Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1913, Page 10, Image 10
10 It Wasn't Jeff's Fault, Fither. : WVCeweRiKYir ) f vou saib you ip HftW4M'6 1 feN "6e (r thg Vou PONCHO s LZ COOCDN-T HGUP.T ,TT(N& VOU Iff Sr J , , -U ' r W r" ' WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must bo presented befom 12s00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7: HO p. ni. ror morning and Sunday edition. Want ads re ceived after such hours will have their first Insertion under the) head In, "Too Lato to Classify." OAS II RATES FOB WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono insertion 2 cent a word. Two or mora consecHllvo Inser tions Hi cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than SO wit. CHARGE RATES. Six words to tho line. One lnjscrtion 13 cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 ccnta per line. One lino per month $1.80. 1-wcnty ccnta a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons baring accounts are measured by tbo line, not by tho word. NOTE Tho lies will not bo re sponsible for more than ono wrong insertion due to typograpliical error. Claims for eiTor cannot he allowed iter tho 10th or tne following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden mustn bo topped by written order. Verbal or telepiione cancellations cannot Iw acccplod. UIHTIIS AND DMATHS. Births Roy nnd Dorothy Chambc Hand, 4222 Favvlcr, boy; O. and Matilda Kuichen hoff, HIS Military, girl; J. M. and Beaky Redman, IMS North Eighteenth- girl; M. and Martha skorka, 2717 Bouth Twenty fifth, boy: Henry and Sarah Sokolotf. 1907 Clark, boy: II. I., and Edna Ware, 0C9 Bouth Forty-first, boy. Death-J. C. Morrlngcr. 08 yenrs. 3319 Blondo; Ondrea Alexander, BIS Williams; Mary Hohcrlch, 55 years, hospital. MAItUIAGB LICKKSUS. Permits to wed huvo been granted the following couples; Name and Address. Ago. Forrest K. Cotton, Omaha...'.... 22 Mary Thompnoi, Kunsas City, Mo 20 Jiavld F, Kelly, South Omaha.'. 21 Hose M. Walsh, Arlington, Neb ,.. 2S William J. Martin, Omaha '. SI Krina II. Kgan, Omaha ., 23 Howard G. Jackmun, Louisville, Nob... 21 Laura Hclden, Omaha.., 20 Klton R. Dalrymple, Hockport, '-Mo. ..... 21 Opal L. Townsend, Hock Port. Mo IS 'William Luenenburg, Charles 22 Boruthoa J, Helmers, Charles 10 Clyde IU Hamilton, Shenandoah, la..,. 23 Gelcna Stevens, Shenandoah, la 23 Charles E. Fanning, Omaha over M Margaret Flonnagan, Omaha. .i.... .over 38 Henry M. Cropp, Omaha , 21 Justtna 8. McKlnncy, Omaha 19 George L. Decker, Oinahu 2i Anna Kaltler, Omaha 2J Kmest Kofka, South Omaha.,... 21 Anna Vodlcku, South Omaha 21 BUIIiDINO PKHMITH. N J. lUldbtg. 423 South Thirteenth, altrratlous. 14.000; William Haldrlge, Thirty-ninth .and Davenport, brick gar age, $3,000; F. D. Fratt. SSll Klllson, frams dwelllnr. t2.M0. HEM WANTED FEMALE Clerical ftad Office . WANTED At once-, a lady bookkeeper ana stenographer. Atiareea x zsi. uee. HoBsekeeriera and Uomcstlcs. THE SERVANT GIRL PltOUIJSM huuvkw- The ueo will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Jlluffs. Bring your ad to Tho Be office or telephone Tyler woo, WAUTUD Experienced second girl. 426 .Mortn sistn tit. GlHLwanted for general housework In amail family where second girl Is kept uoou wages, vu a. ssin Ave, utiiuMAN gin wisncs position as chambermaid and go home nights. Can Klve good references. Address 610 S. 26th Ave. Red 4968. EXPERIENCED girl for .Second work. lapply 208 B. 32d Avo, it sou. References. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 1020 a 20th. II. 2101. WANTED A luundrcss for Tuesday rooming, ts. so. il uw. GIRL about 20 to help with general liousework. aoue Mason. CAPAULE, neat girl for general house work, no ironing. Appiy as soon as pos slble. S363 CI. Mary's Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work, good wages. Web, 4S33. Office Jled 4721. WANTED An experienced sir! for iron oral housework. Must be good cook. 137 p. satn hi liar, am. , k WANTED Girl for general housework In family or threo. li. 90s. WHITE girl or woman to assist with jiouseworK in torenoons. web. 4U70. WOMAN for general housework. Just like home; no objections to child. Harney WANTEDA middle-aged woman tor pcnerai nouseworK. can Webster toil. ask tor Air. Buaenoera. UIRL for general housework; foreigner .... ... .Aid ..r, tia-.. iu GOOD girl wanted for general hous. work, small family, good wages, no wash lng, Call In forenoon at 2000 Poppleton jsve, GOOD girl for general housework, 2X8 Jiarncy. juiniey ou. GOOD girl for general housework, must know how to cook, no washing. 