Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIK BKK: OMAHA, THl'nSDAV, .lAXl'ARV 1C, 1313.
This Man
1$ Famous
'lp Is Hr.. Ilurklint'i. ami MUII'-ik f
People ltYcugitlc Ilftn as llio Mmi
tn on f) H John A. Swnnson, p - c g Win. L. Holzman,
Shun You
T II K X It K A if II K h O W.
CstjuvnxiQiut Resident, uiauge 01 uwnersnip
. Members of Iowa Legislature Pre
j paring Many of Them.
t'lineertril Kffurt Appnrrnt lo folic
lllir Ciirxlon mirl I'nt Honda of
Stole In NlinpV Hint Will
lie Credit to People. ' "
Ommha's largest and best equipped apparel store
Who ISmtlKlit Thoin Hack to
Health, for Only -'." Cent.
br. W. S. Dufkhart At He li Today. Own HU
Robutt Health and Gain ef DO Pound
to Taking Hit Own Medicine, At
Needed, for the Paal 25 Yean.
Ltcry dtuPBl''' hereabouts know Dr.
"IV S nurkhrfrt nhd famous Vege
table Compound, for he I truly a friend
Af the peopie. For only 36 cents you can
get a 30-day treatment for that our. sick
tftomarh. lck liver, sick kidneys, constl
ration. headache and bloated feeling.
And If you. are not otired or thoroughly
witlsflrd the drugght returns your 2S
tuts. Don't wall Hiiother day. don't
V' ep on AUtfnrlng when ior only 30 cents
ymi get a guaranteed e'ure This Is not
an experiment r Dr, liurkhart has been
putting , out,, his -great Vegetable Com
pound for 25 years, and every druggist
tu this ouiit.ry and 'Kurnpo hus learned
tint Dr. nurhiirfs word Is good and
our druggist will hark him up. Oct this
no-day trentment today for only 36 cents
m the doctor's positive guarantee, Do
sore to ask for and see that you get Dr.
Burkhart's Vegetable Compound. -Advertisement.
Hundreds Living in Omaha To
Get Free Treatment.
Alto the prl'tllrge of wltnemlng a mont remark
sbla demonatratlon of what BTUAHT'S riAPAO.
TAXiS do for ruptured people. The I'lapau
Tad are an entirely new and wonderful treat
ment far rupture, curlnic tt they do, the want
tiirtni In the tlvrr of tlio name, without hind
rance from work and at alight expente.
Hl'JTVRE C'Ultr.D by Sluart'a I!1apao-lada
meana that jou ran throw away the painful
tiu altogether, they are made tq cure
rupture and not limply to hold t, but being
aelf-ndheilvt, and when adhering rlaiely to the
body dipping la lmpoialble, therefore, they are
alto an important factor In retaining rupture
that rannol be held by a tru.
No ttrapi, buckles or iprlnga. NO TllljSS.
ncmonstrator Ilaacock, who U authority on mat
ten pertaining to rupture, will I at the Hotel
Jluiye, Jlevros U l and 1,. Jtnuiry It, 17, .,11.
houn. 10 a, m ' to 1. p, in... unit he will' bo
rleeted to glre without charge to all who call,
irn aftiltK and . trial trt ilmrnl. . Do not. fall
to call on Mr. Uaorack during hfa stay In your
ruj, nn in cnance ui a mciimr.
Omaha, peo'plo who havo stomach and
bowel troublb should guard agalnut ap
pendicitis' by Inking slmplo buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In
Adler-l-ka, tho Ocrman appendicitis rem
edy A aiNGI.H DOSK rcUovcs sour
stomach, gas on tho stomach and consti
pation INSTANTLY because this sim
ple misturo antlseptlclres, the digestive
organs and draws off the ImpurHlos.
The .Sherman & McContiell Drug Co.,
Cor. 16th anr Dodge, and the Owl Drug
Co., JCth and Harney. Advertisement.
old by
nuamecitiMueaena neaiatnarawnlarea. Dor
delay! Now li tbe lima togit Kondon'a. Sold
BMCO diSiggl'te aterywhere. tie and Ma uni
tary tube, sample YMLK from ui now.
Kb4m m. Ceaaaanjr. Hlsneipoll, Mian.
, Bronchial
k Save the Voice
tare the hingi. lUlleva hoaraaneaa and coagh
InatpfUt. So,OCtl.C0, Bmtda Vn.
