The Omaha Daily Bee Words Backed By Deeds That's why The Hoc bus friend and enemies, and why it wields an Influence for public guptl. THE WEATHER. Unsettled vol. xlii no. mi OMA11A, FRIDAY MORNING, JANtfAH-V 17, li)Kl TWKtA'K PACKS. SINQLIfl COl'Y TWO CENTS. STATE UNIVERSITY GETS MILLION AND T "Federal Government Votes that .Amount for Agricultural and Mechanical College. TO SPEND FOR GREATEST GOOD Regents Planning Where it Oan Be Most Advantageously Used. DEAN BURNETT GIVES VIEWS Department Colleges Should Have the Use of Same Campus. SCHOOL GROWING RAPIDLY Insistent Detnnnd for Aw rlc-itl turnl (irniliuitca Hub Canned 31 any Student o 'take Vv Thin Urn null of Work. Tho University of Nebraska has ie uelved from the federal government S1.ZiO.000 for the support of Its agricul tural and mechanical college. It receives no speclflo federal support for the school of agrloulture. The regents of the uni versity aro all exceedingly nnxlous to spend thin money, not only In accordance with law, an has always been done, but also under such conditions and In such an environment as will produce tho best tcsulta In the work of this very Important college. With this thought In mind tho chancellor recently asked Dean Burnett to express his opinion In regard to the effect which 'university consolidation would have, on the work of the College of Agriculture. Tho letter of the dean follows: "My Dear Chancellor Avery: Replying to your Inquiry regarding the effect which university consolidation will have upon the CoUege of Agricultuie, I may say: Unit' Ik nct, , "In all the leading state universities . whern agriculture Is on the same campus with other colleges, agriculture has pros pered and these are today the strong and dominant agricultural colleges of tho ITnlted States. Illinois, Wisconsin and .Missouri are good Illustrations ot this type. In Minnesota, where the agricul tural college Is separated from the cen tral campus, the college suffers, although there Is a strong secondary school. Minne sota has an agricultural plant valued at more than $1,C00,XX, with- miwh of the acadcmlo work In tho college of agricul ture taught at this campus. - "The Agricultural college In Nebraska was established In 100!) by legislative act. than IhcTf hnS hpdil a TCgUlaK growth ln"lho neither of students ln'at Wjduggp'Jjiela are this year S Jyftt (of1 "'wTmrnseventy-elRht arm forestry) -rfnd 12S women In home economics in thls'coUesd., I.ast year eighty-two men and slxty-flvc women In ho artn collexo registered for work In the agricultural college. About ontturd ot the, men In the present fresh Wen olaBS are registered In forestry. The registration In this college Is far below what might reasonably b expscted in a united Institution. Opportunities Unexcelled. "The opportunltloa for gradual In ag riculture aro unexcelled, f& great has been the demand for experienced men that we hav lost each year to other In-"' (UtutloiiB a very large proportion ot our agricultural faculty. At tho opening ot the present year fourteen members ot the agricultural colleso faculty were entering npofi their first year's service. This Is nearly .23 per cent of tho faculty and Illustrate tho insistent demand f ' r quail Hcdmen In agriculture, outside or the 'alate'of Nebraska. That agriculture hos not flourished In the University of Ne braska In tho past Is duo very largely to the, fact that It has. been cut of,f r.nd dissociated from all the other educa tional impulses ot the unlversllj . j "The work In home cconoriilcs In the College ot Agriculture Is under the same handicap as agriculture Itself. The last ) tatalogue shows 1ZI women iuus " work. vBlxty-flvo additional women from the arts college reentered for special work In this department. U the h,andl. tap of distance wcrt removed the number of womon In tho university taklnK regular nnd special work In home economics would very greatly Increase. Separation llnndlfiipi. "The separation of the academic from the technical work In the agricultural col lege seriously handicaps the student, h.rth in time and In cost of travel. This would foe avoided by consolidation. "The wider association of studenla Mingling on one campus would attract jnany students to Industrial courses, with their larger opportunities, who now