Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Stick-raloonar Co., TJndtrtaktrs.
Hare Soot Print Xt Now Beacon 1 res,
tle-htlng rixturss, Bnrgtta-aranden Co,
Ballsy tlia DtnUit, City rfat'l. D SSst
Chambara' School of Dancing- New
ilasses now forming. Douglas 1S71.
Toa Can start a Saving Account at
th Nebraska having ana Loan Abs'ii.
with $1.00 or more. IG05 Farnam street
Van Dyke Program tilgiith grade pa
of Cass school will give a Van Dyke
program Friday nftcrnoon at the school
under the direction of the teacher, Miss
Ida niackmore.
Railroad is rined The Illlnol-t Cen
tral Railway company watt fined. J1CO and
cuMr by .IndKe Klllott In the) federal
court yesterday on a charge of violat
ing the twenty-eight hour law. which pro
hlhlts railways from working their em
ployes more than twelve hours consecu
Indian Fltads Hullty John U.iidiatc,
hp Indian who was arrested by the qov
erntnent some tlmo ngo for introducing
liquor onto the Winnebago reservation
and who pleaded not guilty, withdrew his
likivatid entered another of guilty bctotc
Judgo BUIolt In tho federal court. Sen
tence was deferred subject to motion tor
new trial.
Vienna Hotsl Llcenss Rescinded City
commissioners luivo rescinded' tho saloon
license of Edward K. Brown, who had
been licensed nt the Vienna hotel. The
fact that ho had been twice arretted
tlnce the license was granted, although
the city clerk had not delivered tho
license, forced tho council to the con
clusion that Browh was not a proper
person to run a saloon.
Idvs Stock Men to Denver T3iiouii of
tho. Chicago Uo stock commission men
to fill five sleepers of u special train on
tho Itock Islund will ba In Omaha Friday
afterndon on their way to the national
llvo stock show nt Denver. Ilesldea the
Kltepors the Chicago contingent will havo
a buffct-llbrary car and u diner. Tliero
will bo about eighty In tho party. Their
train will reach here at 3 o'clock and they
probably will remain an hour or so.
Held on White Slavery Charge W". 11.
Murray, J. Jt. Maxwell, Grace Kllnne
nhd Bertha Burkett, who were arrested
by detectives Sunday and turned over to
tho government to faco a charge cf
violating' the llahn act, will be arraigned
beforo United States Commissioner Dan
iel Saturday nftornoon nt 2 o'clock for a
picllmlnnry hearing. Tho two men hm
said to havo taken the women to Mem
phis. Tenn.. somo months ago and titer;
to ha'vo brought them back.
No Wonder the Baby
Had Such a Thirst
As most children do, Browcr McCague's
little girl usually asks for a drink during
the night. To save tlmo and trouble nnd
serve tho baby quickly It Is the parents'
habit to have a cup of water standing
ready on the dressing table. When the
call come for a drink Monday night, the
cup was passed over, hut baby's thirst
seemed unquenched and unquenchable,
for tho young lady continued to ask for
another drink every llttlo while. Exam
ination of the cup In the morning dls
olosed the fact that the water in the cup
had frozen solid, and must have been
that way from the first call.
Tho Persistent ana Juaicionst-JaS'of
Newspaper Advertising Is. the vHoadfto
Business Success.
Famous "Pint of Cough
Syrup" Receipt
Jim Better Remedy at Any PrttTe.
Fully Guaranteed.
Make a plain syrup by mixing one
pint of granulated sugar, and Vi Ijint of
warm water and stir for two minutes.
Put 2& ounce of puro I'incx (fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and fill ft
up with tho Sujjar Syrun. Thisffjivcn
you a. family supply of tho best couch
Bvrup nt a saving of $2. It never spoils,
tfaka a teaspooaiul every one, two or
threo hours.
