Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Stsok-lTalcontr Co., Undtrtaktrs.
Huts Root rrlnt Xt Now Beacon 1 rets.
lUrhUnff riztnrtf , Burfsss-Ormdsn Oa
Balls? tfts Xlsntlst, City Katfl. D
Chambsrs' School of Dmclnr N
Rtit now formlnB. Douc'ss wi.
So Toa Know the Studebakcr wacon
' all discretions are sold at HIT Far
i am street?
Tha Hsbraska 8arlnc and fcoan '
pffen a safe and profitable plan to help
yyj save. 1W& Farnam street.
Mn. Tsnnant Snas for airorcs
Vule Trnrmnt of Omaha has sued Wes
lc - V Tennant of New York rity for
Hvorce, UiatBlntr desertion In 1W4.
Critically HI with Pneumonia Krank
l 'lciol, a well Known resident of South
Omaha, Is confined to his home at Twen
wscond and Q streets, with a severe at
tack of rneumonlrt.
Social Postponed The Kpworth lwsus
rf thf First Methodist church wan to
have piven a "stunt social" nt the
hureh January 1" The social has beon
postponed until Friday evening. Jftnu
ary 21.
Indian dts Wlnety Days John Bap WlhncbaBo Indian, who pleaded
Bullty to IntroduclnB liquor on to the bov
rrnment reservation, was sentenced to
snend ninety days In the county Jail by
Federal Judfic Klllott yesterday
Rsbraska Tanners Prosperous As
sistant General I'nsscnfier Agent Mat
thews of tho Missouri Pacific Is In town
and Is enthuslastlo over business. IIo
saya tliat Nebraska business Is the best
m the history of tho road and that
scores of the rich farmers of the state
have been Bolnir south to winter. '
Back from Grand Island United
Plates Marshal Warner and Deputy Mar
shall McCullam have returned from
Grand Island, where they wore attending
the January term of the federal court, at
which Judge T. C. Munger presided.
Court opened at Grand Island Monday
nd tho last case ws tried Wednesday.
Ur. Btbbsrn's Tunsral Prlday The
funeral of Br. Claudius Dlubcrn, who died
last Thursday afternoon In he county
jail, will take place Friday morning at
10 o'clock and will be held from the
"hapel of Ilalley & Dorranco's "undertake
ms establishment, ISrCl Cuming street.
The services wJH be conducted by Kev.
It. II. Houseman, with interment at For
tt Lawn. at Benson Charles Haffkc,
superintendent of t,)o Methodist Sunday
school, entertained the teachers and offi
cers at a banquet In the dining room of
the. church Wednesday evening. Covers
were laid for forty. Mr. llaffke was as
listed by Mrs, llaffke, Mrs. A. A. Alack
and Mrs, Fcarson. Bhort addresses were
made by the host, Itev. A. A. Atack, paa
.or of the church; Mr. W. II. Tlndell and
Mr. E. Iloddcr.
Key to the Situation-Be. Advertising.
Hundreds Living in Omaha To
Get Free Treatment.
AIM ta prlrlUeo t vltocHlns a moat remark
Ikla Bonitrtl!on ot what RTUAllTS riAI-AO-PADS
da for ruptured people. Tiie Plaplo
rede arv in entirely new end wonderful treat
ment for rupture, curing aa they do, the wont
Tama In the prlrecy of the home, without bind
rant (rem work and st illiht tipenae.
ltUPTUBK CTJHED fcy Btuart'e- I'lapee-rede
mtena that you ran throw wiy tbt painful
ttuaa aliotethtr, at ther arc made to .cur
rupture and not elmpljr to hold It, but being
eelr-adbeelte. and when adhering cloielr ta the
hedr tllpplnt l ImpoMlble, therefore, they are
etaa an Important factor In retaining ruptur
(bat cannot be bold by a trine.
No etrapa, tackles or .prime. NO TKUB3,
Dt-monrtratar Babcock, who la authority on mat
ter pertaining to rupture, will U at tha Hotel
Item, Ilooroa D.J and t, January IS. 17, II.
hour. 10 a. m to 7 p. m., and ba will be
pleated to giro without charge to all who call,
apcrt ttlre and trial treatment. Do sot fall
ta call on Mr. Dabcock during bta atay la your
ctty. as tbla e tha "chant ot a lifetime."