grad uate from academic courses. "Thero would be economy in the use of buildings for general education and tor administration. "All the work of the agricultural collcgu must be on one campus, Division of Hs work Is fatal to Its growth. To build up an Independent college at the farm Is leas desirable than to nunc up .vn olldated Institution. "It is the experience of all the larger universities that tho acadcmlo and pro fessional colleges have prospered better under the environment created by In- (Continued on Page -Two.) The .Weather , Forecast till 7 p. m, Friday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled weather with . probably .rain tonight or Friday: colder Friday after noon. Temperature nt Oninha Hours. Deg. C a. m 36 6 n. m.., 37 7 a. m 3S 8 a. nt 39 9 a. m,,.,... 41 10 a. m... 41 11 a. m 43 12 ni 42 1 p. m 43 3 p. m , 43 3 p. m... 13 SLIP PEEY -dfMtoi'rt in QUARTER Scientist Released From Penitentiary Will Be Deported CHICAGO. Jan. 16.John 11. Wllmot. scientist, author. Inventor and promoter, who. recently was paroled from the Jollct penitentiary after serving five and ono-half-years of a s.even-year sentence on a charge of forgery. Is in the county Jail here awaiting a formal order from Wash ington ordering his deportation to Eng land. Wllmot, who Is said to have degrees from English untVe rsltles, was iirralngcd before Dr. Percy L. Prentiss. Immigration inspector." "yesterday and his presence In this country was held to bo undesirable. Ills deportation was ordered. While in the penitentiary Wllmot Is said to have laid the foundation for sev eral Inventions of monetary value, one being a gas machine and nnother a sinoko consumer. Doing a convict he could not patent them, hut ho planned to float a company as soon as ho was. paroled. When he stepped from the penitentiary door ho was arrested. The main point ngalnst hint was said to be his criminal record. In Kit gland he Is said to have been known under the alias of "Tom Crawshaw." Proposes Clearing Houses with Power to Issue Loan Notes WASHINGTON, Jan. K.-An organiza tion of twenty geographically located clearing houses, with authority to Issue loan certificates, convertible on demand Into government currency at M per cent ot their face value, was proposed to the house cuirency reform committee today as the natural solution of tho currency problem by W. A. Nash, president of the Cprn Exchange bank of New York and a' former president of the New Tork clearing house. Mr. Nash saw no necessity for a cen tral bonk; depreciated the Idea of copy ing European methods and urged the committee not to seek the plan of some theorist In finance, who, he said, "Is more to bo dreaded-than a bull In a china shop." Mr. Nash said the clearing houses con templated In his plan practically would be regional banks. Root Repudiates Speech Published in Central America WASHINGTON. Jan. lO.-Seuator ftoot, rising to a question of personal prlvllcg"! In the senate today, entered vigorous dctftal of a speech ho is alleged to have made regarding relations between tho United Stiitt1 and' CJentralvahd Soutji American countries. The speech had been prlhtcd in U paper at Tegucigalpa, Hondiira.-", and Is now being circulated throughout the Latin-American republics for tho purpose. Senator Hoot said "to stir up strifo and creatn ill-feeling by tho enemies of the United States." "The extracts of tho purported speeh which are being published," declared Senator Root, "are impudent forgeries. I never said any such thing or wrote any stich things -The publication is being used by the enemies of tho United States and I dcslro to repeat In most formal and public manner my denial of tho views attributed to me." Miller Confers with ' Wickersham, About McManigal's Case WASHINGTON, Jan. le.-Charlcs W. Miller, United States attorney at In dianapolis, late today conferred with At torney General Wlckersltam and Assist ant Attorney General Haft-, regarding the recent dynamite conspiracy trials. It Is understood that Mr. Mlllcnj took up with the attorney general tno disposition ot Ortle E. McManlgal, the confessed dy namiter who was brought to Indianapolis from 1os Angeles as a witness In the federal trial, and the question of referring testimony taken at Indianapolis to state authorities for such action as they might desire to take against those alleged to be responsible for the destruction of life or property by dynamite. Hepburn's Daughter Dies on Ocean Liner SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Wireless brought word today of the death list night on board the liner Wllhelmlna, eighty mile? out, of Mrs.