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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1913)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TfirESDAY, JAInTARY 1G, 1013. Read Our Act In this paper on Friday Evening and Saturday Morning It will tell you of sonio most extraor dinary price reductions which we arc going to make in our final stock re ducing event. No matter how great a saving you may think you are "entitled to at this time of year on high grade apparel you can do hotter here. This ad to appear on Friday evening and Saturday a. m. will tell you all the "hows and whys." Be prepared for Saturday's Bar gain Festival at this Great Store. C.liicd with the Mate auditor today. Thin t cum Ilk aides mileage at the rate of 10 cent, a mile and IS a day pay (or the electors. The detailed ntatement Is bs follows; John J. McCarthy, $70.00; James II. Dean. $44.40; Waldo Wlntorstcen, $80.40. J W. Cutrlgh't, 110.00; Hophus F. Neble, sr., $21.00; W. 11. Ileum. $$8,00; Edward A Itctli. $40.(0; 8. M. Bailey, $11.40; Brand ttlnl, $15,60. YHC VUUWtV PE0PIX3 OWN -STORE vim Aiwni. 1 518-20 FARNAM 8TRI5KT. HO. 2 CHESTHUT HARD COAL) $10.50 PER TON WILL REDUCE THE COST of operating your Hard Coal Stove. No diminshed comfort. Just us cer tain results. No increase of effort or attention. NO. 2 CHESTNUT is real Pennsylvania Hard Coal. Jt is clean, evenly sized and slightly; smallor than the usual Chestnut size. THE PRICE is $1.00 per ton less than the cost of other sizes and means an actual saviug to you of exactly $1.50 on every ton you buy. USE NO. 2 CHESTNUT ALONE in smalt stoves, or with No. 1 Chestnut or Ifcnngo in any proportion you prefer. Wo mix sizes without extra charge. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER TODAY Sunderland Bros. Co. Phonq D. 252. Yards in All Parts of Omaha. Main Office, N, E. Corner 3L7th and Harney Sts. ; . Entire Third Floor State Bank Bldff. Mil UK not .si: mi,i,x sp.vr is to rm to the rule on motion of Suunders of bouglas, agreed to by Plncck of Saunders, who made tho motion for confirmation, Jiitll 11 o'clock tomorrow, when It will bo taken up In ejcccutlvo session. Tho following chances were miide in the standing committees; Halo of Madi son placed on tho Insurance committee In place of Klein of Oage. President Kemp kdded to the committee on railroads. Democrats of tho senate arc pretty well satisfied with the way they were used by th republican committee on commit tees. Every "dcmocrrftle member was; glveh a chairmanship and tho other al lotments seem to bo satisfactory. Lieutenant Governor McKelvey was not present this morning and President Pro Tcm Kemp presided. '' i SHW HILLS IN "TIIH SKNATH Measures Added tn I. lot by Mem Item of Uliper limine fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. lt-(8peoUI.)-The foU lowing bills were Introduced In the senate .oday: ... K ,. . . - .it.... - ,-, n.. base ball bill. City and village boards to regulate playing of the game. 8. T. . by Brookley of Clay-Fixing ine pay or precinct assessor at ft a day for time actually employed. 8. F. 30. br Snlrk of Saline For the imprisonment In cltv or vlllago Jails of persons convicted 6f petit larceny. P. 31, by Maeiurlunl of Douglas-To nuthorlxo clerks of police magistrates to ldmlnlster oaths and Issue warrants. U. F. S2. bv Macfarland of Douglas Raises the monthly pension of retired no icemen from $40 to $M In city of Omnhn. 8 F 33 Authorizes park commission of Omaha to submit to vote of people, a proposition to vote park bonds to amount or $100,000. S If. 33. by WoU.of Dodge Puu fees iccelvd by county Judgn In administra tion of estates on graded Instead of flat bnsl S P 31, by Wolr. .of Dodge-County udgu fee bill. 8. F. 36. by Bartllng of Otoe Requiring railroads to man engines doing1 switching with full craw. 8, 37. bv Macfarland of Douglaq Finploycrs' liability measure, t S. F. M, by Macfarland of DoukIbs itaiscs tho monthly pension of Injured firemen In Omaha from $40 to lift. M. l 3D, by Uruco of Hnrlnn Provides for assessment of tax of 25 cents per liorso power noon motor vehicles. K 1'. 