Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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" iJnterwi nt Omaha poitofflce as second
rlan matter. . .
Sunday lire, one fur K-W
.Saturday lie, one year
Dally Hrr, without Sunday. one year. J J
Dally Bee. and MuimIs)-. one )r
Ifvenlnjf and Sunday. ir month....... e
Kvcnlnc without Sunday, per month. o
Dally Mee, Including Sunday, per trio. c
Dally fiee, without Sunday, per mp... c
Address all complaints or IrreRularitirs
In deliver' to Clt rinuUillon Dept.
Ttemlt by draft. etKerw r pistnl onler.
payable to The lief Puhllshln;? company
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment
of amall accounts. l'eronnl cheek, ex
cept on Omaha and catterti exchanKC not
accepted. .
Omaha-The lie bulldlnc.
South Omaha -3U3 N street.
Council nluffs-H North Main street
I.lnroln-9! Mttle building,
fhlcapo 1M1 Marquette bulldlnc.
Kansas City-Reliance building.
New York- W West Tlilrty-t'lltd.
St Loul-4 Frisco building.
Washington-" Fourl-enth Pt.. N.
Communications relating to nw ami
editorial matter should l. addrecd
Omaha Bee. Editorial denarttnent.
Elate of Krbratbn, County of llougtas. t:
Dwlght Wllllmns. f Irculatlo.n manuprr
of The Beo Publishing company, being
duly aworn, ssys that tit nvcrago lally
circulation for tin- month of Deewnbor,
Circulation Manngiir.
Subscribed In my preenc and aworn
to before mo this Slut dav of Docembcr,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Rnbucribrra lenTlnR th rltjr
temporarily ahmilil hnt The llec
mailed to them. Address Trill be
rbaiiRcd ns often na requested.
Well done, Chief Dunn! hoop the
prifcc fighters on tlio move.
Now watch tlio lightning coino
back nt Frank AJax Munsey.
President Taft should doputlzn
Mr. Hobson to do that klsBlnp; for
I A. Tcsas country paper calls Houb
l )on "the Sodom of Texas," but thoro
fnro others.
The visiting nurso comes ag a wol
j Corned angel to many a home unable
Ito pay for bucIi Borvlcoa.
2 If Friend Munsoy la not careful
flio may find himself caught .botweon
jtho upper and notjipc KrliiilBtoncri.
; So far as wh know, Colonel Yelser
2 is standing pat on bis four-ycars'-ln-indvnnco
nomluatlon of Colonel
i Omaha will, bo glad to Increase Its
population at any time, but not by
Ithe Importation of puglllstB driven
jffom other cities.; . . i
c . . . ...srss v -', .!
The 'dtyof -Athens fines a woman
40 for wearing a big hat In a thea
ter. Thoy say tho Perlclcan age In
Greece has passed.
Tho bill mill down at Lincoln 1b
certainly working full time theao
days. Who'd Iiavo thought so many
things needed fixing? v
Tho machinery built bytho;fOUnd
fcrB of tho republic to rocaiI''.fedornl
Judges seems tq work all rlsiiwhch
tho wheels arc not cloggod. ...
Many a man hna no .first-hand
knowledge, however, that as Hanker
Baker aays, tho concentration, of
money has gono far enough.
Mr. "Bill" Itockofellor Is reported
Lo b able to talk. Discovery doubt
less made when ho declined tho Pujo
coramlttce'a pressing Invitation.
That Missouri doctor who is suing
tho Pullman company for ?2,DQ0 for
falling td rcsorvo n berth, for' him,
muat havo given tho porter lulto-a
tip that time,
Mayor Jim Is charging again in
tavor of "homo rule," Tbo difficulty
U that tho mayor, and the citizens do
not entirely agr'co on what consti
tutes home rule.
What has happened to the Missouri
Stiver Improvement association, that
was so vigorous a couple of years
ngo. The river 1b still there,' but
where arc tho steamboats?
