Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Bntcred at Omaha postorflee fti second
class matter.
ftnnday Bee, one. year.. .......II.W
Saturday Bee. one year 1W
gaily e, without Sunday, one year. 4.00
ally Bee, and Sunday, one year 6.00
Evening: and Sunday, per month 0c
Evenlnir without Sunday, per month.. 25c
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo. Go
Dally Bee, without Sunday, per mo... 4&c
Address all fcomplntnts or lrrejrutarlt!e
In delivery to Clt.- nrcitlatlen Hept.
Remit by draft. etrees or postal order.
Bayablo to The Bee rubllshlns company,
nly 2-cent stamps received In payment
of small accounts Pomona! checks, ex
cept on Omaha and -astern exchange, not
accepted. .
Omaha The Ben bulldlnir.
South Omaha -E1I8 X street.
Council BIuffs-11 North Main street.
IJncoln--31 t.tttlo tmlldlnK.
Ohlcaao 1041 Marauette uulldlnc
Kansas Clty-nellance bulldlnK.
New Tork-M West Thirty-third.
St. t,ouis-40t Frisco bulldlnK.
Washington-?:.'. Fourteenth St.. N. V
connnai ondence.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter Fhnuld be addressed
Omaha Beo, Editorial dcoartment.
. 49,044
EUUe of Nebrasha. County of Douglas, ss:
DwlRht Wlllliims. circulation manager
of The Beo Publishing company, bclnir
duly aworn, says that th average dally
circulation for thf month of December,
1512, was ,044. DWIOHT WILLIAMS.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before mo this 31st day of December.
llOHlil.T 1NII, '
Notary Public,
Pnbucrllirrn lcnvlnn the vltr
temporarily should hove Tim Bee
matted In tbrm. Aildrrs ttIII he
chnaceA nu often nm rrqnrsted.
If Omaha wants dollar gas It con
have it with only a few strings tied
to it.
Thn Lumber Dcnlera' association
never talk prices at thoir meetings.
That goes without saying.
Our bid frlond, tho double shift
lor firemen in Lincoln, bobs up
again in the legislative halls. Uo
to It!
The Burlington not only denies
having committed any unfriendly act
toward Omaha, but promises not to
do it again.
According to Nebraska ozperlonco
each succeeding legislature Is ready
and eager to cut off needless em
ployes of future legislatures.
Tho slogan "lower wator rates not
Jioxt month, nor next year, but now,"
Beems to bo llko a party platform
to get in on, but not to stand on.
It is now proposed to .tnako tho
Stato Railway commission appointive
instead of elective. My! Wouldn't
tho railroads and. other corporations
llko that?
The Beo ventures to express the
hope that when the court yard and
approaches of our new county build
ing como to bo laid out, they will
not bo .made to conform to the pic
tures carried on the county station
ery. Tho purpose of tho proposed work
men's compensation net is to rollevo
tho victims of industrial accidents
without litigation. Tho lawyers of
Omaha havo gone on record in ravor
of a workmen's compensation act
providing it does not stop litigation.
Governor Morehend Is trying to got
his appolntlvo troubles orf his hands
bo as to clear the decks for attention
to other public business. Ilo evi
dently does, not figure -that tho leg
islature as constituted, ono houso
domocratlc and tho othor republican,
-will add to tho number of places at
his disposal.
Organized Arson.
Arson plots identlcaj In character
of operation are being simultaneously
JnTcstigated in Chicago and Now
York. Confessions secured Implicate
associations of Incendiaries, insur
ance brokers and unscrupulous agents
of apartment houses. In New York
26 per cent of the fires are charged
to arson, In Chicago 15 per cent. If
Bucccosful and unpunished, tho crim
inals would naturally. In time, ex
tend their operations to other cities.
Such a condition must strike in on
every community with an appeal for
action to protect endangered Jlfo, to
Bay nothing of property. It might
bo well for the federal government
to assist tBo stato and local authori
ties in ferreting out tho culprits. A
community of interest botween tho
Chicago and Now York operations
eboujd, it seems to us, afford suffi
cient cause for co-operative action by
federal agencies.
vuiiuiB u a Aiauc vicmcr.