40, by Grossman of Douglas Pro vides for Hens upon gas and electric llpht U I; J, I... " .- i -, I.. u.v u.iHjaiituii oi uuuKias lie- quires railroads to removo all buildings and obstructions to a distance of debt feet from tho center of tracks. Provision to uo compiled with ny January 1. 1914. 8. F. 42, by Smith of Hcwnrd-Ropcals mortgugo tax law enacted at 1911 sexBlon. H. r 43, by Smith of Howard- acquires state engineer to furnish unirorm nlniiB niul specifications fof nil bridges of the mm p. H. F. 44. bv Corden" of Tteil Wlllnwn. quires railroads to uso headlights of a power that will outline the figure of a man sno feet distant. .. t". 4j. ny Bushco of Kimball Re quires rrlgatloiilsts to protect fish by use . c" ,ro screen piaceti at moutli vi urau uiicurs. B. Jr. 46. by Saunders of Douglas Pro vides for tho Inspection of nursery stock". H. P. 47. bv Sounder of Douglas To Permit university, college or academic io incur inocuteuness equal to the valuo of their property it nil a reasonable ex pectation of contribution. b. i . is ny naunders or Douglas-Make It n misdemeanor to manufacture or sell spuriously stamped cold or silver or articles of merchandise made of gold or sliver. . ,. y Talcott of Knox-PermlU division of at least 60 per cent or bridge lovles equally among townships for main tenance of brides. 8. P. CO. by WlnWof rturfalo-negulutes ,,m iiitui iminiiitit tn ratiroaus, S. P. CI, bv 8aundera nf tlnnrln-nu ylden for Jeweler'a lien upon property left . 8. P 52. by UoaaWind of lxncaster ..itrimcs ujirrntors oi switchboards, am ."hi , moviiiK picturo machines and t-aiuuusiii-B uuuru to examine nine. i:i.i:ctuhs Hisnvicijs com: ninii Itrprriienlntlt r ('ontlnttp l.cKlnlnll tr llnpiirr. (Prom a 8taff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. 15.-(Speclal.) The following- bills wcro Introduced In tho houso today: II. It. 99. by Losey of Dodge Authoris ing the purchase of tho Fremont Normal school by the state at tho prlco of $140.0j0. H. It. WO, by Haalk of Butler To pro hibit electioneering at any place on election day. II. 11. 101. by Haslk of Butler-Pro- vldlng for the advancement of tempor ary Injunction cases In tho supreme court. II. R. 102, by Stearns of Bcott'a Bluff Constitutional amendment doing away with publication of proposed constitu tional amendments In newspapers. II. It. 103, by Losey of Dodge rtepeal lug statuto for city certification of teachers. II. It. 101, by Losey of Dodge lie quiring nine montha' mcIioo! as thi standard lepgth of Uie school term for all districts. II. It. 106. by Norton of Polk-Creates stato board of highway commissioners and provides for appointment of thrco deputies. . . , II. It. 108, by Norton of Polk Includes real estate In Inventories of decedents cstntes, nnd makes uppralsemcnt op tional at discretion of probato Judge. II It 107, by Norton of Polk-Pro-vldcB for payment of costa In Juvenile cases. II. It, 10, by Ilollen of Knox Proposed constitutional amendment, "provides for non-purtlKiin voting on constitutional amendments and for distribution of text to votcrn In pamphlet form Instead of bv newspaper advertising. II n. 109, by Oates of Sarpy Re moves restriction against licensing xaloons within two and one-holt miles of a military post. II It 110, by Baker of Thomas ! or bids common carriers to require surety bonds of employes from any particular company. Penalty. $100 to $1,000 fine, or thirty days' to ono year's Imprisonment IT. It 111. by Baker of Thomas Limit ing freight trains to fifty cars outside yard limits. Makes officers and agents of iimoi. iinlilo for (laniagcs when this Mile Is violated. Hallway commission to enforce. ' , , II. II. 112, by Seano or neim m tuun tleB not under township organization au imnril to nDnronrlnte un expended balanco front precinct brldgo bond levy to bo used for road Improve ment In such precinct. H. it j3, uy nianory or uu jjuiiu Prohibits assignment