12 TilK BEE: OMAHA, SATl'HDAY, JAXl'ARY 18. 1013. eCJM BEBrHMVB By MELUFICIA. Thkursday, January 17, 1913. THERE Js nn Increasing tendency at the Country club t6 deport from the traditional winter dances, and jih a result Important variations nro In growing ordor. Dealing with Torpslchoro with less formal ity Ib In choral hnrmony with most of the mcmborR ot the club, and tho temporary disregard of tho stricter conventionalities has elicited brand new Interest. Tho, weathor, too, has been propitious this year for this par ticular amusement. Contributing In an encouraging style will bo a party which will be ono of tho largest planned for tho lato winter season. This will bo the laat of the scries given by tho Omaha Junior club. It will be an Informal affair and is planned for tho Saturday following Easter, March 20. The Dinner Dance club will give the last of tho aeries of entertainments planned shortly nftcr Easter, when thoy will also have a dancing party at tho Country club. Between now and I.ent several affairs arc planned at tho club. Mre. 55. T. Lindsay will entertain at luncheon next Friday, when sixteen gucBts will bo present. January 31 the Original Cooking club will glvo4a dinner dance at the club arid February 1 there will bo a dinner for the men of tho Country club. Cowan-Cookc Wedding. Tlio wedding of MIm Maria Ada Cooke of thin city and Mr. Jarntfl Cowan of Valentine, Nfb., was eclcbratod Thurs day evening at the residence ot tho bride, 1T Jncltson irtrcet. nev. Hujfh Bpecr of tho Central United rrcebyterion church oMlrlaUd, and about twenty Etieets were present n't tho ceremony. Mr. Cowan Is superintendent ot the eub-tatlon State form of tho University of Nebraska at Vftlontlne. Mr. and Mrs. rowan will be at home at Valentine alter February X. Wedding Anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Johnston. 15 Hoc tor boulevard, entcralncd Sunday afternoon 4nd ovcnlnn In honor of their seventeenth wcddlnB anniversary. Refreshments were , nerved at 6 o'clock. Tho evening was , upent in dancing and music. Those prcs i cnt were: Otlfsea MUscs- Stanley Ilancka. Dorothy Shtiltx. Kathcrlne Gernantlt, Kstella AllbauRh, Henrietta Hoffmann, Martha JnhnRton, Oertrudo Allbaugh. Wilda Johnston. Anna Klostcrmeycr. Messrs. Messrs. James Kancka, Jack lllccy, Fred Gernandt, Edward Krlgbaum. John Stcrrct, Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. I,. Btovnns, . Mr. and Mrs. D. Stortz, v Mr.and Mrs. J. LaVnllc, Mr. and Mrs. M. AllbauRh, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Gernandt Pi feeta Phi luncheon. Iocat members of 11 Heta Phi' will en" tertaln at luncheon Saturday afternoon at the homo ot Miss Uarda Scott. Miss Scott will be assisted by Miss 1'loronco Jlush, Miss Georslana Davis and Mrs. -M H. Dunliam. Tlio luncheon will be followed by a business meeting. beater Parties. At the concert this evening given by Mmc. Calve at the llrandels theater one of tho box parties will include: Mrs. M. J. Carney of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redmond and Mr. and Mrs. George Branduls. A theater party Thursday evening at .he Qrandels Included Mrs. Oerrlt Fort. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. McVann, Miss Mabel lialcombe. Mr. P. W. Iconhardt ami Mr. Gerrlt 1'ort, Jr. far. - ;T3cr5Pcz2 Et-a-Virp. Dance. Club Tho Kt-a-VIrp club gave a danclnx party nt Chambers' Thursday night. The following were present: MImcb I.uura Petersen, isiiu I'einrscM, Misses ritliel Pndmorc. Mario Mitchell. Dili nc ho Hu.thes, Htclla Jensen, Armom lament, vera marrora. limner. isila uroste. Inabello Kramer, Mnrgaret iagc, Kdna Folks. O'Neill, rcveiyn penman, Loom uranaen, Kstcllo liOree, Margaret Past. Adellno SDfcht, Grace Petersen, Ilazul uclilltrce, Goorgln Smith. Messrs. Claude Jtlfe, XV. C. Mann. ('. li. Hwaucutt, A. F. Kellstrom, Karl Klsanlmrt. J. T. lllxlrr, F. A. Coulter, George HowIch, G. T. Hllllrr. Dr. F. V. Lage, Al Ucrk, J. w. Johnson, F. J. Phillips, S. II. Attwood, Percy Owyniie, Ijuirlco Hansen, Oscar Malstrom. W. U. Johnson, J. A. Wrscott, Dorothy Illgfow, Nettle Hchooley, Odcttn Jncksoti, Gladys Morrill, Grace narrower, Sans, Flower Alexander, Anne Knoeper, Itose Gordy, I rent) JIlRbcc, Irene Lundgard, Maude Frrdrlckson, Margaret Herman, Kmma Wilson, Ktnll Ilenelln, NnU White, Messrs. J. K. Haney, F. J. Koscnbach, Clarence Hall, XV. H. Allen, 1.. 