Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    Silk Hat Harry's Divorce SuitThe Judse Took a Slailt Then a Bl,die
Copyright, 1MI. National News Ase'n.
New Rule Affeots Horses Which Win
Three-Stake Races.
Mr Which Kin I nil Klrst Three
Times niMl Win Fifteen Than
khiiiI Dollar Compelled to
Hater Fnnlcr Compnny.
PITTSBURGH, I'a.. Jan. lu.-Stcwaids
or tho Grand circuit met hi-rt? today, an
nounced datrs for meetf or tlie circuit
In (ho different cltle., admitted New i'ork
and Windsor. Ontario, to the circuit, and
adopted a. rule providing that if a horac
wins three stake races amounting to
H5,xi0, It must afterward compete In a
'lass to which it la eligible by the low
est record It lias made in any onu of
Uh winning races.
Applications for admission to the- clr
rult were presented to the stewards by
I'oiifhltocpBle, Now York City, "Windsor
n ud Springfield, 111. Now York was ad
iiiillcd after Readvllle, Mass., nlreadyln
the circuit, announced thai It would sur
render Its Jatea to Now York. Windsor
was given tho opening week of the. cir
cuit, and Poughkeepsle and Springfield
(Mre refused.
The rule providing that the horse win
ning J15,C(W In tin co stnke races must com
luto In Its class, docs not refer to
futurities for 3-year-olds and under. Tlie
stewards considered the three-heat sys
tem of races. While this system was
not adopted, it was recommended to all
clubs In the Grand circuit. Under thu
thrue-heat system each heat Is a race.
The stewards elected the following
officers:, President, H. K. Devcreaux,
Cleveland; vico president, Fred Postal,
Detroit; secretary, H. J. Kline, Cleve
land. Detroit was chosen for the next
annual meeting of the stewards.
The dates announced follow: Windsor,
Ont., Juno 30-July 4; Cleveland, July 7-12;
Pittsburgh, July H-19; Buffalo, July 21
26; Grand rtaptds, July 28-August 2;
Kalamazoo, August 4-9; Detroit, August
11-16; Salem, N. II., August 18-23; New
York City, August 25-30; Hartford, Sep
tember 1-6; Syracuse, September 8-13; De
troit (Michigan state fair), September
1I-20; Columbus, September 22-Oct. 4;
Lexington, ICy.. October 6-18.
Gross Outpointed
By Little Mexican
' NKW YORK, Jan. IS. Joe Rivers, the
Mexican lightweight, outpointed Leach
Cross of this city In a ten-round bout
Rivers had the better of the first two
rounds. While the Now Yorker was show
ering rights and lefts to the head In the
first, the Mexican slipped to one knee at
tho ropes, but was up In an Instant,
Rdopted blocking tactlc and proved
Cross' superior at infighting. In the sec
ond round Cross scored the only rel
.knockdown of the bout with a left hook
under the Jaw.
. Thence on Rivers fought cleverly and
nas so rapid in movement that Cross fre
quently could not find him, losing his
range and missing and becoming de
cidedly wild at some stages. Rivers'
showing in the last eight rounds earned
lilm a victory by a comfortable margin.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Two Important base
ball gatherings are scheduled for Chicago
tomorrow. One will be the annual ses
sion of tho National Rase Ball commis
sion, which was to have been held In
Cincinnati on January 6, but was post
poned on account of the illness of Presl
dent Ban Johnson of the American
league. The other 'lll be the yearly
meeting of the club owners of the Ameri
can association.
The National commission will, go
through the formality of electing a chair
man and secretary. August Herrmann
is expected to succeed himself In the first
position, while John Bruce, it Is an
nounced, will be elected secretary. Herr
mann and President Lynch of the Na
tional league are expected to arrive in the
city tomorrow morning.
The American association members are
expected to adopt a. shorter playing
schedule than the one In force'last year.
EVERY collar fresh and
unhandlcd in a neat
grjggf Package.