2813 lamoraia. itarney sia. GOOD girl tor general housework. Kowler Ave. 2324 Sllfteellaneona. WOMEN 3et government position. S9 month. Write Immediately for list of loiuon open, irrankiin institute, Dept. mi v. Hocnester, n. 2. HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlsecllii iiroua. TOIINO women coming to Omaha ns strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian nssoclutlon building at Bt. Mary's Ave. hihI 17th St., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide nt the Union station. HELI WANTED MALE Ajrentn, Haleameii nnil Solicitors. Live Agents will write Jaeger Hro.' Manufacturing Co., cm lirandcls Theater Bide. Omaha. WANTED At once, salesman 'hat in Interested In securing a permanent posi tion, to call on the retail and whoIesAlo erocery trade In Chicago; must make home there! rfalary, $100 per month and expenses; must be absolutely honest and willing to work hard; must furnish flrat clans references. Address for Interview, I. 004, lice. NEW YORK nrt embroidery firm wishes hustling salesman, or commission, for Omaha and vicinity. Partridge & Wil cox, 231 Church street, N. Y. City. AOKNTH, would you be satisfied to make $0 dally? Write for my lutest cat alogue. 1 give premiums and samples free. J. II. Cunningham. 1007 Franklin Ave.. Lexington, Mo. ilerlCMl Mud tiff tor. Wanted By nn old established houso young man of gobd slxu und uppearance over Z3 years ot atlc. to stait as assistant to city salcslnuh, calling un grocers; per manent position; opportunity good for de veloping Into a regular salesman. Ad dress in own handwriting, stating ago, fire, experience atid sulary required,. Ad dress K &0C, ears Dee. Factory Anil Trades. L13AIIN AUTOMOHILK liNdlNKKUfNG. Get Into tho automobllu business, learn complete In the largest and best lulpucd training school In this territory. Hcpulrmcii, demonstrators n;d salesmen are In demand. Write or cnll tor our latest catalogue. HUHAHKA . AUTOMOHILF. SCHOOL.. 1415-17 Dodge St., Omuhh, Neb. Drug storo (simps) Jobs. Knlest, llee Uldg. M1CN wanted to'Ieurn the barber trade. IJcct trude In existence for poor man. Machinery can't .kill It. Ou'r graduates grwttly In ilotmtnd. Top wages to holders r our certificates, vow weeks cumpicics. oola given. Catalogue free, Woler liurber college. 110 S. 14th St. YOUNG man nf about two years' drug and sodiy fountnlti experience. Station U, Omaha. J. II. Schmidt, 24th und Cuming. WANTKD A . young man about IB years old to walk In clothing store. Call at once, I'alkco Clothing Co., 11th and Douglas sts. l-OIl HAKK-jA few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, 110. Alterations free. UU.MJI'ii;, WUUIiKH .MlL,l.a, KK, Northwest Coriier 15th and Harney Sts. MIscullMneoiis. WANTED FOIt U. 8. ARMY Able- bodlod, unmarried men between ages of IS and 3&; clllsens of United States, of good character und temnorato habits. who can speak, read and wrltu the Kng Halt language. 'For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Uulldlng. 15th and Dodge Sts.; ,605 Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. loth St..flncoln. Neb. George's 10 &-J6a restaurant. 1324 Dodge. 500 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; 100 to 1100 a month; no ex perience neceMiary; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for applica tion blank. Address V 281, nee. ARE you unemployed or dissatisfied with your work, or get very low wages with no prospect of advancement? The automobllo bUlhSs offers you oppor tunities. Our graduates are trained by practical experience In demonstrating, re pairing and driving all makes of auto mobiles, ana command largo salaries. Enormous sales ot automobiles has left great thortago of good men. Wrlto for full iiiLTtlculars and learn now before the spring rush. National Automobllo Train- InJ i.annlnHhh ninuhl. ACTUALLY INVESTIGATE the United States navy before making up your mind you won 111 11 1 want 10 oeion. wind nut fop voiirself the wholo triitti about navy pay, hours, promutlon, train. lng, pleasant companionship, cnances iu learn trades, to tave up money and U seo the world. H you're between 17 atut 25, call at Navy Recruiting station, post office building, Omaha, Neb., und get "a Interesting, valuable Information first hand. Or write for free book, "The Mak ing of i Man-o'-Warsman." Tells In sim ple language ana cieur pictures an uuum dally life intho navy. etc. Send today to Ilureau ot Navigation, nox sw, txavy, Department, Washington. V. C. 11.25 WEEIC-ROoms, Carey hotel, 18th and Howard, HELI' WANTED MALE AMU FEMALE. vk KIIHNluit competent stenosraDh- rs services free t6 employer and em ployes. L. C- smith ft uros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam St. ' Phone Doug. 2J1J. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed ynu by the Union Paclflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads It ybu gain your training In our school. Practice on R. H. wires. Address for particulars, H. B. Boylef Pres. Hoyles College, Omaha, Neb. MKV-WOMEK-flH eovernment tisr. eels posts lobs; 120 a week. Write for list of positions open. Franklin institute, Llept. Zll-A, itocnesier x- WANTED SITUATIONS work: flrat.clfess workman: can do anv- thing In the carpenter line; sober and to llable; can give good references. 'Phons Webster wu. YOUNG man wants work ot any kind; am not afraid of work and am reliable and can give good references. 'Phone Webster 5241. WANTED Bundle wushlng. Web. UU. WANTED .Work on farm or ranch In southern Nebraska' by married man, Ad- aress upx ie, Long line. Hen. 1 . 'i1:- 1 . ' . . YOUNU coiorea coy wishes position as porter or janitor, or all around house boy. Tel. wen. 7vw. YOUNG lady wants position as operator on private switonooaro. web. . YOUNG lady wants position In offira doing clerical work; will start ou small wages. weDeter6ts. THE BEK: OMAHA, TH t'RSDAY, JANUARY The ArtisT: Made Him Do It A. B. C. of Omaha A AHON'H Jewelry and gift store. Jan- nnry gut sale now in progress, istn nhd I''nrnam. BULL DRUG CO., 1210 Farnam, Crutch rubbers, crutches, elastic trusses, all kinds of rubber Koods anything you want from n drug store. - IACKLEY BROS., 121 N. 16th. llome , made wine, $1 gallon. Two quart ' hbttlcH beer, 20c. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, 15th and Harney tits. $15 suits and ovurcoats made to order, guaranteed to lit, E CONOMY Electric Signs bring busi ness: uavo cost In lighting. E. M. 1,11. n ...1 TV-it.,!... Hmulin FOSTER-BARKER CO., W0 Brandels Bldg., Doug. 23. Uencral lnsuranco carried In reliable companies. G nOSB ,W HECK! NO CO., Doug. 29-7. 201 R. 10th. All kinds of second hand , ,, , machinery, lumber and all kinds of building supplies. Write ns for prices. "H' OMR of the LONG TON." All the good kinds of coal; several gooa uhstltulpa fnr hanl coal. Li 11. McCq)ln Co.. 12J1 Bo. ICth. D. 75X r YOU have scrap metals, rubbers, and rags, write for prices to Omaha Metal and Hubbcr Co. A. tttMIHOUDKR will tell you any thing you wish to know about tno Moose lodtfe. Tel. D. 6S2'i. 416 tf. 17th. KBHIl Abstract Co.. 3UC 8. 17th 8L Hotter be safe than sorry, have Kerr .do your tltlo work. LANK.THK15 Klcctrlcal Co., 308 8. 18th 8t., Tyler 1011. All kinds of electri cal contracting. Get our prices. TV fONHKlT'8, Mfr. ot Wigs, toupees. VI . switches from combings, ji. jmoiv belt h beauty parlors, 403 S. 18. VSS23 fvfiiflRASKA CYCLE CO., loth and IN Harney. Douglas 1602. wo rem, " tcpair, sell needles, tievvlhg- machines. parts of all o MAHA Stovo Repair Works, 1200-OS Douglas St. Tel. Tyler 20. water. fronts And colls for furnaces. Steam ahd water heaters; rep'ra; men to do work Petroleum Coke, 110.50 per ton. Greatest heat giving lucl on tho market. No ashe or smoke. Give us u trial or utr. Ullldn Fuel Co. Douglas 268. DUALITY urlntlng: nrlcos right. Phono H. uoug. 366 ana let us quote prices on printing, liarton Ptg. Co., ouo . lain R ElO hotel, now open for business. .Moacni every respect, npeciai xam Uyrntcs by wk. or mo. 160) Cuming. SISTE1C tailored suits. Gowns, remod eling and repairing; reasonable cost. rrAAKH ,yclr friends to tho Mandarin l(liu,i iw j ivuu(,iiio, ufamiiii. vmuiin exclusive Chinese enfe. Muslo ov'n'g gs UNHED Clothes Shop. 1612 Farnam St. Suits, overcoats, raincoats Heady-tVWeaf-110 & 15. Why pay morti? TACUU.M Cleaners. Tho right kind at V tno riBtu price. ?i.o. rnono lieu . -inrVY,r iirriH.. iirnniiom 'rn,Aipr Hinir. w estern Millinery school, 412 Paxton 111k. Spring and summer classes preparo lor eariy positions. -trJCELLO GRATE TON JS.50. Tho X nearest to nnthraclte; absolutely flvrtAltnlfta rnfl! ITn l win . IMJlt doors and windows made cold. dust and rattle proof, by consulting Fi ,11. TUHNEY & CO.. C03 Ware lllK. Dollglas. 