in Mutt Tried WANT ADS Want ad retielvcd at nnjr time, but tv Insure proper classification must be presented beforo 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:00 p. m. for roornlnR and Sunday edition. Want adj re ceived after such hours will unvo khtilr first insertion under tho hoad. In, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents a word. Tito cr mora consecutive Inser tions Ufi cents a word. No adror tisamcnt taken for leos than SO wats. CHARGE RATES. Six words to the line. Oho insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions s cents per line. Ono lino per month 9130. Iweaty peats a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons baring accounts are measured by the line, not by tho word. NOTE The Dee will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong insertion due To typographical error. Claims for error cannot he allowed after the 10th of tne following month. An advertisement inserted to ba run nntll forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot Le accepted. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births F. J. anil Bessie Jacobs, 1J27 Park, boy; Fred and Bertha Squlrd, Sev enteenth and California, boy; Ben and Angelina Temple. 2014 Cuming, boy? A. and Ethel Telchlmayor, 1718 Dorcas, boy; U anil Dorothea Lautcan, 2223 North Twenty-sixth girl; George and Paulino Uurchmore, 2610 Cuming, boy; John mid ltose Buchu, 19 North Fourteenth, girl; A. und lloso Slnionds, 1SC8 North Twenty second, girl,;.Mlke and Mary Oster, 3621 itouth Seventh, girl. Deaths Mrs. Mary August, 64 years. 426 Cass; George B. Hoed, 77 years, 1617 Vinton: Mary Eaton, 72 years, 2521 Chi cago; W. R, Linton, 65 years, police sta tion. MARRIAGE I.ICKNKE8. Permits to wed havo been granted the following couples: Name and Address. Ags. Blaine F, Looney, Kansas City, Mo.... 21 Olga Jensen, Omaha Ill Charles B. Kitchen, Omaha........ -ta JIattIo Jackson, Omaha SO Jacob Sloup, Brolnard, Neb 26 Fannie Kucero, Bralnard. Neb.. I & Shelly II. F. Perry, Schaller, la IS Nclle M. Drisooll, Omaha , 3 Joseph J. Opoconsky, South Omaha-.... 31 Josephine Bily. South Omaha a) BUILDING PBRMITS. A. Gurtafson, 3S64 Seward, frame dwell ing, urn HELP WANTEDFESLUiB Clerical and Of flee, ' WANTED-t once, a lady booUlteepsr and stenographer. Addrsss T 231. Bo. UaiMkaiNu IioMcstlea. THB SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM fpLVED-Th B will run I Smiit Girl Wanted Ad FREE uattl you get the esslrod results. Tats apsilta to re44ats ot Omaha, South Omaha, and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad te The Bee otftcs or telephone Tyler 1690 WANTED Experienced second girl. 4W No. ,th 8t. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; good home; small family. Wao. CK2. 1K0 No. 18th. GIRL wanted for general hooSework In small family where second girt IS kept. Good wages. 403 a 28th Ave. GERMAN rlri "wishes position as chambermaid and go home nights. Can glvn good references. Address 510 B. 25th Ave. Red 4968. GIRL to assist with housework. Phono Harney MM. GIRL for general housework. 3517 Far littm. Harney 4048. GIRL for housework. No laundry. M4 (infill WQflhwnmati n IaiiH.i Tuesday. It3 N. 41at Ave. UIRL for general housework. 4803 Doug as. Hamoy 4S31. WANTED pood girl for general house worfc, must be good cook. 2S46 CalUornla, Phone Harney 845. G(RL to assist with housework; good wagca, na washing. Call at KB B. 29th St. WANTED A woman for general houao work in small family. C03H So. 19th at. WANTED Girl for general house work in country home located on Interurban ar line House modern. Three in family. References required. Address H. 498, care Uee. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Apply 2ua Bo. 32d Ave. H. 3K. References. WANTED A good, reliable, clean, neat girl or middle-aged woman to do general housework for man and wife and one Milld: new 6-room house, all modern. Call after 7 o'clock evenings. Ask for Mr Knott Webster CSSS. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 1030 Bo. 25th. H. iiot. WANTED A laundress for Tuesday morning. 