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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1913)
I'lFK IJKK: OMAHA, TIirRSDAV, JANUARY 1G, 1913. A. M REALTY MENGO ON WARPATH Give Vent to Pent Up Feelings Against City Hall Crowd. OPPOSE THE OAS COMPROMISE Object tn Itnlnltitr fnlnry of Scrrc imrr nf Mount of Hilnrtloii Aim. Ohjrct to Anton for Vttr Official". Certain members of the Omaha Real Kstato exchange-virtually turned the city hall upsldo down yesterday and stepped on the necks of every official within It. W. H. Green and V. T. Qrahnm, wear ing war togs they had spent the week In buckling on. came to the weekly meeting, bellicose and talkative, and led In tho Up turning of pcandnl nt Elgntcenth and J'ainam streets. The proposed compromise between tho city and k&s company to secure dollar gas and the recent raise In snlitry of tho secretary of the Hoard of ISducatlon wcro the principal targets for these more bel ligerent members of the exchange. W, T. Grnham, as chmrmnn of the public service corporations committee of the organization, read n report on the In vestigations Into the gas compromise. V, J). Wead, J. W. Bobbin?, V. H." Green and C. G. Carlberg are members of the committee and signed the, rciiort. They opposed tho proposed extension of tho gin 'company's franchise and did not want their report to be taKcn as flnat until they could make further investigations. Another report was announced for-next weed's meeting by Chairman Graham. By that time, the committee hopes, 'Graham said, to have collected more reasons for opposition. DIxriiKi. ctr Chnrler. The new city charter also cume In ton some discussion. Mr. Graham reported that the committee has been endeavoring to got "caimble" men to file for positions on the charter commission, but so far has been only partially successful. F. If. Myers, vice president of the exchange, has ngrecd 'to fllo for a' position and John I McCaugo probably will. There Is no pay connected with the office; It means a great deal of work, Grnham de clared, and men 'may be hard to secure for that reason. "It means they must lay down on the altar and sacrifice themselves," he said. In objecting to the. raise In salary of tho secretary of the board of education, Graham declared the city commission and board of education 'seem to have nu compunction nbout raising salaries." Ton' Man," Itnlxr. "Men who couldn't get half tho salary In a lcgltlmato business, said 'he, "am litlng continually boosted and I think this exchango should. Ulck up a iniiB.i sbout It. City employes nre- continually gtttlng Increases In paj and the city Is bvylng them automobiles to run nround V "V. If. Green suggested that the ex change npjiotnt a committee to wal'-h th -expenditures nround the city hall. "This automobile business that Mr. Graham '' mentions In getting to be a Joke," he 1 declared. "It seems that caeh city of ficial or employe can have an auto 1 mobile and an attorney If he wants it it used to t that a stenographer was enough, but now they must each hav an attorney and then the city must nave an attorney to act over tho other attorneys. V have a corporation at torney now. "There arc enough politicians and city employes now," ho went on, "lo take care of tho affairs of two states the sls. of Nebraska. Take this Idea of a Wator j board attorney t don't know whether i he's getting Jfi.W or 115,000 a year which ever he wants. I suppose. I can remem ber when John L. Webstc was getting JWJ0 a year and tlcklod to get It, running around electioneering to get It." trims nil I'lnnnlnir. Orcen also took the occasion to x press his opinions nbout Mayor Dahl rnan'a city planning Idea and the Civic league. He said about nil the city planning Ideas of the mayor would amount to would be to bring experts here from the cast, have them ride over the city In one of tho