Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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BecrcThry World Peace Foundation
Says World Gets More Sensible.
Men XVhn Sacrifice Integrity In lim
iting Only Momentary In Snocrim
nrcnusc I'nlillc Coimlrrii'x
la .Airntuil nishnncstr.
"There w not bait so much war tn tha
nineteenth, century an In ths eighteenth,
und there woivt be half mi muc'.i In the
twentieth as there was In the nineteenth."
nald Edwin t. Meade of Boston, execu
tive secretary of the World Peoce Poun
datlon, In his address on "The Growth uf
Lanv" before the Omnha Commercial club
nt the noon luncheon. ,
Tho speaker also called attention to
the part commerce has played In brlnclnc
on the wars of the past, "llut." he said.
"If the rivalries of trade have bidught on
ome of the collisions of tho past, com
mercial cu-opcratlons In the future will
be a. biff factor in maintaining peace ino
times rrreater. All that the peaco n.ova
ment needs Is tho ornanlzatlon of na
tions as wo have the states federated In
the nations now."
The speaker then reviewed the shurt
history of Tho I la sue conference nnd
called attention to the Wt that it wns
now an established IiistKtitlon with in
next time of meeting set for 1513.
,"If there Is nnc interest In the wor!d
that depends upon peace for Its life."
wild the speaker. "It Is the Interest f
commerce." For this icnson the mieaicir
pointed out that the various chambers if
commerce were beginning rapidly to ally
themselves with the pence inuvcmeiit.
"The cheering tliinij In the peace mov..
ment," he raid. "Is that war Is actually
disappearing from tho earth. Emerson
in his es?ay on war has said, 'History !s
the record or the dcclino of war." This
we find to bo true tho more 'wo think of
it. Tears ago war Was tho regular husi
nets of nations. "War has gradually do
creased, and It la now no longer the chltf
business of nations."
The rtisht rtev: George Allen Ceechcr,
bishop of the missionary district of
Kearner, addressed tho noon mooting on
the subject, "Conservation of Char
acter." lie pointed to the undeveloped
character of boys and girls as the great
est asset of tho nation, as well also ai
the greatest liability. IIo touched on
integrity in business and said that tho
time had come when In the rush of
business competition men had sometimes
sacrificed their Integrity. Ho uald that
this could not go on, for a man who
was dishonest In his business roflcctod
that dishonesty on his neighbor. "Ho
must realize that ho is, indeed, bis
brother's keeper," said the bishop. "Tho
public conscience has never been so
keen in tho discovery for wrongdoing
in high places as now. This Is shown
in sorao of the recent' happenings in tho
"United States senate. Tho highest good
Is possible only insofar as we conserve
the welfare and Interests of others."
MoFarlaUd to Put
On an Exhibition
Packey . SIcFarland, Chicago light
weight pugilist, will', show before the
Flambeau Athletic- clifb 'this1'- 'evening,
according to announcement made by
3lanagcr Krnuse of tho club'tyesterdaj-.
However, Ir Is not lcno'wn' whother lie
Farland will box Whitney or spar with
his partner ot; punch Jho bag. This will
bo decided later.
McFarlnnd was scheduled! to meet
irranklo' Whitney of Cedar Rapids in a
ten-round go. but I'olico Chief Dunn has
put a ban on the fight game In Omaha,
and Just what sort of a show will bo
staged Is unknown. JIcFarland arrived
in Omaha at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, accompanied by his manager, Nate
Lowis, and sovcral attendants.
Mr. Krause sayB no tickets will be
'sold to tho entertainment and that only
members of tho club and invited guests
-will be permitted Into the club rooms.
Invitations will bo Issued to the city of
ficials and police authorities. He says
the 'law Will bo complied with in every
respect. A good card of athletic; events
will also be staged. The entertainment
will be held in the club's rooms over
Morrison's billiard rooms at 1U3 Harney
Friends and relatives of Miss Anna
Kalteler and Leslie Decker, who attended
the -wedding of tho two young people
Wednesday at the home of tho bride's
iparents, 2211 Ohio street, were greatly
surprised when the bridesmaid and best
man, Miss Anna Tahlen and Robert
Cronemeyer, stepped up to the minister
and asked him to repeat the ceremony for
their sole benefit.