of claims against resldcntB to nonresidents ror collection. Violator liable Tor amount clatmed against debtor, with expenses. II. It 114, ny itinnory ol ho xuh Appropriates 90 per cent or unlvcrsuj l-mill levy. . tr ii. us hv MallorV of Box Ilutto Appropriates $4,000 for traveling oxpcnscB of district court Judges during next two Jears. ,,..i,, untt It, It 110, y .Mnnui w. 1nniilrlnir MillrrmilM to EOUll) all HWitCll- stands wltn llghta between BUnsct und sunrise, nnd at otner times wncn n"" sary. Ponalty, $00 to $200 against resppn slblo officers or employes. II. It. 117, by Jcary of Lancaster Pro vides thut counties shall pay to parents who are financially unablo to support their children, hut arc otherwise proper guardians, money sufficient to provldo for the enro of tno cnunren. II. It 118. by Palmer of Clay-Requiring plans by state engineer for all county bridges and inspection and approval by Btato engineer when cost Ib $u00 or more. II. It 119. by Alnliory oi mqx nuuo-rw a constitutional convonuun. II. It 120, by licstcno oi u Mallory of Uox Butte Appropriating $75,000 for nuimionm win mi'?"'"" Hn. fsTTby Relsclie and Malery Ap nrourlatlng $15.W for glrlti' dorilUtory at Chadron Normal. II. R. 12-. Uy HUCKner.Ol lJUIIV"nvc. ICinpowerlng Btato Board of "caatn io prohibit ube of common drinking' cup in public places. Penalty, fine not tp ox- 7t It" 123. by MrKlssIek of Gage-Pro-i. ii.ii.. ir.u rvnrtnru nn niiHseiicer or mall ilium. .u rr.- j...! - en trains from periormtng inc uuuw tluotor, brakeman or iiaginan. tr i til ,.. nf Madison ItO peats tiio'law of 1911 which requires ab stracts of bills of exception to bo filed in tho supremo court. H. It 125. by Iiurtcls of Wnyne-qiyes permission to use tho library fund of the A FINE Deafness Treatment FREE Do jou realize Uie terrible fate Mhlch is jitarlng you In the face' Do you know what total Deafness means? It means a living death. Shut out froti.' all human, ln tercourse the worlds of business and pleasure, life be"omes a fearful blank f; win you suffer tills untotu mmery and loneliness wltti o u t investigating ii, n Tslow Milmrl nf Treatment? The Method has restored to hundreds of suf ferers their full scnBc of hearing, quick and acute. I havo rescued hundreds from Deafness. YOU must come before It Is too late. became I hit, bn io nucteMtuI In curing Drirnru, and hm-iuie mr hfirt arlir tor Its rktlmi, I m gnln; to 01VK AWAY a Free Trmtmmt for Deilnrn to eiery tutferrr who for It.- Surelr thl It prucnt worth hav Inf. Out of ray ilnccre deilrii to relieve humn uffrrlriK I gladlr nuke jou this gift. My IrontniMit lui cured hundredn of people of the moit dlitreulnc, wearlot; hed-nolMi, ind re tored their full perfect bearing. Write for the treatment today, and give tnft tho opportunity to how YOU mr aucceuful new method for the treatment of Oeafnwa IU01IT I.V YOUR OWN HUMB. AIT I aak la that you will act Now. Don't healtat or it may I too late to help you. My ucctas ha been great, and applicants for treat ment tra many, io that 1 ran only mate thla of fer a Ttry ahort time Kcmember this treat ment for Ueafnea la glren to you without any charge uliaterer. It la absolutely free. Bend off Now, In thla mall, a poet card or letter rrquett with our name and addreaa upon It, and I will send yon free treatment for Deafness. Baafntss Specialist Sproula, 1B3 Trad Building, Boston, Mass. pie. and franchises relating thereto. If granted at all, should bo granted only on such terms aa would oo protective of the Just and first, right of the people therein; therefore, bo. It Resolved, uy tno nouse or representa tives of tho stato of Nebraska. In ses sion assembled, That a committee of soven members of tills house, four of whom bIiiiII represent the majority party and three tho minority party In this chamber, bo appointed to Inquire into and fully Investigate what action hits been taken, ir any, with reference to granting of franchises to any person, company or corporation i elating to tho public wntera of thlH