Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha daily bee
w-i.i-.hy- nrim . rT-i nnutfllHTUll
victor n Q3K WATBfl. editor. I
Kntercd at Omaha postofflce as"seond-
ls matter. '
TPmie njr nitliRfMUPTION:
Sunday Bee. one year 1J.S0
Saturday Bee. one year I'jr;
Dally Ree. without Sunday, one year. 4.ft)
Doily Bee, and Sunday, one year e.w
Kvenln; and Sunday, per month. J
Rvenltuc without Sunday, per month.. c
Dally Bee, lneludlnK Sunday, por mo. 8-ks
iv.1i. ii.. uivnit fltimiav. ner mo... ioa
Address alt complaint or trresnilarlttcs
r delivery to Cltv divination uept.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
hamuli' to The Bee Ptibllshlnic company,
onlv l-cent ttimpt received In payment
ot small accounts. Personal checks, ox
t-ept on Omaha and catern exchange, not
Omaha- -Tha Dm building.
South Omoha-tf .N atrcet.
rovn-il Blutrs-14 North Main street,
'.inooln-ar. Mttle building-
hlcaco-fcul Marquette building.
Kansas Clty-Rellsnte bulldlnc
New Tori. "1 Weft Thlrty-thlid.
St I.ouIb (02 Frisco building. ,
Washington 756 Kourteenth St.. N. W.
rr r. it r-a Tri N! fiR V r f
.immunleatlons relating to new and
notorial matter should be addressed
'maha Bee, ndltorlal department.
l-tate or Xebr.ha, County of Douglas,
Dwlght William, circulation manager
of Tho Bro Publishing company. b!ns
du!-.' sworn, says that the nverase dally
rlreolatlon for th moth nf December,
1J1J. wa 3Mi D WIGHT WH.MAM8.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presenco and sworn
to before mo this a day of December,
iSeal.) Notary Public,
8nbacr41r leaving !' ltr
Jroiporarllr haalit hare. The llee
inallrrt to tbrm. Atttlrc will be
chnnft-rr! n often as rrqaeated.
How about cutting ice?
Tapped your maples, Vet?
0 Castro will bo cast down If he
is cast out,
Still fcome men manage to get on
skates without touching, the Ice.
Wonder If Judge Archbald and
John D. Arch bold are acquainted.
The women who take up medicine
ought to make good nerve special
ists. PresJdeut-clec Wilson doubtless
realizes that In making his cabinet
he Js also making hla bed.
County board to Retiring Comrals
sloner Elsasser: "Wd llko your com
pany, but pleaso don't try to stay."
The Ute Indians, nro again on tho
war path. Tho wonder Js how they
havo boon able to keep off fof It so
Attorney General Wlckersham Is
going back at the Coal trust, against
which he won tu'e first round on n
solar plexus.
Hunting bandits with rifles In the
Jungles of Chicago scorns to have be
come the favorite pastime of, that
city's detectives.
Paradoxical as it may seem, sev
eral 10-year-pld girls of Denver,
where Judgo Bon Lindsay holds
forth, turned robbers.
It Is courteous for men to give
women their seats In street cars anil'
for women to "move up front,
please," when tboy imiBt stand.
Our ner county board Idst no
time in organising. Wonder if it
will bo equally expeditious in
transacting oilier public business.
Mr. Wilson's appeal uttered at
Chicago to men of affairs, evidently
had no reference to thoso obstreper
ous democratic legislators In Illinois.
It may be noted in passing that
the exchange In directors between ihe
Union artd Southern Taciflc was foro
ahadowed in The Bee more than ten
riaya ago.
A bill has been Introduced In con
greta to grant medals to all surviv
ing' heroes of Gettysburg. Those
who died on that battlefield needed
no medals to attest to their heroUm.
Oh, a. boy Is a boy and a boy let
him be, for the season of boyhood's
a span and tho heart that now leaps
in its joy, and Its glee soon will ache
with the cares ot a mau aud that's
no fabrication.
Ot course, every one who criti
cises or opposes the new Howell
water bill will Te Inspired by espe
cial interests" or "selfish motives,"
while those who Tavor it are patriots,
pure and undented,
A ttrlctly nonpartisan and buvineu
like adm.'nlitratton, such aa Uv Water
board ran be depended on to give.
