Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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-The ee'g ne. Uasfaziry f)a
Outside the
How to Treat
You don't llko "his" sister and "his"
ulster doesn't like you. nnd lie takes
sides with sister against you, and what
shall you do? Nothing', honey, do n-o-t-h-1-n-g
nt all.
. Sister may not
'like you, but that
Isn't a heinous
crime after all, Is
it? One of the
women I admire
most In the world
hntcs tho sight ot
me, and I guess
from her point of
x lew she's perfectly
right, but I don't
Want her executed
for her likes and
And you don't
like sister. That's
more important. It really Is hard to bo
much with people you don't like, dread
fully hard, even if tho reason you don't
like them Is because they go to church
at 10 In the morning and you go at 6, or
she does her peaches pound for pound
and you do yours half a pound to a
pound. 1
' I'd move to a ,shed and live on bread
'and water before I'd live In the house
with .any one I really disliked, even If
I had tho tiKc nf a motor and a. butler
. thrown In for my pains. But listen. Isn't
there something about sister you can
like somehow?
Maybe she's the sort of pel-ion who can't
like anyone who doesn't like her and she
knows how you feel. Can't you dis
guise your feelings from her and see
what will happen?
Ten chances to one she'll fall dead In
love wllh you and bore "him" to death
telling him he Isn't half good enough for
Sou. So. Just try this way just for fun.
The next time there's an argument be
tween "him" and "her." and from what
sou say both of them love to argue, take
sister's side, pay her some compliment,
something perfectly unexpected, and
watch tho tide begin to flow your way.
Hypocritical? Oh! I dont know. There
must be something decent about her.
mcthlng her friends see-can't yon see
It? And besides this Is a serious fight
for you n fight for your life's happiness.
Why don't you realize that and use a
little Btratcgy?
I know a woman whose husband s sis
ter and mother Joined In at attempt to
make her home unhappy. The wlfosaw
th whole situation, and she Invited hus
band's mother and husband's sister to
visit. Then sho called. In all her hus
band's friends, the ones sho. knew her
husband liked and the ones sho knew
her husband's mother and sister didn't
like, and then she sat back and watchud
the llttlo comedy.
Ukc her husband's friends. Why, of
course, what a question! And she didn't
hip anything wrong In husband's liking
And then how delighted she was to see
Chill S . JSyiv
Every woman's, heart responds to
the charm and sweetness ot a baby's
voice, because nature Intended her for
motherhood. But even" the taring
nature of a mother shrinks from the
ordeal because such a Umo Is usually
a period of suffering and danger.
Women who use Mother's Friend are
saved much discomfort and suffering;
and their systems, being thoroughly
prepared by thla great remedy, are
In a healthy condition to meet tba
time 'with the Jeast possible suffering
and danger. Mother's Friend Is
recommended only for the relief and
comfort of expectant mothers; it is in
no sense a remedy for various ills,
but Its many years, of success, and
the thousands of endorsements re.
celved from women who bare used it
aro a guarantee of the "benefit to be
derived from lta use. This remedy
does not accomplish wonders but aim
ply assists nature to perfect its wort.
Mother's Friend allays nausea, pr
-rents caking of 441
5S Si WlPt
motherhood. Mother's Friend Is jold
at drug stores. Write for our free
book for expectant mothers.
I v I 1 ; 1 j . . i 1
1 I .1 I II II II I
I NO' 1 WANT I H Sunt: J ) AMD 0WT I fOBe "iHOE
) " 1F WE
an "In-Law"
husband come home ut night and what n
fuss she' made over him, when he had a
headache, and sister made fun of him
' for giving way to it so easily. And he-
fore tho visit was half over husband
was counting tho days when he and
wlfcy could bo alone again and happyx
You're a woman, use your woman's wit
and outwit this sister who Is trying to
make your life a failure.
Don't try to settle the thing In a quar
tel. you can't. Your husband Isn't the
right sort of fellow or ho wouldn't let
anyone on earth come between you ami
him. But he's what you have; make the
best of hlrn and of yourself, and fight
sister with the weapons of wit and
clever management, and you'll win hands
down, see If you don't.
Think out the right way nnd you'll be
surprised to find how easy It Is after nil.