state for the gen eration of water power, so-called, tho nature of any audi grant. Its terms, con ditions und tho party to whom given, and the nature of the negotiations re lating thproto, with whom and by whom. Bo it further Resolved. That sa d committee report the results of Ita Inquiries In this regard to this houso as soon a possible. Bo it further Reso ved. That Ba d comm ttco rcuort Immediately a bill of such character and terms as will doflno and protect, for ever, the Interest and rights of the pro plo of this Btato in such natural resources, the public rivers of the stato, nnd pro- vent donation or diversion of them to any Interest or company whatever, with out odeailato remuneration to the people of Nebraska for any concessions pertain lng to such public waters: said bin niso to a formal and adequate scheme of de velopment ana generation or water power from aald public rivers by tho stnto for the use ana benefit or Its people. DOUdliAS FIGHT TWO-SIDRD Cnata Two Hundred Flftj-.FIve Uo lam to Vote tar Prraldeut. (Prom a Staff Correspondent) jn. H.-(Spocla!.)-It cost the taxpayers of Nebraska Just $255.00 to have the democratlo electors meet and cast their votes for oWodrow Wilson for president. That was the total bill ,'nyno Normal for tho purchase of books. it ti I'M w iinrti.u nf WaVnb Appro priates' $S5,000 for a new building at the Wayne Normal. M , , II. It 127. by Druesedow of Douglas In replevin suits. If sheriff cannot find prop crty. allows subpoena on defendant to ap pear before the court and answer ques tions ns to location of the property. ii T ls hv nnipaedow of DoUglas li any" person hide property which hoa been conveyed to another by mortgage, ho is deemed guilty of a felony. .., II, It is. Dy ururecuuw ui wuwbi. Amendments to the Houth Omaha char ter, presented by charter committee. II, It, II0, ny iiiouiteu ui jmiu.ici Provides for tho teaching of modern Kuropoan languages In publlo schools above the fourth grade, bucIi teaching to bepptlonal. v . 4. II. It 131 tno nsmci-i mviura taxation of mil estoto mortgages to be paid by the mortgagee. It. It. till, uy jcary m iinviimvi vldeH that whero defendant tn civil suits default urridavita ucrore any uuiiioiwu officer shall be competent evidence for the piaintirr. . , , II. R. 133. by Fuller of Seward Appro priates $471 to Kimball Bros, of Lincoln ror worK on me Lincoln monument fnliliilntlnti. ir. ii. 1S4. hv llnrdln of Harlan Votera absent from resident city, town or vlllago because or occupation may vote uy mun. ii it. lSfi. tiv ii Aianev ot nail yxuiiro- priates $z,cmu to Mrs. ituoy mreoii, woo lost n hand In the laundry machln of thn Knlillnrft' linmi nt urn ml tsiantl. II. It. 138, by Stephen of Merrick Pro hibits use of distinguishing mark of name of church or religious organltatlon as trade name or trade mark on merchan iIIhm. 11. It 137, by McKlssicK ox uage itaises the sularv of county clerks in counties of m.oflu to 2&.O00 to $1,600 ner year. Increuses Douglas county deputy officers to $1,HX) n year. Cuta out "lerk to county Judges In counties or less than 7.CO0 and reduce uch clerk hire to $D0J In counties of 7.000 to 14,000. II. It 128. by AIcKlsalck of Qago-Plxea teoH or county juugc. Sngiirmnii Hayn Me Is Not Respon Hlhlc for Lnnilliiir IllKlit. (Prom a Staff Ccrrespondcnt) LINCOLN. Jan. 15.-(Spcclal Telegram.) Tho Douglas delegation was before tho committee on committees of the houso this afternoon with its troubles und as n result Druesedow gets on tho committee on cities and towns, from which Sugar man gets off and takes a place on the committee on asylums. During the dis cussion Hoff miggested that both Sugar man and Simon be left off the committee, on privileges and elections and a com promise be mado by placing Flanagan on that committee. Tho committee, however, let Sugarman stay. The committee re vised tho list of committees by putting Fuller of Seward on tho telephone com mittee and Anderson of Boyd on tho com mittee on roads. Sugarman litis another story to