The decision of thA.lilff Mnnt
ery Ward concern of Chicago to es-
4 s Vt Hart n tirannti nnltia In fAmnlin l
strategic location as the natural dis
tributing center for the largest and
richest section of the west. It Is
especially gratifying as proof that
outsiders are beginning to appreciate
Omaha's commercial Importance, and
yet It was inevitable that the shrewd
captains of the mall order business
nhould see the advantage of getting
closer to the territory best reached
from this point. Four cities
Omaha, Minneapolis, Fort Worth ana
Denver have been selected by tho
Montgomery Ward people, who bare
appropriated U.QOOjOOO t forward
a campaign of oxtonalon, and It may
bo confidently predicted that the
Omaha hono will become one of the
largest of tho branches for the rea
son that a Rrowth unsurpassed by
that of any section of the country Is
with certainty assured tho trade ter
ritory tributary here.
An Effort Worth Making
When The Doe published the fact
a month ago that the Burlington
had arranged to transfer several hun
dred employes from Omaha to Chi
cago, tho World-Herald, evidently Ir
ritated at missing out on the hews,
rushed to that railroad's defense, with
such belittling advice ns this, after
Tho Bee had urged defensive action:
j Count twenty and sit down and think
I It over.
I There can be no viilld complaint (by
j Omahn against tho removal order.)
it Is very doubtful If Omaha could stop
! the proponed trnnsfor If It made the most
violent effort. It Is still more doubtful
If It would pay to make the offort oven
with the assurance that It would be suc
cessful. But the business men of Omaha,
believing with Tho Beo thnt Omaha's
commercial Interests woro menaced
and that it was not a time for mush
and milk tallt, proceeded to "make
the effort." Now that tho effort has
brought promised results, the do-
piothlng organ exclaims:
Tho Omaha Commercial club should be
congratulated on the eminently fair and
..ii.i l ...i.ii. i, ,. , f,...
sensible manner In which It has handled
tho matter of Omaha'a Just Krlewmco
against the Burlington railroad.
So wo sco how in ono month "no
valid complaint" may devolop into "a
Just grievance." After this It may
pay tho do-nothing organ not to get
mad without first counting twenty.
Three Bites at a Cherry.
It is possible to toko threo bites
at a chorry, but it is not the usual
and accepted fashion of tablo eti
quotte. It is proposod to take South
Omaha, Dundee, Florence and East
Omaha into Omaha, by forceful an
nexation so far aft the benefits, with
out tho burdens of tho water depart
ment of tho city arts concerned, but
not to annex them, for tho purpose
of sharing the benefits and burdens
of the park department, poltco forco,
fire force, sanitary department and
othor branches of tho municipal gov
ernment. And this Is favored by tho
World-Herald as a chlnfney top
champion of home rule.
If our suburban neighbors can so
euro piecemeal tho bonefits and ad
vantages of tho service rendered by
L'h varlouH departments of our city
government, why should they over
consent to become an Integral part
of tho city, pay city tnxes, and ns
sumo their sharo of tho city debt?
Hp, wo, repeat, tho way to solvo tho
water problem besotting those outly
ing districts who .wont plpo exten
sions, and now wator norvlco, which
will require additional outlay or
Omaha's capital, is for thorn to como
In and become part of Omaha.
Boston Herald: Here comos a Paris
newspaper which tells Its renders thut
Wood row Wilson owes bin nucrens In
politics to bin skill as a bass ball player,
and particularly to ono championship
game thnt ho saved by a wonderful one
hand catch. All of which Is probably as
truo as lota of things that our own news
pacrs tell u about Paris.
Pittsburgh Poat; Mexican robels are re
ported to havo kidnaped a federal gen
eral and hla staff. Coming right on the.
heels of the story that conditions were
Improving' this would Indicate that tho
war correspondents are hard pressed.
t. Louut Republic: Recent events In
volving a well-known denlcen of Kust
Aurora Indicate that n great many highly
moral mottoes which he vended through
out tho country will come down off tho
Quaint Bits of Life
Complaint ban been filed with the post
master at Guthrie, Okl by John Ander
son, a fanner, because Luther Arnold, a
rural mall carrier, refused to 'accept for
parcels post delivery a live hen which
Anderson tied to his mull bovk with th
destination address card fastened to its
William Peek, who had been operated
on for lung trouble and given up as an
Incurable consumptive, went to his homo
In Wayre, Pa., believing that ho could
not be cured. He was selted with a vio
lent coughing spell and coughed up a wis
dom tooth, which for two years had been
embedded In his lungs.