city's automobiles, draw n few "pictures" and receive $10,(i00. "That will be the last bf It," he con eluded. "We had better spend thnt money In gutting cleaner streets or give It to tho poor." ' After the' smoko had cleared away Al fred C. Kennedy of the Hoard of Educa tion was noticed sitting In tho room. He was called tipon for a talk and In It de fended tho board's action In raising the secretary's salary. Tho secretary, he said, hod to handle $600,000 or JDCO.000 n year and do all tho work of tho board. JIc thought $3,000 a year was not too much for this service. A Merlons llrrakdnwn results from chronic constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills relievo headache. Stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 25c, Koj& sale by n.eaton Drug Co. Advertlht-ment Clean-up Sal of FOR RENT 3-Story Brick Warehouse ON U. P. TRACKS Good electric elevator, co mont floors in- Imsoment, 21,000 sq. ft. of floor space. 715-717 South 9th Street. JOSEPH BARKER, Brandeis Bldg. D. 29. Dancing Slippers Wo havo 200 pairs ot women's and misses' low heel, patent leather danc ing, slippers to bo put on sale tomorrow only, In two lots. Slzoa J to C; $2.50 to $3.00 values $1.75 Sizes 11 V4 to $2.00 and $2.25 values $1.50 Wo havo addod some othor lines to our 'slippor salo bccaiiBO tho bargains wcro bo unusual that tho sllpporfl wore almost all sold In the 'first two days of our sale. Wo are now offorlng 400 pairs of women's fancy house and party slippers; $4 to $7 values, in two lota, nt $1.45 and $1.95 For tomorrow only. HHHMMHHHHI AMUSHMBNTfl. jMMMHMIHliiMMWniSlSM BRANDEIS THEATER. Matins Today, 30o to VI. ToiUgnt and Thursday, Th Musical Snoccss Anrmantd Ornhastrit Company of 00 People rxiDAV NIGHT ONTiT, VXS. E MX A OAZiVB Assisted by Oallleo Oasparri Prices, 50c, 7Bo, 1, 1.80, 9a Monday THE BOXEMAK OIKI. BOYD'S 1,000 Seats, 25o SPECIAL MATINEE TODAY Thursday, Trlday, Saturday THH VAUQHAH OX.ASEX FX.ATXRB In THE XiOTTEBY MAN ITsxt W HBAKT8BASB "OMAHA'S TUN CENTEK." iiSJMAMSTtJj. uy t., i8-as-Boo "-fty-'Wy Vff., 1B.83-O0.78e That Toalo Tor Joy, X JOLLY FOLLIES EXTRAVAQANEA AND . uii, - iv tuuuj Williamson. Allc Laznr and tho Most Beautifully Com! turned Oiorus This Season. y od Ladles' Sim MaU&m Svery WMk Day. "Worth Climbing- th naw OUSAS ST. AT EISHTEENTH Kytons Vaua.vjlls includes m, a.1 Quartet: Brooks & Carlisle n,.pl.lie Olive Carew; rnnm - '' Dt"''" & Dorr; Jack II ur- I WHEEB ton lllnnoamna I TBI tures. COErs oo. rrom a to B; at 7 nd"9 g. M DREXEL 1419 Farnam St. I .404. TSKJ'J"10' Kj Wight, BUS ADVANCED VAUBaviXkUl 2 " bua m5ouiruK:o.. n.ll & BlmpD George II. Watt llnmh.m a Mttlnr.. all.rr. 10c, b..t t. Mo. ZcttaS.. unlr nd 8unJy. Mght 10c. ' jS, Tic Krug Theater un Today, at30 Klfbt, 8i30 AUTO GIRLS Country Store rrlday Kiffht &adlea Sally Sim Matin LECTURES Of Uie University of Nebraskw. At UNITV CHURCH, 17tli and Cass Streets, Kvcry Other IMOay at 8:15 P. M. Slnulo Admission, 50 Cents Jan. 17t The New Fiction: Is It Cultural? Actual Comparison Proves That Dr. Todd's PATENTED FULL TEETH ARE WORTH DOUBLE VALUE Compare Dr. Todd's patented full teeth with Uie old method of using hlf teeth In brldgeivork, and you will surely ho convinced. If you are Interested in good teeth, investigate and decide for yourself. DR. TODD, 403 Brandeis Building. Any Mnn's Suit or Over coat in Stork ?13. GREAT SALE, $18,000 STOCK WOMEN'S FUR SETS FUR COATS, SCARFS auNHUFrS GOTTLIEB BROS. ?k TOGETHER WITH OUR OWN FUR STOCK At About 1-2 Price Every garment and piece Is a strictly new style and high class In every particular- Fur Sets 17.60 large Blue China Wolf Set at 83.98 $10.00 Black Caracul Sets at S5.0Q 119.00 fino large French Coney Sets, at S9.50 $19.00 Beaver Coney Sets at.. $9 50 $15.00 White Iceland Fox Sets S8.98 $25.00 Kcd Fox Seta, at ....S12.50 $29 Northwestern Mink Sets S14.50 $29.00 Isabella Fox Sets at $14,50 $35.00 Blended Squirrel Sets 3517 50 ao.uo largo iceianu i-ox Hots $15,00 jo.uu iiiue uppossum Beta. $17.5 $36.00 Molo Coney Sets at . . 