Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Dundee Barerain
Btrlctly modern, finest oak finish and
oak floors; largo living room, with fire
place; beam celling; bullt-ln bookcases,
paneled walls In dining room; large pan
try and rear entry; nil walls beautifully
decorated, three largo bedrooms und
bath on second floor. This Is a new
houso ready to occupy, nnd built by one
of tho best builders In the city. Lot
Kxl50: paved street. Located at 4S19 Far
nam St. One of the most beautiful views
In tho city. Can be sold on cniy terms.
Norris & N orris
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4170.
Field Club District
New Six-Room
91J 3. SSth Ave. ii brand new, 6-room,
strictly modern bungalow, beautifully
finished In fumed oak. Bullt-ln buffet,
colonnade opcnuig, with bookcases In
base; paneled walls In dining room; large
deep lot; flno lawn and abundance of
shrubbery and trees. Just the place for
you and you should see It right away, for
It will not last long. Price, $4,000, on
terms of $500 cash, balance monthly.
816 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
New Square House
Walking Distance
Six-room, strictly modern, having: large
reception hall, living room, dining room
with window seat, plate roll nnd paneled
walls; all these rooms finished In oak.
Good Blred kitchen with pantry and entry'
way. Second floor has largo living room
across tho entire front of the house, with
large closet with chest of drawers; two
other. good sized bedrooms; bathroom
with tiled walls find best of plumbing
fixtures. Tho floors throughout tho entire
house are oak. House nicely decorated:
elegant lighting fixtures. Basement has
guaranteed furnace with tank connected,
and sink for laundry purposes. Located
on a corner lot; paved streets, paving:
paid. Flno neighborhood; handy to
schools, stores and car line. Owner Is
anxious to sell arid will consider $500 down
or a good vacant lot; balance like rent.
Call up or see-
Douglas-1003. 307 McCaguc Blrig.
5-room story and half house, all nicely
finished In yellow plno, maple floors,
good cellar, cistern and good well, east
front lot, closo to school, dandy neigh
borhood. Only $1,000, $50 cash, balance
$13 per month. Located flvo blocks
south of Missouri Ave., on 13th Street in
South Omaha.
J10-12 Brandcls Theater Bldg.
South Side Cottages
Two together. Can sell separately.
Six rooms, 16x24. 13 ft. addition.
1ot WxlOO; 2 blocks to Harney line.
Owner asks $3,000 for both. See them
and offer cash.
O'Keefe Real Estate
Douglas 2713. 1016 Omaha Nat'l.
Evenings, Harney 328 or Harney 5134.
Two New
Attractive Homes
Walking Distance
One Tenth Cash,
Balance Monthly
1540 8. 25TH AVE., $3,700.
Six rooms; parlor, dining room, vesti
bule and den, all finished lit oak. Kitchen
and upstair In best grade yellow pine.
Two largo Bedrooms nnd both. Down
stairs den has clothes closet; can be
used for bedroom If desired. Full foun
dation, cerncnted cellar, sidewalk; $370
cash, $37 a month.
1546 SOUTH 25TH AVE., $3,200.
Five-room bungalow, ouk In two rooms,
rest of house finished in yellow pine; bath
room ppens Into a little hall, leading Into
both bedrooms. Largo bullt-ln cupboard
In kitchen; Ice box room, largo cellar,
furnace, cement sidewalks, yard sodded.
Ready to move. Into; $320 cash, $32 a
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
Phono Doug. 160G.
Down Town Corner
Within Half Block of -Million
Dollar Hotel
ONLY $40,000.
Will take other property, farm or cty,
as . of purchase price. This Is a
sure money maker.
Pnyno & Slater Company,
616 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Kountze Pace
At Low Price
This Is a good, two-story, eight-room,
modern house, with barn, on beautiful
.south front lot, 50x134 ft., with flno maple
shade trees in front, on paved street,
only one-half block from 24th St. car line.
Price .only $3,750. Easy terms. This is the
best buy ror the money that we know
of In Kountze Place. Investigate at once,
George & Company
Tel. D. 756? 302-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
Near St. John's
030 N. 27th St.. has 6 room's, reception hull
and bath. Reception hall, parlor and din
ing room finished In oak; kitchen finished
In yellpw pine; 3 bedrooms on second floor
finished In wlillo enamel; combination
lighting fixtures; full cemented basement:
furnace heat. Hot and cold water on
each flpor; lot 40xM).
This houso Is less than 2 years old.
Owner will show you through at any
time. .Price $4,050; $550 cash; balance, $30
per month. Tyler 1244, t
Balance easy, monthly payments, will
buy a nice, neat, G-rooni cottage, modern
but heat; rooms good size, well arranged,
all decorated; nice south front lot, all
fenced; paved street; only V4 block from
North 24th car line; close to Ames Ave.
car barns. Price reduced to $2,400.
IPS McCagua Bldg. Doug. 1(33.
free at office; 2 stamps by mall. Chas.
K. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insur
ance, Cara of Property, Omaha.
handles exchanges of all kinds. Room 3,
Continental Blk., Omaha.
Walking Distance
5-Room Cottage
Jioaern except heat, having large living
room and dining room, two good-slEeu
bedrooms and bath with best of plumbing
fixtures and roomy kitchen; house newly
decorated throughout, elegant lighting
fixtures: house has lust been painted on
the outside: good cement walks: In a fine
ncignoomooa, handy to scnoois, stores
nnd car line: lot 30x119. Owner would
consider a good Ford car as first payment
on this property or a few hundred cash
nnd balance like rent. For further In
formation see
Douglas 1000. 307 McCaguc Bldg.
West Farnam
Ten rooms completely modern 'In every
way; hot water heat; completely equipped
garage; fine south nnd east front corner
lot. Cost $12,0. Will tako $11,000. Worth
Investigation, at once.
Glover & Spain
121!-23 City National. Phono Douglas 3963.
Dundee Lots
$1,100 each for a few north and south
front lotn, 00x135 feet, each on
Izard street, between 61st and E2d.
Only ono-tenth cash, balanco on
easy monthly payments. These arc
high, sightly lots, offered on easy
terms, with building restrictions
which will assure Increase In value
and protect future of tho neigh
hood. George & Company
Tel. D. 7. 902-12 City No. Bk. Bldg.
WE HAVE two fine trackage lots In
wholesale district at a sacrifice; want
offers. Tel. D. 4342.
Six rooms and sleeping porch; stucco
finish; built for a home; living room ar
rangement, with fireplace, bullt-ln book
case and buffet; paving taxen all paid.
Attractive and desirable In every way;
well located; owner left the city. Key at
Glover & Spain
1219-22 City National. Phone Douglas 3D(3.
Investment bargain.
62 and 664 South 26th Ave. Strictly
modern St. Louis brick flats, rent for
$70 a month, worth $8,500. Owner ncods
money nnd will sacrifice. $7,600 will buy
them. Will carry $3,700 back on buildings.
414 Bee Building.
Acre Tracts
10 acres, well Improved, lots of fruit,
northwest of city.
6 acres, well Improved, fine fruit, north
west part of city.
Six acres, unimproved, near Benson.
218 South 17th St.
400 acres, 3 miles from live town of S,W0;
3 railroads. 26 trains dally. Uood build
ings; fine soil. Family orchard of
oranges, nuts and other fruit This ranch
win grow tour to five crops alfalfa wltn-
out irrigation. Price. $7u.W) uer acre.
Terms reasonable. We have others, pur
chasers, car fare paid. Excursion Jan. 21.
