Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1913, Page 13, Image 14

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Vegetable People
He hrought 1110 u bunch of violets th9
English boy who Is vtsltltic us great
mile, fragrant violets, hcavv with
Itw and as sweet ub the memory of our
we 'loved hi earlv youth
Violets. sweet
weet violet,, and.
I In" Whole i-trept
whs., full of puta
fc ps and cabbages
slid bepts and tur
ii'I's. nud things
that he might have
bought. I'm Rind
ho didn't do It
Violets! Some
Union I am In dan
ger of forgetting
that thorn urn
such things. I look
t onions ntul car
roti and potatoes
nnd think what's
for '-'dinner till 1 don't even renumber
that somewhere down In the brown
earth the flowers are asleep, waiting
Iqi Spring to call them from their deep
bids." I hate, that, don't you? 1 don't bo
llovej that It pnys.
tiktiow many people vrgetable people
thai -never thinks of anything that Isn't
useful something to eat or drink or
wear.' Poor things, poor things; what a
lot "they missed, don't they?
.-'Minever read novels," said a eros old
woman to me the other day. "1 haven't
time to waste." and she pursed up her
djeagreeablo mouth and looked virtu
ously at me out or the corners of her
fculf-righteous eyes as If she were proud
of whatshe hud Just said.
"Never read novels!" What life
what a life! Shut up In the little, nar
row, dark room of her own experience
when all those beautiful doors are open
wide to her if ohe'd only turn tho
handle of them by opening the book
case at the right time.
.Are you tired? Come, let's wander far
Afield with Burroughs and sit under a
shady maple on the edge of the green
woods nnd, wonder with him It It Is
'going to rain.
Are you bored? There's Mark Tapley
right thero at the first turning to tho
rlnht, down by the book of red falrv
tales. He'll cheer you up.
-Is life a wearisome round of "musts'
and "ought tos?" Come, let's go Into
Wondorland with Alice; the White Rab
bit Is such entertaining company
I like to spend an afternoon with the
princes -and her maids onco In a while,
don't you? What princess? Oh. nny of
them, so long as she has fair hair and
rosy cheeks and a lace frock shot with
stiver and a crown of sparkling gems
and a poor swineherd for a sweetheart.
,,AVhat food she eats, the princess in
Hie red book ambrosia and honey'
ftow all tho fountains where sho sits
with her maidens fair sparkle and
'gleam!'" What enchanting- rosea.-bloom
for her, .what dejiglittul jongfl. this blrs
In' tho rose tree sing! Qh, but a princess
Is lovely company for a dull day!
' Poor-woman, so you never read novels?
1 supposo you'd think me crazy If you
saw me poring over Aladdin and his
wonderful lamp and wishing I had a
lamp just HUo that one In the story,
wouldn't you.?
' Violets, not for you: what good are.
.they, pray tell? Just Imprisoned sun
Rhine, living dew and nlr and fragrance,
just the smllo of tho Great Giver of all
-A letter frjm an old friend of mine will
gladden my heart for hours. I suppose
my practical friend who "never reads''
wouldn't even stop to open the envelop",
unless she thought that thero was some
thing In It about money and how to
get It.
A smllo from a rosy baby! Why It's
jrtorth walking blocks to get on a dull,
cloudy morning. There's no money In
ily though, so it doesn't amount to much
fn some eyes.
Hark! What 1b that? It sounds like
bells, silver bells chiming In tho moon
light under the Jusmlne flowers. Popf
Was that a yellow primrose opening by
the light of tho stars? All tho llttlo four
o'clocks.are fast asleep, but you can tell
whero they sit along tho edge of tho
path by the perfume of them.
Ah, thero are the tiger lilies, tall and
angry, close to the flowery flox. AVliat
"a. pretty plug row that Is! You can tell
It oven by starlight. "Ring:ting, I wish
that- I was primrose, a pretty yellow
primrobe, a-blowlng In the sun."
What a sweet chlnio- that was! How
It makes tho stupid city streets over
Tong-tlng-tlng-tlng. Why. It's nothing
hut a little boy striking two bits of glass
together. Seo how ho laughs to hear the
Chlmo, chime. Jingle. Jingle, ring, ting,
tihg. Now he shutB his laughing ey'ei
Ah, Yes! That Happy Home
x J ( . I I jj
A HAqm ammmjmm OOWM' ) If thupiw-i L J V Hf 1 r T I J '
JL. ty.'i-n around v 1 k Y 1 I )
and Flower Talk
and blows out his rosv checks, like one
who blown bubbles, King, ting, ehlnie.
chime. Ho can't stand still for the Joy
of It.