An engineer on a Iong Island engine
smiled at a would-be passenger standing
on a station platform when the train wa
passing It. The passenger took this as an
Intimation that tho train was going to
slow down for hint and tried to board,
wjth the tesult of losing a leg ond tho
railroad having to pay S.XX
Klbert Otlllmm has quit the Job of
teaching a dog a new trick. The dog
knows many tricks and Glllham wuw
trying to train thV dog to toss a coin
from his nose and cjtch It In his mouth.
Kach time, after doing It, the dog would
swallow the coin and the lessons became
too expensive for Glllham to continue
One or the courts In the middle west
ha divorced Hart from Hart-that Is.
two Harts without T;" and In Mis
souri one Merry was authorized to leaw
another Merry because they were an In
harmonious twain. But In Wayne county.
Michigan, the court accomplished what is
generally believed to be Impossible. It
separated a Kiss from a Kiss.
"It Is my desire," said the young
woman, add reiki tig tho man behind the
counter, "It Is my desire to obtain a
pair of circular elastic appendages capa
ble of being contracted or expanded by
means of oscillating burnished steel ap
pliance that sparkle tike particles of gold
leaf set with Alaska diamonds, and whloh
are utilised for keeping In position the
habiliments of the extremities which iif
uate delicacy forbids me to mention."
Tho clerk Jived, to repeat IU
kliicf Backward
TUiisDav in Omaha
3 ?
Thirty Years Agi
The pioposltluti Is under consideration
by the State Board 6f Agriculture to lo
cate the statu fair at Omaha ngaln for
the coming two years.
A coyote rreuted some consternation n
Tenth street before It was captured.
Thn hall of Pioneer hook and ladder
company In the city hall Is draped '.n
mourning for the lata Fuller It. Smith.
"Old Billy." the veteran hotsn of the
Merchants' Express company. Is dead. He
was 20 years old and had been In the ex
press service for twelve years.
Pools on the senatorial race are being
sold at the old base ball pool headquarters
of J. E. Blake.
Thomas A. MoShanc, until qiiltc re
cently engaged In the grocerj ImstnoiM
on Cuming, street, a brother of John A
and Felix Mctihane, died at his residence,
leaving a wife and two children.
Edward Walsh, the well known con
tractor. Is rejoicing In the arrival of his
first born, a llttlo girl.
Misses Jessie and Frunkle Burton left
in a visit to Washington to be nlwent
about two months.
L. II. Mlckel, it salcxmnn In Sam.icl
Burns' ciockoiy store. Is quitting to take
tho position as traveling salesman for
i3llss & Isaacs.
Mlsn Hennlng of Kvansvlllc, Ind., Is thn
guest of Miss Hheura for a few days.
Twenty Years Afft -
C. B. Ilolcomb of Kuntas City, Oliver
W. Mink of lloiton and H. If. H. Clark.
officials of the Union Pacific, icglstered,
at the Millard. J
Nebraska's World's fair commission
ers met at the office of General Oar
neau. Among tho matter discussed was
the ntate'a appropriation of J50.000 for an
exhibit at Chicago. It was felt that this
amount would be insufficient to meet
the needs and a plan was proposed of
aaklnr Governor Boyd to authorize an
additional num.
Mrs. Jennie M. Forestnun, 30 years of
age, died at her home, 1734 Leavenworth
Among the licenses to marry granted
during thn day was one permitting N'cHu
Frederick .Sorenson Stohr to make
Emma Johnson his wife.
The revival services at the Methodist
church In South Omaha, where Rev.