The effectiveness of this eimplo remedy
Is surprising. It seems to take hold in
stantly, and will usually stop the most
obstlnatn cough in 24 hours. It tones
up tho jaded appetite and is just laxa
tive enough to bo helpful in a cough,
nnd has a pleasing taste. Alio excellent
for bronchial trouble, throat tickle, soro
lungs and asthma, and an unequalcd
remedy for whoopluc cougb. and croup.
This recipo for making cough remedy
with Pines and Bugar Syrup (or
strained honey) 1st a prime favorito in
thousand of homes in the United States
nnd Canada. The plan has been imita
ted, though never uccessfully. If you
try it, use onlr genuine Piner, which is
tho most valuabln concentrated com
pound pf Norway white pine extract, and
is rich In guairicol nnd all the natural
healinc nine elements. Other prepara
tions will not work in this recipe.
A guaranty of obwlutfl satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this recipe. Your druggist bos PInex,
or will get it for you. If not, eend to
Tho Pinex, Co., It. Wayne, Ind.
A Belmont "Notch"
collar in white striped
Madras. It's an
lSc,2for25c. Cluctt, Peabody Sc Co.
S. F. Miller is Enthusiastic Over Out
i look for Coming Year.
llnrlliiclon RIvpm (tnt Statement
i Similar to Tlint of the Xorth
ivMltrn Siioiv Cover thi
Winter Whrsl Conntr).
J General Freight Agent S. F. Miller of
the Northwestern arrived worn Chicago
, enthusiastic over tho business outlook
for the coining year. Ho sny all of the
Nortljwcstcni people are experiencing the
samo kind of feeling.
According to Sir. Miller prospects for
good crops over Northwestern territory
everywhere, were never better than now
Tho snows havo been general nnd there
will be plenty of moisture to put tho
ground In perfect condition next spring.
Reports received by Assistant General
Freight Agent Johnson of tho Burlington
nro similar to thoso given out by Mr.
Miller. Mr. Johnson during tho last two
weeks has, betn In communication with
nil of the company agents In Nebraska,
Kansas nnd 'Iowa and they all tell prac
tically tho samo story. They say that
while tho snowfall han not been heavy,
there has been sufficient to completely
cover tho largo ncreago of winter wjicat
and prevent It from being killed by tho
cdld. They also state that farmers lnuvu
all finished picking their corn and that
the cattlo and hogs have been turned Into
the fields and ure doing much batter
than In past years. There are a few
Isolated sections whero cholera has ap
peared and killed some of tho hogs, but
the losses have not been abovo the nor
mal, takjng the eutlro Burlington terri
tory into consideration.
Taft Will Make
Long Stay in Canada
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. President Taft
has completed plans for the first seven
mouths of his citizenship utter March 1.
He will take up the duties of a law pro
fessor at Yale, and will not make a. world
tour In the Intcrcst-of peaco and arbitra
tion. Ha will tesldo In New Haven, but
for three months of trie seven ha ex
pects to live In Canada.
Mr. Taft will leave Washington with
Mrs. Taft and Miss Helen on starch 4,
after tho Inauguration of Mr. Wilson, for
Augusta, Ga., to becomo the guest of
that city until March 27, Charles Hlllos,
hla secretary, and Mrs. Hilled, will also
be guests of tho city of Augusta. C. V.
Taft, the president's brother, and Mrs.
Taft, John Hays Hammond and Mrs.
Hammond, nro expected to visit the Tafta
at Augusta. He expectes to leave Au
gusta in time to arrrvo Iri New Haven at
tho beginning of tho spring term of Tale
university. There he will resldo at'alocal
hotel, remaining In New Haven through
commencement lato In June.
After commencement Mr.- Taft will go
to Murray Bay, Canada, for a three
months' stay. On September 3, 4 and 0,
the president will attend the annual meet
ing of- tho Amorlcau Bar association In
Montreal. From Murray Boy Mr. Taft
will return to New Haven to" take up tho
work of tho fall tnrm.