14 Lion Seald " meant six LION collars
In our "factory scaled" boxsani
tary, no finger marks. Ask your
1ea!cr. 6 for 75c,
fion Collars
r aw m America
VttiA Hurt Coikx Cv, Mil Trw. M. V
Tries to Deceive Deputy Marshal
After Return to Chicago.
rnnllUt'H I'nrty CnnaUtlns (if Wlillr
Wlr Tfro Seerelnrlvx nnct
Vnlet Turned Ilnrk nt
Itnttlr Greek.
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Jak Johnson, tho
negro pugilist, was taltou tu tho county
Jail lust night to await the Judgment
of Judge George A. Carpenter of the
United States district court as lo
who! her ills bond of $30,00ft should bo
forfeited. Johnson Is said to havo at
tempted to hoodwink Deputy United
States Marshal Bert Meyers In order to
spend the night at his own homo In
stead of in Jail.
When tho pugilist's party, consisting
of his whlto wife, two white secretaiira
and valet, reached here after being
turned back at Battle Creole Mich., from
ii Canada-bound train, Johnson nt once
asked to talk over the telephone to
Charles Dewoody, superintendent of tho
United States Department of Justice. At
thu conclusion of tho conversation John
son told Deputy Marshal .Meyers that
Dewoody would allow him to spend tho
night at Ills own home.
Meyers refused to accept the order un
less from Dewoody direct. The pugilist
and his retinue were taken In automobile.-)
to Dowoody's home and there Dewoody
ordered tho negro to Jail.
"Johnson, If you did not mean to stay
out of the Jurisdiction of tho federal
court, whydld you ship two of your
automobiles to Canada?" Dewoody askr;.
The pugilist hesitated In his reply and
Mr. Dewoody gave him his choice of be
ing held In a hotel In charge of marshals
or taken to Jail.
"The Jail is not now to me I'll go
there," Johnson Bald.
He was allowed to take his wife homo
and to change his clothes and thon was
locked up in his old tier In the county
O'Ronrke Give Explanation.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. H.-Tom O'Rourke, Al
Palaser's manager, stopped In St. Louis
tonight on his way, he s'ald, from Los
Angeles to Toronto to meet Jack John
son and the representatives of the French
promoters to come to terms for tho pro
posed fight tn Paris between Johnson and
"Johnson had no intention of leaving the
country. I am confident," O'Rourko said.
"He was to meet M. Lelppe and mo In
Toronto to arrange for the Paris fight."
PHIUDELPHIA, Jan. 15. W. H. IOcko
of Pittsburgh announced this nfternoon
that he' had purchased the Philadelphia
National league club.
Tho purchase price was not announced.
Mr. Locke announced that the club :s
owned entirely by Phlladelphlans. with
the exception of a block purchased by
himself and his uncle, W. S. Baker, a
former police commissioner of New York.
The following were elected: President,
Mr. Locke; secretary-treasurer, Daniel
C. Snyder. Pittsburgh, father-ln-law of
Mr. Locke.
Mr. Locke, the new head of the Phillies,
Is well known In base hall circles, having
been for years secretary of the Pitts
burgh club.
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-The New York
National league team will play tho first
game of Its training season on March 1
at Dallas, Tex., according to the schedule
of early spring games announced by
Secretary Foster tonight..
Secretary Davis of the New York
Americans announced .that the team will
play exhibition games In Brooklyn with
the National league club on April- 5 and
7. The game on April 5 will be Fran
Chance's first appearance In Greatw
New York as manager of the team,
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 15.-Wank
Chance, the new manager of the New
York American league team, returned to
his orange ranch at Glendora today. He
said he would leave on February 4 for
New York and take charge of the High
landers on February 11,
"Will you bo a bench manager?" ho
was asked.
"No," was the reply; "I expect to play
first base tome of the time. Chase and
I will alternate, probably."
Advertisers Gpt Ileaulta.