Throw It awaj. little boy; throw It
pwav. and all your prettv dreams with
it. It's nothing but a. bit of broken gins
and wouldn't fetch even one penny In tlir
What. ou won't'.'
You love the chimes
and the rh vines
:uul tho furawuy cllsh,
r'asb oi if You like It better than tho
j.UBle of pennies "'in a Hunk? What .1
stupid little box! Why, you'll never be a
man a rent man if you keep on Uki?
Von lo.c music and booKs, and flowers.
t icl iipliKlit. and tltn soft sparkle of
the -tars and you'll love to live, Just to
Uc n i hoKltliv child loves It. and
when die those thnt you leave be
hind win cry bitterly. Hut they will find
nothing in the chests but sunshine and
sweet memories. What a disappoint
tlx nt'
No, no, little boy. this will never, never
do. You must be "practical.'' You must
love money and land and bonds and box
gains and lents.
Violets, nll'puilile mid sWeet with dew,
I'm glad the ttuglish boy brought them
to me Instead of buying some pottitoei
for tomorrow's dinner. Uut then 1 am
Impractical, like the little boy with tho
chiming glass-very Impractical and I
don't get much out of life hut the mete
joy of living. It is terrible to be made
so. Isn't It?
Very rich nnd elegant evening gown of
ruby velvet and Bohomlnn lace. The
chief part of tho gown happily mixes
tho old princess gown and tho pannier
effect. Tho front Is cut on the bias and
the velvet forms a short ovcr-lapplng
skirt which crosses In front and dips
down lu back where tho drapery is tfaught
by a baud of skunks which also out
lines the front. The bodlco front and
back Is of silk uiusljn of tho sumo color,
covered by an emplcccment of Bohemian
lace, slightly blduslng and gathered' at
the walstllno by a girdle of draped vel
vet, fastened by a round buckle, of straps
with long ends. Tho emplecchient fallB
ycry low under tho skirt hiding the drapery.
, I Daily Fashions
Follow Instructions of Gaby Deslys and
Become a Rival of That Famous Beauty
Here I am once again writing to ou
about beauty.
1 should hesitate to do so If it were
not a Mb'ot aoout which eer
ts keenly Interested, and which also oc
cupies the mind of man good deal of
the time.
I am willing to write about to
(.'vulgo those secrets which have helped
me gain my reputation for good looks,
and when I speak about, my o n looks, (
iinucrsiann mat i no it in the most im
personal way.
To be beautiful, at least-to be a,s beau
tiful as I can be. Is a matter of the ut
.most importance to me because It helps
me in my work. My looks first attracted
the attention of t the public toward nie,
and It was due to such looks as I had
that I gained the approbation of tho
I am above all else u business woniuu
Intent on earning a certain sum of
money which will secure me complete
j independence from hard work when tin I
I time arrives when 1 shall be no longer
joiing. pret'lj and full rf health and vi
tality, rfml- no longer have the good
I rortuno to please the public.
There Is a great difference between tho
attitude of fthe so-called professional
biauty and the beautiful woman In tho
ordinary and more sheltered walks of
life toward tills question of beauty
T once heard the most beautiful actiess
in America, say that her reputation for
beauty was a sort of Iron ball to which
she was always chained, and which mado
her a slave. "If 1 should be seen In pub
lic, even once, with my hair badly ilti-
, dulated and a shiny nose. It would cost
trie an enormous amount of money, be
, cuueo people would say: 'Dear inc. how
j she's gone off In looks.' and that would
1 affect the box office, which In turn would
1 affect my .salary."
I So this very Intelligent woman who
I often would have preferred to spend her
time In other ways, who would like to
have kept up with all that was best In
modern Ilteratuio. who was immensely
Philanthropic and would have liked to
give somo attention to charitable work
spends almost all her life takli.g cure of
her beauty and sho admits that It Is
drudgery pure and simple.
If she were not ft beauty and did not
devote most of her attention to her looks,
however, she could not earn the largo
sums of money which she gives Jo charity,
i.or would sho bo able to help young and
ttruggllng artists and writers.
