Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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I of dinner Major nd Mm, Hartmann will
glva during tlio nr.xt two weeks.
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, January 15, 1913.
ANAMA scorns to be n favorite -winter resort irlth Omaha people this
Mr. Arthur D. Urandels nan gone to New York for a short slay
ami, Trim jura. uranilelB, Trill take n hurried trip to Panama, bolng
away but a fow wcoks.
J. E. Gcorgo of this city and George S. Wright of Council Bluffs plan
ii leave today for tho Pacific coast and thon Panama, going flrso Salt
i.uko, apoKnnc and norm l'aclflc roast points, and then down to Los
ngoles, whoro thoy sail for tho Isthmus. Mr. George goes ns a matter of
really observation largely, but will find some time for recreation. They
expect to remain until March.,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Uaymond of Lincoln will spend a few hours In
Omaha Friday afternoon with Mrs. navmnml'ii narr.ntn. Mr. nnri Mr w t
'onncll, on their way to New Orleans, whore they will sail for a trip to
Manama, incy oxpect to uc gone several weeks.
Matinee Luncheon.
Mm. Fred A. Nash eutoitfllncd Infor
mally at luncheon today nt ber. homo,
followed by a mnllnwi party at the Bran
tleJs, wtiero "Oypsy lsoc" Is tho'aUfHC
ion. T)ioo present wore:
MrMnmfH:' Mosdsnifs
V P. KJrknnclall. U. W. W'nttles.
J K. Hiulnii r. M Wlhrltn,
J A. Moshane. ("lenient Oinso.
V C. Allison, ' I'rtil A. Nash.
Cecil ian Club.
TJia Ceclllan club Rttvn tan enjoyable
entertainment Tuesday cvonltiK nt Cham
bers' academy, wlilch .was WclllHtttndeU.'
Those prcient-.wcre: ' '
Mlsse Misses
Mabel Nelson, Foley.
Jensen, Waslilnirii,
West, Wlnlfnxl Donalni,
May nilelicnberc. Ada Fllack,
Oiiffard, Burns,
Hornlco Dowlltip, rinncnn,
Itnth Koran. Main,
Myrtle Ray. ClaraOeuuverail,
Gay Coolc, Ktliol Padniore,
I.ynelt, Klnrenco Luke.,
Neff Alien "Wheeler,
Klnley. Viola Morlarty,
Klanacan. Daly.
1 V len McCaffrey. Malioney,
Kivtft. O'Conner.
PlekKin. Itoblnson,
Josephcr. Tda Wherry,
Maythum. Ireno I.utidRnrd,
Mario Beals. Irene Kenny, i
Messrs. Messrs.
Ttonpardt. Man rle.o Moore,
Vrnnk Drummy. A. Nelson,
I, a. Traff. II. Knapp,
l'rnnk Cumins.' Charles Hurns,
Art Farmer, fleam, '
W. Nelson. floorcn Duncan,
Itay Owens. FVank Hokp.
J Itatehford. P. DrelbiiK,
jCharles Ptepanek, William Smith,
lamea Flannpon, A. 8. Nurse.
Tl. P. Wlnstantl. TV. Dnimmy,
J.eo Ducher, tislle Hall,
Frank Kliuincan, C. n. liourne,
Prank Danwm, K. K. Nnwbold,
HayTraynor, Tt. V. Martin,
R Byrne. P. O. Heyor,
William llance. (I. H. Fltxpatrlck,
71. Johnson, .Tohn A. Lynch,
Campbell. Karl Hall,
Illelc, Art Mokoncy,
A Swnnson. D. rtynn.
Lambert-Black Weddiner.
In the presence of tho members of tho
two families concerned, C. P. Lambert,
district trafflo chief of tho Nebraska
Telephone company, with offices here,
nnd Miss Nancy It.- Ulack of Kearney,
Nob., were married at 5 o'clock this after
noon nt tho I'.oma of tho brldo's mother,
Mrs. Joseph Ulaclc. nov. K, I. Ilammon,
district superintendent ot tho Methodist
rliurch, officiated.