PIN'EHURST, N. C.Uan. 13.-Q. C. Dut
ton. Oakley and Don M. Parker, Garden
City, were winners here today In the men a
qualification' round of the advertisers
mid-winter golf tournament. Mrs. Eleanor
Freeman. Dyker Meadow and Mrs. Her
bert L. Jlllion. Bethlehem. N. H., won the
honora in the women's qualification
round, tn the mixed foursomes. Harold
Slater. Fox Hills, and Mrs. G. M, Hoyt.
New Haven, were prize winners. w
Field Trial Results.
ROGERS' SPRINGS, Tenn., Jan. 15.
8lx braces were run today In the all-a,:e
stake of the All-America club's field
trials, and while the course was opn
and several of the dogs ran good races,
birds were scarce. Six-mile braees are lo
be run in th first wrin, and the rac
the flist event of the trials, probably v. II
not b concluded until Thursday.
. tvlIC f
till me ru-
mv&tifco, mmce OP
cnu. for Qorte&ODy in wer
AUDIENCE TO .trrvo Htt
VVflTCH n &OOB rtftMCrS,
T7?,o HByf how nooyrwf
wrrcrf THE DOOB VP I on
If THE SfcR VlfVr O-I&l. GOT UP
vjd ousted would ths
1 r
Westergaard Will
Fight Williams
DULUTH. Minn., Jan. 13.-Clulmlng to
possess a roach greater than Jack John
ron, weighing 218 pounds, and standing
six feet, three Inches In holght, Jrcs Wes
tergaard, the wrestler, announced here
today thut ho was going after the heavy
weight boxing (iliainplonHhlp. "I know
how to box, and 1 havo no fear of any
man lu the game," mild Westergaard.
Kmll Klatik, onco niuuuger for Frank
tiotch, Is behind tho new "hope," who will
fight Al WIlllamB at Hot Springs, Ark.,
February 15.
Howard Kennedy school was presented
with the Harding trophy, a cup given by
Charles Harding to the winner In the
public school athletic contests t.ach year.
Macmlllan Harding, son of Charles, pre
sented' tho cup, which was accepted by
Superintendent Graff, the principal of tho
h-chool. and Athletic Supervisor R. I
Slx-Uny Itnee l-'lnlnlieil.
BERLIN. Jan. 15. The Australian-
American team, composed of Jack Clarke
and Fred mil, won the Rlx-uuy nicycie
race which ended tonight. Stohl and
Miguel finished second. The men were
far behind the record.
1'VriiN Whips IMerson.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Jan. 15.-Clarence
Ferns of Kansas City was given the de
cision In a fifteen-round bout tonlgnt
over cnaries I'ierson ot Denver. lror ten
rounds Ferns was apparently under cover.
lioth did some clever fighting
Frank L, Kramer, thc American bicyclo
racing expert and at present the world's
sprint champion, will sail for Europo
this week on a iuing rampalgu of for
eign tracks which will extend Into April.
He has a contract with A. C. Durund,
the French racing romiK-r. to receive
JS.rtS) for a tf i. .i" uht iiiati i)ch a;alii-t
Hi' II Mh"lii DUiuiid will seiuct.
s I t f U 1- . "
AJivci j dU5X.AMLNl,:fc' 1 WAN17 I oorvr want itathe 6jnk who
Feucvjs VrW i wTep-ro
icrwe - GE tus- poo v
tMIP" 15 HOME1 Ai-QMfT
Awra I'AA. out ScoupmG-
SMCJ ?ftoBAW-V MetJOllJr
TVt POOP- 7HJtr,,--
Tiim&O- II9TH JOHrSm&f
c&n yoo te-l l Me wfy A
cnrzToorti&T oo dp fzee&Hr
xny ?rvi likc r &ooo
T9M30 7
O '
HlT ' 'tis we &soRE
of yors COP
Work on Building; Delayed Until the
Lease is Arranged.
AtlJnecnt Gronud Belnir Held Sub
. Jeet to the rnaslhle Ileqnlre-
v iiicnix i iii ore uromnu
for the Hotel.
