Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1913, Image 1

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    pmaha Daily Bee
Drawn For 1 he Bee
Tho best newspaper arllsts of tho
country contribute their best
work for Doo readers.
VOL. XL11 NO 185.
Fifty Utcs Fortify Themselves in
Mountains to Protect Warrior,
Big Babbit.
Mexican Kills One Brave and is
Himself Wounded.
Indians Flee Into Hills When Posse
Starts Out.
Rebellious Wnrils of Government,
Armed rrlth Mnnrn-lnc Rifle,
Force Sheriff to Ilrtnrn
tn Get Aid.
CORTEZ. Colo., Jan. 19.-Flfty Uto In
dians, enraged by the killing of one of
their tribe In a ritle ddei with a Mexi
can sheep herder, arc off reservation,
fortified In the tUe mountains In south
western Colorado nnd defying tho sheriff
of Montezuma county and Indian Agent
Spear, to take from them Big Rabbit,
mi Indian who shot und seriously
wounded the sheep herder.
Tho Utcs are armed with magazine
rifles and are making so determined a
stand that the sheriff returned here to
day to gather a posse of fifty men to
pursue tho Utes Into the mountains. Un
less tho Indians yield, ho said tonight,
ho would call upon the state to reinforce
him with' mllltla.
The trouble with tho Utcs started a
few days ago, when Joseph Vlchel, a
Mexican ahecp herder, refused to allow
two Indian hunters to camp near his
Herder Wounded t Kllln Indlnn.
A dispute arose and the herder, ac
cording to his story, was attacked by
tho Utes. Ho was shot and seriously
wounded, after he had klllod one of his
assailants. The other Uto returned, with
the body of his companion to the Ute
reservation, while Vlchel was brought
The death of the Indian roused the
Utcs and a band was reported to have
started for Cortez determined to demand
tho blood of tho herder In reprisal for
the death of their- tribesman.
Meanwhile the sheriff gathered a posse
and started for the reservation arrest
Big Rabbit, the survivor of thvtwo, who
attacked the Mexican. It Is said the
Utes fled with Big Rabbit for the moun
tains determined to defend him.
There has been considerable local
, friction between the ranchmen and tho
Indians over Ute Indian parties killing
game out of season" and other depre
dations. '
Legislators Will
Vote for Senator
of State Tuesday
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 13. Special.) The
house and senate will vote separately at
12 o'clock Tuesday for United States sen
ator and on tho following day In Joint
session another vote will bo taken an the
senator formally chosen.
Inasmuch as Congressman George "W.
Xorrls received the popular vote of the
state at the late election it is presumed
his name 'will be the only one to come
before the legislature."
Judge Norrls Is now In Washington and
It Is not known for sure whether he will
be hero to deliver an address upon the
occasion of his election. Friends have
heard from him that he will bo here If
It Is possible for him to get awiy from
his duties In Washington.
Keeps Light Burning
for Sweetheart Lost
at Sea Years Ago
SALT LAKH CITY, Jan. 19. John Mil
ler lies dying In a local hospital as the
result of the explosion early today of a
lamp which he kept burning to guide a
sweetheart to the home he had prepared
lor her.
. Tho lamp was kept In a window as a
beacon beckoning the way for tho girl
'from Sweilon, who though drowned at
sea on her way to meet Miller forty
yeurs ago. has never ceased to exist for
him. The lamtkwas-surrounded by paper
roses and In attempting to extinguish the
flnmes he was terribly burned.
The Weather
For Xebruska Colder,
TeiiHierntnre lit Omahu Yesterdar
5 a. m.j.
6 a. in
7 a. m
S a. m
9 a. m
10, a. in
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m ,
S p. in ,
4 p. ni ,
r p, m
G p. m.v
7 p. m ,
. 35
, 36
. 31
. 25
. a
. 21
. IB
. 18
. 18
. 13
, 18
. 17
L'liiiiiiarittlro Local llecord.
1913. 1912. 1911. 1910.
Higest yesterday 36 16 48
lowest yesterday 17 -4 27 28
Mean temperature 2 6 3S , 8
Precipitation 00 T .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal.