tell of tho scramble for committee places and ho refuses to tako tho blamo for tho Inabil ity of aome of tho delegation to land as they desired. Sugarman Bays all the trouble Is duo to Poster going around kicking up a row be. cause he did not get what lio wanted. Poster was kept off of aome four com mittees ho asked for and ns Anderson and Sugarman represented tho delegation on the committee on committees of course thoy were responsible, though Sugarman Is getting ull tho blame. Ho says he could havo done nothing without the sanction of 'Anderson, but for sonio reason thoro was no feeling against Anderson. Lee Is for Sugarman and the other members arc very much opposed to what ho has done. Sugarman Bays most of the Douglas members got what they wanted, though Foster was kept off of four com mlttccs. Sugarman and Simon wanted to bo members of the committee on prlvl leges and elections, sugarman said lie wanted the place because ho expects to push nn election bill which Dodge Is to Introduce In tho senate. Several wanted to be on tho Judiciary committee. Includ ing Sugarman. Ho snld he was willing to pass this committee up providing he got tho privileges and elections commit tco . During his absence howovcr, ho -Bald a committee of the committee on commit tees placed his namo on thn judiciary committee also. Friends of various parties on the delegation tried to get the members to fight It out behind the house with clubs Instead of verbally on tho floor. H n. 139. hv lloatntler nf Buffalo Pro. vldes for the licensing of country poddlers wltn annual tax or irom i to viw. Delicious "Syrup of Figs1' for a ' Bad Liver or Sluggish Bowels This gentle, effective fruit laxative thoroughly cleans your stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels of sour bile, poisons, gasc3 and clogged-up waste. A hannltas cure for sick headache, for, biliousness, for a sour, gassy, disordered loniacli, for constipation. Indigestion, - oated tongue, eallowuess, pliuples-taka Uellolqua Syrup of Pigs. For the cause ot nil these troubles lies in a torpid liver nnd sluggish condition ot your thirty1 feet jf bowel. A tpaspoutul or Syrup of Flga tonight means all poisonous waste matter, the un digested, fermenting food and sour bile, gently moved on and out ot your system by morning. It '.means ft cheery day tomorrow-many bright days thereafter, . Please don't think of gentle, effective Hyrup; ot Figs as physic. Don't think you are drugging yourself, for luscious figs, enna and aromatlcs can not In jure anyone. This- remarkable Irwt preparation Is a wonderful stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulartar and tonic, the safest and most positive ever duvUetl. The day ot violent purgatives, suoh as calomel, pills, salts and castor oil Is past. They were all wrong. You got relief, but at what a cost! They acted by flooding the bowels with fluldc but these fluids were digestive juices. Syrup of Figs em body harmless laxatives, which act In a natural way. It does what right food would do what eating lots of fruit and plenty of exetolse will do for the liver, stomach and bowels ' Be sure you get the old reliable and genuine. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup ot Figs and Elixir ot Senna," prepared by Tho California Fig Syrup Company. Hand back, with acorn any Fig Syrup' Imitation recommended as "Just as sood.' -AdvcrtUemtnt. II. It 140. by Jeary of Lancaster Appro priates $ttl.93 to reimburse Dr. W. M. Thomas, superintendent ot the feeblo minded Institute, tor cxponses on account or typhoid fever of htnuteir and family. It. It 141, by Krlckson of Pranklln-Re-Quires certificates of licensed physicians as preliminary to securing murrlage li censes and forbids license to those suffer ing trom venereal diseases. 11. It 14J, by Qrcenwalt of Cuator Al lows cities between 2.000 and 5.COJ popula tion to adopt tho Banning commission form nf government. II. R. 11$. by Uroenwalt of Outer Pro vides ror the publication or applications for marriage licenses and forbldB Issuance of licenses until live clays nave elapsed. II. It HI. bv Pearson of Frontier Re peals the stallion registration law of 1W7 . 