Tho brjde Is a daughter of tho lata
Captain Joseph Tllack, whose death oc
turred about n, year ro. She Is one ot
Kearney's aecompltslied youne women,
and the Kroom Is the son of Asalstnnt
rostmaster and Mrs. P. T. Iimbert j
Following the weddlnsr recepllon. from t
to 4 o'clock the couple left on an early
train for Omaha, whero they will moke
their home.
Birthday Parties.
A birthday party was given for Miss
Jola Wallace at her home, SJSl North
Twenty-fourth street. Thoso present
, Misses
Bliella Itarretl,
Florcnro Krtcksen.
Anna Dawson.
Winnie Pox.
Delia Tonuilcton.
Klmu Truar,
Ksaln AlcUonald,
Thelnia bubble,
Alta Lynn.
Zclmn Overman,
A Wallace,
Homer Vanderford.
("iirl Calvert.
Ttoy Menaseo,
r.ojtcr Kills.
Tl. O. Knllinwr.
Irfiulo Touff,
Pred Jenncn.
Albert Hwanson,
Victor Johnson,
W. J.ynn.
Will Delahoy.
Helen Henderson,
Jlessln Rtcvetui.
Olla Polkes.
Venice Polke
Oertmde Marvin,
OlKfl, Miller,
Jnca Miller,
Pdna Delay,
Anna Llljcrren.
M. Anderson.
Otto Paulsrats,
Sam Statler,
Cloyde Delay,
Harry Carter,
Charles Roberta,
Claude Carter,
.lack Nlblock,
Fred Nellsen,
FMerro nrlx,
I'Yed Tarlsh.
Club Mectinff.
The Philosophy and ethics department
of tho Omaha Woman's club will meet In
the Kreen room of the club rooms at
Twenty-third and Harney streets Satur
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The meeting
wns to have been at the home of Mrs.
Earl Stnnflcld, but has been changed to
tho club rooms.
Prairie Park Club.
The Needle Craft club met Tuesrf.iw f
tho club houso at Tralrie Tark. Kenalnir-
(on work was enjoyed, nfter which re
freshments wero served. Fifty mombers
wero presont. The hostesses of the after.
noon were Mrs. K. II. Jeffers, Mrs. II. T.
Ochiltree, Mrs. Louis Nelson, Mrs. L. H.
Oldfleld, Mrs. C. J. Niemann and Mrs.
Charles Ness. The club will meet ncoln
In two weeks et the club house.
At Port Omaha.
Major and Mrs. Carl Hnrtmaim of Fort
umana win entertain at dlrtner this even
ing for the officers and women who have
recently arrived at Fort Omaha. Covers
will be laid for nine. Klllarney roses and
ptnk-shaded candles will be used In the
decorations. This is tho first of a scries
For Pittsburgh Quest.
Miss Nannie Pago will snterlaln at
lride next Wednesday afternoon at her
home In honor of Mist Eleanor Cheyns
of mtsburjrti, P., who arrlTes tomorrow
to be the Burst of Miss Page for a, fort
night. Miss Page and her truest also will
attend the hop at Port Omaha Friday
Daughters of Confederacy.
The Omaha Daughters of the Confcd
eroey will be entertained Thursday after
noon at the homo of Mm. C. Livingston
in celebration of tho blrthbay of llobort
H Lc. Papers will be read by ilrs. A.
n. Touzalln. Mrs. P. D. Epworth and Mrs,
W. It. Davis.
Fort Crook Bridge Club.
Mrs. William Ncsbltt of Fort Crook en
tertained the members of the Auction
Bridge club Tuesday. Two tables were
placec' for the game. Next week :he
hostess will be Mrs. Clarence Parnham.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Pred A. Noah is expocted home
Friday from New York.
