenty-second
Pnlted States Infantry at Fort Crook,
(llrd at '1 p. nn after n protracted Illness,
Reside her husband she loft a "son, Dr.
Frank Miller, who also resided nt tho
fort. Plana were being mudo to bury tho
body In Huston,
Word wns received from Iaib Angeles
of tho death there of Colonel J. J Kel
ley, father of W. R. Kelley, general so
licitor of tho Union Pacific. He had re
sided for twenly-flvo years In Council
Rlltffs.npd moved to Iis AiikcIos three
years before his death.
Manager Uurrfoss of Hoyd'.s theater, an
nounced n visit til Omaha In November
of Madnmo Adrllna l'nttl,.on hur flnnl
ttmr of America.
Mrs. Robert Gllmorc, who wns taken
seriously 111 a few days before at her
apartments In the Millard hotel, was re
ported very much improved.
John C. Wliartdn received notice of ap
pointment ns n delegate to tho eighth
general council of tho Reformed Presby
terian churches of the world, to bo held
In 'li'lverpbol, Knglaml, In June. liKM.
Commercial Candor from tho Medicine
HattDiiliy News" "Two Fully Modern
House. Ono ut J3.0W. Ono at 1 1,600. .They
won't last long."
MJ,hb Mary Klla JInrtwcll. the nursa who
attended Thornton K, Wnro of Cumbrldge,
socretair of tho Cambridge Dramatic
club, receives a J10.0CO beiiueot .under Mr.
Ware's will, filed at J-ltchhurg.
Tho dentist who charged J7,tW for re
pairing the teeth qf a Oufrgcnhelin recalls
tlie Inkeepor who'chargel an exorbitant
price for tho omelet ho served to tho
duket egtrs wero not scarce, but dukca
Pouglas A. Seeley, a 10-year-old Waah
Ington oy, wlio has been appointed by
Senator Weoks of California ns a page
in tho United States senate. Is said to be
the youngest boy holding that position In
the' upper house,
Grover Cleveland Fuller, one-time leader
of American Jockeys, pleaded guilty to
the charge of stealing a watch In a New
York saloon. Just ten years alto Fuller's
turf winnings during the season totaled
JJ00.O00, and his earnings JT5.000. Hut he
couldn't stand prosperity.
Ono of tiro things the legislative solona
or Kanwis are urged to wrestlo with is a
law limiting the eot of civil law sulta to
the amount Involved. For example, the
wwt score on a Jl-05 lawsuit was run up
to $300. and another Involving JI9 has run
up a cot bill of IKK1G. and Is still golnc
k'Botlt Ix)w, who was raised on a Brook-
lyn Heights farm, Is out to establish
"credit union" that will bring- down the
high cost of living. Prof. Irving Flaher
has a long argument, also, on how to
Htaudnrdlca the dollar by throwing
Into the basic gold dollar baok of every
paper dollar a trifle more cold. Do you
get It?
An old pollen captain of Boston, num.
. .-. .... ' - - ' - - j ... VMU, . 1 k .k
fortune, of tWjtpn. In New York JnEpec,
tors and uptaln miuiaged' t&aye iHiyV;
war.from .i tuv10Q,OW on salaried
of .K u year. The- exumpWa of later
day thrift fade awiy hewldtt the econo
mlea of old time lalimad utfltluls who
Jumped Into tU- JiiiitU.i li c i utys on sal
H le"f .4W myj UnUA)
People Talked About
H . .1 I
Twice Told Tales
Thnt trttle.t If.
A young iv oman newspaper reporter
was sent by her editor to Interview Rich
ard Watson Glider, editor of the Century
Magazine, and to secure a .C00-word arti
cle on "Young Women In Literature "
"It was a fetching subject, full of
meat," explained the young- woman after
ward, "and I saw not only 3,000 words
In the story, but nt least S.W0. Hut I
never got any further than the first que,
tlon. Mr. Glider's anarer took the very
life out of me. I asked him. 'Now, Air.
Glider, what would you say. was tho first,
the chief, the all-essential requisite for a
young woman entering the lltrnry field r
I waited with bated breath, when he en
s wared:
" 'Postage stamp.'
