Words Backed By Deeds 1 That. ...I rr-i. . ... I The Daily Bee j.0 ue,, Ilrtg frCmis ami enemies, and why it wields nn Innuenco for public good. V v. v. VOL. XL1I-N0. 184. OMAIIA, SATUHDAY 1-SLXTEhJN PAtJES. SINGLE COPY TY OmXha I in UIIHI I Bl I I I II Mill I I I II i HI I If II I II I 111 nil im I T T T I m . ft am - i - " tmm I . I I I i I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I HKWHtgr CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF FRENCH REPUBLIC Premier is Elevated to High Officej by the National-Acsembly on Second Ballot. PROMINENT IN PUBLIC Committee Awaiting Further Word from President-Elect. WOULD GRIZZLY BEAR llrprcnrnlndvp Itoriilr nlirrrr Off era Amendment to Itmnliilliin Jrr-y mlttlnir I ar f Pension lltillillnir. WASHINGTON. Jan. lT.-Wllllnni C l!ust!". clinl ruin n ..r h,., i i ....... LIFE j mlltoe. held an Informal conference with numbers or tho committee today ova New Executive is Considered One of i ,,es,,lm-t',t'rl wiuon's letter suggesting Strongest Men in France. !Ht "'..mittec consider the r6ifaii. He salil the committee would do all pos- SERVED IN MANY CABINETS He Was Also Vice President of Chamber of Deputies Four Years. ELECTION HELD AT VERSAILLES . timber of Hxcltlngr Im-lrtonl Pre cede Hriflnnlnii of llnlliillnit In Ihn Historic Old Pnlnec. VERSAILLES. Jan. 17.-rremlcr Poln enre was elected president of the. French republic by the assembly held hero to day. Premier Poincare received SSI voles au Jules Pams XU votes on the first ballot for the election of a new president of the republic. Tlio result of the second ballot was Raymond Poir.calre, 4S3 (elected); Jules Pams, 236; Marie Ediiard Vallltint, 09. The1 national assembly was opened promptly at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Antonlu Dubost, president of the senate, who read the decree of convocation In a loud, clear voice. Every Inch of space In the great hall was occupied. Nine-tenths of the spec tatore In tho galleries were women. Everybody present was listening with trained attention when suddenly a thunderous voice from the body of the hall shouted: "Wo protest against" The rest of the phrase was lost In a tumult of cries and exclamations. The volco was that of the conservative deputy, the Marquis Albert de Dion, who "ivii me uproar nau somowhat subsided, started afresh: I "We protest against the election of tho 1 president of the republic by Parliament J Instead of by tho people." I The assembly was agitated anew by a ! uoui rom a socialist deputy, "Down with the empire." The republicans replied by cheering: "Long llvo the republic." Senator DuboBt, who is a veteran par .liaroentarian, gradually restored order by admonishing tho assembly that such interruptions were deplorable "alid futile. 3 well as being contrury to the rules of what was merely an electoral college, where motions and speeches whatever their character were not permissible. I'nlnce llrllllniitly Decorated. The .interior ofvtho Palace, whief, from the time of Louis XV.Lya,' brIN.j .mm.., iccuruieu. xnc floor or tho con graa;.lall Itself was arranged with Utfl chairs covered In dark leather. 'Xo spe cial seats were assigned to tho members of tho two chambers, who took the.'r Places In accordance wtlh their' p.qhtical groupings. v. Outside tho palace In the spacious grounds there was great animation all day, the park being filled with motor curs and carriages, whllo muny liveried do mestics and thousands of curious for eigners wandered about. These were Inter spersed with mounted troopers for the purpose of keeping order. Within the palace many lively lyncheon and tea parties were given by the various functionaries, while some .or tho smaller rcoma were occupied by partisans of the various candidates discussing the tactics to bo purstled. The broad lobbies were filled with sen ators and deputies and hundreds of re-, porters, for all of whom tho government? provided tobacco, clgavs and cigarettes. Twelvo special telegraph wires had been laid from Versailles to Paris, for the use of officials and newspaper cor respondents arid dozens of special tele phones wero installed to Insure rapid communication. stblc to -nirct thr wishes of Mr. Wilson. The president-elect' letter had not poached the committee jAccpt through tho i" "u uiniini ncuon was upirirutl until