Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1913, Image 2

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    Come expecting the biggest clothe
bargains you have ever bought
and you'll not be disappointed
Sec our windows, but it is better
to see the garments in the store
skeptical people are invited.
Now for Some Extraordinary Bargains Read Carefully
Tor more thaif two weeks we have been selling our high grade apparel for prices as low as those maintaining for
the commonest kinds in stores not so particular a3 this. The result ha3 been a very thorough clearance, but we still
' find ourselves with a considerable number of garments whidh wo would like to trade off for a fraction of their
, ' ' -. worth., Wo have lumped them together into 8 big lots. In the following 8 paragraphs we have tried to give you an
4dea otho garments the actual prico at which they sold during the season the size3 and the number of each size
: on hand. If you have an apparel need and if you can be fitted here is the best bargain list ever submitted to you.
for Men, Women, Young Men, Misses and Boys, at Unheard of Reductions
4 Lots, of Women's and Young Women's Garments
4 Lots of Men's, Young Men's and Boys Apparel
Selling of lots 1,
2, 3, 4 Starts
Saturday after
noon at.l:3Q
Owing to the fact that Ti great many young ladles who
would like to avail themxolves of this most extraordinary
bargain offer arn employed until noon on Saturday
and to the fact that wo do not wish to favor any ono by
allowing early choosing wo havo decided to allow no
sales (o bo mado until-Saturday at 1;30 P. M. None o'f
these' garmonts will bo "laid asldo" before that tlmw.
"Wo would havo to refuse to ho favor our most personal
friends In this regard. All must he on equal footing
before our bnrgatn counters.
17 Ladles' Suite that sold for f?U7.."),
., $30.50, 9iD.n0, S5!
TABKICS drey jcut ' Vclour,")
plain black JJ rtad c 1 o t li
blark Serge, two-toned navy
Diagonal, plain Corduroy
(tailored) in tan. gray, urowu.
8TTX.E83 All the stylish mod
ela from beautifully trim
meil models to fancy cut-a
way design and severely
plain tailored crreets.
XZZS 2 ai nice IS.' 1 of 17. 4
of 34, 6 Of 36, 3 Of 31, 3 of 4 O.J
85 Junior, Small Vomcn And Ladles' Butts
that sold for $ to IJUJ5
FABRICS Fancy Tweeds nmn
Mixtures, Herges. Cheviot"'.
Kngllsli Worsted, Iwo-tono
Diagonal. Iloucle. black nnu
white checks, wltittv. Hergc
blade ana .White stripe none.
8msi-fcor 3unlors-T'lBln
Tailored Muid. Norfolk models.
Women'f "MUw,lr nn1
plain tailored offActs. , , i
SIZES 4 of U VS.. 0 Of 17,
13 or 34, 18 or 36, u or as,
e of 40.
fit) Junior 'and Women's Coals that sold
for 917.50 to
FABRICS Chinchilla, RroaJ-
rtoth, noucle, Zltallnc. Serge,
fancy stripes ond u.lxtures.
5TTT.EB Not too extreme
ninny that, fasten high at
necki wJtK new scout collar.
Newest styles for auto, dress
ur general wear.
DISSS 2 of size IS, 1 of 17,1
6 of 34, 17 of 36, 22 of 3S,
2 of 40.
125 Junior and Women's Dresses that sold
for to 9.'n
FABRICS Cordurov. Kronen-!
nnd Htorm Berge, llroadclotli,
KiiEllsh atrloe lied ford Cord,
Crene Du Chlen, Charmousc,
Taffeta and Voile.
STYLES Models too numer
ous to describe but, all are
latest designs to data und
suitable for home, street,
business or afternoon wear.
OISES 13 of size 15, 16 of 17,
20 of 34, 32 of 30, 30 of 38,
4 of 40.
Selling of lots 5,
6, 7, 8 Starts
Saturday morning.
Those interested in these items of apparel are urged to
consider the fact that this store handles only the finest
garments made. That its reputation rests upon tho qual
ity of Its merchandise. That the statements In Us ads
are borne out by fact. That theso garments aro actually
sold for the prices quoted. That In theso lots of Men's
wear tho -lowest regular priced gnrments aro 1C, that being
tli o price at which we start our clothing prices. That there
are mighty few of thoso deluded and that the greater part
sold for J20 or more. The lots aro limited, but the fellows
who get the garments are going to get something no other
store ever gave them.
no Mcii'h nnd Young Men's Overcoats that
ndld up to 925
FABRICS Medium heavy audi
heavy weights In those su
perb Fancy Mixtures that
havo so characterized Benson
& Thome's Overcoats this
BTTXES Considering the fact
that these coats were all new I
for .winter 1012-13, the styles
aro only Uiose of most recent
SIZES 1 0 costs of slzo 33, 7
nf 34, 9 of 35, S of 36, 7 of
37, 9 of 38, 3 of 30, ti of 40.