108 So. 33d. II. 11. MIoe!a u rst e. WOMEN Get government position, tsa saontb. Writs Immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dt bl it V Rochester. N. T TOUMJ women comtng to Omaha as t ran gars aro invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian association suHdlni at St Marys Ave. and lTth St.. where iatj wtii oe.airecua to suitable boarding places or OthemUe assisted. Look for isr traveteft guld ,st the Union aution. WANTED" girl to dip chocolates aruTto clerk In store; good wages. Steady work all year round. Address Norfolk Candy Kltcben. Ndrfolk. Neb, The Persistent" and Judicious Lao of Advertising Is the Road to MurliivftL Success, to Be Good, but d'WT yquto Givie ir - TO tAti , T. OHO( WfVNT TO i i i f T7 PT rr ' 1 ' "EI,P WANTED- MALE A R P Hmnhi BUSINESS CHANCES. LOST AND FOUNO . OFFERED frOTl HKNT I PF.nSOVAr, Live Agents will write Jaeger Bros.' Manufacturing Co., 607 Brandels Theater Uldg., Omaha. AG12NTF wanted who know they can sell meritorious Florida land that will stand Investigation. Splendid contracts for men who can make good. Inromo limited by ability only Quick snlcs. Pur chasers of twenty acres allowed car rare. JJterntureJfurnslKd. Palm Beach County WA NTBD Knerget lest rong, amtil tl ous young man who has hod some experience with successful sales manager to handle a number of men and take lead to In crease lilies. Andres N 473, Bee. AGENTS Kr ie sample. Bo on top. Work a couple of hours a day during winter. Specialty that sells on sight. Wrltn, York & Stewart, Practortan Uldg., Dallas, Tex. Clerical imd Olflue. WANTED An experienced wholesalo hardware price clerk; must be capable of taking core of city desk) stato ago, ex perience and salary expootcd. Address V 4,V. Omaha Bee, factory ami Triwlcn. LEARN AUTOMOB!t,S ENGlNEianiNO. Get into th automobile business, learn It complete in the largest and best equipped training school In this trrltory. Repairmen, demonstrator and salesmen kre In demand. Write or call tor out latest rutalogus. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 1(15-17 Dadgs fit. Omaha. Neb. Drug store tnttf jobs. ItnWst. Heo Bldg. FOR HAUA fw iinnliilmMl ALT, WOOL Dmideo suits. 110) ultoratlons free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, N. W., Corner lCth and llnrney Sta. j WANTED Fifteen cigur mukers a.t once, ivipp uigor Co.. iiastlngs. Men, MEN wanted to' learn the barber trade. Best trade In existence for poor man. Machinery can't kill It, Our graduated greatly in demand. Top wages to holders ot our certificates. Fttv weeks completes. Tools given. Catalogue tree. Moler Barber college 110 &,. 14th St. Mlsciillaunuii. WANTED FOr"U." 8. ARMY-Abte-bodied, unmarried men between agos ot 1! and 35; clUsens of Uhltetl States, ot good Character and tempcrato habits, who can speak, read and wrlto the Eng lish language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Building. 18th and Dodge Sts.j COO Fourth Bt Hloux City, Is.; 130 W 10th St, Lincoln. Neb. Gaorge's 10 &. 15o rstaurant. 1121 Dodge. SCO MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at dnce for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; $00 to $100 a month; no ex perience uecossary; flue opportunity: no strike. Wrlto immediately for nppuca Hon blank.' Address V SSL Baa. ARE you unemployed or dissatisfied vtlth your work, or get very low wsgis with no prospect for advancement? Th automobile business offers you oppor tunities. Our graduates are trained by practical experience In demonstrating, it polrlnt ahd driving all makes, of auto, mobllos, and command large salaries Enormous sales ot automobiles has lft treat shortage of good men. Writs for full particulars and learn now bsfors lbs spring rush. National Automobile Train ing Association. Omaha. Neb. IIKLP WANTED MAI.K AND FEMALE. W7J FURNISH competent stenograph ers' services free to employer and em. ployss. J C. Smith ft Bros. Typewriter rimi . ui, ..n . i .i . by ths Union Puclflo sad Illinois Cen tral railroads it you gain your training in our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Address for particulars. II. B. Boyles, mi. mjyiea college, umiflB. csls posts Jobs. J20 a week. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute Dept ai-A, RochesUl'. N. Y, WANTED SITUATIONS COOIC wasrtn position; good references. Address 1C 470, Bet. YOUNG LADY, student, wishes place with home privileges as evening com panion to some lady staying alono; ran pay part of the expenses. Address II 478. Bee. YOUNG man of good habits wants In door Job; best of references. M 474; Bee. YOUNG colored lady wishes a nosltlon as housekeeper, competent and a good cook, ueiercnces given. Telephone Web ster 0115. MIDDLE aged woman wants place to take rare of sick person or housework. Webster 6712. WIDOW with child would like position as housekeeper In small family, 1715 Lake Bt Mornings only. YOUNO married man, carpenter, wants work; flrst-clnss workman, can do any thing In the carpenter line, sober and re liable; can give good references. Phone Webster 6241. YOUNG man with six years' experience in retail Implement business, one year as manager; bookkeeping and assistant cashier experience, together with ability to handle correspondence, wishes position with good concern where there is chance of advancement. Excellent references. Address O 487, care of Uee. YOUNO man wants work of any kind; am not afraid of work and am reliable and can gtve good references. Phone Webster 6341. EXPERIENCED drlvr wants position; understands laundry wagor. or bakery' wagon, etc.; can deliver the goods and get results; sober, steady; best refer ences. Box F 4). Uee. YOUNG man going to school wants Place to work for board-and room. A. 48j Uee. ANTBD-UiTndle washing. WebTllS. POSITION In country bank, general store, grain elevator or lumber and ooal office by young married man who is de sirous of locating tn small town; am all around bookkeeper and clerk and have had much experience. Address L. F. 8., 4962 Poppietort Ave.. Omaha, Neb. ""YOUNG. IsilVwants Dosltlon In office ' doing clerical work. Will start on small ; Wages. WebstSl- Ci43. I UATTUlALmt .n .l1Tt..X?kS 1,.. doxen; Carey shlrtwatzt. 16c, two for quarter, j Laundry. Itth & Howard INNOHNCEMtSNTb. ' "HAZEL LEAF PILE 'ONES -Best! remedy for Heltlng. bleeding or protrud- j i na jjiius, iMv postpaia' Saii'Ples free. J Sherman MoConueil Drug Cu.. Omaha. How Could He? y jpw . - tiuj1?r u .... . LyiA.. A RON'S Jewelry and gift store. Jan uary km sale now In progress. lth ahd Pam&m. BELL DRUG CO.. lilarnwn. Crutck rubbers, crutches, eiastlo trusses, all kinds of robber goods anything yon want from a drtigstore. CACKLEV HHOa, 12llT. 16th. Home made wine, 11 galloli Two quart bottles beor Sic. Dundee: woolen' miLlh. mill atttf Harney Uts. JU suits and overcoats made to order, gunrantt-oJ to fit- k ECONOMV ' Electric Bring VdiU nts: save Cost in lighting. K. M. Clkrk. ith and Douglas, Omaha. FOSTER-BARKER CO., Mo'urond'els Uldg., Doug. 23. General Insurands carried In rellabla companies. GROBS"VRECKiNd "cb7, Dougl toil". 201 8. 10th. All Ulndd ,ot Second hand machinery, lumber anu all kinds of building supplies. Write ua tor prlcss. J A. HCHROEDER, will tell you any v thing you wish to Know about tfis Moosd lodge. Tel. D. CSiC 416 a 17to. K err Abstract Co., . Ho. 17th at. Better be safe , Ulan , sorry, hav Kerr da your title work. L ANKTREE Electrical Co, sub so. istH St, I'D'lor 1011. All kinds of electrical contracting. Get our prices. MUNllklTS. Mtr, of wins, toupees, switclios from combings, $L Moa- belt s beauty paridts, va ri. 16.D.3M. NE1111A?K,V CYCLE CO., " l5th and Hartley. .Douglas Mi. We rent repair, sell nredlos, palts of all kewing miohines. OMAHA, DtoVo Hepslr .srorks, lruO-W) Douglas St. Tel. 'lVltr 20. Watir ironts and coils tor turnacas. a team I und water neater; rep'rs; men to do work. Petroluiim coke, llu.oo per ton. tircatest htat giving fuel os trio market, Na Miles or smoke. Oivs us a trial or our' Un9" 'UCit Co., DOuglas 68. , . QUAL1TY, printing; prlcu right Pliojie Doug, htiu rum lot us ttuotu prices uo printing, barton Ptg. Co., vil S. lilth. hotel, now ouen for business. oderh every respect, special fata- rates by wk. ov mo. uiu cumieg. SiaTEK tailored sulu. Xlowiu.. remod eling ,8nd repaltlngt reasonable cost 201 City National. Douglas ts9. T AKK "Tour iriohds" btTib" Mandatffi" Uttte Jiw iuusmif uyuiaiio. vumwa " exciUktve Chinese tuio. Muulo ov'atffl UNlfllD Clothes Shop, 1612 Farnam St. Suits', overcoats, raincoata-ROHdi' , to-Wear-$io c J16. Why pay more? V ACUUM. Cleaners. The right kind. at tne risnt price, I'none i:oa hi jucgor tiros., uranasii i neater uius. w csterh Millinery school, 412 Paxton prepare tor eany positions. XJ'JELLO URATE. TON W.6u. The neatest to nnthfacltet absolutely smokeless. Coul Hill Coal Co. D. m. "X 7OUR doors