- W. F. Thum- mel. a daughter of Colonel Peter Hep burn, formerly representative from tho Eighth Iowa district and one time chair man of the house committee on Inter state and foreign commerce. Death re sulted from heart disease. Mrs. Thummel was on her way to Honolulu with friends on a pleasure trip. W. F. Thummel Is an attorney In New York City. Nebraska Editor Marries in Hurry Archie Donovan, the 21-year-old editor of the Madison Star-Moll, to which posi tion h suqeeded upon the deatfc of his father, John Donovan, came to Omaha yesterday afternoon, dashed out to the home of diaries II. McDonald, called for MUs TUlle Mavis, who wan visiting there, And swooped over to South Omaha, where they were married. Miss Mavis Is 13 years old. FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN STOCKS STOLEN CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-W. D. Wade, years old, piesldent of the Australian I Marine Fibres, a foreign corporation, who arrived here today on his way to London, England, reported to the police ! that a satchel contalnng stock In the company of the par value of 400,000 had been stolen from bim In a Chicago rail way station. ITRATION IS MENACE TO COUNTRY Geo. M. Reynolds, Chicago Banker, Says it Has Already Gone Too Far for Safety. FAVORS WIDEST PUBLICITY Interlocking Directorates, Thinks, Aro Wrong. He COMPETITION IS BAD FORM Schiff Says Banks Do Let Each Others' Clients Alone. OPERATION OF SYNDICATES Sprflal AkhiioIh tlonn Formed to I'ndcrvtrtto HImUm Asunmert by Ilond House Many Finns Part lot pnt. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-That tho concentration oi money and cr-dlt is a potential "menaco to the country" was asserted heforo the house money trust committee today by George M. Ileynolds, president of tho Continental and Commer cial National bank of Chicago. Mr. Iley nolds eald that he knew of the "trend toward concentration of money and credits" and that he thought It a danger ous thing. , "X- am opposed to the concentration ot any sort of power," he said. "I believe that concentration to the point It has al ready gone Is a menace. In saying that I do not wish to sit In Judgment on tho men who hold that power." Mr. Reynolds said he was opposed to the principle of Interlocking directors In po tentially competing concerns and that he had adhered to that prlnclplo throughout ldB banking career. fTlio Continental and .ommerclal, Mr. Reynolds said, loaned money to Its own directors and corporations with which they were connected, but did not loan to Its own officers. He did not believe of ficers should he allowed to borrow from their own banks. Federal Iueottuitr luef rlolent. Mr. Revnolds declared tliat tho Chicago clearing house was the first to employ a bank examiner. Was that because you found the fed eral Inspectors inefficient?" Itaked Mr. Untermyer. "Yes. at that tlmo we found It ineffi cient In connection with tho three bau'-ts of John R. Walsh. The other banks ot Chicago had to guarantee tho deposits ot the Walsh banks, which were In a do plorable condition, and they paid them off at a loss. To prevent such n situa tion arising again we formed an examin ing foi'ce." Mr. Reynolds could not make any bpo cltlp recommendation oa-to. remedying th concentration of money and credit, but was sure the prevention of Interlocking directors In competing, concerns would have a good effect. In conclusion Mr. Reynolds said ho believed that "Competi tion waB not dead," but he believed bank. lug would bo Improved by a return to competitive conditions. Mr. Reynolds said ho would approve a law giving minority stockholders In na tional banks tho right of representation on the bonrd of directors and would ap prove a law Incorporating clearing houses so long as It did not interfere with tlio free conduct of business. "I am In favor of utmost regulation and publicity," he said. Purpose of Syndicate. Jacob H. Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co, described tho method of Issuing securities for corporations as practiced by Iris house. He said after his firm had agreed to Issue tho securities syndicates were formed to underwrite the risk assumed by tho bond house. "The object of the syndicate Is to tako over the securities If you fall to sell them?" asked Mr. Untermyer. "Yes, that's It." said Mr. Sclilff. Banks and trust companies, ho said, were the participants In these underwrit ing syndicates. Mr. Schiff said about seventy-five to 123 concerns were on a list of participants from time to tlmo invited to tako part in underwriting syndicates. "What Is the ethics of tho banking business In connection with Uond Issues;?" asked Mr. Untermyer. Competition I Had Form. "It Is not considered good form." said Mr. Sohlff, "to create undue interference or competition by a banking firm." xle added that big banking houses generally had corporations as their clients and that no other bond houno would endeavor o take Issues from the banking firm, recognized- as the usual fiscal agent of the corporation. Mr. Sclilff said there wan a sharp ri valry between his firm and Spoyer & Co., but he knew of no instance In the last flvo years when Morgan & Co. had "In vaded the field of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.," or vice versa. Mr. Sclilff said that national bank and trust company officers wero not offersd participation in syndicates formed by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., but ho bcllet-ed banks and trust should be allowed to participate In thoBe underwriting syndi cates. After a long discussion Mr. Untermyer asked Mr. Schiff: "Then you think that national banld should be allowed to do burlness as syn dicate underwriters, promoters and Issu ing houses?" "Yes, I would allow them to 'do anv legitimate banking business without re striction except the restriction of careful management. -1 believe officers and di rectors both should be barred from bor rowing from their banks except that firms which have partners who are dlrec. tors, should be allowed to borrow from thcTbanh." Mr. Schiff said that he thought minority stockholders should be represented in the management of banks, but he did not think they should have that representa tion as a matter ot law. Jifr Ifmximhlrr Deaillorlc Unbroken CONCORD. N. H., Jan. 16. The legis lature ballotted for tha- third time today without electing a United States sen ator. Henry F. Hollls (dem.) received 196 votes; Henry R. Qulnby (rep.), 96; Kosecrans V, Plllsbury (rep.). 40, and there were seventy-two scattering yotea. From the Washington Star. PROTEST BRINGS RESULTS President Miller of Burlington Promises Some Concessions. BETTER SERVICE IS IN SIGHT No. 1 to nun Thronieh Oinalin Cun neetlon with Aaliland Cut-Oft 1 Promised, aa Well as IVerr t fthoiiptna; Train. The trip of tho business men of Omaha to Chicago- to complain to the Hurling ton head officials ot the treatment that Omaha has been receiving at the haudi of that road has had tho result of secur ing renewal of promises made years ago and never fulfilled. It waa announced yesterday that three concessions had been made. In the first place, train No. 1, from Chicago to Denver, which for twenty years has been making a short cut from Pa cific Junction to Ashland, via Platts mouth, will hereafter pass through Omaha and stop here. A new shoppers train from out In tlto itato Is also announced. This train will start from Hastings somo time in the morning and arrive at Omaha about noon. Darius Miller, president of the Bur lington, also assured tho commlttco of Omaha business men that his road would construct an Omaha connection with the Ashland cut-off and open It for business during 1914. Pills It In Wrllln-. After the conference DarluH Miller, president of the Rurllngton, sent the following letter to C. II. Pickens, chair man of the special committee which went to Chicago, composed of Word M. Bur gess, John 8. Brady, T. C. Byrne, M. C. Peters, C. C. Belden, J. Clarke Colt, Luther Drake, W. It. Ilucholz and J. M. Guild, commissioner of tho Commercial club. "After conference today with yourself and members of tho special committee of the Commercial club of Omaha, It will bo understood that we will construct the Omaha cut-off with the Ashland