Obedient to their wish, the minister,
Rev. Mr. Decker of Richmonjl, la.,
brother to Leslie Decker, performed the
ceremony, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie Decker
acting as best man and bridesmaid.
Mrs. Deeper and Mrs. Cronemeyer
formerly worked for the Julius Orkln
Cloak company. "The marriage of the two
girls marks the fifth wedding In the store
during the last year. While Mr. Orkln is
ar bachelor, he likes to see the younar
people marry and settle down to n life
ot happiness.
The Katelcr home, where the double
fcreddlns took place, was beautifully
decorated with palms ad ferns. The din
ing table had. for a centerpiece a mound
of pink and white American beauty roses.
The newlyweds left at midnight for an
extended visit In the west.
Only fifty students will be taken Into
the telegraph class at the Omaha High
School of Commerce when the course la
opened on February 1. Accomodations
cannot be provided for more. The course
way be completed In one year. George L.
Durand, for twelve yearB a teacher of
telegraphy, but recently with the "West
ern Union telegraph, will have charge of
"the work.
, The Paris Medicine Co., KZi Pine street,
'. St. Louis, Mo., manufactures of Laxa
tive Bromo dulnlne, have a now and won
derful discovery. GROVE'S 8A-NARB
CUTIS, which they guarantee to cure
'any case of ECZEMA, no matter of how
honr standing. In 10 to 30 days, and will
Vefund money if It falls. GROVE'S 8A
NARK CUTIS Is perfectly clean and does
not stain. If jour durygllst hasn't It,
send us 60c fn postage stamps and It will
be jsent by mall. -Advertisement
Key to ths Situation-Be AdverUaiss.
c3m BEE-mnm
By MELLIFI0IA. Thursday, January 16, 1913.
NtrSUALLY attractive head Vcsmb and hair ornament have been
X T noticed at tho local theaters recently. Both tho women of the
I I stage nnd those of tho audience, aro appearing adorned with these
handsome ornaments.
Wednesday evening at the Creighton Glee club concert, MIsr Chris
tine Miller of Pittsburgh, Pa., tho soloist, wore a band of brilliants In
her hair and low on tho left side of tho head a heron aigrette. Miss Miller
wore a beautiful gown of draped American Beauty charmeuse, trimmed
with black net and brilliants.
In one of tho boxes waB Mrs. IIoxlo Clark of Villa Belvldere, K. Y.
She wore In her hair a tiara of diamonds act In platinum. This Is a com
blnatlon Jewel arrangement, made In Paris, and may also be worn as a
Society wns also well represented Monday evening at the Brandela
theater, whoro Miss Fritzl Scheft was the artiste. Miss Schoff wore a
magnificent diamond tiara In her hair during the laat act.
' lu the audience, Miss Eugenie Whltmore wore a circlet of tiny
ostrich plumes, entirely encircling the hoad, with three larger plumes on
the left side.
Mrs. George Brandels wore a band of pearls In her hair, with a white
aigrette of osproy feathers worn low on the hair. ,
Commissioners of Commercial Clubs
Arc Now in Session.
Whltlrn Misses Trnln Ilrrnniie of
Street Cur Accident nt Lincoln
Visitors to Inspect llnsl
nen Hansen.
At the Creighton Glee Club.
Society attended the Creighton Glee club
concert Wednesday evening at the ltoyd.
Each box was filled and every sent in
the theater taken.
Tho theater wns decorated with Ore blue
aiiil white of Crclchton college and tho
Glee club and laruo bnnners and pennants
were placed. There also were need tho
banners of the Omaha university.
Mis. Ellis Blerbower bad as her guests
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman, Mr. and
Mrs. lloxlo Clark nnd Mrs. Jtlpatrlck.