W. T. Smith Compan. 616 City Nat'l
Bank Bldg. Doug. 2819.
sale. 160 acres of fine land, fenced on
throe sides; fifty-three acres plowed and
very little work would put it in fine shape
for spring crops; close to water. Address
Arnold J. Knocfler, BrlggBdale. Colo.
FOR SALE Best farm In valley; owner
must sacrifice; 163 a. cult.; lrrl.; Imp.;
tree' water: Joins county seut: price. $1.'.-
500. Address Box GS, Albion, Idano.
I .AND FOR SAliE Write for prices of
corn, clover and blue grars lands. Co
operative Realty Co., Humansvllle. Ma
S0-ACRE fruit and stock farm; apple:,
peaches, blackberries; terms easy; 1V4
miles from Willow Springs, Howell Co.,
Mo. G. G. Blunt. Owner, Willow Springs,
FOR SALE 320-acre sheep ranch; all
timber; 6 miles from good town; $2,000.
Chris Veasman, Dixon, Mo.
Possession; Farms
Drivlnir distance of Umahn: hiiruuitis
Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all
prices, all terms.
uuin e: mtsiiiiibii uu.,
Rooms 1213-14 City National Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE Good, .rich, unimproved
Nebraska farming land. Andrew Miller,
Frankfort. Ind.
I haye somo very choice Washita val
ley farms for sale, glows four and flvo
crops or alfalfa, winter wheat, corn and
oats, caual lo NeuroaKa. lor one-fourth
to one-half price; come Hiid Join us Jan.
1st: round trip 121; plenty timber, all
kinds of fruit, coal and oil und natural
gas. Thoso wishing to make, tho trip,
write mo at 2201 California St., Omaha,
Neb. James Foley. I'hbne Tyler 1503.
your name and address for free Informa
tion anout an government lana in uuitecl
States. D. J. Campbell, Pioneer Bldg.,
St. Paul. Minn.
Th Persistent ana juaiclous Ilsn if
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Whip Iivh stuck lo houm unmna, tiny
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful uiun
Live Steele Commission Merchants,
BVERS BROS ft W. Strong, reliable
CLIFTON Com. Co.. ZU. Kxchangn Bldg.
ilAKTLN BROS, dc Co., lixcnango Bldg.
Cotton Market.
Snot, closed quiet: middling UDlands.
13.00c; middling gulf, 13.25c; nl sales.
Futures ciosea iirm; .January, li.hjo;
February, 12.20c; March, 12.25c; April,
12.26c; May, 12.26c; June, 12.19c; July,
12.20c; August, 12.08c; September, 11. Me;
October, 11.47c; December, 11.47c.
aulet: prices easier: American middling
fair, 7.37c; good middling, 7.03c; middling,
we; iuw iiiiuuiiiik, o.ooc; gooa ordinary,
6.26c; ordinary, 6.91c.
Condition of Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. The condition
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business today was: Working
balance, $82,176,756; In banks and Philip-
im m u ireaaury, f,iw.ij total 01 general
fund, $125,360,493; receipt yesterday, $1,829.
171; disbursements, $1,709,040. The deficit
this fiscal year. $9,204,832!. as against a
detlclt of $23,636,120 last year The fig.
urea for receipts, disbursements and def
icit exclude Panama canal and public
debt transactions.
Vacation for Fire Horses.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 1B.-A two
weeks' vacation for every one of the 800
horses in the employ for the city police,
fire and street departments are to be
granted next summer. An infirmary for
dumb animals has raised $13,000 to meet
the cost and a committee Is at work
figuring out how the 'horses can be
spared from their work.
Wheat Traders Disposed to Keep
Close to Shore.
Scattered .Short Intercut llnir Hern
Materially- Cut Down nml l.nruo
Export Snlen C.lvr Hulls
Mnuh KnoonrnKeiuent.
OMAHA, Jan. 16, 1913.
Wheat traders wero mixed In their
opinions op, the market last night, a ma
jority expressing bearish Ideas hh to tho
future courso of prices, but admitted that
they had een so mlatnken la their views
of latn thut they were disposed to keep
close to shore until- there was a marked
change in the situation. The closest stu
dents of conditions suld It looked to them
an If the leading holders had sold nil
grains during tho day and that unless
there was some very strong news from
abroad over night they would not bo sur
prlied to see a setback of Vic to le. Bulls
called attention to tho strained political
condition abroad and tho continued ex
port demand lor wheat from this country,
and laid particular stress upon it foreign
cable that the scarcity of good milling
wheat abroad had caused anxiety among
foreign millers. John Washburn of tho
Washburn-Crosby Milling company, tho
largest milling concern In tho world, and
who was In Chicago yesterday on his way
homo from Kentucky, whoro they main
tain a big winter wheat mill, says that
tho government In Its final report on tho
northwestern wheat crop placed Its fig
ures at leust 30,000,000 bushels too low.
Mr. Washburn Is not only a conservative
man In his Ideas on (train and flour, but
he Is well posted on conditions In the
spring wheat country. Ho says that with
tho opening of spring there will bo a big
run of wheat to the markets of tho north
west, but that tho run will continue In
definitely. Cash wheat unchanged to ic
It was the gossip ot the trudlng corn
men last night thut prices were In for n
fair setback, basing their opinion on tho
way tho market acted during the day.
They figure that tho scattered short In
terest has been materially cut down to a
good slued long Interest. Tho largo export
sales reported at tho seaboard. 800,000
bushels, gave bulls it great deal ot en
couragement, as did also tho falling ott
In country offerings, paitlculurly In Iowa,
which more than overbalanced tho In
ci ease from Illinois.
Cash corn unchanged to Vto lower.
Oats wcro generally heavy In tone,
with free sales by longs, which havo been
prominent on tho selling side for several
duys past.
Cash oats unchanged to Vic lower.
Clearances were 139,000 bushels of corn,
none of oats and wheat niid flour caual
to 936,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed Ud higher on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
Primary wheat receipts, were 911,000
bushels and shipments wcro 426,000 bush
elB, against receipts Inst year of 396,000
bushels and shipments of 276,000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts wcro 1,709,000
bushels and shipments were 810,000 bush
els, against recclptB last year of 1,163,000
bushels and shipments of 661,000 bushels.
Primary outs receipts were 1,010,000
bushels and shipments wcro 563,000 bush
els, ugalnst receipts last year of 337,000
bushels and shipments of 297,000 bushels.
The follow rr,g cash Kales wcro reported
today: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 3
cars, S6c. No. 3 hard winter: 2 cars, Sibc.
No. 4 hnrd winter: 1 car, SS'.ic Rejected
.spring: 1 car, S3c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car,
83c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, S3c. No. 3 mixed
durum: 1 car, 84Vac Oats Standard; 4
cars, aic. No. 3 white: 17 cars, 32V4c; 1
car, 321ic. No. 4 white: 12 cars, 32ic. No.
grado: 1 cur, 31ic; 1 cur (corn mixed), 31c.
Corn No. 3 white: 6 cars, 46c; 6 can,
45ic No. 4 white: I car, 46c. No. 4 color:
1 car, 4440. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 4-c; 5
cam, 44c; 8 cars, 44Vc. No. 4 yellow: 2
cars, 44V4c; 1 cur, 43ic. No. 3 mixed: 1
car, 44Vsc; 2 cars, 44ic No. 4 mixed. 1
car, 44c; 2 cars, 434o; 1 car, 43lic.
Omnhit Cnsh Prices.
"WHEAT No. 2 hard, S5Vi(Si87!4c; No. 3
hard, S6yS6',ic; No. 4 hard. 79aS5V4c; No.