and wlhdfjWa made coltl. Y dust dnd rattle proof, by consulting F. H. TURNED ft CO.. 608 Ware Blk. Doug, im. ZEIGLER Coal. Ail sites, per ton. S7.00. D. L. A W, Soranton, Chestnut and other slsc. per ton 112.00. People's Coal Co., Phone Doug. 030 or Tyler 1781 ANXOCNCriMMNTS P. & Qrlttltli. Wig mfr. in Fronser Blk. AND vthbti I eat. 1 ktwavit ut wurj pleasure j- the Woodmen Oafaterla. Wedding, atlhouncementa. Doug. Ptg. Csu 18 INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. U0 SUBSCRIPTIONS EACH MONTH uhUl June td , THE LADIES' HOME JOUR NAL, 81.Ml.THE SATUtiDAY EVENING POBT, IttSt THE COUNTRY GENTLE MAN. $1.10; arn 83.000 for THE INVALID PENSION. ASSOCIATION. Blxtocn in valids will receive 810 ,a month, leaving 11,060 for advertising. Every order worth 60 cents. YOUR RENEWALS COUNT. Won't you heipr Also any publication whatever. MUST HAVE 280 SUBSCRIP TIONS IN JANUARY. Phono Douglas 7163. Always address GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAJf. OMAHA, NEB. MONEY TO LOAN LOW rats. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 290i Union Loan Co. Gibson's Buffet MS South 18th St. Skates sfiarpened; lie. Nebraska Cycls Co. AlHACTlONtf, 7 OStAHA film xch.. ltth and Doug. Md tlca Picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBIKH DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 24th and Farnam. IIOBES And Kodlatur covers at $2.00 and up WIIjT. SftPririOA ItlV tit knrun..,.. about; nftver been used. Address A 427. care Bei MurphyDidltliS' RADIATORS repaired. Kr Farnam St. nt?BINESS CHANCES TO get In or out of business. oaR oa uAuui.Au, iu ues uiag. Tel. a. 84 n. stock. w(tn meat market In connection. in nui mairu oiureao; also buildings and residence, or will rent, Will bear close Investigation. Box 22. Atwood, Colo. FOR RALEA centrally located, le, gantiy equipped drug business, for a client of mine, apply to H. Fischer, Atty. auue wi-z-i uity riat'i tiank Bldg. WOULD like party with some money and servtre to take Interest In my busl. ness. Can. give best ot references. Ad dress J 442 Bee. ANY kind retail store furnished or sold. Kennebeok Co.. 605 Bo Bldg.. Omaha. CAril for 'sarr with 7 roomsT Box iW IfOft HAl.V- a' F,ul Ua..C ... - .... . ' ' ..... j nvv, p. sen tral Nebraska, established 10 years; county s4fc Address. Y 2K. Bee. ELITE picture showroom, tit N. 24th7 Bouth Omaha, new front and newly decorated; unexcellsd location; room for MM chairs; no fixtures; excellent op- i poriunur iur an eaperisncea snow ina , Hall Distributor Co, tn llHm uide J DvUgUts 1440. A riOWB. Jewelry and gift store. Jan- ,,, ..... ;. THIS BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 15)13. uSVlgU WE HAVE BEST business opportunity In city for man who can Invest J2.000 In well-established firm, together with eervlce. This will bear -cry closo Investigation. Address A 4W, Bee. FOR SALBOne stock of general mcr. Chandlse, Invoices tl3.000.0q; all cash: no trade; business established by fifteen years' standing as cash store In town or 1.SO0 people, f'or particulars write "Bruce Fleming. Bpooher. Wis. Garage for rent; repair man partner. 912 N. lfitli. IIUHINESS 'PERSONA LB. Architect. J. V. COTTRIILL. 4)03 N. 19th. W. Ilrnuty Parlors. ln.r(lroc!Hnl Manicuring. FSC'dl iuiiiurtssillg Massage, isiectrlc Treatment, Children's Boblng. Welnd lander Smith. 317 S.- 10th St. Chlroprnctom. J. C. Lawrenoe. P. 0., 2322 Howard. D. 8461 Creameries, Dairies ami Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 633 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. DR, MONIIEIT. 403 S. 16th. Douglas 23SjT Cnnl liflA.ltM. PARTRIDGE-THOMSON CO.. hVl moved to 306 south 17th. Sell best toals at reasonable prices Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville block. Evl cenco secured In ail cases. Tyler 1136. U W. LONONECKiilt'ttU Karbach Blk. UreaaiiiHitthif. 1 erry's Dressmaltlng Tollege, 20th ft Far. 'Dr"egBmaklng by tha'oay. 'eSrloa."" Dressmaking, hohle orby day D. faSo, Miss D. Malloy, altering of ladles' suits, remitting, rcimmg2MBo3tonjetore. D. 3178. Urnus. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. t; very tUI life iulvetvlvui. Electrical Utilities Exchange. SC2 Bee Bldg Florists. ' A. Donoghuc. 