Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    rilK BBB: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 191;?
Measures 'Introduced with
This End in View.
Tlirae In tSrnrrnl Curry slmltnr
llritnliillnn, and Differ flnlr
in Officer Who ."hull Cnrrr
lint the Provisions,
i from a Staff Corespondent.)
INCOliN, Nob . Jan. J9.-0rctaL)-Numeroua
mrmlirra of the legislature m
1 n. eldently on antl-corporatlon P'at
f..rm for up to date there have been In-
V'ired rrcntecn bills affecting rall-
onds and a big batch regulating tele
I hoiw find another bis batch to super-
j.w the operation of automobiles. And
the blue sky Iaw and bills providing for
worklngmen's compensation laws are
lumenius and similar. Practically all of
the blue sky bills are duplicates with Jtlrt
a r'ungo In trw state officer who has to
rrfo)-ce It and look after It.
The railroad bills provide everything
Tom compelling railroads to hang out
switch llRhta at a certain liour of the
Jay lo limiting Uic number of cars that
an bo hauled as a freight train. This
It Is raid, Is duo to tho fact that flu
certain roads passenger trains are side
tracked for freight trains, and In soiuo
cases It Is necessary to hold a pasenij"
rain a half hour or so to allow a freight
train to be divided and tnilled Into a sta
tion in sections. It will be, fought 1)
the railroads with doublo tracks.
Mnnr IMionr Hills.
In addltlou to tho compensation . btil
T'tepared by a commission mvckiI Indi
vidual members haro' introduced such
mocuuires and, of course, each will try
to get his bill passed. In telephono mat
ters, some of the bills provide for the
mercer of two systems and others pro
hibit mergers. So there will be consider
able fighting over theso measures.
The bills regulating automobiles may
not appeal to the farmers as they use
to. Inasmuch, as most of the farmers
areuslng machines to bring their hogs
and produce to market and to limit speed
rower of Heady Cash Causes New
lorlc Concern to Wire omniin
Jlotisa For Offer.
One nt thfl foremost iobblnir houses
In New Vbrk has paid Omaha splendid
compliment by wiring1 a cash buying
concern in tnis aty tor an oirer on
an Immense stock, after a score of
Eastern concerns vera unable to bid
becauso of tho atock in question Was
tod largo for them to attempt to
This flattering situation trrnw nut
of the Inability of the insurance com.
Panics to nettle vjlth the Kastern
Manufacturing Co. of New York, on
a siock ot a quarter or a million yards
of water damaged linens. Tho stock
was turned ovar to 8. Btelnfeldt a
Ctx, Jobbers, who wiled many ot the
msai prominent ctsn buying retail
concerns, both cat and west, for of
fers on the entire utock. The eastern
houses were unable to undertake the
disposal of a stock so large, but the
offer of Brandels Stores, In Omaha,
waa accepted although tho bid was
vastly lower than the actual value, ot
me mercnanuiso.
Four weeks ago. a small flr hrnba,
out In an upper floor of a building on
lower urnadway. adjacent to ttie
Eastern Manufacturing; Co., Importers
of fine linens. To Tope with the fire,
A line of hose was run through the
mrUn Stock room Of the Eastern Man.
uffc during Co. lust as the water was
tunned on. the hoso burst and a gl
gaj.tla spray reached every corner of
the stock room. Ir a few mlmn.
the water had been turned off. i.nt
In tHose few minutes the damage had
bec-n Oone.
Jn" this flooded store room were lln
era ot tho most desirable character,
Imported expressly from the old
World by this ret.owned houa. ji
quarter of a million yards of linens
that were perfection in quality, pat
tern and design, were stored there,
and. not a yard could have been bought
iorj cent less than the market price.
In this ock were 7.809 bed! spread
or he hotter grade, 40,000 yards of
mercerized damns. M.Q00 .yards of
Turkey Heel damask, SI.CCO yards ot
toweling. 1.M0 linen and mercerized
table cloths and thousands of dozen
of napkins and towels. These water
soiled linens were forwarded to
Omaha Just as they stood In the
store room. Many were left In their
original cartons. Just as they came
from tue New York Customs House..