JOHN T. RROWN A SON. Boatosu Mku,
She tried anu" tried, this thine, that
thine, then the other thing. .All no
poodj Then sho thought of Hall's Hair
nedewer. Talked with her doctor about
it. Then bought Jt, used 1L. Her hair
stopped falling out at once. N6w she is
telling her f rl.ends, Jib coloring or taln-
ing of tRo hair, eiitlier.
atii. wi.N6Luwt! aoonii.No gyuur bu
Uru tl lor oter SIXTY YKAHa by MIUUO.N
at HOTHEKS far thtlr CHILDHSNi WllKN
cotuks the uaiuj. BorrjiN.tbo uuxs. al
lays all I'AIN, CVUK3 WlKU CUUC. aaa l,
IM tew. imedy (or DIARItllOEA. It la atwa.
luitly lnruiltM. Ot aura and aak far "Un.
JVlnilow, HuottitBt Syrup," an4 uka M Mtw
usC TweotjVlf. nou a hotlla.
14,120 tons
- Dlsp.
S.93!) Mrtr-il
The Lariest and Finest Steamer to
Bgusd Trip, IW & up, lat elaaa clal,ly.
Oretafa ,f..rS.u. Fefc. 4
Tuktti inUrclungtable with QuiUo 8 S.Cs
Programme (Hoyal Mall li: Folder)
tontalnltfe Maps and details or 3S
different tours to
may ba had ou application
The JSojra! Mall fiteam I 'adust Co.
.sNDKFrN soy.. ojn. Acts.. 15
Ra -lat?alte St.. Chicago, or any
loca) t:4iHIJp- ticket agent
i ; 1 1 i r in aaipn mam mi a i i -
(From a Stuff Correspondent.) i
DICS MOIKKf. 1h Jan. 1S.-(BpeclfU
Telegram.) It developed today that n
score of the members of eaeh house of
the lown legislature are at work on
MIIk 'to revls highway lows, and that
highway legislation will take fust rank
I nt this session.
Nearly all the bills contemplate a
'state highway commission and some
form of slate aid. Very few of the
member who hre at work on the hills
favor borrowing a large sum of money
with which to. begin work.
A -arrcat many road bls,wlil be printed
Poller Unlit, Da vis.
drover Davis is In the city Jail whll
thn police are Investigating the story of
.fohn'i'rultt, his father-in-law. that Davis
sought to kill his wlfo nnd then commit
nulcldo a few days ago. Davis hits a big
cut on his cheek, which l'rultt says was
scif-lnfllcted. ,
Former Omaha Pastor
and Wife Celebrate
"Golden Wedding
OIUKNKM Jan. 6.-(Spce4al.) At the
homo of Judge. I'aul O. Norrls of thti su
perior C9tirt of this ety .gathered today
tho children and grandchildren of Kcv.
und Mrs. aItoy fl. Iland, who celebrated
their gplden wedding. Mrs. Norrls belli
their youngest daughter.-
1 .alloy, S. Hand was born In Otsego
county, New York, ' lit 1839, 'the family
moving to Wisconsin, when he was but
a years old. Annie West waa born In
Knglaud In ISM and came with her par
ents to Illinois when she was 16. These
two mot In Whcaton college, Wlwaton,
III., from which both graduated. January
15 following, their graduation they were
married, for three years Mr, Hand edited
and published tho Christian Kru, .the Con
grogatlonallst organ for Illinois at that
time ond the forerunner of tho Advance.
In US70 this couple moved to Iowa, when
they havo lived most of tho tlmo since.
Mr. Hand has held pastorates at Olds,
Crawfordsvlllc, Ottumwa, Eddyvllle, Polk
City, Postvllle, Ogden, Sioux Itaplds, Ilun
noils, Clay and Van, Clove, la., and In
Hoven children havo been born to this
couple, two daughters dying InMnfancy.
Three sons are In business In Otttunwn.
Ono daughter, Miss Calla, Is principal ol
tho physical geography department of tho
Jcfforson school In Portland, Ore. All thjs
other children and n. number of Urn ten
grandchildren aro at tho celebration to
day. In all his flft years of preaching
servlco Mr, Hand has lost nut two nun
days from Illness. A large circle of .for
mer parlshoners and friends aro re
joicing with this couple on this golden
wedding occasion. '
Hawley Will Ooaph
" Hawkeye FootjBaill
Tea'ni.This Season,
' JOVA' CITY, Iu., Jan.' 15-(Spcclal.)-
Jcsso Hawley told tho athletic board ot
tho University of Iowa today that he
would accept Its offer to coach the
Hawkeyo foot ball tean hcro another
season. ' Hawloy gets a material Increaso
over his $1,600 salary of last year, but tlm
exact booat Is not known. A substantial
raise In salary also has bsen tondcrcl
Morey, lOtey, assistant couch, along with
tho offer of tho Job for another year,
which probably will bo accepted,
Iowa's busket. ball team leaves on an
Invasion of the Hlg Nino conference to
morrow. On Thursday night Northwest
ern will bo met at Kvanston by thu Iowa
'quintet, whllo tho Hawkeyes will clash
,.lth Chicago Frldity, Illinois will be met
Saturday night and then tho team will
retoum for tho first Hlg Nine homo game
with Minnesota's five next week. The
team Is In anything but good shape for
tho trio and nothing In tho way ot a
w Inning streak Is apparent.