54 ."Men's nnd Young Men's Suits that sold
up to $
FABRICS Tweeds, Cheviots,
Casslmcrcs, etc.. In all the
mixtures and color combina
tions that well dressed fel
lows approve.
STTX,ES Ultra fashionable 1
models for young fellows
and morn conservative cuts
for the older, larger man.
BIBBS 6 suits or size 31, C of
32, 6 of 33, 10 of 34, 22 of
35, 8 of 36, 4 of 37, 3 of 38. J
07 Hoys' Overcoats that sold up
to 90.50
FABRICS Cheviots mostly,
sonve tweeds In good colors
and heavy enough to be
warm, very warm.
8 TYI.ES The lot Is small and
tho styles are considerably
varied as a consequence but
all aro good.
BE8ES 3 of size 2, 4 Of 3, 6 of
4, 8 of 5, 15 of 6, 18 of 7, 7
of 8, 6 of 9, 2 of 10 years.
LOT NO., 8
00 Boys' Suits that sold
for 95.00
rABRICS Cheviots, T weeds, i
wornteas, cassimorcs. in a
variety of patterns' and col
ors. fTYI.ES Double breasted and
Norfolk Just the very
styles that aro right and,
which tho knowing boy de
mands, SIZES 6 of alze 6, 7 of 7, 8 of
8, 11 of !, 9 of 10. 10 of 11.
7 of 12, 11 of 13, 7 of 14, 12
of 16, 8 of 16. v
nnflthey desire to have the put customs
entirely wiped away and wish to start
neif and according tb the' law ot .the
Indians who possess moro than one wife
will be roqulred to take a his legal wife
the- woman he Is IWInV-wlth nt tho pres
ent! time and. the- niarrfago: 'will be leg
alised, 1ft XoI futurh. ttjeyi expect to tie
punched .Ul' thi ju'reak -any of tho
marriage? bajHvibcfijtethe first
day of AfffAcoWty'-judge shall
. lep a reoFMdJiiS' residing In
his! countyJthythc nfliSJO ofthb wife
whfbh tho ft;. recognizes and in case r.f
violation offVthls aet.tho violator shall bo
subject to thu same' punishment as a
whylo man. '
l'y Ivr Corporation Mm. .
Cprdcal, of Red Willow believes that
employes, ot corporations should be paid
nt least Vwlce a month and has Introduced
a b'jll which will compel the payment if
salaries accordingly.
Oil motion of fehurtjway or Dlxeji, nil
senators and the lieutenant governor will
bo provided) with a copy of "Gregg's Par
liamentary Law." ,
A committee consisting ot Shuinway of
Dixon. Smith of Seward and Bplrk r.t
fcallne will act with a like committee from
the house In the matter of getting tho
messages of the outgoing, and lricomlns
governors printed. '
Buehee or Kimball Introduced a -motion
asking that all original bills Introduced
be underscored where a chance from the
old law Is made and that tho printed
bills be changed to different type In tho
ame sentences,
Dodge of Douglas objected. He said
thut ho won on tho committee on ex
penditures and know something about
printing and If the bills wcro printed
that Wuy it would cause on enormous
extra expense to tho state.
Dushco said that ho wasn't much of n
printer, but had been told by ono that
the bills were srt up by u typesetting
machine atfd that all It was necessary
to do jo get, the, different typo set was-to
chahRo a little lever on tho machlno and
the job was done, and that. unless tho
printer wanted to get something extiv
for the Job, tho charge would be the
same. The motion was referred to the,
proper committee.
Adjourn Till .Monday.
Conical of ned Wlltpw Introduced a.
motion to adjourn until Turwlay nt 10
o'clock, but Hoagland of Lincoln county
thought that It was about ttmo to bcglti
to get busy and objected t6 an ndJourtW
ment bo fartrwny. Cordeal'o motion was
lost and later an agreement wns reuchel
to adjourn until Monday afternoon at 2
Dodge of Douglas sent up a resolution
that a committee of flvo should be ap
pointed to look Into the contests before
the senate, and Housty of Jefferson,
Klechel or Nemaha, Hoagland ot Lin
coln, Kohl of Wayne' and Ollls ot VaUey
were appointed as the committee.