Officers of Lumbermen's Association
His password: Ji
Hack now, Illght to Ift A F St unn, director: C, It Judklns. director; Trank Koupcl, director:
treasurer. Front ltowE. E. Hall, sccr etary! W H. IIarrl?on, president.
Ii. 8. Clatk,
Is Re-elected Head of the Nebraska
Lumbermen's Association.
Jeerclary nnil Trcnsnrrr Are; io lip
Nnmeil r lie Itonrcl nt Ulrrclnr,
Who Also Uerlrlei Where
to Meet.
The twenty-third annual convention of
the Nebraska. Itetall Iumber Dealers'
association adjourned at 4 o'clock yester
day afternoon after officers were elected
for tht ensuing; year.
"V. II. Harrison of Crand Island was
re-elected president of the association;
Moses Campbell of Atkinson, vlco presi
dent, and directors to serve for three
years,' F. C. Krotter of Palisade and E,
C, Houston of Tekomah.
The secretary nnd treasurer will be
elected by thn board of directors nt tho
first yearly meetlnff. The place for thn
next convention -will be decided by the
They Wnnt Penny Poslaur.
rnnny postage, use of convict labor to
better state highways and an improve
ment of the national monetary system
were recommended by the Nebraska Ite.
tnlt Lumber Dealers' association.
The resolutlpns committee fecommended
these things in Us report and tho, conven
tion adopted them by a rlslnr; rote. Fol
lowing the recommendations of tha com
mittee th.e lumbermen opposed the pas
en Be of new lawa .or the amendment of
existing laws to curtail or annul the pres
ent conservation laws and objected to
placing . th,e control of. national forests,
streams and mineral resources In the
hands of Individual states, brlnclnc about
the possibility of their becoming monop
Ilted byyprlvate concerns.
W. Hi Milter of OJtawa, III., was again
the eepaker? before th,o convention at ths
mornlntf'a session. Ho talked on "Hough
Stuff and Culls," reiterating some of the
remarks he made In his speech ylostordny
anent trading at home and community de
The auditing, nominations, membership,
resolutions and press committees made
their reports. An informal discussion
and the election ot offlcercs followed at
the afternoon session.
Brownie Ice Skates
for By and Girls
Lswcst Prks Ever Knewn
in Omaha
unique drawing
similar to
The Girl Without a Moutk
Watch for it.
(Continued from Page One,)
your committee. I hav.e enjoyed meeting
all of U members and I am.suro that the
result of your, trjp will be ot mutual bens
fit of a lasting character. Tours very
truly. D. MILLER"
Wfaaf IMckenn Unym.
Speaking of the conference, Mr.
Pickens said; "The committee went to
Chicago as arranged with President Mil
ler. We met In his office, were courte
ously received by him and other executlvo
officers of the company; wo went over In
greatest detail several matters that have
been In our minds for some time: we dis
cussed each one. separately. The coni
structlon of a line from Omaha to the
Ashland-Sioux City line, the retention
ot permanent headquarters In Omaha, and
observanro of freight schedules out of
Omaha nnd better passenger service Into
Omaha were asked.
"We are authorized to say that tho
Ilurllnglon licudquarters will remain here,
that the treasury and claim departments
will not be disturbed and that the only
removal will be the consolidation of the
auditing forces, which we are satis
fied Is for economic reasons. The entire
dnv was taken up with conferences
which were participated In by President
Miller, Vlco President Hale Holden, Vice
President C, G. Durnham, General Man
ager E. P. Bracken, Passenger Traffic
Manager P. 8. Eustls, Freight TrAfflo
Manager George 11. Crosby and General
Manager George W, Iloldrege. The com
mittee Is more than pleased with results
and feels under obligations to Mr.
Holdrege for his courtesy, treatment and
valuable assistance In helping to bring
them about."
.Nearer Fonr llnnrlrcd.
When The Bee published the original
story ot the Burlington's latest removal
order, It stated that at least 200 employes
would be affected, but that 400 might be.
Newspapers Uint were scooped pn the
news and decided to, knock the story
which meoHtSjuiookln'g Omaha ridiculed
this. qUotlnS'underllng officials of the
Uurllngton as saying that the number
leaving the city would not exceed 100,
That of course, was a subterfuge.
"Perhaps tho number leaving the city
will not exceed W." said a Burlington
man whose own department came near
being Involved In the heglra. "Ilut the
number of employes ntfocted by -order Is
nearer too than 100; It Is at the very
least. 31.. Newspapers pretending to mini
mise the ' Importation of this thing to
Omaha do themselves gross Injustice and
become ridiculous in the eyes ot us, who
know the facts.