"That settled -If'-Newark Star.
Cfiinpllmenta f the Morning.
rliey wero two' southern gentlemen,
high strung and high living, nnd thiy
met at 8 o'clock In the morning after
having had an unustmllv hilsrtnna ,.v.
"Colonel." said the miUr' "hn .In
feel, suh?"
"Major," replied the rnlnn.Laiih .i
solemnity. "I feel like thundch. suh, ns
any southern gentleman should, suh, at
Hxtm 1...... . ... .. .
....r, ,,,,, ul llle moniiiiK, ami.- Popular
, A Comelinck. .
mere was u meeting of the new teacn
ers nnd tho old,. It wns a sort of love,
fcast-reccptlon, or whatever you call .t.
Anyhow, a.!) the teachers got together
and pretended they didn't have a care In
tho world. After tho "cats" the sym
poslarch proposed n toast.
"I-ong I,lve Our Teachers;-
It was drunk enthusiastically. One of
the new teachers was called on to re
spond, and modestly accepted. Ills an
swer was:
"Wtoat onr'-Hvcrybody s Magazine.
HP,llnBr ,l,r Strnln.
y.MIss biibbklns-,Mariett-" stam
merer Wlmu elrni r)..i
... v. . . w (. j , VI WWW
""n "h-you mum-mum-morry met"
. " wu cv"r asic me h. question
like that again. Reginald Wlmpleton,"
replied the girl, proudly.
"Illlb llllt tvli.ll, nl..-. .. .
iiium man-
Otta? Wlrnr.1..1.. ... .. . , .
.....,, ,uiuu. 1 IUI IUI
-lovo you'dud-devbterlly and "
t . . . . V
.usc, me ralr girl answered,
firmly, "because .It will hot ;bo necessary
for yotl to Slllilxnf -,,nr..l ....
. w, .....n-it iu iiiu nerv
ous strain. I wlll."-Harpcr's Weekly.
Women in Mirror
nmabcth .May Townsehd l mnklnB.
Kood I a. comptroller ot Atlantic at? X
tin. e8teomcd- tl,e ilnost official
that ever :hlt the Hoard 'walk.
'A real good-looking young man, and
P,r ,r .?"T.,nto Kansas'
Mnriini . BU,,a""y "ld Miss Madg,
Moain ey for the use of her telephone
W f"'m ," "napher's
About an hour later Miss McQInley
came our if . T -
""l"" -" ana screamed. ,
. Miss Mary ic(th Durham, who lspe.
cjal correspondont In tho Ualkana for the
London Dally Chronlri. r. .
l,bo tho first woman to,hpia.Buch.a po
mon. in addition to-aflnar aa, news-
r.....m biio naai ncipedl to-, nurse the
To Mis, Carrie Benton of Cincinnati
belongs the distinction of being the first
woman placed in charge of a dining car
on any railway In the world. Miss Ben
ton Is stewardess of the dining car de
partment of tho Cincinnati. Hamilton &
Dayton, a Baltimore & Ohio line. She
makes tho round trip dally between Ctn
dpnatl and Dayton.
Tho law limiting women's working
hours to eight each day. enacted In
ColoradQ last fall, reduces shopping hour
In Denver. Beginning January a. stores
employing women open at 3 a. m. and
closo at 6:30 p. m allowing half an hour
fpr lunch.
The Collegiate Qhtirch of St. Nicholas
(Itcformcd), one of the largest and rich
est churches In New York City, a't
Forty-eighth street and Fifth avenue,'
has established r nursery and playroom,
so that parents with little folk may at
tend church.
Recall of a Judge
Chicago Tribune: Jia ah.i.v.
'guilt lay so bare to tho gaze of all men
Hint nnlv- flt.n .... .
- '' r-ouia voje against
tho first article of Impeachment.
Denver News: . The -m vau,
Impeachment Is the proof that It gives
of the power of public opinion and the
admission of popular sovereignty.
Indianapolis News: Once again we see
that the constitution as framed by the
fathora Is not so hopelessly out of date
us some of our modem reformers would
have us believe.