Ing aro the meeting places of tho various
committees of the houso: '
Unsemcnt Soldiers' homes, state panl- J
tonttury. I
Chief Clerk's Office Accounts and cx-pendltut-us,
Kngrosslng and Hnrolllng Koom En
grossed and enrolled bills. Insurance,
llouso Chamber -Agriculture, apuorr
tlopment, bouavolcnt Institutions, constf
tutlonal urnendmcnts, corporations, county
boundaries, county seats and township
organization, federal rolutlons, fees and
salaries, Immigration, libraries, inllltla,
mines and minerals, miscellaneous sub
jects, .oUWrj -gy)ums, public printing, ro
tall niijCcominorois miles, school lauds ,
and fufiPfiO university and normal achuolM,
UlnCoUVIiotAI-CItles ahd towns, tlMritsj
drainage,- Internal Improvements, labor,
medical societies, sundry' laws and regu
lations. Llndell Hotel Danks and banking, Irri
gation, llvo stock and grazing, manufac
tures nnd commerce, privileges and elec
tions, railroads, revenue und taxation,
telegraph, talcphono and electrlo com
panies. Hpeakcr's Offlco Employes, fish cul
ture nnd game. Insane hospitals.
State Engineer's Office Deficiencies.
ptihllo lands and buildings, roads and
Htato uuperintenuenfs oinco 1 inancc,
ways and means, pdblla schools.
Huprcmu Court lioom Judiciary.
House l'lxrs l,ocntlon for All Oath
erliiRB of ttodles,
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. lt.-(8Doclal,)-Follow-
Ilw Grand Pharmacy Patrons
"Fallow Th Beaton Path"
We bog to antiounco tho purchaso of. nil tho pto
rprjjion Lookq o tl)Q Ifor Grand Flinnnncy.. All re-
fillssaiid jiow p.reBcriplionfj will "bo filled-at our store,
15tli aiid Famtun streets, with tho usual Beaton nc-
, - curacy and promptness.
tbc and 40c stationery, In
boxes, all l(nen fancy shaped,
' a box 13
25c Jergen's Buttermilk Sba,
,per box -106
75c Rubbor Qloveo -30d
25c and 35o Manicure Sets,
tor 10J
26o Beaton's Cold Cream 10'
. 25c Peroxide y
'25c Do Mar'B Glycerine Soap,
A 80c box of Iw Xoo Face
P,owder free wliU every
Jar of CAKsfmero Cream,
regHlisr value jk f
50fj Satunlay
- viOiJ
A doxeu cakca for , .51.00.
GOc Deaton'a Deuzoln and Al
mond Lotion 20
GOc lllnd'a Honoy and Almond
Cream . . . . .,, 20r
7 Go Hot Water Bottles . t49
85o Fountain Syringe . . 404
Any Tooth Brush in the storo.
worth 3Gc and GOc, absolutely
guaranteed 25 J
I-ivM Ilig ChocolntPH, OCX,
all delicious maple, and
vanilla cream
at .
"Follow The Beaton Path"
Beaton Drug Co,
Farnam mid 16th Streets
II 1 1,1.9
Ilin'UIlK L150I8I,ATUH13
House mill Nenate SlTinlier Keep Up
Mrrry Ince.
(From a Btaff Correeponilent.)
LINCOIJ;, Nob., Jan. lT.-(Spcclal.)-
The following' bills wore Introduced In
tho house:
If. n. 16$. by Hanks of Knox Joint res
olution to ratify the proponed amendment
to the constitution providing for the di
rect election of United titatea senators.
II. It. 17. by neuter or Otoe itoviikm
that hedge fences alone publlo highways
hall be kept trimmed to four' and a half
feet high.
it. ii. I6S. oy iiaKer or Tnomas ito-
vldes county attorneys In counties having
& population ot from 1,000 to 3,003 at sal
aries ot ?3X per year.
II. It. IK), by Jeary or Lancaster Al-
proprlstes &000 tor Mrs. Ida Armstrong,
whoso husband was killed at the state fair
1L It, 170, by Jeary or Lancaster Al
lows married women to enter lnton con
tracts on equality with married men.
