4 TI1K BEK: OMAHA, SAT I HDAY. JAM All V lsWlfllJJ. GREAT SALE ENGINEER PRICE ' REPORTS ... OF... Women's Suits SATURDAY T'ic tunc liHfi come fur our mutual j Hii-up of suits, Mml In nnnoiincliiK till ; t -cmendous stilt clparunco t want tu emphuslre the x fact that. every gnr,tnetlt u new and represent no of tlie smart-j ft models of this season's styles "lid that j l ot a gnrmcnt I irrrni. The purio Of tlita Ml i to Hlwotnteljv elM nut mery suit In out' Moreno-matter lttW tsrut ihe loss nmy be. ' All Our suit that former! Mild for vid up to W5.W, choice Katurday-.JT.Sn Your unrettrleted ohotce of any suit In o" atorjio matter whcthtr the former )iitr nus IX, VW.U) or more. Uu il Vatuiddy. at tliM. In connection with Kreut sultsule w nil offer nil ottf plush coats ut a great ii rlflcul. Up ti) $JS yulucs on solo Sat inlay at 110 and IlltO. t-'ur more details - aUvurtlMiiiuiit on JULtUH OIIKIN, WO Douglas Street. Makes Statement of Irrigation Questions Now Uppermost. DISTRICTS SLOW TO USE WATER I'eir ! Tit piii rp TnkliiK ViUhii-tno-p of S ti t 1 V,nllnlilp front llepr itlr ltnhlllipd lij Mip (in, prniiipiil. r iKroin a Waff Correslwjlident t I.INCOIN. Neb. .Ibii. lT.-iHpeclu'.t-Htttte liitftnlcer 1'rlpp has Just completed Itls biennial remrt. ami In the report t. go Into Ihe wolk under hi Jurisdiction A very thoroughly and ma ken many recotti- mtTlJlwll(lB tO Hit' lHllHllllf DltK-uwdng Irrlftallon In Nebraska d't.-- (rig the Isst two year, he sas: Does Drink Habit Make 1 Money or Friends? Take On aood Look Into the PAat ana at XI' You Can nemember a Single Dollar or Useful X'rlind Gained Xhroagh Drinking. , On tlio contrary, try to remember the many dollars lost and useless, I, armful friends sained In baf roonis, MirdiiKJi your UrlnkhiK life. - Slop drinking ;md hco Itow tllf fcrcnt tnc(rosiilt of; a fow years of sober life will bo foinpnred wttli tho Bariio nur)iber of years spent drinking. i If you cannot Btdp nt ohco' nnjl never toko nnbtlier'drlhk you need the Ncnl Treatment, Which Ib. n harmless, 'Ve&otablo remedy that will romoVo till eravltig nil t neees Blty for drink In three days, with- out the uBe aT painful, lngorouB hypodermic Injcctfong. Do Dot post-Aine taking treatment, for you -will not llvo long enough to boast bow badly you "whipped tho drink habit.' bat ion will llvo to realist liowi Badly tho drink (titbit has whipped you. Call at thf Omalut Ncul Institute, H02 Hduth 10th St, ami litvestlgntti the. Neat Drink and Drug' -Unlit Treatment! or, wrjte or phono Doug-. laa Tf5. Rich Hair Long, thick, heavy hair. Want this kind? Auer"s Hair Vigor promotes growth. Does not color the hair. J. C A,T Co.. t,ffwll, MfcM. Ask -Your Doctor. MuHiik tho lit blrnnlutn we have been favored with a cood supply tif wntr foi IrrlKutlim iiuriKtfnK on tht North I'lattf rlvr. tit tint early part of tho Bittsou of it'll u -shortRBP whh felt for a xhort tltn'-. dUt pattly lo the liitettaH of tllr KpruiK rdns mill ,thf cool weatlirr In the niomi t it In p. Ititldlnu buck the meltltiK of lrx srtow. This KhoitHKe oortiired durlltK Ihit latter pait of Mhv and the curly part 'if JutlV The Pathfinder riorvolr wat lio ln' filled at thlH time bv the I ttlt-d Htatei reclamation service and the hurt bkc was iwrtly due to the fact that the needs of the canals on the North Platte ! river weie under -estimated. The local I representative of the reclamation servl"-,. illtlc. cvrythliiK in their pouer to mrreot . this vitnUltlun ut once and It lustetl for loilly a'slorT time. More than that, the VWiliel- whliih was stored in the Path . finder reservoir In excess of the needs of the pivernnient ptoject was tuni'-d dowii i.the river durltitt the months ot , July. August anil September, thus glv lltiK the canals In Nebraska an ntnple siip I Illy '6f witter IhroUKlmut the months of (July. August and part of Heptcmbor, 1w hen the natural flow of the river would have nfrhlslled less than one-hulf th amoifnt (r wntcr needed, llneh Snow nml Until. I The (Mfnrotl or 1II on the North Plalle river WMM mole favorable to ItrlRutloti. 