The president smilingly Informed friends
today that ho had no Idea of going Into
;a lftwj,partncrshlp with anybody. ,4
Commerce Court
To Be Discontinued
WASHINGTON", Jan. W. If the recom
mendation of the senate committee on ap
propriations" Is accepted by the senate, as
It probably will, the commerce court will
bo discontinued alter tho close of tho
present fiscal year, Juno 30, next. The
full committee today reversed the action
of its subommltteo wjilch gave tho court
another full year after Juno 30. As re
ported, tho measure carries S3o,3S5,;i6, an
Increase of J186.131 over the amount car
ried by the bill as It passed the house.
Packers National
(jets New Cashier
The cashlership of the Packers' Na
tional bank of South Omaha probably
will be filled by II. C Nicholson, who has
resigned ltls position as national bank
examiner of Nebraska, W. A. J, Johnson
formerly was cashier of the bank.
The Trl-Ctty Baraca union at Us regular
monthly executive xneeUns Monday even
ing elected B, F. Marti as president of tho
union to succeed James C. Johnson, whose
resignation took effect the first of tha
year. Before leaving for Buffalo, N. T.,
Mr. Johnson was aBked by tho executive
committee to assist It In selecting hla
successor, so lie consented to submit to
the secretary In a sealed envelope the
names of two candidates, either one. In
his opinion, qualified to act as president
of the union. The names he suggested
were II. II. Qaxst and B. r. Marti. These
two candidates, together with A. S. Kelly
and A. F. Basp, were nominated. Other
officers elected were W. C. Hodges,
Omaha, corresponding secretary; Boy N.
Towl, South Omaha, second vice presl
dent, and IL C. Hall, Council Bluffs, third
vice president. Resolutions were passed
to enforce the- laws against boxing ex
hibits In Omaha and South Omaha.
Old A f.
Old ace as It comes in the orderly proc
ess of nature Is a beautiful and majestic
thing. It stands for experience, knowl
edge, wisdom, counsel. That Is old eg
as it should be, but old age as It often Is
means poor digestion, torpid bowel, a
sluggish liver and a general feeling of til
health, despondency and misery. This In
almost every instance U wholly unneces
sary. One of Cbamberlaln'a Tablets taken
Immediately after supper will Improve the
digestion, tone, up the liver and regulate
the bowels. That feeling of despondency
will give way to one of hop and good
cheer. For sale by all dealers. Adver
tisement. Foreign Affairs
Austin Chamberlain announced at Bir
mingham that he could no accept respon
sibility for the decision of the unionists to
auanaon me, proyuEm iu impose taxes oil
1 food imported into the British Isles.
A surprise was- sprung on thu court
in trvlng the 1(W Koreuux. rhargml with
conspiring ugalnst the lifu of thu Jap
anese go'. u nor generul of Ivort-a Count
(Terauclil when counsel for the defense
urted that the tribunal was Imom
J Detent
Grabbert Tells Joke
to Cold Audience
Henry (Irubbert. an engineer employed
by the Itobertson Brothers Construction
company, came Into the pollen station
Inst night ;Wlth a ioke that Would inako
old Judgo 'itiunluiuicr grin.
"Hu-lm-liH-ha," roared Ornbbcrt n ho
rame in tho door.
"What's the matter with you, young
man."- ternly Inquired Tele Dillon.
("Ila-ha-ho-lm 1 Just got touched by a
Voman.for $10. haha-ha " . . . .
"Well, what's funny about that?" Dil
lon wanted to .know.
"Mp-mp-mp-ha-ha. He came up to 1110
and said, 'hey, you. and I said back 'hey,
yourself nnd sec how you like It,1 and
then she euid 'are you a fly cop.' ond I
wild 'yes.' Hn-ha-ha."
"Go on, fool, r can't see anything
funny," isald Dillon.
"Well, after I told her I was a fly cup.