13. Johnson, George Stover, William llllslzer, A. 1. Ilcynotds, Clark Cheney, John I.ee, XV. Crulgliead, F. Hnuirord. '. XV. Vapor, Otto Nielsen, Curl Holtwy, Max Grossman, Howard Cronk, Samuel Crozlcr, lid Hawlcy. Oinrtiia cnUita'u the freshmen clout on Jiinuniy 1'4. This will be a party of fered by the ncnlors to the class selling th" most tickets to their play, "IHcka nt College." The Week Hnd Dancing elub will give the fifth ot the series of dancing partita Saturday at Chambers. Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Hoffman have gone to ChlCHgo and Iluffalo for a week's visit, expecting to return to Omaha about next Thursday. At Fort Crook. Major and Mrs. Chnrlcs French of Fort Crook entertained nt dinner Thursday evening. The decorations were yeltow rocs and yellow-shaded candles. Covers wero laid for: Major and Mrs. Fredeilck Dale, Major and Mrs. Charles French, Cnptnln and Mrs. Ixiuls Kuttman, Captain and Mrs. Samuel Noyes, Captain and Mrs. "William Coleman, Captain and Mrs. John Brady. Captain and Mrs. Frederick Van Dujus of Fort Crook entertained at dinner Thursday. Covcry wero laid for: Cphalitln and Mrs. John Clienoweth, f1nnlnln n t. t fM 1 1 1 1 M - 1.1 i 1 Captain and Mrs. Frederick Van Duyne,! Evening Entertainment. Mrs. ISmll Hofmnnn entertained at hor homo Wednesday QTcning In honor of Harold llaxter" of San Antonio, Tex. Those present were: Misses Margaret Hot matin, rtutlt Hurgeson, Mabel Marqunrdt, Margaret Gormen, Clara Hoffman. Messrs. Charles Peterson, Wlllln Nlttler, Albert Jjotx, Harold n.ixter, Mrs. c:. b. Baxter. Mrs. C. XV. Johnson. Misses Margaret Wagner, Edna Ilrldgos, Helen Myers, Ituth Klltngtinsvn, Messrs. JJIner Christiansen, Joseph Semerad, Clnrpnce Wagner, Ino Cruise. Lotafun Bridge Club, Mm, Koas Ijngnecker enter talne'd the J.otafun n rid go club yostcTday afternoon. Tlioso present were: j I Mesdnmes K. H. Ward, Mlnnes Graco Morphy, Lillian Johnson, Qlndys Hodgln, Mesdnmes- C 11. Btombaugh. Misses Lawretta Cope, nutli Fisher, Wllma Uruce. G. B. llanoy. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McMahun. Mr. and Mrs.Jloyal Guff. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strlngfellow. Mr. and Mrs. Guy O, Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles FlHher. Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Newton. . Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Thorp. v Mr. and Mrs, K. It. Ward. For the Future. Mrs. Jiryant Itogers will give a small bridge party at her homo Monday, Janu ary 27. Tho Coluinblcn circle will entertain at cards Friday evening at their hall. Miss Carmellta Chuso will entertain the meinbera ot tho Debutante Urldge club Tuesday nftcrnoon. Tho senior clusa of tho University :t In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. M. J. Carney of Clilcago arrived this morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Georgo llrandole, for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kelly will leave next week to spend the remainder of tho .winter In southern California. In stead of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, as nnnounced yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Singer left Thurs day evening for Chicago, where thoy will attend the wedding of Mr. Singer's brother. Mr. J. J. Singer, which will tako place Monday, January 27. GREATER OMAHA BILL READY Plan for Consolidation of Omaha and Neighbors Practically Complete. INSTITUTIONS