1W? Far. D. loot: A-looi. HESS 4s SWOBODA. HIS Farnam St BATH'S, florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BRANDEIS cut tldwr dept.. new store. fc'uitntlrll-. McDonald Brass ahd. Bronze foundry. Aluminum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jsoksoa Glaslnir and Frnmlnif. We do glaslng arid deliver glass in all parts of tho city; also picture framing. Barker Bros, Puiiit Co. "The Paint Men toa Know." IGOJtt Farnam St. Phohe Douglas 4750. lltnta fur the Home. TRY JOHNSON'S $5 COAL for cooking, or so.c4 for furnace or heat Ing stoves. ISth and(liard. Tel. Doug. 1701 ROSPTlblstt The1 nSn wpo I.WOWHJiatLMv.s you (j,,,., t0 $1.60 on every ton: better cool; more heat for less monoy; full Weight. Douglas DM. Moving; Morait'e stsld UleanlEug. McLaud & Bon, VaVoVS., 3-horsa van, 1 men, 81.26 hr. 2 hrs.. 81 hr. D. .436. W. SIX Furn. moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. J74S. NttraeMesiatau- Seods. STEWART'S EEEDMAN. 119 N. Htk Oateopatb. Alice Johnson, S0j-9 Brandels The. Bldg. PrlMtlate. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. 641. Lew W.Raberj Printer, 'g0 BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNU ART Ptg. Co.. qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2130. 624 S. 18th. Patents. HIRAM A. BTiritGES. Patent lawyer. 648 Brandels Theater- Bldg. Doug. its. D. Q Barnall. Pulton Blk. TeL Rd 7117. Store und Ottlce Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2S19 N. South Omaha. DESKS, sates, scales, showcases, snelv Ing. eta Wo buy, wS.Sstt Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4H-1&5 So. 11th. D. ITH. Trunks and Baltcaaes. Frellng & Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St Wines nfid Ltqnora. WILLOW 8prlng beer, liquors. ctgirSi tandwlohss. Alex Jttes. 603-3 Bo. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine. 65a a larn hot. tie. Klein Liquor Houtc. 623 N. 16th St BDUOATlONAli "4 HE MID WINTER TERM OF BOY LE3 COLLEG E is now open, yet It is not too late to enter. Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Ser vice and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address Boyles College, 1807 Harney St. Ouviha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPA1AN COLLEGE Winter term now oppn. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue and full In formation address Mosher-Lampman Col lege, Isli Farnnin St;, Omsba. Neb. Dnnelnb. Mackle's. 3 class nlfchts per week. D. ttW. LOST AND FOUND. FOX fur neck plsce. lost Sunday beT Jween 43th and Burdetta and 47th, return tu 4735 Bo'-'otts: roward Mrs, .T. It KoUtwr Era m r I X ilrAfVf.GoTTA tAnE. J Tv40 'DOL.LfVP i r Avjc A VfOtLU) To' A ueNO IT UL?rtUflNMiltlktt HI, . . I . . A u. I - Wpuld do Well to.csil Up. the of ties of the Omaha & Count 1 .Bluffs' Street Railway company to.iicerUtn wHsther thsy left it .in ths Itrset ca. MahV1 w-ticic. ach di ar tUrnsd in slid the company, la an-.1ous .to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. Jan. to. . OAHA COUtL BF vm OPEN-FACR hllvii tvntf-h ,lih'.lnihpi. strap attached 'fdr fob. Phflno 3147. tLPST.IUlc!$r liirtof grin at i6Ui arid ItdWirtl. RtftDHi tp.GirariKmV cigar store. ri .j. qurwuons asaea. afternoon After performance, third row, seat , contents: bi-owh pocketbook, gmsses, Itey, calling -oirdB, rrtemorandum book from Chicago World's Fair, Jl in sliver, $1.23 In change., envelope with tickets from BrodegAftrdlS, riatl cleaner. Mfs. W. T. Lorertzert, ApArtmeht 2, 31st olid Dewoy, two blockri'sftuth Farnam street car. AlEiliOAk Piles, Fistula Cured , Dr. B, It Tarry, cutss Piles,' Fistula and other rectal dlfsasta without surgical operation. cur guaranteed and no mohey paid until cured. , Write for book otl rectal dlseasifr with testimonials. Ply E. R,. TAtmY. as mat . Omaha; .MONfiy TO LOAN Salary aiui, chattel. BIAMOND, LOANS at 254 ahd S per cent FLATAU. lSH DOdge St. Tel. Red 6819. FURNITURE. BALART. r LOANS. . Let us advah'.e yoU enough , money to pay ovtxy due y6u iwft aiid. . START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT with , only, ono placo: to i v&f. vyou'll be more satisfied and surprised how cheaply we can ' , NO PUBLICITY EASIEST PAYMENTS. LOW.EST. KATES. . CONFIDENTIAL... . PRIVATE. OMAHA MORTGAGE. LOAN CO., Established' Ttventy-one Years. 