II. It. in. by van ueuscn of washing-
ton Provides that state entomoloKtst
shun seek out and destroy dangerous in
sects, compulsory inspection or nursery
stock and premises, and fees charged tor
tho samo.
M. lb 112. by Weston or Clay uonipeis
railroads to provide rates at street cross.
Ings where, threo or more tracks cros
tliu street, same to appiy to cities or irom
l.uuu to o.wo population.
II. It. 1T3. by lleuter ot Otoe Death Dcn
alty by electrocution after January II,
II. n. 11, by Anderson o.f Boyd-In-creases
tho penalty tor failure to provide
auequate cauoose facilities lor siock snippers.-
From $10 tdTflOO for each' Ylolatljn,
tUx ler Cent Interest.
II. IX. 175, by McCarthy ot Cuming
Makes Doiu legui anu contract interest
rate 6 per cent. Interest on bonds or war
luntK Issued by counties, cities, school
dletiicts or townshlDS to be B uer cent
II. It. 1I. by Bnydcr or Adams Forbids
purchase of procure or mercnanaise uy
merchants' duo bills or trade checks In
lieu of cash
hlblls exhibition of any. person physically
or mentully deformed; prohibits Immoral
11. it. its. uy steams or Scott's limit
Declares lrrlu'utlon works common car
riers under control ot state ltaiiway com
II. it. its. by iioffmcister or cnaso
Itequlrlng screens at hendgates ot Irriga
tion aitcnes to Keep iisn - in natural
11. ltlSO. by McAllister of Dakota-
Makes giving of Intoxicants to Indians
a misdemeanor instead of a felony, a
lull sentence to be. worked cut on the pub.
It. It. 181. by McAllister of Dakota-le
galizing certain Indian marriages and.
Drovldlne for nronerty MElitn of children.
It. IL1SS, by Fwnk ot I'helps Ueiilrcs
that all railroad, ditch or canal road
crossings be thirty-two feet wide.
It. It, 183. by Funk of 1'helns-ln suits
for damages by death of relative, mental
anguian ana ions or society may do con
stdered lust cause for recovery.
If 1 Iftl Km. m.M1. n TM. -In-
proof ot Injun' by locomotive or car of
a common carrier prima facie evidence
or negligence by operator thereof.
II. R. IK. by Hardin of Harlan. Chair.
man of Code Commission A blue aky law
prohibitions an So kinds of stuff store, In
spection by the ptiro food department and
penalties for violation.
II. .IV 189, by tho Code Commltteo
Changes' the minimum time when com
missioner districts may be altered from
four to three years. Bmergency.
II. II. 190.. by thu Code Commlttee-Pro-
II. It41!U, by ilnrdln of Harlan-Specl-fylng
that an agent who retains more of
his employer's money than is duo him Is
guilty ot embezzlement.
H. It. 1!.', by Hardin or Harlnn-Itevls-Ing
supremo'court procedure in rovlew or
II. It. 192. by Fnllstentl of Illchordson-
Pro,vldlnp fori Industrial 'limurnnco main
tained oy me state ror tne compensation
of Injured workmen.
II. It. ll. by Smith of Douglas-Provid
ing thut all public officials shall transact
all burlncss In open meetings.
II. It. 193, by chaupn of Gage To os- i
tabllsh u state hlghwuy commission and
appropriating $26,000 for same.
ii. il. 1G. bv MoKiss cit of aaco Re
quiring tho registration ot bloodhounds.
H. It. 1U7. by uollen or Knox rrovldlng
for condemnation o land foe state Insti
tutions or state fair.
II. It. 198. by Dutch ot Otoe Allowing
county clerks to add to tax rolls prop
erty omitted after final euailzatlon.
whether In tho current year or prior
II. II. 199. by Majority ot tho Douglas
County Delegation The worklngmen's
compensation bill reported by a majority
of the atato commission on same.
II. It. wo. by Cronin or Holt An Inde
pendent worklngmen's compensation commission.
II. It. 201, by Cronin of Holt Annulling
contracts between employers and em
ployes tor renouncing right to sue tor
damages because or relief association or
other benefit.
II. It. 2SK, by Cronin or Holt Making it
unlawful for anyone to solicit financial
uld on the basis ot a forged can) or a
rraternal society.
ftw Senate Files. .