the committee coniris with .Mr. Wllion A hearing was held on ji house resolu tion to hold tho ball in tho pension build ing, llenrlug on a similar resolution 'n the senate was 'deferred lnvvlow of ..Ir. Wilson's letter. Representative' Roddenbecry today ot feied nn amendment to the resolution authorizing tho use oUthc pension office, whlciris worded as follows: That the grant of tho use of tho pen sion building for the Inaugural hall Is expressly upon the condition and with the limitation that for the prevention of nets of public Indecency tho following so- wtncu ounces are uarreu anu prohibited TS UNDER :11 BOND Minneapolis Man First of Dynamite Conspirators to Be Released Pending Appeal. LEAVES COMPANIONS AT WORK Former Comrades Swinging Steel Girders Into Place SAYS HASTY GOOD-BYE TO RYAN Not Allowcvdto Shake Hands with Fellow Prisoners WILL GO HOME TO HIS FAMILY ileum Iftirrla .VII llic Other Coif tli'teit Coniiiilrnlori Are Confi dent rinnl Itrlrtoc ami rr ot Dlai'iiurtitiril. i.cak.vohtii, . Knn Jan. 17. Dressed In the same suit of clothes ho wore on' January 1, when, with thltty two other men ho entered the federal pilson to serve a three-year term Im posed upon him at Indianapolis for'lils alleged connection with n natlon-witfc dynamite plot. Charles N. Ileum of MlnneupolK Mepixd forth from orison 'Grizzly bear varieties tho linnm- luni ' this afternoon released under J:voitt lw.ml tenderloin movements, tho turkey trot I He was thn flii r ih i,.,... i.n. .1. mile conspirators to obtain his liberty. vulgarisms of b and all slml- contortlon8. and all like the hoochee coochen ilanee lar forms of gymnastic convulsive movi inents Buggestlvo of the degenerate revelries of the segregated districts. Finally, it was decided to learn more of lYesldent-clcot Wilson's wishes and tho committee will wait until next week bo foro taking formal action. TUHNTOX. N.. J.. Jan. U.-I'resldenl-elect AVIIson declined to say today what ceremony ho would favor ns a substitute for the inaugural ball. A popular recep tion at the capltol had been suggested. He said ho would wait to leani what William CorcoranKustls, chairman of the Inauguration committee, thought of tho suggestion to eliminate the ball, the pro posal to abolish which was talked in a letter sent to Mr. Kustls yesterday. mes Early This Year Montana Will Unite University Forces w i if not a man In for Great Institution I co"rae th0 ,ea As th cptison wagon In which ho lode from th egrounds passed out Unum looked back and aw some of his former com rades swinging steel gliders into place over tho cast front of the cellhousc which Is being constructed by the men. They were. Ignorant or the fact thut wncun which passed beneath them contained Ueiim. but he know they were up theie mid expressed regret that he could not see them. He previously had been refused permission to shake hands wtlh his com rades and had but a minute to say u hasty goodbye to Krunk 'MTftyan, presi dent of th elntcrnatlonal Association of Urldge. and Structural Iron Workers. Tin' going home to my family, i ! Views of the Powers is Laid Before naven i seen innm for rour months. said ir 2-, From the l'ittturgh DUpiUfi. " ' 1 " ' " HOUSELETSWltV.iu WHONAMEEMPLOYES E IT THEIR Norton's Resolution to Hold Down Number at Legislative Pic Coun ter Indefinitely Postponed. FOX POKES FUN AT PLAN Introduces Humorous Resolution Laughing Topic Away. MATTER THEN PUT UPON TABLE Vote of Fifty to Thirty-Nine Cast Upon Proposition. HOUSE OF COMMONS PRAISED CnHitlmoiiM Vote ;lvoii to Compll niciitlnu .liihiiuy Hull ror I'nuiinxr or lliinic Itlllo mil (Mix: Mnn for Klectrnciilloii. NOTE PRESENTED TO TURKEY ' named as member of state BOARD OF CONTROL. Heum. He saldhc would leavo l,eaven worth tonight at HiSO o'clock. Ileum said all the labor leaders weie i confident of their fjnal releasor "There if not a man in the bunch that is dla- st bt." he asserted. Co oil ami Urlnk. The buffet of the palace was heavily stocked with food and thousands o( bot tles of mineral water. Throughout the morning 'two hugo caldrons of soup steamed constantly In the palace kitchen and cups .of this wero passed round at Intervals. Considerable commotion was caused by n stranger socking . to obtain entrance Into tho palace. When he was stopped by a gendarme, and asked his business, ho pulled