Mr. Dawson had been preaching about
the eternal fires, were cut short when
fire of another kind broke out and
burned part of tho building, entailing
a loss of $3,500. Rev. Mr. Dawson left
his pulpit nnd plunged Into the fight
against thin 'fire, giving tho firemen
sturdy assistance, no (left for home
covered with Ice, tho water from tho
hoses freezing on him. Councilman
James Bulla seems to nave been the first
to detect the flames. The disaster was
traced to thn careless firing of a tem
porary Janitor, n youth named Smith,
the regular man being off duty for the
Ton . YcnrN Ago
Louis Henderson, the florist, who re
eldos In Houth Omnha, wo held up by
threo thugs at night near hln homo and
robbed of Pm In cash nnd a valuable
watch, hvUt csenped with $40 In cash, which
tho trio overlooked,
Rev. E. Combo Smith at First Methodist
church, took a few hot shots at the coal
barons, speaking to tho text. "The Ooal
Famine from tho Ethical Standpoint."
Men Interests! professed to have re
ceived word from E. C Hurd, the Ohio
capitalist representative, assuring them
tho Omaha-Lincoln lnterurban railway
would bo built forthwith.
Bert Williams nnd George Walker, th
old reliables, wens twisting people Insldo
out with laughter '-In Dahomey" nt tho
George S. Hlokox. a former Oumhau,
who was In the federal buroiu of animal
Industry, stopped In Omaha enrouto to
Lincoln, where ho snld he would urgo
Governor Mickey to take action looking
o more rigorous enforcement of live
stock Inspection rules In western Ne
braska. Mr. Hlckox said they had been,
poorly enforced there.
People Talked About
Boh McClanahan the "fog horn of the
Osarks," called the figures for the nnclent
aquare dances which decorated tho In
augural ball of Missouri's governor.
A Mlssourian In, Washington sketchea
Governor Klllott W. Major ae "the home.
Host man' In the excoutlve chnlr." Any
state brave enough to lompe-to with Mis
souri's beauty T
Tho kalter took this year his annual
Christmas walk in the neighborhood of
the Sans Soucl park. Berlin, Hud having
handed a gift of money to every person
lie met on his way, returned to the pal
ace when he had emptied his purse.
With tho retirement on January 1 of
Herman Kngle, secretary of Reed lodge
of Masons of Evansvllle, III., there was
closed a period of continuous service on
Ills part extending back to 1S71. By hold
ing various offices at tho name time he
has nerved lit lodge years, which Is
thought to be a record.
Prof. Harry Thurston Peek of Now
York has gone Into voluntary bank
ruptcy, with assets at xero and liabili
ties away up. The latter consists of the
claims of Ksther Qulnn for fd,000 for
In each of promise of marriage, and J100.-
0 damages for libel,5 two bills fat
euouph to put tho average professor In
the poverty ydass,
J. P. Morgan has been recognised ns
a patron of. art by the Catholic univer
sity, because of his generosity In the
purchase, at a cost of about J WO.OOO, of
Coptic manuscripts collected in Egypt
by Dr. Henry Hyvernat, the orientalist
of the Catholic university, nnd by M.
Chasslnat, head of the French Institute
of Archaeology, Cairo.
The club women of 8an Francisco are
giving Judge Charles L. Weller a hot run
for his job. The Judge reduced the ball
bond of an Immoral wretch from 1.1,000
to J1.000. whereupon the I, w. Jumped the
town. While attempting to defend his
courso at a mass meeting of Indignant
women the judge was hissed from the
platform, Recall petitions are ndw reach
ing for the judge's scalp,
Klraer E. Adler of Billings. Mont., the
West Point cadet who shattered the
rule against marriages, waa arrested on
returning to the academy from his" honey
moon and stripped of his rank as rer
gesjit Ills resignation. was not accepted.
Adler's" bride Is Florence B. Davis, a belle
from Buffalo, N. T. The wedd.lng took
place Jonuair. 9,
In Other Lands
IHnrrrril tnl Wnr Correspondent.