TO BE MAINTAINED Sonth Onutlin n Krrp Its Poller Sta tion, 8honlft, l.llirarr nnA Sli Trensnry l,r to Intra dnee the Dill. Tho Greater Omaha bill, which tho legislature Is to bo asked to pass to open the way to consolidation r fltn aha f h South Omaha, Dundee, Benson and Flor- enio nao ocen practlcauy completed. Tho main bill, which t . mvi.trm nr tk. Ineffective merger law passwl six years go, naa been drafted by John P. Dreon and W. If. llordman, while the bill re lating to tho school district Is drafted by Curl E. Herring. Tho understanding ta that they are to bo Introduced by Kcp rescntatlvo Michael Lee. All the way through the proposed changes are in the direction of giving Soutli Omaha and other nntiuni tni-H. tory assurance of participation in tho gov ernment of the larger city and of main taining whatever local Institutions thnv now have. For Soutli Omaha, for exam ple, the police station and poltco court, public library, subtrcasury, high school and grade schools ore to bo maintained, and In addition the members of the police and flro departments and tho public BChool teachers' corn nm to Ji Inrvirmr. atod Into the corresponding branches ot puono service In tho consolidated city. Still a separate bill provides for making tho liquor lloonnes In the two cities co terminous by authorizing tho relssuo of South Omaha licenses for a pro rata charge for the remainder of the year. The elecHou machinery Is slightly mod ified becauso of the biennial election sys tem, so thnt the vote may bo taken at a special election upon presentation of petitions to the county- board signed by 10 pr cent of tha voters of each of tb cities or villages. THIRSTY CROWD HOLDS UP MAN FOR CAN MONEY TJning up in front of the Ram Cat Alley saloon five members of the leisure class eagerly watched patron after patron of the saloon lino up to the bar and dlspenso with' soothing glasses of cool beer. Each minute their thirst became more Intense and In a short time their throats were parched and crying out for a glass of tho amber liquid to soothe the sharp pains, which made each second a moment of agony. Along came temptation In th form of the engineer of the California hotel, rat tling loose pieces of silver In his pockets. With a bound the five men were upon Mm and relieved him of the money. With an old lard pnll full of beer the five retired to a secluded place In the alley. Officers Thrasher and Holdcn walked In upon tho crowd and carted them to the police station. , Georgo Floth, Worth Austin, James Johnson, Tom Carroll and Jack McICin ney, tho five men, were given thirty days In Jail by Judge Foster. LINCOLN COMMERCIAL CLUB DOES NOT INVIJE TEACHERS The Commercial club of Lincoln Is not sending an Invitation to the Nebraska. State Teachers' association io hold the annual convention In that city this year, but has left the matter with the mayor and president of tho Board of Education. A. II. Armstrong, mayor, and W. H. Ferguson, president of the Board of Bdc cation, are the only signers of the in vitation, although the Lincoln Commercial club letterheads are used for them. This Is tho first time the Lincoln Com mercial club has failed to send a direct Invitation to the teachers. Two Bits Saves Man from Going to Pen A quarter more In a Jury's verdict arid E. K. Seaman would have to go to tho penitentiary for one to seven years for obtaining money by false pretenses. As It Is a year In Jail la the most he can get. Seaman Induced the cashier at the Korao hotel to cash a worthless check for 3S. He testified ho got but 331.75. the hotel charging a commission of a quarter. This the hotel employe denied, but the Jury took Seaman's word In this Instance. It found him guilty, but fixed the value ct tho money obtained at J34.75. Thirty-flVc dollars Is the dividing point botwejn grand and petit larceny. The Jury recommended that Seaman be released at once, ho having spent three