Mrs. Famuel Btoarn of Minneapolis vis
ited her daughtor, Mrs. Jack Uemstotn.
Mr. Q. W. Wattles roturncd home Mon
day, after spending a few days In New
Mrs. Thomas J. MeKlxinc, who Is spend
ing a fortnight in New York, ta expected
home next wee.
Mr. W. E. Itamser left Tuesday for
New York and other eastern points.
where ho will bo gone four weeks.
On account of tho Ohio floods, which
have seriously hampered passenger traf
flo from tho east, Elizabeth, Josephine
and John Ournutt will not arrlvo hero
from Washington, D. C, as soon as they
expected to. Consequently the burial of
their father, Thomas Qurnett, will be
postponed until Friday at 0 a, m., when
the services will take place at fit.
Cecelia's church, Fortieth and Webster
streets. Interment will no In Holy
Sepulchre cemetery.
Manaccr Cilllev of the Klrkcndall Hhoe
company hai gono to Now York.
StiDerlntcodcnt Ulgnoll of the Lincoln
division of the Burlington, Is in town.
C. 11 Wager, assistant general freluhl
ii Rent of tho Missouri Pacific, has gone
to New Orleans.
Mrs. Welch Klngsloy of Norfolk, daugh
ter of Uncle Joe Hodman, and who lias
been In a, hospital here for several days
for an operation, has so far recovered
that she will return to her homo this
A'cliranknna .nt llir Hotels.
P. P. Schmidt of Fairmont, H. E.
Basserman of a raft on, Mr. and Mrs. F.
II, Hurst of Adams and M, P. Murnhy of
Grand Island are stopping at tho Loyul.
u. m. Jvny or NriiFji. o. J. nrlen o(
Grand 'Island. IL 11. KUcr of Fremont
and R, G. Hlllls of Aurora have taken
rooms at the Millard.
Martin C. Peters of "Bloomfleld. A. O.
Young of Nebraska City, Carl Rohlo of
Columbus and H. E. Bcckwlth of Nellgh
are at me i'hxioh.
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Qulnlnn of Kenrnv.
Cliff Crooks of -Falrbury. IE. C. Houston of
Tesaman ana ueorga w, uttio ox Lyons
are hi me uonsnnw,
W. D. Crane ot Fairfield, E. D. Frozler
of Long Pino, Guy rtocd of Pilger and
John Werning of Elgin aro guests at the
Will Hold Big Meeting Here Thurs
day to" Discuss Removal.
I-ocnl Grarlnntra of (he Vnlrersllr of
Nebraska 1'roposr to Find Ont
Ileal Sentiment For or
Anslnul netnoTal.
nmaho fttntnnl nt Via TTnU'f.ritllv nf Nrv
btaska are now engaged In gathering
facts that will show the legislature that
thft -ntnlrt llnll'nralf v mmliilN filinlllrl hn
moved out In flip nlatn fnrtn! that In Its
present "cast side" quarters It will be
come one of the Inferior universities ot
the Missouri valley; and that the only
way in which to elevate it Is to tako It
to the outskirts of the cits, whero Is can
grow and keep step with the progress
other schools of tho west are making.
A special committee of the local as
sociation, to have charce of this wort.-.
win be appointed nt a meeting of the
alumni, to be held In tho University
club rooms Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock.
At this .time a set course will bo deter
mined upon, and the Omaha Cornhuskers
win begin their work for getting the
"tenement -university" taken out Into the
fresh nlr ot the farm.
Raekerf Up hy Stnte Alnnuil.
AlUmnl out In the state are backtnir
tho Omaha alumni. When the movement
was first started, Amos Thomas, secre
tary of tho Omaha association. rir.lvwl
several letters from Nebraska alumni
endorsing the Omaha members. During
the last few days the mall of tho secre
tary has -carried enthusiastic approval!
from all parts of tho state. Nebraska
alumni wlu? arc editing country papers
throughout tho state, aro In favor of re
moval. The publisher of a Falls City
paper Is the latest ono to com mi in
favor of the plan.