Why. she Just tip and lifted my money."
Grabbort Is probably running yet.
Customs Surveyors
May Be Abolished
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Tho Treasury
djparlment's tentative plan for the re
oigaulzation of the customs .service, It
was (earned today t-ontomplutcs the nboll
tlon of all customs pavnl officers nnd
surveyors of customs, confining the port
administration to collectors and deputy
It also Is the department's Intention to
deprive tho collectors at portB along tho
great lakcB and the Canadian border of
their pr.esent perquisites from tho salo of
manifest blanks and, to turn this reve
nue Into tho treasury.
At 'somo of the uniallest' ports, whero
the salary of tho collector- Is only $2,500,
fees from tho salo of manifests nrc be
lieved to raise their compensation to a
latgc amount, even tln.000 or $20,000 In
some Instances.
Three and Five Tom
White Trucks for heavy service have proved to be
more economical in the conumptioffcof gasoline and oil than
any truck of equal capacity.
Large steel wheels, and a" perfect load distribution,
make White Heavy Service Trucks the easiest to operate
and the most economical in tire wear.
The name of Whke on a motor truck insures the N
lowest possible cost of upkeep, and the longest and
most continuous service. - '
White TruckVare also built in carwdtics.offriwd litems, for Kihter icrvicc
Lkiaiied Information Fumkhtd en Request
The White
Bill Carries $150,000 for Missouri
Kansas City to Sioux City.
Krtrnd or Oninlin Nominated lit Hp
Chief ii r Micnnt irp n Hip
It rtlrnitrtif f (internl
Jnnim Allen.
1 From h Staff '"orrci'p;mlcut 1
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-(Hpr.UI Tot-
jKiain-1- Carrying approximated $u ot,
tw.vrlrr and Imrbor appropriation bill was
ordered to be favorably reported rstel-
J day by the rlverx and hrtora commit t-o
of the house. For the Mlarourl river tli
sum of K.OOO.PXi Is appropriated, to be i x-
j in-tided on the portion of tho river b
'tween Knas City and Its mouth. From
Kntisaa Clt to Sioux City IIW.OCO Is sin-
preprinted and a like sum for work from
Sioux City to Fort llenton.
Tho largest single appropriation In tho
bill provides W.WO.Ono for the Improve
tin ill of the Mississippi Mvrr from tho
head of the pusses to the mouth of the
Ohio. The other MlsnUslppI rler appro
priations aie- One million dollars for :m
proiements from tho mouth of tho Ohio
to the month of the Missouri: Jt.BOO.OOJ
from the mouth of the Missouri to Min
neapolis, and J1S5.W0 from St. l'aul to
1 Tor Ohio filter.
The geijeial scheme for Improxlng the
Ohio liver Is piovlded for with an appro
priation of Jl.SOO.tlX) for looks and dam,
with n continuing contract appropriation
of $3.L)O,uO0 nnd jrao.OOO for open channel
work. An appropriation of $1,000,000 Is
provided for the,, i mprovr incut of the
Columbia Vlver, Oregon.
Among tho Imfiortnnt appropriations In
tho bill by Uv states are tho following:
Texas-Galveston channel, $200,010; Texiis
City channel, $200,000; fnblne pass and
Port Arthur canal, $400,000; lliusna liver,
Old Washington to Waeo. $iV),O00; Valasca
to Old Washington. tK.O'iO; Mouth of lira
zoh. $25,000; Trinity river. $270,000; I'ort
Arkansas -Cuachlta river. $:"02.ri00: Ar
kansas river, $is,ooo; Hed river. $TG,000
Wlfcconslti-Ashliuid. harbor. $10,000; Che
boygan haibor. $ST7,0ffl.
Minnesota Dulutli-Suprrlnr harbor,
llllnoln-llltnots river, $100,0o0.
Tho bill also provides $2&0,W0 for exnml
nntions, surveys and contljigcnx-les of river
and harbor improvements.
