TI1K UUK: UMAHA. SATlMiDAY, JAXt'AKV 1s. I'U.i 13 M e r Vegetable People ' Uy WINIKKKI) BLACK, I Ir- hrouKht ini a bunch of violets the Kncllsh boy who Is visiting in great 'irnle, fragrsut violets, ncav with iw and as sweet us thp mrmor of one we loved In earlv Violets. sweet )eet violet, and. i lie whole s-ticpt wh! full of puta ri es ahd cabbages snd lieets and tur Irps. and thing I hat he might have hoiiRht. I'm clad he didn't do It Violets! i-ome-tttueH I am In dan ger ot forgetting" that thern are such things. I look at onions and car rots and potatoes youth nnd think what's for ' 'dinner tilt I don't even remember that s'imewliere down In the brown I earth the flowers are asleep, waitlnc ior'-'Sprlng' to call them from their deep bfds.'I hs-te that, don't you'' 1 don't be lieve that It pays -".'. . - people-vegetable people-I ks of anvthlmr that Isn't S VTTr or liKilow many thai .never think useful something wear. Poor things, poor things; what a lot tficy missed, don't tbev? .-"L..never read novels," said a cros old woman to me tho other day. "I haven't time to waste." and she pursed up her dlsagreeablo mouth and looked virtu- ously at me out or the corners ot her t.ulf-righteous eyes as If she were proud Of what "'she hnd Just said. "N'ever .read novels!" What a life what a life! Shut up In the little, nar row, dark room of her own experience when all those beautiful doors are open wide to her if ohe'd only turn tho handle of them by opening the book case at the right tlme , Aro you tired? Come, let's wander far Afield with Burroughs and sit under a shady maple on the edge of the green woods nnd wonder with him If It Is 'colnpr to rain. , Mo you bored? There's Mark Tapley right there at the first turning to tho i right, down by the book of red fairy tales. He'll cheer you up. - Is life a wearisome round of "musts" and "ought tos?" Come, let's go Into Wonderland with Alice; the White Itab 1)H Is such entertaining company 1 like to spend an afternoon with the princess and her maids once In a while, don't you? What princess? Oh, any of them, so long ns she has fair hair nnd roBV cheeks and u lace frock shot with silver and a crown of sparkling gems and a poor swineherd for a sweotheart. ; AVhat food she eats, the princess in the red hook ambrosia and honey' fiow all tho fountains where she sits with her maidens fair sparkle and 'gleam!'" What enchanting-roses, bloom for hec .what dojleltttul -sonc?. this birds In tho rose tree sing! Qh, but a princess is lovely company for a dull day! ' roor'woman. so you never read novels? I suppose you'd think me crazy If you 'saw me poring over Aladdin and his .untifinrf lit Initio and wishing I had a Jamp Just l.'lU that one In tho story, j wouldn t you.. ' Violets, not for you; what good are thev. nrav tell? Just imprisoned sun shine, living dew anil air and fragrance. Just the smilo of the ureal uiver m u flood. A loiter from an old friend of, mine will gladden my heart for hours. I suppose my practical friend who "never reads'' wouldn't even stop to open the envelope, unless she thought that there was some thing In It about money and how to get It. A Bmtlo from a rosy baby! Why Its jiorth walking blocks to get on a dull, cloudy morning. There's no money In itv though, bo It doesn't amount to much In some eyes. Hark! What Is that? It sounds like bells, silver bells chiming In tho moon light under tho Jasmine flowers. Popf Wan that a yellow primrose opening by Ihe light of tho stars? All tho Ilttlo four o'clocks are fast asleep, but you can tell where they sit along tho edge of tho path by the perfume of them. Ah, thero are the tiger lilies, tall and atiary. close to the flowery flox. AVhat n. pretty plug row that Is! You can tell It oven by starlight. "Rlng-tintf, I wish tlfiit- I was primrose, a pretty yellow primrose, a-blowlng In the sun." What a sweet chime, that was! How it makes tho stupid city streets over Tong-tlng-ting-tlng. Why. It's nothing but a little boy striking two bits of glass together. Sec hoyv ho laughs to hear the rlntr! Chime, chime. Jingle. Jingle, ring, ting, tlhg. Now he Bhuts his laughing eyes Ah, Yes! That Happy Home cone cn,eo.u m c,oh, Hone' IF XOU HAD A MICE HOME LIKE MINE TOO WOOLOrt'T BE. HAn5iN5 AROUND THE CUUB or pool1 V it II -'re SET MARttmrt V v 1 . " tuc . .. 'r nt l - , ii r- I K i rune -rou I :."'