Hcauty Is a business asset, but tho
lfo of the professional beaijty Is not tho
gay butterfly existence It jis pictured to
be, but one o't painstaking, system'utlc
care, which necessitates abstaining from
most of the things one would like to eat.
not doing most of the things one would
like to do.
Kor thero Is no elixir of youth, no
fountain of beauty. They ate tho result
of intelligent and systematic care of the
body, nnd the modern beuuty. provldnig,
of course, she has some foundation of
good looks to start With, studies the mat
ter scientifically and becomes beautiful
by dint of hard work.
In France we say: "You must suffer
to bo beautiful." That was because In
olden times women did so many ridicu
lous and barbarous tilings to enhance
their complexion. They put clothes pins
on their nosir., and compresses of raw
beef over their faces which could have
been anything but pleasant.
Today the proverb could Ijo changed
you must work to be beautiful.
I have been reading a great deal about
eugenics lately In the dally papers. I
take It that this means tho production of
r perfect race,, governed by all the known
laws of health and hygiene. Kugonlc
babies ought to grow up Into beautiful
men and women, for beauty gets Its real
start In babyhood.
Of course, I know that many famous
beauties have come from the most
wretched and even squalid beginnings.
Still, as a general rule, the child whose
advent was longed for, whose babyhood
was carefully watched and guarded over
by love and affection and whose early
training was Intelligent and even scienti
fic, hus the best chance to grow up to
happy and healthy maturity.
Happiness Is the dancing partner of
beauty. They can hardly be dissociated;
where you have a happy child you gener
ally have a pretty one. But the little girl
who is gloomy and sad Is involuntarily
lli'tiuty s a uuslm-hH uvpet. but tho
gay butterfly uxl.stcuco It Ih plcluicil
casting her features Into a look of settled
melancholy or discontent. Neither of
thso Is beautiful.
Ho It wo arc to start out with the
secrets of beauty, let Us begin ut the very
beginning with a happy childhood.
It Ib said that the women of tho hard
laboring classes uge prematurely. Nat
urally, they must, for long beforo they
havn reached an age whero tho normal
child could understand about serious
things, like work nnd responsibility, thoy
have taken their load of tho family bur
den and are already hard at work plod
ding nnd tolling to support their meagrn
A long, slow and very gradual develop
ment, both of tho physical nnd mental,
aro needed to store up vitality und health
which will he used to make tho future
In the meantime there ate all kinds
of sports and oxerches to dovclop the'
llttlo body and bring It to its highest point
of perfection.
If a child is not properly formed almost
any Imperfection can bo overcome If
taken young enough and systematically
worked at.
Kyes that are crossed can be mado nor
mal; and we have In France, just as I am
sure you have here, many schools whero
gymnastics are taught for children under
the supervision of a doctor, who exam
ines the children catefully and gives them
the. exercises needed to correct whatever
Imperfections they muy have.
Don't forget that the foundation of
beauty Is laid hqfore one Is 10 years old,
and see that you aro not neglecting the
1113, International Ncwi HervWe.
professional beaut) W nut the
child thut Is In your chic and who will
never forglvo you If sho Iiiih been dented
her shaio of health and good looks.
y WIMilAM If. KlltK.
When tho sky seems lower, somehow,
closing duwn to shut me In,
Closing down to roof a prison full of
sorrows and of sin.
There's a book I always worship, as a
mother loves her own,
And 1 con Its pages over when I have It
nil alone.
For th- liein t that's full of sunnhlne or
the stricken heart that yearns
What a mine of priceless nuggets are the
songs of nobble Hums!
Countlehs Hps with grief have straight
eiied. countless lips with mirth have
cm led.
Hlneo the coming and the going of th
I'lowboy of tho World;
Hut the lines he fashioned lightly hold a
deep and deathless spell
O'er tho mortals who are gropliiR through
the world he knew so well
Just a honnlu boy who watbled of his
Scottish hills nnd lakes,
He was worshiped for his rciiIus; he
was loved for his mistakes.
How Hypocrisy was riddled by the shoM
lie fired so. well!
How ho sang Ids songs of Heaven while
he laughed nt threats of Hell!
I.lttle babies eoiild command him, but no
monarch had control
Of his woiindi-iuis bialn und manhood, or
his stormy, troubled soul.
