Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Stack.ralconer Co., Undertaken.
Ut Root Print It Now Beacon l res
Hfhttnsr PUtutBS, Burs-aia-Orandan Co.
nntley tiie Dtntlst, City rCat'l. D SS6S.
Chambara' School of Dancing e
clas now forming. Douglas 1ST1.
The 8vlit(f Habit, once fotwed lciuls
to independence Nebraska Savins and
Lonn Ami'n., orennlxed 1RSB. 1C0G Farnam
The State Sank of Omaha pays per
rent on tlmo depoMtc, 3 per cent on av
Inpt accounts. Tho only banlt In Omaha
whoso depositor are protected by tho
depositors' minranteo fund of tho ptato of
Nebraska. l"th and Harney streets.
Sr. Jenkins Lectures Friday Dr. J. A.
Jenkins of tho St. Mnry'a Avenue C'on
Kregiitlonnl church lll Resume his coursa
of lectures which ho started to glvo be
fore the holidays to the women of the
parish on "The ltletory of tho Church"
Friday afternoon In tho church parlors
at 2:00.
Milwaukee Creates Offloe Tho office
f assistant to the president has been
created on tho Milwaukee and C. .
(ioodnow el.-cted to tho position. Mr.
(Soodunw will liao charge of construc
tion ami maintenance on the PuRct Sound
lines nf the company, with headquarter
in Chicago.
California Freeze
Not So Severe as
Was First Reported
J. C. Chlsam of the Great Western,
owner of a walnut and orango planta
tion In California, nildwny between 1js
Angeles and the ocean, Is In receipt of a
long night letter from tho man on his
pfacc. Thld states that tho damage to
tho California orango crop by the recent
freeze was greatly magnified by early
Tho message states that a heavy rain
has been general over southern Cali
fornia for two days and that this will
prove tho salvation of the orango groves,
ns It will glvo tho trees now life and d j
much toward maturing tho fruit that
was only slightly damaged by the freeze.
Instead of tho freeze damage being 00
ttf 75 per cent, as reported, ho docs not
think It will exceed 23 per cent, taking
tho southern portion of the statu as a
Wants New School
to Replace the Old
A new school to replace the old 1'urk
pohool building, probably a new district
and another now building and a new tech
nical school theso are somo of the things
President E. Holovtchlner of the Hoard
of Education Is planning ti secure during
tho next two years.
"That old Park school Is a. crime," said
the president. "It Is dilapidated and In
Kuch a state of repair that It Is neither
safe nor healthy."
Whether a new district will be created
and tho people asked to vote bonds for
a new school to relievo congestion In
L-'arnam and Franklin nnd other schools,
the president of tho Board of Education
will not say. but he Is of the opinion
lhat such a course ought to be pursued.
"What I am working- for now Is a new
technical school," said Holovtchlner.
'anif"we"vilTas'k the' pc6ple"to'vote $500.
CW0 bonds or more to build and equip such
an Institution. I ar ndvocatlng It wher
ever I have tho opportunity.
Orates at Top of His Voice at Com i
missioncrs' Meeting. '
Arrhn l!nrl' nml Hefttarft In Hccor
ili the rsur Chntrman liyntjlt
(ft IIIm Chnlr Claim linn
Vrnr to rrrr.
While Peter 12. Klsasser. contestant -or
tho county commlssloncrshlp now held b
Henry S. McDonald, orated at the top of
his voice In the county commissioners'
room yesterday, the commissioners tran
sacted business Just as If no one were
Intruding upon their tranquillity and peace
oi ininu.
Klsasser demanded recognition as con
mij;lnnnr frnm fhA timt rftiiimlsnlnnrr rll'
trlct. Ho was Ignored. When the meeting
ended Klsasser conferred with his attor
ney, J. J. Sullivan. Shortly before uovn
Sullivan filed for Klsasser a district court
suit to oust McDonald nnd formally rein
stall tho contestant. Tho suit was as
signed to Judge Howard Kennedy of tho
equity division.
Determined to keep his promise Ihut
ho would attend the meeting of tho
county commissioners, Klsasser went to
the commissioners' room long before the
appointed hour for tho meeting. 10 o"clock
He greoted with smiles tho friends who
diopped In. telling them he still was the
commissioner from tho First district.
One by one Commissioners Most, Ilurtc.
Lynch and McDonald entered the room.
Commissioner O'Connor did not appear
When all others were present McDonald,
who was elected chairman of tho board
Tuesday morning Just after midnight,
took the chairman's scat and called the
board to order.
Ailrtremen Lynch.
Klsasser arose, faced
Lynch, former chairman of the board,
and addressed hlni as "Mr. Chairman."
