Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Drawn For a ho Boo
Snow; Warmer
Tho bst rtrwsnaper artists of the
country tontribute their best
work tor Bee readers.
VOL. XLU NO. 181.
Envoys Deoide to End Negotiations
with Presentation of Note of
Powers to Turkey.
JTo Be Effective if Terms of Powers
Are Not Accepted.
i '
(Armistice Signed December 3 is to
Be Teminatcd.
Armies ot Greece and Monteneicro
' Hare Been Actlre and IIolKarlnn
and Servian Force Are
Ready for Aetlen.
LONDON, Jan. 14. Tho decision deft-
tattely to break up the peace conference
In London slmultiiheously with tho pree
'ehtation to tho Turkish government of
jthe note of European powers was reached
today by the chiefs of tho peace deldga
jtions of tho Balkan allies.
Tho resolution of the representatives of
jRulgario, Oreoce, Montenegro and Servla
wJH be communicated to the porta In a
formal note.
The 'threatening note of the allies to
,the Turks Is to be worded in such, a way
that it will become effective only In tha
pvent of the Ottoman government refus
ing compliance with the advice given to
it by th ambassadors ot the European
Poircn' Note Colorleaa.
The members ot the Balkan league are
of tho opinion that the note drafted by
the European diplomats Is so diluted
that It requires the admixture of a
vitalizing tonic and this, they think, will
toe supplied by their threat to continue-
At the same time It was decided to In
struct .the commanders of the armed
forces of the allies, in the field to termi
nate tho armistice which has been In
operation since December 3.
Since that date, hostilities between Bui
'garla and Servla on the one side and
Turkey on tho other have entirely ceased.
Greece, wh'ich did not sign the armistice
protbeal, however, has continued fight
ing against Turkey, both on sea and
land,,with varying success.
Montenegro, also which was nominally
a party to tho armistice, has been en
gaged in tho Interim in many severe
8klrmlshcs with the troops forming tbe
garrison of the Turkish fortress of
Bcutari, which shows no sign of yielding.
It is believed that . Ottoman troops there,
lmost o whom form port of the regular fairly well provided with food
and ammunition, as Scutari was always
la great center of the .grain trade, and the
'Turkshare a. considerable arsenal there.
Many FigRta nt Jnnlna.
; Janlna, in the south of Kplrus, was the
it-allying point for a largo force of Turk-
fish troops who escaptJ from Monastlr
,jnd other places 'in Macedonia and Al
' Ibanla. The Oreeks have clewed all ap
roroacbes to the fortress from the south,
(but to the north and west the communl-
(options are still open and tho Turks there
'are able to obtain supplies.
Conflicting reports as to conditions In
the great fortress of Adrlanople are cur
ent, but It appears evident that the Turk
ish troops and Inhabitants of the city
are suffering from disease and lack ct
supplies. They have been besieged over
since the last week of October by the
Bulgarians who have since been rein
forced by large bodies of Servians fresh
from their victories on the other side of
"the Balkan peninsula.
Great Army ut Tchalajn.
Before the Tchalaja lines defending
Constantinople there is a great army of
'Bulgarians, who are strongly entrenched,
(and , fronting them are large bodies of
Turkish troops, some of them the reiti
jnants of the defeated armies which fled
before the advance from tho Bulgarians
jand others fresh troops brought up from
the Turkish provinces. of Asia Minor.
The funds in the Ottoman treasury are
Insufficient to meet the coupons of the
(Turkish 5 per cent loan of 1806, which is
'due today, but tho Imperial Ottoman bank
has made arrangements to assure Its pay
ment) Tho loan amounted to JH.876,000
and the amount still outstanding as un
redeemed is $13,276,000.
Thn flnnnnlsl ntftlll r A fltl tlin Turkish
government Is so great at the present'
'moment .that the suspension of the pay
ment of salaries of officials for two
months is under consideration.
ST, LOUIS, Jan. It Twelve children
from the St. Louis Industrial school are
serlouslr ill with diphtheria at the City
Isolation hospital, and the Industrial
school. ! under strict quarantine, as the
result of an epidemic that has broken
out there for the second time tills winter.
More than 300 children and twenty-six
instructors and employes are under quar-
antlne in the school.