? s i I i i i nc waters i ., v i i - ea T Cd vrxiLWr SETTLC Y ' ' FR07 ik, I nu! ' E1 1 II I r " I X . I I nmju 1 1 m i i " ' 11 I I I v y i j 1 i i 1 Vttf? AROUND 1 1 ' I THtrtK fSABY Y 9 Ji J f and Flower Talk J land blows out Ills rosy checks, like one j wn" blows bubbles. Hltue. ting, chlnie. I ehlme. Ho iun t stnnd rtlll for the Joy of It. Throw It away. Ilttlo boy. throw It ewav. and b 11 your prettv dreams with it. It s nothing hut a hit of broken glass and wouldn't iotrh even one penny In th' market Vliats'. uu won t1.' You love the chimes and the rhymes anil the faraway ellshr le'asii ot it? Ynu like It better than the IjitiKle of pennies Mn a Hank? What a 'stupid little Imiv! Why, you'll never be a 1 man a rcni man If you keep on Ilk-.' this You !o music and books, and flowers. . i0 urliKiit. and thn soft sparkle of t'H- -tars and you'll lovo to live. Just to 'le as ,i hoalthv child loves It. and when von die those ttiat you leave be I hind w ill cry bitterly. Hut they will find ; uothluK :n the chests but sunshine and I sweet memories. What n disappoint- mint: No. no, little boy. this will never, never 'Io- You must be "practical." You must '""' "innej -nun mint anil bonds and bar gains and lehts. Violets, nirpurple and sWeet with dew. I'm glad the Kugllsh boy brought them ' of buying some potato for t0,nrrw '"nncr. Hut then 1 am .. .o n.tle boy with the e-hlnilnjc glnss verv Initnactlcal and I don't get much out nf life but tho mere Joy of lMng. It Is terrible to be made so, Isn't It? Daily Fashions By LA RACONTKUSB. Very rich nnd elegant evening gown of ruby velvet and Bohemian laee. The chief part of tho -gown happily mixes tho old princess gown nnd tho pannier effect. Tho front Is cut on tho bias and the velvet forms a short over-lapping skirt which crosses In front and dips down In back where tho drapery is Caught by a band of skunks which also out lines the front. Tho bo,1lco front and back Is ot silk muslin of the samo color, covered by an cinplccement of Uohemlan lace, slightly blduslng and gathered at the walstllno by a girdle of draped vel vet, fastened by a round buckle, of strasB with long ends. Tho einplecehient falls Very low under tho skirt hiding tho drap ery. T Po6t AM HU OU$HT TO ET MARRIED AMD 'SCTTLC I A 1 .7)l . . POCft -SAM V 1 ''2ou "ADA rieoosHTTo K JA wifbS.whats Follow Instructions of Gaby Deslys Become a Rival of That Famous P.) (JAHY DKSLYS. Hire 1 am once again writing to miii about beauty. I should hesitate tu do so if It were not a subset aoout which eej wo.v.un Is keenly Interested, and which alto oc cupies the mind of man a good deal of the time. I am willing to wrlle about bea aj to i-'vulge those secrets which have helped me gain my reputation for good looks, and when 1 spenk about-my own looks, understand that 1 do It In the most tm. personal way. To bo beautiful, at least-to be a.s beau tiful as I can be. Is a matter of the ut ,mot Importance to me because ;t helps me In my work. My looks first attracted the attention of, the public toward me and It was due to suoh looks as t had that 1 gained the approbation of the critics. ' " ! Inle,,t '" , ' nrl" j w I am above all else u business woman rnlng a eertaln sum of - 111 secure nic complete " i . . . . . . . .. i Iniiepenoepco irom naru worn wnen iu I tim,,r nrrlve when 1 shall be no longer j -x ouK- uret'iy and full o,f health and vl tality, ami- no longer have the good fortuno to please the public. There Is a great difference between tho attitude of he so-called professional beauty and the beautiful woman In tho ordinary and more sheltered walks of J life toward this question of beauty T once heard th- most beautiful actiess in America say that her reputation for ! beauty was a sort of Iron ball lo which I she was always chained, and which mado J her a. slave. "If I should be seen In pub i He. oven puce, with my hair badly un , dulated and a shiny nose, it would cost "j ine an enormous amount or money, be euue people would say: 'Dear me. how she's gone off In looks." and that would ' affect the box office, which in turn would I affect my .salary." I So this very Intelligent woman who I often would have preferred to spend her ' time In other ways, who would like to I 1 have kept up with all that wns best In modern literature, who was imnicnseij ! philanthropic and would have liked to give some attention to charitable work spends almost nil her life taking care nf her beauty and sho admits that It Is drudgery pure and simple. ; If she were not a beauty and did not devote, most ot her attention to her