The addition of a fast passenger
train at 6;30 In the morning may
well be considered of doubtful valuo,
"when offered In exchange for tho
abolition of a department tha.t um-
Jloys 400 clerks. Como again. Mr
The principal organizer of the
Copper trust, could not recall boforc
the money trusl commltteo whether
his profits were $5,000,000 or
000,000. Seems they are making
something ot a comedy ot this in-
Teatlgatton, as well as tragedy.
Permission to sell Its securities
having been granted the company
that proposes to connect Omaha with.
Lincoln and Beatrice by electric rail
Xrny, the next thing in lino will bo
Marketing the bonds, Omaha can
tnarketlng the bonds,
The, president of the Chicago Tele
phone company says that it "Mr
Wilson will listen to tho right kind
ot advice he will get ou swim
mingly." Bure! And between "Wall
street and half a dozen rival camps
In the democratic party, -Mr. Wilson
-will have no difficulty at all in get
ting all the advice he needs,
Omaha and the Burlington.
Tho visit ot n commltteo of Omaha
business men to tho Chicago hcad
qunrtors of tho Burlington haa been
productivo of a written promise to
tlq certain things. Thoso things havo
been promised In '.ho past, and tho
promises have not always been kept.
Mr. James J. H Ill's Chicago man
ager has told tho Omaha commltteo
that a fast passenger train will be
run through Omaha at an hour when
It. will bo of llttlo service to cither
Incoming or outgoing passengers; he
has promised that tho connection
with tho Ashland cut-off, built for tho
seeming purpose of diverting busi
ness from Omahn to St. Paul, will be
opened in 1914. He has also prom
ised to look Into other matters that
may be complained of. nut he ad
heres to his purpose of further re
ducing tho Omaha headquarters of
tlio Hurlington road.
Omaha's bill of grlevances'agalnst
tho Hurlington Is a long one; It yet
remains to bo aeon If promised re
dress will be given.
A Good Fighter Gone.
Kvory one liken a good fighter,
nnd evory ono hates a quitter. That
the luto Charles O. Whodon,, whoso
death Is announced from Lincoln,
watt a good fighter, nnd never a
quitter, will bo conceded by both his
frlonds and his enemies. At times It
seemed that he perversely picked tho
other aide In order to produce, con
tention, but no matter what cause ho
espoused, ho went to It fearlessly and
vigorously, and novor stopped half
way. Any ono who remembers the
famous stato convention nconr when
Mr. Whedon, almoBt nlono, battled
against insuperable odds in, defense)
of a governor's pardon that had thor
oughly outraged public sentiment,
could not holp but admire his cour
ago and' grit. It was in a rough-nnd-tumble
fight of this kind that Mr.
Whedon was In his clement.
i Althdugh a public figure for a
quarter of n century, tho highest of
fice occuplod by Mr, Whedon was
that of momber (of tho atato senate.
Ho aspired to represent Nobrnskn In
tho United States senate, but each
time conditions wore unpropltlous.
Tho loss of his forceful personality
will bo noted In political struggles to
como in this stato.
.Bar Pugilists and Fakers.
Half-baked prizo fighters and their
promoters nro looking for a place to
light In this country. Tho dcccntcr
pcoplo havo thorn on tho run. Moat
cities and states havo barred, them.
entirely. A fow havo lot down tho
bars to "boxing matches," which gen
erally devolop Into fights and re
flect discredit upon tho community
permitting' them. Omaha'a chief of
pollco has levied-an embargo against
any nloro fights, near-fights or box
ing contests, and ho should back up
his decreo with all the vigor at his
command. Omaha needs nono of tho
publicity abroad, that these thlnga
bring. Tho recent match in which
two rather distinguished) pugs en
gaged hero has been very widely
heralded nnd commented on over tho
country In ways npt at all flattering
to Omaha and Omaha pcoplo with a
Juat prldo In tholr city. Let us havo.
no moro of this. Pri'z6 fighting Is
simply n disgraceful moans of mak
ing monoy, promoted by a lot of
shrowd 'fnkers who usa tho youtliB
that do tho fighting ns their puppets.
Let theao fakprs look eUowhoro for
a resort for their hurabuggory.
Prjo.tcpting Americans.
