Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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    V EE
Society Brand Clothes
Included in
George Brooks'
First Mid-Winter
Clearance Sale
$22.50 Suits and
Overcoats. . . .
$26.00 Suits and
Overcoats. r. .
$30.00 Suits and
Overcoats. . . .
$35.00 Suits and
Overcoats. . . .
$15.00 Suits
and Over- I
$20 00 Suits
and O v e r
coats $13.34
$1.50 Manhattan
Shirts, now. . . .
$2.00 Manhattan
Shirts, now. . . .
$2.50 Manhattan
Shirts, now
$1.00 Shirts
Staok-ralconer Co.,
Rave Boot Print It Now Beacon Press,
'oo npnxo-.Arna 'xnjxu JtrNHJfri
Bailey the Dentist, City Nat l. D. 2J.
Chamber' School of Danolnjp New
classes now forming. Douglas 1S71.
Do Ton Know the Studebaker wagons,
of all descriptions aro fold nt 1117 Far
nam street?
look and Oat Ahead by Joining
Nebraska Savings and Ixjan Ass'n. $1.00
will start you. 160S Farnani street.
Announcement to to Publlo The safe
stock of J. J. I ei-lght company, loca'.td
nt ISIS Karnam street. Is now being sold
at great sacrifices In prices. Anyono in
need of safe or vault doors ptcae tnk
advantage of this opportunity. Continuing
business nt the same old stand. J. J.
Derlght Company. Advertisement.
Mliaoorl .Taclflo Changes Ttni. Sun
Uav the Missouri Pacific makes scvsrxl
changes In the arrival and departure of
Us passenger trains here. No. 108, sout'i
bound, will leave nt 11:30 a. m. Instead i.f
10 45 as now; No. 105, which arrives at 7
a. in., will arrive at 7:15, and No. 103.
which gets hcie at 5:65 p. m., will como
nt 5 45.
Guild of Omaha is President of
Commercial Club Secretaries.
Manufacturers of State- Congratu
lated on Thrlr Cmpsln In
the Interest of Good.
Made nt Home.
Auto Hits Couple,
Then Speeds Away
William Warner, 402 South Thirty-
eighth street and Miss Nellie Nelson. 1518
I nss street, were struck by a rapldly
movlng automobile nt Fifteenth and
Douglas streets late last night and
knocked to the pavement. Tho wheels
passed over both Warners legs, but his
companion escaped Injury. "Warner was
not hurt Berlously nnd was ablo to go
home unassisted. Tho driver of tho auto
did not stop after hitting the couple.
Tho Hotol of American Ideals"
Washington, ID. C
Hotel Powhatan
Pennsylvania Avenue
at 18th and II Streets
Wew, Fireproof. JJuroPesr Plan
1 looms, detached batli, $l.GO,
' $i:.oo up.
ltootns, prlvnto hnth, $2,50,
$3.00 up.)
100 per cent. Fire, Germ and Dust
Proof, TWO blocks from Whit.
House, and near nil points
of interest.
Owners aril Operators.
Direction and Management
w atclifulness upon the part of resi
dents in the neighborhood near Twenty-
eighth and Chicago streets prevented at
least two bold burglaries last night and
put the pollco lu tho way of breaking up
a new game In tho burglary lino here.
karly yeBterday evening n ragged
young man appeared nt the back door
of Commissioner Tom MoGovern's home,
615 Chicago street, and asked for some.
thing to cat. aire. McQovern gavo the
man soma hot coffee and sandwiches and
while doing so heard a nolso at the
front door. She left tho kitchen to In
vestigate and found two tramp com
panions In the parlor. The commission
ers wlfo ran to a dresser nearby and
put her hand In one of tho drawers as
If to get a pistol and all three men ran.
Shortlv afterward the same trick was
tried nt the home of Charles 'Seagren.
2308 Chicago street. As in the first in
stance, tho men working tho front part
of tho house woro noisy and were heard,
Mr. Seagren happened to be home and
.chased tho thleVes away.
"That's n blim ob or palm reading, so
Just give back my uuarter," demanded
Charles McNeil to Mine Anna George, a
J. M. Guild, commissioner of the Omaha
Cominercltl club was elected president of
the Nebraska Commercial Clubs Secre
taries' associations at the final Session
of the secretaries yesterday afternoon..
Lincoln was chosen as the placet for
holding the meeting nxet year.