line and open same for business during tho year 1914. This has alwayB been a part of tho original plan, as stated some years ago, and wo will now proceed with tho necessary engineering work so that con struction and completion of the cut-off wJl ba accomplished by ithe tlmo stated. "After considering your suggestions we will also arrange to run our passenger train No. 1 via Omaha and will tako tip at once with your committee and. others interested all questions referred to re garding the Improvement ot operating conditions in freight and passenger train schedules affecting Omaha business In terests. I have already stated to Mr. George E. Hayeretlck, president of the Commercial club, by letter that the . change which wo contemplato in refer ence to our auditing work at Omaha Is a necessary step for tho Improvement of efficiency In our methods, but that this rhanga does not Involve the removal of our headquarters from Omaha nor the transfer or chance In authority ot any of the officers there whose duties bring them Into contact with the public. The treasury department will remain at Omaha. I feci certain that theso matters will all be reasonably adjusted to your satisfaction. "In this connection it will also be of Interest to your commlttco to know that wo ore proposing this year to complete the Powder River line In Wyoming, hav ing already during the last five years. Including work now under contract, ex pended for these and other Improvements In Wyoming something In excess of IS, CO0.0OO. These improvements, we think, will he of substantial benefit to your in terests. "I beg to assure you that I appreclata the conference which I bate had with Continued gn Pk Fve.) No Landing Place Hotel Workers in New York City Vote to Strike NEW YORIC, Jan. 18.-A strike ballot taken by members of the International Hotel Workers' union lait night resulledj in J.W3 (lay workers voting unanimously lu favor.of a goiernl strike. It was .an nounced that tho order, calllnfe- out? tho workers In hotels nil over the city could not boMssucd until the result of tho night workers' ballot, which began at midnight, became known. Strike leaders claim to have extended their organization to In clude even tho hotel chambermaids und scrubwomen. Night working waiters, numbering about 3.000 voted today In ratification of a general strike In Greater New York, aa decided upon last night by their day working fellows. leaders Bay the strike will begin within twenty-four hours. Tho strike Is to be conducted by tho International Hotel Workers' union and Industrial Workers of the World, and will Involve between 12,000 and 15,000 men. Arturo tilovannlttt and Elizabeth Flynn, orgnnlzcrs for tho Industrial Workers, were the chief speakers at today's moot ing. Castro's Appeal is in Hands of Nagel WASHINGTON, Jan. lS.-Oeneral Clp rlano Castro's appeal from tho decision of tho New York Immigration authorities barring him from tho United States was received today by Secretary Nagel, who will glvo It Immediate consideration. Tile i-cretary will take up first the decision of the special board ot Inquiry, which held that Castro's refusal to answer questions relating to the assassi nation ot General Paredes In Venezuela amounted to anTidmlsslon of the com mission of crime Involving moral turpi tudo or an abstraction to tho legitimate offorta of administrative offices to ascer tain facts to determine his right tp enter. In a similar case, several months ago In which an Auatrian refused to answer questions regarding a bank robbery with which he was said to have been con nected, Secretary Nagel sustained such a ruling. Tho case went to the courts, but waa decided In tho government's favor on another point. It Is expected Castro's case will reach the courts and the far-reaching- questions will bo decided judicially for the first time. FORMER NEBRASKA WOMAN AIDS SUFFRAGE PAGEANT fFronMi Btaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jin. 16. (Special Tele tram.) A former Nebraska woman, Mrs. J. D. Webster, who Is the wlfo cf J. D. Webster, former city Attorney of Lin coln, is taking a prominent part In the management of the suffrage pageant to be held here the day- before inauguration. Mrs. Webster is a physician and used to practice in Nebraska. She is In