Tho executive committee of thn N.
braska alumni association of tho state
recently declared In ravor of keeping the
school In Its present tenement ouarfer.
The state secretary sayn that Jotters,
Willi return postal cards, were sent to
all the alumni of the stnte asking them
which plan they favored to keep tho
school where It is or to remove it to
the state farm and the return enrdx
showed majority for keeping tho
rSLmntl Itfnrtrn It fu Rfr-anrm f In
. t i -; - - - Ir, w . ii" l
one of those return postal-card letters
came to Omaha., Not a alumnus In
Omaha knew- such a thing was taking
place, and tho very first Inkling had
her was tho newspaper stories telling
that the executive committee .of the Ne
braska alumni association had declared
In favor of keeping the campus whoro
it is.
Tho secretary of this society two years
ago was Jn favor of campua removal.
Now hn Is atralnst It. and tho Omaha
alumni, ara -askiDg why he has changed
his mind.
Albert "Hanson, about TO years old and
residing ti2018 Izard street, while going
along Cuming street near Twenty-eighth.
slipped and .cut his head on the curbing.
The police 'ambulance was called and ',o
was taken to tho station, where his
wqupd, about three Inches long, war
sawn- up. Jle was then remqved to his
hofnir."lfe,Is in a serious condition.
Pays Excess Eate
on Pound and Half
Dog-Wears Muzzle
Mrs. A. L. Howard left ovc the Hock
Island, for Hlsbnc, Arlr., yesterday,
where she will spend tho winter. With
her she tok a dog that weighs ono and
one-half pounds, the smallest canine In
In taking her dog along Mrs. Howard
discovered what she declares Is class
legislation upon the part of lallroads,
so far as handling dogs Is concerned.
There Is a hard and fasi rulo that when
dogs travel on trains they must bo muz
alcd and go as excess baggage, paying
tho 100-pound rate.
When Mrs. Howard bought her ticket
of City Passenger Agent Hanson, she
produced the dog nnd argued against
paying tho 100-pound rate, but was un
able to secure a reduction of tho charge,
JG.39, for the dog's transportation. She
thought she could raako better terms at
the Union station, but thtro she was
not only compelled to pay the price, but
buy a muzzle for the animal. AVith a
muzzle that covered Its entire head. t.
dog was led over to the train by a
200-pound trucker nnd now with Its mls-
irrsa ins illllo thlnir In nn t t
uary 8, , 51, nnd attend the Chicago
Jewelers' association annual banquet on
tho 38(1 at Hotel La Salle.
He says tho year looks bright for as
sociation work.
Ky to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Will of Edgar Allen
Jb lied tor Probate
Half of the cstnts or th lain i,-i,r
Allen goes to his wife and the other
holt to his four nieces. Ill.mns t.
Allen, Jacy M. Alien. Gertrude Allen and
jiamcnno .mien, under tho will, which
wna opened in county court- Oscar and
Arthur Allon, brothers of the testator,
are named executors of tho will and trus
tees. They filed annUcatlnn tnr
of the testament yesterday.
Tho Allon estate Is pMImn t,i tn v,
worth $300,0U0. It consists nrli,Hnn, r
stock In Allen Urns.
Allen Bros. Realty company.
-une will beaueuths tho Allen homo at
Long Beach, Cal., valued at 19,000, to tfce
widow. Her half of the main rttfit, iw.
to her as soon as tho will has been pro-
moa ana claims paid. The other half
goes to Mr. Allen's hrothent. fcv iim
be held In trust for their nieces. Koch
niece Is to bo paid onc-thlrd of her shaie
on her thirtieth birthday, one-third on
her fortieth blrthdav and the rnmnlnHp
on her fiftieth birthday.