Arrangements havo bem made to
place these Unfits on Special Hale
Monday. Borne show signs of contact
with WKter-oths's are spotless and
perfect In evory particular. Tho prices
at which theso linens are being mark
ed are so low- as tn be almost unbe
lieveable. Monday thousands of
Omaha women will be selecting from
vast piles of flno linens, dampened by
water, and paying Just about one-half
the regular price on these fabrics.
The Joss hits already been accepted in
New York. The gain is un to be
reaped In Omaha.
In thd'ease of tnese "damaged lln
ens,'' it shuuld be leinerabercd that
the water stain -n linen causes a de
crease In price, but not a decrease In
alue to th,e. women Who buys It, The
housekeeper expects to have her linen
laundered before she uses It, so that
a slight' Water stain does not even
occasion. Inconvenience to tho woman
whp owns the fabric In other words,
the woman buy a "damaged" linen
that is not' damaged in the least, so
far as she- is concerned. Every trace
jf tho "damage" vanishes when the
inen comes from the laundry. It is
this fact, so well understood by every
" t'ltian. that makts this reduced price
opportunity so Interesting t6 people
ii Onubs.
The woman who loves in rnii.i,
ae snowy stocks In her linen closet
win have ah opportunity at Brandels
Stores Monday that should- make her
tho envy of hr less fortunate si iters
in every corner of the United Stale.
J to flftf fi milrs an hour In the country
I and tiireo miles In town may work a;
'hardship. One bill provide for an u-
tomotrlle Itcewo of X rents ier horse
. power per year.
j So far the measure about which there
I is the most talk Is university removal.
Many people of Lincoln oppose the re
moval. The students are Interested In
the outcome of the fight ami the student
paper wie day this week contained an
editorial In answer to the addrees of
l'rof. Wolfe, who oposes' removal.
What student Think.
The editorial follows-
cent public utterance, had this to say
about student life: "It 1 better for
Z?"rV??rl!.. d,ev:.1.J"n"t..i
ing as far as possible or the lite oi mo (
pwipie of the city man to ne emigre-
gated Into dormitories, large boarding
housed and specialised houses canea
"homes 1 Pchoni life Is not a picnic, not
a spree, not a Minting trip, not a recre
ation camp. It Is a part of real life."
Exactly and just that is wnat a greai
manv of the students do not get. We
believe that the greatest function of a
college education lies In Its effort to
give a man some conception or nis rela
tion in other ncoDlr. sonic laea oi
character ns applied to the devotion of
self to the Interests of others. We do
nrtt mean by this .that the student must
lose account "f practical things, and Ik
educated to discount the importance of
n existence. The latter is a
condition of which wn are constantly and
oppressively conscious. Most ot us are
brought up with me iaea or enrnine
llvltiK ami are made to see that with
out so doing we will s deprived of en
joyment or comfort In living. Hcnct
when wn enter college we no noi nnv
nL. wnr. nx ir, tlin four years that ,
are spent here, we can forget this, awl
In Its place spend our time In acquiring
that for which wo came, nnd we can or.
this, wo believe, without losing oui
position as men who are able to stand
up against tho ravages ot business and
professional life.
The environment of the olty Is not
essential to the completion of a succese
ful college, education. It Is a mere Itv
sldcnt. Harvard was performing it
mission In education long before Cam.
bridge had street cara or cafes. The Uni
versity of Chicago Is a great Institution
In spjto ot the environment of the windy
city. Urbana, Columbia. Madison, Stan
ford, I-nwrcnce. Princeton, and many
other places where colleges are located
are essentially college towns built up for
the purpose of supplying the wants ot
attending students.
The fact of the University ha inspired
the growth of tho town. Instead ot the
reverse, as we would be led to believe ws
the case. The modern university derives
its strength from the stuff of which It Is
made. Rxternal Influence Is unimportant
save only ns It affects the Internal life
and organisation of the school. The func
tion of tho university finds expression,
wo behove, in what It s ablo to give Its
students from its own resources and
faculties. What It receives from the out
side Is not essentlul, Indeed It may be
detrimental to Its Interests, If the accept
ance of tho gltt Is accompanied by a re
sulting sacrifice from the Inside.