looks, however, she could not earn the largo sums of money which she gives to charity. j nor would she bo able to help young and Uruggllng artists and writers. Hcntity is a business asset, but tho llfo of the professional beauty Is not tho gay butterfly existence It jlfl pictured to be, but one o'f pnlnstakfiig-, Hysten?ntlc rare, which necessitates abstaining fi-om most of the thlnas one would like to eat, not doing most of i the things one would like to do. for there l! no elixir of youth, no fountain of beauty. They are the result re the result ! care of the y, provldfng. of Intelligent and systematic bod) . nnd tho modem beauty of course, she has some foundation of good looks to start with, studies the mat ter scientifically and becomes beautiful by dint of hard work. In France we say: "You must suffer to bo beautiful." That was because In olden times women did so many ridicu lous and barbarous things to enhance their complexion. They put clothes pins on their nosii., and compresses of raw beef over their faces which could have been anything but pleasant. Today the proverb could l(n changed you must work to be beautiful. I have been reading a great deal about eugenics lately In the dally papers. I take It that this means tho production of a perfect race,, governed by all the known laws of health and hygiene. Kugonlc babies ought to grow up Into beautiful men and women, for beauty gets Its real start In babyhood. Of course, I know that many famous beauties have come from the most wretched and even squalid beginnings. Still, as a general rule, the child whose advent was longed for, whose babyhood was carefully watched and guarded over by love and affection and whoso early training was Intelligent and even scienti fic, 1ms the best chance to grow up to happy and healthy maturity. Happiness Is the dancing partner of beauty. They can hardly be dissociated; where you have a happy child you gener ally luive a pretty one. But the little girl who is gloomy and sad ,1s Involuntarily Copyright, r THE OOTCHER VA4!) JUiT HERE WITH Hit HILL. THE NVATER'i WIFtX! WHAT5 UP' 1 lleauty Is u business atcet, but tho gay butterfly cxlxtcuco It Is pictured casting her feutilres Into a look of settled melancholy or discontent. Neither of these Is beautiful. Ko If we nre to start out with the secrets of beauty, let us begin at the very beginning with a happy childhood. It Is said that the women of the hard laboring classes age prcmatutoly. Nat urally, they must, for long beforo they have reached an ngo where tho norma 1 child could understand about sorlous things, like work and responsibility, t hoy have taken their load of tho family bur den and are already hard at work plod ding and tolling to support their meagiD home. A long, slow and very gradual develop ment, both of tho physical and mental, are needed to store up vitality and health which will be used to make tho future beuuty. In the meantime there are all kinds of sports mid nxerches to dovclop the' Ilttlo body and bring It to Its highest point of perfection. If a child Is not properly formed almost any Imperfection can bo overcome If taken youne enough and systematically worked at. Kyes that are crossed can bo made nor mal; nnd we havo In France, Just as I am sure you have here, many schools where gymnastics are taught for children under the supervision of u doctor, who exam ines the children carefully and plves thorn tho exercises needed to correct whatever Imperfections they may have. Don't forget that the foundation 'of beauty Is laid before one Is 10 years old, and see that you aro not neglecting the 1113, Imcrnitloml Nrws Btrvlie. DOtM'T BURN MCHT THE COAL. iTr aeOT& nt HA MO COAL! eauty life of a I'rofenMloiuil beiuitj Is not tho child that is In your cure, and who will never fnrglvo you If sha has bean denied her Bhato of health and good looks. BOBBIE BURNS J 11 Wll.MA'M F. KIUK. When the sky iieems lower, somehow, closing down to shut me In. Closing down to roof a prison full of sorrows and of sin. There's a book I always worship, as a mother loves her own. And I con Its pages over when I have It all alone. For th" heait that's full of sunshine or the stricken heart that yearns AVhat a mine of priceless jmKKi'tH nre the songH of nobble Hums! Countlefrs lips with grief have straight ened, couutlesN lips with mirth Imvo rill led. Hlneo the coming and the going of the Plowboy of the, Win Id; Hut the lines he fashioned lightly hold a deep iiiul deathless spell O'er tho mot tills who are groping through the world ho knew so well Just a bonnlo boy who waibled of his Heottlsh hills and lakes, He was worshiped for his genius; he was loved for his mistakes. How Hypocrisy was riddled by the shod he fired so. well! How ho sung his songs of Heaven while ho laughed at threats of Hell! I.lttle babies could command him. but no mouureh hud control Of his wounih-iuis brain and manhood, or hi stormy, troubled soul. Hometltnes strays my fickle fun.