That reminds us hat city owner
ship was to take the water plant
"out of politics' when, as a matter
of fact, Its management was never
more In politics at this very mo
ment. The death of W. N. Huse. editor
of the Norfolk News, takes from
the ranks of Nebraska Journalism
one ot Its best known and successful
members. By Intelligent and cner
gotlc effort. Mr. Huso brought bis
paper to the head of .the class out
side of the metropolitan cities, and
la his section of the state- he wielded
a potent influence for public good
Personally likeable and dependable,
he enjoyed a large circle of friends
wno win mourn mi iosb.
The Arohbald Impeachment.
TIio verdict of guilty In the case
of Judge Archbald seemed Inevitable
trtm th evl(,oncC, which was BS
overwhelming against him as the
vote of the senators hr which hn wan
impeached. Ho may honestly be-
Hove, as he nays, that ho wits Inno
cent of wrong-doing, for he seems to
be a perfect typo of flexible ethics
that sees no dividing line between
Judicial proprieties and improprie
ties. The RJimn power that doomed
this Judge is tho one that has driven
faltblctm men out of other; high of
fices, the power of an aroused and
quickened public conscience. No mat
ter whnt Judge Archbald may think,
what he did as revealed in the evi
dence, could never bo made compati
ble with the real function of a judge.
Here we have an Impressive dem
onstration of the efficacy of estab
lished legal processes which ought
to strengthen faith in the wisdom of
the constitution, as contrasted with
new and untried devices. The Im
peachment of a Judge not only con
demns and removes him from office,1
hut prevents him from over again;
holding .i federal position. Under a
popular recall, ho would doubtlesH
net about nt once to neok n vindica
tion and he might persuade many
lieoplo lo believe him the victim
merely of projudico or conspiracy.
Happily thtj verdict permits of no ap
peal nnd we may all hope will draw
the curtain on the Case.' '
Quite Naturally.
It is quite natural that even be
fore the drafted bill Is accessible for
Inspection, our amiable democratic
Contemporary, the N World-Horald,
Hhottld Jump to the . forefront lo
champion the proposed water district
The' plain purpose of the sponsors
of tho bill Is to perpetuate In power
tho present management of Ihe water
plantP and make It the center of an
huge political machlno with which -to
overawe and dominate all 6ther
branches of municipal government.
In .view of the political partner
ship that has been maintained be
tweon our democratic 'Uriftba States
senator and tho republican. .Water
board boss for mutual. perquisites
and advancement, it is not surprising
that the souator's newspaper 'should
go back on all its high-sounding pro
fessions of deep devotion to home
rule in order to push .the pet scheme
of Its bi-partisan ally.
Tho proposed water district law
which tho World-Horald champions
should havq Us title redrawn to read:
"A bill for an act to nullify the
amendment to the constitution of Ne
braska granting homo rule to1 cities.
and Incidentally, to guarantee R. D
Howoll a life job at a salary of .not
lesB than $5,000."
Progress of the Dissolution.
The exchange of resignations of
Union and Southern Pacific directors
as tho Initial step In complying with
the court's morgor order is precisely
lu line with the forecast ot action
secured from official sourcoa nnd
published by The Bee some time ago.
It will tako time to cofnplote prelimi
nary planB and stockholders inter
ested In the old Central Pacific link
will, of course, seek' to drive tho best
bargain they can for their holdings.
In tho end, howovcr, tho Union Pa
cific should and doubtless will
acquire that lino from Ogdon to San
Francisco and thus complete the
highway undr Its control from
Omaha continuously to the Golden
Uatc. While tho possibility of mis
carrying romalnB, the success of the
plan is mcroly a matter of arranging
a mutually satisfactory basis of ex
change. The situation Is oncourag
Ing'to tho hope of early settlement
upon a line ot action acceptable to
both government and the parties In
ownership of all the roads Involved.
In Pious, Progressive Chicago.
Chicago footVads, being an Irrever
ent lot of scamps, have been molest
ing young women returning from
qhurcu on Sabbath evenings. Sev
eral churches In defenBo havo se
lected squads of their1 most brawny
young men as escorts for the fair
worshipers. ..........
In ye olden times the Pilgrims
carried their guns to and from
church to ward oft hoBtile Indians.