'Tor tile reason tlut lite snowfall In she moimttilnH durliig the winter of lull and i 191? was it (frtiat deal above the normal, laud thai the ritliifiil! during the Irilgalion I season wns rflso nliove iioiIiihI. I The Pathfinder reservoir was filled liliirint: the c'at-ly spring to very nearly lt. CrtjMt'ily and the outlet gates were Inter 'opi'llifl Up and dtillng the entlie Irrigu j tlon J)tison the river ran bunk full, by Ifar exceeding the use of all Irrigation ditches along the North Platto and J'lalto ilk-frs. Including the North' Platto recla inatlon ' project, ana witter .running I through the river the entire If figtlt of tho, state' The flow of the river at Ilrldgeport did not drop below O.COj nubia feet per sec ond from July 1 to November 1, whllo 1.609 cubic feet pt-r second, passing llrldge jort would have amply supplied the needs jtt all tho (Jirlgatom vast of that point during tliu lust season. The government reclamation service, charged nothing whatever for the use of all this storago water. The above, conditions demonstrate clearly the fact that tho Pathfinder reservoir to supplement t!io natural flow Of l(ie river all of I ho IrrJgablo lands In this valley can be furnished with water nml it shottitge will bo unknown., liny Mlnruue llllils. The present -nduiliilstrutlon has ut nil times been highly In favor und encour aged the buying of storage rights In the Pnthflndrr reservoir by Irrigation ditches along tile North Platte river for supple mental npuruprlutlon. Tho United tilntus government has passed n law pcr . mlttlng. this and the Secretary of tho In terior t?tY time limit of January 1 b with h time all application foi i -I'urt has., of storage rights In tin- l'ati flndr reservoir should be on file with the Department of the Interior l, arouse more enthtistasut during the it summer In the purchase 0f stotsge w.it. r tights tin. North Platte chamber of t i merre ran a siieelal train from Nom, Platte over tho Union Pacific to On .g lllteh t'oiitpniilen Ml on . Notwllbslamlltig those facls. however the (leh companies have been slow t't take advantage of thin opportunity ami only a few made application for the pur chase of water at this lime, but it is to he hoped that alt extension Uf time will be granteil by the rvclumatlori service in whlcll the ditch companies m.iv mk such applications. In the last few yarM tlip North Platte valley- iiaa forged nhiitd very rapidly In Intensified farming. The second largeit beet attgar factory In the Unite,! .states has been built at Scott's Illuf f. . Thous ands or tons of sugar beols or ralse.l annimllv in this valley ami dellvere.i to this factory. Price's ItpCiiiiiiiirnilntloiiN . lie makes tho following recommenda tions: .i!,lm,,'r "nlt farmn recommended m. .'JrrpM """Jct to 'Irrlgtillon In North Platte valley and only 3s0,OK acres at - ii.nu.v nriKBIHl ill yji;, Itecommends further development tf present ditches before building any new ruleless USB of water for trricatlon im caused r large amount of seepage. iiei-uuimeuus limiting amount or ap propriation to two and one-hair acre feet in ine aggregate utirltig any one seasot, Itecnmmenils tho building of reservoirs No dania should be built without having hail the plans of the same approved Ideal way or hniidllnz an Irrlunlinn canal Is under the Irrigation district ss-tem. Irrigation bonds should be npprovrd and leglstered Itr state auditor's orflce aj.d stab- treasurer should be authorized to purchase til esame wtlh school funds the same as municipal bonds. Wyoming nlid Colorado tiro fast using all the water In streams which bend In these states and am shuttliii: Nidit-nskn out. Power (lCVelotlmelltM. thrni. lrlli-i. nm.i .Ma.iy smnll developments huc been inaile. A stirvoy of the Important streams which would show the amount of powi ' that could bo ilevclupeil and the various locations of power plants should be niiide A law prohibiting nonresident