11. It US. bv Pearson or Prontler-Mak. lng It optional an part ot buyer or Beller Avnetiier grunt test snail tie Dy vertical k,Ml- . WOULD CONSKIlVE WATKlt HltiHT SOUTH 03IAIIA CHARTER Cll AOK Driii-aeiloiT Introduce Mrnsarr Drnftrd by I, oral Com ml tire. (From a Staff .Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. 16(8peclal.)-Drucso- dow ot Douglas Introduced his South OuyUia charter bill prepared by a local committee. The amendments make the following changes In the maximum levy that may bo made by the mayor and council: For gtneral purposes, reduced from $30,000 to $17,000; street lighting. Increased ' from $18,500 to $21,600; park work, Increased from $3,000 to $10,000. Tho requirements that labor on street work be union labor Is stricken out ot the charter, following the decision of a district court that such provisions were unconstitutional. The maximum amount which may be apropriated for new fire halls of equipment Is reduced from $S,O0O to $10,000 nnd tho requlreriient that suoh expenditures be only on written order ot tho fire and police commissioners Is omitted. I McAllister Aaka for Committer lo Draft lllll lo This Hud. t From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. l-tSpelal.)-McAI lister of Dakota count)' Introduced the following resolution In the house, wnlth was adopted. The speaker will nam, the committee later: AVhercas. It Is rumored certain -nm panics are negotiating for and ure about iu ouiaur i rune nines relating to Uie pub' no nvera or tins stale ror the generation of water power therefrom; and. Whereas. fithh rivers are nurt nf Ilia I natural rescurces nf ti state and ni I sucii are oi utmost importance to us peo .VtllKS KMI'I.OYKS Kttmlllea of Member" Well Cm ml for In Distribution. (Prom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. 15.-(Speclal.)-The com mittee on employes has reported the fol lowing employes to the house: Mall Carrier B. Achncrlnger. Day Watch-Joe Burr. Custodians P. H. Hanchctt Uus Kleber, M. Perry. John Waldo, Con llornn, John Montgomery, John Peters, C. Nltsell, A. Wantner, C. A. Crawford Chief Clerk In Bill Room-aeprga Sites. Janltors-W. 11 Arnold. A. lfiinilcr. Page for Speaker J O'Malley. (latrmati S B kl r CopMata-iRgsIt; Fries, ltcna Towle, Mar- 4 (Southeast Corner 12th and Farnam Sts. Southeast Corner 12" and Farnam Sts, Our 2 1 st Annual Clearing Sale Every Arliclt Must and Will be Sold it Prices Less Than the Cost to Manufacture. Sale Begins Friday Morning Sharp at 8 O'clock, January 17. Gome as Early as Possible. $10.00 nnd $16.00 Ladles' Cloth Coats Plain and fancy mixtures, your choice 4.24 $20.00 and $17.50 Ladles' Plush and .Caracul fancy silk llnefl Coats, your choice $30.00 and $25.00 Ladles' Healette Coats, trinv-n-ed with highest grado of caracul, Skin ner satin linings, sale price , 8.98 $5.00 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, special salo prlco 1.48 $15 vulues, Ladles' Suits, your choice of broad cloth, serges, diagonals and worsteds, special sale price 4.75 Values to $7.B0 Ladles' Mklrts, your choice of ergcK, Panamas and Fancy Mixtures, special ilo prlco v.lth Skinner pedal sale price Ladles' Hats, values up to $3.50, special salo price.... .1.00 Ladles' Heavy Union Suits, special sale price... Mc Ladles' Heavy 2-plece Underwear, special' salo price 15c Ladles' Vests, In flesh, blue and white colors, special sale prlco 1J5 .14.98 J8c 69o "'5o $1.00 at . . , Corsets 63c 75c Corsets at 35o The Men's Dept. Offers You the Greatest Opportunity to Buy Your Wants at Ridicu lously Low Prices. C0c Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, flrrt class OOn goods, spcflnl sale jQlj heavy prlco $1.00 and $1.50 All Wool Men's Underwear, spe cial salo price 650 $150 Men's AVool Sweater Coats, special salo price. . 