Thlrty-cight children have been taken
to the Isolation hospital and 130 cases ot
'diphtheria, were found in cultures from
the school examined by the city uaeteri-ologlst-
The children infected will be
Isolated today.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Coulclt Ulutfs and Vicinity
Snow tonight or Wednesday; warmer
nt Oinaliu
u a. in,
6 a. m
I a. in... ......
8 a. in,,
9 a. m..
10 a. ni...
11 a. m 18
12 m 21
1 p. m 33
I p. m 30
3 p. in M
QfHHiL JaaaH
St. Louis Man Addresses House Com
mittee on Monetary Reform.
lie Propose Cnrrrnoj- Dank Owned
by Government to Mnko
Loan to Hnnki In
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. "Tills country
can never have a sound monetary system
without u central bank," declared Festus
O. Wade of St. Louts, a member of tho
bahking and currency committee of the
American Bankers' association, today be
fore the house currency reform commit
tee. Mr. Wade said tho so-cauea Aiaricn
plan proposed the best system that haJ
come under his observation.
Chairman Glass said the democratic
party's declaration against tho Aldrtch
plan practically precluded the considera
tion of the central bank feature una
asked for an opinion on a Bystem of di
visional reserve bank, supervised by a
central board.
"You may be able to work that out,
tho witness replied, "but the Bystem will
not be sound without the central bank."
Mr. Wade Insisted democratic opposition
to a central bank was largely sentimental
and rocommended that the committee re
port a measure similar to tho Aldrlch bill.
"Whether it is sentiment or the ghost
of Andrew Jackson," replied Chairman
Glass, "there is an Insurmountable po
litical obstacle to tho Aldrlch plan."
Proposes Currency Hank.
James E. Ferguson, a banker of Temple
Tex., submitted a bill to establish In con
nection with the office Of the comptroller
of tho currency "the currency bank of
the United States" with eight branch ja
to be known as "currency stations," and
authorize the Issue of $700,000,000 In cur
rency by the United States government.
The plan contemplated tho loan of cur
rency o banks on commercial paper ut
C per cent Interest. Mr. Ferguson said
only an elastic currency Issued by th)
government Itself would meet panic con
ditions. Two Republicans Help
Democrats Organize
House in Wyoming
CHEYENNE, AVyo., Jan. 14. A bi
partisan organization with the avowrd
purpose of defeating the re-election Jf
United States Senator Warren appeared
In the Wyoming house of representatives
M. L. Pratt, republican, who refused to
enter the republican caucus, was' elected
temporary speaker, receiving tho sup
port of all the democratic members and
one other republican. The democrats were
Joyous after this coup and said that
Warren will surely be dceratcu.
In the senate the republicans had a safe
majority for Giraey II. Sago as presi
dent pro tern.
Republicans, as yesterday, are not ad
mitting that Pratt and ManBon will con
tinue to vote and work with the dem
ocrats against tho rc-clecttqn of Senator
Warren and for hts opponent, John 13.
Kendrick of Shorldan. Tho senate 1b
safely republican, with a majority of flvo.
With tho democratlcprogreBslve organi
sation adopted throughout, from speaker
to page, there is unquestioned power in
the democrats, together with Pratt, and
Manson to determine three contests for
seats against the republicans.
This would mean that on Joint ballot.
with democrats taking tho place of the
contested republicans in the house and
Manson and Pratt voting with tho dem
ocrats, the latter could muster forty-throe
votes for Kendrick to forty-one repub
lican votes for Warren.
Taft Will Live in
Hotel at New Haven
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. ll.-Presi-
dent ,ratt wjn make bts homo for a tlmo
at least next sprng at the hotel here
teavlns his name. It waB said that the
ontlre sixth 'floor front was being set
apart for Mr. Taft. where he would have
nine rooms. The only remodeling of the
apartments is tho installation of a special
bath which will be three feet Wide, fix
feet long and four feet deep. Mr. Taft
Is expected here about February 1. as ho
plans to go south for a few weeha aim
leaving the IVhlto House,
Deg. 1
... 51, Conn.. Jan. It. T'Vi
... 3 1 purtons were killed, Hevon others aerl
... 6 1 ouitly Injured and almost every building
,,. 7 j-lii- tli town damaged by an explosion of
... 9 ,the Hazard I'owdor works this afternoon.