Try It and see and let us know. You
aren't the only one with sucli a problem
to. solve. Tell us how yon solve It, and
help somebody else out of an unpleasant
Advice to Lovelorn,
Are- You Snrp of Vniirxrlff
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am IS, and some
time ago J went with a gentleman whom
I liked very much at tlmt time, nut gave
him up for a friend with whom I had
been going about seven years ago. I
now feel that I would like to renew my
friendship with this gentleman, but don't
.know how to go about It.
This gentleman lives quite a dlstancn
from me, and I have heard through
friends that he still likes me, but he is
going with another girl. 1 wouldn't like,
to mako any advances, because I don't
want to give him the Idea that I am run
ning after him. a. J. If.
Aro you quite sure that your desire is
prompted by love for tho man. or Jealousy
of the other girl? The two sentiments aro
so much alike It Ib sometimes difficult to
dlstlnsulsh between them.
If you offended, you must be the first
to apologize, even at the risk of being
misunderstood. But don't play fast and
loose with your friends In this fashion.
It Ortnlnly la.
Dear Miss Fairfax: In riding; in the
elevator of an office building Is It not
the proper thing for a gentleman to re
move his hat when a lady is riding on
the same elevator, even though he Is not
arqualnted with her? KTIQUKTTK.
Thank you for asking tho question. It
furnishes opportunity for making a state
ment I hope many men will read
A gentleman always removes his hat
when riding In an elevator with a lady
whether he is Acquainted or not.
Beautify Your Own
Just what subjects are worthy of dis
cussion in literature or In print? In prose
or verse? In newspapers or books?
A score of people questioned on this
matter might give a score ot answers.
An erudite man
ot my acqalntance
thinks one should
write only of clas
slcal subjects, lie
thinks Greek lit
erature and hist
ory and mythology
hold talent. He be
lieves It Is neces
sary for the uplift
ing of the taste
of the modern man
and woman to get
wholly away from
the sordid present.
A bright youth,
on tha contrary.
sneers at this dic
tum, and says;
"Oet clear away from that highbrow
stuff; nobody wants It. It Is for old
fossils; Homer and Virgil and Shakes
peare did It to death. Say something
modern: something with red blood In
Another believes In allegories: In fairy
tales; In the elusive and the mystical,
"Avoid all things being obvious." he
tays, by which he means try and be
hard to understand.
Still another says. "Amuse people.
Make them laugh. Turn their faces away
from the serious side of life. Instead of
portraits give thorn cartoons; Instead of
life pictures glvo thorn caricatures.".
One man believe Irt making fine
( phrases; he thinks llterorv talent Is slm
jp1 a b-isli In the hand of a painter, and
j should be. used to mul e tomethlnar bc'iU-
CopjrlRht. Ull. National New
A Suffragist's Claim to Life
"Why does tho suffrugist make the
best wife?" Iou Rogers, the cartoonist of
the suffrage movement, said the words
after me thoughtfully, laying her pen
down by a half finished cartoon.
"The suffragist," she said slowly,
"makes tho best wife and mother ami
always will make the best wife and
mother, because she Is the thinking
woman of the world today.
"The thinking woman Is always the life
woman, tho Interested and interesting
woman, the Imaginative, growing, feel
ing, understanding, sympathetic woman.
"The suffragist is looking her domestic
life squarelv in tho face. She Is realiz
ing that it Is stupid and criminal to do n
thing a certain way Just becausu. uer
mother did It that way. She Is under
standing that the ways of doing things
should change with the change of condl
tlans. Sho thinks nbout her home and
what sui rounds It. She thinks about
her husband and children, what tiny
wear and where it conies from, what
they eat and where It comes from, md
how to get It to them. She thinks about
where her children play and what effect
the place has upon them mentally and
"She sees clemly that the American
homo Is no longer sot apart by Itself,
as It was 10O ears ago, producing nearly
everything It needed, from light to sho
and hats.
"She understands that her home nnd
every home In tho fnltcd States Is a
center, around which a million mighty
trades and Interests revolve. Great fac
tories make the clothes her children
wear. If sho would protect the health
of her children she must tegulate the
health of tho factory' workers.
"She realizes that the bakeries that
supply her with bread and pastry, the
factories that handle the thousand and
one table products must be adequately
Inspected, else her family must suffer.