Colonel Serlven Promoted.
Colonel George S. Scrlven, who ' was
nominated today by President Taft to be
chief of tho signal corps on tho retirement
of Ocneral James Allen, Is an old-tHuu
friend of Oimiha and Fort Omaha. Colo
nvl Scrlven Is a Pcnusylvaulan by birti.
but was appointed to tho military acad
emy from Illinois, graduating from' We3t
Jl'olut In the class of 1S7S. After service
in both tho Infantry and artillery arm
he performed distinguished duty In Mex
ico and In Cuba which ended In rocm
nolssanco work that won for him a first
lieutenancy In the slgua'. corps.
In 1SU3 ho was appointed military at
tache to Mexico, serving at thn embassy
from March to June, 1KM. In October of
tho samo year ho was appointed military
attache with tho American ambossy nt
Home, und on the request of Mnjor Gen
eral McCook was detailed to servo with
the United .States commission at the cor
onation of tho emperor of Russia; Ho
was military attache to Turkey and ob
server Jivlth the Turkish army In May to
Jury. 1S9.7, , ,
nam Rxcpptlonnl "V,rfc.
'On the breaking out of the Hpanlsi
American war he whs sent to Cuba as
signal officer of the. Drpartmont of
Havana'. Liter hp went to the Phllln-
W IliliiW
11. B. M DONALD.
pines, whero ho did exceptional service
and later waM mado chief algnal ofltor
with thn China relief expedition, whue
ho Jollied General Chaffee's Mtaff u id
marched o Pekln with the general.
During this servlco In many lauds Co'
onel Scrlven was promoted from tlmo to
time until he wns made colonel nf tho
signal corps In 1912. tho only offlner . f
that grade In tho corps.
Colonel Scri en speaks French. Italian
and German and Is regarded as tho log
ical successor to General .lames Allan,
whose work In behalf of the signal corps
haa been universally commended.
It Is believed Colonel Scrlvcn's cm
flrmatloii will comn along In due cuur.ic,
as It Is In the line of thu army promo
tions. I'mnr lllll.
Senator Jirowu, chairman of tho sub
committee of the Judiciary committee, of
the senate, today reported favorably, to
the full, committee the so-cnlled Uook;r
convict labor bill. Ho was Joined iu hw
report by Bcnntors Ilraudegeo nnd Cul
berson. Home Rule Bill Goes
to Lords This Week
l)NDON, Jan. H.-Thc ,ousc of com
mons concluded tonight the report stago
of the home rule bill. Two dnys, Wednes
day and Thursday, nlll ho given over to
tho dcbato on tho third reading, and the
bill wlli be sent to the house of lords
late Thursday night for a formal reading
011 tho succeeding Mpuday.
When tho second reading In proposed
the duke, of Duvonshlrn will move Its re
jection, as hla uncle, the lato duke, did
in the case of Mr. Gladstone's bill twenty
years ago.
Culls From the Wire
Two hundred and ninety death, eighty
five fractured skulls, SCO broken limbs and
1,400 serious Injuries was thn toll of acci
dents on traction lines in New York City
for tho yearl!)12.
Governor Wilson approved the plans
for thn establishment of a park at the
BPot whero Genenil Washington and his
army crossed tho Delaware river tho night
before tho battlo of Trenton.
General Clprlano Cautro, detained at
Kills island by tho Immigration officials.
was taken beforo the speclnl board of
Inquiry 'which is to determine whether
no may cnier mo unuru mates. The
hearing was secret.
Key to tho Situation I3co Advertising.
Motor Cars,
Committee of Whole Favors Annul
ing: Taft's Postmaster Order.