The prolific genius who presided over
the fiction factory at Mole St. Nicholas
during tii Spanish-American war, and
Whose stories of phantom fleets, boom
ing guns and Invisible sea battles fre
uently thrilled tho country, no longer
fills sensation's nlcho of fame. Like a
discredited Idol he Iibr been pulled from
his perch and consigned to the Junk
p'le. A flock of Imitators hanging on
the fringe of the Balkan war so far
outclass the sensationalist of fourteen
yearn ago that his work appears lankly
amateurish by comparison. Rumor
qualified the inventions of the former,
thus hedging a thrill with a smllo. Tho
sennatloiiallf t of today weaves an Iso
lated incident into a great battle, drops
In a picture or two, and tho achievement
Is complete. To the elders In this
hazardous calling, who have won dis
tinction by sobriety. Intelligence, and In- !
tesrlty, the action of the sencntion
mongers not only discredit the profes
sion, but marks the degradation "f Mm
war correspondent. Writing to the New
York Evening Post. Francis McCullagh.
a reputable correspondent who accom
panied the Turkish army on Its retreat
from Lule Burgas and acclde ntally rode
Into the advance guard of the Rulgars
nuts the blamn on the craze for sensa-
jtlon. The reading multltudo crave the
thrill of the headline nnu ine i-iciurc.
land the ono who will provide both, re
gardless of means. Is the one given the
'nnnlgnment. One hundred and thirty
' correspondents, with their valets and
' . .... n utiAii.lnl train tfl
OqUipTUOlUB, IVMimi-'i "l" ' -
transport them from Constantinople to
tho front. A conspicuous member of tho
corps, after signing papers not to leave
tho army without permission, violated
tho agreement In order to "scoop" hln
nssoclates. On the Bulgarian side very
few correspondents were allowed with
the arm'. Full 200 were held at Sofia,
whence nil grades of sensationalism
were sent home. Camera batteries,
moving plotura takers In formidable au
tomobiles, disreputable amateurs togged
out as boy scouts seeking adventure,
constituted a majority of the. class who
gather and pad the drivel df wounded
soldiers. In "Mr. McCullagh's opinion
the enormouV number of correspondent"!
rushed to The Balkan war. the dis
creditable conduct of many members
and fh .amaxlng lack of reliability
"makes the prerfence of any recognized
correspondent on the firing line of the
next great European war seem to mo
Suntli Afrteiin Politics.
General Botha represents the tpe of
Boer who fought valiantly for the Inde
pendence of the republic and accepted
tho results with a large nearv.
.!, fnr ht holtaue with equal
vigor, but declines to keep step with the
rr, A ministers or mo ouu.n
African union the question of co
operating In the naval defense of the
empire developed a radical divergence of
..i..- ,.ir.n the two warriors, and
tho ministry renlgned last month. A nuv
one formed, with General noma asmn
... ..mi.r nv this simple method tho
ministry was relieved of a kicker. Jn
Parliament, however, uonerai .....
i.. t ii, iixnit of a strong party
faction of irreconcilable Bocrn opposed' to
Imperialism, Immigrants and Englishmen,
and for the Dutch first, last and all the
time. Success of the new ministry ap
pends on the skill of Premier Both In
maintaining party divisions on political
rather than on uuclal lino's. '
Snnnlilnr nnd Stiiutovi.
In nplto of great strikes. Industrial un
rest and political disturbance'. British
iqii inurhrl thri tremendous
tntal nt tfi.lfil.652.5S0. an Increase of J4W.-
000,000 over tho prevloua year, uovcrn-
ment rovenuo from all Hources has In
creased pi oportlonately. From two
sources of revenue untouched In tho
country, deuth duties and income tax,
the revenue totaled $347,?50,Ooa Only 2
per cent of tho members of organised
labor was unemployed. In all lines tho
year wus one of booming trade and gen
eral prosperity. Strange to nay, the nun
shtno of trade revived Is shadowed by
discouraging records of poverty, partlcu.
larly In London. Pauperism seems to be
a chronic condition of llfo In tho sub
merged section of the metropolis of the
empire. Figures published In the Times
show that, the poor law guardians on Do
cembcr 14 were providing for 110,292 per
sons, a ratio of ?4.4 a thousand of popula
tion. The Times poliits out that the sta
tlKttcs It quotes 'relate only to legal pau
pers, but adds that "If the others, who
are In receipt of public relief under an-
nlhir iin mo are milled the number Is.
approximately, doubled." In Liverpool,
Glasgow and other big towns thtngs have
Improved, but London seems to be grow
ing steadily worse. As the Times say,
"thciv seems to bo something essentially
wronc with London." Yet while able-
bodied men are receiving relief, employ
ers are advertising In. vain for labor.
