THE oMAllA, SA1TKIUY, .lANl'AHV 1 1!1. Nebraska SCHOOL CHILDREN ON TRIP Pacific Pupils of Omaha Make Trip ' to Lincoln. GOVERNOR MAKES THEM SPEECH t'eminn-Anirrli-nn Itmurnnrr Com panr of Omnhn. h'lXrn ann.OOO of Securities with the Stntc A nil I tor. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 17.-(Spcclal.)-A company of school children from the Pacific school at Omalin, under' charge of the principal, Miss Banker, came to the state house this morning and were taken to see Governor Morehead. Tho governor oh learning that the detection was present, passed up atl appointments with office seekers and had tho young sters come In and haskln the presence of one of tho few democratic governors the state of Nebraska has ever head. Govornor Morehead delivered a speech of welcomo and told them that ho was Rind to meet them and tliat from their ranks might come Home future governor. He did not, however, cnoourge them to mako a try for the place (tvo years from now' neither did ho tell them of Urn enjoyments he was having the first few days of his administration meeting those who ore willing to sacrifice themselves to make his administration a success. Cnttln Cotnpnny'n Article. Tho " W. J. Cattln company filed Us articles of Incorporation with the secre tary of stato this morning. The company wilt do a generat plumbing and .contract ing business In tho city of Omaha and the men who compose tho company aro; W. J. Cattln and M. L. Cnttln. Tho com pany U Incorporated for $10,090. Insurance Securities l'llctl. l. D. Hall, assistant secretary of tho German-American Life Insurance com pany, called at tho office of the state auditor this' morning and deposited $50,000 In securities with the state. Nrw And, ,V timbers. B. C. Simmons will prepare a bill to bo Introduced in tho legislature calling for a new scheme In the numbering of uuto tnobtles. Mr. SlmmoiiB will use the let ters of the alphabet In connncctlon with numerals and In this way tho numbers on each machine will bo easily disting uished and remembered, where nt the present time tho number run into five figures It Is hard' to get them all, specially in a case of where the machine Is going at Its best. Under the scheme of Sir. Simmons tho highest number with one character will .be 34: with two char acters, 1,221;. with, three characters, 42,874, and this will probably cover any number; ."which may be wanted. l'lmi Officer' Camp. Adjutant General Hall Is working upon a proposition to have an officers' camp of Instruction some time during the com ing summer near the city of Lincoln with regular army officers as instructors. He says, "It must be clearly understood that this will be no pleasure 'paTty, but one of strict business and no Ibariug and indifference to the work will be toler ated." Ho estimates that officers who have an Idea that they will have a chance to havo a lot of pleasure will be mis taken unless they consider real military duty a pleasure. ' HASTINGS BASE BALL TEAM WlLL.GIVE A CARNIVAL HASTINGS, Jan. 17. Plans for an elaborate Indoor carnival as n means of raising funds for the support of Hastings' team In the State league were formulated yesterday, afternoon at a meeting of the special committee, composed of P. W. Vager, chairman; C. J. MHes, Charles Jacobs, Walter Livingston"' and Bert Shaner. The parnlvnl will ' be held on January E9 to February 1, Inclusive The place lias not been finally selected, but prob ably the carnival wilt he held In Knights of Pythias' hall. It will be staged under the Immediate direction of "Will S. Trltes, who has been employed to give his en tire time to the preparations, beginning next Monday. One of the best motorcycles procurable '-will be given away In connection with tye Bale of tickets and possibly an automo bile will be put up as a prize In somo form of competition yet to be devised, It Is the intention of tho managers to provide unique entertainment on each of the four nights of the carnival. There will- be dancing, of course, along with many other features. Including vaudeville- by local artists. A number1 of prom inent Hastings women ' will be asked to act as patronesses. , . Itnnk Election at Madison. MADISON, Neb- 3an. 17. (Special.) At the annual meeting of ' the stock holders of the First National bank of this city the following directors and of ficers were elected for1 the ensuing year; M. G. Garrett, Ed Frlckg. F. A. Paterson, I