"The reason tho majority of the af-
CHBYENNE. Wyo., Jn, lG.-(8peclan ! ePti nmnloves will not leavo Omaha Is
The entire United States army will that 'they do not care to live In Chicago,
watch with interest an experiment which
is being made at Fort Httssell and
which. If successful, will probably no
duplicated Ik every military ppat of the
country. A dub h ?een formed for j
the noncor.:nlealoned officers of. tho '
Eleventh Infantry, ' above the rank of t
corporal, which will be similar in every
respect to the clubs ot the commissioned
officers. The building which- was for
merly used as tho Eleventh Infantry of
ficers club nt the fort has been turned
over to the new organization. A steward
and n proper number ot attendants to
look after the wants of the members will
be engaged nnd nil tho conveniences of
an exclusive dub will bo arranged for.
This Is .tho ftrs,t time any such plan has
been attempted In the American ' army,
Bltnllav Institutions- have proven highly
successful In England and the BrltUti
colonies nnd offU-ers who had studied the
matter say that the formation of such
clubs will solve the canteen problem, nnd
nt tho same time will Improve discipline
by Impressing upon the higher non
commissioned officers the importance ot
their positions.
Officers Form Club
at Fore Russell
-l-'rlnltlful rsarperlence
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion. Is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Only 25c. For
sale by. Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Iiadofrotrtijiiiof. goa6n'i
H CM drurcUta arerrwhera
laaamed tlunea anl fceala tb rav
Is ef ten csof4 by t!eeoiiealarrb mm
uiauoaf. iioaoen,iaa
! l.'awUtkatlnetasttKaiidM'B. aV14 by
nd enniBcatarrUal 'all? quieair aootta ma
tKanaWa. BI4
rxand tMal-
urtutxi, ftaapls F'UtS froaaua sow
Kofticn . Caayasr, Mliuicapalli, Waa.
(From a Stiff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN. Neb., Jan. 10.-(6peclal Tele
gram.) The next meeting of the Ne,.
braska. Municipal league will be held at
Fremont. Officers elected today werei
Mrs, George F. Wols. Fremont, presi
dent, V.. Bossmeyer, Superior, vice presi
dent, It, C Oxrnn, Lincoln, secretary
treasurers John X Tlyder, Omaha; C. It.
Anderbury. Mlnden. nnd J. w. Mayer.
Ueairlce, trustees.
Ther ar forty-two cltlee-ln the ttastic.
a gain ot eight during the year a. IV
Monn ot Nebraska City presented i reso
lution asking the legislature to call a con.
atltutlonal conventlpn. A legislative com
mittee composed 0f H. Bossratyer of Su
perior. J. El Htndelar of Howells and J.
W. Turner of Harvard were appointed.
Little Pimples Like Whife Specks,
Then Festered. Face One Mass
of Sores. Could Get No Rest.
Used Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment. In 2 Weeks Pimples Gone.
40 Dlriatea St., Blu ItUnd, III. "I
rst noticed little pimple like white epochs
braking out on tny face. Than th? tee
tered, Tbe moment I
scratched them thay made
i sore and my flea was one
rnaas of sores which caused
disfigurement. My faca
became marked Karl there
wet holo when tha ptaa
plea had been. I woul
waVe up In tha night and
toy face would be burning and Itching iqd
I could get no rest. I tried many kinds of
saJrna and different things bu trail to no re
Uet. After I took to Outlcuri Soap aad
Obttmctit In about three days I found I
could sleep nights and that th rnptM were
fast disappearing. Two weak later I no
ticed that they were goae, Guctcure Soap
aad Oiatmeat effected permanent relief."
(igned) Oeorgo Warner, June SI, 1S12.
Vor red, rough, chapped and bleating
hands, ttchmg, burning palms, uul painful
Cnjror-eads with a)Helosa naila. a eaa-cUfht
Outlcun trJltment works wonders. Hoak
hands, en retiring, in hot water and OuUcura
Soap. Dry, aoolok iriUi Cutiour Otntnnt
lad wear soft bandaged or old, loose gloves
during tha Bight. Outteura Soap (Sac) and
OhttasMt (60c ) ire aold by drurgiita aad
dealera throughout the world. Sample of
d MUd free, 1A 8X-p. Skl IWok. Ad
dreu po-cnt "Outicura, Dect. T, S oattca."
aUrTnder-facd men ahoaM use Cutacora
en . aP V. alil.t. aa i ' i
Marquette Hotel
ltttli Mild WnsliiiiKtoa Are.