out a revolver tind shouted: "This election should not take place." He was at once disarmed and arrested. A number of other suspects also were taken into custody. The government took unusual military bnd police measures along the railway lines from Paris to Versailles, which were guarded the whole distance by mill tary men posted at Intervals of 100 yard. A force of 2,000 policeman drawn from nil cities of France was brought here this morning as well as detachements of troops of all arms, while the garrison of Versailles was confined to Its quarters. Prominent In Public Life, Raymond Tolncare, the new president of the French republic, Is one of the strongest men who havo participated in politics In France within recent year. He bi In hi fifty-third year and has been ' (Continued on Page Four.) IjINCOiA', Jan. 17.-(SpccIal morning a circular from Helena,- Mont.. entitled "I'hui for Creation of a Greater University," re.iched the state university Some extracts lrom It, given below, read as If they had been written with special referertte to the proposal for consolida tion of"the University of Nebraska's ac tivities upon tho farm, campus. It In headed "Mistakes to He Avoided Camput and Grounds," and read in part as follows: ".Each-ofliu oldwind -great unlvorjlrjeji of the east has made the colossal blunder of not providing nn adequate camjiu Harvard, Yale and Columbia, have spbiil millions to enlarge their grounds and they ate still seeking to enlarge them, but at art 'enohhous cost. Even the great statu of Michigan set aside for Its university A campus of only forty acres. Every en largement of that campus has bfcen made at heavy expense. One would have ex pected Minnesota to avoid tho mistakes of all of Its predecessors, but Minnesota provided for Its university a campus of only forty or fifty acres. I'.ccently the campus of that university has been en larged to about 100 acres, but at a cost, we are told, of approximately '$1,000,OCO. Many millions more will doubtless have tc; be spent still further to enlarge the grounds of this great and growing uni versity. "We consider" that one Indispensable condition to tho creation of a great mod ern university Is an ample campus and sufficient lands for the development of schools of forestry.'of agriculture, of hor ticulture, of fruit raising, of dairying and of other such things demanded by a progressive state." The Montana association proposes to abandon any of its four educational plants that stand In the way 'of consoli dating its educational forces into a greater university. These abstracts are given to the press without further comment. .j-TIiIh i Nebraska's Vote Sent Unsealed to National Capital Says Railroads Fix Bridge Tolls The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday. For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Cloudy; not much change In tempera ture. Tentperntore at Ouinfca Testerday. aours. ueg. S a. m ,...21 8 a. m..,. IS 'J a. m 18 r-m jv n. in... , is IB" 11 a. m 13 JJ. 12 m :i r i p. m a Ul" " l- . P. Ill, 21 f p. m z 6 p. m M 7 p. m ....,.; P- m a I From a Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-(Spcclal Tel gram.) Wnlilo Vintersten of Fremont, who today presented In person the offl- clal returns of he presidential elccjlpn In Nebraska to tliMB.t.h&d a few t;nr pleasant moments .when tho manner m which the documents were offered wni criticised ns not being according to law. Secretary Dfevcndcrfer of the vice presi dent's office received tho returns, whlc l were prest. ed unsealed. "Don't you know that the law provides that returnsahould be sealed?" asked Mr. Devcnderfcr. "I don't know anything about It," re plied Mf. Wlntersten. "I present them Just as they wero given to inc." "Where" are your credentials?" he w-i asked. "Where are your credentials?" he was asked. "Inside tho puckage." he replied. Mr. Devenderfer stated that If there were any close question as to how the vote went In Nebraska he would be obliged not to receive tho credentials In their unsealed condition as It admitted of their being -tampered with between the time they left the secretary of state in Nebraska and the time of their receipt here. Senator Hitchcock was in the senate when the documents were offered In tho senate and affixed his signature thereto. GERMANY the Sultan. I FINALLY CONSENTS Action of I'imu'h llrlnjcil Mctrrnl l)ny ly- (In. KiiInci- Thousand or Allinnliinn Arc Mlnln by Serlm. WAIHN'GTON. Jap. 17.