16 TIIIJ BfcK: OMAHA, SATl I'DAY, JAN TAR V 1 vm Open I mil o i. m Satur-tiny. Here are Great Bargain lts for Saturday ill Don't I ana All I K H et your j)oy B,op tilrough jm aT' &m this snow nnd Blush in TWO SPECIALS WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Robespierre Collars lu black and colors, fancy luce stocks, frCncy net and shadow laco Jabots. Dutch collars, otc. bdds and unds from our fin er grades, i s at each . . .... iUC VEILS AND SCARFS Headed Chiffon Veils and mercerized silk muff Hcarfs In colors, dots, figured nnd Persian designs - an end less arlety worth up to 7tc, on sale. pe nt each J Women's Pure Thread Silk foot Hose at 50c Pair Wide lisle garter tup?, lisle double boles, high spliced heels nnd toes; also mercerized pi Ik lisle hose in blaek, lan, Ilile mid color?. Women's Fine Silk Boot Hosiery at 29c the Pair Wide lisle garter tops, litUc double soles, high spliced heels and toes; also fancy silk enibroi dered bool patterns in plain lisle hose. Women's and Misses' Cotton and Mercerized Lisle Hose Also fleece lined and w ool hose, with double soles, heel nnd toes, and hoys' and girls' fine and heavy ribbed cotton and wool hosiery, t m at, per pair HOC SI BABY ow 8Unl)es "l velvet, plush, bearskin, f A PC A ,,oadcloths nud corded silks in black, vArb ftlfl vhilo and colors all linod and dnin HOODS t5,v tnn,11od actually worth uj to tfi.uu; an sizes, OcS fiEUV at each at 25c Wemea's Long White Kid Gloves at $1.59 the Pair 12 anoMG-butlon lengths in French kid and lambskin, with 3 clasp fasteners and singlo row of embroidery worth to $3.00; on bargain scpinrc, at the pair. .$1.59 WOBIEN'S $1.50 MITTENS, PAIR, 09c Made of genuine fleece lined, Arabian iriocha in grey, blaokand "brown - 1 clasp fasteners all sizes, worth to $1.50; at a pair . .59c FINAL DAY OF OUR CLEAN-UP SHOE SALE On Main Floor Old Store Boys' Shoes All new lasts in the best makes worth up to $3.00; at per pair $1.48 Men's Shoes Mostly srrinll sizes tan and black values up to $4.00, at $1.98 Men's High Out Shoes -worth $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 all sizes. . . .$3.50 Boys' High Out Shoes Tan and blaek all sizes -t $1:98 Children's Shoes In rog ular tops, Trooper or .Tockoy stylos worth to $2.00 - at 98c Infants' Shoes Plain and fancy tops worth up tq $2.00 - at 98l5 Women's Shoes Mostly small sizes, but .exceptional values; worth up to $5.U0, at . , . . .,. $1.98 Specially Priced Ivory Soap, TOILET GOODS 25c Graves ' tooth pow der'.. 12c 25e bottle P e v oxido, at .... 7v Fairy Soap, t h e cake, at .. 3V&C5 Mb 20-Mule Team borax for ... 9c Toilet Goods 25c Outicura sop ..,.. 20c 10c William's shaving soap, for 3V$c 25c Sanitol tooth wash 12c 2oo Colgate's tooth powder, for 15o 5 0 o Milk Wood cream asc ?1 Pompolan mas sage cream , .OOa 3 Go Poqd'a Vanish ing cream . . ,17c COc Vollot Ambro powder 85c $1 Violet Loulsotto powder ..... COc Violet Dulce pow der 50c :iuc Sanitol tooth pow dor .. 14c 50o J a v a. Itico p o w dor . . 19c th o at cake, 3y2c 10c Shinola por h. o x, at .... 6c REXALL Preparations Cod Liver Oil Bmul- aton 7Uo Orderlies, 10c, 25c and 30o 50c. Kldnoy romedy, for lffo f 1 Every Day tonic, for 7Uc Patent Medicines 60c Scotfa Mmul- slon , -15c 1-pt. Beef, Wine and Irou 50c 60o" Swamp Itoot, for 4Bc 3Gc Castorla.. 112c 60c Sal Hopatlcu, for rlc II Duffj's Pure Malt 89c f 1 Lydla Plnkham's Vogetublo O o m- pound 80o l Peruna ... .80c Rubber Goods 7Gc8cott hot water bottle ...... 