Tho Importnnt Issue In university re
inovnl Insofar ns tho students are con
cerned is: Will a greater impetus ne
given to tho growth ot a student settle
ment, will student life be made less a
born and more a rcaJlty? In other
words will the students be physically
grouped so as to make them appreciate
that they are social beings, that they
IiaiiM linrnmn noualntcd with each Other
and brought to feel that In each of them.
there lurks some apara oi nunraimy, mm
degree of character, and some lingering
likeness to their fellows. The students
need to be brought together, and any
arrangement that tends to discourage
the satisfaction of that need, should re
ceive the hearty and enthusiastic oppo
altlon of the students themselves.
At the present time the atudent body
knows no home of Its own. The students
arc separated from each other by living
In "All parts of the city." They have
nothing to tie to save their landlady and
a few interests they may have in college.
They certainly have little in common with
each phcr for the simple reason that
they do not live together and can not
get acquainted. Prof, Wolfe thinks that
such a condition tn desirable. We think
it Is dcporable, and It university removal
Is going to relieve it, we aro strong for
it. It by getting away from the charms
of tho city, wo can get together In the
country, let's go back to tho simple life,
and enjoy our own company Instead of
bolug forced upon a lot of gbod people
whoso only real Interest In Is Is mea
sured by our income,
(Continued rrom Page One )
speakor is going right along appointing
important committees Just as though
the committee on committees were a Joke,
selected for appearance under the lime
light only. And of the five or six com
mittees the speaker has named, the
records show that only two of the
minority members have been recognized
at all, Hardin and Quatafson.
It Is beginning to, look as though this
great reform Brysn-work-ln-the-open
house majority Is going to be Just like
every other . democratlo houao Nebraska
has ever had.
Avti:r.Li:u v-avohr codikication
Lincoln (Joiupller of Uni flays State
should Take Action.
(Prom a Rtaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan, 19.-(BpeclaU-It.
IL Wheeler ot Lincoln, who for years
has Jssilrd. tho complied statutes, Is very
much pin favor ot the legislature adopt
ing he revision of the code as prepared
by a code commission. He gave out tho
following statement advocating favor
abla action by the legislature.
Tliero Is a difference between a
staute and a compilation of statutes,
which It Is well to beur In mind, al
though the word "statutes" In common
parlance has the two meaning.
, There is a necessity for an authentic
compilation. Therefore, the work of tho
i-ominlsslon should be adopted. If it Is
not adopted, there will be none, unless
sumo private Individual publishes one,
which Is unlikely, as thero is no pecun
iary profit In tt.
The work Is onerous and the sale
limited, unless tho state subsidises or
protects tho Infant Industry, so to speak,
evou In Its old age. as tt has done up
to the present time, which tt should not
do. (Bee decision III beet sugar bounty
' cases.)
' The author of one of the two recent
compilations In unfortunately and lament
ably deceased. The author of tho other ts
old and handicapped by the price to tho'
state which Is regulated by law at less
than cost. There may bo Imperfections
and deficiencies in the commissioners'
labors. Why should there not be, when
the work should have been undertaken
by a lurger number and at least four or-
five years time given tueni, or a pro
vision tor a corps oi trained neiprsT we
have paid .( for tho work and a
deficiency ma)- bo needed. It ts the only
ulfleial compilation In sight. Whatever It
is. it is mat or notning.
In onu respect It will be worth many
times Its cost. Manv of the courts have
held tliat the adoption ot similar works
cures all defects of form In the enact
ment of laws. Bvary lawyer, legislator
or careful examiner of our previous com
J pllatlons know they contain many pro
I visions that are unconstitutional by rea
I son of defect of form, enactment clauses
1 left out. amendments not referred to.
routalnlng more than one subject, defec
In planning tho larger campus for the
university, an act which wilt fix Its
physical environment for a century, per
haps for a longer period of time, it Is
Imperative that the point of view should
not be narrow nnd parsimonious. The.
J TV '"T rUtW
(In education of a beautiful environment
i to treat as. a passing fad the movement
to erect beautiful university buildings and
10 piace inem in a ueauutui environment.
may have most pernicious effects. If It
be not arrested. To ono familiar with
the attention given In this country to
day to the means of rendering environ
ment of our daily life more beautiful, to
give that life a setting capable of awaken
ing In us, finer fasten nnd higher
thoughts, of silently but constantly
counteracting the effects of tho sordid
things of life, to one familiar with all
this and appreciating Its significance and
value, it Is unnecessary to insist upon the
educational Importance of beautiful build
ings and grounds for our new university.