The will requests that Mrs. Allen
none ot her stock In tho Allen companies
without first offering It for sale to the
Droiners or tho deceased. This requcht
Is made, tho will says, because tho tes
tator believed It will bo for thi. lwqt in.
terest of all concerned for tho business
to remain wholly In tho hands of his
brothers. Theamo renuest la matin re
garding tho shares of stock to bo re-
ceivea ny trie nieces irom time to time.
T. L. Combs, president American Na
tional Itotall Jewelers' association, has
gono to Now York to attend tho 24-Karat
club banquot on tho 17th at the "Waldorf
Astoria, and while away ho will Consult
with New England Jewelers over the
coming organization of the New England
States' assoclatlop, also preside at tho
mid-year conference of the executive
committee and all state association pres
idents and secretaries at Chicago Jan-
Invitations are being engraved to send
to the school teachers of Nebraska to
vote for Omaha as the 1918 convention
place. Tho Invitations will be malted
from the publicity bureau ot the Com
mercial club In n few days.
They will read: "Omaha requests
your favorable consideration of Its In
vitation to tho Nebraska State Teach
ers' association to hold its 191? meeting
in Omaha. Trusting that you will con
sider Omaha's advantages arid that you
will cost your ballot for Omaha and
wishing you a prosperous new year, wc
arc, sincerely,
nrnEAu of publicity, commer
This Simple Beclps Will Darken It so.
It Cannot be Detected.
A very satisfactory preparation which
darkens gray hair and acts as a correc
tive agont for dandruff and other dis
eases of the scalp can be made at small
expense and In your own home by dis
solving a small bo ot Biirbo Compound
In 7 ounces of wator and then adding an
ounce of bay rum and a quarter ouncfl
of glycerine. Any drug storo can furnish
these Ingredients. This Is to bo applied
once a week until the hair is sufficiently
darkened, then ovcry two weeks to keep
the hair soft and glossy and the scalp
In a healthy condltloh. It may bo used
with equal success In darkening tho
beard. This Is a preparation that given
splendid results, both as a hair darkener
and a remedy for all scalp disorders, and
Is well worthy of a trial. H your drug
gist Is out of Barbo Compound, nsk him
to get It for you from his supply house,
as a aubstltuto for It Is not possible In
preparing this mixture. You will find it
far superior to tho ordinary store prepar
ations and much less oxpenslvo. Advor
Oriental Rugs
Special Sale
PHIS January Sale of Oriental
Rugs is different from others
held here different because most
of the stock is fresh the rugs
having just arrived. The prices
on the new stock are cut just as
low as they are on the rugs which
we had before Christmas. The
fresh arrivals make the assortment ex
tremely large and give every householder
an opportunity to get a rug of nearly any
design and color and for any room, at just
the price she wants to pay. See our rugs
selected by an expert and now in his
charge. It is Omaha's greatest rug opportu
nity. Each price is so low that the values are
the most surprising bargains of the season.
Beaton Laier
415-17 South 16th Street
Announcing Four Big and Important Underprice Sales That Will Take Place Within the Coming Week .
of Women's Winter COATS at $10.00
including values to S39.G0, SATURDAY.
J, UtF JKy nl1 sections, beginning MON-
CAT IT of DINNERWARE takos place
Here's Good UNDERWEAR News
noys' nnd CIIi-Ib" Union
Bults, allver-Krav, cotton,
fleece lfned. refc-u- 9(
lr price C9.', JaC
Thurnday .s.
91.35 VXIOK KIT ITS 98c
Women's I'plon Suit,
white cotton, extra size,
fleece lined, orill- An.
narlly sell ut $1.25, HflC
In clearance sale at ..
Orkis, Brotbera Mala rioor.
91.33 VHXOK SUITS 78o
women's Union
white cotton, fleece
an excellent val
ue at 11.25, Thurs-
unjr Hi
The Pfost Progressive tit ore' in the Northwest.
Unexcelled HOSIERY Values
91.00 UBQOrtTOS 33o
Black Knitted LcKKlntrs,
with shoo straps, nf
values 60c, 65c .itSlT
und Jl, at
Sold la Hosiery Sept.