Among those cntcttalnlnc at box parties
were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton and
with them were:
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McSlmne.
Mrs. C. S. Hobart, Milwaukee.
Mrs. II. A. Johnston, Milwaukee.
Miss Stella Hamilton.
Miss Marian Hamilton.
Miss Evelyn Hopper entertained at a
box party and had:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox.
Miss Juliet McCune.
Mr. Will McCune.
Alias Margaret McShane's pucsts were!
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas.
In the body of the house together were:
Mr. and Mrs. William Colling.
Mrs. .Max Landow.
In another party were;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton.
Mrs. J. W. Gannett.
Mr. Earl Gannett.
Mr. John Bcvcrldge entertained:
Miss Harriet Parmalec.
Miss Hlancho Clark.
Mr. Justin Young.
In aonthcr party were:
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. F. rCofoot.
Mr. Edwiird Crofoot.
i Mr. Ludovlo Crofoot.
Another party Included;
Mrs. Joint nourKu.
Miss Pauline Bourke.
Ml'. Charles Hamilton, Jr.
Together were:
Miss Irene Coad. ,
Miss Bcatrlco coad.
Mr. Charles McLaughlin.
Dr. Ualley.
In another party were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prltchctt.
Miss Hilda Hammer.
Mr. George Prltchett.
Together were: -
Mis. Victor Coffmap.
Mis. My lea Blandish..
MIssRose'Coffman. . V
"Mr. Gulslando.
At the University Cluo.
Mr. and Mrs. lidson Rich entertained
at dinner Wednesday evening t the
University club. Tho decorations were
In red carnations. Covers were laid for:
n. and Mrs. it. i. uavis.
Dr and Mrs.' Alfred Schalck.
llr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn.
Ur and Mrs. P erro Colon Moriarty.
nr." and Mrs. Palmer Flndley.
Dr. and Mrs. A. b Jonas.
Mr. and Mrs. lidson Rich.-
Mlis Belle Ryan.'
Dr. I.eroy Orumtpcr.
Research Club. K
thl?f.ui-ph plllh will be
iuilliuvio u ... - .
at home to their friends at tit. Berchman's
hall, Twenty-seventh and Leavenwortn
streets. Sunday, January 19, at 3 o'clock
p; m. Mrs. 1. U. Murphy Is president.
The patronesses are:
Miss Stella Hautllton.
Mesdames Mesdaines
iv f HrAfev. J. M. Tanner.
Despechcr, Robert Parks,
MCAuanre, r tium.ia.,
A. B. McConnell, Melcher.
Weidenfeld-Wolff Engagement.
Cards announcing the engagement of
Alexander C. Weldenfeld of Omaha and
Miss Clara Wolff of Rhcydt, Germany,
have been received by friends in Omaha.
Mr. Weldenfeld Is now enroute to Omaha,
having left Liverpool January 12 after
spending six months abroad. Alex Is n
brother ot George Weldenfeld, clerk of
the Board of County Commissioners of
Douglas county.
West Farnam Kensington Club.
The West Knrnam Kensington club met
last week witli Mrs. II. L. Beard, ii
South Twenty-eighth street. Tho follow
ing members wero present:
Mtsdaniea Mosdames
John Douglas, George Spcthmnn,
Frank Young, Skeels.
C. C. Shinier, A. Steele.
l Schncti!. O. W. Illnzlc.
Probstlng. O. W. Rush,
The nrxt meeting will be with Mrs. A.
Stcore, 3202 Marcy stroct.
Columbian Circle Card Party.
The Columbian Circle will entertain t
cards Friday evening; at their hall, Twenty-second
and Locust' streets.
For the Future.
Mrs. 11. o. Kranr. and Miss Stacla
Hart have issued invitations for a large'
afternoon brldgo party for Monday nt
the homo of Mrs. Kranr.
Mrs. Arthur Pinto will entertain at a
bridge luncheon on Friday.