A. Long, John Mauerand Paul Itennef; pff leers, M. C. Garrett, president; V. A. Paterson, vice president And assistant cashier; Ed Frlclce. cashier. The annual meeting ofthe stockholders of the Madison National bank tool; place this afternoon. Directors chosen: U. A. Stuart, Charles Stuart, A. J. Thatch, Thomas Mortimer, W. E. Taylor. Of ficers: L. A. Stuartr. president;. Charles Btuart, vice president; W. E. Taylor, cashier; F. J. Danker and N. S. Strom, nsslstatn cashiers. ' ' ,v , One Dose Relieves ACold-NoQuinine Pope's Cold Compound Cures Colds and Grippe In Few Hours Tastes NiceActs Gently. Tou can surely end Grippe and break up the moat severs cold either In head. chest, back,' stomach drUinbs by taking a dose of rape a Cola Compound every two hours until tbrl consecutive- dosed ire taken. ' It promptly relieves Uie most miserable headache, -dullness, head and noie stuffed top, feverlshness. sneezing, sore throat, tnuoous catarrhal discharges, running of the -nose, soreness, stiffness and rheuma tlo twlnces. Take this wondrrful Compound as rected, without Interference with your usual duties and wltlMhe knowledge that there, Is nothing else lthe world, which trill cure your cold or end Qrlppe misery aa promptly and without any other as slstance or bad after-effects as a 23-cent package of Pape'a Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply accept no sub stltute contains no quinine (jeJongs in very. home. Tastes nice Advertisement OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE F. S . KING , v THE HOME f QUALITY CLOTHES A.S.PECK PRES. . SEC.TREAS. M-iMWIMlMSSi It Tells the Story mi a Sale That Overshadows All Others Our Great of Hand-Tailored Quality Suits and Overcoats Designed and made by th world's best tailormen to meet tho ideas of both Nen and Young Men no matter haw exacting THE MOTIVE THAT PROMPTS A KING-SWANSON HALF-PRICE SALE A word of explanation to .those who might entertain a feeling of doubt regarding tho genuineness of our Half Price offer. Often in the course of a day's selling our salesmen aro confronted bv such questions as this: "HOW CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL CLOTHES AT HALF PlllOE UNLESS THE PRICES ASKED AT THE OPENING OF THE SEASON ARE A TRIFLE H1GII1" , To such questioners and all others who might fool somowhat skeptical regarding a Klng-Swanson Half Price Sale," wo offer thin IllURtratlon: Suppos ing wo bought 50 suits of one lot at the beginning of tho eeacon, which cost us $19.00 each, and wo marked thorn to sell at $25.00, which allows us only a fair legltlmato profit. Now, during tho course of tho season wo dispose of 45 of theso Bulls which nets us a gross profit of $270.00;. tho flvo re maining suits we put on salo nt Half Price, or $12.50. On tho firo we loso $:12.50; deducting this amount from tho profit niado on the suits sold nt rcg ' ular' prices, leaves ub a net profit of $237.50 on tho lot. Tho policy of this storo prohibits the showing of none but present soason merchandise realis ing this, we aro compelled to adopt measures that will effect an absoluto clcaranco so that only complete and now lines will bo shown at tho opening oC any season. All garments romalnlng in Btock nt the closo of our Half Prico Salo aro disposed of to out-of-town dealers. Tho loss Involved In soiling garments at Half Price is turned Into profit an hundred fold by the confldcnco It creates with tho buying public in causing them to npprcclato the fact that a Half Prico Sale at this storo Is genuine and that a Half Prico Sale hero means an absoluto rlddanco of all brokon lines nnd,tlioreforc, nssuro them of seeing only now garments at tho opening of tho following season. Realizing now that this, sale affords the greatest possible savings make arrangements to come tomorrow $10 to $40 QUALITY SUITS to be had now for $10 to $60 QUALITY O'COATS to be had now for HAND ALL SALE TROUSERS flRST-FLOOR Sentence of Wymore JBandit is Affirmed BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 17.