3 spring, 834f.84c.
CORN No. 3 -white, 4.-ift4Ge; No. 4
white. 44i45c; No. 3 yellow, 4l'4fc'41!4o;
No. 4 yellow, 43V4ff44V4c; No. 3, 4l4j'14lic;
No. 4. 43',i:t44c.
OATS No. 3 white, 33tjS3V4c; standard,
22i(a33c; No, 3 white, 32lifj32'c; No. 4
white, 32ff32VJc.
BARLEY Malting, 53ifG4c; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. 2, 69HQ60c; No. 3, UW'oOKa.
C'nrlot Ilceelpts,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 103 768 219
Minneapolis 269
Duluth 112
Omaha 61 142 48
Kansas City 61 77 5
St. Louis 83 33 62
Winnipeg 223
Features of the Tending; und Closing
l'rlcea oil Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. -15 Wheat and corn
found an nctlvo market today, particu
larly In tho last hour when they ad
vanced a cent, and assisted In boosting;
oats and provisions. Tho raugn of wheat
was nearly 2c. At the opening wheat
sold a trlflo over yesterday, but tho ad
vance templed profit taking nnd other
selling under which May declined Tic An
Influence was the fulluro of continental
markets to reflect nn advance at Liver
pool tho marko). being attentive to a de
cline of l'.-bO nt Buenos Ayres. At this
concession Important buying developed,
shorts covering on tho way up until tho
reaction had run nn extrerno of lc for
May. Business was exceedingly active,
and the closo "was only Wo under the top,
and 'nilc over yesterday.
Corn traders were convinced that a
largo export business is being transacted
In tho coarse cereal. There was a re
port that tho export transaotlons wero
duo to a cut in prices to a IiomIs of 3 ',4c
over Chicago May prices, c. I. f. to Bal
timore, The rlso In futures drove shorts
to cover and the close was strong.
Oats played a "mo too" rolo with ref
erence to wheat and corn, nnd May closed
at a net advanco of H-)4c. Shipping
business was moderate.
Tho continued shortage In hog receipts
at Important packing points, an advance
In hogs and corn strength, stiffened pro
visions. Closing prices -wero from 7V4c
to 17'4o over yesterday for May options.
Following Is the range or prices:
Article! Open. I High. I Low I Close.l Yes'y.
Wheatl 1
93V4 95"A
&9?. VJ
18 06
18 37Vi
9 70
9 W
9 75
9 Wit
18 07V4
IS 20
18 65
0 76
IS 20
IS 07',4
18 40-45
IS 5714
18 -37V4
9 73V41
9 92V4
9 97V4i
9 90-2V4
9 9Jl4
9 77V
9 80
9 95
9 77V4I
9 90-2V4
'J 87 V4
9 95
Chicago Cash Prices Corn: No. 2, 49V4c;
No. 2 white, 50c; No. 2-yellow, 60c; No. 3.
4SW49',ic: No. 3 white, 4U"4$jG0c; No. 3 yel
low. 48-49!4c; No. 4, 46V4M8c: No. 4
white, 47V4Q49c; No. 4 yellow,
Rye: No. 2, C4e. Barley fi4972c. Timothy,
$3,0014.15. Clover. $10.690.19.76. Wheat:
No. 2 red, $l.llt41.13H: No. 3 red. $l.(Cfl)
1.10.; No. 2 hard. 91V4J96V4c: No. 3 hard.
8S95c; No. 1 northern, 91ij92V4c; No. 2
northern, 89Q91c; No, 3 northern. 87144c
MV4o: No. 2 spring. KK&90c; No. 3 spring
87V48SSV4c: No. 4 spring, MX?Mc; velvet
rlinff. MUAflOlUc: durum. JMfi'rtn
No. 2 white, 34'.4335,4c: No. 3 white. 's3K
33ttc; No. 4 white, 31V4f83c; standard, 3354
BUTTER Firm, creameries. 24g33'c.
EGGS Easy; receipts, 5,671 cases: fresh
receipts, at mark, cases included, 204
23c: refrigerator firsts, 19c; firsts. 23V4c.
CHEESE Steady; twins. 1616V4c
young Americas, long horns and daisies,
POTATOES Steady; receipts 28 cars:
Miohlgan, Minnesota, 45Q47C; Wisconsin,
I'OULTRY Live, .easy; turkeys. 15c;
chiokens. 13V4c; springs. 12Vie.
PROVISIONS Mess pork. new. $18.12S
4318.25. Lard. $9.75. Short ribs, sides.
$9 254 10.00.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
equaled 931,0)0 bushels.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow
Wheat, 91 cars; corn. 429 cars, oats, 1 13
cars. boss. 2H.O0O head.
Primary receipts. M1.0C bushels,
against 396,000 bushels a year ago.
Quotations of the Day on Varlons
NEW YORK. Jnn 16,-FI3UR-Qulot;
spring patents, $.40i4.tS; winter straights,
Jt.&Oflt.SO: winter patents. $4.701)S.1O; spring
clears. $4.J1I4.4; extra No. 1 winter. $1.00
M 15; extra No. 2 winter. $3,901 M. 00;
Kansas straights, $4.10ff4.15. Rye flour
stead) : fair to good, $3.WMr3.S5; choice to
fancy. $3.90414.00. Buckwheat flour, quiet;
$1 .T asked per 100 pounds.
CORN.MEAI-Steady; fine white and
yellow. $l.atfl.35; coarse. $l.2Mfl.30; kiln
dried, $3.15.
BAULKY Strody; reeding. !Wc. c. I. f..
New York; malting. eOjjTOc, a I. f.,
RYE-Slcady; No. 2 western. (57flSc.
c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Si)t market, firm; No. 2 red,
$1.0S14. elevator, nnd $1.0JVi. f. o. b. afloat.
lKJth nominal; No. 1 northern, Duluth,
$1.02'4, f.- o. b. afloat Futlirert markets
were easy eiul under liquidation, but
rallied (nto on renowod buying and closed
iWle net higher. May. tw;ci$i.01. closed
nt $1.00!i. July. 97?sliU8Hc, closed at frsSc
Bonded wheat: January closed ut $1.02,
May at 9SSc und July nt 99Vc. Receipts,
168.000 lm.; shipments, 390.0O0 bu
CORN Spot market, firm, export. 67S4C
f. o. b. afloat. Receipts, 72,000 bu.; ship
ments. 13S.000 bu.
OATS -Spot market, steady; standard
white, 39V4e; No. 3. 3SlM09o; No. 4, SSSf
c. ueceipts, ui.wu uu. ; no Hiupmcnis.
FEED Steady; standard spring bran,
100-pound sacks, $13.6O24.00; standard
middling, 100-pound sucks, $24.00; tlty, 100
paund sacks, $34.60.
HAY-Qulet; prime, $1.1X1.03; No. 1.
$1.07V4i5fl.l0; No. 2, 95c$1.00; No. 3, fii90o.
HOPS Quiet; state common to choice,
1912, 234Kllc; 1911, lSfflBo; Pacific coast.
1912. 16tf23c; 1911, 13tfl6c.
HIDE Firm; Central America. 27Vic;
Bogota. 27H2SV4c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2&J
29c; seconds, 2782Sc; thirds, 2(if!&c; ro
Jccts, 19Si20c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. $18.75
i 19.25; family, $21.Ctf22.W; short clems,
$21.KV(i23.O0. Beef, steady; mess, $20.(Wf
21.00: family, $24.00ij 25.00; beef hams. $30.00
$182.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies,
10 to 14 pounds, $12.00; pickled hums, $12.25.
laiil. firm; middle west prime, $9.9041 10.00;
refined, easy; continent, $10.36; South
America. $11.10; compound, $I0.12V410.62V4.