69c $2.60 and $3.00 All Wool Sweater Coats, special sale prlco 1,24 $J.50 All Wool Jersey Sweaters, your choice of many colors, special sale price 98c $1.00 Jersey Sweaters, special salo prlco .... 64c $1.50 Men's All Wool Shirts In gray, blue and brown colors, special salo prlco. . . 75C $1.00 Ladles' All Silk Hose, special salo price 45c '."Oc Ladles' Llslo and Fancy Bmbrolderod Hose, special sole prlco 190 25c Medium and Heavy Hose, black or tan, spe cial salo prlco 10c 50c Ladies' All Wool and Cashmere Gloves, special sale prlco 15c 76c Ladles' Cropo nnd Flan nol Dressing Sucqucs, Special sale prlco $2.00 Ludtcs' House Dresses, n great as sortment to cIiooho from special sale price J7C 69c J 5c Ladles' Wool Gloves, elbow length, special salo prlco 30 $1.00 Ladles' Messallne Pet ticoats, special sale prlco .... 59c $3.00 Children's Coats, special salo 'prjco .... 98c $5.00 and $6.00 Children's Caracul and Cloth Coats, special sale price 2.98 $2.50 Ladles' Wool Sweater Coats, special sale price..,. $1.00 Ladles' and Misses' Sweater Coats, special price 76c Children's Volvot and Plush Hoods, spec'l sale price 25c Children's Wool Stocking Caps, special sale price 1.19 05c Men'n Heavy Wool I r Hose, special salo price IOC 50c Men's Silk Llslo Hoso In QO. all shades, special sulo price aCaCu 15c Men's Dress Hose, doublo toe and heel, special sale prlco w C0o Men's Suspenders, all OOn silk webs, special salo price.. LLi 15c und 26c Boys' Suspenders C. for w" 25c, 35c and 60c Silk Four-ln-Hund Ties, special sale JUfJ prlco 25c Rubber Collars Qq $5.00 Men's Fur Caps, tQR special salo prlco W I $25.00 Men's Uroadcloth Plush Lined Fur Collar Overcoats, special sale price .- 12,45 $2.00 Men's Corduroy Trousers, your choice, 2 or 4-ln. cuffs, spe cial sale price 1.15 $-2.00 Boys' Suits. Including Corduroy, ages 2 to 6, spe cial Rale price 89c $3.00 and $4.00 Boys' All Wool, Fancy Mix tures and Blue Serge Knickerbocker Suits, special salo price 1.95 $3.00 Boys' Overcoats at $1.48 $4.00 and $5.00 Boys' and Young Mcri'H Overcoats with nnd without mili tary collars, special sale price $2.00 and $2.50 Young Men's Pants, special salo prlco.. 1.98 90c Boys' Vests, all sizes, values to $1.50, special salo price.. I5c Men's Vests, values to special sale price $2.50, 39c $0.50 Men's 4 Length Sheepskin Lined Coats, wombat collars, special salep lice 4,24 $4.00 Men's Fur Caps, spcclul sale price SI ,48 $2.00 Men's Cravcnetted, Cashmere and Worsted 1'ir Lined Caps, special sale price 98c $1.50 and $1.00 Wool Caps, fur clnl sale price . . Men's All lined, spo- 50c and 75c Men's Fur Lined Caps, special salo price SeToo-and $1.50 Men's Derby Hats, special sale price.... 69c 24c 98c 39c 19c 5c 10e Children's All Wool Mit tens, special sale price 3c 50o Children's All Wool Muf flers, special sale price .... I5c 50c and 75c Ladles' Somplo Waists, spcalal sale price.. 25c $2.50 Corsets at .' 1.24 $2.00 Corsets .it 98c $1.50 at .. Corsets 74c $25.00 nnd $20.00 Men's Suits Made by tho Classy Clothes Co. You will find tho best ma terial , and workman ship In theso suits, special salo price 9 .98 Greatest Bargains in Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. It Will Be to Your Advantage To Take This Opportunity. -.UV Ativan M A a Gun Metal and Patent Leather Shoes, special snle price $3.00 Men's Bluchcr and Button Shoes, in all leathers, special prlco 1.98 $4.00 and $5.00 Men's best bench-made Shoos, in all leathers, button or blucher, black and tan special salo price $5.00 nnd $6.00 Mon's 1S In. High Top Shoes, laco and buckles, In black or tan, special sale price.... Your cholco of all Ladles Shoes, values to $4.00, spe cial salo prlco 2.48 2748 1.74 75c and $1.00 Ladles' Felt House Slippers, special price. 25c 75c Children's Shoos, lace or button, sizes to 6H special sale price , 45c $1.60 .and '$2.00 Children's Button or Laco Shoes, sties to 13 H, special sale price , 98c 75c Misses' nnd Women's Sample Rubber Slippers, all sixes, special sale price. 