1- THE OMAIIV Sl-XDAV KKK: .IANTARV 12, 1913. 7 A pens for Business this Week and Extends a Public Invitation Grand Opening Announcement CAFE Tuesday and "Wednesday, January 14 and 15 Omaha's Latest Achievement Tff ROTH'S new cafe will be form v ' ally opened to the public Tuesday evening in the new location, 1612 Far nam street. The superior appoint ments of- this beautiful new place are metropolitan to the highest degree, giving to Omaha the finest modern cafe west of Chicago Because of tin for seen delays in com pleting our new building 110 arrangements for formal invitations could be made. We therefore ash our friends and patrons to consider this announcement as their cordial invitation to attend our opening Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan uary 14 and 15. The only Cafe in Omaha making a specialty of Fish, Oysters, Game and. Sea Foods. Also Italian, Chinese and Mexican dishes. New building, nciu location and superb new furnishings thoroughout. A care fully trained staff of expert chefs and courteous waiters to cater to your wants. Remember the New Location 1612 Farnam Street 1612 YARNN5Z OMAHA. Si ' been 1 k plape Final t It 12 FARNAM STREET been overlooked to make of iho now palace a dining place that wlL be tho prldo ot Omahu, and that iVrtl J please all patrouti. It Is a cafe in which ono mat eat, enjoying both tho food and environments. It uso tastefully decorated, so well appointed and bo carefully arranged that thore can bo no criti cism except that which is favorable and no verdict except that wxich is a judgment for the owner of the newest of Omaha's cafes. A word as to tho location. We can imagine no other spot in Omaha that would promise more for Buch a cafe aB Mr. Wroth has provided than the present one. Situated In the very heart of nearly 11 that lb Important In the city it will prove a con- ient dinlas place for patrons and they will slCvly embrace the opportunity. Several of Omaha's leading builders and fur nishers contributed to mako Wroth 'b new cafe the finest in the west. W. B. stockham was the archi tect and the beauty of design and convenience of arrangements must be attributed to his skill. Per haps the most striking feature of the exterior of the building Is tho beautiful white enamel brick which fncos it. This was supplied by the Hydraulic Press brick company. Tho Interior decorating and painting were dono by the W. G. Colling company, Henry Lehman & Son and KucIib, Son and llllnd. Another modern feature of WTOth's equip ment is an ice making machine which was Installed by the Baker Ice Machine company of Omaha. Tills firm recently shippod ono of their plants to Cal cutta, India. It almost goes without saying that the elaborate bar and bar fixtures came from tho C. IJ. Liver company, ono of tho largost concerns of ItB kind in tho United Statos, while tho glass ware and ornamental tablo service was bought of the Omaha Crockery company, nnd tho kitchen utenBlls from Milton Rogers & Sons company. In speaking of his now place Mr. Wroth recent ly said It Is my intention to supply my patrons with nothing but tho highest class ot foodstuffs aud service to be obtained anywhere aniUmy aim to cater to all who desire that grade of attention." The elaborate bar fixtures installed at WROTKPS Up-to-Date Cafe BY C. B. LIVER Company The Omaha Electric Light Power Co. Will Supply the Current for the Beautiful Electric Illuminations IN Wroth's New Cafe ART GLASS OVER BA& AT WROTrTS CAFE MANUFACTURED BY OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS COMPANY. i rx&Tv., " Tff.tiUrM' ,,.,1,1 -h , i T3 "7i7rT7,m.'wi -TT7 T--i rnr" rir ' ' r-i ' - r- - t rrninJi 11 irmTTflB-i r-rrr- r . r rmnm jri"-T----i-irinMi---T---,,--TT-'-n-rTir-nri-jTii c