-v, l 1 1 forever It returns To a little hatlored volume Just the songs of Hobble liurns. Drawn for I ' J ' L I NCCD A NEW HAT JlMMI THAT'LL DO! THAT'LL DO! jinn-, , The Ideal Mau of Today Ily Uliia WIICKI.KIt WIU'OX. So much Is mm ntiimt the new woman and so Utile alxiiit the new innn. vet man i. a er. dlff. lent PoIhk Civmh the on. who USrd to dmil nate the ui il It w.miuI lie lmHKlli- iiula it.tr t ih i H'tiltC Will III u Mil ii ;rent mix el n i, i at p -em on wai "ill! such hem, a -.'Ilile lustOM II the iI.ivh A 1 o X H n r l In . l eal, ill I rtrn i Napoleon 'llie taste ii, t 'l'. s U . ll -.1 in aiise th. n. ., I ' Mines lui v Ii II 11 U e ,1 I-., n tellers in tn r 1 1 f I- 0 ill lie Fl ('M't'S tu i l . ,1 .1 I I till II. -ll ft . Ill ir-seel.lug ll I 111 t ii It t n'stli r-tidtui , i s It would Knuliv hii en' i , lopedin l -niiMie ami de.erllie all the noble, splendid o. ' Irish people anil orgitnlKiittnn w',il. :i an doing successful work for the pies t dn and the generations to eomn Th. People's club, an outgrowth or the no' l. I'ooper Tnlon. the night selumls si altered all over our great cities, the in .slenl schools Mr the pour, the "Heir MiHiery" colony In N'ow Jersey and In (hb-HHo hii, slmiinr Institution else where for men nnd women who ha stumbled In the diirkneas and nre tr.vluq j walk the straight mail; the co-opern-tlx- associations, which nro growing In l 'linber and power; the Joseph Fels Fund association, which Is doing magliilflcent work for single tax both here and In Kurope; tho Salvation Army and the Young Men's Christian Association or-gHiilziitlons-nll these Institutions and n thousand more are governed ami upheld by men of bra'n. education, power, place and Influence, nnd each and every one Is doing his best to make life easier and sweeter for his fellows Suoh men and such Ideals of manhood v o Hire Indeed In the time of the Alexanders and Caesar and the Na poleons. It must soein encouraging to the thought ful mind when wo consider hoK much more universal the spirit of kliidlless has bocoino in the world In a hundred or two years. Oesplto our unfortunate condition today, there was never so much universal Intelll genco on enrth before, and never so innnv people thinking nlong progressive lines. Thcio was never before so strong i sentiment of kindness toward weaker things of earth. Imaglnu n society for prevention of crtiolty to children, or for redressing- th wiongs of animal In tho days of Na poleon! Hvcn nt Ho recent a pet lor as Hint patents were supposed to be Individual muiiaruhs over their children, no matter how (hey misused or neglected them. A I priest might Interfere, with ndvlee, or a child ho brought Into a convent for succor through his Intervention, but there was no organized lawful protection for unfortu nates. And an animal might bo turturcd by a fiend in human form arid no one could Interfere unless ho chose to come to a personal hnud-tn-hand coubut. Therefore brute foroo was a necessary element lit the education of every young man who wanted to help right and de fend ueakness. Hut the age of humatil tarlanlam has dawned. It Is stilt dawn hut the sun Is mounting tho heavens with slow certainty, and casting Into shadow 4 he old Idea tht physlcl prowess means muiillness. Abraham Lincoln Is jiot famed as n killed slayer v' deer or ns a pugilist. He might have failed utterly as a butcher of men or beasts, nut ho was a great statcimnn. a great ruler, a great man. Admlial Dewey was a great war hero, but wo honor him more today for his bloodless victories than for an ability to slaughter his enemies like an old-time lctor. No man today stands forth as truly gieat who does not includo mercy and liiiin'anltarlanlBin nmong his virtues. During tho next hundred years brain and heart will be the most Important iualltles In leaders and rulers. Muscle and physical courage will havo to lake second place. No man can have complete use of his mental powers, no matter how raio they may be. unless he Is well and full of vitality. Hut health and force do not necessarily i the Bee by Tom McNamara ." 