chargo of the physicians' portion of the pageant' and lias arranged for an automobile sec tion exclusively for physicians In the parade. The board of construction In the Treas ury department has approved a contract for the Fall Rlvar Quarries company of Hot Springs,. B. D., for sandstone to be used In the oroctton of public buildings at Rapid City, 8. D. Representative Mar tin of South Dakota has been looking out for the South Dakota stone firms to en able them to secure an opportunity to bid on publlo buildings, but found that in the Rapid City building only bids for lime atone had been asked for, which Is not produced In South Dakota. After taking the matter up, with the tteaaury officials, the Hodtb Dakota firm was given a chance to bTjl, with, the above rctfult. CHARGES OFJROSS FRAUDS Committee Reports on Conditions on White Earth Reservation. LAND IS ILLEGALLY ALLOTTED llest nnd Moil Vi1uulil Tracts .of limber Are Secured lijr Lumber ' Cnmimnleft Tndlnn A Bent In Censured. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-ChargcH ot gross frauds against tho Indians on the White Karth reservation In Minnesota, that their physical condition is pitiful nnd that Major James McLaughlin, In dian Inspector, did not properly guard tho Indians' interests lu tho allotment of lauds, wero mado to tho houso today In a report fby tho commltteo on expen ditures In the Interior department. It recommondod that some romcdy bo found by congress for tho present "anomalous situation" by which tho commissioner ot Indian affairs has complete control over property worth 1,000,000,000 belonging to Indians of the various tribes lu the United States. Tho report declares tho Chtppewaa and other Indians were defrauded of large sums In tho sale of lauds and standing timber on tho Whlto Bnrth reservation. A sale lu WOO, the committee "finds from undisputed authority," waa fraud ulent In ,tho details of Its accomplish ment. The committee further charges that "fraudulent partiality" was shown by Simon Mlchelet, Indian allotlng agent, In allotlng the Indian timber under tho law of 1D05. "The best and most valuable pine al lotments fell Into the hands ot thoso whu Intended In advance to reserve them," says the report. Lumber Cooipunlrs In Control. Inveslgatlons following tlicce acle, tho committee says, results In the send ing out ot an Indian agent, Thomas Downs, who "found the proceedings par tial, unfair and unjust." Thereupon tho paid agents of the lumber companies, who claimed rights themselves as In dians and who would bo beneficiaries of tho allotment fraud, remonstrated to the Interior department for tho setting asido ot the proceedings." Tho report declares that Major Jamea McUiughlln, the second agent sent out, refused to allow the full blood Indians to send out runners to bring In the people; mado false reports as to the number of full bloods present and gave no adoquato notice to the Indians of tho mass meet ing at which tho question came up, which "In effect, was u council ot lumber com panies." Tho action of former Commissioner Francis IS. Leupp was condemned on the ground that ho prevented a full state ment ot the Indian complaints to Presl dent Roosevelt. STATE AUDITOR HOWARD REGULAR THIRTEEN MAN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 16. (Special.) -The number thirteen has no terrors for Aud itor Howard. In fact ho is a thirteen man und on that date has occurred most of the Important ovents of his life. For Instance he was married on the 13th. "When he went on his wedding trip ha and Mrs. Howard occupied berth No. 13; at their first and second atop they occupied rooms No. 13, The couplswent to housekeeping on tho IStlVt "tniias a daughter born on the IJtb. ' The first application for insurance he ever wrote waa written oh the 13th and he went to work for the Legal Reserve on tho 13th, and the first bond lie ever signed aa state official was signed on January IS and the bonds were issued by his home village of Dundee. He moved from Lincoln to Omaha pi) tjia 13th, NORTON WOULD CUT LIST OF EMPLOYES TO ACTUAL NEEDS Polk County Democrat Scares House with Resolution Against Pic Biting-. ASKS ONLY ASSISTANTS NEEDED Would Make Actual Qualifications Basis of Job. WATER POWER COMES TO FRONT Speaker Kcllcy Appoints Committee to Probe Situation, GOVERNOR MAKES AM INQUIRY Anxious to Knurr Whether 111a An pnlntment to llnnrd of Control Will .Meet Approval of Senrttc. (From a Staff Correspondout.) LINCOLN, Jan. l.