Tho governments action lh dis
patching a warahlpp alMoxlcan port
for tho protection ot Atnerlcan cltl
zons Is ovldenco-of Madoro's certain
falluro to master conditions and our
govornmont's intention to temporize
no longer. Wo might havo boon
Justified In such BtepH boforo, but
tho United States' purpose has been
to facilitate tho restoration of peaco.
whllo, of course, bound to protect Us
own citizens, Our forbcaranco has
gono about aa far ns prudenco per
mits and It Is manifest now that
soma decisive chanRO must como
about. Madoro's sincerity of purpose
has not been questioned at Wash
ington, but his power has now come
in moat serloua doubt.
Tho cruiser, Denver, which sailed
from San l)Iego will put In at Aca
pulco, Mex., a southern port In tho
Btate of Guerrero, about 100 miles
almost duo south of Mexico City.
This la the center of crave host 111
los, aa well aa a strategic- point
from which to dispatch aid to Aiucr
leans In .distress. The Denver, us
the advance guard, undoubtedly,
will be speedily followed . by rein
forcements If needed. There Is i
possibility ot complications for Ma
dero Just here, for tho rebels may
bo counted on to harass him and It
they can do that over the heads of
Americans, for whom ho Is Tespon
Bible, thoy will.
No one will be disposed to dis
puto Judge Archbuld's guilt, but
guilty or innocent, he was, entitled
under the constitution to u" trial bo-
fore the senate ot the United btatcs.
and not beforo a dozen straggling
senators self-commissioned to listen
to the evidence as proxies for their
Clvliur It Out Cold.
Cleveland Leader
Apparently the Poatoffice department Is
going to require a special stamp for the
parcel post for the same reason that
there Is a p' In "pneumonia."
JAN. 17.
Thirty Team Aw
The Mlllatd hotel waa brightly lighted
for a reception and dance given by Mia
Mamie Shears. The toilettes of the ladle
wcro titiunually handaomo and tho scene
pieccntcd waa one ot more than ordinary
Tho tlfth annual matquerado party
undtr the Management of C. C. Klold
look place at Jlasonlo hull, 223 coupka
attending. Tho nrrnngemcnta committee
Included C. C. Kleld, W. II. Whltohouso,
John Oannon, C. II. Ogburn. 8. II. Farnw
worth, J. II. Bogue nnd William Osburn.
Tho Union Pacific yesterday brought in
from the weal a carload of buffalo meat.
or 22,000 pounds, consigned to Teycke
Bros, from a noted hunter in eastern
The porlodlonl tory Is nbrond again
about tho Burlington building on to the
coast, fanned by tlio presence of General
Manager I'otter, returning from Denver.
son of James ltedmnn met with n
serious accident coasting on Hamilton
Mia. W. Wyatt, who about n, your
ago bought out Halloa's lumber yard,
lias sold tho bitslneaa to UcorgH U Brad
Icy of Kansas City nnd goes to. Chicago
to engngo In the wholc-alc lumber busi
ness. Omaha frlonds wore glad to learn
that Mr, II. Newman of tho firm of
Oborfelder Ac Nowinnn, formerly of Coun
cil Bluffs nnd now of the firm ot New
man & Co., 1316 Famam street, will bo
hereafter permanently located' on thin
ride of tho rlvor.
Messrs Robert St. Clan- of Seward rjid
Simeon Bloom of Omaha 'were admitted
to practlco In tho district court.
D. O. Fremont, manager of the 11. &
M. telegraph company, promises to display
In his window' on Kurnam the earliest re
port on the ballot for United Btatcs aen
ator, at Lincoln. I
Twenty Venn Ago
J. W. Dunn arrived from Chicago and
wns stopping at the Morccr. Ho came to
open a grain commission office In the
Board of Trade building.
13. C. Dlnimock, manager, of tho ranch
at Pnxton belonging to Senator Karwcll
of Illinois, was In town nnd said that
mnrty Improvements wcro being mndo at
this ranch, wihlch waa developing into
cne of the finest In tho state.
Bishop Newman of tho Methodist church
left for Beatrice, to make an address in
ono of the churches there.