I'lulU Will Itt-mitl When Ameiul
inrut lo PoKlotrJcr lllll In Ite
porlril for Depute and
t'l mil nUpimltloii.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. An amend
incut to the postofflre appropriation bill
to annul executive nrdcta placing assist,
nnt postmasters In flrM-olas. offices, and
all fourth-Phis postmasters under the
ilasslfled s-rvlce. was adopted yentelday
b) thn house, sitting as a commllUe of
w hole. The voti- was l to 1$, nil lo
publlenn lerralnlng from voting and
many demoernts absenting themselves
from the chamber llepublteau leaders
had quietly cautioned thn meiubefs on
their side to let tiio demoemta sottlo the
matter ainung themselves.
This umendment will be a storm renter
when tho approprlntton bill Is leporteil
to tho house from the 'commute! of ib
whole, probably tomorrow. Many ilem.v
ctats opposo It. but ltepiesontalivo Cal
low of Indiana, who offered the amend
ment, and nthers, denounce President
Taft'a executive oiders nn partisan ac
tions to jierpctuatn In office republicans
Appointed under the "spoils system."
liunrrpl llrr Aiitl-Iitiimir Art.
Another mncudmrnt offered In the com
mittee occasioned a lively discussion,
ltupreseiitatlvo JaekHon of Kanas tic
publican, was tho author, and the amend
ment proposed to lir from tho mull In
"dry" territory Irtleis, pamphlets, news
papers and pcrlhdlcals carrying liquor
advertisements. And to bar all such mat
ter advei Using for salo stocks or bond
of corporations unless pared Upon by the
postmaster general. The amendment wna
lost, S3 to h", alter a dobiito led by Itep
rosentatlvcH Jackson nnd llohson HUpMrt
Ing tho measure, nnd Representative Moon
of Tennessee, chairman of tho committee,
opposing it.
'speaking to a point of order against the
amendment, Itrprcscntatlve Moon said he
hoped the point Itself would be discussed
"and not a lot of ptohlhltlon rot."
Representative Jackson denounced, this
languagn as "cowardly and ungentle
manly." .
Hepresentattve Moon replied thai bo
would "give thn gentleman th oppor
tunity at Any tlmo ho might desire-to
repeat his charge outside." and declared
that Knn'sas and tho nation were to be
Lots of Beautiful,
No Dandruff
Hair coming out! U' dry, brittle, thin or your tsctilp itches
and is full of dandruff Use "Danderhic."
Try as you will, after an application of
Oanderlpo. you cannot find a single trace
of dandruff or a loose or falllnjc Ittifr and
your scalp wilt not Itch, but "what will
ploa.10 you most, will be after' a few
weeks' use, when you will actually see
now hnlr, fine and; downy at first yes
but really now hair Browlns all over
tho scalp, v
A llttlo UatidcrJnp now will Immediately
double the beauty or your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Dan
dirlno and carefully draw It through
Cttttaf h
bluM-'i Van
rmUn'l noMiblv
BtfTslti aootkseii,
Ami. mtV mnA mmm
tacdlolnsl purposes lis purity o( Rlegtr's llonoersm Is
gnaranttcd fcr us uader tli rare Food Law while its age is
a K 1 a - tm .m Vu. at m tsaa
At Wholesale Prleca
a cad ut as ordtr for Rlf tra
Mootta test It for Savor.
cataeOHUss, aadallUit csssa--tials
of antW wfty use
hmf of It and satisfy ytrar
tlf, liraaareiwtthorovahly
cacrrlacad Ust It is tie intst
wktaksryait rrrul, return
the fealaoce at oar expense
your money will b refunded
without question.
J. KIeer A Ce.,
1713 aanssss
The Best Advertising Mediums iu Their Territory.