5t)c 7Gc Fountain pyr in so 50c combination uyrlngo nn'd hot water bottle, 80o III douche, specltd, at $2.25 75c rubber gloves, for 10c Camera Dep't. 9 tubes M. Q do voloper ..... 25c 15c pkg. cld Hypo, for ......... Oc Ulg Reduction on Seneca Cameras H post card Sen eca camera . , .$a $10 Seneca viow camera, slzo Gx 8H, at . . .$10.no $30 lantern alldo projector. $22.50 $18 lantern elide projoctor, $14.25 Next Monday Great Bargain Sensation Sale of Damaged Linens 200,000 Yards of Slightly Damaged and Water Soiled Linens, Bought from S. Steinfeldt & Co., fiHw York, -on Sale at Bargains Never Before v Powibl. Bed Spreads, Table Cloths, Napkins, Table Damask, .Towels, etc. Some are Slightly Soiled Others are Spotlew and Perfect. lot your boy slop through this snow nnd slush In leaky, cheap shoos. Have him fitted with a pair of our S TEEL HOD HOES tomorrow. Keep your shoo expense down to the minimum. Thcso shoes will outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. Hoys 1 to G $2.50 Little Qonta', 10 to 13, nt $2.00 man cuts According to size, $2.50 to $4.50 DREXEL 1419 Paruam St. (mam The RICH, APPETIZDfG - ad HEALTH BUILDING Breakfast Food Made from the heart 61 4be Rye, which tests prove contain more energy and "vitality producing proper ties than any other food. Have you asked your yrocr for your package? esttttsoofa'i Ctrtsl Commit, MiniMpslti Some, Papplt Live to Eat uuierH eui to live. Whichever It may bo. It Is -all a force of Mbit, mixed with a little necessity, v cIobo obHervor woulil say; Jud- the " tl10 W"y tlm "ltro,,s f Belmont Restaurant thorn Umt " lB ",e for,nor wl loie sooon street Opsn all night. O. IT. BAXIi Proprietor, took for th Urn eleotrlo stffn. AMUHKMUKTS. "OMAHA'S rilW CBHTBK." " Z&Ctitf4T7 aT t., 15-83-600 aat loajo Tor Joy, JOLLY FOLLIES BZTXATAOANZA AND VAUDSVTCT.H Phil Ott. Vrnk (HuU) Wllllamaon. Allco Laxar ant? the Moat Ueautlfully coa. turned Chorua Tills Buason. u,,y -0B LKlUi' Diana Matins BTtry Wssk u,,. JJOUOSAB ST. AT EtOHiBBK Hyton TaudTlU includes ).. . Quartet: llrnnU. a t'",Pa. Alpine Olive Carew: !, " "'""at., & Dorr; Jock liur ton; HIppoBcopo I'lc tures. a-rom a to St at 7 and a ao VSIU TXB aosxs oo. Balljr. BRANDEIS THEATER. Sec irmii,f.iLj-jijil m. Win- ll Thl"' Annual Clearance SaBe MEN'S FURNISHINGS Hntunlay IiirIiim our t'lcnrnnce Sale of .Men's f.ciisonnhlc furnishliiBS at price that will startle you. It will pay you to attend this sale. l'tirc Silk How Tics, i o 1 ... X 2 Mon'a DrcBH Shlrtfl, Including blue chambray Btylos, COc je and 7Cc grados uOC Genuine .Derby ribbed union suits, $1.25 quality, 171 at Q C All our neckwear that sold up to 36c, at.-. . Men's Hose, puro Bilks nnd iiaics; 3Ec quality. 15c silk nt A2h Imitation French Flannel Shirts, military collar, $1.00 a r quality, at ,. ,.4oC Fancy Hose, all colors. 20c qualify, at Choice Men's Wool Underwear that hns sold up to $1.50, rr at garment 0vC 9c 25c qualities, at Choice of all our silk knit tlc3, 29c that sold to 75c, at Men's Fancy Knitted Coats, military collars, $2.00 values, at Mcjq'b Derby ribbed and fleeced underwear, reg ular 75c grade, at Our regular 15c garters Saturday, for Jersey Sweaters in nay maroon, $1.00 quality, for Sweater 98c wool, 39c 5c blue or 48 c Btylcs, Men's Flannel Shirts, new nil colors, Jl.