-(Speclal.) The supreme court of Kansas has up held the decision of the Marshall county, Kansas district court in finding H. II. Hoerr of Wymore guilty of complicity In the robbery of tho bank at Hanover, Kan., a few years ago. After llocrr was convicted at Marysvllle ho appealed his case to the supreme court, which has just rendered its decision. Hoerr has been In Jail at Marysvllle ever since his conviction and will be (taken to the pen itentiary at onoe to begin servlngvhls sentence, which Is - from one to seven years. HI Belirens. a prominent German farmer living south of Wymore, was seized with fits early yesterday 'morning and died before medical aid could reach him. Mr. Behrens was apparently In good health when ho retired. He was 2! years, of age and Is survived by a wiaow-ano. a ramiiy or grown cnuaren.i W, Shottenklrk, a pioneer resident of Beatrice, Is lying seriously 111 at his home In this city from an attack of pneumonia. J, J. McCoy, a former Beatrice resident, who is In the employ of the Itock Island at Falrbury, lost his foot the other day while his train was switching near Kan sas City -by falling. underneath a freight car. HASTINGS MAK STRIKES OIL IN OKLAHOMA HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 17.-Speclal. Sudden and unexpected fortune has coma to E. A. Brandes as tho result of a trade which he had almost forgotten. An Adams county farmer found Mr. Brandes in a speculative mood one day last fall apd In a remarkable brier penoi or tune traded him an elghty-acre farm in' op.ia homa. 300 miles south of Kansas City, for an second-hand automobile. Mr. Brandes satisfied himself with tho thought that almost any kind of a farm In Oklahoma was worth as much as the car, but he felt quite .sure that this .par ticular one wasn't worth much more. After filing away-tbe deed he dismissed the deal from his mind. He had never seen the farm and althousli ha- has since made many long trips away from Hastings he never thought of visiting this Oklahoma property until he received an astonishing offer for It last Saturday, Had be succeeded In an attempt to dl-fhring forth Aladdin's genii by rubbing the tall lamp of one of his cars he would have been no more surprised than when a telegram came to him on January II offering Mm $tt,00o for the forgotten farm. He was at first Inclined to accept the offer, but finally concluded that the telegraph operator has made a mistake In copying the message and that the offer tually was $JW, lie wired back his refusal, on aiondajr another Uelegratp cam 0 s One-Half Price Sale $20 to J Another Important Sale Is Issued in Tomorrow OUR GREATER HALF-PRICE SALE OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S - TAILORED TROUSERS Fully Eleven Hundred pairs of tho finest fitting trousers over collected under any one roof are offered to the mon of Omaha starting Saturday morning at exactly One-Half Price every weight, weave and slzo, tho choicest patterns ever shown by this store aro Included In this excep tional sale. A sale where your dollars do full doublo duty. $1.50 Trousers, Half Price Sale, 75c $2.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $1.00 $2.50 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $1.25 , - $3.00 Trousers, Halfv Price Sale, $1.50 $4.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $2.00 $5.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $2.50 $6.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $3.00 $7.50 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $3.75 $10.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $5.00 $12.00 Trousers, Half Price Sale, $6.00 offering him $36,000. This convinced htm that tho first figure was genuine, but since the secohdl offer had come to him so quickly he decided to reject it and Investigate for himself. Slnco then ho has been offered $40,0)0 and he has learned that all of the offers came from the Standard Oil Interests, who seek the prop erty because of the discovery of oil closo by. Mr. Brandes will lcavo Saturday to visit the farm and' until he sees the land with his own eyes will be deaf to all offers for Its purchase. JOHNSON DRAINAGE DISTRICT CLOSING BOND CONTRACT TBCUMSBH, Neb., Jan. 17. (Spoclal.)