-A railroad combination to control the tolls on bridges over tho Mississippi river was describe 1 to the house committee during a hearing on bills authorizing an additional bridge at Keokuk, la. Vice President C. It. Joy of the Inter city llrldge company of Keokuk, favored a bill by Representative Kennedy to per mit tho company to build a new brides by utilizing the government dam at Kci- l);gg among others being unpacked and laik. In opposition Theodore Gllman offwus writing the letter on a dare. Mc Romance Extracted 1 From Story of Egg BHOKBN BOW, Neb., Jan. 17.-(SpecIal Telegram.) Tho story told In a New York dispatch about a Broken Bow tailor gaining a rich New Jersey wife by means of his name being written on an egg, came to an 'unromantlc ending today, when W. S. McCreary. who runs a cloth ing cleaning establishment here, admitted he was one of the parties referred to. While In a gtocery store last August, McCreary wrote his name on an egg that was being packed for shipment, and on January 3 received a letter from Mils Velma Lane, cashier In a restaurant it Mlddletown, N. V. Tho girl wild she found the addressel CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 17 -Tlie to lective note drafted by the ambassador of the European powers In Ixmdon waj presented to the Turkish government to day. LONDON, Jan. -17. Germany's eouruiii tb the presentation, to the Ottoman gov ernment of the note dratted by tho am bassadors of the Kuropean powers In London, the absence of which -has do laved, the s,cUon'pf .the.powtra. Jiaa-)ow. been given, Instructions have reached the German ambassador at Constnntlhopl.j to proceed with his diplomatic colleagues In handing the note to Turkey. Allinnlnnn Mnasncrt-il. VIENNA, Jan. 17. Twenty-five thou sand Albanians havo been "more or !oh i wantonly" killed 1 tho Turkish province of Kossovo by tho Servian regulars anil i Irregulars since tho Invasion by them cf j Kuropean Turkey, according to the rtolco post today. The newspaper demands the dispatch it a Kuropean commission to Investigate tt'o reports of horrible atrocities. New York, secretary of the Hamilton &. Keokuk Bridge company, which con structed the present bridge, and Superin tendent Cole of the hrldge company told the committee there was no competition between. railroad bridges over the Missis sippi because the railroads fixed the toll rates. . The matter nlay be brought to the at tention of tho attorney general. Crcary Answered her letter, but up to this time has received n orcply. No other correspondence passed between them, nor were any photos exchanged Boys Play Foot Ball With a Live Baby ft Idaho Senatorial , lin a vaca Deadlock Unbroken h': BOISU, Idaho, Jan. 17 -Chief Justice James V. Allsple and former Governor James H. Brady each received thlrty-ono Votes for - Cnlted States senator Jn' tno Idaho legislature today. Many ciangcs were recorded In the voting, but thera was no .significant brek In the deadlock. Allsple made a net gain of five, receiving eight new votes and losing three. Bradv held all his previous votes and gainod lone from Allsple and two from Thomas I lla mer Congressman Burton L. French. C. W. Bealo and James E. Bab1! received no votes today. Frank Wyman of Boise made his. ap pearance as,'a candidate, receiving the two Ada county votes that previously ha I gone to Allsple . NKW YORK, Jan. 17.-A dozen boys playing foot ball wtlh a pasteboard box nt lot In Brooklyn today sat est after half an hour's play. That's a funny loooklng box," said one j of them "Lets' see what's inside." nc uuuiu iiju strings, v i-aay old 'baby boy, naked ami to all appearances dead, rolled to the ground. A policeman took It to a hospital. Half an hour later It was crying lustily. It probably will live. BRITISH BAR EXCLUDES WOMEN FROM PRACTICE LONDON', Jan. 17. Women were ex eluded from practicing law at the British bar by an overwhelming' vo'te of the Bar association at Its annual meeting held this afternoon. A motion to admit women to membership was favored by' somo of the younger barristers, but thu senior counsel voted In a bodv nsralnit It. Folke E. Brandt is 4 Granted Pardon by Governor Sulzer ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 1".