A. M. Conners of Grand Island was
elected secretary-treasurer. Vice presi
dents were elected In the following order
James Ilenderson. Central City; O H
Oehlcr. Kearney; H. 11. Howell. Hast
ings. Resolutions were adopted endorsing tho
Nebraska Development and Public Wcl
fure commission, as proposed by n bill
drawn up by tho Joint committee from
the Statu Editorial association and tho
Association of Commcrcltl clubs.
Further resolutions were adopted ex
tending thanks to the Omaha Commercial
club nnd to J. M. Guild for the reception
and entertainment furnished the members
while In Omaha: congratulating the Ne
braska Manufacturers' association on Its
work In the campaign for Nebraska made
goods; and thanking the Omaha manufac
turers and business houses for the In
vitations to visit and Inspect their plants
while here.
Those who enrolled In the association
during the two days' sessnlon and are,
therefore, charter members, are as fol
lows: Fred II. Barclay, Pawnee City; W. t
Fisher. Havelock; James Henderson,
Centrnl City; O. C. Turner, Nebraska
State Automobile association; F. n. Fpr
guson, Wlnslow; R. G. Illley. Falrbury;
H. B. Howell. Hastings: Herbert Ixmnd,
Wlnslde; A. M. Conners, Grand Island;
C. R. Stnceiika, Campbell; K. W. Ros-
alter, Walthlll; F. I. Ringer. Lincoln:
Penn P. Fodrea, Nebraska Manufacturer-
ers' association; J. M. Guild, Omaha:
M. V. Parrlsh, Omaha; Umll Benson,
Wahoo; R. J. Fleming. Cedar Bluffs:
O. II. Barnes, Table Rock: R. D. McFad
da.n, Hastings; Zane Thompson, Omaha;
TV. F. Hoerger, Sutton; Charles B. Jones,
Albion: TV. S. TVhltten, Lincoln; C. E.
Bolby, Fremont; R. J. Jncobson, Crete:
C. E. Oehler, Kearney; Theodore V.
Wolz, Fremont; C. W. Grosshaus, Sutton;
F. F. Grosshaus. Sutton; O. B. Towne,
Council Bluffs.
Shoald Study 111. City.
The problems of the Commercial club
secretary were again discussed Friday
at tho session of the Commercial club
secretaries of the state In the Paxton
hotel, thirty-two of whom have so far
At tho morning session O. E. Oehler of
Kearney read a pnper on "Securing New
Industrie." He urged that each secretary
study his city and strive for Industries that
would flit a need In the city and com
munity, and to avoid thoso which for any
reason do not naturally belong In their
community. "We must study our wants
and possibilities," he said. "Otherwise
palmist at Twelfth and Douglas strcetJ we w,u "en n"d ourselves shooting f .r
He stuck his hand In his overcoat pockctT ame tnat our un8 cannot reach. The
pretending that ho had a gun hidden
u-re. The eoln , was-handed- back and
Another unique
drawing contest
similar to
The Girl Without a Mouth
bonus hunter Is dangerous., It is oftn
the case that .a Jiinn represents hlnlsejf
as proposing to start a big Institution
and who merely collects bonus money In
one way and the other until the capital
he has received as a bonus amounts io
enough to flnanco.hls whole proposition
And It very often occurs In such cases
that tho town wakes up to find Itself left
holding the sack."
Ilenaon "Why.
11. B, Howell,, on tho. subject ."Encour
aging Home Manufacture," pointed out
some of the reasons why a home manu
factory, might not be patronized at home,
The people, he said, "should not bo ex
pected to support a homo factory on icn
tlment alone. The goods must be good
enough to meet the demands ot the homo
T. . 11... -
JUUUto hhixluui miw u unm L. r actory 's goods are good enough to find a
imtrUK. iwmnnw elat, but arc not up
usl ii fi tho dissatisfied patron won mak
ing his getaway. Patrolman Wright and
Detectives Lahey and bulllvan came
nlo'ng. Upon tho fortune teller's com
plaint. McNeil was arrested.
At tho station he said that the seeress
hud told him that ho was an Englishman
by birth, u clerk by occupation and would
dio In great happiness. McNeil is a pa
triotic Irishman, a boilermaker out of a
Job and says ho Is so hnppy now that tho
thoughts of death make him sad. He says
nny prophet that cannot come nearer to
tho truth than this is not entitled to a
Judge A. L. Sutton, presiding Judge In
this district, hns lssuec a call for me
morial services to be held In court room
No. 1 of the new court house Saturday
morning In honor of the memory, of
Judges E. Wnkeloy and G. W. Doane. two
of the oldest members of the Douglas
county bar, who passed away near the
close of last year. The Invitation extends
to all relatives, friends and old settlers.