Normal temperature 20
KxcesH for the day......... 6
Total excess since March 1... 202
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
Deficiency for tho day.......... .03 inch
Total rainfall since Marli 1..25.57 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.10 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1UU.13.S6 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1911. H.97 Inches
Indicates below zero,
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
vaerny y
Many States Lax
About Dispatch of
Electoral Vote
Washington. Jan. uv-tn order to
compl) with the law It will bo ncces-
....... f- ., . . ,u.i
Jin , ivi mv; iitn kia t C v 1 (ii(.it
electoral return to Washington by the
beginning next week. The require
nient Is font all the returns shall bo In
the hands of the president of the sennte
. -rf a, am a warn.,, ;
hus t-ni um luuaj iro nunc Ullice UL
the president of the senate that If the,
reports were not received by that date 1
the states falling would be In danger of
lofting their votes.
Up to the close of business last night
only fifteen states had reported by mes
senger ami thirty-five by mall. Those
reporting' by messenger nre: Connecticut,
eDlawarc, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Mary
land, Nebraska, New Jersey. North
Carolina. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Dnkotn, ermont and West Vir
ginia. All others lack only a week of
being delinquent. Not only does this
law provide that states falling 'to get In
their votps on time may be deprived of
their votes, but It operates so as to
cause messengers to lose that mileage
pay allowed them for bringing the vote
to Washington. This Is 25 cents per mile,
one way. and Is u considerable Item In
cases of men coming from far distant i ,,," -.."....... .
,,.,, , ' statutes governing Justice court matters
states. The Imposition of penalties Is 1 ... ..... , ,,, , ... j ...
,. . ,.., .,' ... ..I'" the state. Ono bill Is entitled "An act
ntUlrtnnl wllll Hia nrotlil t n rt nl.Ai it
the senate and never has been exercised, i
but ordinarily the returns have como In
moro promptly than this year.
More Zero Weather
Headed This Way
The local weather bureau hoisted tho
cotil wave flag yesterday and at the
same time made tho announcement that
the thermometer would fall below zero
by this morrilng.
The week will open with a cold wave
over the northwest and central west, ac
cording to tho bulletin Issued by the
weather bureau nt Washington.
"It will extend Into eastern Colorado,
Kansas and the lower Missouri and up
per Mississippi valleys," says the bulle
tin, "and temperatures also will be low
west of the Rocy mountains. The cold
wave will extend eastward and south
eastward In modified form, reaching tho
Atlantic and east gulf states about tho
middle of the week and continuing for
a day or two. There will be a reac
tion to nearly normal conditions over
the northwest and extreme west after
Tuesday and over the central west after
the middle of tho week.
"A disturbance now over the upper
Mississippi valley and the central plains'
states will move eastward attended by
rains and snows that will reach the.
Atlantic states by Tuesday or Tuesday
night and It will be followed by gen
erally fair weather for a day or tow.
Another disturbance probably will ap
pear over the extreme northwest about
tho middle of this week. It will be at
tended by local' snows over the north
west and by snows and rains to the
eastward and southeastward, reaching
the eastern states by the end of the
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Construction projects now under way or
plnnnod for the early spring will make
the present year most notable for build
ing In Hustings of any In tho history of
the city. Exclusive of the sites, the new
buildings now In view for beginning' or
completion this year will represent an In
vestment of approximately $323,000, and
probably otljer projects now under con
sideration will bring the total up to more
than $400,000.
The buildings definitely settled upon for
this year nre: .
The new Citizens' hotel, now under
course of construction, to cost $125,000.
The banning Memorial hospital, to be
started In the iprlng, cost between $100,000
and $125,000.
The reconstruction and enlargement of
the Masonic temple, cost between $40,000
nnd $45,000, Including equipment.
Hastings & Northwestern railroad
depot, cost between $27,000 and $30,000.
Roundhouso and other building for
the Hastings & Northwestern railroad,
cost between $15,000 and $20,000.
Addition to the Cramer building on
Denver avenue, cost $10,000.
In addition to the foregoing, the Meth
odist Episcopal church Is considering
plans for tho erection this year of a new
cburch building at the comer of Seventh
street and Hastings avenue, to cost up
wards of $30,000.
Several business buildings of minor Im
portance are In contemplation, among
them a fireproof livery stable or garage
and a building for Charles AVInkler's
greenhouse store on Third street, west
of the' postoffice. A ground floor opera
house and a five or six-story fireproof
office building are among the possibilities
for this year or next.
Thero also promises to bo greater ac
tivity In rcsldenco building than for sev
eral years pas'. one new home already
being planned by A. II. Cramer, who will
vacato His present property on St. Joe
avenue early In the fall.
(Krom a Staff Corresi-onJent.1
WASHINGTON, D, C. Jan. 19.-(SpeclaI
Telegram.) Tho nomination of Major
George P. Scrlvcn to take the place of
General Allen as head of the signal serv
ice In the army has been favorably re
ported by the senate committee on mlll-
' tary affairs. It Is almost certain now
I of confirmation, as there Is no deadlock
tin the senate over army appointments,
such as exists with reference to post
I masters' nominations.
I Wiiiiiiiii Grin Dunuticrx.
CL.AY CENTER. Neb.. Jan. 19.-(8ne
olal.) District court has been In session
here this week. The case of Martha J.
Wilson against Harvard Electric com
uany. a damage suit, was tried, result
jlng In a verdict for plaintiff for $1,000,
The damage sustained was from neg
ligently blowing off steam from the
electrlo light plant, while tho plaintiff
was on the depot platform, opposite.
The steam scalded and otherwise In
Jured her.
Bills to Reduce Number, Limit
j:: .. .1 tu jflS
uiiiHuu nuu aumi
the Lcgis
planned to Corrcct Conditions that
, ,
Exist in Omaha.
Simple Measures Taken to Effect
Needed Changes.
.minuter fur Omnlin Reduced to I
Tvo, Constnlilen Fixed at Four
nut -Milnrlcn for Jnntlce
Set nt C,noo.
Three bills have finally been drawn and
Piesentcd to the legislature to cover tho
proposed reforms In tho system of Justice
courts for the cities of the metropolitan
class in Nebruskn. The bills simply take
! tho form of amendments lu the existing
j to amend Section COCO of Cobbey's An
notated Statutes of the state of Ne
braska for the year 1911. am! to repeal
j sold original section ns It now exists."
" "T'l f ?.bbey t"'
The proposed clause to be Inserted In this
statute Is a brief one rending as follows:
"Provided, however, that In all cities of
the metropolitan class there shall bo two
Justices of the peace and four constables
for each of the said metropolitan cities,
and no more."
Aside from this tho statute would read
the same as hitherto. This clause. If Ih
effect, would remove four Justices of tho
peace In Omaho, as there are at present
T11 I. (mil .Inrlmllet Ion.
Another of the proposed bills on Justice
court matters Is entitled: "An net to
amend Sections 001 and 003 of tho coda
of civil procedure of the stnte of. Ne
braska being general Nos. 1832 nnd 1853
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Ne
braska for the year lflll and to repeal
said orlglhal sections as they now exist."
Tli to iirniwmoi hill enntnlns the new
clause. "The Jurisdiction of Justices otl
tho peace In civil tases shall, unless
otherwise directed by law. be limited to
the territory wlthl'i which they are
elected nnd where they shall reside."
It contains the further new claus
"Provided, however, that Justices of the
peace within and coexten:e with their
counties Bhall have Jurisdiction and au- ,
thorlty to Issue subpoenas for witnesses
and coerco their attendance lu causes or
matters pending before them or other
cause of matter wherein they may be rr
aulred to take depositions."
These two clauses seekto Jlmlt theJ
Jurisdiction of the justice of the peatie
and at the same time seek tolrrant him
power to subpoena witnesses from any
part of the county.
Naliirr liitend of Verm.
The third bill to be proposed Is un
titled, "An act to amend section 42 of
chapter 28 'of the compiled statutes of
the stato of Nebraska of 1911, entitled,
'Fees, and to repeal said oziginai section
aa It now exists."
This contains the new feature, as fol
lows: 'Provided, further, that In cities
of tho metropolitan class each Justice of
tho peace shall receive the sum of $2,000
per annum, which shall be paid from the
fees of his office, and shall futthor re
ceive the sum of $1,000 per annum, like
wise payable from the fees of his office,
which sum shall be expendod by him for
the purpose of employing one clerk to bo
appointed by him, and defraying such
other expenses as may be Incurred."
Summing up tho amendments propoied
by these three bills, they mean for Omaha
tho cutting down of the number of Jus
tices of the peace from six to two; the
limiting of. tho territorial Jurisdiction f
the Justices to the territory from whlc
the justice Is elected; the paying of a
salary to the justice of the peace, not to
exceed $2,000 plus $1,000 for clerk hire.
These bills have been Introduced In the
legislature by Martin U Sugarman f
tho Douglas county delegation.
WAUSA. Neb.. Jan. 19. (Special.)-The
first farmers' Institute ever held In Wausa
came to a c.loso Friday night. Every
session was veil attended and at the
closing one .fully 100 failed to gain ad
mission to the opera house. Arnold Mar
tin, I "W. Ieonard and Miss Ioulsc
Sabln, representing the Btate agricultural
col I ego, addresed tho institute on vari
ous topics and the addresses and discus,
slons were highly Interesting and In
structive. C. O. Anderson carried off the
sweepstakes tjs on corn on $S5 buggy
and his bushel of corn sold for $11.50
at the close of the Institute. The Insti
tute was a success throughout and will
no doubt bn a permanent Institution. The
following officers were elocted for the
ensuing year: President. A. O. Ijlndberg;
vlco president, A. H, Ranks; secretary,
C. A. Holniqulst; executive committee,
R. E. York, Mandus Swanson aiyl A. H.
BIiAIR, Neb.v .Ian. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Mike Barry, a prominent .Wash
ington county farmer, died at a hospital
In IJncoln lost night of Bright's disease
and the body was brought to Blair this
evening. The funeral will be held at
the Cath'ollo church In this elty at 10:30
o'clock Monday morning. Rev. T. Dris
coll officiating. Mr. Barry resided a few
miles southwest of town and. wa the-
owner of over 4W acros of land.
Mr. Barry was born In Dundas, Canada,
In 1S5I and came to Washington county
In ISM with his parents who settled -In
tho southeastern port yof the county. Tn
1SS0 he was married to 'Miss Mary Money
and moved to Blair. He Is survived by a
widow and thirteen children, three of
whom are married.
I IMiil ii 1 JS! I -- ) f- -W Srr- --3X X
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fill l(H m iinU MrSn yl T. AL JtiJT -.t.l& I
From tlin St. Louts Globe-Dispatch.
Ottoman Warships Driven Back
Into Dardanelles.
Porte tilvea Poor Itenaons AVliy
TurUej- Mntl Iiislnt Upon Reten
tion of Adrlnnople Allies
lo Rcmnue Wr.
ATHENS. Qreeoi. .fan m Annilmr
sea fight between the Greek and tho
TurkUh fleets occurred today about
thirty miles to the south of the on-
trance to the Dardanelles. The Grcolt
war vemsels attacked the Turkish squad
ron and forced tho Qttomnn ivnrhln
to return to the Dardanelles straits in
Tho Turkish flagshlv Is said to have
suffered considerably.
The engagement lasted three hours.
Only one Crook wbs wounded, while the
Greek warships were not damaced. ac
cording to a long dispatch sent by Ad-
mlral Countourtotls to the government.
The admiral reports that the Turkish
fleet consisted of the battleships Kheyr-Ed-Dln-Barbarossa,
Torgut Rels, Messu
dleh ami Assar-I-Tewflk. tho cruiser
Hamldleh nnd thirteen destroyers and
torpedo boats. The Greek fleet Included
the battleships Averoff, Hydra. Spetnul
and Psnra and eight gunboats nnd de
stroyers. CJovernor Describes Ilnttlr.
The following description of the en
gagement was sent by tho governor of
Tenedos: ,
"The naval fight began at 11:23 o'clock
In the morning. Both sides fought des
perately. The Turks at 12:50 began slowly
to retreat. At 1:10 the Turkish battle
ships were fleeing In disorder towarJs
the straits, firing at long Intervals
agaln&t tho Averoff, which was pur
suing at a distance of 6,000 meters nnd
rapidly overhauling the oneiny.
"The ICamldloh headed the flight. One
of the Turkish battleships censed firing
and was apparently disabled by the
deadly fire of the Averoff. The fight
ended at 2:30 p. ni when the enemy re
entered the Dardanelles."
Will Not Yield Adrlmiojile.
Turkish foreign minister, Norndiinghlan
Effendl, tonight submitted to tho council
of ministers a draft of the reply to tho
noto of tho powors. It lr understood that
It Insists upon tho retention of Adrian
ople for the following reasons:
Uccauso tho Bulgarian Inhabitants are
In the minority In Adrlanople, no only In
comparison with thi Murfums, but as
compared with other Christians; because
of the splendid defense of tho garrison;
tho loss of Adrlanople, containing the
temples of the Caliphs, would ruin the
prestige of Islam; the loss of Adrlanople,
which Is the gate of Constantinople,
would endanger the existence of the
"The Porto therefore prays," the rerAy
continues, "that the powers tako con
sideration of the vital necessities of the
(Continued from Page Two.)
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Scott's Bluff citizens have asked
to huve tnld-day mall service from
Bridgeport, complaining that tho Burling
ton mall car I solosed too early In tho
morning to enable them to mail Im
portant letters. They also want Sunday
mall. Members of the delegation here,
Including Senator Hitchcock and Repre
sentative Klnkuld, have taken the request
up with the department.
Tile nomination of Ray Illcks as post
master at Sargent was sent to the sen
ate for confirmation yesterday.
The Inconsistency of Man
, 1 III ill IMt
Protest Against
Omaha & Beatrice
Line to Be Heard
A letter has been addresed by Harvey
Musser, as president of tho Omaha, Lin
coln & Beatrice Railway company to
Mayor Dahlmuii and tn the mayors of nil
the cltUs along -the proponed line, calling
attention to the hearing before IheStatn
-tall way cohimlsslot'i next' (WMlnogdny
evening on the protest filed on behalf of
the Rnlston Street Knit way compnuy
through Its receiver and attorneys, lu
this letter Mr. Musser suys:
This is the first opposition that has
openly appeared, and thcao gentlemen
say they want us either to buy their
property or they will fight us and oppose
the railway commission kiuiiuuk our ,i'
pllcatlon. They base their claim largely
upon the theory that our lino will como In
competition with theirs at Papllllon and
thereby take, part of their business which
they now get from Papllllon. If this
same argument should bo uhoiI by the
steam railroads and If opiwsltlon to the
building of our lino should develop from
that source, then wo could not build the
lino at all. because we practically Par
allel the Burlington from Lincoln to Ash
land and will certainly, to a certain ex
tent at least, be In competition with that
road nt the points touched by this line
and tho Burlington.
Tho conclusion Is a declaration that
now Is the opportune time to either help
or kill the Interurban by Slowing the nt
tltudo of citizens toward this project nnd
Its applications to sell bonds and stock
to build the line.
Say Requiem Mass
For Mrs, Oreighton
Requiem solemn mass will be celebrated
Thursday morning at St. John's church
In commemoration of the death of Mrs.
Mary I.icretla Crelghton, the real foun
der of Crelghton 'university. Rev. A. It.
Wise will bo tlw celebrant and will be
assisted by Rev. P. A, Klnnagan, pastor
of the Holy Angels' Parish, deacon; Rev.
8. A. Dowd. phsor of Holy Family
church, subdeacon, and Rev. James Wj
Stenson, mentor of ceremonies. Rev.
Peter C. Gannon, editor of the True
Voice, will dolltsir tho sermon.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Jan. 19.-(Spe-clal.)
Tho senate met yesterday and ad
journed without transacting any business,
the house by Its adjournment, blocked the
progress of nil legislation. In the opinion
of tho leaders on both sides tho situation
will remain unohunged until Monday
when Speaker Pratt announces thp
makeup of his committee". Ho will then
be compelled to show his hand again.
Should ho favor the republicans In his se
lection of a committee on election con
tests, Senator Warren will undoubtedly
be re-elected, as a pro-Warren contest
committee would he able to delay report
ing until the icpresentatlves whose seats
are being contested, had u chance to voto
on January 2$, the date of the Joint ses
sion. 11 1 e activities of the progressives are
worrlng both tho republicans and the
democrats. The latter now admit that
that they do not ttontrol the lioun Hint
Speaker Pratt and Representative Man
son really hold the balance of the power.
Who has employed the Denver detec
tives who nre so much Inevldence around
tho Plains hotel, Is tho quostlun which
everyone Is asking. It Is generally be
lieved that the sleuths nro In the, pay of
tho Corey factious and have been hired
to watch the doings of both the republic
ans and tho democrats. Tho cordiality
which oxlsted between tho prifcroxslvea
nnd democrats three days ugo lias fml-d
completely awny and the Kendrlck people
have come to regard the t'aroy faction
uh positive enemies Instead of potential
Union Pacific Will Construct Cut-
Off, Despite Result of Suit.
If Minority lllooks Improvement
if Itnnil Another Route Will lie
Ifneil for KniiMm VHr
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan, I9.-(Spiclal.)-Tho
building of the Union Pnciric rail
road from Beatrice to Hustings Is being
predicted by the railroad men, evotl lu
the event of a decision In favor of the
minority stockholders lu the St. Joseph
and Grand IhIuikI railway litigation.
The Grand Island suit Is being prose
cuted by the minority stockholders to
provent tho Improvement of tho lino for
the benefit of the Union Pnclflc. Unless
the road can be Improved south of
Hastings It will bn impossible fur the
Union paclflo to utilize It satisfactorily
for heavy touniiKn In connection with the
Hastings and Northern now building be
tween thlH city and Gibbon. This short
line Is being built solely to give the
Union Paclflo u moro direct route be
tweon Kansas City nnd tho northwest,
but the plans contemplate using lu con
nection with It the Grand Island rond
between Hustings anil Mnrysvllle, tho
Marysvlllo cutoff between this place nnd
Topeka and tho Union Pacific between
Topeka and Kansas City.
Mmi)- Miles Mined.
Union Pacific freight nnd passcngei
trains between Kansas City und the
northwest are now routed via Denver
nnd along tho Union Pacific lino In Kan
sas. The Mnrysvllle and Hustings cut
off, In connection with tho Grnl Island
road, shortening the mileage distance
between nKnsuM City nnd Cheyenne 127
In koeplng with tho program formu
lated by the into E. II. llarriman, the
directors of tho Grand Island rnllroad uro
proposing to Issue $IS,000,000 or bonds, the
greater amount of which Is to bo used In
Improving the road for heavy traffic In
connection with tho Hastings & North
western and tile Union Pacific. It Is this
Improvement which th minority stock
holders uro seeking In tho federal court
tn enjoin. Tho case was argued and pre
ented In tho federnl court In Lincoln
some months ago nnd a decision is ex
pected soon.
Aimllii'r lloiile SiiKKenteil.
The Union Pnclflc holds upwards of 75
per cent of the stock of tho Grand Island
roarl, but may bo prevented by the court's
decision from carrying on tho contem
plated Improvements. In this event It
will bo up to the Union Pacific to find
some other wny of bridging over the gap
hetweon Unstlngs and the Kansas lines.
This will be done, say persons conversant
with tho situation, by building a line be
tween Beatrice nnd Unstlngs. With such
a line the Union Paclflo would have n
ten-mile hnul between Kansas City and
Cheyenne than bv the Grand Island road
between Marysvlllo nnd Hastings, but
the dlstnnce would still be 117 miles
shorter than by the present Indliect route
through Knnsas via Denver to Cheyenne.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. A disbar
red attorney, a pickpocket, a dive keeper,
a messenger Hoy and two women of the
town, victims of tho opium hublt, made
up part of the counterfeiting gang In
the hands of the police today, as the
result of evldonco seized last night In
a rulil.
Fred, alias "Hookey" Johnson, Is al
leged to be the leader. A complete out
fit for raising $1 to $10 bills was found
111 his rooms. Spurious $10 bills have
been frequently roported of lute to tho
Old General Harmony Driven to
Rout by General Discord and
His Cohorts.
Opposition to Smith Forces Party
Into Caterwauting Mix.
Drops Little Place Tendered Him
Like Hot Potato.
Sennle Must Confirm iovernor'
Appointment!) to llonril of Control
nt I. nut nml Mny Hold Kej
to SMtiHtiaii.
(Rroni n Stnfr Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. lk-(Spoclal )
Eventhls enrly In tho game, before this
democratic administration has fairly got
started, old General Harmony has folded
up his campaign outfit and hustled batk
to the timber. And Genera! Discord Is In
full control of tho homo guards and ho
Is pushing his fight Intu every part of
tho domain of democracy and the prom
ise Is nut no wthut before tho battles
nro fought' many valiant soldiers who
have sought protection nnd men I ticket'.
ns defenders of tho faith, will find
themselves outside the breastworks tin
urmed nnd nuked to their enemies.
Thin talk Is out not only us a promise,
but ns a threat from ono high up In tho
councils of the party nnd who knows
whereof he spenks. Ho Is willing, a
little later, If tho fight continues, that
right mimes and places bo called.
And there Is no doubt the war will bn
kept on. For It Is another case of tho
Turks tho governor Intends to nnmo
those who nro to draw pay under his
administration regnrdless of tho allied
democracy lined up under Bryan leader
ship, and which probably from this tlmo
Tin, will Include . Tom .Smith, who Is
liable tn be oil luspotdor for a few days
lu name only, nnd without commission or
salary, because, like Perry of Hebron, ha
talked too much nnd not wisely.
ilrynn Crowd Peered.
Tho Bryan element, of course, is all
put out that tho governor should causn
Its leadnr worry Just nt this time, when
he Is busy naming a cabinet nnd look
ing nfter the national administration.
The Bryan faction Blurted out simply
tor head of Tom Smith from connecting
with n stato meal ticket and it hod no
Intention of having his excellency recog
nize It. Governor Shnllonbergor even
thought lu-latter .and UA ilncljne. .the
honor of mi appointment,
So the governor must sweat for this.
As lined up now the Bryan's got thn
Smith goat and lost their honor, menn
Ing In this Instance, their reputation ns
Koneral managers of tho ndmlnlatrntlon.
Smith got the Bryan bacon, hut when
ho oens his mouth to bite off a few
thoughts, he dropped his meat and It
Ih an even break ho will not got his
teeth Into It ngnln. Tills may cause nu
Insurgent nnny suit tohelp tho Brnny'.i
nnnoy nnd further disrupt the More
head administration. Tor Smith Is
limited w saying hu named the boniU
nnd tho governor Just as emphatically
said Smith did not name tho board. Am
proof of his statement tho governor snys
ho had considered Intended to appoint
him. Which was published In The Beo
to days ago.
Sny Opponnle TIiIiiich.
Op the other hand Smith mado his tulle
before his final conference with tho gov
ernor, saying he Intended to nnmo tho
board and who It would be. und It was as
ho sold. So with men llko Governor
Morehead nnd Tom Smith saying exactly
the opposite there can be no compromise,
but It must be a fight until one or the
other yells "nuff." And the first blood
Is likely to lie drawn by the ' governor
should hu decide to withhold that oil in
Hpeotor commission. Others insist that
Smith cannot with dignity accept the of.
flee now after such a feeling between the
two men luis developed.
And In tho meantime tho republican
Htuto senate, lu order to stop such an
unseemly scramble, may rofuse to con
firm uny of tho threo appointees on tli"
Board of Control nnd send the name
back to the govornor for nnother trial.
This, of course, would cause much grief.
More FnrmerM In lliiusr Than .Vuy
Other tine C'lnas.
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan? 19. (Speclal.)-i
The agricultural Interests of the stato
should he well looked aflcr tn this legis
lature, at least Insofur as the house la
coucerned, for there nre more farmers lit
that body tlmn any othor class of busi
ness or profession. And there must be
considerable wealth represented In the
house, for In addition to tho thlrty-flvo
farmers tliero nro cloven members who
gave their business as "retired." Evi
dently they, too, must have been farmers,
for It is this class that is ablo to retire
und live on Its accumulations.
Thoro are cloven real estate dealers and
nine lawyers. There is one physician,
on druggist and one publisher. And the
one physician was olected speaker bi
cause, probalfyr, tlie members felt thero
would be lots of sores to euro up In tho
house and many ills to look after.
'iii-romi with a little "ir
Demo Legislature Aiipenrn Snmc n
An' Oilier linn Been.
(From a Stuff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan.'' 19. (Special.) -.
This great, big, beautiful democratic
house lnujorlty, which started out wlt'i
Its standing committee on committees
nnd Its open caucus and Its open com
mittee meetings has alroady begun to
net like a. well organized machine in
the mutter of looking after members of
the democratic party. Its committee on
committees treated tho republican
minority like stop-children in the matter
of committee assignments, and now tho
(Continued on Page Two.)