But unfortunately there are those who
take a somewhat narrow view of life and
consequently of education. There aro men
who earn nothing for architecture and
mint lire, for nnlnttntr. literature and
landscape or of a sunset, and who look
jupon all theso things as the unnecessary
frills of life. These things are not "prac
tical." The only philosophy of life these
people possess Is that of business suc
cess, and whatover does not contribute
directly to It Is brushed asldo as visionary
and worthless. The schools, they believe,
should teach readln and spelling, writ
ing .arithmetic and bookkeeping, for ono
must know these thing ot least In order
to get on at nil In life, but If anything
be added to these. In the mind of the
"practical" man, It should be such sub
jects as' enable one to secure a better
Income, to live more luxuriously, and to
rise In the social scale. To such a man
the saying ,"Llfo Is more than meat and
the body than raiment," is unintelligible.
The world may have raised monuments
to those who In the past havo "tied thoir
wagons to a star," but the "practical
man" Is able to appreciate the worth of
such men only when seen through the
perspective of the ages. As neighbors
and contemporaries, they have his deepest
commiseration. It Is true that we must,
have meat and raiment, and that the
production of these necessities should be
properly cared for, but the great funda
mental fact that "meat" Is not "the
life" and "the raiment' Is not "the body"
must never be lost sight of. If existence
Is not to become a sham and a delusion.
This view of the meeting of life may
possibly force us to glvo a different an
swer to the question of what Is "practi
cal" In education. If the final end of
education Is to teach man how to "build
more stately mansions" for his soul, to
put a larger spiritual content lntoo life,
the Jlst of "practical" means of education
must bo extended and reclassified from
the point ot view of ultimate values. It
may turn out that some of the most
"practical" means for the education of
the Individual by the creation of an Ideal
environment have beon strangely neg
lected Can a man or woman be said
to, be cultured, educated. In the host nnd
'! i5 S7 f- .1. . ,. .i ...... -..t
laHresttsehse it the world who does not
tive titles, repealing clauses omitted, im
plied repeals the source of as much ex
pensive litigation as any other. All this
will be cured by the adoption of the
work, although It may diminish many a
lawyer's Income. U It did nothing else,
it would save to the people litigant mam
times Its cost. Let It be adopted the
quicker the better.
(Continued rrom Page One.)
empire and make representations to the
Balkan states with a view to peace.
Turkey sincerely desires to find a com
mon ground ot understanding and even
will consent to fresh sacrifices."
Kiaclitliiff to He Resnmril.
LONDON, Jan. 19. Turkey's decision,
as Indicated by dispatches rrom Con
stantinople tonight, refusing to cde
Adrlanople and tha Aegean Islands, It 's
believed here, will lead to the resumption
of hostilities within a week.
The Balkan allies, after considering the
situation among themselves earlier In the
day, had already decided to wait until
the middle of next week for the answer
ot the Porte to the Joint note ot tho
powers, and It then tha reply was not
received or was unsatisfactory to ad
dress a communication to the TurklMi
delegation in the form ot an ultimatum,
allowing- Turkey forty-eight or ssventy
two hours for a final decision.
Should Turkey at that time b uuabl
or unwilling to come to the allies' terms.
the Balkan plenipotentiaries decided that
rupture of the peace conference was
Inevitable. Sofia. Belgrade and Cettlnto
would denounce the armistice and four
days later the war would be resumed.
PA.WNBI3 CITY. Neb.. Jan. 19.-(Spc-
clal.) About 1 o'clock this morning, two
strangers walked into tho office ot the
Exchango hotel and arousing tho night
clerk, It. It. Albright, asked for a room.
As they went to pay for tt, one of the
men drew a gun and covered tho clerk,
while tha other bound- and gagged him.
They then proceeded to rob the cash till
of about Jto. The oniy other occupant
of the room at the time was W, C.