... 11 Four btilldlnga' were completely demol-
1 Ished and the public schools bad to bo
closed on account of Injury to the school
buildings. The noise of tho explosion
v,nn heard for a radius of moro than ten
Removal of Fourth Class Postmasters
from Civil Service Voted
Down by House.
Republicans Joined in Negative
vote by Many Democrats.
Measure Carries Two Hundred and
Seventy-Eight Millions.
Atiieniliiu-nt in Ilnr Mquor Adver
tisement In r States from
I lie Mull U Haled Out
of Order.
i.wm.uiu., Jan. It. An attnmnt
to revoko President Tart's rocent order
placing fourth-class postmasters under
tho classified civil service and to remove
from classification assistant postmasters
and clerks In first and seeond-cJiws
postoffices by nn amendment to the post
office appropriation bill failed In the
houso today. The bill carrying $a7S,J,7Sl
was passed. ,
The amendment, offered by Renresenta.
the Cullop of Indiana, provided for the
revocation of the executive order of Oc
tobcr 1, 1512, by which President Taft
exempted some C0.KO fourth-class post.
masters from the "political Job" class.
nnd the order of September 30. 1910. whlrli
classified assistant postmasters nnd
postal clerks In first and second-class
offices, was defeated on a roll call vote
HI to 100. The republicans voted practl- j
uanj- Huiiu against ine amenament alio i
they wore Joined by many democrats. !
An amendmont proposed by r.epre
sentatlvo Bartlctt of Groia, however,
prohibiting the payment of per diem ex
penses to postoffice Inspectors engaged
in Investigating or rocommendlng ap
plicants for positions as fourth-cluss
postmasters under tho new order was In
corporated in the bill by a vote of -2J
to 114.
An attempt was made by Representative
Murdock of Kansas, aided by Repre
sentative Ifobson of Alabama to place
In the bill an amendment to prevent the
carrying through the malls ot publica
tions printing lluor advertisements Into
prohibition states. Tho amendment was
voted down in committee of the whola
and was ruled out of order when the bill
appeared In tho house.
The bill showa an Increase of about
$7,000,000 over the postal appropriation?
for the present year, due' In part to tint
expenses of the parcels post.
Farmer Paid More .
For His Live Stock
Than One Year Ago
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. The farmer
was sharing the profits of the IncreaBefi
cost of living as fnr as the Increased coot
paid for meats on December 15 last as
compared with those of a year ago, ac
cording to figures announced today by the
Department of Agriculture. At the same
time the farmer was receiving less for
his staple crops than ho did a year
Averago prices received by producers on
December 15 last showed hogs selling at
$6.83 per 100 pounds, an Increase of $1.17
over the same time in 1911: beef cattle
at $5.33 were 96 conts higher; veal calves
at $6.SS were SO ccntB higher; sheep nt
$4.21 wcro 50 cents higher and lambs at
$5.70 were 77 cents higher. Hogs, veal
calres and sheep were lower than In 1910.
Prices paid to farmers for staple crops
on January 1 averaged about 17.2 per cent
lower than at th esamo time last year.
6.5 per cent lower than In 1911. 17.S per
cent lower than In 1910, 5.9 per cent lower
than In 1009 and 7.7 per cent lower than
In 1303.
Corn at 4S.9 cents per bushel was U
cents lower, wheat at 76.2 cents was 12
cents lower, oats at 32.2 cents was 11
cents lower, barley at 49.9 cents was 37
conts lower, rye at 63.8 cents was 19 cents
lower, buckwheat at 66.8 cents was 7 cents
lower, 'flaxseed at $1.06 was 81 cents lower,
potatoes at G0.6 cents wero 24 cents lower,
hay at $11. W a ton was $3 lower, eggs ut
2C.8 cents a dozen were 3 cents lower.
Governor Byrne Says
He is Not Candidate
PIBnitE, S. V., Jan, H. Governor
Byrne, whose, name had been linked with
the senatorial contest In the state legisla
ture, today declared:
"I am not a candidate for United States
senator, either positively or" passively."
He advised the legislature to abide by the
primary election, Haying:
"The republican party nominated a
candidate fairly and I want to see him
elected. Thomas Stirling was the prl-
! mary nominee.
Iowa Man Cuts
Throat of Friend
BimLINGTON, la., Jan. H.-Charles
Caesar, a bartender, early today cuf the
throat of W. I Under, a retired clothing
merchant, and after being etiasid severe
blocks by the police shot himself. Both
men aro fatally wounded. They lived Jn
bachelor quarters and were supposed to
be close friends. The polloo believe that
Cacser suddenly became insane.