Further steps In tho construction of
Omaha's new million dollar hotel will
wait on negotiations that aro pending
for a suitable tenant to tako tho lease,
so that the plans and general stylo of
architecture may bo made acceptable.
This Is tho concensus of opinion arrived
at at a meeting of the board of directors
held at the office of G. W. Wattles, tlie
president, to hear a report of progress
from the snb-commlttee previously ap
pointed to look Into this feature Of tlie
"We have had a great many appli
cants for the leases." said president
WattleB, "but not all are going to be
able to qualify. A man to get this lcaso
must convince us that he Is a man ot
sufficient experience to hundlo a hotel
of this kind, and make It a success. We
have, however, now a number of appli
cants on our list who It seems will be
able to qualify, and convince tho board
that they 'can deliver the goods.
"Wo did not want to put a million dol
lars into a hotel here ncrore w.e had
leased It. and then hav a man como
along and tell us that If we had Just buUt
It a little different, or arranged It a little
different In this, that, or the other
respect, ho would have given us so and
so much for it. We want to build it right
when we build It."
The hotel will rent for approximately
JC0.000' per year, as the directors aro fig
uring on about 6 per cent on tho Invest
ment. It as also reported that the deeds of
the lots comprising the site hod been ex
ecuted, giving clear title, and that the
udjolnlug property would be held tem
porarily subject to possible requirements
of more ground for the hotel.
Government isjto
Bury Dr. Dibbern
Dr Claudius Dibbern, who at one time
was a physician In Omaha and. who died
In the county Jail lost Thursday even- ,
Ing while serving a sentence ot six
months for misuse of tho government I
malls, will be- buried by the government
today. Dr. Dibbern was pennlles !
when he died and his wife is destitute and
ill and not able to be hero for the
funeral. She wrote from Rock Springs,
Wyo., saying she had not a cent and
could not even help pay for his burial.
G-as Company Pays
Royalty to City
The Omaha Gas company has paid its
royalty to Treasurer Fro on business
transacted during 1912. The amount paid
was 135,606.17. This amount represents 5
cents per thousand feet for the gas sold
by thescompany In 1912. The total amount
of gas sold In Omaha during tie year
was 712,128,196 cubic feet.
4 ... .. U I II !-
Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's
New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure
cough and cold remedy. Goo and
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
1 U thu SliuaUun-Uee AdttitUlns
i roevu owe owMt- )
( fAV HOUJe- "TOO - 1
i rl A . IILlSl OP
H9 f T?isnr to ro&e
TWe But otTMer??nL
ayd whcn a voice nserr-
"re THe unsnBj.e
His clothes Could He
TANr 25CK. J30Yf(
Alfalfa Seeds in
Large Quantities
Imported to State
Nebraska farmers (luring the last three
months have imported from other coun
tries COO, 000 pounds of alfalfa seed nd
115,000 pounds of clover Boed. This fact
was brought out by n report of the cus
tenia offloo lu the federal building In
During the last quarter there also was
received at tho Omaha custom house a
little over J250,00n worth of goods from all
parts of the world. Of this amount (132,305
were free and tlJ9,S13 dutiable.
Big Herds in the
Big Horn Soarce
"The herds of cattle are becoming
smaller and smaller In tho Big Horn
Basin of Wyoming," said J. Dougherty
of Ton Sleep, Wyo., when In Omaha.
"There aro few of tho ranchers In tlie
bnBln now that havo over 1,000 head of
cnttle. The big outfits have sold out and
tUo ranges hove been cut up largely.
Thoro will never bo the cattle In Wyom
ing again that we had years ago. I can
notice a great difference In the number of
cattle In that country since I wont theru
some twelve years ago,"
Mr. Dougherty says It Is, of course,
also noticeable that the grade of cattle
has become better as the numbers de
creased, because the smaller ranchers nnd
farmers have stocked up with better
breeds of cattle.
Mr. Dougherty does not look for a
diop In pricos, as tho supply is limited,
and he docs not look for the west ever
to produce the cattlo it once did.