Key to the Situation Eeo Advertising.
Victor Records V
mm wii , P
Women's Tailored
Starts Saturday, 9 A,
The time lias come for our nnuunl cleanup of suits ami every woman in Omnha and vicinity knows what this means.
We have divided our enormous stock into two great lots which will be placed on sale Saturday at these, big bargain
prices. Every suit is an exclusive model mid made up in the most desired materials in vogue this season. Besides our
usual big assortment of regular sizes, all our misses' suits and extra largo are included in lliis sale. 13c sure to
come and trv to be here early.
(MERLY FOR $29.75, $35.00,
$19.50, $22.50 AND $25.00,
FURS AT HALF PRICE - Don't fail to take advantage of this great half price sale of furs.
Our entire stock of Coats and Dresses now on sale at Half Price.
lng whether or not he should answer the
Tnlk Street 1.txU1liiK.
Mayor Oeorge P. Wolr of Kremont dis
cussed street lighting and revealed somo
of the plans followed In putting In the
system In Fremont. Ho agreed to fur
nish the secretaries pamphlets giving fig
ures on the operation of the municipal
lighting plant nt Fremont.
J. M. Guild of Omaha told the nunn-
bcrs how to secure a good attendance at
their meetings. Ho urged them to call
their meetings for the noon hour nnd
have a luncheon In connection with the
meetings, and In corroboration ho pointed
to the success of tho public service lunch
eons given weekly by tho Omaha- Com
mercial club,.
Ward C. Olfford of the Omaha Com
mercial club started a discussion on
newspaper publicity. Ho pointed out tho
difficulty that many clubs have In getting
space In tho nowspupers for the Items
from their towns and talked to them from
tho 8toiulKilnt of ex-newspnper reporter.
Ho told them they must remember that btv
foro u dally paper In tho city would pub
lish their Hems these Items must have
a news value This opened it general
discussion, which revealed the fact that
many ot the secretaries nro ox-nowspnpt!r
men. O. 11. Towne, sccrctnry of tho
Council Utiiffa Commercial club, speak
ing from tho standpoint of nri ex-olty
editor, told the secretaries that It thoy
did not frown upon tho newspaper mon
when thoy called at tho commercial club
office they would get publicity, because
tho reporter wn always out for news.
Immediately following tho luncheon the
crowd of over thirty secretaries was
taken on an excursion to tho roof of tho
elghtecn-stoy Woodmen of tho World
building, where thy wero trcntod to a
panorama view of tho city from, that
vantage point.
Perslstont Advertising Is
Hlg ncturns.
the Iluad to
New Firm Preparing
to Open Their Neat
Store Here March 1
"Kd" Wilcox of the firm of Allen k
Wilcox, which Is to open a men's cloth
ing store nt 20! South Fifteenth street
March 1, has returned from tho cast,
where he made largo purchases of cloth
ing for tho stock ot tho new firm. A high
class of clothing will he sold at prices
within reach ot the man who wants tho
most stylish and modish clothes nt fig
ures which are within the compass of his
pocUetbook. Tho store will bo opened
with a display ot very excellent spring
suits and top coats. All the latest fash
ionable designs and cuts will bo shown.
Mr. Wlloox was with Itrownlng, King &
Co. In this city for more thun twenty
years, Thomas W. Allen, tho other men.
her of the firm, wns with Brownhvg-Kl.ig
for mor,o than eleven years. Hotli are
very well known In Omaha and Nebraska
business el role and aro recognized ft
leading authorities In tho men's clothing
Snowball Victim
Stabs Wrong Man
Itobert Iilssey, 1007 South Tenth street,
was stabbed at tho baso of tho left lung
last night at Thirteenth nnd William by
an Infuriated foreigner, who mistook him
for a youth who throw a snowball. He
was taken to St. Joxcph's hospital nnd
Is lu n serious condition.
Mlko dJJIle, a Syrian, wns arrested nt
midnight by Patrolmnn A. A. ntoh unit
later confessed to tlili slabbing. He says
that RlBBcy tormented him. According t
tho injured man, tho snowballs were
thrown by somo small boys.