fori ten corporation front procuring, purchasing or noiuing nn interest in a water right In this slate. .Sillier, Islon of llomls. Under supervision of this office: County commissioners to have chaige of rouiW In counties; do away wtlh township road overseers. Appointment of county highway engi neer by county commissioners subject to approval of state engineer. Statu engineer's office to be simply ad visory. Statu engineer has prepared a standard set of plana of brldgcH to meet the ic qtilretncntH of all counties. Standard sets of bridge plans prepared by stiito engineer should be adopted by ail counties. Stato aid bridges, so designed to be as nearly permanent ns possible. This law luiB done much to stimulate tho Interest of counties In building permanent bridges anil has lieen u good example. Stato engineer's office should make proper surveys and estimates tin nil pto posed drnlnago districts und furnish nil plans frco of cost for this work RAYMOND POINCARE CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF FRENCH REPUBLIC (Continued from Papo One.) , John, a. swanson. , niAXGE OF OWNKHSHJ V i wm l. holzman, l'reflidont. , Treasurer. Omaha's largest and best equipped apparel st9re. Great Special Purchase Sale of N en's Furnishings turday at Half Price Saturday we will place on sale a wonderful collection of men's new furnishings at remark ably reduced prices. Fresh now gpods are the feature for Saturday. The Nebraska's notable demonstration of supreme value giving is tho talk of the town. We expect that record breaking crowds will take advantage of these big values. World's Best Shirts at Half Price Think of it. Famous "Excello," "Faultless," "Columbia" and "Empire" shirts. 'Jew patterns, all styles and sizes. Bought at half price, go on sale Saturday in 3 great lots New 50c Neckwear ."550 doz. Men'H high grade ncckw'r bought at prlee, Sat., ut. . Shirts worth up to $2.50 on Sale Saturday at 69c, 95c and $1.15 All $3.50 & 54.00 Union Suits, $1.95 t'ltoofic from our entire stock -"Muldoon's Hy Klenlc," "Superior" wool and merino and "Ma dowell" heavy mcrcorlaed cotton union suits. Mrokcn lines, but all sizes In the as- rt -1 nr firegate, Saturday, at ip 1.570 .MonV $1.00 iiiMl .$1.1!.-, Union Hulls Heavy Egyp tian cotton. All slzcsi on sale Saturday irr- "t 75c Men's $3.50 & $4.00 Sweaters, $2.35 Men's high grade heavy wool ribbed sweaters tan, maroon, oxford. Byron and ruff nock collar. All sizes; absolutely tha best $2.50 and $4.01) sweaters ever offered In Omana, Saturday, at Men's .51.00 nml .$l.li." Sweaters Heavy V neck coat style sweaters, gray, brown; sizes 24 to 4 0, sale price $2.35 ribbed 65c 1 umlton & levey SUIWAND OVERCOATS ' Tht reason we sell so many suits, and overcoats' is because tlmy are equal to other clothing that costs more. Hamilton & 1, 0 v 0 y Clothing Is mado in our own factory you save tho middleman's profit of $G to $8. All Wool Trousers mado from factory rem nants, $2.00. 11H lll iv in BaimMnlcvcv ICIotfangNaiufacfyres-Stores mPrmcipal Cities 1015 Kantntn Street. O. O. WlMiH, Mnnagcr. 13 In politics slticq his early youth, having bcon elected deputy n 18tf7. President Polncaro has been 11 minister In many Krettch cublnuts, having served us minister of agriculture, minister of public Instruction, minister of finance nnd as premier. lie. (raft vice president of tho Chamber oi Deputies for four years. lie became premier und minister ot foreign affairs on January 14 last year.' M J'olncare Is 11 lawyer by profession. lie 1m also a prolific author und Is u member ot tho French ncademy, whlc.i gives him rank as an "Irumortul." Ho made a great personal sacrlflco when ho became premier, for he guvo up 1111 extremely lucrative, pructlro ut tltn bar. Ills eloquence Is ti proverb In l'Vuucu and even his atrotigest political opponents express confidence In the honesty of nls purposes. President Polncure's father was 1 prominent public official nnd one of hit brother's also occupies a high post In tho government service. Mine. Polncaro was Slle. Henrietta He nuccl, on Italian. She and her husband have, occupied for many years an apart ment on tha Avenue deg Chumps Klysos, and they will not luivo far to go wliait they leave for tho presidential residence. the Palace, of the Ulysee, on February IS next. Persistent Advertising Is thu Road to Pig Itcturns. Illoek llumed In IMiuoiitun. W1NNIPKC1. Man.. Jan. lT.