COo KOBE 050
Women's Hose, regular or
extra size, cotton fleece
lined, popular sell- 6rn
era at 36c and 50c, ZaP
Thursday ..."wv
Or kin Brothers Main floor.
60c HOSE 35o
Infanta Hoso, Hllk or -wool,
white, pink, sky and tan.
pell In regulnr -way am
at 60c. Thurs- ZaP
day at ....
Without Parallel in Value-Giving in the History of Omaha
rrllYIn. AmnltM n .1 ,1 I ! 1 - 1 1 1. 1 .1 L J I 1 T 1 1 n
MjVEII before have you women of Omaha and surrounding territory had such a golden opportunity to secure rich, distinctive furs, or stylish, becoming fur coats
at one-half tho original soiling prico at figures that are almost unbelievably low. We aro conductincr a mineral clearance sale on all our fur roIh. Henarnfa f nr
, and iur coats and wo Iiqva Hlnshnd tlia
this extraordinary occasion and come here Thursday and get your choice.
Russian Pony COATS $37,50
Russian Pony Coats, full length and
beautifully lined with brocaded silk,
ssfl C i PPular val-
SSS $89.50, spe
cial Thurs-
day, $37.50
Russian Pony COATS $62.50
Russian Pony Coats, full length, lined
with prejty brocaded silk, worth
$125.00 to
$135.00, an
for Thurs 'y
at $62.50.
Marmot COATS t $59.50
Mannot and River Mink Coats, richly
lined with Skinner satin with shades
to match,
price, $125
to $135.00,
salo price .
Mle Skin COATS $119.50
Mole Skin Coats of full length, lined
with Skinner satin, very beautiful
and worth
$95.00 MARMOT 0OATS, $47.50
SPECIAL Marmot Fur Coats, regu
rlar price $95.00, Clear- AJ IZi
ance Sale prico
$150.00 OARAOUL 00AT8, $75.00
CI Tl IT T T rt i -
oi-auiAu uaracui junr uoais, regu
lar price $150.00, Clear
ance Salo prico
$125.00 NEAR SEAL COATS, $62.50
SPECIAL Near Seal Pur Coats, reg
ular prfco $125.00, Clear- &t
ance Sale price
$200.00 NEAR SEAL COATS, $95.00
SPECIAL Near Seal Fur Coats, bro
oaded and Skinner Satin AC Ar
lined, $200 to $250 vals.. fVU.Vl
$500 Fancy Hudson
Coats, Clearance.
Sale price .....
$300 Hudson
Clearance Sale
Seal Coats
$200 Hudson
Clearance Sale
Seal Coats,
$100 Near
Clearance Sale
$150 Russian Pony Coats, I $100 Russian Pony Coats,
Clearance Sale rfnfp I Clearance Sale Efs
ajprlce kJ
RegHkr Prke
8KT8 " , $7.30
8UTS 812.50
1I7.S0 JA1' MINK BKT8 ; ....Sia.7B
yan.oo wou run huts .
$40.00 NOHTHJ3RN MINK 8lfi
950.00 VOX VWl 8KT8
g7C.oo fox FunHsTrren
.917 50
$100.00 fox fur skts . . ; ; .', ssoToo
WO.MKN'S $m.00 CO..TS, Sale Price $0.00
WOMEN'S $15.00 COATS. Sale Price 7$7V50
WOMKN'8 $10.50 COATS, Salo Ptlce . . .w. $5775
WOMEN'S $25.00 COATS. Sale Price . . . . j $ 1 2.SO
WOMEN'S $20.50 COATS, Bale Prico TT$14T75
WOIEN'S$3iW50 COATS, 8ttTePrlce $10.75
$25 00
WOMEN'S $50.00 COATS, Sale Price
WOMEN'S $55.00 COATS, Sale Price . . . . i $27.50
Orkla Brothers Scond noer.
r .
Reular Prke
I 1 :