Ora MornlnKBlar. who retains his till
of champion of the world at 18.1 balk lino
billiards. In a title match with George
Button, thc Chicago veteran, Morning
star came from behind arid defeated the
Chicago player when defeat seemed In
evltable. The score as WW lo 178. In
thc .closing Inning tlie champion ran i9
to U.
r thc
Drawn for The Bee by Tad
niisaii 11
. v. I in iiiiiiiin i " !"u 'M,,-aeauu :
Dark When He Rented it and Going
Out, Could Not Retrace Steps,
It rmr inhered Ilia Boom Wm fnnr
lllnekn from Hta Work nnri tins
Since Corered Thut Rnillns
In Seek In It.
Jack Fltr. Gat-ran says he has been
walking In n circle In Omaha for two
days. The circumference of that circle
Is about twenty-flvo blocks, nnd ho has
followed In quest of a room ho rented
when he landed In Omaha Monday night
from Tellurldo, Colo. He don't care so
much about the room, for he has not
even slept In It yet, but he does care
for a grip, containing a good ran or, a
bunch of good cigars and a $.1,000 In
surance policy, that, he left there. Jack
told his troubles to Ralph Mason, mull
clerk of the Rome hotel, 'as he casually
drifted Into tho lobby whlto on his
rounds. He sayn ho la an expert In
concrete work ami that ho expected to
get work on the now reinforced con
crete, building at Sixteenth and I-eavcn-worth
streets. He got Into tho city
late In the evening and rented a room
at a rooming house, which, the land
lady told him, was four blocks from
Sixteenth and Leavenworth.
"That's fine, thinks I," said File
Garran. "But I goes out for a bite to
eat and when I turns a few corners I
loses my bearings. Now that's north.
Isn't It?" he asked as ho Jerked his
thumb In the direction of South Omaha.
He was corrected on that point and
soon look up his search for his room
again. He said ho thought It would
bo easy to find his way back to the
rooming house bo he did not bother
to take the number. When he found
himself lost he remembered only that
the landlady had told hlrrl his room
would bo four blocks from Ulxteenth
and Leavenworthi so he strolled to that
point and carefully stepped off four
blocks. Here he bogan to walk In a
great circle, keeping four blocks from
Sixteenth and Leavenworth and nt tho
same time keeping his eye pealed for
aii'thmg that would look llko the door
he entered to rent the room. Tho cir
cle took him down Into the railroad
yards under the viaduct. Knowing for
certain that he had not engaged a room
there, he backed up and got a fresh
Mart In the other direction.
Sheriff in Flight
Caught by Coroner
OGALLALA, Neb., Jan. 16.-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) Sheriff Beat tonight tried to
make his escape from Ogallala with Lyn
don C. Dickinson, a prisoner who Is a
fugitive from Justice from Connecticut,
but was foiled by Copnor W. IS. Likens,
who overtook thc sheriff and served a
writ of habeas corpus on nlm after on
exciting automobile chase and a nvar
Governor Morehead. granted a requisi
tion for Dickinson toJiy and Superin
tendent of Police T. V. Downing is un'his
way to Ogallala to secure hi, prisoner.
Sheriff Real suspected another habeas
corpus suit and attempted to make his
escape to North Platte and dellvo: his
prisoner there.
Dickinson was arrssttd three times by
the sheriff and one linheaa corpu.i caie
already has been disposed of and now an
other battle will be waged to prevent
A slight accident to the sheriffs auto
mobile was all that prevented a long dis
tance raca between the two officers to
North Platte.
Dickinson is charged with the tlteft uf
ISO In railroad tickets from the New
Haven railroad at its New London sta
tion. Will Air Grievances
Against ilill Line
A special committee from the Commer
cial club is in Chicago laying before the
officials of the Burlington railroad the
grievance Omaha has stored up against
the road. Connection, service and other
matters concerning Omaha and South
Omaha will be talked over by the com
mittee and the railroad officials. The
committee Is jnade up of Charles H.