Sometimes strays my fickle funr- but
forever It returns
To u little battered volume Just tho
songs of Hohhln Hums.
Drawn for
''it i
, 1 1
The Ideal Mau of Today
Ily HIil.A W'lir.l'.I.KIt WIUOX.
So much Is ssin ntmut the new woman
and so Utile about the new man, et man
m a en dlffnent being fiom the- imr
who us'd to ilinii natr the wur d It
w .nnd lie lillMmlV loila mt H tlr
i.H'tlna. u oi Id . 'Hi
;rest novel o i
'. at p tiii oi wui
wit li such lid n,
as silt' h slot
II till- I.IH
A I e x s n d i i in
.n-at. .t i hps i
i lie inn. I,.
t n.- i- . I) i .il
m u Hi. n ,
t' Hi,', h I a '
1' ii u l ., r.. ii
tellers in 1 1 f i t
"i f i o m de
' ' n el H 1" i , ii.ii
! tut ni'd f 1 1 in
p IT-SI .-Kills oltlM
t .tltl ll'slli PIHllU I. in
It woi'lcl iimili'K an eii'- i lopedin t "
inline und deerlhi all the noble, splendid
o. . ifish people ami ni-gaiiUiitlon w;id i
' dnliiK successful work Tor the pres.
nil dn and the generations to oonm
''ii. People's elub, an outgrowth of the
no' l. I'ooner Tnlou. the night school
siutlered all over our gieal cities, the
tn isienl schools for the pour, the "Heir
XlisiPtV eolon.x In New Jersey and In
(iitiHMo and similar Institutions else
where for men and women who u
stumbled lu the durkness and nre trylinj
to walk the straight mail; the co-opera-tle
associations, which aro growing In
I'limber and power; the Joseph Kels IMnd
association, which Is doing maglniricent
work for single tax both here nud In
Kurope. the .Salvation Army and the
Young Men's Christian Association or-ganlzullntiB-all
these Institutions and n
thousand more are governed and upheld
by men of bra'n. education, power, place
and Influence, and each nnd every one
Is doing his best to make life easier and
sweeter for his fellows
Such men and such Ideals of manhood
i' 'tire indeed tn the time of the
Alexanders hikI Caesar nnd the Xa
polenus. 1
It must seem encouraging to the thought
ful mind when we consider hofc much
more universal the spirit of klndlless hus
becoino in the world In a hundred or two
Despite our unfortunate condition today,
there wns never so much universal Intelli
gence on earth before, and never so niiinv
people thinking along progressive lines.
There wns never before so strong i
sentiment of kindness toward weaker
things of earth.
Imnglnu a society for prevention of
cruolty to children.' or for redressing th
wtoiiKs of animals In tho days of Na
poleon! Kvon nt so recent n. pctlor as that
patents were supposed to bo Individual
moiiarchs over their children, no matter
how they misused or nenlectcd them. A
priest might Interfere with advice, or a
child be brought Into a convent for succor
through his Intervention, but there was no
organized lawful protection for unfortu
nates. And an animal might bo turturcd by a
fiend in human form and no one could
Interfere unless ho chose to come to a
persounl hniid-to-huml coubat.
Therefore bruto force was a necessary
element in the education of every young
man who wautcd to help right and de
fend neakness. nut the age of liumanl
tarlanlsm has dawned. It In still dawn
but the sun Is mounting the heavens with
slow certainty, and cnstlng Into shadow
4 he old Idea, tht physlcl prowess means
Abraham Lincoln Is ynot famed as n
skilled slayer v' deer or as a pugilist, Ha
might have failed utterly lis a butcher
of men or beasts. Hut he wns a grpat
statesman, a great ruler, a great man.
Admit nl Dewey was a great war hero,
but wo honor him more today for his
bloodless victories than for an ability to
slaughter his enemies like an old-time
No man today stands forth as truly
great who does not include mercy and
hum'aultarlanlBm among his virtues.
During tho next hundred years brain
and heart will tie the most Important
qualities In leaders and rulers.
Muscle and physical cuurage will havo
to take second place. No man can have
complete use of his mental powers, no
matter how rate they may be. lipless he
Is well mid full of vitality
Hut health and force do not necessarily
the Bee by Tom McNama
' i ' ' i 1 1 i
Include the use of the sun, or the vorl
or even flt.