&o OO quality , tOC OFF 6N ALL Suits "d Overcoats Pants Specials Hundreds of pairs ofj Men's and Young Men's Pants, conservative and peg top atyle, $2.50 nnd $3 00 values; Saturday at, d OC per pair .... J) 1 .OO Chickens llic Pork Roast 9c Tlio liwt of tho Uankrupt Grocery Stock of B. Altiuati on Sale nt llio I'oiiowing j-riccs. Urocn htainiw also. Follow the crowds and save 40 R 5c cann milk 35o Cliplce prunes. 11) Bo bv VK&b. niatchen ...3Uo 10c pkKS. outtnenl , 7o 10c coriiHtarrh 40 10c Defiance starch 7o 25c Cnliimot lialdnK powder ....17o IDp cuiih tomatoes 90 i 10c cniiB corn, pcaa, hominy, pump kin 36c 4 lbs. aeedleRB raisins a So R lbs outrr.val 35o 24-lb. sacks best flour Mo MEAT DEPARTMENT Choice steak, lb 100 3 lbs. lamb chops 2Go Foro'iunrters lumb 6U0 lllridquartcrs lamb Tuo I'ork cjKJps, lb .....14c h. C. Cal. hams ll4o No. 1 skinned hams ..." l-lc H. O. bacon 14 Ho d-ii). pan ira 39c 6-lb. pull lard 490 10-lb. pull lard 990 Hutterlne, lb 13V4c Creamery butter, lb 30o 48 lb. XXXX flour 51.10 Potatoes, bushel .. 55c Onions, bushel BOo N. y. Crenm cheese ..19c 20c cutis plums 90 UU.00 urecn mumps with 1 lb. irreett Tea goo $5.00 Green Stamns with 3 lbs. best coffee 91.00 200 Orecn Stamps with 1 lb. Itumford iHiKiitK power 35c Mall Orders Sam Prices. Writ for Fries list. ' Boston Meat (Si Grocery Co. 113 Wo. lGtU St. 3 Phones, D 1089. Our Prices Can't Be Beat Remember This Is Only a Few of Our Bargains rz.oux TLovn Just for one day, Saturday, we will sell our IHrIi Urado Purity Flour tho best flour 011 tho n.nrkct; every pound guaranteed or your money buck; In 48-lb. sack, for. .... .91.10 Crax, Crax Soda or Oyster, fresh and crisp, 20-lb. box, per lb..;.Bo 30o Hrooin ig0 10c nice, lb i..Bo lOo White California FIks 4o 20c KiiKllsh Wnlntlta loo Can Houp, Armours or P. & W., 10c kind for ; -, ,.5o Fresh Dread uvery day, 3 loaves,, lOo Buttorlno, 2 lbs. for 3Bo Fancy Country Creamery Uutter., 29o Fresh Kkrs. per dozen lBV4c $1,500 of all kinds of Tobacco, smok ing or chewing, at half price. Dananas, per dozen 10c MEAT SPECIALS Neck Hones, 7 lbs. for 350 Liver, per lb Bo of I.iimb, per lb 9Uq Hamburger Steak, per lb .100 Homo Made SuusuKe, per lb 100 Flank Steak, por lb. ., 15c 10-lb. pall Lurd 81.03 Home Made Mince Meat, lb 100 Jack Hubblts, 0 to 7 lbs. eneh.,.35o The Lange Grocery Co. 24tlv and Cuming Streets Tel. Douglas 1530 Did you draw, a mouth? You will have another chance to show your skill beginning WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd Watch for it Prizes ia the first contest will be announced Sunday MjHitai AX BJUB BUKTOW COLLVEH (Xno.) Pi.,,, MME. EMMA CALVE and BIOSOB OAlttEO OASPABBI In Sosnes from "aruid Opsras" m Oostum and with 3&el?l Sosnsry and Concert ; uaaua, Pianist ricssi 3, 91.80. 7ao'nd 60c, Bnnday. 4 day. Th Bohemian cart" BOYD'S-LOOO Seats, 25 AW SEASON TXE VAUOKAU O LASER PLAVrvn Sonurh. aat. Mat. an ft xi?t B THE LOTTERY MAN V - nsband. tWs-HBABTgBABE Krug Theater KT-.1 . fn-M I " auj tflgbt, 8)30 AUTO GIRLS Country Stor Priflay KIht taol... DaUy Dlm, Matin. Mvueii Vndcvilit - JfoU Early Curtain Xonlrht SilS Sharp ' 8A1X KAHN, VUu rftjous ConidlAii THIS WILL INTEREST YIN INTXRTED QAM LAMP Equipped with Import ed Opuline Squat Globe and S elf Lighting At tachment, 91.75 Delivered. JOHNSON LAMP GO. eak1- Kt Vmn Dow lVtO. M3t . IHk St. m til TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Ucat In the Weal. Tll.WEI- tlo you want to save 10c to 25c on every suck of Klour you buy' Then buy it from Bosnblum, Heat! these prices and compare tliem with the price you liavo been paying. BLUE BEIiXi, BU2TXZST, A I n fl WASKBUBS-CBOBIIT OOI.D A n USD AX, VTT.Ii" ' BS8T QUABAirrBBD 81.10 , Diamond C Soap. 10 bars aSo Bst Ornnulanui . tubnoii,ore. three puckugva tor k- Quaker Oats. 3 pkifs. fr ase Unda Blsonlt, three boxes for 10c I-urgo cans Tomatoes ..loo Pet Milk, 3 large cans 25o , T)lfV lilcrA 1 . 