Markle, who was sleeping In a chair In
the lobby, and who was not awakened
by the robbery- About an hour later
tha lms driver appeared on the scene
and released tho clerk, who had been
tlrd to the radiator, from his uncomfort
able position. Both burglars were young
men. not over 40, snd no trace of them
has as yet been found. Two holdups In
the last two months ts a record for
Pawnee City, and unless some precaution
are taken, some one may be dangerously
TKCUM815H, Neb.. Jan. 1i-(Bpeclal.)-Al
a meeting of the Tccumseh Commer
cial club last evening a resolution against
the removal of the Nebraska State uni
versity from Its present site was un
animously endorsed. Tills afternoon the
members of the university alumni resid
ing here held a meeting and voted against
the university removal, though there was
some little opposition.
University Campus
respond to tho appeal of the beautiful
In all Ms formi? And yet literature Is
almost the onb form of art that has re
ceived serious attention In the schoots.
Deeper lnslglrt Into the meaning of llf
and Inspiration to better tvlng may come
from an Inspired teacher or from a beau
tlful environment. That we appreciate
the value of n beautiful environment is
shown by the choice of a spot to build a
home; in the effort to render tho house,
externally and Internally, pleasing to tho
eye In form and color: in planting around
It trees ad shrubs and flowering plants.
This aprnclatlon of a beautiful environ
ment Is shown in a larger way in tho de
sire to possess beautiful public buildings
and grounds beautiful parks, and even a
"Hly beautiful." If all of this can to
ustlfled and who would question It-how
much more Important that tho environ
ment of the young men and young women
In tho university, of those who are to be
the leaders and Insplrers of their fellows,
should havo a beautiful ono? A man
might conceivably feel a spiritual uplift
within the four walls of an office In Wall
street, but his senses are stirred by tho
light of the setting sun. falling through
rose windows, and softly lighting the dim
interior, nnd by the tones of tho organ
and of chanting- voices. More favorable
conditions for the development of the
fine side of the student's personality are
found In the quadrangle and gardens of
Oxford, on the campuses of Cornell, or
Chicago, or Ieland Stanford, than In an
"eight-story office building with an ele
vator." Kducatlon, In tho larger sense.
Is not a "get-rich-qulck scheme," nor a
"short-order lunch counter." It Is
doubtless Important to havo tho buildings
so located that the students may get
from ono to the other in ten minutes, but
that Is not the sole, nor the most Im
portant consideration relating to the or
ganization of university environment. The
student must, of course, be. brought Into
contact with the teacher, but it may be
well to remember while talking ot the log
with Mark Hopkins on one end and tho
student on the other, that the boy does
not spend all of his twenty-four hours
during four years, silting' on the log with
Mark Hopkins. Manv students are edu
cated more by their environment than by
their teachers. An ugly, inartlstlo en
vironment Is a hindrance to the best edu
cational work: Is It uosltlvely not simply
negatively bad.
The present location of the university
campus Is positively bad from the point
ot view of a beautiful environment. It Is
located next to the railroad yards of
Lincoln and in what Is not simply the
business seotion of the city, but what la
clearly destined to be the wholesale busi
ness section. It la bod enough now, but
It will be worse In the future. No matter
how many blocks may be added to the
campus on the east or on the north, the
badness of the looatton will still remain.
No matter how much these few acres
may be beautified, they will always re
main an oasis In a desert of rallrond
yards and business blocks. At the farm
the situation Is qulto different and every
thing indicates that It will always remain
qulto dirforcnt. When, some years ago,
Prof. Bessey proposed tho removal of the
university to the form campus, tho most
of nx did not take his suggestions seri
ously, I among the rpst. After the de
velopment of the farm campus had begun
BltOKBN BOW. Neb.. Jan. M.-(SPo-clal.)-Wlth
tho sending of George and
Pearl Hewitt, ages 7 and 12 years, re
spectively, to the Board of Control for
Dependent Children nt Lincoln, there
came to light a story ot destitution and
neglect that has seldom been equaled In
the county. The children were taken from
a hovel near Milburn, where they had
been living along with two men since the
departure and death ot their mother.
About six weeks ago tho attention of
Supervisor Phillips and the. county board
was called to tho condition of Mrs.
Hewitt, the Imother of tho children. The
woman was In an advanced stago ot tu
berculosis and the board procured ad
mission for her to a hospital at Grand
Island, where she died one week later.
A tew days after this, the father ot the
children departed, ostensibly for Grand
Island and has not been heard ot since.