Chicago Is a progressive city, and do
Tout. It will, like the fathers ot old,
have ts worship If It must tight for
It. What an Improvement this, over
the primitive method. But who would
have thought ot it roqulring a crisis
to press the boys into such a service?
' Yet It is doubtful if ever a Godly
Pilgrim ploddod his' perilous path
with more pious zeal than tires the
souls of theso sturdy heroes, armed,
It doubtless will develop in many
cases, with Dan Cupid's bow -and
President Taft has named Colonel
George P. Scrlven to be brigadier
general to succeod General Jamos
Allen, the present chief of the signal
corps, about to retire. As the seat
of one of the signal corps stations
and training schools, Omaha is par
ticularly Interested in this branch of
the military service, and In having
it continue under enorgotlc go-ahead
direction. Tested by his record as
ranking colonel in the corps, and
previous wide experience, Colonel
Scrlven's fitness for the position has
brought tho president to decide in
his favor among numerous worthy
vumt-uucu rHWVI DKC 5 laySL'
J JAN. in.
Thirty Venm Ago
Much .ntoreit wan excited by a fiK
arranged at the Academy of Music he
taeen Paddy Ryan, the famoui puglltit,
and Jack Itanley, the Colorado champion.
It was declared a draw by Referee Wil
liam McCune. A allvtr cup was pre
sented to Hit two little Nugent boy hi
the best amateur boxers.
Leavltfs minstrels made another bis;
hit at Boyd'a, to nay nothing of a arand
freo street parade.
At tho conclusion of the Swedish Li
brary association fair six prize
voted to the most popular women and
gentlemen as follows; John Nordwall, a
valuable rooklnjr chain Miss Oustafson.
a set of bracelets srtd chair: Miss Bird-
atram. a nuislc boxj'Mrs. Nordwall. toilet;
set; August Peterson, Turkish pipe; Miss
flanberg, a lovely hat with bird trlinmlmr.
Manager (Jlbbs and Mr. Jackson, repre
senting the United Oas Improvement
company of Philadelphia, are hero to look
after their Interests In the gas plant.
The jDoinmlttee of tho Hoard of Trade
to confer lth the State Board of Agri
culture about state fair location consists
nt IT ) fl-!. tl. l lfAeiu.. t
V .,. l. Vl.lll ..Ullll 4 Kill! i
Thomas Gibson.
Boyd'a packing housp inadv a day'a
slnunhter meonl Of 1.820 hoes.
William II.. rjruncbaum Is In Omaha J
to mako or seo about tho opening of n
large dry good hour In the fall.
MMs Klin Sturny, slsler of Jits. R.
Uoni and Mrs. Kdmund Peynke. is here
from Vienna to n vlult nf fw,, nr
three month before returning ti her na- j
tivc country,
Tvienty VcuiN Ago -
Tilt body of Mnjon Johu N. Corey, for
many venra tt..i-rftni ahim u
- I'"" UUHUI Ifk ilia
Omaha Herald, was taken to Sedalla.
in., lor uurmi. tho major, a civil war
veteran of 62 years, was an unique char
actor. I,tttl8 known outside the office
In which ho tolled, ho waa most com
plonaula among tho men who knew him
and his fund ot general Information was
all hut Inexhaustible.
Kd Btlclcncv. chief clerk of the Mercer
hotel, was III.
Miss Allco Jsaacn went to Now York,
where she Intended remaining for about
fight weeks.
Tho Jacksonlan club, by a rote of IS
to a, refused to icndorse the action of
Senator Babcock, one of Its mombera, in
voting and working with republican col
leagues In the legislature. Tho senator's
resignation from the club was read, as
was also a statement that ho waa de
linquent In his duea and had never aub
scribed to the forms of induction Into
Sir Ocorga M. Pullman evidently took
cognlrance of tha taw in Nebraska, for
his company sent a check of JlC to City
Treasurer Boltn for the amount due from
It In city taxes for three years, for tho
payment of which Mr. Bolln had at
tached and held what Pullman cars ho
could find within the city limits; The
money was turned lnt Omaha'a ex
chequer by cx-State Auditor Tom Benton,
who waa the PuUman company' local
Ten Years Aari
U. S. Jonos, for three, years lty ticket
agent of the Burlington was promoted to
division pnssenger agent for tho Bur
llngton lines In Iowa. Mr, Jones' sue
cesso.r In Omaha had not been selected.