Sh.e understands that the care of the
fodd has always been her care, and al
ways will bo her care and that she must
bo given every power known to modern
science arid government to do her task
"She knows that she must care wisely,
for tho recreation of her family, that
tho cltv must be made to supply sortie
other playgrounds than the streets If
It would produce citizens and not
criminals. She believes, with all her big
wholesome soul, that she should be ac
corded the traditional dlgtnlty ot a
El hi "Wheeler "Wilcox, Discussing Present Day Needs. Bays:
Home Life Before
tlful and urtlsttc. It does not matter to
him what l' expressed In a sentence; one
Idea is as good as another If only it Is
phrased exquisitely,
Opinions and Ideals are lost sight nf
once the color scheme of words enters
his mind.
Another would bo realistic or nothing.
He would lay bare every evil thing In
the world with his pen, and then ask
the world to come and seo and hope that
future generations might cover the tin
pleabant dclMs with flower gardens.
A man asked a literary woman why
the wasted her time In discussing such
themes as love, marriage, home life and
rearing of children, There are so many
objects more Important, he said.
"What are they?"' asked the lady,
"Well, political matters, reforms, econo
mics, religion, morals, etc.," he replied.
Hut are these subjects more Important
than those designated as domestic;
"Political," Webster tells us, "Is the
1,1 ml I of Human Endurance Ileai-brd
hr Mlokera nn Ocean
So terrific Is tho heat In the boiler and
engine rooms of the new oll-burnlug
steamships on the Pacific coast that tha
men cannot put their hands on any metal
part and need planks to stand on, lh
thermometer ranging from 115 to It5vd
grees, said Patrick Plynn of San Fran
Cisco In testifying before the commerce
committee on the seamen's bill,
Mr. Flynn represents the firemen's
union and presented affidavits showing
temperatures ranging a 'high as 148. He
said the men after looking Into the whit
glare of the furnaces, as they had to .1)
to 1 ecu lute the flrer, oul4 not w-e ttu
T1I10 BEtt: OMAHA. THURSDAY, .1ANTAKY 1(5, 10.1,1
t'O tKt TO
Vl rtis
direct voice In the solution of the
domestic problem of recreations.
In sliort. there, s not. a hIijkIo Inter
est of her family life that sjiefdocn not
rtalleo Is a complete pnrt of the com
munity life. And .with fearless, search
ing, earnest mind and devoted energy.
she Is minding the business of the
Trying to Beautify
science of government; that part of
ethics which has to do with the regula
tion and government of a nation or
state, the preservation at Its safety,
peace nnd prosperity; tfic augmentation
of Its strength and resources nd Im
provement of their morals." 1
Now, upon what foundation does a
nation rest?
Upon Its homes,
The moment the home life of a land
Is destroyed or undermined, that moment
the degeneration of the nation begins.
We have but to glance, back over his
tory to know that. And for what pur
pose do nations exist? Why do peori
form a government, band together Jn a
Merely to establish nn otdc which they
believe wilt be conducive to happy, moral
home: life.
So It seems to me when I turn my tlm
and talents to any dlsousslon which will
help men and "women to be better hus-
hands of an Indicator until five mlnuUs
later. Sometime the ventilators wee
turned away from windward because the
air pressure was too great for the fires.
On board coal burners under the Hough
ton .forced draught system, he said, the
average temperature In tho fire room u
100 degrees.
Citing the Queen, running from Ha'l
Francisco to San Diego, as an oxs'inpie,
he said the temperature In its flrerooin
under normal conditions was lis, 4nd
when cleaning the fires 140. The steam
ship President, he said, showed the same
"Among the Asiatics one in every llf
teen firemen. dies from bnccmlpg over
heated In the fire room, or, coming up on
deck, deliberately Jumps overboard n1
commits suicide." gald Mr Klynn'. 't
would run about one In twenty-three f r
white men." San Fraiteison Call
Drawn for
THE to DHt3
MO lOmN'
PIC1 too
"She will never test until hIio has
gained adequate power to handle her
business of wife 'and mother as she
knows It should he hnndlnd.
;Tlio suffragist will moke the best
wife, because she will always be faith
ful to th woman's age-old traditions
of service to her husband, her children
and humanity.
the Whole World
bands and fathers, wives and mothers,
friends and lovers, that I am working
wisely for tho ultimate welfare of my
The same argument applies to reform.