In the meantime the boy and girl have
been living as best they could with the
two men. Neighbors finally discovered
the condition ot affairs and notified the
sheriff, who departed on Thursday for
the scene and brought the children to
Broken Bow before. County Judge Hot
comb. By chance Miss Eva Caton of
the Board of Control happened to be
In the city at the time and after the
Judgo had passed upon tho case, took
charge of the children and accompanied
them to Lincoln, where they will bo
given proper treatment! Tho brother and !
sister, although In a pitiable state, aro I
extremely bright, particularly the 1!-
year-Old girl, who is well matured for
her age. As nothing has been heard
from the father since he left. It Is gen
erally conceded that ho has deserted bis
ALLtANCK, Xeb.. Jan. IS. (Special.)
The athletic entertainment given by the
Alliance Volunteer Fire department In
the opera house here last night was. a
success in every way. The proceeds will
go toward paying the expenses of a dele
gation to the state meeting at North
Platte. January to 3.
Friends of Judge W. S. nidgell were
pleased to receive word today of his
appointment aa chief deputy fire com
missioner of the state of Nebraska, but
will be sorry to lose him as a citizen
of Alliance' as his appointment will
necessitate him moving to Lincoln.
Petitions vyere presented to the county
commlsloners today asking for another
election to vote on the issuance of bonds
for the building ot a new court house
for Box Butte county. A counter peti
tion was also presented and the matter
will very likely be submitted to the vot
ers soma time In February.
The coal shed' used by the Burlington
for coaling their engines at Marsland,
burned to the ground, the cause of the
tire Is unknown, but presumably from
overheated coal. They will probably re
build at once.
Frrd UUut Wanted lu I'lat tamou Hi.
PLATTSMOUTI I, Neb., Jan. 19.-tBpe-clal.)
When the carpenters working on
the H M. Boennlchsen building arrived
at the building this morning they were
and the first good building had been built,
1 went out for the first time to take a
look at tho location. I was o Impressed
with Its beauty and with the possibilities
It posawsed of a greater university cam
pus that 1 came back ronvlnced that
Prof. Bessoy was right. I am acquainted
with all tho campuses of the great uni
versities of this country and I believe
that we have an opportunity to develop
a campus at the farm that will be sur
passed by tow places In the country- If
we realize what an opportunity wo have
and take full advantage of It, we can
havo a campus hero a beautiful, perhaps
mora beautiful, than thoso of Oxford,
Chicago or Loland Stanford. And why
should we not have It? If a beautiful
environment Is a necessary Part of the
equipment of the university, why should
not the environment of the boys and glrla
In the University of Nebraska bo madu
as beautiful as that ot any university In
the country? Why should they go east
or west to find what they ought to be
able to find lioro? No ono will venture to
suggest thnt the state cannot afford It.
It cannot afford not to havo It.
A spacious compus, with buildings of
one style of architecture nnd material,
artistically grouped in the midst of
groves of trees, of shrubs and flowers,
with shaded walks, with statues and
fountains, would have such on educational
value for tho state that could hardly be
overestimated. The boys and girls, from
all parts of Nebraska, who had paseed
four years In suchenvlronment, would
go back to their homes with eyes opened
to the necessity nnd possibility of better
artistic surroundings. Houses and
grounds city streets and parkp, public
buildings, would all, In time, show the
Influences of the years passed on tho
beautiful campus at Lincoln. And thesa
benefits would be received not alone
by the well-to-do. Attractive dormitories
would house rich and poor alike, and
the poor student could sit and eat In a
dignified university hall Instead ot at a
lunch counter, enjoying a better and lers
expensive meal together with the com
panionship of his fellows.
No serious obstacle to removal Is found
In the motley group of buildings If they
can bo called a group on tho ajty campus.
Many of them should either bo aban
doned at once or must be abandoned In
the near future. Nebraska Hall was de
clared unsafe some years ago; the old'
main building cannot lost much longer,
and all the other buildings on the com
pus, with tho exception ot the physics
building", the administration building, the
new engineering and law buildings
worth together about $300,000 havo been
outgrown and must be replaced. Tho
whole plant on the city campus, ex
cluding the Temple, not paid for by the
state, Is not worth over $00,000, and the
most of It must be replaced tn tho near
future. Shall It bo replaced or shall a
new plant be built at the state farm?