Tho directors of tho Commercial club
elected Arthur Crittenden Smith, head of
tho M. K., Smith company, as president of
tho club. , . .
Tho board of equalisation for the city
looped off liayw from tho assessment ot
the New York Ufo building, cutting it
from 8i0,CW to S5,a),ooX Henry F. Wyman
appeared In aupport of the affidavit back
ing up tho building compuny's protest on
the higher assessment '
It was announced that J. K. Markol
& Son expectpd to termlnato their leaser
hold on tho Millard hotel pn January 31.
as they could not agree with tho heirs' of
Paul. J. florg, late of Mldcllot-ori, O.,
owners of tha building; It therefore ba
cumo. necessary for the building ownera to
look about for another management' for
tut old hostelry.
A body of buslnes-unen'rftdt'at the' Com
mercial club, and took tho Initial step
toward creating a greater Omaluu They
adopted a resolution to bo submitted to
the legislature calling for a constitutional
amendment pormtttlng tho merging of
tho city of Omaha anl tho county of
Douglas into a slnilo government.
People Talked About
By tho will of Henry lluther ot rough
ktepale, N. Y a fortune of WJS.OOO Is
left his only daughter, now 16, provided
aho does not marry outside ot her church
before she I 31. After five years she
way pick any man in the orowd to help
her burn, tho money.
Ellsa Wentworflt Merrill of Gray, Me.,
aged KG years, atlll enjoys corresponding
with ,hT frlonds. She writes a beauUful
hand. Mrs. Merrill retains an Indistinct
memory of seeing her father return from
Portland, where he had gone to enlist
during tho war of ISt;.
Miss Anno Morgan, daughter of the
boss banker and promoter, carries a cane.
It Is tho latest thing from Paris, a gooU
stout stick with a crook, sllvef trimmed,
and pronounced "perfectly dandy." Now
York admirers explain 'that "poor Anne
has use for It. She's got a game leg."
The death o( Whltelaw Held In Londqn
arouse Interest In tho personality of his
son, Ogdeu Mills Retd. lie "was graduated
from Yalo aolno years ao and then
Joined the staff of hla father's paper, tho
Tribune. He is now tho president of tho
corporation that publishes the Tribune, of
which he Is managing e.dtor.
Henry Clay Prick has approved tho
architect's plan for wliat will bo the
finest rcsldenca In New York . City. It
will occupy tho entire block on Fifth,
avenue, from Seventieth to Seventy-first
street, and tho cost will bo 13.000,000 for
the building alone. The lot cast $2,,0o)
and with, the furnishings tho total cost
will be above &COO,000.
Frank Rockefeller, who la not on good
terms with bis older and much wealthier
brothtr, John D., says that tho latter is
"the most loncsomV man In the world.
There Is no man who walks the earth
that he call hla real Vlend. llf has
been relegated to tho background by 'all
the big business men with whom he one
did business. None of them will have
anything to do with him,"
Twice Told Tales I
Rnconraalnar Dry Sprll.
President Taft, who neither drinks
spirituous liquors nor believes In other
people Indulging In them, tells this:
A young man hud fallen Into tho habit
of struggling through hla work every day
and then making a much more desperate
struggle to get home after he had
patronised several raloons. Finally his
long-suffering wife could stand It no
longer, and she delivered a hot lecture to
him on his bad behavior.
"My dear," ho said seriously, "I'm a
great man. All great men drink. Drink
ing and greatness go together. History
shows It. I-ook nt Poo, Bobby Burns
and "
That's all right," cut In the wife, "and
I agree tb it. Ton Just promise to quit
drinking until, you're great, and I'll be
satisfied." Popular 'MaglkfnV:
Tllnck Pavement,
At a political meeting a very enthusi
astic German made a speech beginning
like this:
My dear fellow-cltlzenn tind fellow
Bhermans. I don't vant to say .noddlngs
about nobodv, but look at dem Irish In
ile Tenth ward. Vot hat dey got?
Taved streets! Und vot hat vo got?
Mut! Now, my fcllow-cltl7.ens und fe(-low-Shormans,
vot I vtah to say Is dls-
'Coom; let us put our heads togedder umi
juaVo a block pavement. "Mack's Na
tional MngAxtne.