1603 FARNAM ST, . Pliohe Doug. 2295. Room aia-.ppatd, of Ttado 'Building. DO YOU CARE TO SAVE MONEY? HAVE YOUR MONEY MATTERS TREATED. STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL, IN PRIVATE OF FICES, by experts? If So, we will ne gotiate a loan for you n PERSONAL PROPERTY or SALARYt Douglas 1411. . RELIABLE CREDIT. CO. 3d Floor. Suite,, Paxton Bldg. 217'S. 16th MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and, others, upon their owh nances; cheap raids; easy payments: confidential., p. tl. loinian. auj w M"H Ja CHAITKL LtJANa tl to IlUO. 8ALAHV LOANS. You. cah get it:tbdoy of oTAii loan CO., n faxton uiqck, Hyr.-i.w on .turnlturer pianos and lVlOTlPV Teal estate at. a very low Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 125S. 20 Bee Bldg. -i - - i 1 i . ttHf fT.i'1VK-C whA n .1 MnriM. an preoiste absbiuto pHvacy, prompt action. fluurwii n csm. uee GROSS LOAN. CO., 410 North 16th.. Oia-KKUD Iroft (titliVT Bord An Hoomt. O. M. E-j hauls -trunks. DdUglas CU. Merrlam . hotah 26th and Dbdss. under new- management. slngU and en-sulie. , ,N1CB large south front room with board suitable, for two gentlemen. 2S18 Harhsy. Phone Hdrney 3&2- South front room, warm and modern; Private home,' board If desired. Phone Harney 877 v WANTED 'Board and room In private fanhlly near lth and Vlntijn Sts., by young man! Address F 494. care of ee. Kntntalied HHikuST WARM, pleksfht tobm'j .modern house; 12.23 per Weak. M64 Douglas atrest 2702-4 Farrlatn LATg south front room. wjth, alcove, also- other rooms, all nicely turmaneo. moccrn. reasonapie,. ii. ana. 414 M Sin ST Twn tHnilv. VnnHfn Steam heated froht rooms,. Mingle or en suite, furnished or Unfurnished, Use of piano u arsirea. j'nope .uougias ijw. tiii Douulas. ASw lutnlsried irooms. mod. . 220 N. 23D-8t(am heated) strictly mod 4m, front i-oorfts. . . y- KUrniShed llitkejltaj Hoods. $01$ Dayeppdr-l.hpAseitespJng rooms. Two nice ' rodnis; ' heat "arid gas fur- niansa. 9 s. nth gt. Farlilslid Ilonsen. NICELY furnished, seven-room, modern cottage HansOdrn Park district. D 6C06. FURNlStlicb $-robnr rjouss in Kountse Placet refcrepce ' required. Phona Web ster 401. Itotfls d Apartmeat. DODGE HOED mbderrtt.reisonabl. CALIFORNIA 'wbTEL: Steam heated rooms. $3 pec fi- and up; free bath AparttUeuts und Pints. i'OR RENT jilodsrrt 6,room fist. 633 8. Hill Ave., reierences rcquir-a. xei.rt, ui'i S.tlrvtVf nAilim rlkt ft Rr. "ilh Ur girwimwg inm SPLENDID store and apartments for rent chean. Clowry Court. G. P. Steb. bins. Agent, iflio CWcaio St. on West Farnam St., wlin steam heat and Janitor aervle. . . JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1SQB Famnni St rlVE rnrtrtis. cteam hsaT llnllnr hot and cold water, electricity, laundry, wall bed. Walking, distance. Tel DOUg 4182. i-ROOVt modem flats newly decorated. toilet senarats from bath, brick, walklnic distance, but on car, fl& and 116, water paiq. xei. w. nw. Manses nnd Cattases. M'LATJD f Bon riT )'unks. He, JjiVUJJ t0c. Douglas 4H. MMVPUU r..- w WW. eXOT- as, f icr wginn. ire contract your packing, storing and hauling. D, $231 and 57 S7S&. Offloes I1T a I4th t 54 U. IMhT 6 ROOMa lTU Hickory, St, r" 5 rooms, bath, 1161 8. Uth It., $11. . ,tnvvMiMi ptcain neat. all modern -room flat, m- H, Jt4 He TOUND-Oold sleeve-' for The Bee by CSOpO.rUw Tb Me.tJUT MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, .stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1498. 2007 Clark, 4 rooms," 14. , 713 S. 17th, 6 room, $20. i 710 N. 22(1, 7 rooms, mddern, $30. 1219 S. 16th, 6-r6om flat for colored family, 817.60. Others. Rlngwnld. nraridels Thoater Bldg. "Gloving, packing arid storagu of house bold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. flrqproof storage, 806 8.- 16th, by . the. viaduct Branch office. 2ty B, 17th St. Tel. p. 41163. FOR RENT 2-stofy froms dwelling on Cass St,, between 26th and nth Sts., all modern Improvements. Ths Crelguton University. Tl. DOUg. 232. 8 JtOOMS. modem. 112 N. 2flth. D. 2717. FOR rent, six room hous. 624 So. 18th. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modern except hfat; walking dlstfthce. Price reasonable. S55 Souttr 21ct St. 674 b. 28th St-'-S rooms completely, mod ern. Hall. 433 Rsmge: D. 7406: A-tiW., Gordon Van CagB 219 N. .11 St., of 216 S, 17th St. Phone 1J. TJ1. VERY desirable 6-room, strictly liiodiHi ouse, in rirst-ciass conuition; vacant tn. 365s jonns. tjar. 6i3. FIVE rooms, 1E07 Fur nam: .modern: suitable location for offices, studios, deo taT or dressmaking rooms . tor tenants wishing home adjoining, nan, itamft Bldg., Douglas, 7406. i lUROnit morlnrn hollSe Hf 112 14. 