TALLOW Quiet; prime city hhds. G'.ic;
special, 6T4c; country, 3T06Hc.
lU'TTEU-Flrin, receipts. 7.S50 tubs:
creamery extras, 3IVi(Q'35c; creamery held
extras. 32',yyS3c; stalo dairy finest, .lift
33c; factory current mako firsts, 23CT24c;
seconds, 2222V4c: held, 2tff22c.
CHEESE Steady; receipts. 4S2 boxes:
stato whole milk held, whlto or colored
specials, 1?ifil8o; stato whole milk, winter
make, whlto or colored specials, 16Viifl7c;
skims, 2'nl4Hc.
EGGS Weak; receipts, S.769 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 29O30o; refrigerator
firsts, local storugc, 20ijf21c; nearby
hennery whites, ;Wf0Sc: western gathered
whites, 2KJ3(c; western gathered, colors,
POULTRY Dressed firm; fresh killed
western chickens, 14J20c; fowls, U'.VJl'O;
turkeys, 14i&"23c.
HI. LoiiIm General .MttrUpt.
ST. LOUIS. .Inn. 15. WHEAT-Cash:
No. 2 red, $l.llifl.l4;, No. 2 hard, 9lWCi93c.
CORN No. 2. 60c; No. 2 white, 524p
OATS No. 2, 31V4855c; No. 2 white. 35W
RYE Unchanged at Vic.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT-Illgher; May, 95Hft!t5?ic; May,
CORN Higher; May, BHMlCl'ic; July,
OATS Higher; May. SITic; July, 35c.
FLOUR Finn; red winter patents,
$5.00tff6.25; extra fancy and straights
$4.00fN.SO; hard winter clears, $3.4083.55.
SEED Timothy, $1.05.
BRAN $1.025fl.07.
HAY Steady; timothy, $13.(liirlfl7.00;
prairie, $12.00yl5.60.
TWINE Hemp, 8c.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job
bine. $16.75. Lard, unchanged; prime
steam, $10.35(310.45. Dry salt meats, un
changed; boxed extra shorts, 119c;
clear ribs, llic; short clears, UNic
aiacoii, unchanged: boxed extra shorts,
I2ic; clear ribs, 12c; short clears, J2Hc.
IWLTRY Quint; chickens, 12c;
springs, 14c; turkeys, 18c;, ducks, 15c;
geese, 12c.
BUTTER Weak: creamery, 27j34c.
EGGS Lower ut 22c.
1 Receipts. Shipments
Flour, barrels 6.000 13.C00
Wheat, bushels lo.Ort) 99,000
Corn, bushels 40,000 61.000
Oats, bushels 88.000 130,000
KmiHHH City Grnln nnd Provisions.
Cash, No. 2 hard 8SV4098c; No. 2 red, $1.(0
CORN-No. 2 mixed, 47V4'8lSc; No. 2
white. tgftVic
OATS No. 2 white, 3l7it35Uc; No. 2
mixed. 33!433c.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT May. S9ttc:
CORN May, 51V4c; July, f)2HOC29iC.
OATS May, 38Wc.
RTK Unchanged.
HAY Unchanged.
BUTTER Creamery, 32Hc; firsts. 30',4o;
seconds. 28V4c; packing, 21b.
EGGH KXiniB. saw; ursin, .inv-'i-,
seconds, 15c.
POULTRY Hens, 12V4c; rooBtcrs, Sc;
young turkeys, 18c; ducks. 1314c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bushels 1 71,000 83,003
Corn, bushels 71,000 43,000
Oats, bushels W,000 13,000
Atr.lluhl) SnHe or Grain.
NHW YORK, Jan. 15. Special cable
and telegraph communications received
by Bradstreets show the following
changes In the avallablo supplies, as
compared with previous account: wheat:
United States, east of Rockies, increased
C07.0C0 bushels; Unltod. States, west of
Rockies, decreased 18.000 bushels; Can
ada, Increased 463,000 bushels; total
United States and Canada, Increased
1,052,000 bushels; afloat for and In
Europe, Increased 2,200,000 bushels; total
American and European. Iiicreased
3.252,000 bushels. Corn. United States
and Canada, Increased 1,282.000 bushels.
Oats. United States nnd Canada. In
creased 619.000 bushels. The louillng
changes reported this week follow
Decreases: Manitoba, 934,000 bushels;
Wan Antonio. 51,000 bushels. Increases;
St. Joseph, 103,000 bushels.
' MlnnenpolU firnln MnrliH.
9 iW; July. 9l4&914c. Cah:
NoV'l hard. 904c; Ko.
S9Hc; No. 2 northern. 86Vl87H". No. 2
hilfd Montana. 884o; No. 8. 84KQ3Kc.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 43',40'44c.
OATS Non 3 white, SWltfc.
RYE No. 2. 67&COc.
BRAN In 100-pound sacks, $19.affl9.&0.
FLOUR First patonts, $1.401.75; sec
ond patents, $t.2504.6O; first clears, $3.20
3.&0: second clears, $2.40G2.70.
T FLAX-$l.2!tt.
BARLEY 47863c.
j.ivrriHiui urniu ...-,
steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 9V4d; No. 2,
7h 6V4d; futures, firm; May, 7s 3i; July,
7CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed,
old, 6s V4d: American mixed, old, via Gal
veston, 6s 6d; American mixed, now, 6s 6d.
Futures, steady; January, 6s 24d; -Feo-ruary,
4s lld.
Duluth Groin Market.
truck and to arrive, $1.28?;; January,
$1.27T; May. $1.31',i.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, S9c; No. 1 north
ern, kSe; No. 2 northern. 86c; Montana
No. 2 hard, h7'4c; July, 9Pc, bid; May,
90c, asked.
1'eoriit Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Jan. lS.-CORN-Murket
iiftic lower; No. 4 white. 47V4c: No. 3
yellow, 47'418o; No. 4 yellow, 4!if47o:
No. 3 mixed, 47!4048o; No, 4 mixed, 49tf
47c; sample, 40Bc.
OATH Unqhungud; No. 2 white, 340
3414c; standard. 34c; No. 3 white, 33V4a)
33yc; No. 4 white, 32V4033c.
MlltTulikrr- Grnln Market.
1 northern, 91e; No. 2 northern, ii'uWc;
No. 2 hard winter. 91395c,
CORN No. 3 yellow, 4SV(fl8'iC
OATS-Standard. 3IS44c,
RYE No, 1, Ci',4C
- . . -w.
Prices on Most Kinds of Cattle Arc
About Steady.
Receipt or Sheep I.nre All Week
Prices "Menu j- to Shailr Lower,
Mlth Fair Demnnil for
Hexlrnlile HI mix.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 13. 1913.
Receipts weie. Cattle. Hons. Shoep.
Official Monday 6,548 6,018 20.044
Official Tuesday 6,598 H.9I6 9.031
Estimate Wednesday.. 4 300 12,0a) 9.700
Three days this week 16,446 29.934 38,776
Same duys Inst wcok..l4,77l 22,824 36.9P9
Same daTB 2 weeks ago 12.ft.s7 18.474 33,23il
Same days 3 weeks ago 3,6o.' 11.642 18,66
Samo days 4 weeks ago 14,009 2J,4:v) 29.W6
tame days last yar.. 14.702 43,855 27.371
rho following table shows tho receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for tho year to date as compared with
last year. isjj, 1912. nc Dec.