Lynch paid no hcod. Commissioner' llarte
moved that tho minutes of the last meet
ing bo read. Whllo Klsasser was declaring
tlint tho last meeting was not nil official
one and there could be no minutes of It
tho board carried Hartc's motion and
Clerk of tho Board Wcldcnfcls began to
Klsasser launched Into an urntlon.
dwetllng at length upon the beauty and
grandeur of the new county building. IiIb
association with Its erection, and his ex
peidcnco as a member of the board of
county commissioners, touching upon
what he hoped to accomplish before tho
expiration of his term next Jonuaij.
Whllo tho speaking went on tho board,
utterly Ignoring the speaker, heard de
plete reading of tho minutes and np
,.,., i thorn, allowed claims for salaries
for county employes, opened bids for
some supplies and transaciea ihmui
...i v,,,tnc. Tn due time a motion
to adjourn was made nnd carried. Tho
commissioners quietly aeparicu, .....,
..,il-i,,o- in it Btnall crowd of
persons who had called on business with
the county or Just to seo me m...
,.ii,,i,i remarks, thanking
one and all for their kind attention, and
went Into conference with his attorney.
Lynch Grin II lx Chair.
While tho board was In session El-
.nnnn, wna halted but once: As
he orated Commissioner Lynch, who had
been assigned to the scat and desk
formerly occupied uy j.m-
(1 dropped into tne
sear Turning later. Elsasser saw Lyneh,.
He stopped and stared. Finany no
.vn'r all right: that's one on me.
Then ho resumed his speech.
When ElsaBBer reached ms oio ue
In tho morning
tne comraiBniuiic. . -
he noted that the lock had been removed
from the desk drawer, uiohkii . -
papers Inside were undisturbed. Klsasser
accused Joseph M. Calabria, county
building Inspector, of breaking Into his
desk. Calabria explained that new uni
versal Jocks are being put on all the
Calabria said: '
"Sometimes some commissioner who has
some paper dr other In his desk la not
present and the board has to have tho
paper. Universal locks are being put
on the desks In place of the old ones
so that when It Is necessary to open
them It can bo done with a master key."
A carpenter is now at n-ork changing
the locks.
Klsasser's petition recites that In No
vember, 1910. ho was elected to -complete
tho unexpired term of John A. Scott, de
ceased: that that term does not expire
until January, 19H, and that McDonald
has taken his place from him and Is
holding It Illegally.
Dr, Anna Shaw Will
Talk Here Next Month
rif Ann'o filinw tirpsldent of tho Na
tional Woman's Suffrage association, will
arrlvo In Omaha the evening of Friday.
February 7, and will spend tho week-end
here and in Lincoln. Dr. Shaw will meet
wHh tho Htnto workers for suffrage Sat
urday, and In the evening will speak nt
a mass meeting to bo held In Lincoln, a
suffrago mass meeting will bo held In
nmnhii Sunday afternoon, February 9, at
- m m m m si 1 n n'elnek at the Brandela theater. ur.
nrUdC Hi lift in 'Shaw will be the speaker of Hie after-J
m a r.(1nn.
President Thomas W. Blackburn of
the Dougluas County Bar association,
who was elected to that office Saturday
night, has appointed the stanrtlng and
special committees of that organization
for the ensuing year, as follows:
Judiciary James II. Adams, chairman;
J. C. Klnslcr, Clinton Brome, Frank H.
Woodland, Thomas D. Crane.
Legislation E. C. McGilton. chairman;
J. W. "Woodrough, E. If. Scott, Stanley
TtoBcwatcr, A. H. Burnett.
Inquiry Charles S. Elgutter, chairman;
M. A. Hall, E. M. Martin. "
Entortalnment-L. J. TePoel,' chairman;
E. A. Balrd, Alvln F. Johnson.
Memorlals-A. C. Wakeley, chairman; B.
It. Dunham. II. L. Bradley, W. C. Lam
bert, Thomas Lynch.
Inferior Courts John G. Kuhn, chair
man; Charles II. Marloy, J. P. Palmer,
William C. Ramsey, J. D. Klngcr.
Court Procedure C. J. Smyth, chair
man T. J. Mahoncy, William F. Gurlcy,
l A. Brogan, W. II. Hordman.
Audltlng-E. C. Hodder, chairman; W.
1 1. Hatteroth, A. K. Barnes.
At the meeting of the association Satur
day ovenlng the following officers were
President. Thomas W. Blackburn; secre
tary. Raymond G. Young; treasurer, A.
L. Shotwell.
Executive Council O. G. McDonald,
chairman; S. A. Searle, J. A. C. Ken
nedy. Edward F. Leary, W. C. Fraser.
0 Mock trot Balk BirSlMioai
Mavtnirnl t shopping, Ihntr ana
rMatltl Milrictt
Boston's newest hotel.
Under same manage
ment as Hotel Plaza,
New York.
Print for rooms
and rtstaurant most reason
able considering exctiltnc
of appointments and
Slnftla Rooms with Btb, $3.50
to $5.00.