4598. z EiaLJSn Coal. All sixes, pur ton, 17.00. D..'L. & W.. Scranton. Chestnut and other sties, per Urn, iUCU. poplo'u Coal Co;, Phono Doug g. vm or -ryivr Jim. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HAZEL LEAF 'PILE CONES licit remedy for ltchlnr. bleodinir or nrotrud lng piles, COo postpaid; samples free. Slier. man t McDonnell i-irug uo., uinana. AND when I eat. 1 always cat witn pleasure at the Woodmen Cafeteria; D. S. Qrifflth. wig mfr.. 12 Frenzer illk, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. 16 INVALIDS NEED PENSIONR. COO 8UUSCIUITIONH EACH MONTH until Juno to THE LADIES' HOME JOUR NAL, 11.60; THE SATURDAY EVENlNU POST, ILTO; THE COUNTRY GENTLE MAN,; earn S3.0C0 for THE INVALID T'KNSION ASSOCIATION. Sixteen in. valldh Will receive 110 a month, lo&vlm? tor aavenising. wvcry oraer worth to cents, xuuu iusniswals count. Won't you helpT Also any publication whatever. MUST HAVE" 134 SUBSCRIP TIONS IN JANUAJtY. 'Phono Douglas Ties. Always aanrees GORUUN, -J-11K MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA, NEI1. MONEY! TO LOAN-LOW rate. 310 Hee Uldg. fiione Doug, xrn. Union Loan Co. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th St Skates sharpened. 15c Nebraska Cycle Co. Masaueradn and theatrical nulumn t rent at neoen s. iai4 iiowara. open ev-ngs, ATTILVOTIONS. OMAHA film exch.. 16th and Dmisr. Un. tion picture machine aud film bargains. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND'S Ills new garage Ht 26th and Farnam. And radiator covers at 12.60 and up. WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about; never been used. Auoresa A 427. care liee. M 1 F: J TaUkJ'A!" RADIATORS repaired. 2020 Farnam St. FOR SALE-1911 pattern Ford touring ear. In first-class condition, Baker. 'Phone Douglas 4S2. Benjamin S. IlUSINESS CHANCES ii aei m or oui ot ousiness. call on iAflULsiAUi ut life uiog. Tel. U. 4477. FOU' SALE A centrully located drug store; elegant fixtures; doing a good bustnes;; can be bought right. For par ttculars see H. Fischer, 401. City Nat't Bank. Bldg. CAFE tor sale with 7 rooms. Kearney, .Neb. Ittx 141, UUHINEKS CHANCES WOULD like party with some monjy and Service to take Interest In my busi ness. Can give best of references. Ad- ureas J 443, Bee, .... . niiiu i rmii niuiu III, UIBIiru Ul luiu, Kennebeck Co., r05 Bee 13ldg.. Omaha. ELITE picture show room, 516 N. 2ltn, South Omaha; new front and newly dec orated; unexcelled location; room for SCO chairs; no fixtures; excellent opportunity for an experienced showman. Hall IJln trlbutor Co,. 433 Ramgo Oldg. Doug. 7400. GARAGE for autos, 15 per month. 812 N. 16th. A X V I, .....ll .. . i -1. -. i , WANTBDr-A live, nnercntlc man with some capita to open up a drug store In a good, live southeastern Neb. town: big territory; married man preferred. Address x aw, uec. KXPHKIENCKI) grocery man wishes to Invest a few JIOO nnd his services In a small grocery storo In Omaha. II. 1S2. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architect. J. F. COTTRELL, 4102 N. 19th. W. SSI. Ilenuty Parlors. TTnirHritHMitiir Manicuring, Massage, X-lUllUlLBblUlT nip-, Trpntment. nhll- dren'a bobbing. Wolndlandcr 8mlth,317 8. 16 Chlroiirnctora. J. C. Lawrence. D, C, 2322 Howard. D. 8161 Chi rMl tats. Carrlo J. Burford, 633 Pax Blk. Red 4587. DR. M ON HE IT, 403 8. 16th. Douglas 2333. Coal Ileulom. PARTRIDGE-THOMSON CO.. " have moved to 305 South 17th. Sell best coals at reasonable prices. Crcniiierlrn, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY'. Doteutlves. JA&IES ALLAN. 312 Neville block. Evi dence secured In ull cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. DrensmnkliiK. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Dressmaking by tho day. Web. 740J. Dressmaking, home or by day. D. 8360. Miss D. Malloy. altering of ladles' suits. refitting, rellntng. 206 Boston Store. D. 3478. DniRH. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid 'on 110 orders; cataloguo free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything; Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee Bldg. Florists. A. Donnghuo. 1607 Far.. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. BATH'S, florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. U HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. D. 125S. BRANDEIS cut flower dept., newvstore. Konndrlca. Ktnllnnald Brass and Brouxe foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. (lasltiff and Framings W (In cltizlntr and deliver glass In all parts of the city; also picture framing. Barker Bros. Paint Co. . "The Paint Men You Know." lGOOtt Farnam St. Phono Douglas 4i50. Hints for the Home. TRY JOHNSON'S $5 COAL .Mnn 4K fJ fnV f 1 1 Til fl T lV iieat- ing stoves. ' 18th and Hard. Tel Doug. 1702. 1 1 j j CUT PRIChiCOAL Rosenblatt 11.50 on every ton,'. better coal; moro heat for less money: run weight, uougias djj. atovlns Storavr nnd. Cleantntr. McLaud & Son. Van & 8.. S-horse van, 2 men. 11.25 nr., 2 hrs., li nr. u. isa. w. M3. Fum. moving; 3 men, 11 per hr. W. 2741 31 ii at o nnd Lnmrnaaea. Mar'land Martin, vocal teacher. D. S060. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S 8EEDMAN. 119 N. lSth. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 305-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Printing DOUG LAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Low W.Kaber. Printer, S?Ts! BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COUUf, WATERS-BARNI1ART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th. Patents. in n Am A RTt'ItriKS. .latent lawyer. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. S4C9. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Store and Ufflee Fixtures. tii-t. i.Mmi aff.rj, fAHtitiirnnt flvturea bought, sold, jevy. 2519 N. South Omana. Ing. etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 B. 12th. Q.tU. Trunks and So.ltca.sea. Frellng St Stelnlc. 1801 Farnam St Wines nnd Llqnores. wiiTMl Rt.rlni- twnr. llnilnra. elffara. sindwlches. Alex Jetes. 602-3 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE WlpS. 65o a large bot tle. Klein Uquor House. 622 N. 11th ot. EDUOATIONAli TUB MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet It la not too late to en ler. 8tudents re being enrolled Complete courseij In Business, Bookkeep iT, bi.nnrra.Dby. Telegraphy. Civil Serv- Ice 'and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asatng. au. ;vni ur vuuini for It at once. Address Hoyles College, 1807 llarney at., vjnimia. MOSHER'LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates aie guaranteed good positions. Work tor board. For., free catalogue and full In formation address Mosher-Lampmsn Col li, i15 Paxjoun Bt, Ojuoha, Neb. JCjlOlS. Drawn EDUCATIONAL Dnnclnnr. Macklo's, 3 class nights per week. D. M6. LIVE 8TOCIC FOB SALE. Iturui'k nud Vehicle. ONE carriage, ono depot wagon and tWH HI(R nf tinvtin.. 1 J .... ,. i'. U.afiV stables. 29th and Farnani. LOST AND KOUND. I' OX fur neck piece lost Sunday be tween 45th and Burdette and 47th. Re turn to 4735 Burdette. Reward. Mrs. J. H. Koehler. would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Hallway luinimny 10 ascertain wnctner they leit It In tho street cars. Mn.nv iirllrtn. .,.) n. .. . ,1 1 - " - - ' ' J V ..t. , . U I, 11 . U lUi.tdl III ana the company Is anxious to restore las? IS ,h rlBnt'ul ow"or- Ca" Doug- OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET "AIWAI UUMFANI, OREN-FACE silver watch, with leather strap attached for fob. 'Phoiw 3147. IX5ST A brooch in Mptrnnnlltnn rttili room. H. 4307. Mrs. D. Cooper. PARTY who picked up silver mesh bug left In American theater, containing lockut and chain and diamond clover leaf pin, will return to 15:6 City National and receive liberal reward. 2-YEAR-OLD black colt. Finder notify ""Hia Dot. receive rowara. 1 i. . , , , iiuini:, uuuui .U 72 high; reward. 2520 Lake. hands GLASSES In case. Return to address on case. Webster 3555. Reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula nnd other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no monoy paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Uldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Salary nnd Chattels. DIAMOND LOANS at VA and 5 per cent. FLA.TAU. 1511 Dodge St. TolJ Red 6619. FURNITURE. SALARY. LOANS. Lot us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe and START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With only ono place to pay; you'll bo more satisfied and surprised how cheaply wo can do IL NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. LOWEST RATES. CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established Twenty-ono years. 