Cattle 1.... 40.9S1 42.695 l.H
Hogs 106.123 1.10,36 . . 24,246
Sheep 107.0S0 78,912 28.174
Tho following tnblo sworrs tti e-rtiige of
prices for hugs at South Omaha tor the
last few days, with compailsons.
Date. I 19U. 1912.1911.ll91O.llK)B.1908.ll07.
Jan. 6.. I I 6 001 7 761 8 471 6 66 91
Jan, 6.. 7 12J4 C 17 7 M) 8 49 6 78 4 31
Jan. 7.. 7 12(4 6 17 7 80 8 49 6 78 4 31
Jan. 8.. 7 134 6 1 8 43 5 S3 4 23 23
Jan .. 7 16 6 09 7 82 & 82 4 30 '' J
Jan. 10. 7 23 6 03 7 82 ft 23 4 22 6 30
Jan. 11. 7 US 6 10 7 75 8 18 5 74 4 16 6 29
Jan. 12 6 17 7 7S 8 28 5 82 6 30
Jan. 13. 7 02t4 8 OS 7 73 8 48 5 86 4 08
Jan. 14. 7 0S4 769856BS74206M
Jan. 15 616 K435874296 35
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m.
Cattlu. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
i"., oi. & nt. P 4
Missouri Pacific S
Union Pacific 13
C. & N. W east.... 3
C. & N. W., west... 7S
C. St. P., M. .i O.. 14
C B. A- Q., east.... 3
C, 11. & Q., west... 22
C, It. I. & P., east. 7
C, R. I. & P., west. 4
Illinois Central 4
Chicago Gt. West... 1
.1 1 ..
1 1
35 25 1
5 8..
7 4
3 1 1
31 K 2
5 .: 2
164 47 4
Total receipts. ...184
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Mnrrla A- On
r.i 1,'om z.xa
Swift unrt fnninniif
2.816 2,135
3,357 1,128
2.925 2,367
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour v: uo
Hcliwnrti Sr. Co
J. W. Murphy
Morrell 61
South Omnha Pack Co. It
Lincoln Packing Co 33
n. van Hunt un.,,.
Benton, Van Sant & L. 131
Hill .t Son 30(1
U. Iewls 65 ....
Huston & Co 73 ....
.1. It limit X. tn
.1. 11. Buna ..!.;.;.'; o ,
U. F. Husz Kl ....
AlcCrpnrv .t- lw.lln,rt- Kl
Werthelmer Degen.i. "R
ii. j), iinmuton is ....
Rothschild & Krohs 45 ....
Mn .C- Ivnn. I'ulf Cn
Cllno 'Christie 92
Other buyers 625
Totals 4.797 12,992 9,200
CATTLIJ-Catllo receipts wero qulto
moderate this morning only 175 cars be
ing reported in. Tho total for tha threo
days this week foots up 15,446 head, bo
Ing a gain of a few hundred head over
last week und larger than, any very
recent week as well ns slightly larger
than a year ago.
With tho feeling that the heavy runs
of steers was over with for tho' week
and with a very fair buying demand, the
market on beef steers was generally
steady with yesterday Tho trade waa not
very brisk, on the contrary It was rattier
dull, buyers still being Inclined to tak
their thuo and movo cautiously before
filling orders.
Cows and heifers sold any where from
steady to a littln eusler In spots, but
there was a fair movement and most of
them had changed liands In good season.
Stock cattle and feeders wero In ac
tive demand und sold very freely at
strong prices.
Quotations on tattle: Beef steers, gind
to ohoicc. $7.8039.00; beef steers, fair to
good, $6.006.90; beef steers, common to
fair, t6.0OQ4.90; good to choice heifers,
$5.76436.7$: good to choice cows, $3.4ofl.4l;
cows, fair to good grades, 14.403.40; com
mon to fair grades, $3.00&4.40; good to
choice Blockers and feeders, $6.00&.00j
fair to good Blockers and feeders, $6,800
1.60; common to fair atockera and fted.
ers, 15.0Q2G.B0; stock cows anC heifers, $4.51
00.26; veal calves, $5.00fiO.(W. bulls, sUfs.
etc.. tt.4W6.40.
IIOOB-Tlm cencral market on hogs Is
quotably fully steady with yesterday, with
most of tho offerings going to the pack
ers anywhere from $7.00 to $7.20. THo
pucker buyctn started out uiaaing lower,
but nnnarnntlv aimed to DUt Ul) their
droves at about thy same cost an the day
before. As on yesterday traae wan moro
or less uneven, as It was possible to Pick
out sales here and there that looked weak
and others strong, und as a result tho
prlco range continues as wide as 011 tlio
last few days. If anything tho light
grades showed a llttlo improvement, but
It was not enough to cut any iiguro in
the uener-il run of sales. The highest
point reached watf $8.26, identical with the
top price paid on unesany. wnne me
tmile wan at no tlmo active a fair move
ment took place, a clearance ot a liberal
supply being made In good season.
wnne tun receipts were noerni com
nurrd with last Wednesday and two
weeks ago, they fell short of the same day
ono yeur ago by about 6,871 head, in
point of general quality tho supply was
considered very good as quite a few good
hogs wero offered.
SHEEP W.hile the mnjonty ot the
lamb und aged sheep offerings sold at
prices ubout steady with yesterday,
trade was slow with a very weak under
tone. The demand for killers did not
socm so broad as on yesterday or dur
imr tlio closing davs of last week and
anything only Hair warmea up or nav
Ing too much weight was moro or less
neglected by the packer buyers. The In
quiry seemed best for fnt owes, wethers
and yearlings und such sheep wero gen
erally steady. If anything lambs were b
little easier in spots, though the bulk of
tl cm changed bunds ut pretty close to
steudv figures. Among the early sales
wero somo Mexican lambs at $8.75, und
a bunch ot fed westerns at $8.00. Mexican
yearlings sold up to $8.16 and a couple
of loads of Mexican wethers brought
6.15. Fat ewes reached $5.10. Notwith
standing more or less slowness to the
general trade a good clearance took
place in very fair "eason.
Compared with last Wednesday and the
samo day one year ago today's receipts
were only moderate, there being about 48
cars, or 9,700 head, reported In. l'or the
first three days of the week receipts have
beon fairly large, as the receipts foot up
uround 37,200 head, as against 37.000 head
during the same time a week ago and
27.400 for tho corresponding days one year
With the later advices from Chicago
Indicating a big slump In the sheep trade
at that point the local market closed fully
15325o lower on lambs. It might be men
tioned that tho spread between lamb and
sheep values has been unusually wide of
lato and t was nothing but natural to
expect a readjustment ot values to a
moro narrow range. The general market
for sheep offerings remained little It any
different from yesterday.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice. $8.6008.90; lambs, fair to
good $8.00ftS50; yearlings, good to chotoe,
$7.658.15; yearlings, fair to good, $7.15
7.65: wethers, good to choice. $5.76416.20;
wethers, fair to good, $5.6y.75; ewes,
good to choice, $477536.10; ewe fair to
'good, $4.6034.75; culls, shesp and bucks,
SI. Louis Llvr Htock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 15.-CATTLE-RecclpU,
3,80) head. Including 300 Texans: market
steady; choice to fine steers, $8.764j9.S0;
good to choice, $7,354(6.15; Blockers and
feeders, $1,2647.70; rows and heifers, $5.60
i8.00; bulls, $3.55474.26; calves, $l.25iju.7$;
Texas and Oklahoma steers, $5.604j7.90;
cows nnd helefrs, $3.655.00.