44th HI on' West Famam-Dundce line: warm. cqmrortftbie nqme. tci. itarney xxi, T-Tnnnoq lh all parts of the city, taOUflCa crtllgh. Sons ft Co.. Bob Blag. i i9n-M7-RttRi A Sodern except furnace. H. B. Borlea. , 4S65. , - ' Stores-dad Offices. I FOR RENT For' wholesale, .tight man ufacturing -or retail purposou-rarnam St after December SV the .thrie-stpty and basement building, 22x100 at .No. 10U Farnam St. Upper flodrs have light. on threo sides. Inquire' at room 311, First National .Bank Bldg.. Tel.' Douglas 1343. .HALLS for ronfi i'hmip. Doug 6446. FOR RENT Office room. 26x80" ft. ,on ground floor front.lh tha Edward Crelgb ton Institute. 210 8. ISth St. opposite city nan. xeiepnono Douglas 6S45. blinding with trackage in rear alley. Will be vacant abdut April 1. Apply to The uee nuiiaing co.. uee oince. tttiwrii picture snowroom, bis. n. znn, South Omaha; new froht - and newly decorated! unexcelled location; rodrn for 360 chairs; no fixtures! excellent . op portunity for tin experienced show man. Hall -JJIstrlbutor Co., 433 Ramgo Bldg. Douglas 7406. 2 OFFERED FOK BALE Furniture. D fidfiS Quick buyers of furnlturs 'and "'""" housshold goods. Wo pay more. Musical Instruments.. ui0, 9' CP t.enor saxaphone. brass; bargain. 308 N..16th. - ' Typewriters. .TYPEWRITERS, rented three months far $5; rent applied on purchase price. Omaha Typewriter Exhange. 411 3. tn St TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months 15. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER .EXCHANG E. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an' L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer of thu .makers, by the month uoo or three months for $7.50.. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 13l6 Farnam St. Phono Doug. .2213. Stlsoellaneous. FOR SALIC New ana second-hand carom and pookat billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy payments. Tbs Brunswick-Balke Collender Co.. 407-409 South 10th St. 1 SAFES td-hand. American Supply Co. d-K COAL: It's good; try a ton: best for u mdney. Web. SlS. Harmon &' Weeth. NEARLY new No. 10 Remington: sac mice; owner leaving city. E 432. care Bae. Kindling, $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, rqtrlgora tors, grocers' display counters, lee ma chines. The United Line. 1U.7 Farnam. POOL table for sale cheap. Coll Doug las 6763. ABSTRACT Books, a complete -set, up. to-date. in good live county ln Iowa; for particulars address Y 2S7 Bee. GOING Sbuth. Beautiful fur-lined coat to sell at 07 a 17th St, PEnSONAE LESSONS CHtNA PAINTINGS Ruth Letohford. 817 So. 27th St Red W2. BEST bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman tx McConpell Drug Co., Omaha, Nebj ss.riAT- nLoon RUMRnv. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. f ASftATF,,l,wedUh rooY.ement Apt ANNA MARKS THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact. Anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at HI N, Uth St., for cost of collection, to ths worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon win can. MASSAGE orn8 "moved. 2Se. Mrs. nxooxxyjj IUVhes. 707 8. ifi. D. 4182! ;;,,. i'Li u j iji ... . UiSDinV inil !) nit. iri . i.-L- im d I... S1.'""- en. wv. .ty,, wu. ifc i,wr. iooj, win a at. i.' i .' . WOOL Dundee suits. $10. Alterations free. rnThnij"oi wnn(.n it , N. W corner ltth and Harney Sts YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association building at Uth and St Mary's Av where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwUs assisted. Look for All, (md,1,m mli At I, , T k. FOX nervousness, rheumatism, h disease, indigestion. constlDatlon. goiter, taurrb., etc, try Chiropractic: one ad justmtnt free. Dr. Dexttr. Joth & Farnam. BATHS. BClENTIFlc'llAaiiAbR: Prugleas treatments. 708 8. 16th. Apt R. BODY MASaAQB-ra-3 Neville Block. " MASSAOK. Mrs. Snyder, Baths, electna tteatmsnts. 44 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. S43. AGNBaiO oVTWHtb: "Bud" Fisher , MASSAGE Expert treatment by Mrs. Steele. 2C 3. 13th St. Rosm .80$. Massage. Mrs. QoUlsburg. 