817.5 $32.50 Near Senl Sets at . . 816.25 $32.60 Bed Fox Sets at l 25 $32.50 Northwestern Mink Sets : : S16.25I. .ii icuiana tox hois wun iiirmtno Tall Trimmings at 817.50 $39.00 fine Molo Coney Sots gig 75 $39.00 Itoversed Strlpo Nearseal Sets, at 819 5lt $45.00 Natural Gray Wolf Sets, nt 822.50 jiiB.uu uea fox bets 819.00 $45.00 Pointed Black Wolf Sot at 822.50 $65.00 Blended Squirrel Sot at . . . 827.50 $59 fine Beaver Set 827.50 $05.00 Gray Fox Sot 832.50 $95.00 largo Molo Coney Set, at 847 50 $100.00 beautiful Civet Cat Set $139.66 genuine ScotfhHfloio st 869.50 I I I Extra-ordinary Halo Mow ers Saturday. Keenest Economies Made Possible by Jan. Sales W3 $98 large Beaver Sot 849.00 $76.00 Novelty Molo Coney Set at -v 837.50 $95.00 genuine Scotch Molo Sots at 847.50 $160.00 genuine clear whlto ISrmlne Set at 875.00 $98.00 Pointed White Fox Sot at 849.00 $139.00 genuine blue kit Fox Sot 869.50 $165.00 beautiful Sable Kolins ky Set 882.50 Long, Lustrous Fur Coats $05.00 Russian Pony Coats 822 50 $42.50 Brown and Black Belgian Pony Coats S2125 $85.00 Whlto Coney CoatB at S542 0 $85.00 Husslun Pony Coats at S42 rt $95.00 Caracul Coats at. 847 50 '$115 Nearseal Coat. Canadian Marten collar 85750 $125 Full Length Krlmmer Coat nt 862 50 $165 Russian Pony and Rovorsed Nearseal Coat at 8R2 O $1C5.00 Molo Coney Coat at S82 SO $159.00 fine. Nearseal Coat at 879 50 $109.00 Itoversed Strlpo Nearseal Coat at. .884 $195.00 Mole Conoy Coat at 897 50 $175.00 Noarseal, Raccoon collar RS7'!n $2C9.00 Rovorsod Stripe Coat, Uko-a-Seal S134 SO $275.00 African Loopard Coat 'at 813750 $275.00 Molo Conoy and Asuria Seal Coat Si37.50 Beautiful Separate Muffs $3.00 Sablo and Black French Conoy Muff3 $4.00 largo French Coney Muffs a,t $10.00 Canadian Mnrten Muffs at $10.00 Brook Mink Muffs, at $1C,00 Black Fo,t Muffs at $20.00 Black Fox Muffs at $25.00 Black Fox Muffs at $20.00 Isabella Fox Muffs at $25.00 Isabella Fox Muffs at $32.50 Isabella Fox Muffs nt $19.00 Russian Pdny Muffs at v.. $25.00 Russian Pony Muffs at $75.00 Genulno Porslan Lamb Muff nt . , $85.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Muff at,,, $19.00 Jap Mink Muffs at $39.00 Jap Mink Muffs nt $69.00 largo Cinnamon Bear Muff at . . $35.00 large Sablo Dyed Raccoon Muff at $37.50 Genuine Mink Muff nt $89.00 Genulno Mink Muff nt $125.00 Gonulno Mink Muff at ........ at 81.50 81.98 85.00 85.00. 87.50 810.00 812.50 81.O.00 812.50 816.50 89.50 812.50 837.50 842.50 89.50 819.50 834.50 817.50 818.75 844.50 862.50 Separate Scarfs at Half Price $4.00 Largo Fronch Coney Scarfs at ...... $6.00 good; full sized Canndlnn Marten Scarrs $8.00 pretty, Htrlped Brook Mink Scarfs at . $10.00 Sable Coney Scarfs at $19.00 Black Fox Scarfs at ...1 $25.00 Black Fox Scarfs at $35.00 Black Fox Scarfs at . . . $49.00 Black Fox Scarfs at .,... $125.00 Pointed Sitka Fox Scarf ., tbb.ou isauoiia Fox Scnrr at $45.00 Persian Lamb Scarf at ....... $36.00 Persian Lnmb Scarf at S49.00 Hnllln Ilnwnnn Rrarf at $98.00 Sablo Baum Marten, four'-skins'. $35.00 Mlnk Scarf at . . . . . . . .... :?'. . ' 552-22 -,., 2"."" winii acnri at ,... ,o.v juiutv ovari Ul .,.-.,, na nA mfft 1 - . m . T fiio.uu AiinK acurt ai ....-,. at . ' 4 at $1.98 82.98 83.98 85.00 89.50 812.50 817.50 824.50 849.00 825.00 822.50 817.50 825.00 S49;00 819.00 835.00 865.00 849,00 865.00 STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN OUR- CLEAN-UP SHOE SALE Women's Shoes, tun mid dull calfskins, vici kidskiu, patent leather, velvets and satins popular stylos, worth to $5.00, $1.98 Women's Fancy Slippers, colored satins, gray suedes, patent and dull leathers, values up ai aq to $4, at, pair r.... $ X ,UO Women's Slippers, In patent kldskln, neat and serviceable, worth $2, i rif at, a pair ppl vFU Women's Boudoir Slippers, In red and tan suede leathers, worth $1.35. CA at, pair JvJv Infants and -Children's Shoes, regular height or Jockoy . styles, hand turned soles, Goodyear welted soles, worth to $2.00, at ... 