S. F. 67. by Drookloy or Clay Relates
to special assessments for purpose of
constructing sewers.
ts eg. by Ilrooklev of Clav Relates
to rates charged for gas. Water, power
and lighting purposes, where plants are
owned by cities.
. it. w. oy woiz or Dodge to ad-
vanco cases on the supremo court cal
ender, where temporary injunctions have
been allowed.
o. F. 70. by wolx of Dodtre Providing
that minor officials of cities of less than
6,000 population may be elected.
8. F. 71. by Wols or Dodra-nalses
amount ot bonds, which can be Issued
by cities for constructing heating and
lighting plants.
. tv n, uy iiaarman or Douglas
Regulating tho manufacture and sale of
vinegars. i
a. I? . 73. by Hhumway or Knox Indian
untt-treating bill.
a. F. 7i. by bhumway or Knox Regu
lating Indian marriages.
a. F. 75. by urace of Harun Providing
ror occupation tax for iiinenuu traders.
S. F., 78, by Hurtling or Otoe Regula
tion and supervision or Investment com-
uanles. .
n. F. 77. by uordeal or Red Willow
Provides that "Light" engines shall be
manned by full crew.
H. if. 78 (statute revision commission)
iieusuro providing ror operatiqn or board
of control.
a. F. 7. by Cordcal of Red Wll ow
i'roviuca for fare collector for all main
line passenger trains.
8. F. SO, by Krumback of Amend
ment to game laws. I
8. F. 81. by TAlcott ot Cedar Ratifies
amendment to federal constitution nro.
vldlng for direct election or United States
a. ir. sz, by iiusnee or Kimoaii Repeals
nut poasea oy jail session, giving aoume
water appropriation to western MeoraaKa
H. F. S3, by Hoagland of Lincoln Pro
viding for disposition of lite insurance,
where tho deceased has been killed as
a result of conspiracy.
S. F. 84, by Hushee ot Kimball Amend
ment to Irrigation laws.
3, F. S3 (stututa revision commission)
Provides for Jury commissioner.
a. i'. m (statute revision commission
! Warren's Friends
in the House Catch
Democrats Napping
OHETENNE. Wyo, Jan. 17.-(8peciRl.)
Senator Warrcn,'s. followers scored a
lignal, victory In tho house of representa
tlvei"yesterday, when, catching the'dem
oorats napping, they brought about- an
adjournment for three days: Representa
tive Sullivan of Big Horn county stated
that tho speaker had asked for a list of
republican selections for the various com
mittees. He said that a caucus had been
held the night before- and that most of
the selections had been made, but the
list was still Incomplete. Mr. Sullivan
declined to take tho responsibility of
filling In the missing names himself and
suggested that an adjournment be taken
for three days In order that the speaker
might havo time to arrange his com
mittees. The motion appeared to be an
Innocent ono and it went through before
the democrats fully realized -Its import.
Then they saw light. Tho 'Wwomlnc
law requires that the election for senator
shall bo held on the 2Sth day of January.
If tho democrats do not succeed beforo
that date In ousting the republican repre
sentatives whose seats are contested, they
cannot defeat Senator Warren. The house
had adjourned without first appointing an
election commltteo to take up the con
tests and tho democrats had deprived
themselves of what, from their point of
view, must be throe T)f the most valuable
days of tho session. In their hurry to
adjourn tho representatives entirely over
looked the fact that It was tho date for
both houses to hear the governor's message.
Immfcdlacly after the adjournment ex
cited groups of politicians gathered in
the lobbies and discussed the situation.
speaker Pratt disclaimed any advance
knowledge of the proceedure which he
admitted to be a republican victory. Ills
attitude continues to puzzle both sides
Ho absolutely refused to state whether or
not ho -will vote ror Senator Warren and
or. him and Representative Munson will
rest tne responsibility for whatever
occurs. N
Oeorte"W. Brown.
CEDAR "RAPIDS, Neb.. Jan. 17.-(Sne-
ciai.j ueorge W. Brown died at his home
In this city Tuesday afternoon at
o'clock, death being due to dropsy.
Mr. Brown was born in- Harrison
county. Ohio, March 9, .1842. Ho enlisted
In, Company K, Sixty-ninth infantry and
served the last three years of the. civil
war. At tho close ofi the war he taught
school for six years, the lost year nt
Columbus, Neb. Alter an eight residence
there he moved'to BoOne "county and set'
tied on Timber creek. .His residence In
tho Cedar valley dates back to 1876. He
leaves a widow and threo children.. They
are Miss Clara Brown of this place; Mrs,
Perkins of Omaha and E. G. Brown of
II. R. IS, bv Hardin or Harlan Pro
vldes lor election or police Judge In 1911
Instead or In 11, by code commission.