I have a certain cure for rupture with,
out resorting to n painful and uncertain
surgical operation. X air.' tho only rep
utable physician In this lino or work
who will take such panes for treatment
upon a Kuarautcn to cure, or make no
charge. You may deposit the money in
a bank, In your own name, and when
you are satisfied a cure has been made
you then instruct the bank to pay the
money to me. Dy doing this you are
anaoiuteiy certain or a cure, or 11 win
coat you nothing. Jf I was not perfectly
sure of my work I couM not do busi
ness in this way very long, but Instead,
have been doing business ao for 20 years,
and adopted this plan because ao many
have been swindled by quackn and fak
ers. Not one of them will permit a pa
tlent to deposit hla money until a cure
haa been made.
When taking my treatment, patients
must r.omo to my offlco once each weeH
for four wcoks, and If they live nearby
can return homo and work during the Interval. X do not uas tha Parafin Wax
treatment, aa it is dangarous. Call or write for literature.
A. !' norn. Norfolk. Neb.; Y II. Nolle, postmaster, Holstcln. la.. Dan Murphy,
1056 No. 18th St. Omaha: C. S. Judd, Sloorhead, Ja,. John II- Deaver, Blair, Neb..
Orrln Heed, Ogallala, Neb., Itev. J G. Stanard, Beaver Crossing. Nob.; John K.
Itoehne. AVisner. Neb,. William IIohs. sr. Iawrence Neb., IL Ilelge. Dorchester,
Neb.; John Coe. Bloux, City. Ia., J. II, Httch. 412 80. SUh St. St Joseph, Mo,; J. P.
titenndt, Vlllisra. Ia HUNDREDS of others could 1 added to this list.
TJUXK K. WJUT, X. p., Suit 306 Bta 81ag, Omaha, Kh.
oiifoiatulated upon tli-- lecent defeat uf
Mr Jackson.
Weeks for Senator
Republican Choice
HUSTON, Jan. It. CongriMiwnan John
W. Weeks of Newton reflflved today the
unanimous support of the republican ma
jority In the legislature for the senator -rh!p
of Massachusetts now hold by W.
Murray Crane, who declined to be a' can
ulldate for re-election. The action wh
reached aflcr a four-day party caucus
In which tUltty-nne ballots were
After tho republican vniicMr, democrats
leglstntoia decided to support as thilr
candidate Sherman I,. Vhlpplo of Bos
ton. who was the opponent of Senator
Lodge In the last senatorial contest.
COUTUZ, Colo.. Jan. M.-As the result
of a rifle ilurl bi tuceu two l ie Indiana
and Joseph Vlchel. a Mexican sheep
herder employed by a iufichcr, a, band t
t'tes is reported on the warpath heade l
foi this place.
The duel ttaik place yesterday after
noon. The Indians, off the rescrvatln
are reported to lmVo asked Vlchel .'or
permhslon to vamiv'tienr bis herd. Tho
Mexican, dlstrustlngllljfjliidlflns, rerusvl.
Thereupon. aM-nrdlng tft Vlehol, tho In
dians opened fire on the border. He ic
luined thn fire, kJIIIHR one of the two,
but receHIng a bullet wound In the head,
which probably will prove fatal.
Thn unwounded Indian returned to Ins
people. Vlchel managed to reach n rai.c-i
house and was brought here.
Fred I rtyplns. n prominent young de
bater, while llr the Omaha High school
has Just been chosen a member of tho
regular debating squad of the University
of Cincinnati which will meet the team
from Ohio Wesloynu university. Young
Ilypins graduated from Omaha last Juno
nnd tlint ho should win such honor as a
freshman Is regarded a distinction.
When in tho high school ho was chosen
on the debuting squad In his first year
Last Juno he, wns a speaker on thn com
mencement program. Ityplns - Is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Max Ityplns. Ml 3 Capitol
nvenun and a nephow of Prof. Nathan
Key to tho Situation Hco Advertising.
Glossy Hair,
25 cent "Danderine
your hair, taking one small strand at a
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hair will bo light, fluffy and
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Get a Z corit bottle of Knowlton's Dati
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3d Floor Pazton Bloc., Omaha, Xb.
Over 125, W People-
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Old Itmecuu Whiskey there
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