308 ;Bdt,ton DR REAL KSTATlT LrOANK LOANS on farms and .improved city property, 5, 6H and tf ler cont: no icr cont; no aeiay. ifios Fftf-nam st. j. it. immotu sio WANTED CI ty loans ahdt worrshts. W. Farnam, Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St WANTED City loans Paters TrusFco. HARRISON & MO ItfON. M6 Oms. Nat lioo to ' wade promptly. F.: b. . Wead. Wead BJdg;, 18th and Farnsm. QARVW BROS.g& -fStf&& MONEY to loan on business or dence properties, S1.CO0, to KOfiOO. W. tuumab. Ta Htate unnK uat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farnia O'KEEFE REAL -ESTATE CO.. i 1016 Omaha National Douglas 27U FARM LOANS near Omaha: no com mission; optional payments: cheap ,m0nSy. Orln S. Merrill. 1113, City Nat. Bank Bldg. fie CITY LOANS, Bemls-Canserg di.7 310-311 Brarideis Theatsr Bldg. LARGE loans oUr specialty. Btult Bros. Cltv and farm loans. John N. Freitsir. WANTED TO BENT- WANTED To rent 80 or 120 asrres ot! land; !nh or grain. Address N 468. Bee. WANTED Room and board' 1 with, private family, by young mail of good habits. O 500, Bee. Wanted to buy WANTED To . buy 6 or 6-rooin. hcu'xs to be moved on a lot: would like ona within 16 blocks- of 24th and FrahkUn. A CICUUJIQ IkCU VOWAe, Tintfftff htk 141 mrtriL Mn htitl.lLS J. a for furniture.-olothes. shoes- Wetv-1607, Wanted to Buy . Vacant Lots or . Acreage Property This property must be located ". in or near Omaha, and when writing, full de scription of nrdnertv. Inrlmtlno i etc., must be given: also the lowest cash price that will be accepted. ' This offer Is good for a limited' thho only. , . Answer quick. Address J 477. Bee. . WANTED-To buy old broken watches and old gold. M. Nathan. 109 E. lSih St. 1 KOlt S.-LK ,OK EXCHANGE. clear, level land, in Lyman county. South. Dakota. Will consider good, auto as part Pay: no cash required. R. G. "Andls, A , CO IV, D. WS hahdie successfully exchanges of merit, if you have anything to deal tn In a Hllrrv call 1:1.. r k uj rt. ..t,.i iiu 11. ' .""L,1"" wu, nail. Fidelity & Casualty Bldg., or phone Doug- ' Everybody '8 Doing It I Doing what tradlner with ih Pnim fauna .o., irjii w. U. W. Uldg: FOR MAT.I.! nr od. ri. section of land three miles frdm .Huron. p. u. a, j. aiuraino. o-xtuvM, new bungalow, modern, on corner lot. to exchange for -vacant--lots. Gall at 413 ICarbach Blk, Tel. D.' 3607. REAL EfJTATE ABSTHAOTS OF TITLE. i REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PllOPEK'l Y FOR .4ALI3 THE ROSEBUD LAND , CO. handles exchanges of all kinds. Room L Continental Blk.. Omaha. : t . FOR SALE BY OWNER ' My nearly new, all modern, horns, .seven rooms nnd harfl wood flnlshV I am leaving the city and' will sell at o umfcuin. uii owner, wepster wholesalo district at a sairiflee; want offers. Tel. D. 4HX x t TO BUT, SELL OR RENT. FIRST dEll JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM ST, REAL ERTATR FA11M A RANCH LANDS FOR SALK Aruaiifeas. FORTY acres, 6 miles from Nashville, on public road, 30 acres In cultivation, good spring, S-acre brchard. 4-room house, good outbuildings. Price, 1U0OO. .SouthSfn Realty & Trust Co.. NsshvilU; Ark. FOR SALE Nice 400 acres virgin nrallift lAFirf PritnaAff nnttn, i 1. .a - grow all farm crops ,or loo bushels rice! jji ,u-uiiiti price. Location line. K. JM. : Cox, owner. Potomac. HI. , Iowa. j GOOD 160 i About five miles from postoffice. Coun cil Bluffs, upland, rest rough and not subject to overflow. Every foot can be used, fairly good buildings, good orchard of two or three acres, owner has made money on this place and pot Satisfied tt let well enough alone, hss found a- rat hole -ut west somewhere to. put his mohey -In and wants to sell. The place is worth Itils price of $103, per acre. See us about It M'GEE REAI, ESTATE CO., 1C3 Pearl Bt i - Minnesota. SEND for a free copy of oar new "Homeseekers' Guide No. 10;" it will help you to decide where to look for a now home; many wonderful farm bargains du ller! bed. Co-Onerstlve Realty Co., court Block. St. Paul. Missouri. LAND FOR HALE Write for prices of corn, clover and blue grass lands. Co Operative Realty Co.. HumanSVille. Mo. Af lirnaUu. FOR SALE Good, rich, unimproved Nebraska forming land. Andrew Miller, Frankfort, Ind. All of section 13-1259. Cheyenne Co.. $ per acre, half cash, balance to suit, if so:d Immediately. Address D 496. Bee. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. 1