It was announced as extremely prob.
able that President S. II. II. Clark of tba
Union Pacific would acficpt re-election to
this position In April at the annual meet
lng, though It had been rumored h, con
templated resigning owing to' tho press
of other official duties. Tfo was also gen
eral manager of the Missouri Pacific.
Tlio annual meeting of tho Bee Build
ing company reunited In tlio election of
theso directors: Kdward Rosowatcrf N
P. Fell, Max Meyer, Bruno Tzschuck and
George AV. Llnlng'er nnd the directors
elected Mr. Bosowatcr president and Sir.
Fell secretary-treasurer.
Ten Years Agn-1-The
assessment rolls of the city wero
Llncroasod mora than H.l'AOOO by tho City
noard of Equalization, which closed its
sessions today. That places the total roll
at J129.600,00O.
A report filed with the city comptroller
by tho Omaha Oaa company shows thn.
the city Is to receive from that corpora
tion J14,23.17 as royalties on the com
pany's sales for 1902 to local consumers
other than the city Itself. This waa the
largest royalty ever earned by tho city
from tho gan company. On the basis of
6 per cent per 1,000 feet the 1902 total
meant 2S5,2S3,O0O feet of gas.
Tho Omaha club directors at their an
nual meeting authorized (he building ot
an extension to tho club' home on the
north end costing $10,000. Four places on
tho board wero filled, the vacancies being
created by tho death of J. J. Dickey and
tho expiration of terms of Luther Drnko,
ItArry Carton nnd J. II. Mcintosh. TheHa
were 'elected: Hurry Cnrtan, Luther
Kountze. Victor B. Caldwell nnd John S.
Brady. '
Judge Day bf 'thft district court ap
pointed Frank T. Ttansom, J. II. McCul
tdcli'ahd 'Francis A, Brogan to draft rcso-
lutloits commemorative of W. D. Beckett,
n member 'of the Omaha bar, who was
frozen to death near his Bonson home.
John Dudgeon, a farmer who playa the
fiddle but scorns the violin, furnished
screaming melody for the hoedowns nt
the Inaugural bull ot Mlstourl's governor.
Twelve .million packages of garden seed
will bo sent out by congressmen before
May 1. At last the long-looked. for re
ward will como to tho constituent who
fcratwhllo voted early and often.
Michael .'Carmody baa secured a ver.
diet of Z38.W0 damages against the New
York Central railroad. Ho was kicked
off a freight train In New York while
stealing a ride and fell under the wheels,
losing oin rcet.
Albert Holght waa one who retired
from the bench on New Year's day be-
cause of the age limit. He had been a
Judge for forty years and a member of
the Court of Appenls of New York for
twenty-two years.
Montgomery Wnrd. the "watch doc of
Chicago's lake front." Is retiring from
lh scene, having sold his Michigan ava.
hue. skyscraper property", fower and
Diana, for I1.K,000. The 'sale "was nt
the rate of I9.0W a front foot or tSJ.65 a
iiaro foot.
General Rosalie Jones, commander of
the suffrago hikers. Is not overlooking
the main chance while In the limelight.
"You see. tho way we feel about mar
riage la this." she remarked to a Wash
ington qulzzer. "U our girls can become
engaged on the march from New York
to Washington, we will have-lust double
the number of vcqrults In our army, for
Jthe wouldibo husbands will feel con
trained to boom suffrage and to march
with us."
A purse of 13,000 and a year's leae ot
absence, so that be may take a tour
around the world, were presented Sunday
night to Rev Joseph Krauskopf by the
congregation of Kenneth Israel Temple.
Philadelphia, at a 'banquet celebrating
the rabbi's twenty-fifth anniversary as
leader of the synagogue. At the sama
time it was announced that tho congre'
gallon will commemorate tho event still
further by raising a. fund of ttO.OOO td
rect an alumni building, fur the religious
ccbool of the temple.
People Talked About
Twice Told Tales
Dukr'n Thrifty Uncle.
The Due de Richelieu, who Is visiting
New York, Is very shy ot being Inter
viewed. "Tliero is nothing to be Interviewed
about," he said to a reporter. "I am
merely hern on business, tfut I will com
promise with you and tell you an old
family story.