-(8pecla1.) Norton of Polk Is anxious that this housn ot rep resentatives make n record for economy In the matter ot the employment of help. To this end ho Introduced a resolution this morning providing that no employo be put to work untesn the services were actually needed. Several members at onco onetcred a vigorous protest and the reso lution went over until tomorrow. Tho resolution Is an follows: "Whereas, There has been much waato and extravaganco In the past lu the mat ter of legislative employes; at each ses slon many persons have been placed upon the payroll purely for political reasonn and not because there was need of their service or special equipment on their part for psrformlng tho work, and "Whereas, Pending the enactment of a clyll service low In Nebraska, which shall secure trained and skilled persons only for these publlo positions, and em ploy them only as required for tho transaction of bustnrss and without re gard to political campaign services, and, I.nat Semilon'a Record. "WhereuB, There worn employed In tt-o houso during the thlrty-Recond session, as shown by House Journal for 1911, page U employes aa follows! Custodians and assistant cuBtodtfnis.... 14 Pages and messengers Anslstnlit Janitor Posters Nlnht watch 4 Day watch t Mall carriers t - Dmr and gallery keepers .., HngTosslng clerks fllll clerks Journal clerks Clerks, Oopjlnts Hten"KTaphers PntofrcaderH t :":' Subsequently added, about a iieea 1. 1 ...77..- 1 n 3 7 a ......... a ........ .. 7 !.'.'.".".'." 5 vniT Grand total 8,1 "Whereas, Corrnspohdcncn with the ptate of Wisconsin, whero employes aro elected by incaiis of blvll aervlce, dls- closes tho followlue: '. -jfl. Total number of esnployemjn thesenato . Total number of rmployca'ln tho houso W Total " Number senatois In Wisconsin Bermte. aa No. representatives In Wb-eonaln house.1 "Therefore, Bo It Uesolvod, That It l tho sense of this thouse, first, that th number or employes should be limited to tho actual requirements, to the end that no one "he employed unless his or her service is absolutely necessary to facili tate the worlt of tho house. Second, that thu persona employed should be assogncd to the various gnds ef work for which they orpartlcuUrly well tjuallflcd. Ami no person should le employed until that porson qualifications aro known.. Third, that the number employed during the present session should be lers than what haa been employeed during tho previous session of the legislature. "And Ho It Further Resolved, That tha committee on employes bo requested to sumblt to this house, a complete report, containing tho natno of those employed, atul Indicating the kind of work that ea h ono Is expected to perform." R. 11. Howell of Omaha was here today conferring with members of tho legisla ture. Ho discussed water power sites wltU McAllister and It Is supposede discussed the Omaha Water Board bill with others. This bill, which waa Introduced in tho senato will bo fought by some ot the houso delegation from Omaha. During a short session ot the houso this morning Speaker Kelley appointed tho following committee to investigate tho application for water power sites and to draft a law In accordance with the reso lution introduced yesterday by McAllister of Dakota. Tho committee Is as follows- McAllister! chairman: Trumblo of Sher man, Anderson of Boyd, Rclsohe of Dawes. Hardin of Harlln. Stebblus of Dawson and Corbln of Johnson. Nlute Fnlr lllll. Twenty bills were Introduced anion k them being one by Leo of Douglas appro-, prlatlng 1100,00) tor state fair buildings and $8,000 for new ground at the statu fair Bite. Sugarman of Douglas Introduced several bills cutting down the punishment for carrying concealed weapons to 1100 WHERE TO FIND WHAT YOU WANT Want anything? A man or woman employe, a job, a bargain, a partner in business, a chance to invest, want to buy or sell or rent? Go to the Natural mar ket the Want Ad col unms of Tho Bee. You will find what you want. There you will bo given tho widest selection, tho highest quality' tho best of overy bargain. Try, aud bd convinced. Tyler J000