Des Moines Capital: The overwhelm
ing vote-CG to S-ln favor of 'impeach
ment on the first count makes It plain
that the senate acted entirely upon the
merits of the case and not from parti
san, factional or other considerations.
Kansas City Times; The good in this
trial and tho result of it la not measured
by the dlsgrnce of the Individual of
fender. In setting n higher Judicial
standard than many Judges have set for
themselves very much good haa been ac
complished. Boston Transcript: To. the crwlR of
the federal bench let It be remembered
that Judge Arqhbaltt la the sixth Vnlted
States Judge to be Impeached, and the
third to be convicted. The Arch bald trlot
has suggested eevernl changes looking to
the simplifying of' tho procedure of tm.
peachment. but It has also demonstrated
tho fact that even under the present
cupjbersome. sysfe'm It Is possible to
purge the bench of the unfit.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: If an example
was needed to prove that tho people al
ready have their remedy against en
throned injustice the senate haa supplied
that example. And It carries much
more weight than .would a similar de
cision by an entire electorate, of which
the units would have neither opportunity
,nor Inclination to receive and weigh
Judicially the evidence pro and con;. -r
" the Sports" View II.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
As the spurting men put It. Turkey is
like a pUKllist knokel out. tuking- the
count nd jet gruvl uttsiing to dlvldo
jljc. pajio . , . ...
le tr
A r.onil nill In nent.
OMAHA. Jan. 19. To the TClitnr of The
Bee: The hill Introducer! at l.lnooln
tightening tho penalty for carrying con
cealed Weapons Should he tlpfntt. nm
doubtless It will be. It Is Impossible to
urge It ns beneficial to the best Interests
Of anv community. The nrnuinl Inn.- i
regarded as unsatisfactory, but because
or certain loopholes for the ercape of of
fenders, not because of Its strtnirpnev.
Any legislation on "gun toting,-' there
fore, should strengthen, not weaken, the
law and magnify, not minimize, thn
crime. Officers whose duty compels them
lo CD armed arc not the ones affected,
nnd thofe who arm themselves In viola
tion of the law to the menace of other
people are entitled to no npeclal favors
or consideration fiom the legislature.
llHnlsli tlm Htn-el nearicnr.
OMAHA, Jan. IS. To the Kdltor of The
Bee: I desire to thank you for the ed
itorial on "Prize Fighting and Fakers."
It Is timely nnd every law-abiding citizen
will commend you for It.
Would you define the status of the beg
gars on the streets of Omaha that seem
to he In a bad pllght7 Does not tho
county provldo for nil such unfortunates?
Why are tlmy permitted to be on tho
streets displaying their afflictions? Our
city Is abundantly ublo to provldo for all
such nnd most people do not object to
being taxed for such Institutions or pro
vide for deserving dependents, but when
Is one nble to know who Is undeserving?
It seems to me It reflects upon the dig
nity and standing of a city lo allow beg
gars on tho streets and especially Upon
the principal thoroughfares. They should
he taken In charge by the police, ' their
real condition Investigated and such pro
vision made for them that 'comports with
the high standing of a city like Omaha.
C. M. R.
The -ISrxt Corn Khoiv.
COLUMBIA, 8. a, Jan. 10.-To the
Kdltor of Tho Bee: The National Corn
exposition will be held this year In
Columbia from January 17 to February
S. That It comes from the great corn
states of the west to Bouth Carolina Is
remarkable, and is due In part to tho
.achievement of feouth Carolina corn
growers who hold the world's record In
.production of corn per acre and to tho
enthusiasm and enterprise of South
Carolinians In guaranteeing the ex
penses of tho exposition and In provld
ing special buildings for It. The chief
building, ' a gigantic 'steel structure Just
erected, covers 07,000 feet of floor space.
The exposition fundamentally educa
tional; It ia planned and conducted on a
unique basis and Is devoted entirely to
the betterment of "agriculture apd the
enrichment ' of rural life. It presents a
broad view of agricultural progress and
development throughout tho nation, ex
tending from work dono by the federal
Department of Agriculture to the achieve
ments by Individuals In many states dur
ing the preceding year. The problems of
t)io farmer and of rural life will be
emphasized vgrid handled with ability
Addresses by ,rnilnent men nnd lectures
by experts will constitute ono of the
special educational features.