II. IL 1ST. by Hardin ot HtrUuv-'o
abolish off-year elections, by recodifying
II. .11. IS), by the Coda Committee De
fines, cold atornge warehouse. Provides
for licensing rtcoras ot articles stored
CHILLICOTHE, Mo., Jan. 17.-Mrs.
Edna Slbert, aged 70, 'was granted a di
vorce from Henry Slbert, aged 75, today
on plea ot nonsupport and a contention
Sat she "did not want his name on her
mbstone." Her maiden name, Edna
Wiley, was restored. The Slberts had
been separated twenty-eight years. Both
are of old families prominent in Living
stone county.
Provides punishment for crime ot sodomy,
a. I'. 87 (statute revision commission)
Places alt state buildings not under the
board ot control In charge or the etato
land commissioner.
8. F. S3 (statute revision clmmlsslon)
verification or legal papers oy non-resi
8. F. 89 (statute revision commission)
Relates to procedure in actions before
lustlcea of the tieace.
B. F. 90, by Cordeal ot Red Willow
Kmpioyes ot an corporations in state to
be paid at least twice a tnomn.
S. F. 91. by 1 loan land of Lincoln Re.
lates to dower and courtesy under will
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
J Business Success.
atentlicr of Donslna DeleKntlon Snya
.-Mot Knocking1.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 17.-(Sneolal.l-Fn
ter or Dougjas county deBlres it to ho
mado known to tho pcoplo or Omaha that
ho Is not dissatisfied with his commit
tees, Sugarman to the contrary notwlth
standing, but he Is entirely satisfied nnd
has dpno no knocking on any member of
the Douglas delegation because., of anv
dluogreenicnt bver comnMtteo asslcn.
nients, , . -J .-
Hoff of Douglas Js very much nut out
over tho interviews and" statements cred
ited to Sugarman published in a co'unlo
of Omaha papers, reflecting on the major
ity or tne delegation. Hoff insists that
Sugarman ran no better in tho resident
wards of Omaha than he did in tho lower
ards and ran behind tho delegation In
tho upper wards. Ho Insists it tho others
of tho delegation stole their elections,
then Governor Morehcad must have stolen
his votes there, because he received 2,000
moro majority than did tho members of
tho delegation.
Hoff insists that the action of these
two newspapers tends, to discredit the
delegation with 'the members from out
In tho state and that all the talk being
published Is untrue.
For many years Mr. Brown was the
leading lawyer and auctioneer in Cedar
Rapids and a prominent figure In local
Funeral services were held iyestorday
nftcmoon at 2 o'ejock at the '.Episcopal
church. The local Grand Army f the
Republic post, of which deceased was
member, acted as a guard ot ihonor.
8. T. I.I on.
. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special.
S.- T. Linn, an carlyt .pioneer of this
region, who' camo to tjits viclnltyuabout
the i-year.. 1863, died. at the rest(ojco ot
his. daughter, Mrs.' W.' N. ayerns, at
Adams," Neb., at 10 a. m. Thursday, after
an Illness ot only a few day?. Mr. IJnn
waS born in Ohio, July 3, 1830. At an early
ago he removed with his, parents .to 'Taze
well county, Illinois, coming. frOmJTnere
to tho Nemaha valley. He was tne son
Olemenceau Insults .
Poincaire at Opening
of National Congress
VERSAILLES. France. Jan. 17.-Pre-
mler Raymond Pol near e was Insulted by
ex-Premier George Cletnenceau at the
opening today of the National Congrcst
for the election ot a president. M. Poln.
caro at once appointed Arlstlde Brland.
the minister ot JUstloe, and L. L. Klotz,
minister ot finance, to act as his seconds
and to arrange a duel.
The Incident between Poincare nnil
Clcmenceau, arose out ot a letter sont by
tho former premier to M. Poincare, the
contents of which were considered offen
sive by M. Poincare.
Tho premier promptly sent his two sec
onds to aBk for an explanation and .un
less this should prove satisfactory uridcr
the customs of France tho Incident will
result in a duel.