"Where does all the true reformation be
gin? It must begin nt home.
The bad husband, the bad father, the
bad friend ran never Institute a lasting
reform for humanity.
We hove too many shining lights In the
political socfat and artistic firmaments,
who are orbs nf darkness In tho domestic
Domc&tic life s the foundation upon
which the world of society rests.
And .without a flrpi foundation the most
beautiful structure falls.
The critic suggested morals as a topic
worthy of discussion In literature.
nut what are morals supposed to make?
Xot angels, for angels are presumably
already moral.
Oood men and women are needed In
the land today more than angels are
needed In Paradise.
Whatever subjects can be discussed
that aid men and women to thinking
along ways which develop character, and
nobility of action; whatever can be writ
ten that gives courage to the despond
ent, hope to the downcast, strength to
the weakling, ambition to the indolent,
and wakens a sense of responsibility In
the Idle these are the Important topics
of the world In any and every age.
And any man can develop such quali
ties who Is a thoughtless son, an Indif
ferent husband, n miserly citizen and a
selfish father.
Men and women must begin to be
worthy where they are before they can
be worthy In any other position In life.
Rautlfy your home life before you
try to beautify tho world,
foypilght. Ml. by the Star Publishing
Cotnpuii; .
The Bee by George McManus
When Romance Runs Riot
A young woman who has learned so
little from the experience of otheis that
she needs a guardian writes, me;
"I nm a young Isdy. and am very
ford or children. How may I get Into
correspondence with some widower with
the view of matilmony? I am nil atono
in tho world."
This young woman has romantic visions
of making herself the Idolized of some
widower's home. Sho pictures herself
In on nrmchalr In the, evening with the
widower's children on her Up, and their
rather sitting opposite beaming In happi
ness at such nn Ideal scene.
She dreams that they love her as much
us If she were their own mother, and In
this beautiful dream no vision of the
first wife's relatives ,or friends obtrudei.
yhe sees no question of her rights or
authority hi ho vision. She Imaalnes
no rebellion Inspired by zealous relatives
In the breasts of her stepchildren.
If she marries a widower with children,
she will wake up before the honeymoon
Is over. Some one must mother the
motherless, but the task Is 'made so dif
ficult by relatives and friends of the dead
mother that the bravest heart has reason
to shrink r.rom the task, '
And as for voluntarily seeking it r Thla
young' woman Is so Ignorant of whtt
such 11 situation Implies that sho needs
a guardian.
No man. my dear, ever picks out his
second wife with his children's best good
In mind. He nmrrlejd the first time a
Will "who sultod hint; he marries the
second tlrnti for the same teason.
Ho Is thinking solely of self. If his
.second wife makes a good mother for his
children, he takes nil the crodlt to him
self for having made such a choice. If
.hr Is a poor mother, and they are neg
lected, he blames her, or the children
Tnder nn circumstances does he blame
He thinks so little of his children's ned
when ho goes courting the second tlmo
that If an official appointed by the gov
ernment for that very purpose were' to
lino up all the women with mothers'
Girls and
I have received a letter from an anxious
mother. It will be unnecessary to print
It, for what I am going to write in an
swer will tell thousands of fond .parents
what was In the letter. Here Is my an
swer; Your daughter Is. In a precarious mental
state. You ask mo what to do, and I
gladly reply. Hum her algebra; or far
better, let her tear out the leaves and
cast them one by one Into the fire, and
then the cover. Toko her out of school,
and go with her to moylng picture shows.
Take her to the country, glvo her the
harasred and tired mind a rest. Never
let her eyes look upon an algebra again.
Neither she nor any other girl has or
over will have any use for algebra.
Upon recovery of her mental poise,
return her to the public school. Then, If
any attempt Is made to force the toiture.
of algebra upon her, take her qut and
send send her to a private school, where
differences, yes, differences, between
minds are allowed for In Instruction.