1G03 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 22j. Room 215 Board of Trado Building. r 1 DO YOU CA11E TO SAVE MONEY? HAVE YOUR MONEY MATTERS TREATED STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL IN PRIVATE OB FICES, by experts? If so. we will I ne gotiate a loan for you on PERSONAL PROPERTY of SALARY. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. DOJR. 14 1. ail Floor. Suite SOS. Paxton Hldg., 217 fc. 16th MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rntes; easy payments; confidential, u. u. Tolman. 603 New Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. "CTIATTEL LOANS 15 to 10U. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. en Paxton Block. yrf on furniture, pianos ana Vl HTl PV real ostate nt a very low JLYJAJUGJ' rato ot interest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. -220 Bee Bldg. vumviHi whu nnful tnnnpv a.nnrecl- ate absolute privacy, prompt action. Ad- uress jn bui, uee. ,w a unv'Ti irtl Vfl at 9 nnA R1Mr cent. I J I V..IVJ. . ...... " V " r GROSS LOAN CO., 410 North 16th. OFFERED FOOB BENT Hoard and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Douglas 611. imainr auH a a rm u t T1 fH fTTl ! rtTito home; boarU it Utsired. Phone . i ,..ini ftii and rtadim. under .! CI , ICil, 1 1 v I j , w-. - new management; single anu ensuue. u.o t . a t n w fmnr T-vrri nnd ulriivn for two 1WIIVVIU 14VMV " In modern home, hot water heat, walking distance. 810 8. 21st. Douglas 6140.' Furnished Itootus. mnirn house: HAIUH, h 1 . .'."- . iz.i ,per weea. -thh uuuijm ci. 'n-A i in . n kt i i i .ariA sAiith front room with alcove, also other rooms; all nicely furnished; moaern; reasonaoie. n. 1313 Dougla New furnished rooms, mod. m tj. 'AD Steam heated, strictly mod ern irom rouuui .-a. . i, winnT inri'n mrtiftp room. i I VI ,.-V ..... , steam, heat, hot water, strictly modern. r.H-1.- warm nnTnfnrtB.hle room, f BtliCtly modern. 13 per week. 330 N. 17th. Oood board If desired. Furnished Apartments. ttttiinisiied 4-room apartment until 1st ot May. No. 11, Majestic. Webster 2C00. Hotels nnd Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. nii.tLYinMU IjnTV.T. Ht.Anl heated rooms. 12 per week and up; free bath. Apartments and Flats, wt nrwT lnil .witn flu. KM S. ffiHi Ave.; references required. Tel. II. 31iO. R.nnnxf tnndrn flat. 531 S. 21th St. Tel. Harney 414U cot iunlli tnm nnil a nnrt merita for rent cheap. Clowry Court, O, P. Steb blns. Agent 1610 Chicago St cinrv w.m hAat Intlltnr. hot and cold water, electricity, laundry, wall CZr-rA nn Van C'n pa'mg. UUiuviJi t ww. storage. 219 N. 11th St.. or 216 8. 17th St Tel. D. KM. 6-ROOM modern flats, newly decorated; toilet separate from bath; brick: walking distance, but on car; 115 and 116. water paid. Tel. Douglas 4342. till FARNAM ST Second floor of Qulvet Bldg., 3-room apartment with large mom adjoining suitable for artists or professionals who wish their homes contiguous. Hall Diet Co., 43i Ramge Uldg. Douglas 740$ for The Bee by OFFERED FOB BENT "THE STANDARD" STEAM HEATED HOMES. Six high finished large rooms on ono floor, besides bath, private hall, range, hot water nil year. Janitor. Quality the best. Walking distance. References. Winter, 135 to 138; summer, 110 less. In your own Interest don't fall to sec these. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha National Bank Bldg. Office THE STANDARD, 1101 N. IStli. STRICTLY MODERN, 5-room steam heated apartment in THE ALBION, 10th Burlington depot, excellent janlto rservice. ARTHUR MAROWITZ. 726 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3622. Jlnunes nnd Cottages. MTiATTF) Son move trunks, 25o iu. xjixuu Douglas 433S. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-age, J2 per month. We contract your packing, storing nnd hauling. D. 423S and P. 3785. Offices 117 3. 14th St. 520 N. lGth. C ROOMS, 1711 Hickory St., ifc. 5 rooms, bath, 14C4 S. 17th St, 114. . Telephone Webster 1969. C CENTRAL Nothing like It; steam heat, all modern 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d Bt. .MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1406. Moving, packing and storage of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, SOJ 8. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. 209 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4163. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts.. all modern Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 574 S. 2Sth St 8 rooms completely mod ern. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406. A 4406. VERY' desirable 6-room, strictly modern house. In first-class condition; vacant 15th. 3558 Jones. Harney CS43. 8-ROOM modern house nt 112 S. 44th St., on West Farnnm-Dundee line; warm, comfortable home. Tel. Harney 3361. TTmicna In all parts of the city. J1U UDL3 freli-l. 9nn. JI, Cr. Tina Tllrli. .tin vjum, new uitruiii i.untiQ,v, cu modern except furnace. H. B. Boyles, D. ru .117 .11tTIm ....... r n ........ I, WEST FARNAM, 323 N. 3Sth- Ave., 5 bedrooms; 2 baths, $55. 1534 S. 26th St., 6-r., modern 115.00 123 N. 2th St.. 5-r., part modern.... 20.00 2922 Dupont, C-r part modern 12.00 4712 N. 40th St., 6-r.. city' water 11.00 1319 N. 29th St., 7-r., well 12.00 3114 Maple. 4-r., city water 8.50 1114 N. 46th St., 0-r., well 9.00 3230 Emmet. G-r.. wetl 10.00 CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Bco Bldg. HALF MONTH FREE II good houses. .1 to 12 rooms, 15 to 135. Several modern houses, cottages nnd apartments for colored tenants. D. S57, NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE Look at 2308 8. 32d St., a strictly mod ern cottage with hot water heating plant. In a very choice residence district. $30. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha'B Rental Men: Stores and Offices. FOR RENT For wholesale, light man ufacturing or retail purposes Farnam st i,rt r...r,mhnr 31 the three-story and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314, First National Bank mag, xci. ougiaa im. HALLS for rent. Tel. Doug. 5446. ,.vrr i.LWT fifUfi. .mini iT TV! ff . on ground floor front. In the Edward Crelgh ton institute, 2iu n. isin du, uwubub v.., hall. Tel. DouglasbMS in v iXTP CViiir-ntrirv anrl tlflJL4mcnt building, with trackago In rear alley. Will be vacant aoout April i. awij w Bee Huuaing c, uteoiuK. ki.ith; nleture showroom. 616 N. 24th, South Omaha; new front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room lor 360 chairs; no fixture.; excellent op portunity for an experienced showrnan. Hall Distributor Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. OFFEBED FOB BALE Furniture. DDAr.r. Quick buyers of furniture aud . plWJ household goods. We pay more. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Prac tically new. Call Red 7966. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS rented three months for 15; rent applied on purchase price. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 411 8. 15th St. m""iilitirii iminnu vav. 9 mnnthl 1.1. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCtlANGM. n-vDHMrniTKBfi RKNTED. Rent an L. C. Smith & Bros.' type. ... 7? -m I,... ill. mnnth. U Ul or three months for 17.50. L. C. Smith Uros. Typewriter i i- -.u fnone iou. Mlacellaneoaa. FOR 8ALENew and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table. and . . .. it ..... nn, 1 tnr rllt- DOWling ttliojo miu cv-w : ,r.. nf Jl kinds: easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balko Collender Co., 407-109 uouin win m. BAFE8 2d-hand. American Supply A.'o, ......! v .au. Vn in nj.mlncton: sacrl fio: owner leaving city. E 452. care Hie. Kindling. $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors grocers' display, counters. Ice ma chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. . i ,n. i. , m, lw.nL. o mmnl.ti, a At. UD- to-date. In good, live county In Iowa. For particulars aoareas x i. "gy- (tr: COAL; It's good; try a ton; best for money. Web. 818. Harmon & Weeth. " Phonographs at a bargalnr 720 N. 16th. al TEBSONAL BEST bracer for men. arays 'Nerve Food Pills, 11 per box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. n.niv in .nnri uriiedy. , zz : Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. M A niTweillsh movement. Apt. AbbAullij, Jg0:! Farnam. P-40. Mastage. Mrs. Goldsburg. 308 Boston Bid. "iTxrvT t If m.'t! MassaKO. 1S02 Far THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. Uth St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 aud wagon will alt. "Bud" Fisher PEBSONAL. M A CIS A fiTT. Swedish mo,ement Apt MAbOAUJii 2. is02 Farnam. D-6240. MASSAGE and Salt Glow. Mmo. Allen. 