1 .
Italy' Xht Trovlncea.
I'eoce broods over Tripoli. The Arabs
have receded lno their desert haunts and
moat of tho Turkish soldiers aro gone.
A program jot colonization has been an
nounced b)1 tho Italian government, and
a decree Issued, creating the provinces of
Trlpolttanla anrf Ctrenalca under civil gov
ernment directly responsible to tho min
ister of colonial affairs. The military
administration will bo quite dlstinot from
the civil and will be directed by General
Ragnl In Trlpolltanla and General Brlc-
cola In Clrcnaica. At home the govern
ment has found the money cost of the
conquest to bo l!4,000,000. The war ex
tended over &t days, from September 9.
1911, to October 15, 1912; thus the cost
averaed $323,000 a day. In the autumn
the average dally cost had been esti
mated at 1120,000. To Turkey the war is
estimated to have cost $120,000 dally. Tho
Transvaal war cost England $1,000,000 a
day; the Manchuiian war cost the two
contestants upwards of $3,000,000 a day.
I.rne Majeatr.
Some of the Frenchmen In the con.
quered province of Alsace-Lorraine are
reminded occasionally that flouting Ger
man Imperialism is not only a waste of
breath, but also inconvenient and un
profitable. Henri Schatz. an engineer by
profession and an obstinate rebel, has
been sentenced to four months in iatl
for leso majestic He took part in a
meeting of the Souvenir Francois at the
time when the kaiser had made his
famous threat to let the disaffected
Alsatians know the rough side of Im
perial rule. - There was a bust of the
kaiser In the room, and Mr. Schatz said,
"In this way we shall know the rough
side of the emperor," and turned it face
to. ibe. Trail
Tte BecS jLeiier B
Responsibility fnr Crime.
OMAHA, Jan. 17. To the Editor of The
Bee: Collier's, Uie "Saintly Weakly," in
commenting upon the statutory crime
committed by a negro in Washington, D.
C, on Christmas night, quotes from the
Washington Times as follows:
lieu uie ynroner wan ormiKiicu ne i
replied to the court's demand for n plea: ;
"I Just don't know how to plead."
uiu you ati mis aci or nun
"I drank bo much liquor that I don't
rVitllcr'a aiimrt tn th Tlrripn In In
vestigate what brand of liquor this negro
drank and to print the manufacturers
name and picture In Its columns with
the legend:
This Is the man who profited by the
crime and who. being a respectable citi
zen of Ioulsvllle or Baltimore, or some
oilier wnisKj iiiamiiHciui hik iutym, vu
probably, sitting snugly and happily at
fnmllv. etc.. when the crime was com- !
That thi- view from Collier's nanctum I
toward the liquor traffic Is obscured by
clouds of prejudice has been patent to
most of Its readers for some time, but i
as the self-proclaimed harbinger of truth '
and enlightenment It should not Impose j
iiDnrt them with such grossly misleading
comment as contained In this editorial.
vw tint Cnlller'n know that In at '
least nine cases out of ten where a crim
inal pleads drunkenness he lies In order
to shield himself from the graver conse
quences of a serious crline7 But assume
that this negro nlcaded truthfully, and
also that whisky, Instead of beer or pat
ent medicine, wan the intoxicant.