CHICAUO. Jan. K -Josoph Clark, a
fire Insurance udjuster, was arrested to
day nft-r ho Is said to have attempted to
bribe Assistant State's Attorney Kdwm
J.' llabor. In connection with a grand Jury
Investigation of charges of arson against
Covltz Bros., who were arrested follow
ing a flrn In their place of business No
vember 5.
VMWA V ' 'i W !.. I ,,
Mont Parry of Hebron Says Gov
ernor is Wrecking Party.
ItljV Army Star In Lincoln at Ki
penne Instead of Stnte (living;
The n( Salaries In Pleas
ant Bertha.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 14. 8pocial.)-lf Gov
ernor MOrebead does not speed up his
political appointing machine It may be
necessary for him to take a chajice on
fracturing the speed limit in order to
corne In i)ndr the, wire, Jn.tlme, to nave
Jhimself ' from bel'nr declared illstarioed by
some, of the men- who" "helped " him -get
Already war arid Vumors War are be- j
lng heard on eVery )mnl on account of
the slow manner, In which trio .governor
is deciding lit appointments and some ot
his former backer lire not slow in dn
olarillg that the, governor Is in'aktng the
mistake ot hts life.
Among the number who are not at ull
backward in criticising 'tlie 'goyernor Is
Mont. I'arry, a demobratle worker from
Hebron. Mr. Parry lia&i been In Lincoln
eve since the battle for Job's, began, and
while rota Yanntdate"f6r- any position
nor asking anything for 'nnyorts. else, ho
feels deeply grieved nt tho way the gov
ernor Is working things and says It will
mean disaster to the democratic- party In
the future.
Mr. Parry l Sore.
"i have been a worker In the party,"
said Mr. Parry, "for moro than twenty
five years and have never asked any
favors. I have frequently heard it said
that democrats wero horse thieves, and
so I thought I would come up to Lincoln
nnd watch the organization ot the legis
lature and Bee Just how my party con
ducted itself to sen if they were as bad
as they have been painted. I put in a.
great deal of time for Governor Moro
head and I was anxious to see htm make
good right off the reel, but I want to say
right here that I am greatly disappointed
in him and his method ot doing tilings.
"I wish to say," continued Mr, Parry,
"that I heurd tha two messages of the
governors and admire the stand takoa
by Governor Aldrlch and the way he de
livered his message. He appeared to bo
at all times for good government. The
message of Governor Morehead was also
good as a general thing, but his actions
since the message was delivered con
vinces many of us that he is going to
handicap the legislature and that thay
will be unable to get through this sesalori
with very much credit to the party.
Beea Trouble Ahead.
"There has been a hard fight among
the democrats here to arrive at a condi
tion of things which would bring about
good legislation, but Governor Morehead
has done more to Bpoll the chances for. a
successful session 'than nnythltjg that
could happen, and If the election was to
be held over he would be defeated by Mr.
Aldrlch easily.
"I am an ardent suppoiter of William
J, Bryan and ot his policies and have
always boeni but the present administra
tion seems to be doing everything to an
tagonize thoso policies. I believe in doln;
things openly and above board, but tlici,
dillydally tactics of the governor In tbe
appointments Is not only bringing dis
credit upon his administration, but .upon
the democratic party. One appointment
made by him In particular Is going to
cause him trouble In the future. I do nt
desire to say anything against the P
polntce, for he is a good man, I gurus,
but the point 1 wish to make Is that there
were something like a dozen applicants
for tho appointment, bo I understand, and
rome of them men whose abtUty could
not be questioned, yet he turned them All
down and went outildo and prevailed upon
aoptfier mun who was not a candidate
and did not want the Job to. take It.
"What dooa that moan? Why, that it
Is h reflection updn the integrity util
ability of all thn other candidates. If he
had selected one of the applicants, the
rest could not have had much ot a kluk
coming, but to turn them all down In the
way he did made them all feel deeply
(Continued on Page Two.)
PreparfPhat Cold Wave. 0
mm m aHTzrffl mm .1 1 ,
The National Capital!
Tnratln)i January 14, 111 111.
The Heir.ite.
Convened at noon.
Senator McLean urgl puswigo of bill
for protection of migratory birds.