400 Rooms. 1.00 and fl,50, with
Utb $2.00 to ;3.o0. A hotel for
your Mother, Wife and Sister. i
X. H Clwtcy. pre. I
Clirontu Stoniui-b Trqublc Cured.
There is nothing more discouraging than
a chronic disorder ot the stomach. Js It
not aurprlslnc that many suffer for year
with such n ailment when a permanent
curat within, their reach and may be had
for , trifle? "About one year V says
P. J J. Beck of Wakelee, Mich.. "I bought
a package of Chamberlain's Tablets, nnd
since using them I have felt perfectly i
well. I hsd previously used any number
ot different mtdlclnes. but tiona ot them
were of any lasting benefits." For sals I
by all dealers. Advertisement
where, with no more Income, expenses
would bo no much moro than here. And.
then, many of' those men. being married
and having families and their own hdmes,
nre not In -position to leavn Omaha.. But
they will benjured, nevertheless, by this
action, for they will have to find other
employment, In most cases at reduced
Dsntrrona "VVonnrl
Is rendered antiseptic by Bucklen's Ar
nica Halve, the healing wonder for sofs,
burps, plies, eczema and salt rheum. 25c.
For sale by tlerfton Drug Co. Advertlse-mnt.
We place on special sale Saturday 1,000
dozens Imported June Roses, Lilacs, .Vio
lets, American Beauties, Hyacinths,
Lilies ot tho Valley. Tansies, etc., In
bunches, sprays and clusters,, wjth
Then big bargain lots Saturday in millin
ery department, second floor, Saturday.
nrnndela ptnrra Will Sell 1,000
Iloien tt Flower for aflllln
err Trimming- Saturday.
Bottled in bond
Uncle Sam
is on guard
for you
The fact that his little green stamp
is over the cork of every bottle of
4Twrf raf
Bottled In Bond
is evidence that he has challenged, inspected and
made sure that the whiskey is pure, perfectly aged
and full measure. Take a bottle home.
if J J
bvkot) KnSf5QT) SiTET
CNvS cSsviS (SvESvSJ
I I j
ffio mo KB mo sdco bh eoqd raion Kxm kooo kkr
(f f 'jiJian xiui . urn ii i . ' . T.
On f thi Squadrtn $f Tvctnty-Ftur fVhU$ Mow Truth Owned by Armwr and Company,
ChKOft, and Ofirad by thtm in tht rirteipal Cittu f thtJUmttd Cttattt
m r- "Zgji """'"1 "",-"n T
m a ili lsii in n ill i ail ni m n n im
The predominant use of White Motor Trucks by the foremost
mercantile and manufacturing firms, not only in the United States, but
throughout the world, is the most convincing proof of their superior
merit in practically every line of service.
A Few Weil-Known Owners of White Squadrons
American Can Company
American Chicle Company
American Steel and Wire Company
Armour and Company
Berghoff Brewing Association
Booth Fisheries Company
Brazilian Government
Coca-Cola Company
Cudahy Packing Company
Diamond Rubber Company
T. Eaton and Company, Ltd.
Marshall Field and Company
Girnbel Brothers
B. F. Goodrich Company
Gulf Refining Company
Joseph Home Company
Hudson's Bay Company
Illinois Steel Company
McCreery and Company
National Cash Register Company
Pabst Brewing Company
Philippine Islands Government
Postum Cereal Company, Ltd.
Remington Typewriter Company
Russian Government
W. and J. Sloane
Standard Oil Company
United Cigar Stores Company
United States Government
Winchester Repeating Arms Company
White Motor Trucks are built in capacities of 34, 1 1-2, 3 and 5 tons,
and all models are uniform throughout in parts and design, thus making
them the most practical for the standardization of delivery or transpor
tation service. Literature and detailed information furnished on request
Gasoline Motor Cars, Trucks and Taxicabs
X Mi Promptly
Headaches Iron an umii...i.
penrpuanraa, ntnralrla. eolda. arrlDD orZ
Inanlt ence-rhwrnatlo sna VlTeftm ?Ita
rs quickly as4 .WaiES 'J
INSZSc Vut-rw4cMHs
2418 Farnam St.
3 lo 1