-Governor Sulzer today pardoned Folke IC. Brandt, former valet of Mortimer L. Hchlff, the New Tork banker, on the ground that Brandt's sentence of thirty years for buiglary was excessive. At the request of Governor Sulzer, At torney General Csrmody made a state ment in which he said ho favored Brandt's pardon, "not as a matter of mercy, but as a matter of Justice." Mr. Carmody declared that tho gov ernor's action wiped out a "blot on the Judiciary of tho state" and showed "that there Is nothing that can defeat the ends of Justice." United .States Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota made a speech in which ho characterized Brandt's sentence us Judi cial tyranny. The governor explulned that Brandt had promised to lead a better life If rcleused from prison, and added thut Mr. tfchlff had declared he would not oppose Brandt's application for clemency unless It was based on "scandalous und mull- clous statements." It was stipulated by Governor Hulzor In pardoning Brandt that he Is not to accept a theat ileal engagement and must not in the future reflect upon the char acter of any one. Senator Nelson volunteered to take Brandt to Minnesota and at the sugges tion of the governor. Brundt accepted the offer, VSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJsBsVC' BOARD OF CONTROL NAMED Ex-Gov. Shallcnberger and Henry Qerdes, the Democrats, SHALLilNJllSHGHlt.- Suit Will Test Patents to the Oil Bearing Lands WASHINGTON. Jan.l7.-A suit which will test the title of hundreds of thou sands of acres of. oil lands In the west, with vului-s running Into tho mlllfoiM. will bo filed at Loh Angeles by the fed eral government within a few day AsslHtiinOMtdrney General Knaebcl to day lnsiructeilTlnltud states Attorney McCormlck at Is Angeles to begin pro ceedings against all the claimants to lttl ncres of oil lauds In southern Cali fornia, said to ho 'worth f.,000 an cre. Other sultti will follow, all of thorn t?s Ing tho legality of the extenslvo oil land withdrawal mude by President Taft Sep tember 27, Irioa. When questions wero raised. ub to the president's power to make the withdrawal, congress gave him speclflo authority by the uct of June a, 1910, and President Taft again withdrew the lands July 2, 1010. Between thu flMt und second 'Withdrawals, however, many claims wero filed for tho lands under the mlnttral law. The government holds that tho first withdrawal, as well an the sec ond, was legal nnd that the title to these valuable tracts Is lodged with thr United Stute's. Train of Steel Cars Upset, Only One Hurt LOCKIIAVKN, Pa., Jan. 17.-Pasengers on tho Pennsyjvanla railroad's Washing ton flyer, which left Buffalo at 10:15 o'clock last night, had a narrow escape from death early today when the train ran Into a boulder that hag rolled off the mountain side. All but 'one of the string of steel cars Were derailed and overturned, but tho only person Injured was an express messenger. Pueblo Man Kills Woman in a Quarrel and Commits Suicide PUKBIX), Colo., Jan. 17.-Lysander L. Johnson shot and Instantly killed Mrs. Maude Murray and then killed himself yesterday. Johnson, n.ntll recently a member of the polleoforce, was Interested with Mrs. Murruy In tho ownership of a restaurant on North Union avenue. They quarreled over the ownership of tho place and Johnson drew a pistol, shooting the woman through tho head twice. She died Instantly. No customers were In tho res tuurant at the time. After killing the woman Johnson went Into a barber shop next door and fired two shots through his head, dying In stantly. Johnson was 70 years old nnd a veteran of the civil war. Mrs. Murray was 38 years of age and a widow fur thirteen years. GREGG NAMED AS REPUBLICAN Tom Smllli, Aunt lint AVhuni Vlelit Wi Mnile, C'honeit Cililef Deputy Oil Inspect ill- to Slilculrp llrynn Opitoiiltlnii, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nb Jan. 17.