lown's base ball sdhedulo was furthered
today when a contract was signed with
Nebraska's management for a gamo with
the Cornhuskers on Iowa field May 13.
This Is during an eastern trip ot the Ne
braska tram. Manager N. A. Kellogg
has culled u babe ball managers' meeting
j of Iowa colleges hero on January 24
1 1 prepare schedules for Iowa schools for
the coqtlng season.
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 15,-Mrs. U d,
Evcrlst. prominent In church, society
and club circles, djed this afternoon of
burns received when her dress caught
fire at the residence of Mrs. W. A. dill.
ICascarets" Make
You r eel Great
i 10 cent box will keep your liver,
stomach mid oowcls clrmn, pure
and frcMi for months.
Slk headache, blllouMicsn, dlxzlncss
coated tongue, foul tasto and foul
breath always trace them to torpid liver.
delayed fermenting food In the bowels
or sour, gassy stomach, '
Poisonous matter clogged In the In
testlnes. Instead of being ?ast out oft
the system is re-abaorbed into thn blood.
When the poison reaches the delicate
brain tissues It causes congestion and
that dull,, throbbing, sickening headache.
Salts, cathartic pills, oil and purgative
waters force a passageway for a day or
two yea- but they don't take the pol
sons out and have no effect upon the
liver or stomach.
Cabvarets Immediately cleanse and
regulate tho stomaoh, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and foul
gases, take the excess bile from the
ilver and carry out of the system all the
constipated jsaate matter and poisons In
the bowel
A Cascaret tonight wilt surely straight
en you out by morning. They work
while you dei-a 10-cent box from your.
drugKlft meaaa your head ojiar. stouv
aeu. Mvret ami yuHf liver and bowels
lieaii and teguUr for mouth. -Adver-
!J uc im t, ,
My, Jtyl What a Breatbl Why Don't
Ton Kava Oanii Our That Catarrh?
If you continually k'hawk nnd spit and
there Is a constant dripping from the nose
Into tho mouth, If yoit have foul', disgust
ing breath, you have Catarrh and I can
cum It
All you need to do Is simply this: nil
out coupon below.
Don't doubt, don't argue! You have
everything to gain, nothing to lose by do
ing oa I tell you. I want no money Just
your namo and address,
Thli couxin la good tor one trial package
of Gauia' Combined Catnrrh Cure, mailed
free. In plain package. Simply fill in your
name and addreta on dotted tines below and
O. S. OAUBS, 4070 Main Street,
Marshall, Mich.
her daughter, this morning, while she
was prcpatlng to bathe Mrs. OIU'm baby.
Mrs. Olll rescued her baby uninjured.
Mrs. Kverlst's hunbutitl Is a well known
coal miner.
MAIISIIAMTOWN, la., Jan. 15,-(Spe-
clal,) Mrs. Irene Thomas or Athlon, ia..
tho last of the survlvorn or tho bpirn
Lake Indian massacre of ISoT, which was
the forerunner of tho terrible outbreak
of tho flloux In southwestern Minnesota a
few years later, died yesterday at Mun
den, Kan., where sho was visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Kmnia Strieker,
Altogether seven persons were killed
and twice that number were wounded In
tho assaults on the robins. Mrs. Thornns
nover entirely recovered from the terrible
experiences of the attack and the Journey.
Mr. Thomas, for whom Frank II.
rost No. it, Grand Army of the Itepubllo
this city. Is named, died here a few years
after tho massacre from the- effects of
wounds and exposure.
Tho family eumo here to live tho spring
following tho outbreak. During tho last
thirty years Mrs. Thomas has lived :it
Albion, this county Three children sur
vive Mrs. Thomas. Her body Is to be
brought to Albion for burlat.
(Continued from Vast One.)