Dr. Charles II. Parkhurst said at a
Presbyterian banquet In New Tork:
"At nil seasons, and at the holiday
season, especially, we should nvold quar.
rellng and try to bring about a spirit
of good win.
in .ttnrt nhatild Imitate vainer
Hcaty. the Irish wit. to whom an official
fince said:
" 'Iloaly, I've got a crow to pick with
you. " 1
"'Make It u turkey.' said Father
Healy, 'and I'll Join ymi at 6 sharp.' "
New Tork Sun.
Signs of the Uplift
The Indian on the new nickel is re
garded aa a good Indian, though not a
"dead one."
Scotch, bourbon and ryo were fashion
able colors of the demure highball lodged
in a side room at the Inauguration it
Minnesota's governor at St. Paul.
Owing to tho hlgn cost of living in Ml.
sourl threo solons at Jefferson City hlrei
a dress suit nnd gave the sartorial won
der a whirl of an hour each "at the in
augural ball.
A Connectlout. rruui. is so welt pleased
with six months of married life that he
Is taking a winter vacation In bed whl'o
his wlfo runs the house
Denver is seriously considering tho
suggestion of opening sessions of the city
council with choral song aa a means ot
developing the lungs of the 'membera.
Besides, It might put some music 'In tee
Official dancing regulations nt tho An
napolis naval academy prohibit a closer
clutch than threo inches. Signs ot pow
der on the uniform are strictly tabooed.
A Chicago' Judge decides that a wife
should not ask for money, but that a
husband should give It to her wlthjut
being boned for It.
Financially tho Empire state Is going
some. In 1008 state appropriations
amounted to S23.6SS.O00; In 1913, :Z,Vn,W,
an Increase of 123 per cent In ten years'
Editorial Siftings
Washington Poatr: A ' few more crop
disasters llko that which has hit tho
California, orange belt and we'll begin
to bo superstitious about that '13.
. Washington Post: It will bo nollced
thai since tho democrats havo succeeded
In getting Into power, the price of Jack
aon day banquets has advanced from
St per plato to SS.
Chicago Record-Herald: Modesty can
pot prevent us from claiming a modicum
qf credit for having failed to perpctrato
a single pun on 'the name of our 'dis
tinguished townsman, Mr. Chance.
Springfield Republican j The weather
bureau cannot begin too early to train
for Its inauguration day prediction A
rcpetltlo'h of Its "throw-back" perform
ance of four years ago -might be abso
lutely fatal to lta presttge.
Now York World: A youth of good
family, inheriting a Considerable fortune
and dying, after a spectacular social
career, "leaving debta.only," may bo said
to have reallred the Wheat possibilities
of one kind of New York life.
Chicago Inter Ocean: The club women
ot Utah will ask the 'State legislature for
leglslatldn IdoVing to "pensions for moth
ers, women tnspectora in various lines, a
minimum wage for women and medical
certificates for applicants for marriage
licenses. They will at least got a hearing,
since four women havo been elected to
the lower house and all favor tho re
forms In" question.'
OVn VAST rillliANTllltOPJBS.
ttouic Reflection on the YfHr'
Now York World.
The list ot American benefactions In
sums of $10,009 and upward amounts this
year to tS7,000,000. Tho sum Is stupendous
when compared with that In any
European country, but not abnormal In
our own. The largest contribution comes
from J. Plerpont Morgan Instead ot from
Carnegie or Rockefeller, aa for many
years past, and Is made tip almost wholly
of art treasures presented to the Metro
politan museum.
This probably means that when tho
Carnegie Corporation and the Rockefeller
Foundation havo been completely en
dowed we shall have no more such huge
donations from single Individuals. The
determination ot tho peoplo to prevent
any further accumulations ot such wealth
through monopoly and privilege virtually
assures tho end of that regime. The
passing of Mr. Morgan to the head of the
list may mean the beginning ot a new
era in our phtlanthropleai
There will be no regret over tho change.
This country needs many things much
more titan It needs or ever needed the
philanthropy ot millions. It will be better
when wo da somt things for ourselves
Instead of wotting for such splendid alms.
Whrr tUn llooU Worked.
' Indianapolis News.