"An Uncle of mine In France, who has
the reputation of being very thrifty, re
ceived a call from a man who said he
waa related to him and begged for soma
money. Hy uncle wanted to know In
what way he was connected with him,
whereupon the man told him 'through
" 'Ah, said my uncle, 'this Is very In
teresting, Indeed. Here, my friend, Is
something tor you,' and my undo gave
him ono sou (a cent). He added: 'If all
your other relatives' will do . the same
you'll be a rich man.' "New York
I'utlfnir on tbr Co I In r.
A prosperous former has gained the
reputation -of being the stingiest man In
his town and consequently is not a gen
eral favorite with his neighbors. lid
owns nn old horse, which, to put U
mildly, Is very' thin. As if to make up
for the lack of flesh on Us body, how
ever, the animal hns n head many sizes
too largo for It. Of course, people talk
about the horse, nnd the owner doesn't
like 1U Lust week, tor Instance, ho
went to the expense of a new collar for
tho animal. A very few minutes after
the delivery ho was back at the saddler's
with tho collar,
"Don't you know nothln'7" he blurted
out. "You've mode It too small! , I
can't get It over his head!"
"Over his head!" reiterated the saddler,
"Mnn alive, It wnsn't made to go over
his head Back him Into Itt" Every
body's Magazine.
AVeurr of tlir Job.
A man traveling in Maine met a middle-aged
farmer, who told him hia
father, 90 years old, was still on the
farm where he- waa born.
"Ninety years old, eh?"
"Yep, pop's close to 90."
"la his health good7"
" "Taint much now. He's bucn "com
plnlnln' for a few months back?"
. "What's tho matter with him?"'
' 'I dunno; sometimes I think farmln'
don't agree with him."
Clevrrnesa- Ilcualreilt
"In ' these dnys of high-cost" living,"
said Representative De Forest, the
sponsor for the bill for pensioning cx
prealdcnts, "we hear of many queer econ
omies. "On a street car the other day, at the
end ot a discussion on saving nnd re
trenchment, a lady said decisively:
" 'Oh, nny woman can cut her hus-
band'p hair; but, believe me, It takes a
clever one to cut It bo that other wom
en's husbands will suspect nothing.
Editorial Siftings
Philadelphia 'Recordi' The Navy depart-
mVht will arbitrate between admirals and
mascots. r
St. Louis" Globe Democrat: A farmer
can go to his telephone and order a hot
meal to bo sent by rural delivery." The
old dinner horn has done Ms part well.
biit 1h ho longer Indispensable.
Washington Post: It's a wonderfitf
tribute' to the beauty 'of the American
suffragettes that they have to use tho
army aa an escort In their parade to
keep the fellows from stealing 'cm rlglit
out of tho line.
New York World: The president of
an express company has kindly advised
his employes to bo friendly toward the
parcel post. For this condescension tho
American people will be dul' thankful.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: A careful
perusat of tho proceedings of the peace
conference In London ahows that the
Turkish delegation wants to balk and
that the Balkan delegates want to do the
Turkey trot.
Houston Post: It'll always a pleas
ure to see good follow closely upon the
heels of evil. The silk suspenders sent
as a Christmas present by the devilish
republican postmaster has been followed
by two yarn galluses from an east Texas
democrat We aro grateful for such
generosity, although we can't understand
how more than one yam gallus at a time
can bo used by any true southern gentle
man claiming to be a democrat
Washington Post: Things' have coma
to' a pretty pass In the United States
navy when a rear admiral, In full uni
form of gold lace, cannot go aboard ship
without being subjected to an outrageous)
Indignity by Rome unregenerate mascot.
Is there no discipline in the fleet? Are
officers of high rank to be treated -like
novitiates at a Masonic Initiation every
time duty calls for the burning of a
little powder In their honor
Political NewBro.oms
Aa a starter Governor Sulzer burnishes
his halo onco a day,
Fearing seven weeks In Washington
would taint the purity ot his -editorials,
patriots in Texas, are trying to work the.
recall on Senator R. M. Johnston by elect
ing a short-term senator. Associate
editors on the Houston Post, resent Athe.
allcgntlpn and pronounce ' Johnston .Im
mune to any and all temptations In Wash
ington. With two .senators to elect; a "governor
to be installed and tome business "to do,
the Illinois legislature rattles tho 'ghost,
of the Jackpot dally and adjourns to the
Governor Cox of Ohio promises to take
tho atate'a new constitution under his
wing and warm It 'nto life.