1 1' i i i i i THAT WHAT WILL DO, 3, 1 I SAY! I Include the use of the gun. or the worl or oven fists. Manv a splendid fellow endowed with i ho strength of a oting Olympian god Ims no inste for shooting or boxing. dm, I health, good habit?, n love of iintm, ,i lovo of humanity, and a tnitiil fined with hlclt Ideals of helpfulness to lii-mu m t . a brain alert to und"! stand the woild's needs these are attributes of the n. w man. Ho uinv not write oimys on the nest wax to slaughter wild animals, but h ulll l. now how to slay the wild beasts or pelf hness and lust, slid greed In li s owe nature and how to deal with them ll "thru llowei war may lie inglni; upon the earth toda. yet the dav of the war Item 1.1 0e l Mumn.ilt.x culls for a higher type, an 1 it is coinlnc. Wlictievei the wolltl ileimiuds a new' . n'er of hero, hi- arrives. i:en now he is on tlir way the man t,. be' ml he will nol ho n "mollvcoddle "' it "Ht-iloi. oi n hunter but a thinker a statesman, and n humutiltarlnn, In the hngest sense of those wotd. Here in I his new world he will bn born and bred, the giiindet type of stei IIiik man tho woild has yet seen. The wot Id Is Just beginning to know thill thought Is the most wonderful foic In the uulveise. It Is greater than dyna mite, or gunpowder, ur electricity. Th. matt to bo will understand the limitless puwer of lightly dliected thought, and h will not need to ho a pugilist or a huntT to coiKiupf or attoln. Just as the old monsters of land and n parsed away front the earth, so will tho soldier and the hunter pass and give Ware to better types. For nliuvo the ind woild sobblnr, And the strife of elan with clan, I fan hear the mlghtv throbbing Of the heart of liod In man. A lid a voire chants throned the chiming Of the bellb and seem to say Wp are climbing, we nro climbing. A wo circle on otir way. Copyilght,. lll:i by the Star Company, Advice to Lovelorn. Hy HKATHICK FAIIUWX. Wrllc lllni. Dear Miss Fairfnx- I am In love with a, young man a few yours my senior, and I know my love Is returned. A few days ago wo were talking about other people, and I said u great ninny things t know he did not like to hear come from my lips. 1 deeply regret ihoni. us I am ,i very decent girl, and wont him to think so, too, Would you advise mo to telephone to him and explain, nnd aslt his for (liveliness? I-'OUUKT-MK-NOT. It would bo better tasto to write a Ilttlo note saying you regret what you said. Don't make it ns penitent as If life de pended on his forglveuness, nnd don't. 1 beg, be so reckless with words In the future. " Ask llrr. Dear Mli Fairfax: I am a young mnli of 17 and have known a girl eight months my senior ror a year and, n half. I curU a gond deal for her, and am sure sh'" knows It, for I have shown It In every way. How can I find out If she cares for ino? A. M If you must know tho state of hw heai t, ask her. Ilut think, first: Am 'you not too young to be speculating Ih hearts? Tho question you would ask tho girl W eiiulvalent to a proposal of marriage, You' uro too young for that Walt until you ore old enough to know your own mind, nnd In position to sup port two. , Don't Npenk to Hint Aunln. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 16 years af age. hast summer I met a man six year my senior whom I-havo learned to love dearly, and know that my love Is reclpro! cated. My father was opposed to hliti, and Insulted him, which he took like K man, and I was forbidden to speak U him. I hail not spoken to him for about three weeks, and one duy I met him Breaking my Lather's command, I spoke to him. nnd four wn loved each othea drurly. I speak to a number ot other men, but I find that 1 couldn't love any as I love hlin. TnUPTFC't., You are only 10, and your father know; better than you know who Is the best company for you. Don't speak to thp man n Kill n ; mako no attempts to so htm nnd don't deceive your father or disobey him again, .ot n Urent Issue. Dear Miss Fairfax: Is It a young man's Waco, when In church, to put In a colM lion for tho young lady, or Is it her pln to put In her own? FANNY.j It' the young man puts In the collcctkm for the girl. It shows u spirit of gallantry, but It is not sho who docs the giving if her conscience tells her to give to tHe church, her escort cannot relieve her coij sclenco of that duty. A NAM MAHED liILL tAIO HE'D i i ovEr! I