Afternoon Auction Bridge,
Mrs. Charles Louis Dundey entertained
Informally at auction bridge this after
noon at her home in honor of Miss Elsie
Plrmssen, who boa recently returned from
n extended stay In Germany. Four
tables were placed for the game.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Huntley returned
Wednesday from a western trip.
Dr. Harriet Lindt returned the first ot
the week from Mlshawauka, Ind., where
she spent the holidays with her mother.
Miss Irene McKnlght, who spent tho
holidays In Kansas City as the guest of
Mrs. T. C. Peltzcr, returned this morning.
Mrs. fcranklln Harwood of Chicago, who
has been the guest of her mother, Mrs.
M. II. Conant, for several weeks, will
leave Friday for her home.
Miss Roso Smyth, Miss Irene Coad and
Mr. Arthur Coad will leave tho first of
next week for the Coad ranch nenr Carls
bad. N. M. They will bo gone until
Personal Gossip.
Mr. Charles F. Wcller, president of the
Richardson Drug company, is again ab'o
to bo at the office after un absence of
two veeks, having been confined to his
apartment with a severe attack of grip.
Two Omaha Men '
Asking Divorces
Two Omaha men are ready to swear
that when they thought they were taking
unto themselves "better halves" they
really were taking worse. Tho romantic
dreajn of one was-shattored In less thun
three months, while the other experienced
a rude awakening before seven months
had roiled by.
Michael J. Behrens has sued Elsie Ben
rens for divorce, charging her with
cruelty and abuse. They were married
in December, 1910; he says she left him
in March, 1911.
Jack Ward has sued Fay M. Waid,
whom he married in January, 1912, for
divorce. He says sho left him tho follow
ing August. '
A doten men enrolled resterday morn
ing for the organization of tho first an
num meeting of the Nebraska Commer
cial Secre-tnrlm at tho Paxton hotel. J.
M. Guild, commissioner of the Commer
cial club of Omaha, was chosen tempo
rary chairman and A. M. Conner ot
Grand Island temporary secretary. Per
manent officers will not be elected un
til Friday afternoon.
Those who enrolled in the morning ars
Fred It. Barclay. Pawnee City: W. D.
iVlsher. Hnvclock; James Henderson,
Central City; O. C. Turner, Nebraska
State Automobile association; F. B. Fer
guson, Winslow; R. G. Riley, Falrbury;
II. B. Howell, Hastings! Herbert Lonud,
Wlnsido; A. M. Conner?, Grand Island;
C. R. fltacenka, Campbell; R. W. Ros
elter. Walthlll; F. I. Ringer, Lincoln:
Ponn r. Fjdrea, Nobraska Manufactur
ers' association; Ward O. Glfford,
Omaha; J. M. Guild, Omaha.
Mayor Dahlman delivered the address
of welcome. He called attention to the
necessity ot organization unions the
commercial clubs of the state in order
to bring the interests of the various
parts of tho slate closer together and
closed by extending the keys of the city
to tho secretaries. George H. Kelly,
picsldent of the Omaha Commercial club,
nlso made a short address, in which he
cnllixl attention to the fact that this Is
an age of associations and organisations
and to the necessity of organizing the
commercial clubs of tho state.
W. S. Whltten, secretary of the Lin
coin Commercial rlub, who. was to re
spond, was unable to cntch the morning
train, on account of a street car accident
In Lincoln which delayed his reaching
tho depot. With characteristic vigor,
however, he put his sreech on the wires
and telephoned F. I. Ringer, who was
lucky enough to make tho train, asking
him to read his responso for him. This
was all done in due time, and Ringer
read the Whltten responso in which tho
Industries of Omaha and of tho stato
came In for a large share ot praise.
J. M. Guild, commissioner of the Com
merical club of Omaha, spoke on tho
"Benefits of a Stato Organization." Ho
said there must be n reason for the simi
lar organisations in Colorado, Michigan,
Texas and other states."