months In Jail awaltlne trial. Seaman may bo turned over to Des Moines au thorities, who want to try him on a simi lar charge. NEBRASKANS MAY GO TO WORLD SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET The World's Sunday School association Is the representative of the organised Sunday school work in all lands. It has been aptly called "Tho World's Greatest Syndicate." It represents a larger con stituency, covers a more extensive terri tory and has a wider outreach ot influ ence than any other association of men and women tho world has ever known. It docs business in 120 of tho 192 coun tries and groups of islands into which the world is divided, conducting its mani fold and diversified work through 288.0C0 local organizations (Sunday schools) with more than 28,000,000 stockholders inter ested In its success. Requests for credentials from all parts of tho state are now being received at the office of the Nebraska Sunday School association In Lincoln.. CANDIES AND BAKERY GOODS That Are liffircnt One purchase hero generally makes a permanent customer. Something new every day in tho Bakery line. X.lght Lunches at noon and up until midnight. Drop In after tho theater. SATURDAY SPECIAL: Pop Ctrn Crisp 21c POUND. 1 Harney St. New State Bank Bldg. Refined and Lasting. AT ALL DEALERS DR. CATHELL LEAVES FOR EAST ON LECTURE TRIP Dr. J. I3vet 1st Cathell, who has been mnk'lng headquarters In Omaha slnco ho delivered a number ot political speeches for tho republican stnte committee throughout Nebraska during tho fall cam paign, has gono east, where he Is to begin a series of platform lectures next week In the central states. Dr. Cathell will return to Omaha In tho nprlng. when ho will deliver a number of platform lectures throughout the state. 1 Key to tho Sltuatlonf-Beo Advertising. A Plain Unvarnished Tale Concerning Saturday Specials at Kilpatrick's We Are Preparing To Invoice and List Our Entire Stock AS IS OUR CUSTOM EACH YEAR ABOUT THIS TIME MUCH EASIER TO COUNT THE MONEY AND BESIDES THAT WE NEED THE ROOM, FOR SPRING GOODS ARE CROWDING US. SO MUCH FOR THE CONDITIONS You have a right to expect, under these circumstances, RARE VALUES. AND YOU'RE GOING TO GET THEM SATURDAY. January Rug Sale Bargains Rv reductions which demand attentioi from economical householders-domestic and Oriental TN every sale in every store there is some special doparhnont that seimis to offer greater adviuitagea than any other; in this establishment, it appears, our rug section is full of tho greatest money saving bargains. Wo have so many fine domestic and Oriental coverings that one wondors how a prospective customer can fail to find here just the rug desired and nt tho prieo ono wants to pay. 'We earnestly invite you to a.careful consideration of our rug offerings. "There may bo no immediate demand for theso for your homo, but spring is not far away, and you surely, will need some now rugs for making the homo cool and fresh during the summer. Better drop in here for a few minutes while you are down town. You'll be delightfully surprised. Domestic rugs on third floor, and Orien tals on second floor. ROOM SIZE RUGS $185.00 Silk Mohair, 9x12, for $125.00 $85.00 Whittal Arabic, 10-6 xl2, for $64.00 $56.00 Whittal Arabic, 9x12, for $35.00 $75.00 Royal Wilton, 10-6x 13-6, for $56.25 $68.50 Royal Wilton, 10-6x 12, for $47.50 $68.00 Royal Wilton, 9x12, for $53.00 $65.00 Royal Wilton, ll-3x 12, for $47.50 $60.00 Royal Wilton, 9x13-6, for $45.00 $60.00 Royal Wilton, 10-6x 10-6, for $42.50 $48.50 Royal Wilton, 9x12, for $34.50 $45.00 Royal Wilton, 8-3x 10-6, for $29.50 $65.00 Am axiom, Seamless, 9x12, for , $47.50 $60.00 Supurbua, Seamless, 0x12, for $45.00 $42.50 Electra Axminster, 10-6x13-6, for $30.00 $50.00 Body Brussels, 9x15, for $30.00 $33.50 Body .Brussels, 9x12, ' for $25.25 $28.50 Body Brussels, 8-3x 10-6, for : $23.75 $25.00 Brussels, 11-3x12 for $15.00 $12.75 Brussels, 8-3x10-6, for $ 9.50 $20.00 Rag Rug, 9x12, for. .