Under special authorization of eppgress.
the federal Department of Agriculture
will Install here the largest and mosf
comprehcnslvo exhibit It hns ever mado
Twenty-seven states have . pledged ex.
htblta featuring the result of tho .experi
mental niyi1 research work of their agri
cultural Institutions.
Klght hundred hoy students of agri
culture who nro prize winners In the corn
and pig contests of their respective states
wll lattend the exposition, and will be
entertained on the .exposition grounds.
And for this fine enterprise I ai?i your
Wlnu'n the Mntlrr with "lrnsUn
OMAHA, Jan, 18. To the Editor of The
Bee: I am wondering If very many ot the
people of Nebraska fully rcaflzo the
wonderful Industrial changes that havo
taken place In this county during tho
last ten years und the effect these
changes have upon the business ot
For instance, ten yeaai ago the factors
output of nutomobles was 9,000. Last year
3,(j00 uutomoblles wtro built In tho
United Htatcs nnd It Is safe to say that
near 1,000,0X0 arc now in use. Today count
lesa thousnnds of well paid men are en
gaged In manufacturing, selling and run
ning automobiles and theso thousands
nre all consumers of farmers' products.
The same Is true In similar degree of
the moving picture tndustry. the. electrical
Industry, tho cement Industry and many
During tlie last ten years wo had 8,571,
000 Immigrants como to this country nnd
of this number (USS.OOO settled north of
"tho Ohio and enst of the Mississippi
river, most all of whom engaged lp some
kind of Industrial pursuit
During tho last ten years we have had
a most wonderful Increase In the num
ber of men who have become so well-to-do
that they do not need to, and do not,
engage themselves In productive, labor,
but do engage themselves In trading, traf
ficking nnd bartering of one kind and,
another by which tljcy are making money
easier than the way they got their start;
also a wonderful Increase In tho number
of students In our colleges, of ministers,
lawyers, bankers, clerks, bond, brokers. In
surance agents, newspaper tnen, printers,
delivery men about towns and cities, and
almost countless others who nro' consum
ers and have the money to buy with,
but whose labors, however, useful, are
not toward producing things to cat and
the farmers feed them all.
This great Industrial and professional
growth has created a growing demand for
meat, milk and butter, and here Is where
Nebraska shines, but right here la where
Nebraska needs to wake up to Its oppor
tunity. On our 127,728 Nebraska, farms that
average 20 acres eacK we have, 4 H01S
milch cows, or three cows to each farm.
On these Nebraska farms we have 1.BS3
silos, or ono to each seventy farms, nnd
this In spite of tho fact that the demand
for milk has become sq great throughout
the eastern states that nearly every
farmer who milks cows, as far west as
Indiana, can get such a price for milk
that It is sold Just as It comes from the
cow, leaving a wide-open butter market
all throughout the east for Nebraska
' Fair more, than halt of the counties In
Nebraska, ace Just oa rich in' farming
possibilities-as-Jefferson cqunty. Wiscon
sin, and this s certainly no reflection
upon Jefferson county, Wlsconsln'but this
one Wisconsin county that la only twenty-four
miles square ha wtthlu Its boun
iJarlex more than tt.OW raltcli wows, ha
forty-nine treameries. six cheese factor
Irs, nnd five condensaries, and last year
the farmers of that one county produced
milk to the vnlue of X.&00.UJ0. and sold I
more than iMM.COO worth ot young and '
old dairy stock.
Last year our 1I7,7U Nebraska farms
produced cereals, forage, root and fruit
ciops to the value of $333,000,000 and the
production of cream was only a side line.
We would not havo to reach anything
like tho maximum of our possibilities to
have the sale of Nebraska cream atone
go far aboWs the value of all of the
eoreals, forage, root and fruit crops that
we raised last year.
A Washington man haa patented a
rubber stamp especially designed for
dating eggs.
Borax in the water in which they are
washed will frco light colored stockings
from leather stains.
Electrifying water that Is used In ir-
tlgatlng plants has brought promising
results to a New York expcrlmcuter.
A. French physician has successfully
combated locusts in Argentina by in
oculating a number of the Insects 'with
a parasite disease ond liberating them
to Infect others of their kind.
Hand is the main constituent of glass.
constituting from C2 to 65 per cent of
the moss of the original mixture, or
from 60 to 75 per cent of the finished
product after melting has driven off car- 1
hot" dioxide nnd other volatile materials. !
Wool not the product of sheep Is be
ing utilized abroad for men's clothing. ,
This Is known as "limestone wool," and !
Is made In nn electric furnace. A pair
of trousers or a coat woven of this ma- i
terlal cannot. It is asserted, be burned
or damaged by grease '
Mnkliie llnrlntr n I'elrin .
Baltimore Arrierlcan.
The death of a student while being
hazed and tlie shootlifjg or another has
n'roilsed public opinion In North Carolina
to the exent of having a bill Introduced
In tlie legislature making hazing a felony
and holding colleges responsible legally
for its practice. The measures are draa-
Fast Trains
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New 24-Hour Service
Pan Handle Limited
Lv. Chicago 12.20 p. m. Ar. New York 1.20 p. m
Cafe and Parlor Cars to Columbus;
through Slopping Car, Chicago to
New York, going forward from
Columbu9 daily in the New Yorker,
fast All-Steel train with all Limited
Train Features, through to
Pennsylvania Station
Convenient to surface, elevated and subway lines
and within a step of the best hotels, theaters and
up-town business a ad shopping districts.
Another new train. Broadway LlmlleJ. leaves Chicago 12.40
p. tn. and runt through to New York In 20 hours. Othrr
New York trains leave Chicago S.1S a. tn.. 10.05 a. m., 1030
n.ra.,3.15 p.m..S.M p.m.,9.45 p.m. and II.M p.m.
For tickets, reservations and lull Information call at
W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent
Jl City Natloaal Dank Building-, OMAHA, NEB.
tic. but in view of the oicJircnics pro
voking them the colleges cannot complain.
So-called students" pranks cannot longer
bo tolerated when they assume the pro
irortlon of matters of life and death.
A I'erlcslrlnn otv.
"Cheer up! I'll have you on your feet
Wlthtn a month," said Dr. Jill.
Ho did my car was sold to meet
His monumental bill.
Boston Transcript.
For N'nniber One.
Isn't our old John D.
When 'e's
Telling girls to wave their
A cure for the Ills thnt
Fret 'em?
But, doggone lm, e won't
Let 'em.
Houston Tost.
Ilniioli for Stnlesmen.
No man who thinks he has n Job
Almost within his reach
Will work long for
A ncnator
Who malls him but a speech.
No man who thinks a consulship
Just fitted to his needs
Will bo content
If he is sent
Pome doubtful garden seeds?
Louisville Courier-Journal.
I'urdon a VtUtnke.
When first I spied this maiden fair
With a powder-box ond paint.
It neemed that all the human race
Had got the "make-up" tnlnt.
But soon events proved otherwise!
Quite wrong I was, I know .
That night I saw her acting
In a moving-picture show.
linmy ljmrn(,
The way to purchase happiness
Is the Installment plan,
A kindly deed to ono In need
Y6u proffer when you can;
A smile or two you must pay down;
That Isn't much to pay
Then on the score you offer more
A chances come your way.
Of course, you'ro paying all your life
You see, the sort of man
That people bless, buys happiness
On the installment plan.
Washington Star.
Round Trip
Excursion Tickets
Are on Sale Daily
via the C C5. N. W. Ry.
to Florida, Cuba,
New Orleans,
Mobile and the
Gulf Coast '
lThe splendid
trains of the
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with all lines to the South and South
east, forming a passenger service that
cannot be surpassed.
Through railway and tfamthip ticket!
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Sleeping car reservations and reservations of
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given prompt and careful attention.
Train Leave Omaha for Chicago
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12:05 p. m
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7:55 p. m.
All Daily
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