W. W. Wlnkflold told campaign funds
committee how Archbold letters wero ob
tained. Indian affairs committee approved a
resolution authorising Department ot Jus
tice to Investigate affairs of Crow In
dlanft In Montana.
Consideration of six-year presidential
term resolution was begun.
Senator Cord Introduced bill to Increase
membership of supreme courtMo eleven.
.Senator I'oinercne Introduced n Joint
reBolutloni tn nmend the constitution to
provide a different method for conducting
minor Impeachment trials.
Bill to nmend Panama canal act so as
to ellmlnato provision for frou pmsnpe. of
American coastwise shipping Introduced
Itesoldtlon .td'ttl'&L; TUWliSit W to
Invite fnx'Mri nations to -Jain luturnntlonal
"nrneirrnt,for .protection o' mlyatora
blriy "lhtWiVifol)?rbiit$' K00P f
The -Home.
Converted at noon..
Resumed dobAte on postoffice' auprourlu-
tt?"r'triy1apprbprlatlin bl')'carfyinK'0lS3),
177' was reported. . .-.
Metal schedule tar j rr rkvision hearing
was continued before ways and means
Festus J. Wade told banking and our-
rency committee country could never have
a sound monetary systom wiinoui a cen
tral bahk.
Chairman PUJo of money trust inves-
titration committee announced I10 hoped
to conclude hearings this week.
Interstate commerce committee ' an
nounced program of hearings on Inter
state commurco matters.
Eoot Proposes Bill
to Charge Tolls to
Coastwise Vessels
WASHINGTON, Jan, H.-Henntor Boot
today introduced a bill to amend ch
Panama canal act to eliminate the pro
vision exempting American coatwie
ships from the payment of tolls. The bill
ts expected to reopen the -entire question
of Panama tolls, now at Issue with Grett
Britain, .and to pave tie way for a new
discussion of the1 subject In the senate..
Senator Boot gave notice that he wduU
speak January 21 In support ot his 1)111-
Many members of, the. senate recently,
havo declared that they favored meeting
Great Britain's objections to the, canal
law by repealing1 the . froo ' toll provision
rather than submit the whole subject to
arbitration on the question ot right of tho
United States to grant free passage fi
American owned ships. Senator Root op
posed the free toll provision when the
act was passed lost summer, and since
then has favored either arbitration or tnt
striking out of the clause.
Cadet Who Married
is Under Arrest
WKST POINT, N. Y Jan. ll.-J31mr
E. Adler of Billings, Mont., the cadet who
ran away a week ago to marrr Florence
E. Davis In Tarrytown, Is under an-eit
here today, hiving voluntarily returned
to face charges of absence without leave,'
He has been stripped of his rank as ser
geant, but tbe military academy authori
ties have refused to accept the letter ot
resignation which be submitted, as Adler
Is not of age, ' ifb will be allowed to con,
tlnue work with his classes until Com
mandant -Bladen J earns from Jho o'fflclals
at Washlngfon' Just what 'action will be
taken in his case.
Eats Electric Light
Bill by .Mistake
LOS ANQKLES, Cal., Jan. 14.-Jo.j
Welch ts Jn the city jail today suffering
from the effects af'havtng eaten an elec
tric light bill In' mistake for some lottery
As, s.eveial itpllcejnen approached htm
in Cldnatown Welsh grubbed some' paper
from his coat pocket and started to chew
them. A search ot his person revealed u
number of Chinese lottery tickets und In
disxust because qf bla mlstakt Welsh
coughed up the electric light bill.
He 1 being held as u lottery agent.
Report Ready and Will Be Adopted
Every .Member of Minority la Plnccil
at the llend of a Committee
Mxcept Mr. Hale of Mailt
aon County.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. H.-(8peclal Tele
gram,) Tha committee on committers ot
the senate Will report this afternoon,, hav
ing completedl its work this morning.
Unlike the democratic house majority,
the republican majority ot - the senate
took care ot the minority by giving each
inlambpr a ulialrmunahlp excfpt Hulp of
Mouison. cm ' reyoral committees the
mlt(6rlty waa,gjVen a majority" of flie"
iTutmVershlp. Kbllowlng it the chalrl"
tnen ni; the Important committees:
Mnancr, Ways and Means ItrynoliU of
Ihsuiancc Cordeal of Bed Willow.