Plokens, W. M. Burgess, C. C. Belden, J.
S. Brady, W. M. Glas. T. C. Byrne, M.
C. Peters, Luther Drake and W. II.
Just as Georgia Jensen was revived
from the effects of a dose ot nitrate ot
silver, which she swallowed with suloWal
Intent at the home of Stella Lee, 700
North Nineteenth, early yesterday morn
ing, she was confronted by her hostess,
who yelled; "Say, you, If you want to
croak, why In the name ot Salt Peter
don't you do it at home." The next
minute the would-be suicide and the
hostess were engaged In an acrimonious,
wordy battle, while Tollce Surgeon Harris
and a couple of officers- stood by and
The Jensen woman lives at 521 North
Klghteentli street and her friends .say
that she made the suicide play to frighten
a refractory admiral
OM IP rV-,..-
' .. ,iimnii,.lli . II.. n tlTil
Railroads Running Out of Omaim
Breaking All Records.
flraln Contlnnes to More Meat
Shipment for Plxpnrt Trade
Also Henry Increas la
Phenomenal So far as freight business was concerae
December ot laat yoar was a record
breaker with all of the railroads operat
ing out or Omaha. January -promises to
bo the same kind ot a month,, the busi
ness so far showing nn Increase oC frum
60 to 73 per ceht Inoreoje over any corre
sponding period.
Merchandise shipments out of Oniah
so Tar this month have been the heaviest
of any fifteen days In the hlstorr of the
city. Ono road handled out, of. Omaha, last
Saturday seventy-three cars of-merchandise,
all shipped by Omaha jobbers and
all going to points In the elate and Wyo
ming. Most of the other roads did an
equally heavy business.
Reports come to the railroad freight
offices that Nebraska and Wyomlns nier
chants are anticipating, the heaviest spring
trade in years, and are laying their plans
to purchase enormous, stocks, and, that
as a rule .they will all bo bought here.
Railroad men say there is no letup- In
the shipments .of grain and -that the bus',
ness In and out In far 'In excess of last
year, especially corn, vhlch la movins In
and out.
Tho foreign demand for meat contlnuoa
heavy. At noon the Great Western took
out two trains of thirty-eight cars eaoa
ot meat, all for export. These trains will
go through on passenger time in order to
catch a ship that sails from New -York
for Liverpool next week. .
Secretary Charles L. Hopper oC post A,
Travelers' Protective association, !
ncgbtlatlng with tlie management ot the
"Made in Nebraska Show" to be con
ducted In the Auditorium from March 4
to 16, expressing the desire to havo a
special commercial travelers' night at
the exposition. The secretary Indicates
that either the night ot March 7 or 11
would be acceptable, and one ot tbeso
two dates will bo .selected.
Mr. Buckley has also been assured ot a
Maennerchor night at the "Mado In
Nebraska" show, the date to be arranged
later. Robert Bpoerrl of the, Maenner
chor is now making arrangements for a
date. It Is the purpose also of the Con
cordia Ladles' Singing society, -which
has Keen prominent In concerts at Bt.
Paul, Omaha and other cities, -to Join
the Maennerchor .on -the time- night.
Mrs. Max Flotow of- the Concordia so
ciety will confer with Mr, Bpoerrl con
cerning an agreeable" date.
The Persistent tnd Judicious. Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the - Road to
Business Buoeess.
Better than your Nw
Year's, resolution this one
for right now:
"Patronize M a g e &
Deemer great sale suits
and overcoats Vs off, Man
hattan shirts' at great sav
ings don't miss itl"
The opening of this store
has meant more to Omaha
than merely an increase in
the number of men's stares
It means afrward step,
a genuine improvement
beth in the quality of men's
attire and in method of
selling it.
Our Kensington clothes,
stylish hats and smart
Manhattan shirts. aro the
distinctive and superior
kind that you'll b proud
tp wear.
Stop today while tho big
discounts put them Jn easy
413 8e. ltta.
Clothing Hats Furniskktgs