Testimony before tho money trust In
vestigating committee leaves the Impies
slon that the stock speculators are the
guys who put the Dip In manipulation.
4 -Ti-
Itelnforcenirata for AVooster.
BLAIR. Neb., Jan. .-Bdltor of The
Bee: The vast majority of the taxpayers
of the state will endorse what Xtr,
Wooater says In regard to using state
money Jo advertise tho state. There is
no call for it. If real estate men, rail
roads and the newspapers do not adver
tise It cn&ugh. u Is because thero are
"grafters" who are ones not ( Infill
There Is always the usunl number of
parasites' who are ever ready to soak
the coiximonwealth through "approprla
ttonc," urging on new mtmbers to
squander the money. ,
I propotc, In case the legislature sees
fit to make an appropriation, that tho
bureau of statistics print In book form a
complete detailed description ot every
tract or land In the utata from ten acres
Up, and glvo as near m can bo tho true
value, kind of soil, lay of tho tract and
best uses the ground la. adapted for. to
gether with what Improvements lvave been
made and other detailed Information use
ful to buyer and seller. This work could
be dono by tha assessors, real eatato
men, farmers and others without largo
cfist. Then let those who want tho books
pay the artunl cost ot them. I also pro
Hat against any exposition appropriation.
As wo ara located tho west can't gtt lo
the east, not the cast to th, w.-m wifh.
out crossing our state,' -or other state?
so near like It. that if n th.
Jiconomlre and conserve the money of the
a. K. KEMP.
A Street Cr Incident.
OMAHA. Jan. ll.-To tho Editor of The I
Bee: I want to try my hand at writing!
what you call a "human Interest story."
I get on the street enr every morning at
Fortieth and Ctimlng-on tho Farnam linn
Monday I boarded car No. 81C nt a llttlo
nftcr S:15. It and another car had arrived
a few seconds apart. A crown of people
stood on the comer to greet them. Tho
first car whisked back to town without
taking a stnglo passenger and, though
ntoplc could be seen waiting at nearly
every Intersection along the way, it
hardly paused until It got way cast on
Farnam. Our car had every seat and
the aisle filled before It ever bulged from
Fortieth and Cuming and, upon my honor,
1 think It took on a passenger or more at
overy corner, but four or five, nil the way
to Nineteenth, with the result that people
were simply packed llko sardines In that
car, or It might be proper to say, on It
Now, Tho Bee has dono a great service
both to the street car company and Its
patrons in agitating Improvements, but
can Tho Bee tell mo why such aggrava
ting service na this In continued? It was
not a matter of more cars in this case,
so much as common sense In tho opera
tion of the cars available. 1 sometimes
think tho company most needs a compe
tent schddulo mnn.
Who Foot the Itlll r
OMAHA, Jah. 13, To the Editor ot Tho
Bee: How many members of tho Douglas
county delegation In tho legislature or
their relatives arc on the Water board
pay roll or havo been benefited, finan
cially, by or through the Instrumentality
of the water commission? Perhaps a
little light on this question might be of
Interest to taxpayers concorncd In
watching what the 15,000 commissioner has
dono at Lincoln this winter, to hold him
solf In office. Aro we a lot of blind
ninnies that wo continue to gulp down
whatever one man chooses to ram Into
our mouths? This Is not very elegant
talk, but it rather well reflect, the tem
per of my feelings, and, I Imagine, of
other Omaha taxpayers. J. E. McII.
Kindly Warnlnr from Callfornln.
BUTTE CITY. Cal., Jan. 9.-TO tho
Editor of The Bee; There has been sent
broadcast In late years a lot ot printed
matter from California In regard to Its
great resources, Its' climate, Its fine crops
of grain, fruits and -nuts. In fact, thero
has been thousands of dollars spent by
unscrupulous advertisers who deal In
real estate to Induce unsuspecting eastern
peoplo to come here and buy lind.
gome of tho land Is tolerably good, while
eomo of It la worthless.
An eastern man can come to California
and buy good 310 land for JIM per acre,
and he can also buy good JCO land for
1,200 per crc It he Is smart, but It green
at 159 more. I have no spite at the
country, nor at the peoplo: both aro
good In fact, too good (for any use, ex
cept to catch eastern suckers, and they
are extraordinarily good at that trade
Judging by the number of bites they get,
and tho amount ot game they bag.