-(8peclal.) Governor Morehcad has named ox Governor A. C Shallenbcrger, Henry Gcrdes of Ktchardson county and Charles Gregg of Kearney, ns the state board of control. Tom Smith of York, nguiust whose ap polptpient on the board the IliyHii demo crutii!lmvo waged such a war, was named for-'dopUTy 'chief ol) Inspector in 'pfacti of William Husenctter, The announcement of the appointment came at 6 o'clock, following several hours' conferenco betwuen the governor, P. L. Hall, Tom Smith, ,. V. Johnson and others, who had u old to say on thn question. Mr. Smlth'sald he did not piopose to bo a stumbling block and was ready to get out of tho way, providing Governor .ShuHcnboreger got "the place. The terms of tho members were de cided us follows: Oerdes, six years; Hhol lenburger, four yeurs, and Gregg, tho re publican, two years. The Bryan objection to Smith wns that he was a .machine politician. That fac tion of tho party bus fought his appoint ment at every Jump In the road, but It secured no victory, for Shallenbcrger and Smith lire intimates politically and ns oil Inspector, Smith will have practically sex en days In tho week to build up a political machine, so his friends are Hay ing. tonight. Governor Morohoad said he would have; liked to have conferred with the republi can senators over thu appointment, but concluded to name thu bdard tonight and take full responsibility nnd If IiIh -Appointees were not confirmed ho would have to appoint others. Lounsberry Found Guilty of Robbing Mail Train in Kansas KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17.-Wells' Louns berry ,of Medford, Ore., who Inst August robbed a mall car on a Union Pacific tinln between Kansas City nnd Lawrence, Kan., was found guilty today In the fed eral coutt In Kansas City, Knn. Tho verdict, wns returned cn one count. According to the Instruction of the court each count calls for a sentence of ten yearn .In the penitentiary. Sentence was deferred. The plea of the defense was Insanity. The government Introduced experts as well as citizens of Medford, Lounsberry's home, to refute that plea. lounsberry held up six mall clerks, forcing one to bind the others arid blind fold them. After rifling the registered mall sucks and placing Ills loot In a bag, he stepped off the train at Lawrence, boarded It agnln a moment later and hid In a Pullman berth, where ho wus oap- turcd by the conductor and detectives as the truln entered Tcpeka. Lounsberry was sentenced to seven and one-half yeur In tho federal prison it Leavenworth this afternoon. tl'rom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jim. 17. (Smcliil )- 1H a ory decisive vote this morning the hoi .-f went on rtcord us npixincd to Ititcrfcrlm; with the committee on employe.- or I putting uny restrictions on the work of thut committee. Tho nclon was taken on lie I ciioliit Ion by Norton of Polk whk h limited tho employes to those autuallv needed, each one to be assigned to that woik to which he or she was fitted The fight on the resolution came when Fox of Plureo Introduced the following "WhorcnH. There Is n resolution prnd- Ing with regard to the placing of em. ployes in this house; nnd, "WherciiB. Said resolution, doubtless In spired by lofty sentiments of economy and patriotism, would tend to confuse tin deliberations of that group of myrterj known to the public wcul us the icgulat house standing committee on employes; and, "Vheron, Knld martyred committee on employes has braved the vicissitudes oi the first legislative week with no fatali ties, physical or political, and hus se cured a full list of competent employes nqw being assigned to various posts of duty with prospects for good service, und "Whereas, Tho total list of employes Iibh not yet reached the, constltutlona.1 limit, and does not exited the number actually required with tho leglslutlve grind Is fully on; therefore, bo It "Unsolved, That It Is th e-jenso of this house that tho committee on employes has acted with good Judgment and dis crimination, and that so far ns this ses sion Is concerned Its norvlcos-to diito nro heartily upproved." Norton moved that tho Fox resolution go over 6uo day and then brought his own resolution out for dlscussWn. Mc- Klsslck of Gngo moved that 'It bo laid on the table "Indefinitely." Itlehurdson of Lancantcr Insisted that by adding tho word indefinitely to tho motion to table made the motion, debat able. McAllister protested - nguinst shutting of debato nnd so did Norton, but tho speaker held there could bo no debaio so a roll cull was demanded and tho resolution was tabled "Indefinitely ' by tho followed voto. ' Rmrlth of Douglas caught tho rr Mu tton fover and Introduced the following which wns adopted