Woodbridge JC Ferris, governor-elect 6t
Michigan, wore' a drssa suit for, the. first
time at the recent Inauguration!. At he
conclusion he remarked NextKtlme J
Buesa-1 can ,Act welt aa the waiters."
For tho first tm in. Kansas, history all
branches ofthe state, goverpnient are In
the handa.ogt democrats. It Is thirty-one.
years since tha state house sheltered &
lone democratic governor.
'The crowd iw'80 dnee at th Inaugu
ral ball of Missouri's governor that dan
cing waa Impossible. the-' managers
could do when Missouri,' eharaplojx fiddler
fiddled was to keep the srush. moving.
Jeffersonian, simplicity marked the debut
Of Governor Ammons.,qf, Colorado. Mili
tary and sartorial display were tabooed (.
A. flag, a few floweca, a solemn obligation
reverently taken, p outburst of cheers
and the inauguration was over.
The Coming ot
. , the New Hotel
Edward Hungerford In Harpor's Weekly.
It Is a pretty poor sort, of an American
town that cannot boast n new hotel Iti
these days. It may cling to old tradi
tions In ono case, nnd in another try to
capltallzo its hopes, but It Is sure to
boast on Its main street somewhere u
palatial sort of -n box-like sky-scraper.
You may go back to Bllssvllle-and Juat
let Blissful be about nny typical middle
sized city In the lapd-and recall pretty
distinct memories, pleasant or other
wise, of the hostelry that held you them
twenty years before. It may havo ben
a dingy, barn-like affair, echoing !n
solitary grandeur all the black decora
tlon and ' furniture horrors of the Vic
torian age, or It may havp been, nnd
rarely was. a comfortable old ark. with
low ceilings and snapping open-wood
wood fires, with a landlord who was a
landlord to greet you when you stepped
from outer cold Into Its homelike at
mosphere. But those old fellows the Congress
hotels and the Nationals, and .the
Americans that used to be sprinkled
across tho land arc nearly all "gone, or
else reduced to utter degradation In their
old age. Today each Bllssvllle all the
way across the land boasts loudly of Its
new hotel and looks disdainfully upon
tho old. Tho Bllssvllls citizen who meets
you at the train calls your attention to
Its unshrinking magnificence ns you ap
proach from afar. "The very pearl of
metropolitan elegance." ho says slowly,
thinking ot, bin own stockholdings In the
thing. "It's .the Waldorf of this end of
the state." When you come Insido the
now Hotel Bllssvllle, where the Interior
decorator has permitted his passions to
play unbridled, nnd have gasped your
awe at the gorgeousness of artificial
marbles and hasty murals, you are .per
mitted to delve still further Into the
wonders of this Bupreme wonder. There
may bo a roof-garden and there "Is surely
a grill a somewhat crowded and un
ventllated cellar Into which Bllssvllle
madly crowds after an evening at thei
show, to Indulge In champagne and
lobster manners 'nnd order beer and
rarebits, while a raspy band plays poor
music poorly from a suffocating llttlo
perch over In the corner Just under tho
celling. Bllssvllle Is dining out. Tb be
more exact. ' 'Bllstvlllo Is beginning to
dine out. It has already acquired thn
restaurant and club habit for lunch.
Twenty years ngo the chief arteries of
the town wcro filled nt noon with men
coming to and from their dinners. To
day most persons In American towns
of more than 10,000 population have
shifted their heavy mcnl from noon till
night and eat a light or nn expensive
lunch down town. ,
Tnkn anv tvnli-nl Bllsaville. Its own
American house, which, with Its stuffy
parlors, Its tessellated marble floors, nnd
it. tnVnmir If nr'ntpunup carvings, all
once regarded as nothing less than archi
tectural triumph. Is today descended rrom
the high' pinnacle' of local esteem. The
new hotel, with Us castilo soap marbles
In Its lobby, the roof gorden and the grill,
ns nlready described, Is now the town's
chief burst of pride. Probably Bllssvllle
has all but bankrupted Itself In tho erec
tion of the. palace it generally docs but
for a brief ho'ur ot triumph It has a Joy
ous sense that it Is a degrco ahead of
its rival, and that, to Its civic mind, Is
worth several tons of worthless hotel
With the coming of the new type of
hntel there has nlBO disappeared tho so-
called "American plan," the famous
three-tlmes-a-day gorge that was the de
light of every hungry man tacking his
way acrosB the land, nt an old-fashioned,
hln cost of living. In the place
of the semicircle of canary bath tubs with
little dabs of vegetables and the menu
"groaplng" under .seventeen different
kinds ot meats and vegetables and eleven
nf nto nml of cakes, has come the es
thetic "European plan," over the card ot
which you prick your way with an Infinite
care, hoping to plan a meal that will not
.more than triple tho cost of one under
tho old plan.
The commercial traveler, with his ex
pense account, a not very expansive
thing, "has watched the passing of the
nlan" with Ill-concealed ro-
BTet Houses that consider him as a fac
tor In their yearly earning account some
times modify their Eurppean plan rulings
to suit his more slender purse. They
have "club breakfasts" nnil various forms
of table d'hote luncheons and dinners, to
suit his necessities.
But on the other side of the- fence there
Bit tight tho biggest ot'the newer houses
In thn lnrcer towns', and these are not
condescending to nny truces. These make
little compact of any sort witn me oajo
nirt in hntel.kceDlng. A great modern
house in New York has banished so dis
tinctly an American dish as stcan irom
i Mil. r.f. faro: several of them havo
Jong since placed the ban on pie. Simple
dishes are. In their disfavor. A.n Imported
legion of sauce-pan artists shows great
proficiency in remodellngs and remaklngs
even a. scrawny bird that has "hung a
little long" in the cold Btorago dox, wnn
v.. riffht nmnunt of strong dressing, may
be transformed Into a foreign tongue so
.deftly s to. make me regular paron
of the house bribo the head waiters to
secure It for them. As a star dish It
may go upon the menu cards at Ji p. p.
The "P. P." means that the comfortable
large portions with which the. European
plan first Ingratiated itself upon Ameri
can hearts no longer exists, and woe be
to the thrifty diner who tries to mako
a single portion piece out for two. That
deadly "p. P." absolutely prohibits that,
Truth to tell, when we Imported Euro
pean methods of keeping hotels, the good
with the bad, we failed to bring across
the sea the personality and charm of the
hoetelrles of tho continent from which
they come. Unfortunately the first of our
now order ot great hotels were built In
the city of New York; unfortunately, be
cause the narrow squares and .the high
prloea of Manhattan real estate have
evolved a peculiarly cramped type of
building. While the typo of hotel .archi
tecture which resembles a packing case
stood upon end la a necessity In New
York, It l not a necessity ,n m09t other
American cities. But almost all the others
bl our American cttbxi have followed New
Vork blindly In this regard, and there Is
a hideous monotony or packing box hotels
all the way across the land, from one
ocean to the other, from Canada to Mex
ico. None of the personality that some
American towns posess in rare degree Is
reflected In their great new hotels. Thcbe
are apt to be pretty much alike in all the
larger towns atross the Und ungainly,
taw. overdeco rated.
Out of, nil these things there Is bound
to come a change. The beginnings of that
change nre already being potlcpd aeroM
the la)id. Mine host is' bound to learn
that there Is more than a merely novel
plan of serving and charjrlng for food and
drink that can be borrowed' from the suc
cessful hotels ot Europe. A great hotel
In Portland. Ore., although It Is no longer
nftw, Is able to hold for Itself first place
In an important town as well as an af
fection In the hearts of thoso who come
to patronize It by Its fascinating and un
usual court yard. In that court yard the
Pottlandltcs gather on pleasant summer
nights to sit on the hotel porches nnd
listen to Its orchestra In the. open, in
finitely finer than any glass-lncloscd.
skylight-roofed "palm' garden" of the
more modern houses.
The new hotefs have gone up by the
hundreds in the last seventeen or eighteen
years, and their cost has ranged high Into
the millions. They arc but ono thing that
typifies the growth of a great nation.
They nre now, nnd that word Is over
Worked in describing each of them. But
there Is n better order pf things coming.
In tho next generation of hotel-keepers
and hotel patrons we are going to see It.
"Are they goln' to bar tho turkey trot
rrom the inaugural balI7" asked Farmer
"I dunno." answered his wife.
"Well, I hope they don't. It would bo
right hard on a person like me, who Is
gettln' 'ready to travel several hundred
miles Jls' to got nn Idea of what the
blame thing looks , like." Washington
Wtfo (sobbing to John on his return
from office) John, I baked a enke.
JohnWell, don't cry. . dear.
Wife But. John, the cat ate it.
John Don't en- dear. I'll bur another
cat Mack's Monthly.
Stude Can you glVe me un example of
the unproductive spending ot we.alth.7
Queener Sure! A cent taktnr his own
sister to the show. Louisville Courier
Journal. "That must have been Van Swiceer
who came homo at 2 o'clock this morn
ing. I never heard such maudlin talk.''
That was Van all right. He told mo
the other day that he was a lineal de-
Stomach Sour and Full of Gas?
Got Indigestion? Here's a 'Cure.
Time It: In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart
ourn, sourness or belching of gas, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness,
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Pape'4 Dlapepsln Is noted for its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It 1:
the surest, quickest and most certain remedy in the whole world and besides II
Is harmless.
Millions of men and. wonen how eat their favorite foods without fear Ihej
Know now It Is needless to have a bad stomach.
Fast Trains
Omaha and
Did you
draw a mouth?
You will have another chance
to show your skill beginning
Prizes ia the first cutest
!scendant of the four-bottle phlWJoffis
Jwho put the hlcin hiccoughs. '-Jee-
"Theirt was a trial marriage, wasn'
"I don't know about that part, ff It
But tho divorce was. Lasted fouij day;
and forty-two columns in three rMwsiw
per." St Louis Times.
"Se the tn?n across tho sltec Witt
that loud checked suit, bright tnn shoes
red necktie and green hat? Well, he t
detective." . , '
"Why, how can he be n plain clothes
man? Baltimore American.
He What lovely flowcrsl Do you know
they remind me of you.
She They aro artificial flowers.
He Yes, I know;' but It rcqulros clout
examination to detect It Boston Tran
script. "She's a self-made woman."
"A self-mado woman?" Why 1 thought
she married for money?"
"Well, so she did. Since which tlnm fih;
claims to have earned every penny of t.
St. Louis Times.
B. & O. Employes Magazine.
Behold a steed with thews ot iron.
A heart and brain of fire; -His
volco a thousand trumpets shame;
His sinews never tire.
Of body dark gigantic, vast.
His way no arm can bar;
Resistless as the battle godc,
His flight is like a star. f
His path, twin bands of virgin steel,
That stretch from east to west;
O'er beams the Invaded forest gave,
Now fixed In nature's breast.
He speeds where storm or avalanche
Hove torn the mountainside;
Or through the peaceful valley, whore
The evening shadows hide.
Here husbandmen the furrow turns,
Or reaps the golden grain
That ripens with the kiss of sun,
Or bows beneath the rain.
Thoro troutless. undiscovered lenpi
In babbling wayslda brooks;
And briar and honeysuckle bloom , ,
In unsuspecting nooks.
Here pygmy hands and hearts of flame
Have pierced the mountain base1;
There rock and steel aro Intertwined.
To bridge the chasm's space.
For men have planned, have delved and
Have struggled night and day
To blaze a trail from coast to co'a'st,
And build his great highway.
Round Trip
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flThe splendid
trains of the
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. Chicago and
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Through Tttlli ay mnd ttmmMp tlckttm
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Sleeping car reservations and reservations of
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Trains Leave Omaha for Chicago
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7iB5p.ra. AUDattr
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