1 .1 u 1 V. .. 4" nr. lncy sliced Peaches, lurge ean....,15o Phone orders promptly delivered. Ve deliver to nearly all parts of city. L. ROSENBLUM Bitter Orocris for Z.xs Xonar. 10th and Burt Bts. 808 Wo. 16th. Twln Bcrew ARCADIAN 14,120 tpns Dlsp. 8.93 ReCd The Lareest and Finest Steamer to BERMUDA Itouad Trip. t A up. ttt iliu uoltutr!. Feb. 4 TlcktU Utrchtst4 with Quabta S.S.CO Programme (Hoyal Mall III Folder) ;ontalnlE Mapa and details of 33 ilfferent tours to PANAMA, JAMAICA, CL'IIA may be had on application The Kojal Mull Steaui Packet Co. SANDERSON & SON.. Qen. Ast j So. LaSalle Bt, Chicago, or any local steamship ticket aeent Phon Boaflaa eaaa. I-MJEJ Have You Ever Tried owui s jrremium Oleomargarine Then how do you know you wouldn't like it? It is a pure, wholesome spread for bread. It is made in factories that are always open to YOUR inspection. Every pound is produced under the watchful eye of the Government. Don't let sentiment stand in the way of a substantial saving on your food bills. Try one pound of Swift's "Premium" Oleo margarine. You will continue to use it. Made only by Swift & Company,. S. A. Pig Pork Loins, 11. 11c fciteer Pot Roust 8c and 7c Steer Steak, 3 Jbs. for 25c Veal Hoast 10c Youug Veal Chops... 10c Young Veal Stcw x Steer Porterhouse Steuk Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for. .25c Lamb Legs 9c Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for i 25c No. 1 Hams 14;;iC No. i Bacon ...'.'...150 Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens .15c 31 lbs. best suffar 91.00 48-lb. sack best brands flour, 81.15 XXXX flour 31.00 lEc large cans tomatoes or salmon at lOo 10 bars D. C.flr H. fe. A. soap 35c PkR. creamery butter, lb 35c Best country butter, lb 30c 25c hutterlne, 2-lb. rolls 40c -'Oo buttorlne, 2-lb. rolls 35c Koyal Dlcnd coffee, lb 25o COAL! 4 JOc cans corn or sardines .. 35o 7 5c cans milk 350 26c pkp. oats. Gold Dust, pancake flour, Itumford baking powder or Snlder's catsup ia0 5o spices or tollot soap. 3 for .7l0c 10c pkes. mince meat, raisins, oats, spaghetti or JeJl-o 7540 Cc matches or tooth picks, 2 for 3o 2 10c cans Dutch Cleanser, lye. hominy, pork and beanB. apple butter or soups 15c We can deliver prompt COAL! Public Market Special, hand screened 5.oo Arkansas Hard Coal for furnace -' to.uu 1 iurnace ...S3. 50 xuiiiiiL uiutn, uio fci.iiunic ..90.au 1 iiunois Lump, ligg: anu Nut 9G00 DELIVERY WAQOHS LEAVE AT 10:30 A. M. and 3 PM. 1111 HAR-I KEY ST. rhoaes; Douglas 27(13 DoBglas 2144 tnd. A-2147 if When an Omahan Hears the Word Alamito The first thing he thinks of is purity and safety and then milk. Order by Phone Douglas 411 TRAOt HARK REG. U.S. PATENT Or PICE They -can imitate, but they cannot equal the whole someness of Tip-Top Bread It now is covered with sanitary , paperdust proof, germ proof ' and absolutely clean. Tip-Top Bread Is the bread of health; eaten by thousands. It's the bread for you. Order of your grocer, U. P. Steam Baking Co