- Secretary Kobert Lempka of drainage dis trict No, 1, Johnson county, Nebraska, departed for Chicago yesterday' to Inter view the Hanofiett Bond company of that city, the concern which contracted for the drainage district bonds In the sum of $100,033.14. The bonds were sold In de nominations of 125,000, and Inasmuch as the ditohlng contractors are here pre paring to build their dredges, the djain ago district officers want to learn about the first payment on the bonds, which Is slated for February 1. There Is no doubt as to the Hanchett company tak ing the paper, hut the concern wanted more history of the bonds and Mr. Lemplca went to Chicago prepared to sat isfy their every desire. As the dralnaKS work probably will be completed this year It Is presumed the whole amount of tho bonds will be used during the building period. The Hanchett company agreed to pay a premium of $1,258 for the bonds, with accrued Interest, and 4 per cent. Interest will be paid on dally bal ances at the district's depository for funds not yet used. Within a few days the drainage district officers expect o begin the work of condemning right-of-way for' the main drainage ditch, this work to begin near Sterling, where one of the dredges Is to be erected. TWO FAIRBURY MEN - INVENT GAS ENGINE FAinBimV. Neb.. Jan. 17. Bpodal.) Jerry Simpson pnd George Klmmell have Just secured patents on an air-cooled now engine In the United States and Canada. It Is quite different from any other alr cooled engine, since It draws the ah up and away from the engine, Instead of blowing It down and away. No water Jacket Is used. A suction fan at the base of the engine pulls the hot air away and blows It out at one end of the cylinder. The trial engine was run continuously under a toad for half a day and did not get any hotter than a water-cooled en cine. " Nvr Notes at Harvard. HARVARD, Neb., Jan. 17.-SpecIal.)-The body of John Smith reached Harvard inursaay morning, tub cody was ac companted by his widow, who was met J at the train by her three sons and daugh Boys' Solo Suits JL I t-F Second Floor A FEW FACTS CONCERNING OUR GREATEST HALF PRICE SALE Slnco Inaugurating this salo wo havo onjoyod tho greatest business In tho history of this storo. Day' after day tho salo has kept at fever heat, until It seoniB that noarly ovcry man must bo supplied vlth King-Swnnson Quality Clothes. The rosponso to our salo of Boys' Clothing crented tho same re sults. Dut, giving tho peoplo what you promlso always has been tho headlines of this store's policy. ter, who reside near Harvard. Burial took, place yesterday afternoon from the Christian church with Interment here. Mr, Smith and wife came to Harvard about 1872. Ho wan a 'successful fanner and owned several hundred acres of land, but during the last flvo years or more has resided In California, where he took life pleasantly. He was about 70 years of age. Tho body of Frank X. Dlerrlnger Is expected from Omaha, where he died from cancer In one of the hospitals where he was being treated. Will Do Advertising Km. GRAND ISIAND, Neb., Jan. 17. Hall county will this year receive Its legal publications, excepting the delin quent tax list, absolutely without cost If the publisher of the Free Press of this city makes good. For years the county has been paying a moderate "rate for legal notices, -Including the treasurer's semi-annual statements. BABY STRANGLED TO DEATH BY A G0CART SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Jan. IT.-The 7- month-old baby of Mr and Mrs. John Swason of Brule county hanged Itself In a go-cart and was round dead by tho mother. The mother left the Jlttle tot in the go-cart and stepped outside the house t care for some horses, her lnmhanrl nelng temporarily absent. When she ro-' turned she found the cart had collapsed and that her little daughter had been strangled to death. It Is the first fatal ity of the kind over reported in the state. ' HYMPNEfll ! MtrnrUlry-llnll. j DAVID crTV, Neb., Jan. 17,-(8peclal, At 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon Miss Marguorlte Hall, daughter of Postmaster I E. G. Hall, was Joined In marriage to . CorntHus Loo Swartsley of Kearney, deputy county treasurer of Buffalo I county. The ceremony was performed I by Rev, Dr. S. D. Bartle of St. Luke's Methodist church. The bride was at tended by Miss Hazel Cook as bridesmaid and W. E. ilall, brother of the bride, was best man. Miss Klolne Crosthwaitc sang a solo Just before the wedding march was played by Miss Ruth Scott of Kearney. An elaborate wedding dinner was served. Mr, and Mrs. Swartsley left on the evening train for Kearney where they will make their future home. Both Mr. nnd Mrs. Swartsley were born hi David City. 1 Sltrs.snrder. 1 TABLE ROCK, Jan. 17. (Special.)