Boston failed,, Holding a large block of
lloston and Montana stock, .lust prior
to, tho failure, he said, Mr. iJtwson con
ducted a vigorous advertising campaign,
hulling" Btltto and Boston and "bear
ing"' lloston and Montana. Mr. Burrage
said he hod taken no part In the negotia
tions by which the Amalgamated organ
isers seoured tho Boston and Montana
stock held by the dlobo bank. He did
not believe the I.awson advertising cam
paign had any relation to the dlobe
Profits Are lliniriiiou.
Mr. Outrage said that Butte apd Bos
ton stock was exchanged for Amalga
mated, at a rate of four shares of Amal
gamated for one ot nutto and lloston,
which with Amalgamated at 130 made a
price of 520. Butte-Montana, he said,
was exchanged share for share with
Amalgamated In the merger.
Mr. Untermyer asked If Mr. Rogers
and Mr. Rockefeller had not acquired.
Butte and Boston and Ilutte and Montana
and had then as directors of the Amalga
mated voted to buy this stock for them
selves. But Mr. Burrage did not remem
"But you know that the value of these
stocks Increased from e3O.O0O.00O to $104.
"OO.OuO when they wero transferred to the
"Yes, a profit for those who held the
shares," answered Mr. Burrage.
Mr. Burrage said that In 1WM he ordered
all his papers and accounts destroyed
because Mr, Lawson and Mr. Rogers were
engaged In an altercation,
"They were both friends of mine and l
did; not wish to become Involved," said
Mr. "Burrage.
With the conclutlon-of his examination
trie committee recessed for luncheon.
; ' I'ertftns Take Stand,
Mr. Perkins was the first to take the
stand when the committee resumed the
Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the com
tnlttee, asked:
".What lit your present occupation?"
"Well, I am a student Just now," an
swered Mr Perkins with a smile. "I also
spend considerable time testifying before
congressional committee?,"
Mr. Perkins told of having been a mem
ber of the firm of 'j. P. Morgan & Co.
and of his connection with the United
States Steel corporation. He was Btill a
director and member jf the finance com
mittee of tho corporation, he said, and
had a great deal to do with Its business
organisation after It was formed. Mr.
Perkins as a director of the steel cor
poration and tho International Harvester
company Is a defendant In the govern
ment's suits tor tho dissolution ot thobe
As Samuel Untermyer, counsel for thp
committee, began to question htm about
those two companies, there was much
speculation umong lawyers and others
present as to whether Mr. Perkins an
swers wpuld give him immunity from any
IHissiDio government prosecution.
Mr. Perkins said the corporation bought
Its own stock only, ao far as he knew, .o
be sold under profit-sharing schemes.
"We know of no one bulng to protect
,i in in- luutktt. tt'-d )..iuv yf no pouts
BOUGHT the entire surplus stock of Rosenberg Bros. & Co.,
Rochester, N. Y., makers of celebrated Fashion Clothes, 865
fine Overcoats will be placed on sale Thursday, January 15th, at
a mere fraction of the actual value.
Your Overcoat Opportunity
Overcoats, fashionable Overcoats at prices that no man can afford to ignore. The most distinguished
mid-season at prices that barely cover the cost of fabrics. Sizes for men and young men of every pro
portion. Stylish Overcoats, including the much wanted shawl collar and belted models, convertible, ulsters,
ulsterettes, great coats. Single and double-breasted models! Conservative, dressy or snappy and more radical
new crentions; chinchillas, shetlands, frieze, montegnacs, black kersoy and oxford velvet collar dress Over
coats. What an opportunity for a man!
Wonderful Purchase and Sale
Men's and Young Men's $12.50
and $13.50 Overcoats, sale price, at
Men's and Young Mien's $15.00
and $16.50 Overcoats," sale price, at
to manipulate the market In steel stock,"'
ho said,
"Do you believe that directors should
ho allowed to trado In tho stock of their
own corporations on advance Information
secured by them through their connection
with the corporation?" asked Mr. Unter
myer, "1 do not," said Mr. Perkins.
Hunkers' Trust Compnny.
Mr. Perkins said he was one of the
original voting trustees of the Bankers'
Trust company.
"What useful purpose Is served by plac
ing tho voting power of a trust company
In tho hands of a few trustees?" asked
Mr. Untermyer.
Mr. Perkins answered that he believed
a voting trust was used in organizing a
new concern, to Insure Its being run along
certain linos endorsed by the trustees.
Mr. Perkins said he believed that mi
nority stockholders ot corporations' should
have a proportionate representation on
the board of directors. Sir. Perkins de
clared ho did not believe persons ought
to have the power to go out and buy one
or two shares of stock ami then demand
representation on .a board of directors
and "raise hob with the Institution."
Stock Kxchmmr 'tiniutil t ntr.