Judiciary Hoahiand of Llncdtn.
lUllroads Hensty of Jefferson.
Ttevenuo and Taxation Splrk of Hallne.
Betall and Commcrc Brookley of Clay
Highways and Bridges Bushto of Kim
ball. Democratic Chairman ships.
Democrats wero awarded chairman
ships on tho following committees:
Apportionment Wink.
Countlos and County Boundaries Rob
ertson.' Deaf and Dumb arid Blind Initltutes
Insano Hospitals-Klein.
Labor West.
Libraries Crace.
Live Stock und Grazing OtIU.
Medical Bocletlcl T.tlcott.
Military Affnlrs-Placek.
Public Cliarltles-Cox.
Public Printlns Smith.
Retail and Commerce Urookley.
State Prison Kruinbnck.
Douglas county senators were) given the
following chairmanships:
Accounts nnd ICxpcndltures, Privileges
Municipal Affairs, Fish and .Game
Saunders. i
Manufacturing and Commeroc-Haar-inn'nn.
Miscellaneous Corporations MacfarJand.
Following Is a complete list of ' the
Accounts and expenditures Dodge,
chairman; Kemp, Marshall, Hplrlc, Cox.
Agtiouituxe Kieciiei, chairman: lium
mel. Saunders. ShUrnway. Grace, Klein.
Apportionments Wink, chairman; Mar
shall, Saunders, Hale, Hoagland (Lincoln),
nanus and currency Marshall, chair
man; BiiBheo, Dodge, Hbagland (Lincoln),
Brockley, Cox, Halo.
Claims Shumway, chairman; Unar
ms nn, Macfarland, Cox, RoberUon.
Constitutional Amendments and Fed
eral Relations Kemp, chalrmun; Bart-
ling, Heasty, Saunders, Kohl, Ollla,
Counties and County Boundaries Rob
ertnon, chairman; Hummel, Marshall,
Hplrlc, Smith.
Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institutes
Giossman. chairman; Haarmann, Mac
farland, Bartllng, Tulcott.
Drainage Kohl, chairman; Klechel,
Bhumway, Wol, Klein.
Kduoatlon Shumway, chairman; Dodge,
Klechel. ' Kohl, Robertson.
enrolled and Engrossed Bills Wolz,
chairman; Burtllng, Kemp, Macfarland,
Kohl, Talcott. Klein.
Finance, Ways and Means Reynolds,
chairman; Bartllng. Cordeal, Klechel,
Shumway, AVolz,, Kohl, Ollls, Krookley.
' Pish and Game Saunders, chairman;
BUshce, Wolz, Brookley, Grace,
Highways, Bridges and Ferries Bushee,
chairman; Heasty, Ilumntel, Klechel,
Wolz, Cox, Robertson. Kmltli.
Internal Improvements Kemp, chair
man; Heasty, Wolz, Krumbach, Ollls.
Insane Hospitals Klein, chairman;
Heasty, Marshall, Brookley, Grossmann.
' Insurance Cordeal, chairman; Bushee,
Heasty. Macfarland. Marshall. Shum
whv. Ollls. Placek. Smith.
Irrigation Bushee, chairman; Hoag-
land (Lincoln). Reynolds, Grace. West.
Judiciary Hoagland (Lincoln), chair
mnn; Cordeal. Dodge. Heasty. Kemp,
Macfarland, Saunders, Grossmann,
Placek. , , ,
Labor West. chairman; Hoagland
(Lincoln), Macfarland, Wolz. Talcott.
Library Orace, chairman; Hanrman,
Hummel. Grossmann.
Live Stock and arazlng-Ollia, Chair
man; Hummel, Saunders. Robertson,
West. '
Manufacturing and Commerce-JIaar-mann,
chalrmun; Bartllng. .Wolz. Gross
mann, Klein. . . ' , ,
Modlcal HovlotUs-Toleott. chairman:
Dodge, Hummel, llrodklpyt Krumbaoh.
Military Affairs Rlacek. chairman;
Hurtling. Hoagland (Lancaster), Wolz,
"(Continued on Puge Two.)
Ninety-Eight Measures Introduced
in House and Nineteen in Upper
Nebraska Chamber.
McAllister Asks for One-Mill Levy
to Aocomplish Removal.
Others Would Limit Number of
saloons to Population.