A dozen of tho largo business and
manufacturing houses of the city have
extended Invitations to the secretaries
to visit and inspect their plants during:
their stay in Omaha.
The Persistent and 'Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Roud to
Business Success.
Horne-Saffer Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Myrtle Suffer
and Mr. Howard C. Home took place
Wednesday at the residence of the of
ficiating clergyman, Rev. E. R. Curry.
The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Hubbard, Miss Nellie Goes, Miss
Thornton and Mr. Andrew Rac.
Mr. and Mrs. Horne will reside In Coun
cil Bluffs.
Ernest Myers and Frank Sellers went
to jai for thirty days rather than work
cutting Ice at Seymour lake. Judge Fostfr
specified that the two men were to serve
their time In the city Jail, because they
were confident, he says.that they would
be given an opportunity to enjoy the
luxuries of the new county Jail.
Myers and Sellers were put In Jail by
Officer Job Hel when they refused to go
to work. They have been sleeping In the
quarters provided by the police for the
homeless In the old county Jail for the
lost month.
Gas Company Asks
the Right to Put Its
Bills in' Mail Boxes
Attorneys for the gns company will nak
th city commission to amend an ordin
ance recently passed and now in effect.
making It a misdemeanor for any person
or corporation to place lu malt boxes, on
porches or behind the screens of houses
any bill or paper or communication not
stamped anl addressed, with tho excep
tion of newspapers.
The gas company says 23,000 stntomepts
are sent out by them and left In the mall
boxes when tho resident is not home.
Thus they would commit 25,000 violations
of the ordinance each month, Other cor
porations are also complaining.
There is some question as to the consti
tutionality of the ordinance, as it extends
its Jurisdiction over the private property
of a resident in a manner-thnt1 some con
sider very personal and trivial.
It Is probable the amendment will bo
submitted at the meeting ot the commlttco
of the whole Monday evening. Council
men have expressed, no intention to op
pose this amendment.
Nominations Sent to Scnnlr.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 16.-Nomlnatlons
sent to tho senate today ' by President
Taft included:
John R. Willis, to be collector of ciu
toms, district of Alaska.
John L. Lockhart. to be register of tho
land office at Pierre, S. D.
Mrs. Welch Klngsley of Norfolk, dauch.
tcr of Uncle Joe Redman, and who has
heen In a hospital hero for several days
for an operation, has so far recovered
that sho will return to her home this
week, 1
NehrnaUaii nt the Hotels.
L. M. Stearns qf Kearney, B. P. Mc
Veagh of Lorton and Otto Ramsay of
Hastings have taken rooms at the Loyal.
Oarl Mark of 'Fremont. Mr. and Sirs.
L. D. Stout, of Tekamah, J. A. Albin of
Osceola and Joseph Han of McCcok are
at the Merchants.
E. Hanna of Ashley and R. E. Ben
son of Havelock are guests of the Mer
chants. R. D. McFadden of Hastings. W. D.
Flshcrof Havelock and H. F. Pollers or
Hay Springs aro stopping at the Paxton.
C. F Coffee of Chadron .George Hlte
of Sprague, O. C. Upchurch of Wlnne
bago, 8. F. Scheffel of Wyinore have
taken quarters at the Millard.
r . .... - . 1 . . v flSR.l , .7 -i fl"".
men, you can stocK up Saturday tor the
whole season to come and pay about one-
half the prices you would pay later on.
Men's Furnishings
C A HPT TT n A V Jti.
See the Window Displays,
Watch for Later Announcements,
Complications in
Making School Board
Fit Election Scheme
How to make tho schoot board tit
into a scheme of biennial elections con
stitutes a mizile upon which considerable
thought Is now being deoted by thouc
affected. At present the board is tnnda
up of twelve members chosen for a
thrtsc-yenr term, one-third ot them go
ing out each year. To get over to a
biennial election basis Attorney Herring
proposes to mako the terms 'four years,
with one-halt tho number going out
ervcry two years. The difficulty is to
arrange the transition so as not to leg
islate any of tho present members out
of office before expiration ot their
Another complication is presented by
tho fact that school board inombershlp
rests upon ward representation, whereas
for all other purposes the ward has been
put" out of business, nnd for that mat
ter was never within school board con
trol. The now proposal is to coll the
constituency a "school board district,"
reimlring the board to lay out twelvo
distrlota ot contiguous territory P
proximately equal population, with power
to rodlstrlct after oach census.
m vsa res
Action on granting a license to Rudolph
Gerber to operate a sahnm at 912 Hodge
street, tho Wick t Mooro locution, was
postponed by the city commission at k
special meeting jestrrdtiy until Tuesday
Ht tho regular session of tho commission
Evidence of the protectant nnd the np
plica nt la nil In and the reporter 1ms
tlunicrlbcd It for con-tdrrntlon by th"
commission. Three of tho conimtsslononi
havo cxpiosst-d no decision ns to how
thoy will vote. Two nro for and two
One of tho commissioners s,al(l this
morning that ho Svould hesitate about
voting for ' the license now hccaliso the
ovldcnco had brought out that two
licenses had been held In Gcrbcr'H
last year and one ot them wnsi refused
this your for good and sufficient reasons.
A Elliott, who gave his uddrcBs ns
being both at Yankton, S, IX, nnd lies
Moinew, la., when ho applied t tho los
poi mission .Wednesday for help, died on
the platform of the chapel ycatorday,
Ho complained ot not feeling well
nnd was given medical attention, but
finally succumbed to an attack of heait
trouble. Ills ngn is judged to be about
GO yoars and llttln Is known of him.
Misses Josephine and Elisabeth Gurnctt,
together with their brother, John Our
nott, have arrived from Washington, D.
C to attend their father's funeral, which
will lxi held nt St. Cecelia's church to
day at 0 a. m. Messrs.. Daniel O'Connor.
Charles Ilarrctt. John Reagan, Nelson
Lundbcrg, Frank Fogarty and T. C. Fltr-
morris wilt uot as pallbearers.
The Thames' BlazeP
Tn England the blazer stands for
holiday. You see them at the games, the
races, the meets, but; especially you see
them on the Thames. Almost every boat
on the gay river will show a different com
bination of bright colors. Last summer
the idea was brought to America and the
blazer fad resulted. And so reluctant are
women to abandon the pretty garment for
autumn that they have demanded the ,
blazer-sweater to take its place. Mail the
coupon below for complete directions
showing how you can make one of these
fashionable coats at little cost. They
are made of Fleisher's Germ&ntown
Zephyr, 4-fold, one of the fifteen
A garment like this, where "set" counts
so much, requires a yarn of great elasticity..
This you are absolutely sure of getting in the
Flcishcr Yarns sure, too, of splendid service.
Always insist on the Fleiahen Yarns, Look for
trademark on everyj skein.
KaltlUE Woisted
Dresden flaxony
Spanish Worsteft
ShHIaad Floss
GerasntoTfn Zephyr
(4- n 8-folU)
ElderdOTTB TVosI
Hsperlor Ire Wool
Shetland Zephyr
Spiral Yen
ramela Sheilaa
Rlshlaa 'Wool
Cashntre Yarn
Aum Waol
Glf Tens
B Mail thU Coupon to S. B. & B. W. FLEISHER, FbtLtdalpkU 77
l l
(Httt IW
- SHU 1 II
f u n fi . " ib.pi mm ia i ivs wv aw t m m mm
ipok for 1
i iiis Can
V Grocers
It's the orange can with the Indian's head look for itbe
your guarantee of better baking.
In millions of kitchens the country over, Calumet is the only bak
ing Dowdcr ever used and it has won that tremendous popularity
solely because of its purity and wholesomeness.
It makes baking failures impossible.
More economical in cost and use.
RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS, World's Pure Food Expotie,
Chicago, 111., 1907; Paris Exposition, France, March, 1912.