-KIro tolav destroyed a flve-stori' brick block In HU mouioti. Aiuertu, with a loss of tuo.uon. Six Italian laborers were killed when 11 wall of the building crushed u small rooming bo u so where they wero sleeping. Extra Special Men's 2ic ItoMon Gar ten On sale 1 ty 1 Saturday at. . 1S"2 Mcii'n lajSc Hose On sale Saturday at & .Men's Kll.no Gloves Kid and cape, on snlo QGft Saturday at. . . . 70 Men's $2.00 (ilovcs Street or dress, on sale Saturday, (t 1 35 at Men's ntje lltiso thread silk, on Saturday, at $1 - I L ! 25 Great Sale Men's Fine Shoes Our high grade $3.50 and $4.0a shoes -all tho wanted styles; a wide range of lasts, all sizes will be placed on sale Saturday, at $3 Kino sale Correct Apparel for Men and Women Extra Special Men's 7c HtuiUkeichlcfs On sale Satur- oi day atl O Men's SOc Mufflers Oji sale Saturday, f qJ XZf' at Men's $l.no Shirt flannels, on Saturday, 'at -Fine flannels, on sale qci $1 45 .Men's Ki2.no SliirtsBcat flannelB, on sale Satur day, at ....... Men's 25c Suspenders Good quality lisle, on sale Saturday, 1 O 1 i at l62"V OMAHA BACKS UP REGENTS Cornhusker Alumni Go on Record for Removal of Uni Campus. TO TAKE VOTE OF STATE ORADS ArriiiiKciupiitM llelnn .tlnile for Hef ereuiliiiii Poll of All -Members of Association l.lvluu: Out In Coiiiiiionwpiiltli. ;f ri'rrm w i r?m Mima Consider the Advantages of CONCEALED Window Lights H t You merchants and storekeep- ers, who take particular prjde in the attractiveness nf vnnr shnw winrltTTc ought to investigate the many decided advantages oi concealed iiiectnc Lrights. A brilliantly lighted window is not always well lighted. On the con- irary, too inik'li illumination i s often as bad as too little. Tho unnatural rrl ft t tltl niilunn 1 1 I . - foi.wu ouaaiuuaa jnuvciitH ripcciuiors lroiii seeing your goods on disnlav in iiioir true values. Also, your lighting fixtures may not bo in tho best position to concentrate tho illuminntinn nt tlio , , ..w. nt i iiuuiUUltO jJUlIll, Like An Attractive Stage Setting a window illuminated by Concealed Electric Lights is as pleasant to look upon as a well-arrangod stngo setting. For, tho effect produced ik really identionl-iio lights are visible, yet the adequate, generous illumination attracts and holds the interest of every observer. Ut us explain how you can use Concealed Kloctrie Lights to advantage. . , ' Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. m The Omaha Alumni nssnclation of the University of Nebraska, Thursduy night adopted n revolution endorsing tho recom mendation of rogcntH of tho university for removal of tho several colleges of the school from tho present campus lit Lin coln to tho stato farm, nt tho annual meeting of tho local organization, held in tho University club qunrters. Considerable discussion of the resolu tion took place before Its adoption, nnd only two men both Omaha members of the executive committee of the Nebraska Stato Alumni association, which recently went on record ngalust rcniovid wcro heard to protest agulnst tho proposed en dorsement ot tho well considered net of tho regents and tho chancellor. Many Oninha alumni spoke on the subject, and nil, with the two exceptions. Dean Ringer nnd 11. I'. licavltt, spoko Houndly nnd en thusiastically for tho removal. Officers Also Chosen. Officers for tho ensuing ,year were elected, and a motion tu have tho offi cers nnd lioard of directors decide upon a plan for getting n vote ot .ull tho iilttmnl of tho university living In tills htate, on tho reniovak question, .'was passed. The officers selected wero: I'Yunk Woodland, who was given a second