45c $15.00 and $17.50 Blue Sergo All Wool Suits, all the latest modols, special Bale price $10.00 nnd $12.60 Men's 8ults your choice of fancy mixtures, chovl ots, worsteds, serges all winter weights, spe- clal Bale prlco 45 Snrfple Overcoats, values to. $12.50, take your choice.! special salo price 8.75 3 .98 4,69 $16.00, $17.50 and $20 Men's Stylish Heavy and Medium Weight Overcoats with and without military col lars., nil silk sorgo linings, spec'l salo price.. 8 .98 $1.00 Misses and Women's Sample Alaska Storm Rub bers, special sale price $1.00 Men's Goodyear Storm Rubbers, -special sale price 590 $1.50 Mon's Alaska Sample Storm Rubbers, spocial sale price 69c 60c Misses and Women's Low Cut and Storm rtub bers. samples, spcclul price. $1.50 Men's 1-buckle Overshoes at J5c 88c $2.60 Men's 4-buckle Over shoes, special sale price.. $1.35 Boys' 1-bucklo Over shoes, special sale price. 50c at , Canvas Leggings, $1.95 . 75c .. 25c This is Positively the Greatest Money Saving Sale Ever Offered the Omaha Public. Sale Begins FRIDAY MORNING. January 17, at 8 O'clock. Southeast Corner 12th and Farnam Sts. Southeast Corner 12th and Farnam Sts. garet Regan, Ella Schueth, Mary prod', lcslle Palmer. Mrs. Gray Ilcmls. Myrtle Knudson, Minnie May Barker, Merl John ston, Jane Wecth. ... ,, , Clerks-Francis Bartels, Mary M. Gal lagher. M. S. Kwaynlor Mr, ANhitcsldcs. Thomas Langston. Frank Perkins. A. J. Sllgor, H. K. Alcltae, Beech Cannon. W al ter Weiss. James Ladman, C. Patrick. Anna Gobs. Anna Hartnett. Jeannctto White. J. L. Towel!, Mr. Newcomh. Cloakmen-F. J. Jonas. Joe Lameer, John H. Felber, William Conncally, Jame Brltton. r. t -f Chief Clerk's Messenger-U. I Met- Pages Arthur Pearson, James Sharrlck, David Moreland, Fred Laftge. - Niehtwiitrbea C. G. Van Ness, John Ustenographers-Klla Llndblad. Helen Knnpp. Arthur K. Howard, A, O. Gron- qulst. The addresses of the appointees were Negro Messenger Revises His Story WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-VIUlam Wink' field, TSo former Standard OH negra messenger, who has told the senate com mittee Investigating campaign funds of his participation In tho salo of the "Archbold letters." made material altera tions to his testimony when he re appeared today before the committee. Wlnkfleld told the senators he had "stage fright and a bad headache yester day," but that he later remembered that one telegram, two letter copy books and nut reported to the house, though families three parcels of letters were taken by of the members were well cared lor. (himself and Stump, another messenger. and for his share ho got $1,600, which ho believed to bo one-third of the price paid. Ho said he understood they wer-j told to tho New York American. Colds I n u itc llrnilitrlie mill tirlp. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes tpo cause. There is only one "BROMO QUININE." Look for the slguature of E. W, GROVE. 25c. Advertisement. Nine flatlors Drnirn. . NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE, England, Jan. 13. Nine of the crew of the Russian bark California were drowned today when that vessel was blown onto the coast of Northumberland and totally wrecked during a gale. Captain F.skbom and seven men were saved. The California had Just left the Tyne with a full cargo. It was a vessel ot 2,431 tons. SOLDIERS' HOME AT HOT SPRINGS IS CROWDED HOT SPRINGS. S. D., Jan. 15.-(Spo-clal.) The cold weather has driven many veterans to seek the shelter of the Stale homo and every avallnble bed Is filled, with a number of applications on the waiting list. The biennial report of the Bute Soldiers' home. Just made public, show that since the founding of the home, 1,401 soldiers have been enrolled ttflm the civil and Spanish-American wars, with an average membership of E0. The counties of Brown, Fall River, Law rence. Meade and Pennington havo tho largest number receiving tho benefits ot the home. All but Brown county- are Black HHIs counties, in the last two ears there have been but twenty-four death. In the humr H Grows Stronger Every Year. . You nre invited to become ono of its customers. J