Double Rooms with Btth (two
periont), JS.00 to (8.00.
Special prices quoted for pre
loafed ity.
FRBD STBRRY, Ma4iai Dtnatw
J, C. UV1N. Muuw
Lumber Men's Mutual Insurance Co.
Makes Strides in Business.
HmoUrr nml Soolnl Will He (Jlren nt
t'omntcrelnl Clnh Thla Krenlnar
for Vlillnti Uurlnu: Ke- V
"Ion of Scerct Order.
The Nebraska Lumbermen's Mutual In
fiuranco association, which Is allied with
the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' associa
tion, in convention at Hotel Homo, held
Its annual meeting yesterday motnlug.
K. K. Hall of Lincoln, secretary, Don
Crltchflcld of Lincoln, treasurer, .and
George S. Proudflt of Lincoln, chairman
of the auditing committee, mado their re
ports. Tho association hus increased
00 In policies during tho year 1812, and
the losses were fewer than ever before.
Tho scond session of lumber dealers was
held In tho afternoon, when W. H.
Miller of Ottawa, 111., talked on "Tho Be
tnll Merchant and the Country News
paper." "Lumbering and Finance" was
the topic of an address by E. It. Guerney
of Grand Island, and F. A. Good of
Cowles dlfcussed "Cement and Its Possl
billtlcs for tho Lumberman." A. L.
Blxby of tho Nebraska State Journal
again entertained tho lumbermen with a
humorous talk.
The visiting women were the guestn of
the local lumber dealers at the matinee
performance at Braiidcts theater. A
smoker and social was'glvcn the visitor!
at tho Commercial club last night.
Whllo this Is lu progress the Hoo-Hoos,
a secret order connected with lumber
men's associations, had a session at Ho
tel Borne.
An Vul Gnuli J"
should be covered with clean bandages,
saturated -with Buckleit's Arnica Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. "5c.
For Sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Federal Officer! to Pry Into Attempt
to Help Nolen Break Jail.
Snnndk I ncrt llhl thnt I'hcUhko nf
rtlrle Could lie l'nlleil I n on
Light ntriu Ovrr Sharp
I.rdare if Hock,
If an Investigation which the govern
ment has started Is successfully carried
out there will be a stop to tho smuggllnc
of saws, guns, explosives nnd other thins
Into tho county jail. An Mtempt Is now
being mado to try and discover by What
means certain articles were smuggled Into
the hands of Dings Nolcn while he was
confined In the county basttle, on the top
floor of the now county building.
During the examining of witnesses In
tho trial of Nolen several Inmates of the
county Jail told of the contemplated at
tempt of Nolen to escape from that Insti
tution nnd of his receiving a package
containing twelvo steel saws, a holder to
which the sawa are attached; a gun, oil
and nitroglycerin.
Many of the Inmates when put on the
stand were unable to tell Just how the
package was smuggled to Nolen. But
ono witness, Frank Moyer, who was lo
cated In the same cage with Nolen, said
tho packago was pulled up from the
ground and Into the toilet room on the
top floor.
Tho talc of tho pulling of the package
tied to an ordinary cord up to the top
floor did not nound credible to tho gov
ernment detectives and Inspectors and ac
cordingly an Investigation was started
immediately after the trial. The reason
for tho doubt regarding Moyer's story is
due to the fact that a ledgo of rough '
stone extends out from tho county build- '
Irig Just below the windows of the Jail. 1
In pulling up a package over this ledge, j
It seems to the federal officers, the cord '
would undoubtedly bo novored.
On Just what theory tho government of
ficers are at present working Is, of
course, unknown. It whs hinted, however,
that tho nsslstancc of employes on the
top floor of the county building was
needed In order to smuggla packages Into
tho Jail.
Postofflce Inspector Ranger and Secret
Bervice Agent Hugh Mills visited a local
hardwaro man, who, It Is alleged, sold
the wiwa and holder that ere conveyed
to Nolen.
The government provides a stiff pen
alty for nnyono who assists In the es
cape of federal prisoners or who tamper
with them while they are under arrest.
Simple Hone Raedy
(or Kiineys and Blagder
A simple nnd easy way to oure weak,
deranged kidneys or bladder Is to use the
following formula: Get six ounces good
pure gin and add tq It one-halt ounco
Murax Compound and one-half ounco
fluid extrnct. Buchu. Take one to two
tcaspoonfuls of this mixture after each
meal and at bed time. Nearly all good
druggists have these Ingredients. Anyone
can mix. Ono should bo sure to get good
pure gin. also the genuine Murax Com
pound, which cornea only In a scaled
woocten package, as any substitute will
not give tho destred results.