Eventually, aa much money will have to
be put into buildings down town as at
the farm, and the land for campus cx
tention in the city must be purchased
at a high valuation. An equally good
group of buildings with an adequate set
ting will cost more down town than at tho
farm and the farm location will always
be the superior one.
unable to go to work, for he reason
that their tool chests had been robbed
during tho night. A few hours after
ward the. tools were found at O. P. Mon
roe's second-hand store, he having
bought them early In the day from Fred
Ohm for J10. The chief of police was
notified at onco and search made for
Ohm, who had left tho city.
The Perslatent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Therm is Oniy One
"Bromo Quininm"
Thmt i
Laxative Stroma Qulnina
Always remember the full name,
for this signature on every box.
"SummwIano in
Low Round Trip
Very Liberal Stopovers
Rrruw Itxrr cmTJckkts to Florida Points Juki 1,1913
A iImi twl, lmly nvll. mlu In tfftatmtntt,wl
Mrtetly Km hwinmIm, vrtth tltiill r-4 4ilm mr wdi
UfimthutstteAibahMNnulMfnj1ltM. Otttrolak
4M tMMfh traliu Uax Ckiuf
9.16 .m.. 11.00 ajn. ana 0.30 p.m.
tnm avHImw 40H1 suttw. firth Awiim tn HtrrltM lUM.
re sartUnlar Matalt MaraH Tlkl o ar lnu
5 I .. F'STULA-iy Wh.s HUIEB
to last a
a- H.-TAWWT. 140
Nebraska City and
I Hf.nft flrmnf.-tr "Mnf ocs
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 18.-The
attention of the district court and a Jury
has been taken up during a portion of
this week In hearing the evidence of tho
case of Speerhassc against Louis Boese,
wherein the plaintiff sued for J10.SC0 for
the loss of an eye. the same having been
shot out by the defendant nt a dance, at
Avoca. on May 6, 1911. while the two men
wero attending a dance. Tho case was
bitterly fought and a number of wit
nesses called. Tho Jury after being out
several hours brought In a verdict of
$1,805 for tho plaintiff.
There were two men Injured while
handling and housing Ice at this point
George Thompson was caught until a
number of cakes that were on a shute
and had his leg so badly crushed It may
have to be amputated and then Charles
Hilton was caught In nearly the same
way and so badly crushed about the
breast that It Is feared he cannot recover
Henry Olsen of this city ts certainly
playing In a streak of hard luck. A year
ago he was at a fire and acting as a
voluntheer fireman. A wrench slipped
off of a firo hydrant, struck hltri In tho
eye and Injured It so tho samo had to
bs removed. He suffered several minor
accidents during the surtrmer. A few
evenings since he went homo and slipped
on tho Ice. near his front door, fell and
broko his arm and severely Injured his
The Catholic people of Dunbar ami
vicinity have purchased tho Presbyterian
church and will overhaul and refit the
same as a place of worship.
At a meeting of tho Commercial club
held last evening EX K. Bradley. John
W. Stelnhart and W. 8.' Cornutt were
appointed to confer with the Burlington
orncials regarding tho putting on of an
other passenger train between this city
and Lincoln. They will work with tlin
business men and organizations of the
towns between this city and Lincoln.
The Burlington is running two passenger
trains between Red Oak and this cltv
nnd the Commercial club wants this
train to run to Lincoln and return, thu
giving this branch two dally passenger
Thti-e Is a shortage of cars all over
this portion of tho state and the shippers
are experiencing troublo In petting one
half of the cars needed. The freight
trains In and out of this city would be
doubled If cars sufficient were secured
to care for the grain that Is now ready
for shipment and awaiting some modo of
A man giving his name as William
Lewis and charged with robbing box
cars of merchandise on the Missouri
Pacific system at this point was taken
before Judge Travis yesterday and
pleaded guilty. He was given a one to
twoyear sentence.
A Young Men's Christian association
has been formed here with James Welch,
W. W. Wilson, 11. II. Hanke. John H,
Pctrlng. J. C. Thygeson, H. D. Wilson
and J. P. Mlkkelson as its promoters,
They will raise a fund and erect a
sunahle building In the spring. New
members aro being signed every day by
the hustling committee.
The body of Mrs. Eaton, wife of the
late Judge James W. Eaton, who died at
Omaha, was brought to the old family
homo at Syracuse for Interment. A num
ber of persons from this city attended the
funeral. The deceased was one of the
pioneer settlers of this county.