StiKnrmnn Klein 1IIH t Iteduce
Attmlirr from Six Tn
llrnenedon- for Higher Jin
nlelpal Pensions,
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
LINCOLN. Nob.. Jan. It. (Special Tel-
egrnmO-Thls was the first dav of the
introduction of hills In this legislature
nnd It was easily demonstrated that limit
ing tho time for their introduction does
n tnnnti ihnt the number of bills wlil
be lessened. In the houso ninety-eight
bills were dropped Into the hopper against
nineteen tho first day or me iasi e-
hIoii. In tho BCnato twenty-seven were
ti. i.nia nnreiwt nvrrvtiilnff. from pro
tecting the owners of male animals
ngalnsl lots for their services to a bunch
of blue sky bills to protect tho peoplo
with money from persons with mocks to
In thn lUt were bills to pruVMlt tha
merger of telephone companies and to
force them to merge, Othcra were in
limit tho number ot saloons In cities
nnd villages to one for every 1,000 people,
to provide that auto should run only
flvo miles an hour In cities and towns
nnd not more than fifteen miles an hour
in thn country,
Hugurman of Douglas introduced In tho
house a measuro to cut down tho num
ber Ofjusttccs ot tha peace In Omaha
from six to two. Diuescdow popped in
one to increase the potice and firemen's
pensions to ISO a month from (0. Loo
had ono to permit the city ot Omdha
to Include In Its bond Istues an tsstin
to purchase the auditorium, and to mv
for the paving of property abutting the
purlcs and boulevards out ot the park
Anderson of Kearney haa a bltl to pio
hlblt the marriage ?J whites with per
sons of one-fourth Japanese, Chinese or
Indian blood. Then a sterilization bill
weU,tn to wrfltect society from crl'mlnRli
and idiots.
" Thy "bTlV, which! proWjbly -will "cause the
Rreofe'ilrrfisht of the ae'sslon was by Mc
Allister ot Dakota, providing a l-mlll
levy for six year to btitld tho university
nt tho state fnrm. Nortpn came ncroM
with a measure to recall officials and
unother with a proposed aine'ndmunt to
the constitution to provide tor ah income
tax on Incomes pf $3,000 Ar more. Sov
ern.1 bills were similar. Both houses met
at 1:50 and did nothing except hear bills
Variety tit 11111m Introduced First
Dnj- In Upper Chamber.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. H. (8peclal.) The fol
lowing Benato bills werd Introduced today
8. F. No. 1, by Hoagland ot Llncoln
AVorklugmen's compensation. Includes
farmern nnd provides for collective lia
bility and for nn Insurance fund to be
pal dout under nn Industrial commission.
8. F. No. 2. by Smith of Seward-Pro-vldes
for a 2 per cent occupation tax for
express companies.
8. F. No. S. by Ollls of Valley Provides
for a comprehensive law under which thn
board of control shall operate after It
comes Into oxlstence July 1. 1913.
8. F. No. t. by Cordeal of Red Willow
"Blue sky" law.
8. F. No. 0, by Hoagland of Lincoln
Provides for granting or temporary re
straining order by a district pudg and for
hearing within ten days of the Issuance.
S, F. No. C, by. Hoagland of Lincoln.
S. F. No. 1. by Hoagland jf Lincoln
Piovldtnir that in actions affecting
estate, real or ' personal, or an Interest
therein. It shall be sufficient to designate
persons by name. Initials or contractions
of tho first name.
8. F. No. 8, by Hoagland ot Lincoln
Providing the elimination of lands not
Irrlgatable from recourse to refund pro
visions of Irrigation assessment laws.
8. F. No. 9, by Hoagland. of Lincoln
Amends civil code In actions brought af
fecting title to real properly. Provides
methods of cancellation when such actions
are carried to settlement.
8. F. No. 10. by Hoagland of Lincoln
Provides for John Doe service where real
(Continued on Page Two.)
It's Hie quality that
wido awake employers
value most in their em
ployes. First rate initiative is
displayed by the worker
who . offers himself
through his oym "Situ
ation Wanted" ad in
TlwBee. Not only that,
ho' advertises his serv
ices in good company
and shows a proper re
gard for his own ability
by using the newspaper
medium read by most
leading business men.
Give yourself this of
fective introduction.
Start a "job wanted"
ad in tomorrow's Bee.
Tyler 1000