98c BRANDEIS STORES Superior Assortments Saving Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed Sweeping Reductions on Men's and Boys' Clothing Prices All This Week Matchless Values and Assortments in Our January Sale of Women's Ready-io-Wear Garmeits Scores of New Lots from Our Reserve Shown Thursday Half Suits, Ooats, Dresses, Furs, all go the Bargain Route, fully Refund Purchase Price if You Are Not Satisfied With $30 Coats at $15.00 $25 Coats at 12.50 $20 Coats at $10.00 $18.50 Coats at $9.25 $15.00 Coats at $7.50 $12.50 Coats at $6.25 $10.00 Coats at $5.00 All Evening Gowns and Opera Coats and Wraps exquisite crea tions from tho best makers, at Just Half Price. All Fur Ooats at Half Price. Long Hudson Seal Coat, $250 value, on sale Thursday at ...$125 Long Hudson Seal Coat, $200 value, on sa'o Thursday at ..$10u Long Blended Squirrel Coat, $200 value, beau tiful, on sale at $98 And scores of other Coats at Half and Less at a Price. Saving of at Least Remember We Will Oheer Your Bargains. $35 Dresses at $17.50 $30 Dresses at $15.00 $25 Dresses at $12.50 $20 Dresses at $10.00 $15 Dresses at $7.50 L2.50 Dresses, $6.25 $10 Dresses at $5.00 All the Tailored Suits newest winter stylos in both imported and domestic designs, on sale at Just Half Price. fi i Ladles' Silk Petticoats, to $5.00 values, all colors, on sale at 81.95 Perenlc House Dresses, regular $1.25 values, In all sizes, at 79J Ladles' Blanket and Eiderdown Robes, on sQle at ...82.95 All Fur Sets at 1 Half Price. 1 Red Fox Fur Set made to sell at $89, Thursday at $39 1 Beautiful White Fox Set made ' to sell at $125, Thursday $59 1 Black Fox Novelty Set, $175 value, a beauty, Thurs. ..$79 All other Sets at Half and Less. e White Goods Specials India Linons, Dimities and Nainsooks, 18c values, yard at IOC Long Cloths and all kinds checks and stripes white goods, 30c values, yd. 15c Novelty and fancy white goods, waistings, 50c val ues, yard 25c Imported white goods, em broidered Mulls and Swisses, up to $1 yd., 50c lw Spring Wash Goods Genuine Egyptian Tissues A Stamped on the Selvage 'flio Lorraine Egyptian TIssue3 are the very best made, sold everywhere at UGc yard. We have them in stripes, In plaids, In checks yand plain colors. We have erery pattern made by them for spring 1913, on salo tomorrow, at yard Closing out all high grado Blankets. Speiial Prices in Wish fioids, Domistie Rtin Farmer's Choice, 36-lnch halt blench ed Munlln. 9c values 6Ho Koachdale 10-4 bleached Sheetings, 26c values 18Uo aicnbrook 72x90 soft finished sheets. 69c values ;.. , 60a uarge size scalloped Bed Spread, $1.59 values v....txas School plaids for children's dresses, Kobe Land fleeco to? kimonos and bath robes, 29c values ........ 19e Cretonnes, trood patterns, loo value at w 7u0 Flannelettes, good welrhts and pat terns, 10c values ..7Mo Outing flannels, good assortment of oolors and patterns, 12 He vals. loo Simpson's prints, rrars, brown, black and blue, 6 He values ,.r. 16U0 Percales. 36-fnch wide, 13 He values, ar , 7hia Largest and most complete Jine of Blankets and Comforters rrlDM tho lowest. Thursday's and Friday's Big Dinnerware Sale 25 Discount on All Open Stocks and China Sets. Austrian. China, 100-piece decorated and gold lino patterns, regular price $25, sale price $17.50 100-piece gold and green decorated G. D. A. Ilaviland, regular price $35.00, big value, at $22.00 $16.00 and $18.00 100-piece deooratod and plain gold lines, extra special at $13.50 $10.00 and $12.00 100-piece decorated din ner sots, extra special $8.50 Dinner Plates, Breakfast