$10.00 $12.00 Rag Rug, 6x9, for..$ 8.50 SMALL RUGS $8.00 Royal Wilton, 36x63, for $6.75 $6.00 Royal Wilton, 27x54, for $4.50 $5.00 El Hamman Bath, 36x72, for $3.75 $4.00 El Hamman Bath, 30x60, for $2.75 $2.00 El Hamman Bath, 24x48, for $1.50 $3.50 Rag Rug, 30x60, for ..$2.00 $2.00 and $2.75 Rugs, 36x72, for . $1.25 TRAVELING MEN'S SAMPLES Worth up to $3.75, for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 BEATON & LAIER CO. 415-17 South Sixteenth Street For instance in the Children's Section More Coats than wo care to have Children's and Junior's, 2 to 17 years. Reliable of course, well made and good stylos. Thoy sold up as high as $12.00, pick Saturday at $2.98. And there are finer ones at $5.00 and $9.50; just about y2 former prices. Aviation Caps lviaae irom iiiuierclown Wool, to sell ELf at $1.50, Saturday, each , 9UC Beacon Blanket Robes in basement Used as Blankets Afghans, or to make Lounging Robes, 4 ft A usually $3.50, at IbVO Men's Union Suits An exceedingly fortunate purchase enables f Aft us to sell, Saturda)', $4.00 garments at, each livIO A combination of fine mercerized yarn mixed with wool. A hurried count shows 176 Coats, invoice them. One lot at We prefer not to J $9.98 Saturday .Worth up to $25:00. Another lot at $14.75 Saturday .Worth up to $37.50. 70 DRESSES to sell for similar reasons. Theso, too, sold up to $25.00. On Satur day your pick at , All colors and a great variety of materials, including Serges, Eponges, Charmeuse, etc. May we suggest that if you are interested in any of theso items you should attend promptly SATURDAY MORNING. Saturday sees tho end of our MARVELOUS SHOE SALE. This was no odd lot of odd sizes or odd styles, but spick and span selected stock, sized just as we would buy them lor our regular trade Because of this there has been a uniform average sale of sizes, and as a con sequence almost as good an assortment, as wo near tho end, as there was in the beginning. SATURDAY ENDS IT-Originally about 1,900 pairs in the lot there will not be many left when sale ends. $2.95 'instead of $4.00 $3.85 instead of $5.00 x, $4.65 instead of $6.00 Saturday the Last Day Upon which we will make skirts to your measure at $2.00 FOR THE MAKING Unless you come in the morning "wo fear we must refuse your orders. Our ex pert who measures and fits had to turn some away a day, or two ago. m The Big Silk Sale Ends Also Saturday Night Never at this season have wo sold so many Silks. Small wonder when you get silks worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 for 59c but there's an end to all things. Confession ! LET US TAKE YOU INTO OUR CONFIDENCE A Few Days Ago W Announced a Sale of rench and Willow P s i This sale was advertised in tho usnnJ a good many, but not ONE-QUARTER of what should havebeen sold, and so we decided to advertise and try once more In all earnestness let us impress you to look at and examine these values. More than one ladv found the val- lies so wonderful and tho Plumes so ridiculously cheap that they simply could not resist buying, and some boucht N " youyd owwiuBuia wvenug tne values, ii you Knew as,mucn aoout tnese goods as we do Not One Would be Left to Tell the Tale by Noon FRENCH PLUMES VERY DESIRABLE $1.98 for Plumes worth up to $5.00 ) ,m $2.98 for Plumes worth up to $7 50 ( Whether you buy or not we want you to $3.98 for Plumes worth up to $10.00 see tllese for e wisk yu to see for yourselves $4.98 for Plumes worth up to $12.00 tao difference between the False and the true.' $5.98 for Plumes worth up to ........... $15.00 f J Willow Plumes Not so much in demand but still very good and priced lower, value for value, than ever known in our belief. ; ' 1 $4.98 instead of " ' $7.50 I $11.98 instead of $18 00 $9.98 instead of $15.00 There is practically every color in both 2 1 I THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO.