Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Almost Unbelievable
Price Reductions will
Occur on Saturday . .
Wo have 5o(5lligh Grade Garments which wc have
separated into 8 lots, each at a ridiculously low price,
for Saturday's selling: f
2 lots of
Young Afeh7fi
4 lots of
. AVomon's and
Misses' Coills,
Suits & Dresses.
Read, our ad in Friday Evening's
and Saturday Morning's Paper
fine from JI.OuO and to thirty days In
Jail from two years In thee- epcnltentlary.
Another measure lie Introduced puts
Omaha Justices of tho peace on a salary
of tiOOO and docs away wwlth fees. An
other provides the Jurisdiction of a Jus
tice of the peace Bhall be limited to the
territory In which they are elected, llraln
1ms a measure to permit hunting and fish
ing In one's own county.
inn I'ifiiiT maiii: o.v smith
liorrrnor Find No Little .lob to
NnntC Ilonrrt of Cnlilrol.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. lC.-(8pedal.)-llefore
he officially makes his announce
ment of members of tho state Hoard of
Control Governor Morehead Is anxious
to know whether the senate will confirm
his selections. He has beeii ' put Up In
the air on tho proposition by th opposi
tion of Bryan democrats to the appoint
ment of Tom Smith, former warden of
the state penitentiary, and also to Henry
Genles of lUchardson, two of the men
supposed, to have cinches on the places.
Tho governor consulted this mornlnc
with democratic members of tho senate
why, .at the conclusion of the confer
once, said they wauhl Vote to- confirm
nny appointments the, governor might
make, he having assured them he would
Hclect only high-class men. The long
list of applicants or persons mentioned
for places was gone, nvcr and, according
to several of tho senators, no objection
was registered against' any 6f them.
Victor Wllsoni who had been leading
the .Dryan ftRtit against Smith, was at
tho' executive office this inornlhg, but
left without-seeing the-governor because
of thaWe run.tQ.e his excellenoy. Mr.
Wilson wfff cdmV ack later ttf-feglster
his pYotesf. '' "
In the meantime he has' written the
' ., y , ,
ftfdnry TWiWes, pBWer A)OrAra,
' r ' Ithcb'nmUni,Wdv8erlrtifi
' 4 Dl'abnscH VdltfUt, in . -
t . 'I' ) ',; ' j,t' . , .
iher are, other; symptom'. vch . as
tialnft'ln the region of the klcLnaVjinorv
nusness, dltzlncss, tired and worn-out
feeling, weak bladder, painful, scatdy, or
urinary .lroiblii3, , wljlch are Just as
dangerous, i Jpr the, slightest kidney de
rangement If Jifglected.may de'elp lhto
the deadly Brlght'a Disease, Xropsy, . or
piabetc. ; ,
It la not onlv dannirous. but needless,
for you, tp suffer, and endure the tortures
of Ujese troubles, .for the new discovery.
Q-oxone, quickly ami surely ends' Tl such
misery. - .
Thro is- nj' myfo effective . remedy
knowjrt. for the' cure of kldnoy, bladder
trouble, .and rheumatism, than this new
sctentlflo preparation, because It removes
tlo cause. It soaks right Into the kid
neys, through the wnlls and- lmincs,
cleans out Uie clogged-up pores, ncutrul
Ufa and dissolves the polronous uric
acid and wasla matter "lut lodge In the
joints. and musolcs and cause those ter
rlble rhcumaUa pains, and., makes tho
kidneys filter, tlo poison f rom the. blood
ana nriv it, oui or ine system.
Three doses.. of Croxone a day. for
fety days is often all that Is ever needed
to euro tho .worst backacho or overcome
disagreeable urinary disorders, and jou
can take it, .with the utmost confidence
that nothing, on earth will so quickly
cure the worst case of kidney, bladder
trouble; or rheumatism.
You will find Croxone different from
nil other remedies. There Is nothing else
like It, It Is so prepared that It Is practi
cally impossible. to take It Into, the human
aysteta without-results. An original pacU-'j
ag costs but a trifle at an- first clasa
drugstore All druggistn.HreTaUthorlxed'l
U personally return the purchase price
1f Croxone should fall Jt a lnglecaiie.
A Belmont "Notch"
collar in white striped
Aadrar It's an
1 Sc. 2 for 24c
Cliuslt. Pcabody tc Go.
Harsl cwighf , old coughs, teeing coughs.
Glt Aver) Cherry Pectoral a chancci
SoM fer 70 yeirs.
-. . . , . J. O. AMT flO..
2 lots of
Boys' Suits
governor a letter Is which he said Tom
Smith belongs to the Tammany brand
of democracy and If appointed would
use the great power he would have as a
member of tho Hoard of Control In build
ings up a powerful political machine.
"Smith Is a machine politician." said
Wilson, "and believes the general should
give tho orders and the prlvat should
have no right even to think."
Wilson has been at work not only
nmong the democrats, but also among re
publicans, who, being In the majority,
will be the ones to finally accept or re-
Jcct tho names submitted by the gov
Wilson says the governor could gat
such men as K, von Forell. former regent
of the state university, or It. D. Suther
land to take places on the board, and
these men he considers better equipped
for tho work than Bmlth.
In the meantime, there Is conMderablo
opposition nmong republicans against the
confirmation of tho appointment of
Gerdes, should his name bo presented to
the senate, This opposition comes from
somo who have served with Gerdes In
tho house.
Governor Morehead said this morning
hodeslrcd to consult with tho republican
senators on the appointments. Some of
the republicans took this to mean ho de
sired to consult with them only on tho
republican member of the board and they
feel they should he consulted about the
entire board or none. As the republican
senators wilt finally decide tho matter,
tho governor In all probability will talk
over with them the availability of the
men he has under consideration.
And the Bryan fight against Bmlth will
4jo on until he Is either appointed or
turned down.
Wnnt Amendment to Glinnajr Kn-
tlrely Syei of Government.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. ie.-(Speclal.)-Druese-
ilow of Douglas U out to enact legisla
tion which will provide for a real short
ballot. He has the lcglslaUve reference
bureau at work drawing a bill for a pro
posed constitutional amendment which
will change entirely the present system
of state government.
His proposed amendment will provide
only for the election of a governor and
lieutenant governor. The governor shall
bo vested -with authority to appoint all
the heads of tho various departments of
state, thereby being made, respqnslblo for
the entire management; of the state gov
rriynent. -His bill will provide that the
chlf executive shall be paid $4,000. b- year
and tho. lieutenant governor Jl.'-W a year.
"If we get this proposed, , amendment
adopted," said Druesedow, "I am sure
It will result In great good to the state.
At the present time wo hava a demo
emtio governor and th other state offi
cers republican. Under the .short ballot
the state, p.fflclals w(ll all be wftrklpg In
harmony, for the governor will he. respon
sible for the acts. of his appointees. I
bullevo uhder.- thlsy proposed ..system . we
win oe u(o. v Kfj, me oesi .material in
the state. t,o boM. the offices, In fact It
will be Just like. Um. .president .and his
cabinet." ,
Senator "Dpdtie4 has a short ballot' bill
In inlnd nqd. hits secured. sc-nio data aad
expert Opinions on the matter, and he Is
heartily In fnVor of the change. If the
DrUifeddK MirishVllne with the reports
ie is Eeiiing ii' win nave tils support.
Uoilirr 'or-Dnnttln iVitroduccs Illll
.iirviinsr .fhiio),
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LCOLN, Neb., Jan. M.-(SDeclal.)
llie senate In executive aemlnn thi.
morning confirmed unanimously the
appointment -of - William. K Kenton of
.)la City as warded of, the 'penitentiary
aim n win begin his duties Immediately
uaage or uoughia Introduced a bin,
aenate. file No. 41, which prohibits any
.boy under It ye&ra df age or girl tinder
1$ Vrara.of -age. In- any Ity from selling
or distributing mugaxlnes. nwspapers
or othtr papers on the street. .No boy
under 11 years of age or girl under l
years of jure whall be employed In any
cltv on the- streets .as a bootblack or In
any otner trade or occupation on . the
street or in aisinou'.ing nauutuiis or
circulars. Kxcepttons to tho above are
madn whern the boy or girl haa met all
the retilrcmcnts regarding school attend
ance and bears ah endorsement fronr the
school superintendent or any proper In
I dividual Who, has compiled with the law
' Upon kucli compliance h shall Ixt com
pelted to wear a unliable' badge.
' .Smith of Seward and of Kim
ball are Joint Introducers of a bill to
make the state treasurer fiscal agent
for the stale of 'Nebraska and dors away
w th ttie agehe'y of Kountxe Brothers In
New "York City
Itruulii ti-n n(oinnlillr.
Hoaglsnd of IJncoln county Introduced
a bill of considerable Interest, whloh pro
vides that In addition to the present re
quirements that 'automobiles shall ob
serve the speed limit, stop when ponaen
gers are getting on and off streot cats,
etc.. jthat Irt approapfilng k railway cross
ing the marhlpe shall be brought to a
foil stop
President Pro Tern Kemp again called
B'the pension of the senate to order this
morning in tile Rtwnc of Lieutenant
Oovernor AtcICelvey and after a short
session of about half an hour devoted to
Central routine business adjourned at
10.45 until 11, when tho executive semlon
for tho confirmation of th warden of tho
penitentiary won held, then adjoumln?
until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Rmplnyra Confirmed.
During the rnornlnir session the com
mittee on employes reported as follows.
plncln nineteen new employes on the
list, an follows:
I l KoKr..j. , -.... I L- V.. I,
'l-red P. McDonnell, copy holder, Omaha,
Morton Sielnlmrt, proofreader, Nebraska
City, W. A. Overman, copy holder, lien
net, t. C. Crawford, custodian ensrav
Irisr room. Lincoln; Adam Hamer, assist
ant custodian cloak room,' Tobias: K f
Harmnfi. atenoirrnnher. Fremont. Law
rence Donahue, chief bill clerk. Omnha
r . AI. Hldrs. bill clerk. IJncoln
Kreeman, bill clerk, Humboldt; I,. I.
Frlsble, rnitravlno; clerk, Ilcd Cloud,
Orare Brvln, enirravlnir clerk. Lincoln;
li. A. "Welch, clerk judiciary committee,
Lincoln: It. C. Hnow, clerk committee on
finance, ways and means, Chadron; IV
P Bhumway, clerk committee on claims,
Wahefleld; A. O. Williams, docket clerk.
Stockyllle: Cal It. - Phlllpl, amendment
clerk, Hebron; Colonel Oord, custodlnn
bill room, lied Cloud; W. Lloyd, custo
dian toilet, Lincoln.
Kx-Btnte Senator Volp of Kcrlbncr was
a visitor to the senate this morning.
Upon Invitation of Chancellor Avery of
tho stato university, the senate vhlted
the state farm this afternoon, all except
soma of the democratic senators who
were called In conference with the gov
ernor over the appointment of Tom Smith
on the board of control.
IiniSIi DKMOCKATp I.SI2 0 1,1 J 11
F.mployr Who Crltlrlnrd (iorrrnnr
Jarred from I'nj- Unit.
(From a Staff Comwpondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 16.-(8pcolal.)-Beforo
this session of. tho legislature adjourni
democrata ,wlth a grievance against , tjie
powers that be will discover thatlt pay
to keep the same very quiet. This demo
cratic house does not propose to stand
for any criticism of the chief executlvo
of the stato from any outsldo domocrat,
Verification of thin can bo hod, no doubt,
from Mount Parry of Hebron, who was
separated from his state meal ticket this
morning because ho permitted himself to
be quoted In a statement criticising tho
governor for being so slow about making
Parry had connected -with the payroll
througlt an appointment at tho hands of
the committee on' employes' of tho house
and tho -appointment was taken back by
the name committee after It had rjaTd
what tho- Hebron demderat had to say
about the governor.
This may or It may not cause trouble.
It Is Just 'a question Avhethor tho house
Is stronger than the runk and file of tho
The hougo committee on committees at
meeting yesterday afternoon lhado sov-
eral changes' In committee osslgnmentA
after which It reported' to tho democratic
caucus last night. The caucus approved
tho report and It. was ratified by the house
today. - ; - -
Following are tho changes from the
tentative list previously published:
Hanks and Banklnir Buckner for Rich.
Cities and Towns Druesedow for Sugar-
Claims Gustln for Hoffmelster. .
constitutional Amendments Potts for
Corporations Schueth for Holllcer.
County Boundaries Druesdow for Hag-
erty, Shipley for Orr.
uericionaes meatus ror Stevens ' or
vFcea n,nd Salaries McCarthy of Greeley
for Loiey.
' .1 . .1 .. .. r . . T . . . Jl
Puller added;
Fish Culture and Game Anderson of
Boyd for Pott.
insane Hospitals atcuums ror uucKncr,
Irrigation McAllister for Anderson of
Insurance austaxson and irouion lor
Searlo and Druesedow.
Labor Orr for Jpnes,
Ubraries Hartels for Grcenwalt.
Militia Iturket for Qulccle.
Mines and Minerals Grueber for
Miscellaneous Subjocts McCarthy of
Cuming for McCarthy of Greeley.
nthtir jvsviums ausarman ior j-ouioii.
Publlo Ijinds and Bulldlngs-Murphy
nd Rhlnlev for Trumble.
Public lnniing liageriy nor urueao-
Railroads ainaeiar ior uouen; oenrio
for Gustafson.
Rood and linages Anacrson oi iioyu
t- iruili.p.
School Lanas ana rinus mnuicr iui
Soldiers' Homes Kockley and Funk for
Palmer and Hhipiey.
Telegrapn, xeiepnonen anu jv.n vi.jw
Companles-Korff and Fuller for' Bartcls
and Anaerson oi xioyu.
University and Normal Bchoola Pelmer
for Keckiey. 4
!lni Inff Declines IO l iriu
Plnce to "WUllnina.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOIjN. Jan. l.-(8poclal.)-Dr. Will
iams of University Place, recently ap
pointed prison inhyBlclan. has not yet been
able to connect with his Job. Tho doctor
went to the prison this morning and was
informed by Dr. It., B. Spradllng, present
Physician, that his commission did not
expire until April 1, at which time ho
would turn over the Job. Dr. Williams
cams back to tho office of the governor
and was told by Secretary Morrlssey that
he should consult an attorney and try to
oust tnci present lncumoent.
In tho meantime W. A. Klrby of Lin
coln, special agent of tho Missouri Pa
cific, has been named to be steward at
the penitentiary, Mr, Klrby said he would
take charge at once If the present In
cumbent would get out.
W, A. Klrby of lUchardson county was
I Will Refund Your Money if My
i-oia Kemedy Falls to Cure.
I know that ror Cold llVmedr will rs
Here the brad, note, throat and lungs
nimou immraiateiy, antt prevent rneu
monla, Ilroucbltls, Grippe and other dls
Get a S3 rent tattle of these little nel
lets today und If jou are not perfectly
satlsfled with results I will refund jour
If yonr blood Is Impure, or if you are
constipated, or tf you have Dyspepsia, or
any liter or stnmat-h trouble, don't fall
Jo ue Munyon'a Paw-Paw Pills. They
appointed steward at the penitentiary
this forenoon.
not sr.
UnnRlim Comity, 3tcmhrr .Not SIott
with Thrlr rr ?Ientire.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOIiN. Jan. 16.-(Speclal.)-The fol
lowing bills were Introduced In the house
this morning:
II. H. 1'fi. by Bchaupn of Guxe An-
........ i . . (.... - ruii 1 1 . . ...
lu Hciitrlce Institute for Kceblo-.Mliidcd.
H. It. At!, by rtchaupp Appropriating
SiVOfO foe purchasing tho annotations and
copyright of Cobtvy's statutes.
II It 14S, by Harris of Buffalo Pro
vidlng for an artisan's lien W personal
property on which repairs aro made.
II 1L 1W, by Fallstead of lUchardson
and Gustln of Cnss Fixes the standard
height of hedgo fences- nt four feet and
requires ownm to trim them twlco.cach
jyear and burn or remove trimmings.
ii it. is, Dy israin or lougias i'er
mlts 'hunting or fishing in one's home
county without a license,
II. II. 151, by Kundsnn of Nance lle-
inoves exemption from wages.
II. IL 152. by Jeary of Lancaster Mis
cellaneous amendments to Lincoln city
H. H. 153, by Chappell of Hock-Repeals
tntilte forbidding drainage of natural
It. It. 151. by Lanmaster County Delega
tion Municipal wonershlD bill for the
city of Lincoln.
li. it. IKi. by Lee of Douglas and Jack
son of Nuckolls Appropriates 1100,000 for
permanent building at state fair, to be
used for agriculture, horticulture and
manufactures exhibits and JS.COO for pur-
haao of additional land.
H. It, 1S6. by Sugarman of Douglas
uts down penalty for carrying con-
ealed weapons from maximum fine- of
11.000 to 100 and from two years peni
tentiary imprisonment to tnirty days, in
ii. rt. 157. nv Huaarman or jKougias
Limits aiithnrlu- ef lustlcea of the Deace
to territory within which they are elected.
r. ii. 167.. nv suimrmaii oi ivougias
I'utR lustices of the neace In Omaha on
J2.O0O salary and nbollshes the fee system
nf rnnmTMknsallon.
II. II. Ib'l. oy Itoril oi utoar-neiiuirrn
ruceists to KeeD corrosive acias in cor
rugated bottles labelled poison.
II n. 160. by mckissick ot uagc aooi
Islien cADltal nunlshment.
ii. r. 161. nv imrKCi oi iancaeier
nmihle nlilft fire system for Lincoln
li. II. 1R2. bv mith ot uougiaa niaaing
unlawful nepotism In public office; that
Is. the employment of relatives of close
degreo by publlo officials.
H. It. id. bv Corbln of Johnson liaises
county attorneys- salaries irom oo to
each In counties between, 6,000 and SLOW
Dopulat on. and provides deputies in
counties between 29,000 and 60,000. Bmer-
H. H. 161, by Corbln of Johnson Allows
rnnntioB tn vote Donon to uav ror HraaiuK
and culvcrtlng In stono or concreto and
renu I rpH comDetltlvo bidding,
ii.- ii. 160, uy mebDins or uawson
Closes the hunting
season tor praine
chickens, quail and grouse,
li. it. 168, by
Btehblns of Dawson
Repetition of I
n, 165 for good measure.
New Senntn nllla.
S. F. No. K. by Dodge of Douglas For-
mdo employment or minors in saloons,
breweries or as night messengers.
8. F. No. M. by Dodge of Douglas (Bars
boys under 19 yearn and glrhj under 14
from working on tho streets.
S. F. No. 66. bv Hoagland and Marshall
of Ixincas'ter Provides way for municipal
ownership of all public utilities In the city
of Lincoln.
8. F. No. 58. by Hoagland of Lancaster
Ampndmrn tn Lincoln charter clvina city
council power to fix salaries and provides
ways whereby council may forfeit naiades
or any orricini or employe to oo roneiteci
S. F. No. 57. by Smith of Seward Pro
vide for physical connection of telephone
8. F. No. 58, by Reynolds of Dawes
Provents assignment transferal of send
ing of claims to persona or collections
agencies ojit of the stato for the purpose
or collecting Bums against HeorasKa resi
S. F. No. 59. by Smith of Seward Pro
vides for a county ownership of, telephone
lines. ' ' v
a. Tf. Nn. U. hv Ttnvnnlrtl of Dawns
Requiring railroads to equip their switch
stands with lights.
. F. No. 61. by Grace of Harlan Re
quires all roads, canal or Irrigation com
punlcs to construct and maintain proper
crossings over their tracks, canals and
8. F. No. 62, by Hoagland of Lincoln
Provides that autolsts upon approaching
railway crossings must bring their cars
to a full stop.
S. F. No. 64. by Hoagland of Lincoln-
Providing for regulation of cool storage
My Cleansing, Healing Halm In-
Btantly Clears Nose, Head and
Throat - Stops Nasty Catarrhal
Discharges. Dull Headache floes.
Try "Kly'a Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try
It Apply a little In tho nostrils and In
stantly your clogged nose and stopped-up
air passages of the head will open; you
will breathe freely; dullness and head
ache disappear. By morning! the catarrh,
cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will
be gone.
Knd such misery now! Got the small
bottle of "Kly's Cream Balm" at any
' Oklahoma City, Okla., March .9, 1912. ... ,
Old Line Bankexs' Life Insurance Co.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
' . I have just received your letter enclosing cheek in set
tlement of the cash value of my policy, amounting to
$1,318.60. This is $416.00 more than I have paid to your
company, which gives mo good intorests on tho money paid
you, in addition to being insured1 during the time of twenty
years. I do not know whore I could havo placed money to
hotter advantage and I heartily commend your excellent
company to those
I'any thanks,
'sk the'man-iwhq
and warehouses and disposition ot food
kept therein.
8. F. No. 05. bv Smith of Seward and
Bushee of Kimball Makes state treasurer
fiscal agent of the state.
Omaha Corporations
rile Their Articles
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb:, Jan. l,-(Speclal.)-
Omaha corporations were quite numeroti
In their filings w'th the secretary of stato
today, among the number being the fol
lowing; The Gate City Wall Paper company
filed with a capital of $10,000. It will do
a general wholesale and retail business
In all articles connected with the wall
paper trade. The Incorporators are Oscar
Ij. wiemer. o. Emmanuel W all n ana
Guy R, Williams.
me Baunders-Kennedv Hul dine com
pany filed with a capital stock of S2.7).-
000, covering lot 4, block 116, of the city
or umana. ine incorporators arc unanes
L. Baunders and John K Kennedy,
The Hayward Realty comnanyi with -'.
S. Hayward. J. W. Hayward, R.'W. Hay
ward and M. G, Hayward as Incorpor
ators, filed with a capital stock ot ...
Tne company win ao a general real es
tate business.
The IOlmlck Realty company Is another
corporation which will do a central real
estate bustncKi in Omaha. The
nt for o,000. Elmer B. Itedlck and Carroll
J, Lord aro the men behind the company.
Dr. Thaddeus Lowe,
Inventor, is Dead
PASADENA, Cal., Jan. 16.-Dr. Thad
deus S. Lowe, a noted scientist, experi
menter and Inventor, died today at tho
home of his daughter here. He had been
almost helpless for a year, the result of
& fall which fractured his hip.
Dr. Lowe was born In Jefferson, N. H.,
August 10, 1S32. In I860, he became Inter
cstcofln ballooning and In 1S61 and 1863
was an aerial scout for the Department
of the Potomac, observing movements of
tho confederates' from 'a balloon, He d5
vlsed a system of signals from balloons
Which enabled the union gunnqrs to get
tho range. .
Dr. Lowe also Invented an tea com
pressing machine and established tho
first cold storage plant. Other devices In
vented by him practically revolutionized
the gas making Industry,
Another Step Taken
Toward Dissolution
NHW YORK, ' Jan. 16. In accordance
with the decree by ' the United States
supreme court divorcing the Southern
Paclflo and tho Union. Pacific, five dl
rectors ot tho Southern Pacific, of Mexico
announced their resignations today. They
are: Robert S. Lovett, F. V. S. Crosby,
R. Tj. Gerry, Alexander Miller and W V,
S Thorn, all 'connected with the Union
Paclflo Julius Kruttschnltt, who resigned
recently from the Union Pacific, suc
ceeds Judge Lovett as chairman of the
board of tho Southern Palflc of Mexico,
STURGIS, S. D., Jan. 16.-(8pecial.)-The
Jury In the Southmayd murder case,
after being out flvo hours, brought In a
verdict last night of guilty of murder- as
charged In the Indictment and fixing
punishment at life Jmprosonment at hard
labor. The prisoner was sentenced this
morning by Judge Rice. .He will ba taken
to the Sioux Falls penitentiary tonight.
An Vgly Gaah
should be covered with clean bandages,
saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, plls. 25c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol
len membrane which lines tho ribse, head
and throat; clears the air passages stops
nasty discharges and a feeling oC cleans
ing, soothing relief comes Immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling for
breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed,
hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold,
with Its running nose, foul mucous drop
ping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is
distressing but truly needless.
Put your faith Just once In "Kly's
Cream llalm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear.
seeking safe mid profitable investment.
Yours very truly,
Former Beatrice Man.
owns one of these policies. U:
Attorney General Martin Rules Con
stitution Has Been Changed.
Knch Member Rntltlrd
In Ilei-elTc
Pay 'nt Hate of Six
Dollars Tear;
ar rr Pro
vision Specifies.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LfNOOLN. Jan. 16.-(8pc!o!.)-I.. re
sponse to an opinion propounded to At
torney General Martin by Stare Auditor
Howard, on the time the legislative raise
In salaries by constitutional amendment
goes Into effect, the attorney .general has
written a letter, In which he says:
All tho constitutional and. statutory pro
visions governing the submission, the can
vassing of votes and the issuing of the
proclamation relating thereto setem to
have been fully compiled- with. .When
the governor of the state dlllv nroclnlmml.
said amendment to have been legally
ddobted'land declared the same a part'bf
the constitution, that Instant It became a
part of the fundamental law. ot the state.
I .... I , A ' . . 1 . . I ...
nctugu , umuio o, consiiiuiion, OS li
stpod prior to the adoption of the amend
ment, fixed the salaries' or members' of
the lglslature at tS per day. whereas tho
amendment fixed the pay of each member
ai uie rate or 6W ror eacn .regular ses
sion. The first sentence of the newlv
adopted section relates to and fixes the
terms or the members of the legislature
at two years. In the original constitution
the term was fixed the same as In the
By the adoption of this amendment, the
old constitutional provision was abro
gated, and wheh the governor pro
claimed its adoption that Instant the old
provision was superseded by tho new.
Hence, the old provision being dead, it
could In no way govern the salaries of
the members ot the legislature.
For guidance on the subject of sal
aries, reference must be madn to the
provision which has life, and that is the
new amendment which has been duly
adopted by the people and proclaimed
by tho governor to be a part of the con
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stitution ,
Tho salaries of the' vr
piestrt session are vontrolUU uv t!
provisions of section I. artlc" 111, ,,,,c
stltution. as It now exute. Uaoh mm
ber Is entitled to receive pny at th.
of JfPO for each regular sesMon. ar.U
cents for eve-y mile ho shall trse
going to and returning from the esi"
on the most usual route.
(Continued from Page One.)
dustrial colleges than when sepaintc I
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