Since about three-fourths or more of
the value of all whisky sold goes for In
ternal revenue tax to poy the expenses
of tho national government, tho man
"who profits most" Is Uncle Sam, whoso
picture In connection with this crime
would, If Collier's suggestion were roi
lowed by the Times, be most appropriate,
bocause he reaps the lion's sharo of the
income from all liquor sold. The re
tailer, who may be either conducting his
business properly or bo a Joint keeper
protege of municipal politics, would bo
next In line. If tho ono who am sen
this particular negro liquor had not done
so, someone else would. Where there is
a demand there Is alwnys, somewhere, a
supply. Stop the demand (by education)
and see how quickly tho supply will
cense. The Intelligent manufacturer of
today recognizes that drunkenness Is the
rrrontxnt enemv of his business, and If
ho could know In advance what partic
ular portion of his product was to De
come the cause of drunkenness or excess,
he would rather destroy It than to sou
It for many times Its cost. Surely tho
Manufacturers of explosives wouia ramer
h.v. ilPHtroved that particular lot of
dynamite which blew up the Los Angeles
Times, could they have roreseen me oui
rage. The proneness of Americans to inter
pret the term "morality" as applying,
only to matters of sex or drink Is un
fortunate, but why always put the blanio
for atatutory crime or social evil nt the
door of liquor? It docs not rcqulro much
Btudy or penetration on the part of Col
lier's to know that the baser pasMon of
sex. Is Incited more by men ennged In its
own line of business publishers than by
the manufacturers of liquor. Suggestive
literature Is the cancer that reaches out
Its tentaclos to ruin the morals and hap
piness of tens of thousands of young
people of both sexes every year, nnd whn.t
evil Is left undone by such so-called liter
ature, calculated to Just approach the
border lino of the obscure, Is complotod
by alluring posters and pictures of rotten
theatrical announcements, and by the
performances themselves, as well ns by
pertain dances Invented specially to enter
to lewd Instincts. And I dare, smy that
all these authors and publishers and
ninvwrlehtn an'd theatrical managers aro
v,rv TMneetahlo and sober people. hnOt
Iplly Ignorant at the Christmas tabic, or
tho lives wrecked by such nefarious busi
ness, nnd enjoying probably the respect
of -Colliers nnd other righteous, but
superficial thinkers; and yet their prin
cipal stock In trade Is lasclvous sugges
tion. On the other hand very much more than
09nr cent of all liquor Bold Is used tem
perately and without Injury, either moral
or physical; In perfectly legitimate ways,
socially, and much of It beneficially, by
hospitals or as medicine, being in many
cases Indispensable. Yet its manufac
turers must be plllorlea as the Instigators
of crime because a black bruto pleads
drunkenness as an excuse for rape, and
because of an opportunity for Collier's
to crown Itself with a halo of righteous
ness, and to fashion editorials for play
ing upon the emotions of scntlnmental
people. A. L. METER.
No Appoint I vr Itnllmiy rnitimlnslon.
YORK, Nob.. Jan. 16,-To the Editor of
The Bee: I notice with a good deal of
Interest Representative Hockett's consti
tutional amendment calling for tho ap
pointment by the governor of railway
commissioners Instead of by election ns
at present. This amendment Is all wrong;
suppose we get a rotten man for gov
ernor, what are the people up against
The right way Is to elect as at present
and pass a law so people cun recall the
railway 'commlssdoners If they do not do
their duty by the people who pay them
their wages; also put .In amendment to
primary law providing that all candi
dates bo compelled to file the same day,
thereby preventing tho interests from
bringing out dummy candidates to defeat
the men that don't represent their Inter
est. Keep the power in the hands of the peo
ple, where it belongs.
Over the Seas
An Indoor golf school has been started
In London.
There are S.95S women students in the
colleges of Germany.
Sweden Is providing a peat fuel In baked
form at .27 a ton.
Moving picture theaters are proving
tremendously popular and profitable In
About So.000 lobsters are eaten dally dur
Ing the season In England, and they romi
mostly f torn Nova Scotia: and Norway.
Regular commercial wireless Bervlce has
been established between San Francisco
and Honolulu, a distance 'bf S.E.V) miles.
There are about 100 gas stoves In use
In Hong Kong, the Chinese cooksp -e-ferrlng
their old metbeds, preparing the
food over charcoal and wood stoves.
In one of the Spanish cities a co-open-
tlve society has ben funned which is to
have a .'tntral market, where all k -rt
q foodf tuffs and fuels nui Ue procure! J
Mrs Graminercy I notice you hIm
go south for the winter, i
Mrs. Park I've found lfs safer to de
pend on the temperature than to trust to
tho Janitor for steam heat.
"Sometimes I get Into an nlr pocket,"
explained the aviator, "and can't get
out for the longest time."
"I got caught In one Christmas week,"
said tho pretty girl thoughtfully, "and by
some odd chanco It wn located right
under tho mistletoe, to." Kansas City
Paragrapher The sporting editor stole
my paste pot and scissors.