109 So. 17th St, 1st floor. D. 7666. Af A RSi A ITR! Corns removed, 25c. Mrs. lUAQOAlxJll Hnynea, 707 8. 16th. D. 4492. YOUNG women .coming to Omaha as strangcrB are Invited to visit the Yount; Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. BODY MASSAGE 222-3 Neville Block. FOR nervousness, rheumatism, heart disease, indigestion, constipation, goiter, catarrh, etc. try Chiropractic; one ad- Justment free. Dr. Dexter, 20th & Farnam. BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. Druglcss treatment. 703 S. 16th. Apt. B. ipni? QAT.TT A fw AT.T. WOOL Dundee suits, 110; alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. MASSAGE. Mrs. Snyder. Baths, electrlu treatments. 448 Bran. Thea. Bldg. J). 883. Ar A (TNFPTO ' reatment E- Brott iVlAU-lNiUXXV 3ver 710 s.i6th. D. 7835. Massage. Mrs. Rlttcnhouse, 208 Boston Str. MASSAGE Expert treatment by Mrs. Steele. 208 S. 13th St. Room SOS. BEAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on forms and improved city property, 6, 5',4 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat. 1109 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wcad, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. CI A T? VTT TH?rQ Loans 1M0 and un, KAV , All OJXWW. 0maha Nat., Banlt MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, 11,000 to $50,000. W. H. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. 'OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2713. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com. mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orln S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. nqL CITY LOANS, Bemis-Carlberg Co., " 1 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. LARGE loans our specialty! Stull Bros.' City and farm loans. John N. Frenzer. WANTED TO BOBBOW WANTED to borrow. $8,000.00; private money preferred; on unimpeachable farm security. Address Y 294, Bee. WAITED TO BUY Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices mr luiiiiiure, ciowies, snoes. we. 1607. WANTED To bnv K nr t.mnm ,n.o be moved mi n. lot: would lltru nn. n,i,i.t.. 15 blocks of 24th and Franklin. Tele. phone Red 4301. WANTED To buy old broken watches and old gold. M. Nathan, 109 a 13th St WANTED Fumed oak dining room set; muBt bo In first-class condition. J 50.", Bee. LOOK Look' we Pay u'o highest prlcet or gentlemen's and ladles' clothes, household goods, trunks and va- llHPM. WHtn Hr r3.aMA AR.ft I,, 1 .....w .u. uivoauiau, mOilf UlUUUO St., Omaha, or phone Webster 4562. WANTED 4-TO BENT WANTED-To rent. iO or 120 acres ot lanacash or grain. Address N 43S, Bee. SALE OB EXCHANGE B. E zWE handle successfully exchanges of merit If you have anything to deal in In a hurry, call Star Land Co., 217 Nat 1 Fidelity & Casually Bldg.. or phone Doug las 2365. Everybody's Doing It Doing what? Trading with the Palmei Land Co.. 1106 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, a good quartei section of land three miles from Huron S. D. M. A. Muratne. FOR SALE OR TRADE 7-room house In town of Spalding. Neb., for blacksmltt biiui. uu 01, uciieva, leo. 6-Room House. North, Will Take $400 Lot As ljirst Payment Iook at 2C06 Saratoga St.. a nearly new 6-room house, modern except furnace. Owner going away: will take 1400 cash or lot st same value In payment of his equity balance $25 per month. The Byron Reed Co, 212 8. 17th Bt Phone Douglas 297. BEAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ' REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot flee In Nebraska. 208 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOIt SALE KountzePlaceHome b Kooms, $3,750 2224 Evans Street noTK Just completed, entirely modern and complete In every respect, with be,iiif,,i oak finish and oak tlSoT, TecVlon hah parlor, dining room and kitchen on fi?"t floor, three splendid bedrooms and bath room on second floor. This is a. aof front lot on a fine street of homes lt ii place" bUlU Bn1 80 ttrave l'ooklnK CflARLES W. MARTIN & CO 1018 Omaha National Bank Bldg BIG SNAP THISVEEir " Crelghton's First, 325 South 21,1 n... . dandy, big. six rooms, modTrn- built; owner leaving; show anv' n l 'peach. 6 great, big worn, aid hot wi, 1 'heat, at a bargain. "ot HJt " t D. V fi HOLES CO. Phone Douk U i t