Manv n splendid fellow endowed with
the strength of a young Olympian god
hus no taste for shooting or boxing.
(tnoil health, good habit;, a love of
nutiiii- ii love of humanity, and a mind
flUe, I with huh Ideals of helpfulness to
brinaultv a brain alert to undiataud
the w oi Id's needs these ale attributes of
the ii. w man.
Ho mm not write esmiys on the oest
win to slaughter wild nnlmiiK but he
will I. now how to slay the wild beasts of
pen" ohness and lust, and greed In ns
own nature, ami how to deal with tliPin
II utile I
Iiowpmi wnf may lie I aging upon the
rni th totlnv. yet the day of the war hem
In ov i'v '
Itunnnlt) culls for a higher type, an 1
it is comliiK.
Wlicnevpi the woild demands a new
. 't'er of hero, he aritves.
i;en now he Is on the way-the man
t.- be'
nd he will mil be a "mollycoddle" it
wanioi. or a hunter but a thinker.
stalpsmtin. mid n humanitarian, In the
hit sest sense of those words.
Here In this new world he will b!
born and bred, the giandet type of stei
Hng man the woild has yet seen.
The wollil Is just beginning to know
thnt thought Is the most wondorfnl fotc
In thn unlveise. It Is greater than d na
mlto, or gunpowder, or electricity. Thi
irnii to be will understand the llmltles
power of tightly dliectcd thought, and It
will not need to bn a pugilist or a hunter
to conquer' or attain.
Just ns the old monsters of land and
miv paised u way from the earth, so will
the soldier and the hunter pass and give
Place to better types.
For above the ad Woild sobbing-,
And the strife of elan with clan.
I ejn hear the mighty throbbing
Of the heart of God In mult.
And a voice c-JiaiiH through the chiming
or the bellh and seems to say
We are cllinbliiB. we nro climbing.
As we circle on otif way,
Copytlght,. 19I1S by the Star Company.
Advice to Lovelorn.
Write 1 1 1 til.
Dear .Miss Fairfax' I am lu love with
a young man a few years my senior, and
I know my love Is returned. A few days
uro wo were talking ubout other people,
and I said u great many things I know
he did not like to hear come from my Hps.
I deeply regret them, us I am ,i very
decent girl, and want him to think so,
too, Would you advise mc to telephone
to him and explain, and ask his for
Klvenness'. h'OltUKT-MK-NOT.
It would bo better tasto to write a little
note saying you regret what you said.
Don't mnko It as penitent us If life de
pended on his forglvcnness, and don't.
I beg, bo so reckless with words In the
Ask Her,
Deur .Miss Fairfax; I am a young mih
of IT and have known a girl eight montlis
my senior for a year and, a half, t cart
a gond deal for her, and am sure she
knows It, for I have shown It lu every
way. How can 1 find out If she ca,rs
for iiteY A. M
If you must know the state of bur
heart, ask her. Iltit tlilnk, first; Arje
you not too young to be speculating lii
hearts' Tho question you would ask
tho girl In equivalent to a proposal of
marriage. ' You uro too young for that
Walt until you are old enough to know
your own mind, nnd In position to sup
port two.
, Don't Spenk to lllm Attain.
Deur Miss Fairfax: I am 16 years of
aifo, Last summer I met a man six years
my senior whom I-have learned to lov
dearly, and know that my love Is recipro
cated. .Mv father was opposed to hlirl,
anil Insulted him, which he. took like k
man, and 1 was forbidden to speak tt
him. I had not spoken to him for about
three weeks, and one day I met him.
lireaklug my lather's commnnd, I spoke
to him. nnd fof-J wn loved ench otliw
dearly. I speak to a number of other
men, but I find that 1 couldn't love any
as I love him. THUPTFUl. j
You ate only 1C, and your father knows
better than you know who la the beijt
company for you. Don't speak to thp
man nguhi; mako no attempts to se
him nnd don't deceive your father or
disobey him again.
.Vol ii (.rent Issue.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Is It a young mania
idacc. when In church, to put In a colled
tion forMho young lady, or Is It her plurfs
to put lu her own? FANNY.j
If' the young man puts In the collection
for the girl, It shows ii spirit of gaJlantrj'.
but it Is not sho who docs the giving. If
her conscience tolls her to give to tl(e
church, her escort cannot relieve her con
science of thnt duty.