Mr. Untermyer asked If Mr. Perkins
had formed any Idea as to the deslrabllltv
ot "placing the stock exchange under
legal control." Mr. Perkins said he fa
vored putting the stock exchange under
federal control.
"What legislation would you recom
mend to remedy abuses on the stock ex
'Well, that Is a matter that leads into
Your Sensitive Stomach "Will Peel- So Good and Your Shat
tered Nerves So Eejuvonated.
Many a man and woman In today suffering the tortures of upset Ktomach
and bad nerves, indigestion, bloating, np' energy after eating and feeling gener
ally "rotten" who can quickly get rid of It all by merely getting nt the drug
store a 60-cent packet of these wonderwork'lng. harmless little capsules.
"Yes, I've seen barrels of remedlef advertised," you say. "but they're all
alike." That's where you are mistaken. Some are worthless, some fair, somo
good. Have YOU tried "J-P" it's different ; it acts on an entirely NISW prln
clple it'a not a secret patent medicine, but a prescription endorsed by .tho world'h
icuiuH auiiiuriuca u iiio iiiuri succiivrui uigeaiivea and nerve repairers.
Mj iHj-DruMist (or I rwiJ3LnS. A postal to The Samuel Client
S(iniuet'sJploc4iiMtn rk!rttr?i& ji-WSiTS) ii-al Comnanv. Cincinnati. Uhlo.
rartiifHweorSaiiiiit'loaitotif .M&m4& wui bring you a free trial box
ltaJaNiUkvfilu.UsuKjMVieUsiyUilifB'' Bund tor it now.
nanaaaaaaaaaVBnrBaBP nttufStBSsSffl &jmjSJFBTBMwBlm
aaW aaaai aaaaw aaaat w aaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaaaaaaaaaV 'gTaaal ganaHaaaaa
Men's and Young Men's $40.00, $45.00,
Correct Apparel
for Men and -Womtjn
detail. I believe that many ot the so
called abuses would cure themselves, with
plenty of publicity," said Mr. Perkins.
Ho added that he would afford the In
vestor a better opportunity to know ot
tho intrinsic value of securities.
"What would you do about manipulation
of prices to false value?" asked Mr.
"Well, that Ib a very difficult question,
answered Mr. Perkins. "That form f
gambling la indulged in even down to the
farmer who sells his wheat this winter
for delivery next spring,"
Mr. Perkins said ho knew nothing per
sonally about manipulation of stocks.
"One of the committee would like co
know what you think would happen It a
law were passed prohibiting gambling In
stockB," said Mr. Untermyer.
Mr. Perkins said that It was a question
as to just what .as gambling on the
stock exchange.
Ho did not know whether such a law
would release large sums of money now
tied up In speculation, He favored small
boards of directors for banks with con
centration of responsibility and an en
forced certification of directors that thev
know the exact condition of the Institu
tions. . HYMENEAL
Itnnt li-llnlley.
NRW YORK. Jan. 15,-Charlcs Brandon
Booth ot Monf Clair, N. J.. spn of Gen
eral Balllngton Booth, head of the Volun
teers of America, and Mlsa Naomi Suther
land -Bailey of Lockport, N, Y., were
married today at St. George's church.
It doesn't take weeks to provo
Its worth. Just one little capsule
gives relief additional ones make
your stomach glad and your
nerves tingle with renewed vital-"
Ity. Soon you can eat what .you
want and forget you've got a
stomach except when your appe
tite reminds you.
Men's and Young Men's $20.00 iA
and $22.50 Overcoats, sale price, at vlw.DU
Men's and Young Men's $30.00
and $35.00 Overcoats, sale price, at.
$50.00 Overcoats, sale price, at
For best results
use Perfection Oil.
nace is balky) a Perfection Oil Heater will make
the dining-room warm and cozy.
And the Perfection Heater is so light and handy. It
can be moved wherever needed living-room, bedroom,
bathroom. Ornamental. Inexpensive. Economical.
Lasts for years.
Aik to it at your dtoltrt.
1500 Farnam St.
BO Vaara
Extracting 25c Up
trmiuci 3"c ut
Crowns .' U.SO U,i
Hridnework . . 2..10 Up
Plate. S2.00Up
.Saaaaaaaaal a aB .aaaa
You may miss something
if you don't read
the want ads TODAY.
' ;j',i
In a
On those bitter cold morn
ings when the house is chilly
all over (perhaps the fur
Santa Of flea. Phnnn linnr.
Bllsslng; Teeth suppUed
without Plates or Ilrldgo
rrork. Nerves removed
without pain. Vork guar
snteed tcu year. '
;.iJsuttV 11 t r