-A very pretty wedding occurred last night : at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, L, 1). nyder In Table Rock, when their daugh- , tr. Miss Ella Snyder, was unltfd l.i marriage to Chris Sites of this place Th , ceremony was performed b - Itet Ho ard I'. Young, pastui uf f. At ti u Episcopal church. , Here is the most interesting, most important news in this section of The Omaha Bee Read every word. $5 o $30 Come Tomorrow and Select Suit and Overcoat far Your HALF PRICE Tho crowds that havo rettf'ondod slnco tho announcomont of this very lmportnnt salo have gone beyond our expectations. Dozens of mothers with sons to fit out purchased two and somo throe and four suits, and an overcoat for each youngster. Tho valuos aro beyond belief and you'll surely bo tomptod to do tho Bame thine so you'd better come boforo U10 selections becomo too shattered. S3.00 to $10.00 Suits and Overcoats now IOWA FARMERLOSES ROLL Victim of Clever Manipulation on Part of Confidence Men. FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS GONE After Ileitis; Induced to Drnvr Savin from Iovra Ilnnk He U UUrnuraiceil In Deal nnil Pn Jltoncr In Grip. II. W. Custer of Tltoulc, la., Is the victim of a confldenco game that has left him snddor but wiser. His wife has been out in Denver for her health and a couple of weeks ago ho paid her a visit? Whllo In the Colorado metropolis he happened across soveral smooth land men and In tho course of things they ascer $5 sjO 3 SHOES FOR $2.50 Xiadlss' rU Jnllsttes, fur trimmed, turned soles, $1.50 values, all sizes, TQn Saturday ... . ,. I PU ladles' Kubbors, In all sizes to fit high heel shoes; first quality; Saturday only, 9 On these 60o values, for fcU Men's 80o Rubbers, best quality, all sizes and CBn styles; Saturday 400 pairs go an sale at. . u9u ALEXANDER 0. 1512 Douglas Street Opti Saturday Till II P. M. a Stylish Well Mad Quality Boy at Exactly Fur Caps of Quality At a Discount of 25 When this storo makes such au an nouncement it means "fast soiling," so don't delay. Entiro stock effected by this discount. tained that ho Itaci $4,000 on deposit back In the bank nt Tltoulc. A little organtsed team wurlc was speedily planned out and the first move was to Interest the Iowa farmer In a fortr-acro tract near the outskirts for $100 per acre. This part of the performance was conducted ,by two men and when tholr client hesitated a third man came Into the picture and of- Illsffered him a $3,000 profit. This looked good to Custer and he was about to complete the deal, but after he had' got the cash from tho bank In Tltonlo the agents Were not so anxious to sell and scared htm out of the bargain by telling of a mortgage against the forty acres. Disgusted with tho whole proceedings, he packed thn currency in his crip and started back to Iowa. He took a lower Pullman berth, and, tho upper being un occupied, he put his grip and overcoat In It He paid no further attention to Its contents until this morning, when he arrived here, and after going to tho'Paxr MAMMOTH SHOE SALE SATURDAY AT ALEXANDER'S Tlio early demand for high; shoes last fall forced us to buy extra heavy, then we had a very mild fall; conse quently wo havo on hand 14,000 pairs of high grade shoes in all the noW stylos of ladies' and mon's foot wear. Every paiV of theso shoes wore made for firms that failed while they wem going through tho factory or canceled thorn on account tho backward Beason. Satur dajr wo place on salo this ontiro lot of shoes thai was made to sell at $4.00 to $6.00, at BASEMENT BARGAINS IN AND BOYS' AND GIRLS' all colors, hand Boys' 75o Bnbfesrs, all sizes, storm front and roll edge; all slsos, Saturday in. at per pair , B Boys' 93J0O and 93JSO boss, In the finest patent and colt leathers, all sizes B f M Haturday, at per pair , Girls' Sboss In tho finest kid and calf lea- Attn thers, $1.00 values, aU sizes, Saturday 90S I ton found the roll of currency gone. He Immediately called at the police station arid Chief Agent Canada of tho Union Pacific la handling tho case. Taft Win Speak at Five Banquets WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Prcsldent Taft left at 3 p. m. over the Pennsyl vania railroad for Philadelphia on a trip which will take him to five banquets u two days, including a visit to New Tork and New Haven, and 'bring him back to the White House Tuesday morning. A Horrible Dentil may result from diseased -lungs. Cure coughs and weak, sore lungs with Dr. King's New Discover'. x G0c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug1 Co. Advertise' ment. of tf 3U SPECIALS RUBBERS SHOES