During the proceedings or the National
Asiembty George Clcmenceau mado a
satisfactory explanation to M. Brland and
M. Klotr, -who had been sent to him. by
Premier Poincare relative to the letter
he received last evening from the ex
premier. The incident is therefore con
sidered closed.
Deputy A. de Monzie and Paul Boncour,
former minister ot labor, also quarreled
in the corridors of the palace ot Ver-
sallies, as a result of which M. Monzie
sent his seconds to M. Boncour.
Parcel Post Profits
Will Make Penny
Postage Possible
TRENTON, tfl J., Jan. 17. Representa
tive Davtd J. Lewis or Maryland, author
ot the houso bill from which the present
parcel post law originated urged President-elect
Wilson today to appoint ns
postmaster general "a competent master
of postal. and transportation economies."
Mr. Lowls suggested no names, but
pointed out In, a memorandum submitted
to Mr. Wilson that without additional
funds or legislation the Pos toff Ice depart
ment within four years, could establish
rates for the movoment of small ship
ments at one-halt the present express
rates. By making the rural routes rela
tively profitable "through use of- fast
freight he said penny postage would be
Colonel George W. Gocthals. chairman
of the Panama Canal commission," had a
long talk with President-elect Wilson tit
day and urged him to go to the canal ct
the earliest posslblo moment. The gov
ernor said ho would like to go, but cduld
not say when he would.
Capt.JVTarkwood, "
Veteran of Several
Wars, Passes Away
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Captaln.Wos-loy
Markwood, said to have been the. old
est native borri inhabitant of the District
of Columbia, was buried hero today. Tin
veteran's exact age was not known even
to hlmseir, but he had served the govern
ment for seventy years and had a stirring
career in the army and navy, serving In
the early Indian troubles In Texas, the
war with Mexico and tho civil -war.
Because of an altercation wlth-hia su
perior ofricer Markwood was forced to
quit the ormy in huvyouth. but hi nulckly-re-enlisfeirin
timo'tor the'Moifcih wUr
under ' the,' riamo 6t Samuel. H. 'Walker.
Believed to have been killed at the battle
of Huamatana citizens ot San Antonio
erected a monument to his memory and
i the legislature later named a countr "afti
of John Linn and a nephew or Elder ln,m Captain Markwood was connoctot
Richard Linn, early pioneers ot this val- w.llb the Department ot Agriculture Up
ley. He leaves three children, Mrs. W. N.
Kerns of Adams, Neb.; Mrs.. Nell Lemon,
of Oklahoma, and W, M. Linn of Table
Rock. The funeral services will be held
In the Christian ohurch hero Saturday
forenoon. "'
Osenr Sherman. Glfford.
SIOUX' FALLS, S. D.. Jon. 17.-Oscar
Sherman Glfford, twice territorial dele
gate to congress from Dakota territory
and representative in congress , from
South Dakota in the Forty-ninth, Fiftieth
and Fifty-first congresses, died at his
homo in Canton, near here, late today.
Culls from the Wire
Captain Roald Amundsen, Admiral
Robert E. Peary and Lieutenant Sir
Ernest Shackleton of the British navy
were guests of honor at a reception by
tho Arts club in Philadelphia.
An - Increase In the value of bread
stuffs and cotton, and a marked decline
of meats- and food animals were the
features ot tho the exports or 1911, which
broke nil records ror total value.
to a year .ago.
Pujo Asks Contempt
Warrant for Henry
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Chairman
Pujo or tho house money trust committee
testified before the federal grand Jury
today asking the indictment tor contempt
of George G. Henry, a New York broker.
who reruscd to tell the committee the
names ot twenty-four national bank of
ficers, who, ho said, profited $00,000 In
a syndicate for floatation ot California
Petroleum stock. Henry and his coun
sel contend the committee has no au
thority to inquire Into the banks' affairs.
The case promises to go to the supreme
Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE.
Cures a Cold, la One Day. Cures Grip In
Two Days. 2Sc Advertisement.
Sale Human
24-in. Natural Wavy
Switohes, worth $3
at $2.50
Hair Goods
18, 20 ibs 24 Inch
Switches, Half Price
18-inch Natural "Wavy Hair Switches,
worth $1, for 50c
20-inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches,
$2 values, at , $1
24-inch Washable
Hair Bolls, worth
$1, at 50c
Extra large size
Silk Nets, at 2
for 5c
v f :
Ventilated Trans
formations $40
values, at ...$20
Hairdressing, Manicuring, Shampooing anil Massaging. Appointments made by phone.