I havo been raised' In California, and I
do not think ttiere Is a more difficult
state In tho United States to make a
start in at the present time. Time
waa when thlB state could not bo beaten,
but that was when It was a stock country
and Its great mines sent gold to all parta
Of the world. Now the mines are nearly
worked out. stock raising has diminished
to a great extent, the land does not
yield tho crops It did once, and the cli
mate, while not cold like tho eastern
states, has changed so we have frost to
kill fruit crops. A good yield comes once
every four or five years. Tho wind Is
blowing today and the thermometer
registers It degrees above xoro, but tho
land sharks do not tell you about these
Kindly tell the peoplo from Nebraska,
or any other place, to look before they
Plan of Separating thr Union and
Southern Pacific Railroad.
Philadelphia Record.
A transfer ot control or the Central Pa
cific to the Union Pacific and the sur
render by tho latter of its' control ot
tho Southern Pacific theso aro the matn
features ot a plan said to be under con
sideration by. Attorney General Wlcker
sham and counsel for the interested rail
road systems. The plan would probably
satisfy the requirements of the Judgment
ot dissolution recently, pronounced by tho
supremo court. The connection of the
Union and Central Pacific with each other
In a continuous line from Omaha to San
Francisco waa contemplated by congress
when It created these transcontinental
railway corporations; tho supreme court
tn Its opinion intimated that such a com
bination would not b lit disharmony
with the anti-trust laws; finally, the plan
would b a fulfillment of the purposes of
Harrtman himself. He acquired control of
the Southern Pacific mainly because It
had control of the Central-Paclflo and
In order to Join the latter to his truncated
Union Pacific lines. The proposed settle
ment would have the merits of reason
ableness and convenience as well as the
merit ot legality,
Her Husband I nuppoftn you looked up
iu- new cook s reiercnoesT
Mrs. Hiram Ofrn 'o. tlnnr: I mi
afraid they might not turn out satisfac
tory. Boston Transcript.
" Vn 1 1 tfvinu. v. . ... I . ii.. i
"in- rcmiy Known a
maji until she has eaten a peck ot salt
Hi "'JV ,no saying goes."
i.iihS.h! .wl" to t real
JSJ .n h'n 'all lo get his first few
RepubU y " "n1"-"1- I'oul3
"I ilnuht It win.. ,. i .,
married. Who . .iw.,.. t , i. ' :
too much." ' 'mu uwn wnj
..P. jRok will let her do anything. '
hut S.?.?tuthlnk,n...nbout hfr husband,
but about her cook."-Buffalo Express.
"A . ..
'uiunii van siantl the crent
Cfl.!?,mUI"., of ,lf with fortitude."
"2! ?'urLUT, her J nearly to death Is
wondering whether she yrascd the. pricu
TT! J1 f ).' M n all 1 1. .... - nl.!i.i .
r " """n. -iiBuiKis presents
or not." Kansas City Journal.
gowns"Ver nny troubtu wUn
;'IIow Is that?"
lou see. my husband belongH to the
flro department."
"And ho can hook mo up In forty-flvt
seconds," Louisville Courier-Journal.
Hubby had urrlved homo while wlfov
slept und at the bioukfnst tublo there whs
a cold silence.
"A penny for your thoughts., my love,"
ho daringly ventured.
"For 2 cents I'd tt ll you what 1 think
of you," she retorted, with a dangerous
gleam In hor eye. - .
- He did not rnlso his hid. Boston Trans
cript. Mrs. Kawler Isn't this sofa cushion
the one I saw you making for Clara's
Christmas present?
Mrs. Kaye Yes. but when 1 got It fin
ished It was entirely too pretty to give
away, so I bought her a ready-made one.
Chicago Tribune.
"In regard to the custody of tho child,"
said tho Judge In handing down his dc-
Now's the time to make sure that your children get
all the food necessary to build up their muscles and
7 1
Colfax, Iowa
"The Csrlsbad
Readily reached by Rock Island Lines several fast trains
daily. Booklet descriptive of Colfax Mineral Springs on request.
"The Ilotel of American Ideals"
Washiogtei, P.C.
Hotel Powhatan
Pennsylvania Avcnno
at 18th and II Streets
Msw. Plrsproof.
SoroPsaa Plan
Rooms, detached bath, $1.0l,
$2.00 up.