Weak kidneys or bladder should be
given attention as soon as any of the
well-known symptoms nro noticed. Ne
glect In the matter Is dangerous, as the
serious forms, Brlght's, dlsoaau, chronic
rheumatism or dread diabetes, may do
velop. These can be avoided If the above
simple mixture Is UBcd before complica
tions set In. Advertisement.
Ask any ood doctor whnt ho
thinks of tho judicious use of
pure, old whiskey, nnd he will
tell you that it is the best sort of
n tonic and invifrorator. But you
must choose the right kind with
care a. poor whiskey will do
more harm than a rood whiskey
can do good. When you buy
The PURE FOOD Whiskey
you have the guarantee of the
largest distillers of fine whiskey
in the tvorld that it iB the very
bet and purest that money
- comio..MN3
and skill can produce a whis
key scientifically distilled and
carefully aged for the express
purpose of bcinff used as a
healthful stimulant in the home.
The PURE FOOD Whhhev
is distilled, aged and bottled in
bond under tho dlroct supervision, of
U. S. Government Inspectors, and tho
Green Govcrnmont Stamp that seals
each bottle guarantees that tho con
tents nro genuine, straight, natural
whUlcoy, properly matured, and full
U. S. Standard (lOOt) proof.
The Grotte Brothers Company
Wholesale Distributors
1206 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB.
BEE 1-16-13
Your Turn-Over Collars
or False
Mother, if he cougha. Don't
give him a sickening "cough
syrup" but let him have as
as the teaspoon will hold. More
In the morning, and so on three
times a day until cough and
Boreness in the throat are gone,
and continue a little longer.'
Children love Ozomulsion.
t makes them fat and strong.
Will You Not Glv Your
Little One a Chance?
Plump brown bottle with 3 ox aanipl
fre If you wr le ' OiomuUlon, Hi
l -arl St.. New York.
Burlington's Plan
Works Admirably
The Burlington points to tho fact that
It Is the one western roatl that abolished
Oio train newsboy nulsanco ten years aao.
filnce that tlmo no person has been
t ermltted to sell papers, books or mer
chandise of any kind on Its trains and,
according to Gonoral Passenger Agent
Wakeley, the plan works admirably.
I Instead of carrying tho news butchers
'und venders of articles the Hurllngton. at
I .,11 l,n,.4f.nt ilatlnn. nn Its 1 1 n P 1 u f.
nilts local news agents to sell papers 1
, und books pn the depot platforms, bu .
tl:cy are kept out of the I'ullmanH. On all
of tho obseivatlon cars, stockB of inatr- j
urines and newspapers are earned an ail
are for the una free of first class passen
gers upon the train carrying audi cars
The Sttundora-Kennedy Building com
pany haw filed articles or incorporation
for ao,000, J160.000 of it being preferred
tork and $100,000 common stock. The
new company Is to build a large building
on tho southeast corner of Eighteenth and
Douglas Mreotr. the building to bn a
continuation of the HramlHo Theater
building, and ontiHii'c w.l he had i
till oil Ell thr tlicttti Imildin- frn
i:igit-nlh Mir-l ui.'l fi ,n t.
fctrcct . I
Stand in your way
If you will order this carton
from your dealer today and try
Swift's "Premium"
You will find it to be
all that is claimed for
it a pure, wholesome
and economical food
product. Reduces the
cost of living.
. . . .
Made only by
Swift & Company
U. S. A.
Your wppIc's is an caav task
nliKlipfl nnd vou linvc ppnvo time for
other duties if you use un Electric Washing Machine.
Simnlv place clothes, soap and hot water in the machine
nnd turn on the electricity.
Saves Time, Strength and Money
With an Electric Washing Machine, the wear and tear of
the usual bnek-brenking Avashing is entirely eliminated
ii ml ho lifo of vour clothes lengthened. Then, too, tin
cost of oponittnii Is very nmaonablo. U In only ono
oi tlio many economical mtuuiiiu tuuiumuuo
olcctrlclty places at your Borvlco.
Tor siilo by nil olcctrlcnl tlcalerB
ami dopartmunt Htores,
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Go.
Are You Cold These Mornings?
If bo, take tho chill off the bedroom, bathroom or the room not reached by your
heating plant by using
6-Tube Low
$3.90 6-Tube High
$525 'installed With 8 ft. Tub
ing and Hose Cock.
4-Tube Low
$3.60 4-Tube High
$4.00 Jnnta!!ed yitli 8 Ft. Tub.
Ing and Hose Cock.
Which can also be used to warm up the sitting room or dining room until the furnace
fire, usually low at this hour, burns up sufficiently to make the house comfortable.
Omaha Gas Company
Douglas 605
Ait neciai diseases enrea witnont a surgical
operation. No Chloroform, Ether orotborRen-
eral aneasthetto used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME. bWbxauination vssb
DR. e ft. TARRY. 240 B Bulldlna. Omaha. Nbraaka
Concentrate your advertising in The Bee.
There is a Bee in almost every home.