City Edltor-I'll spak to him. This
plagiarizing must stop.
Mother (admonislilngly) Don't let the
men come too near you when courting.
Daughter Charles and I have a chair
between us.
"Pop, what does tempting fato mean?"
'Tempting fate, my son, means wearing
a high hat in snowball time."
"Oh. nia! ' exclaimed the daughter of
tho candidate, "I Just saw papa kissing
tho cook-lady!"
"That's all right, dear. Ha Is acting as
my manager and I want her vote for to
day's election."
Friend (at bookstore) Hello, old man!
Buying a book?
Other One Yes; my wife's going to
Europe nnd nhe wanted me to get her a
vuliinio about the famous historical places
In the United States, so that she will be
able to denorlbe them to the foreigners
she will meet.
Do You Know How tide
Rayo Lamp Breathes ?
TfvUR experts have made a scientific study of it,
and a RAYO breathes or takes in air in
just the right way and just the right quantity to give
the best light. Every detail of construction of the
famous LJ'mr
has been determined
For Beit Results use
Perfection Oil
Ask about quantity
price and iron barrels
for storage.
Have you
If so, you're going again; and if you want to get
the greatest possible comfort and enjoyment out
of the trip, see that your ticket reads over the
FRISCO LINES, and take the
Kansas Qty Florida Special
It's as fine and as safe as a train can be made. The
coaches ar all-steel, electric-lighted, and equipped with
electric fans. The sleepers are of the latest design. The
dining cars are constructed of steel, and the meals are
served under the management of FRED HARVEY.
If you have never Waited Florida In winter, you have
missed more than you realize. Better post yourself right
way .on what Florida has to offer--its perfect winter climate,
its grand hotels, its hundred-and-one outdoor sports.
Last Chance to See the Panama Canal Work
tiefort th water U turnsd in. Eight personally-conducted tours In
tho teamihlp ETsngtltne," from Key Wast to Colon, returning
via Klrioton and Havana. The veetel la new, built in ScoUand
during 1911-12, especially for touring the tropica. It is. equipped with
Marconi wtrelaaa aervlca, elactrlo Ilahta and fans, and all modern
convanleoeca and luxuries. It will leave Key West January 7th
andatat; February 4th and IBth; March 4th arxl llth; April ttt and 13th.
An eleven day trip. Including meals and berth at tea and in port, for
$110. Stopover privileges granted at Colon, Havana and Kingston.
Pares, Train Schedules, Pullman and Steamship Reservations, and
Descriptive Literature may be obtained by calling upon or addressing
Did you
draw a mouth?
You will have another chance
to show your skill beginning
Watch for it
Prizes in the first 'conlest will be announced Sunday
Detroit Free Pre.-Ji.
His politics ain't mine at all, 1 an't
see anything his way.
I don't agree on any point that VtK
Brown makes; but I don't say
. That Zeke ain't right.
An start a fight
An' give It to him good an' strong,
Hln views ain't mine,
But I opine
I ain't so smart I can't sm wroug1.
I don't set up inyx-lf ns one who's had
the time to learn it all.
I don't profess f be correct In all thliiF"
on this oarthly ball;
I don't deny
Jeff Brown an' I
Weren't mado t' :et along.
He says a lot
That I think rot,
in' yet it may be I am wrong.
Jim Peters Is a Catholic, an' I'm a Pres
byterian. An It's a cinch that I can't see religion
Jes' the way he can;
But I don't say
Tho only w-ay
T' reach tho white robed angel thruim.
An' heaven's throne.
Is mine alone;
It's possible I may be wxriniT. ,
I b'lluvo In thinking all things out. an'
then decldln' which is beBt.
An' llvlti f the light I hhve. an trustln'
God t' do the rest;
If others see
Things differently,
Accqrdln' f their shar o' titxin.
For all I know
Things may be so,
I may be wrong, they may be rlsht.
with the same care.
As a result, itis the
best lamp made.
Ak to Mt It at your
ever visiled
1 l
J. C. Lovrien,
Division Passenger Agent, Frisco Lines,
Waldhelm Bulldlnc Kansas City.