HOGS Receipts, 4.6W heaii. market
steady; pigs and lights, $6.757-40; mixed
and but' heri. $7 2C4)7 40, good heavy, $7.30
(f 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBH-Kcceipts, 3,200
head; malket steady: muttons, $5.00gc 10;
yearlings, $7.(WM0. lambs, $6.359.26.
Cntllr Wrnk and l.nnrr lls
Ktronjr to llluhrr Mi rep SI on-.
CHICAGO. Jan. 16.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
I8.WX) head, market slow and weak to lfc)
lower; beeves. $5,804)9.20; Texas steers,
$4.70tr6.75: western steers. $S.50n7 15; Block
ers nnd feeders, $4 8Oir7.O0; cows and heif
ers, $S.761f7B5; calves, $7.00tflO.M.
HOGS Receipts. 26,000 head: market
strong to 60 higher; light, $7.1&4r7.42l4;
mixed, $716if7.45, henvy. $6.9M7.48; rougn,
$6.K10; pigs. $5.!lr7 40; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Hecolpts, 36.000
head; market slow, 10c to 20o lower;
native. $l.65flU5: western, $l.7MftU5; year
lings. $.40fqfl.2Sj lambs, native, $6.70tf9.OO;
western, $6.7.Mli6o.
Kansnn City Llvr Stock Mnrkrt.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 15.-CATTI.E-Re-eelpts,
7,om head, including 300 southerns;
market stend , dressed beef and export
steers. $7W8.60' western steers, $6.0OB
8.00; stockers nnd feeders, $5.7W7.7&;
southern steers. j6.nny7.Cfl; native rows
nnd heifers, $3.7rvft7.75j calves. $8.Gi"fll0.a5.
HOGS-Recelpts, HOOn head: market
steady to to higher; bulk of sales, $7.03
i.2T; heavy, $7.254J7.r; packers and butch
ers. $7 10jf7.2o. light. $7.00tr7 15; pigs, $6.00
, SHEEP AND LAMHR-Recolpts. 7,700
head; market 10c to ISo Inwor; lambs, $7.60
48.76; veurllngs. $G.50(tf3.00: wethers, $5.00
Nt. Joseph I,le Stock Market,
Steady; receipts, 1,100 head; steers, $6,75
ti9.2S; cows and hclfors, $3.761f7.75; calves.
HOGS Higher; receipts, 4.000 head;
top. $7.25; bulk of sales, $7.05117.16.
SHEEP AND LAMDS-Mnrket slow;
receipts 2.000 head; lambs, $7.60511.00.
Stork In Slant.
Receipts of live stock at the flvo prln
clpul western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 4,300 12,000 9,700
St. Joseph 1,100 4,000 2.000
Kansas City 7,000 11,000 7,700
St. IaHII.i 3.800 4,500 3,200
Chicago 1S.0J0 26AM 35.W0
Totals. . .
...34,300 67,600 67.000
B UTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton. 35c; No.
1. Co-lb. tubs. 3414c; No. 2, 33c.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri
can Swiss, 2Cc: block Swiss, 24c; twins,
19c; daisies, 19c; triplets, 19c; Young
Americas, Zlo; blue lnhel brick, 19c; Urn
berger, 2-lb.. 21c, 1-lb., 22c; New York
while, 21c.
white. $043.
BEEF CUT ntlCES-Wholcsale Prices ot
beef cuts otfcctlvo January IS are as fol-lows-Rlbs:
No. 1, SOHc; No. 2, 15V4c; No.
3. llKc. Ioins: No. 1. 22c; No. 2, l6V4o;
No. 3. 12ttc. Chucks: No. 1. 9V4c; No. 2,
SUc; No. 3, SUo. Rounds: No. 1, 13c; No.
2, llfic: No. 3. lOSie. Plates: No. 1, 8Vic;
No. 2, 7ic: No. 3, 7Wc
POULTRY Broilers. $3.O0fff5.00 per dos.,
hens, 16c: cocks, Ho; ducks, 20a; gecsn. ISo;
turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dos., $1.20. Alive,
broilers, 17c; lions, llo; old roosters, 6H0;
ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese, full
feathered, 16a; turkeys, 18c: pigeons, por
dor., 60c; homers, $2.60; squabs, No. L
$1.50; No. 2. 60c
FISH (Frsh)-Plckcrcl, 11c frozen:
whlto, 14c, froxun; trout, 14c, frozen;
largo crapples, 12c;. frozen; Spanish
mackerel, iBo; eol, 15c; haddock, 13c:
flounders, lJo; green cattish, 14c; shad
roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, 15c: halibut,
20c; frozen, 13o; buffalo, 9c: bullheads, 13c.
Oysters, bay standards, $l.9; northern,
$1.60; selects, $1.80; counts. $2.00.
FRUITS Oranges: California navels,
fully colored, 0 size, $2.00: 94 site, $2.;
12S size. $2.60; 160, 17(, 200 and 216 sice,
$3.00. Grapo fruit: extra fancy Florida,
48, 64. 04 and 80. per box. $3.60. Cranber
ries: Wisconsin long keeping, extra, fancy
Howes', Jumbo, per bbl., $9.(0; extra fancy
Jersey, per bbl., $9.00; extra fancy, Bells
and Cherry, per box, tJ.00. Lemons: Air
Ship brand, 300 or 360 size, $6.76. Cocoanuts:
In sacks, per sack, $5.75; per dozen, too.
Honoy: new Colorado, twenty-four
frames, per case, $3.76. Dates: Ford, IS
lb. box, por lb., 12a; New Hall, bulk, per
lb., 7o ; new Anchor Pkg. (30 cartons), per
box, $2.26; new Dromedary ($0 cartons),
Ser box, $2.76. Ftgsi new U 12. per box.
10; new 6 crown (Turkey), 15c; now t
crown (Turkey), 16c; now 7 crown (Tur
key), 17c. Apples: extra fancy Washing
ton Jonathans. Ut. 125, 128, 160. 165. box,
$1.86; extra fancy Washington Grimes'
Qoldena. 113, 125. 138, 160, box, $1.76; extra
fancy Washington Roman Beauties, 72, 80,
88, 96, 103, lis. box. $1.75 ; extra fancy
Washington Black Ben DavU, 72. 80, 88,
96, 104, 126 count, box, $1.76; extra fancy
Washington Red Wine Saps, 104. 112. 125,
188, box, $2.00: extra fancy Pink Cheek
Waxen and White Winter Pearmains, 06,
104, 113, 126, 188, 150, 163 count, box, $2.00;
extra fancy Colorado, unwrapped. White
Winter Pearmains, 160, 165. 180, 200 count,
box, $1.65; extra fancy New York Bald
wins, per bbl., $2.90; extra fancy New
York it I. Qreonlngs, per bbl.. $3.26; ex
tra fancy New York Bute Russets, per
bbl., $3.00; extra fancy Missouri Jona
thans nnd Grimes Ooldena por jbl., $4.00,
6 bbl lota or moro, asiortod, 16c per bbL
off: extra fancy Missouri Ben Davis, per
bbl., $2.60; extra fancy Missouri Wine
Pippins, per bbl., $2.75: extra fancy Mis.
aourl Willow Twigs, Black Twigs. York
Imperials and other tine varieties, per
bbl., $3.25.
Wool Market.
LONDON, Jan. 15. WOOL Sales con
tinued today with offering of 8.737 bales.
Tho wool was In good condition and the
demand was brisk at firm prices. Fine
merinos wore often r per cent nigner nnd
the best aradeH of greasy brouent Is Cd.