Do anything, teach her yourself, or em
ploy a private teacher, anything to pre
vent her fine mind being seared and
withered for life by the horrors of dlf.
floult equations for whlcK she never can
have any earthly use. Teach her things
The worried mother wakes up to bear her baby's heavy breithmis. HrtU
cough perhaps the croup or wboopiag couth. S& eloes not want to send far the
doctor when perhaps the trouble does nol amount to muer. Finally she thinks of
that medieal book her father gave her, Tba Coaaaoa Seme. Medical Adviser, hr
H. V. Pieree, M. D. She says "just tbe thiol to find out what is the. saatter with
the little dear." Two million households in this country own one add it's to
be had for only 31c. in itsnips 1,000 pages la splendid cloth binding. A toed
family adviser in any emergency. It it for titktr ttx. This is what aaaay wo bo en
write Dr. Piercein respect to his " Favorite Prtsorifetiop, " a remedy which has
msde thousands of melancholy and miserable women ceacrful and happy, by curio "
tbe painful wximanly diseases which undersalae a wdajta's fccalOl d. streniis).
MMv desire la tn writ a few Unas tn let you know what
Has. Zubjmt amo Bxtx. to nil my friends."
f e
hearts In their breast, and who would
be to his children all that death robbed
them of, he would go past the line with
unseulng eyes, and pick out some woman
whom the government official would de
clare most Unfit for all motherlmj pur
poses. The writer of this letter complains she
is alone In the world. No one Is alone In
the world. Is alone In the world
who recognizes th big tie of kinship
that binds us.
One need not sit down' with folded
hands and pine because One Is alone when
there Is some' one next door who needs
sympathy and companionship. A woman
who loves children Is not compelled to
seek correspondence with some widower
to -ratify that outpour of Affection.
There are orpans' homes In every town
with llttlo waifs In them whose future
depends upon adoption by some good
woman. If the writer of this letter does
not want the burden that an adoption
ot a child means, how cun she seek the
greater burden It means to become a.
Jt that craving for a child's love must
be granted and there Is no lovo that is
inoie wholesome or doew more for A
woman's spiritual development and wel
fare, than love for a child let the writer
ot this letter volunteer her services In
helping her sisters and friends take care
of their babies,
Let her become a home missionary,
coins; .Into homes and spending the day
there caring for fretful babies while their
mother has a day off.
Ist her give her friends the assurance
that when the baby Is sick they can rely
on her to help care for It. Let her jrlve
up an occasional day to sewing for ths
,c,hldre.n, to nursing them, to play with
them, I,et her find an outlet for this
craving for the love of chlldrtn that Is
independent of the fact that their father
has, or has not, a wife.
I am sure that on this round of really
helpful labor she will enqounter many a
dWcotiriged, heart-sick, tlre4,stpmother,
and that the day spent In' assisting her
will forever cure this aspirant for a
widower's heart and hand ot all such
usplratlons. ,
that she and every other girl ought to
know. .
Now, here are rigid mentologlcal facts',
and from teaching- I know whereof I
speak. The minds of girls and boys ara
decreed and tot by nature at such wide
differences that they may b retarded
almost as different beings or personal
His. It is useless to deny this. Co
education Is the limit of absurdity.
Teach girls facts that they ought, by de
mands of nature, to know. Also boys,
but not In the same school. Eyen the
two buffings should differ In almost
every way In plan and design. And th
minds of the teachers of boys should be
so very different from Vthose of girls
that comparison can' scarcely be made.
It is almost Infinitely better for a girl
to be thoronghjy taught how to cure
croup, sudden asthma colds, fevers,
burns, scalds, cuts and broken bones
how to treat and care- for children, then
to know an mathematics higher than
"household mathematics," consisting ot
adding up grocery bills.
Almost dally I see children n the ca-i
on their way to school, and girls are
laden with useless algebras. Now, hers
Is the law; Any study loathed by any
student Is a positive and In multltudci of
case a permanent Injury- to mind nnd
your valuable medicine has done, for me." writes Mm.
Makoarbt Zuzbert, of 333 a Bentalon StrMt, Baltimore,
Aid. "Before the storclc came to our house I was a very sick
woman. I wroto you for advice- which was kinder given and
which made me a different woman In a short time. After
taking- the first bottle of Favorite Prescription' I besMis
Improving so that I hardly knew I wu In such a condlMoti.
I did my own housework washing and ironing, cookie,
sewing, and the worst of ill nursed three children who had
whooping cough. I hardly knew or the advent ten mlnutae
he f oreso -esry was It. The baby Is as fat as a biitte-ball.
I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best medietas for
any woman to take when tn this cosaltttnn. 1 rasxmauiU is