The county commissioners have mude
their annual estimate of expenses for the
coming year and have increased the estl
mate for bridges and roods $10,000.
There Is a forco of some thirty-five men
here cutting over the telephone exchange,
which was ,known as the Nebraska City
Telephone company, which was absorbed
by the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph
company, having- succeeded the Bell sys
torn. They expect to finish the work
In about a month.
t "mam
All Rectal Diseases era red without a surgical
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen
eral aneasthetie used. CURE GUARANTEED
LIFE-TIME. sHTbxaminatiom bi.
BuHaUnr. Oaiaha. Nebraska
BUFFALO. N Y , Jan. 19.-Acting tin
der orders of the War department. Com
pany B of tho Twenty-ninth infantr
stationed at Fort Porter, today took pos
session of the Lackawanna railroad pie."
at the mouth of the Buffalo river The
troops camped on the pier.
The government claims the railroad oe
cupled fifteen feet frontage on government
land and the railroad has refused to va
cate. HOTELS.
Osa block tram Dak Br Station l
taalntto aboopiat, theatre ti
roaf4aatial diitrictt
Boston's newest hotel.
Under same manage
ment as Hotel Plaza,
New York.
Pricts for rooms
and restaurant most reason' f
abU considering excellence
of appointments and
Single Rooms with Bsth, J3.50
to (5.00.
Double Rooms with Bath (two
persons), $5.00 to $8.00.
Special prices quoted for pro
longed stay.
Marquette Hotel
18th nnd Wruihinfjton Ave.
400 Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50, with
bath $2.00 to $3.50. A hotel for
your Mother, Wife and Sister.
T. II. Clancy,. Pres.
Local people are surprised at the
QUICK results received from simple
buckhorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mlxti
In Adler-l-ka, the German appendicitis
renedy. The Sherman & McConnelt Drue
Co., 16th and Dodge and the Owl Drug
Co., 16th and' Harney, state that this
simple remedy antlseptlcizes the diges
tive system and draws off the lmpurl
ties so thoroughly that A SINGLE DOSK
relieves sour stomach, gas on the stom
ach and constipation INSTANTLY. Ad
Harmless Reme
dy Beautifies and
Darkens Hair
What a pity It is to see so many peo
ple with thin, wispy hulr, faded or
streaked with gray, and realize that most
of theso people might havo soft, glossy
abundant hair of beautiful color nnd
lustre If they could but uso tho proper
treatment There is no necessity for
gray hair under sixty-five years of ago.
and there Is no excuse for anyone, young
or old, having thin, straggling hair, either
full of dandruff or heavy and rank smell
ing with excessive oil.
You can bring back the natural color
of your hair in a few days and forover
rid yourself of any dandruff and loose
hairs, and make your hair grow strong
and beautiful by using Wyeth'u Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy. For generations
common garden Sago has been used for
restoring and preserving the color of the
hair; and Sulpmir is recognized by Scalp
Specialists as being excellent for treat
ment of hair and Bcalp troubles.
If you aro troubled with dandruff or
Itching scalp, or If your hair ts rosing its
color or coming out, get a fifty cent
bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from
your druggist, and notice the improve
ment In the appearance of your hair after
a few days' treatment.
Sherman & McConnelt Drug Co., 102 So
16th. 324 So. ICth. 207 N. 16th. SUh and
Farnam Sts. Advertisement.
unique drawing
similar to
The Girl Without a Mouth
Watch for it.
TtcU lntrchmM with Qnebao S. a. Oo.
'H" Foiar. moat couorcbanalTa book ot
toara to
SANDERSON A SOK. Ota. Afts., U St. U
Sallfl St., Cblctia, ariar Stfsoublp tlci.t it.
Doug- 404.
Xat. JJrsry Say, 3US. Xrary Night, SUS
'I11 Nichols Georie Kallz and the. Ilarrr "Clrl
Charita Oltott Irhlksva Bnxhrni Wir-j
nalll Fn Orirntn PatSa-a We.Ur Ttorlew
Prlcaa- Malloae Gl!trr Stic, bs' ---.iU ' ,
ei-tpt Stturdur aad Sjn'U? hit-, lftc. Sc.
1 19
Ik. Ua