If you received a Victor-Victrola (or
any similar instrument) for Christ
mas, be sure to come to Hospe's to
hear the new records. We have
separate sound-proof Record Rooms
and gladly play the new Records for
you without-obligation to purchase.
We offer you the choice of thousands of tho match
less new Victor Records. No matter what talking machine
you have, no matter where it was bought, remember,
most everybody comes to Hospe's for Records. You
must come, too.
1513-15 Douglas Street, Omaha.
to the standard of quality required by
the people of the town. Second, there
often a lack ot effort on the part ot
the manufacturer himself to secure the
home patronage. Ho often spends money
on traveling to Introduce his goods In
other places and depends upon the people
In his own town to call him up by tele
phone or make him a personal call In
order to get acquainted with his gpodi.
He, on the other hand, should seek th
borne patronage as well as that In other
State Development.
E. V. Parrlsh, manager of the publicity
bureau ot Omaha, gave a synopsis ot
the "Nebraska Development and Publto
Welfare bill" that Is to be introduced in
the state legislature this winter to pro
vide for a commission of seven men who
are to manage the publicity of the state
Tho bill provides for the work to be don
through the publicity of the state. Th
bill provides for the work to bo dor.'
through tho University of Nebraska, and
provides for a commission consisting o
the governor of the state, the chancellor
of the University of Nebraska, a menr
ber of the Board ot Ilegents of the unl
verslty, the secretary of the State Board
of Agriculture, the state superintendent of
public Instruction, the director ot the leg
islative reference bureau and one other.
"In brief," said Mr. Parrlsh. "the plan
Is to tell the truth about Nebraska. Blue
sky publicity only reacts and subse
quently hurts the state more than It ben
efits It." Th bill provides for an appro
priation of 0,000 to carry on the work
and the commissioners are to work with,
out salary.
Tell Their Troubles.
The secretaries enjoyed a "round table"
luncheon at the Omaha Commercial club
rooms at noon, when the troubles of com
mercial clubs and their secretaries were
I continuously and Informally discussed. A.
M. Conners of Grand Island wanted the
commercial secretaries to decide upon
some "code word" whereby the secre
taries could retfognlie a brother member
When they received correspondence asking
for a list ot the members ot the club and
other Infbrmatlon. He held that to
answer such .communication."!, without
some assurance that the man asking, It
wants It for legitimate purposes Is not
i best, because often someone wants the
names of the business men for some pur
pose which Is entirely for his own In
terest. Confers' schema did not Uko well
with the rest of tno secretaries and the
opposition to his plan was overwhelming.'
J. M. Guild and others held that If now
ind then names were seoured In this way
for purposes of advertising or other pur.
poses not approved by the club, such
leases were rare. James Henderson of
Central City believed that the secretary
should simply use "horse sense" In Judg.
MOST men appreciate quality in clothes a gar
ment to please them must fit and hang right
also past experience has learned thousands of them
that the quality of material and workmanship must be
in the garments, otherwise the pleasure in their owner
ship will be short lived.
The majority of the men 01 Omnha and vicinity know that the quality, style, fit and
service, in fact everything that goes to mnko real clothes value, is in Haydcn clothes.
That's the reason of the continued success of our big Januaiy clearance in spite of
the tremendous, uiidorpricings that have been advertised by other stores.
No job lots or antiquated styles in our stock, but almost oomploto linos of
season's best fabrics, patterns nnd styles; fully 80, of them made for us by
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Not a fancy suit 'or overcoat in the entire stock re
served. All go at sale price.
All Suits and Ovorcont,3
that fonnerlv sold to
$:iT).00, at
All Suits and Overcoats
that fonnerlv sold to
$25.00, at
(1 J FE For choice of all broken lines Hart, Schaffnor & Marx and other high
IttbI w grade makes, no matter what the former selling price. All must go.
All Suits and Overcoats that sold at $10.50 and $18.00, Cfc"! "I EZt
on sale, at choice 5 I I i3U
Romember, we guarantee the purchaser satisfaction in nny selection he may make
from our stock. Wo know the goods.
350 Children's Suits, on sale f THEY'RE WORTH 4'2o Children's Suits on sale
at $2.45
39b" Children's Suits on sale
at $3.45
at $4.45
f 1275 Children's Suits on sale
at $5.45
A big lot of men's
suits and overcoats,
in domestic room,
.Saturday, to close
Children's s u i ts
and overcoats, in
the domestic room
Saturday, to close,