term as president; Itobert Mtinloy, vlco presi dent. Clyde U Klllott, secretary; Hob. ert Swltzler. treasurer; Dr. W. P. Wherry, Dr. John M. Holts, William C. llamsoy. f;. Koster and Alvtn Johnson, directors. Uncolu papers wero represented by re liorters. Om of those Journalists spoke for ti few mluutcH In an effort to ox plain why tho Lincoln press hud pub lished untruthful tales ubout the Ontnba iiluinnl nnd their efforts. He de clared thnt the press of tho capital city probably felt chagrined beeuilso It had been scooped on tho recommendation ot the regents for removal of the statu uni versity campus Text of ltPHiilutl The resolution favoring removal of the campus Is; Whereas, Tho Hoard of Regents of the University of, Nebraska have, after a careful consideration and u peraunal In Ncstlgutioti, unanimously roeommend and urged the removal of tlio university from Its present location to tho stute farm, und Whereas, This recommendation has been concurred in and supported by tho chancellor and the heud tlouu ot the Uni versity of Nebraska; und Whereas, The special committee ap pointed by the legislature uf 1'Jll to con sider the question of removul, reported lit favor of removal: now therefore be It Hcsolvcd, 11 y the Omului Alumni associ ation of the University of Nebraska that wn have the utmost confidence In tho foresight, (ltsluteresteduess and good judgment ot tho board of regains, and we hareby pledgo them our uctlvo co operation und support In tho endeavor to secure such removal at this lime KEIMYON ANTI-SEGREGATION BILL PASSED BY SENATE WASHINGTON. Jan. IT. The Kouyw bill proposing to eliminate the segregated district of Washington by Injunction passed the senate today It Is model-d upon an Iowa law The enjoined property might be publicly sold unless the owni ' iu. iH.i.d and It would not aaln be us I l.r mlawful purposes. THREE TRAINS TRAPPED BY MEXICAN REBELS mining and cattle men, including Alberto Tcrrar.as, a millionaire of Chihuahua. Hf. PASO. Tex.. .Tni IT Tim il..lni. southbound passenger train of Wednes-J tiny ana two troop trains hnve been trapped by the rebels burning bridges on the Mexican Central rnllwiiv t!nnr Juarez, It was learned definitely today. Among tlio marooned passengers t aro ninny prominent American nnd Mexican Two Killed in Auto Accident at St. Louis ST. LOUIS, Jan, 17.-Kusscll V, Davie of Cleveland, assistant secretary to Mrs. Heleno Hrltton, owner of tho St. Louis National League, base ball club, and "Wil liam H. Wulters of 'St. Louis, president of a novelty company, wero killed In un au tomobile accident hero today. The automobile In which ,thcy wcro riding struck a water plug at Grnnd and Cottage avenues. The Impact -turned 'thu cur nroundr threw the two'Tnmi-out'urtd tore tho cup off (ho water plug, flo'odfng thd street and Inundating Davis' body us It lay near the curb. ri .Davis died a few minutes, ajter be .bo.1 been taken out ot tho water by a policcf man. Walters was hurled In the-nlnand was dead when picked up. ! ComeOn and get into our taxi of low prices and get the biggest iov ride of your life. Honest goods at honest reductions has strengthened our chassis" and oiled the running gear of this New Manager sale, until competition is so far behind they cannot see our number for the dust we are making. Our great values are not composed of broken lots and sizes odds and ends and other miscellaneous junk. It's all our regular stock and the best you ever saw. Be Sure and Get Your Share All Overcoats Greatly Reduced All Suits Greatly Reduced See Our Windows Extra for Saturday Boys' Double-breasted School Suits, "7C worth up to $8.50, at JOb O 1 m Uontr MM. , nr. dl Men's Soft Hats, worth up to $4.00, at ..$1.65 $1.50 Shirts 90c $2.00 and $2.p0 Shirts -at $1.45 $3 and $3.50 Shirts, $2.35 Sweater Coats, Underwear, ) Robes, Gowns, Leather Goods (20 1 nnnnmpn Manhattan Shirts, $1.15, $1.38, $1.88, $2.15, $2.45 III II, Browning, King & Co. George T. Wilson, Manager. Douglas af Fifteenth Street ,