Plates, Tsauce Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, worth up to 25c each crr. voioniai vvaior UJasses, 6 to a customer, 2c each Infanta' Soft Sole Shoes, soft, pliable leathers, in all styles and colors, with hand turned soles, special at, QQ Jer pair rdiJC Women's and Children's Jersey Jjeiorings, warm and service able, all sizes, -at Af per pair C Children's Hants. Leggings, red, black, white brown and bluo colors, all sizes, 7C at pair DC It's Not the High Cost of Living It's the High Prices You Are Pav You can save from 35 to 50 per osct bjr trading- at Xayd4's for groceries. 31 lbs. best Granulated Sugar 91.00 48 lb. sack Itlu Orudo Flour, for Drc.iJ, plea or eakos, per auk, at'. 91.10 10 bars Lenox, 13 eat 'Km All or Dia mond "C" Soap ' SSo Hankln Bros.' Omaha Family Soup, nothing like It, per bar 6o 8 lb. best White or Yellow Corn meal ISO 7 lbK. best Hull; Laundry Starch 33a The best hand picked Navy Deans, )U. ' at do 4 lbs. fancy Japan Klce, 10q quality, for SSo 10c cakes Scllco Scourlns Soap.. 3So Yeast Foam, pkg. 3o The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 6io The best crisp l'r iiwi'i or Qlnt'o Snaps,' lb , 6o 40 varieties fancy Sweet Cookies, ISHo and 16c quality, lb lOo Corn Flakea Breakfaat Food, pi: -. 6Uo Qrapo Nuts. pkjr. ICQ Shredded Wheat niscult, pkc. ..XOo 5 pkgs. On Time Cold Water Starch for 10c Four cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn for SSo 2 lb. cans fancy Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 7H 3 lb. cans Golden Pupipkln, ltoinlny or Squash 3 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines.. 10o 1 lb. cans Assorted Soups 7U0 Tho best Bulk Peanut Butter, per lSHo 100 Tho best Tea Slftlngs, lb. . uoiuon oanioa uorroe, lb aso Oranres Kara Advanced 91.00 Box. auy nuw uuiure we nuve to advance our prices. Highland navels,, the Hweetest. Jucleat and richest flav ored orange grown, Wednesday, per dozen ...... 18c, 20c, 3So and 30c These will all advance ,5o a dozen In a day or two. BtTXTEBIKE, CHEESE AKD BUT TER SALE PBIOES. 2 lbs. good Hutterlno ,,, aBo 1 lb. rolls good Table Butterlne 17Ho 1 lb., bricks fancy Table Butterlne. equal to creamery . 25o The best Crean.wy Gutter, carton or bulk, nothing finer for 40c or 4Bc, per lb., our price 370 The- best Cofmtry Creamery Butter. . per lb. r , 32o The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. 35a Paying run cream n. Y. White. VIrvmin cream or Young American Cheese. per aoo o 32c The best fresh Kggs, nothing flnnr, t.UEII j,- OBTABM MARKET Or 15 lbs. best ned niver Early Ohio Potatoes lBo Demand 15 lbs., lio law requires it. uu v-uoitTng Apples, ncclc Lare bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, turnips, onaiioin or Kadlshes ,.a .Fresh Spinach, per peck 150 2 bunchea fresh Ifothouse Lettuce Bo Large Head Lettuce, head 7140 Fresh Cabbage, per lb i0 Ftesh California Cauliflower, per lb.. Fancy' h'lpV Toma'toVs'.:bV '.V.". .'loo 3 large Green Penpers 100 Fresh Brussels Sprouts, lb is Fancy Endive, 3 for 100 Large Grape Frnlt, each Go I-ancy 7-crown Figs, lb. 150 I-ancy Hallowe'en Dates, lb.... 74o Snoyc.Fa.rd ??le8' ,b- "o New Strained Honey, pint Jar.. 3Bo Our Mammoth Ment ncpartment Is now owned and con. trolled by Harden, Uros., with u full line of tho freshest and highest-quality meats, and the lowest prices possible. Our alia Is the people. It HMWHWs ;!U Try Hayden's First We Announce for Friday and Saturday Omaha's Greatest Sale of Men's Furnishings Over $100,000 worth of dependable furnishings of all kinds shirts, underwear, ties, suspenders, hosiery, night shirts and pyjamas, bath robes, sweater coats, gloves, etc. All perfect goods will be offered at a fraction of worth. Be here Friday or Saturday and secure for yourselves the most delightful furnishing goods bargains ever. Watch Thursday Evening Papers I WSHHHC