Rooms, private bath, 32.00,
93.00 up.
100 per cent. Fire. Germ and Dust
Proof. Two blocks from Whits
House, and near all points
of Interest,
O wears and Operators.
Direction mad Management
Marquette Hotel
18tli and Washington Ave.
400 Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50, with
batn uu to 93. uu. a noiei ior
your Mother, Wife and Sister.
X. II. Clancy, Pres.
I clalon in thf divoico case. " I'll let the
young lady decide for (it-rsolf." "Oh." re
plied the worldly-wlso young thing, "if
mamma Is really going to get all that
alimony I guess I II go with nor.' ur.
"That management thought the new
play waa a scream."
"Well, was iff
"They tried It on the dog and It turned
out to be a howl," Baltimore American.
"Wo should all marry our opposltes,"
remarked the Wlso Ouy.
"Old ou over hear of a beardless
youth marylng a girl with a harelip?"
asked the Simple Mug. Philadelphia Rec
ord. "Do you remember." said Mr. Ohtlioy,
"how they used to-make Jokes about tho
man who went to tho opera entirely for
the soke of the ballet?"
"Yes."' replied Mr. Cumrox. "How
times have changed. Now you havo to
Mt through a whole lot of dancing In the
hope of hearing a llttlo real music
Washington Star.
"Dear Madge: Of course you've noticed
by the panrrs. .
That I've eschewed the Joys of alnglu
Renouncing alt my former merry capers.
I shortly tako unto myself n wlfo.
My stage-door days, 1 fool, havo found
an ending
Most circumspect, from now, must be
my lot; t
But. as vou see, for old sako's salto I'm
An au rovolr ami this forget-me-not.
"Dear Jim: Accept ft. friend's eouciatlilo
Hons. I hope your luck will tin the bestest yet.
Although I fear you'll mis your old
flirtations. . ,
Vnless you've changed a lot sluco last
we met. . . .
Bp good to her nnd. err this letter eloses,
On"frlendly word-It's quito tho best
I've got
Your marrlago, Jim, will not be strewn
with roses. . .,
Unless tho tle'M a real forget-me-not.
n f-i-M 1 ' It.
bones and put on nesn, jl neir pny sicai iu
ture depends largely on what tney eatwom
There's more real nutrition in a 10c
package of Faust Spaghetti than in 4 lbs.
of beefrz prove it by your doctor.
is extremely rich in gluten, being ,
made from Durum wheat, the
cereal that ranks high in protein.
very easily digested is raiisc
spaghetti, bavory, too
write ior iree recipe dook
and see how many differ
ent ways this strength
building food cun be
At all grocers,
5c and 10c package
oE America
.Automatic Block Signali
Tickets and reservations
141k and Farnam Streets
Pksacsl Daila 42B Mhrslui A4428 IaUcod"at
34th St. East at Park Ave.
J Subway Entrance NEW YORK '
The World's Moat
Attractive Hofl
Each, room with a bath,
Single room, with bath, $3, $4. $5,
m ft I
- ...
Uouble room, with bath. $5, $6. $7. $8L per !
Double Wn, boudoir dreiunj room and
btn,$7, $10. $12. per d.y.
! Prior' foon and bath, $10, $2, '
j $15, $18, per day
l T.M.ffflliarr. Af..- rv- .
I. WW m tr m mm
wauonn. Marshall, Manager
Persistent Advertising is tho Road lo
Big Returns.
Fifteenth Annual Criiln " M
Duration Tsbruary IS to April 37
Scveulr-ooa Olorloui Dr ot C'ruUlm; by tha
1I.W0 Tom. Cort 1100 up, Including hotaW. rl,
etc VISITING: Madeira, Spain, Alslan, Ualta.
lAthtna, Oaartantlnovlt, It dir. In Paltttlna an
'Kgjpt. Roiie. ItlYltra. etc W. E. Bock. Ills
Ftrnam St , Omaha. Na. Trank C." Clark.
Tlmea mis New York.
Tl'tti latar. hanttafcle with Quebec a, S. Co,
1 Voider moat comprebtnilia book tl
tonra to
SANDEKSOM a SON. Oe. Arta.. U Sa. La
Salla St., Cblcato. araar 8tamhlp ticket an.