unanimously: Whereas, Tho glad tidings have Just comu across. tho sou thut tho bill grantlutr home rule (to tho Irish people has passed the limiso bf commons and. Whereas. The strugglo of the Irish peoplo to achieve tho right of self gov ernment has enlisted tho sympathy of pntrlotn In all lands und pnrtlcularh thoso of America, tho home of so many millions of Irishmen and their descend ants, therefore be It nosolvcd. That tho Nebraska house of representatives hereby extends to tho Irish people and tho champions of their causo In the British house of commons Ha ntnoei-ii n ml earnest congratulations Pin this splendid momory for local self government and triumpn or a Kunouu cause, ana be it lurtncr Itcsolved, That thr chler clerk of this house transmit a copy of these resolution to the secretary of the uritlsii nouse oc commons. To Iiiventlltnlc Umployes. Tho Pearson resolution reported yest.r. day was adopted. It calls for a commit tee of threo to Investigate whether nnv employe of tho state Is drawing fwo im' nries or drawing pay for an offlco not recognized by law. The houso members, .dropped i In another big batch of bills, the total nt this thu being 202, of which thlrty-slx wero popped In this morning. Banks of Knox got In with a Joint re lutlon to ratify the proposed umeiidin'"tt to the federal constitution providing for the popular election of United States si' - ators. Iteiiter of Otoe has a bill to pi- vide for the electrocution of condemn "I criminals Instead of taking llfo by liar.." Ing. Hardin of Harlan Introduced sev eral measures to provide for biennial elections us recommonded by the cod commission. At noon the houso und senate adjounu-l until 3 o'clock Monday, OMK WIF run a.v iMim IIIH I; ARTIFICIAL JOINT IS FITTED TO LEG OF A DOG Bride Hundred and Five, Groom Eighty' SAN FHANCI8CO. Jan. 17.-Through an operation performed oif a tinall dog. Dr. Milton Finclsco Clark of this city eves ho has discovered a new method DEPORTATION OF MYLIUS I In surgery which "HI maku possible tha ' HIltlHllllltldtl llf mIK-CI Mllll lllllllllini1.f?nril-Al ' li.tu moliltnn In li,i ,... rnln , 1 .... . .... ...... .. (7...... j ..... ..BiuLtc ., un, ... . v. iuiainn lu lllf Knox County Member Hum CIiuiiko Customs, CFrnm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 17.-(Spoclal.)-The sen ate mot this morning, transacted it business In a hurry, put through twentv--flvo new bills on first reading, those In troduccd yesterday to second reading, an i adjourned until Monday afternoon nt i o'clsck. President Pro Tern KcinPvPreslded again this morning lu the absence of the Ik" tenant governor. Shumwuy of Knox'lutroduced u bill request of a council of the Wiuhebug i Indians, asking that tha customs herd fore In voguo among the Indiana who I .Oh ANdLLIcs, Cat. Jan. 17.-Mrs. joint for damaged human swivels, und ilag6s bu dons away with und that tin r Mnrcellna hllsalda, JU5 ycurs of age and itstore tho use of arms und leu to ' Indians t. romiiri.fi in ti, ,... . I1? DFl AYFfl RY WRIT . . . "B""" ,,no IUC" m thousands of arrilcted persons. Pr. Clark nmrry according to tho laws of the st. t 10 utUHitu Bl nil Los Auselos. concurred yesterday In an fitted the dog with a ImII and socket heel In speaking of the bill Senator Shumw iiiiivuuuii lur u imirriugu iiceii.e ror -joint or sliver with pivots of diamond 17. Deportation ft I liomair ami I'loxmitlnn I Nbw YORK. Jun. Kdvvard V. Myllus. the Belgian Journalt convicted of libelling King George A' Knglund, which wus set for January J, was postponed stoduy by United Stnt-M District Judge Holt, who Issued a wilt of habeas corpus returnable January il, ViU and j ne license was issued. i tendons Intact ami fastening the tendons Leon nld today he would attempt to , In a v.av which h believes will give thu havo a recant court order appointing Mr. j dog the full ne of his leg. Claudia Lugo, her grundduiijliler, ih' The ilojf inme out of a state of coma ased womsn s legal guardian set uMde. h day am) kicked vigorously with the re Mrs.. Lugo will lonttst the action, jmulc leg fcald thut lie attended he, meeting which the resolution wus; iilwed uskn that a bill bo introdiiifW Covering H mutter and that it wus one of the m Imptcwslve mwtlngii he hud -n tended. i ''Tlu-y seem to -uiideistand ful i the senator, "the situation tbej ar.