Crossbred were readily absorbed by tho
home trade and a few lots ot bright me
diums wero taken for Amorica. The sales
follow: New Bout Ii wales. TOO bales of
greasy. 10h 6(1. Queensland, 1,400 bales
scoured, la Sd4ls lid: greasy, 9d4?ls 3d.
victoria, w) ua ii : scoured, is Zftdgels
10V4d; greasy, STtdls Hd. South Aus
tralia. 900 bales: scoured, la ldifls
greasy. 6Hditls lUd. West Atistrallu.
'1,409 bales: scoured, G',5dMn U4d. New
Zealand. 1,400 bales: scoured, Is Hd1s 6d;
and Natal. 300 bales; scoured, Is 6d;
KreHSX. buuih 1U.
st. iajuih. Jan. 15. wooi-Stoady:
23W26c; light fine. Wff2lc; heavy fine, li
4T18c: tub washed, 2736c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 15,-MKTAI.R-Cnn.
per, unsettled; standard spot, $15.60318.50;
January to April, $15.60ftl6.26: electrolytic.
id.iouii.w, lane, il.wm.i.; castings,
$16,60. Tin. firm; snot, $51.00i81.26: Janu.
ary, $50.70060.90; February, $50,40i800.W:
March, $5O.10fl).4O. Iead. nulct. at $4.25
44.83, Spelter, quiet, at $7.254?7.40. Anti
mony, auu; (.rooKsons. $3.76ill'10.00. Iron,
quiet and unchanged. Copper arrivals 220
tons; exports this month. 15 906 tnn Tn.
don copper, easy; spot, 70 10s; futures.
a.,v jto uu. mull exciiunga saies, tin,
75 tons, london tin. steady; spot, JC229:
filtut cs, 227. London lead, 16 17s Cd.
Spelter. London, 26 2s 6d. Iron, Cleve
land warrants. 66s 6V4d In London.
firm; $4.20. Spelter, weak, $7.16.
Coffee Market.
tures market opened steady at a de
cline of one to three points under scat
tering liquidation, and prices worked off
another two or three points. The mar
ket rallied slightly, on covering In the
late trading and closed steady, two to
four points net lower. Bales, 49,600 bags.
January, 13.20o: February, 13.29c; March,
13.47c; April, 13.60c; May, I3.74cf June.
1180c; July, 13.88c; August, 13.94o; Sep
tember, 1102c; October, 14.00c; Novem
ber. 13.98c: December. 13.96c. Snot cof-
fee, steady: Rio No. 7, lJ?c; Santos No.
4, I6ic Miia corrce, quiet; Cordovu.
Huiitr Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 15. SUGAR Raw.
Steadv: muscovado. 89 test. 2.93c: centrlf.
ugal. 9 test, 3.4&CI molasses, 89 test, 2.7Jc;
reiinea, easy.
New York Mlulusr Storks.
NEW YORK. Jan. 16. Closlnir nuota.
tlons on mining stocks were:
Com. Tunnel nock . I Mtulcan SO
do boods iz ODUrio .tzi
Cen. Cl, b V 1 Oyblr jo
Iron Silver ISO Small ilupti 15
Lrtdflll Con 7 'Standard tot)
LlttU Chlct t Yillow Jacket .... . It
Lo 11 ilnn Stork Market.
LONDON. Jan. 15. American securities
opened steady and a fraction higher to
day. Good buying appeared during the
tcrenoort ana tne list auvancea unuer tno
lead of Amalgamated Copper and Can
adian Pacific. At midday the market
was was iirm. wim prices ranging rmm
t to 24 higher than yeiterUuv s New
York closing.
Prices Somewhat Stronger, but;
Market Still is Nervous.
Position of European Exi-linnicr;
FnTorablc Inflnrncr anil Pur
chases hy Forrlarn Buyers
Heavier 'Ilian Usnnl.
uJnuOIlK- jRn- 1& riy oompnrl.oT
with the two previous days of pro
nounced weakness, thn stock markcl
gavo a better account of Itself today, bul
It nevertheless continued to reflect tin
disordered stato of speculative sentiment.
The market was nervous and Irregular
with contradictory movements nmoni
various Issues.
U-hlgh Valley and Southern Pacif .
were weakest ot the more prominent Is
sues, while metal Shares devclopea
Various forces operated to check tit
deel he. The position ot the European
markets wero tho heaviest In some ttm,
!iJl'n" estimated that Europe bought
40,000 to r,000 shaivs. London taklnq
chiefly steel nnd Union Pacific. Trader
with heavy commitments on tho short
side, showed sime uneasiness, and cov
ering operations wore carried on exten
slvely. particularly In the metal stocks.
lollticnl considerations agnn figured
prominently. All Wall street talked poll
tics today, and apparently llttlo head,
way was made toward dispelling tlu
nervousness which has been reflected hi
the week's dealings.
Bonds were under slight pressure. Total
salCB. par value, $1,927,000. Panama 3
advanced ?o on call.
Number of sales and loading quotations
011 stocks were as follows:
Bftlei. !IIh. Law, Clout.
AtnalmalM Copper .... J,s0 7JH 71U Tl'i
American Atrteullural , (4
Anrnican Uert 8uxr..... 1.709 vi 1514 sii
American Can I.too 27U UK I1U
American Can pfd
American C. A K.
700 U4U 11IU iVi
km uu cm t:v
American otton Oil 1,om 64 SJ
Am. Ice Becurltle SOI 3,14 51
American Unseed i) in in 10
I .
American Ioonintlre ... ICS stH 15 33'1
American 9. & It , 7014 Mk; 70
Am. K. & It. pfd...i , im
Am. Sutar ll"tlnlnj 1,700 jt 11H4 1
American T. & T. 7.K0 1M!4 1UH 111 'J
American Tobacco ,toa ttl 271 ;t
Ananmda Mtnlax Co S,tn 37 3U 3'
Atchleon 4,400 1MV4 J04W 11
Atchlion pM jjtaj
Atlantlo Coast I.lae , Toe 1M( 1114 1:1
llaltlmor ft Ohio... 1.200 Idl 104H 10414'
luthlchem Steel l.tOO J7 aitfc S'i
nraoklrn Ilapld Tr J.600 MM XT t7rf
Canadian Ilaclfle I.S0O 343 I4lt4 31!',
Central leather ' 104 J4 MV4
Chesapeake & Ohio 34 1H UK Tm
Chlraao O. W 3.300 u, UU
rhtcao, m. & nt. r ,too ini 11114 mi
Chleaso ft M W ,. 4i0 lMi m UVi!
Colorado P. ft 1 oo 21 31 :tj
Coneolldaled Oaa SOO 137i 13U UTJiJ
Corn rroducte 1,000 1:14 11 11
Delaware. A Hadaon :
Denrer ltlo a rand.. . 300 31 011, U'i
Denirer & It. O. pfd lot 74 37H J7i'
niatllltra' Beeurltles .... ICO 1U HH ia.
Brl , L400 30V4 50 H S0'5
Rrl lit pfd (4 44 4U 4(V
Krl Id pfd H-J
rieneral Clecirlo ; ltr 1
areat Nbrtheru pfd M0 lS7"i
nreat Northern Ora.eU. 4N 114 31V4 M'
tlllnala Central jn
Interbonucb Mat 300 1714 1714 17'
Inter. Met. pfd :,aoo toft to loH
Intarnatlonal HarTester.. tflo 107 IWi 10(U
Intar-Mrio pfd 100 II It H'i
International Taper o 11M ' lilt II
International Tump , , , ml
Kanaas City Southern.,.. COO 2114 M'4 tS
Icleda Oaa too 101 10"iS 1M
Ihlih Vallejr 1C.100 lit 1JV4 1S'3
Ixiulrrlllo ft NaahTllle... 700 1M14 lltH 130
M.. Bi. P. ft if. St. M... 300 IJIIi 137V4 13S1L
Missouri, K. ft T 00(1 11 2111
Mlaaourl Partita ,. 3,104 41 -40i 40U
National Dlicult 400 110 11114 119
National lad 100 SIS 60 li II
N. It It. of M. 3d pfd 33t
New York Central I0 107 1CXS 10H
M Y., O. & W 100 31T4 31H 31H
Norfolk & Weatern 100 113 113 lllli
North American 100 UV4 tM H
Northern I'acltlo H.700 lll4 111)4 lllVa
rarINo Mall -. it
rennsylranU 1,400 1114, 11114 m .
People's Oaa ............. 100 HSU 11IU 111
P.. C, C. ft Bt. It 0 1W1 100 100
Mttaburch Coal .- UO Jl4 31V4 U'l
Preneil Steel Car........ , 55 ',4
Pullman Palace Car...... 100 lta 1U It:
Tlradlni 7;i00 143K 1llU ICS'S
Itepubllo I. at 8 700 34 SJK 34'
llepubllo I. Il 8. pfd.... 100 IS 1314 (3
Hock laland Co 1,003 31 31T4 "'4
Hock laland Co. pfd 1,100 4t B 40
St. U ft B. F. 3d pfd.... 300 2714 27 37
Seaboard Air Line 300 lt14 II
Seaboard A. L. pfd 30 41 45 !4 41
Blosa-Bheftleld 8. Sc. 1 41
Southern Pacltio 11.700 10V4 14V4 1031
Southern" IUIIwar t.0 3(44 34 :'
Bo. lUllway pfd 400 1114 ' HH 711.
Tenneaeee Copper 300 31 US 34(4
Teias A Paclfl 100 3114 3Ui 3114
Union Paclfla 31.400 1S7K 111 74
Union Pacltio pfd 300 M to t
United States Realty 100 74 74 73
United BUUea Rubber.... 1.600 U It
tln. ed Btataa Steel in.100 li 13 I1V4
V. 8. Steel pfd 3,100 lMi 100U 109)4
Utah Copper 1,100 11)4 "', 4
Va-Carollna Chemical .. 300 4I 41 41)4
Wabaah 100 H !4 3.
Wabaah pfd U 13 HI
Western Maryland loo UK 3H W4
Wtatera Union 1,000 73)4 71 11
Weatlncboue Kleclrla ... 1.U0 74 71)4 71)4
Wheeling & U K. 100 7)4 -7)4 7S
EiTlihta. nx.dlT,
New York Honey Market.
NBW YOn-K, Jan. 15.-MONET-Or.
call, steady at 2itj)J per cent; ruling
rato, 2)4 per cent; closing bid, S?i per
cent: otfored at 3 per cent.
TIMB IX3AN8 Firm: sixty days,
4 per cent; ninety days, 44Vi per cent;
six months. 44V4 Pr cent.
'rlTKIlUNa BKCltANaB-r-Firm. with
actual business in bankers' bills at $l.l
for sixty-day bills and at $1.8710 for de
mand: commercial bills, $4.82'4.
HIL.VKU Bar, 83'Ac; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, firm; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were,
aa follows:
U. 8. ref. 3i. MI...101 K. C. 84. raf. Si.. 7H
do coupon 11 I del. 4i 1931,. 3j
U. 8. sa. ri 1KH & N. uat. 4a,. . IS
do coupon 103)4 Id. K. & T. Ut 4a.. l'4
U. 8. re 11144 io ten. 4H...,- "'
do coupon lllVjMo. Padflo a 1)
Panama 7 coupon.. 1 do cwnr. la....... ST'.i
A.-C. Itt la ctft.. l N. n. R. ot M. 414 H'.i
Amer. At. s 101 N. Y. C g. I)4a..,. 17
A. T. ft T. ct 4a...U0 de deb. a 1'4
eAm. Tobacco la.. ..170 N. V, N. II. ft 11.
Armour ft Co. 414s. 1H ct. ma II H
Atchleon gen. 4a. .. 1714 N. ft W. let e. 4a,. tXH.
do ct, 4a 1910 10144 da ct. 4a MVi
do ct, la 14)4 No. Pacltio 4a M4
A. C. L. Ut 4j 1444 do It II
Bat. ft Ohio 4 JfJ. 8. 1 rfdg. 4a... 13
do 3V4a Ol'.iPenn. ct. 3Ha 111!.. 97U
Crook. Tr. ct. 4a. u U)4 do coo. 4 loti
Cen, of Oa. la. .,107HRea4lor sen. 4a.,,..
Cen, Leather ta., . 3V4S. I ft ST. P. it 4a 7(
Cbea. ft Ohio 4)4. H do ges. la... ...... I1L
do enT. 4)4 2U St. U S. W, e. 4a.. 10',
Chlcaio ft A. 3',4M 8. A. L. adj. !.... VI 4
C. D. & Q- 1- 4a,,. ISes. Pat, col. 4 4
do gtn. 4 ti de ct. 4a M'i
C M & S P cr 4V4- 1 d lat ref. 4a $3
C. n. I. ft P. c. - K8. lUllway !....
do rfl. 4a II do gn, 4a , 77
C. ft 8. r & 4'.4. H Union Pacltio 4a..., It
D. ft H. cr. 4a.,.. 74 do CT. 4a,.... II
D. ft It. O. ret, Ii I3V4 do lit ft ref. 4.. US
DUtlllera' la 'HI'. " Itubtwr et...10f,
Erlo p. I. 4a. .... .. IIHU. 8. 8tal U 6..101S
do gen. 4a,, 75)4Va.,Car. Cham. la,. V.I
do cr. 4s, ar, B. Tl Wab. lat ft ex. 4. W
III. On. lat ref. 4i. WeaUra Ud. 4a.... Mt
Inter. Met. I!4 "Weet. Elec. cr. It. IITl
Inter. M, M. 4V4i.. "Wit. Central 4 91
Ja$an 4'.la , 0
Did. "Offered
Boston Stock atarUet.
BOSTON, Jan. lS.-Cloelng nuotatlom
on mining stocks were as follows:
Allouei 31)4 Mohawk It
Amal. Copper 73 NnuU Con , 1U
A. Z. Ik ft S 37!4Nls(aalgf Mine .. H,
Arliona Com )4 North Butt son
R. ft C. O. ft S. M. I North Lax , .H
Cal. ft Artcona...... I340td Dndstn ....
Cal. ft lietla 49S Oaevola I.'.
Centennial II Qulncr 72
Cop. Itanie C C... 47 Shannon 11
Eait ButU C. M... 13' Superior 31 ,
Franklin Hi Superior ft B. M. , V,
O trout Con. , 3'i Tamarack , . S0
Oraubjr Con 8HU. S. 8. It. ft M. . 401,
Oreeoa Cananea. .. I S-l da ;fd 41
lalft Morale Copper. IIHUtih Cbn" II
Karr Lake UUtah Opper Co It '
Lake Copper . . .. !0U Wlnena 1)4 .
Ia Salle Copper HVToiertn u
Miami Copper 33)4
Rank Clearings.
OMAHA, Jan. IS. Bank clearings foi
today were $2.93l,:0.M and $2.23,7tS.10 fo.'
the correepondlng day last year.