i . TTTF OMU1A SUN-DAY BKK- JATRY 12. W13 0 B IBBi dt special arrangement TONIGHT LAST PtiKFORrvlANCK THE MUSICAL RAOB Or TWO CONTINENTS A DAME SHERRY niO COMPANY EXCELLENT FRODOGTION. V I I JWV- i MBmm I fur soaso"- Tho coun,ry at lan?o ,K !l - -.,.; ' 1 "uie fiance to see mem. uraaim InH KeeHHeMflf I 1 Hm,e 1,1 tho benefits of the " I 11 I K9M. I .U l.i.llpv mill if lu ..! iilinn,,.!.!,, JjTiJu- TT9C. n-i-nr- II I mmmmm I I .Af- On; n-T.TiTn.'.-r. ' y it . former place of importance in the i ".. irj-ic fxicu-xu; . dupont, IQ 10 a - "ouman'H books. Tho experiment . or I I - . n-, . . . ... . . . . HALF-PAGE dlspluy advertise ment by tho Iirandels theater one day last week called at- tontlon of tho local readers to IfgRgKjSI a condition that has been cas WTiSi ually touched upon several times In this department. It is that all first-class attractions playlntr Omaha aro now booked for the Ilrandela theater, that a creat many of tho latent and best plays, with tho best of American actors, ro to bo presented aythat houso during the season, and thaylt Is for thn people of Omaha to decide if they want this class of atnusesAent at the theater. If the season should bo proanerous the man lifters of thejjileli-grade-productions will foci encouraged to return nnother season. And herein may be' found a text for a much tiafiKer and more vigorous preach ment tlian is now to .be. indulged In Ten years ago Omaha was listed as be InK among the best "show towns" In the. Vnltod States; tho very best of attrac tions were competing for bouldues here, the Hoyd theater was packed night aftr night, and the management rejoiced '.n the popularity and profit ihat followed on the presentation of a wonderful round of attractive pieces. And then came tho change. It was tho "golden era" of the theater in America In a literal sense, at least; millions wore being piled up by fortunato owners; any manager who had a TMxIey and lenders musical comedy, or n Clyde Fitch comedy, or something of that sort, -was a veritable Midas. This state of affairs brought attention from the outsiders as well as from the Insid ers. Certain clashes of Interest took placr, quarrels between men whose fore sight was cut off by tho profits they were counting up occured over those very profits; Belasco split with "K. & IS." and tho "Independents" came Into existence. This led to a war tho-effects of which have not yet been fully determined, hut one result of which was the building of many more theaters In tho United States than the country had need for, and Omaha suffered In common with all the other cities. With the multiplication of theaters came an effort to provide at tractions for them, and unworthy plays and unworthy players were sent forth to draw the money needed to support all the theaters that had been bullded. Within tho last three years the answer has been heard. The unwisdom of tho course pursued by those who ventured their money on the uncertain sea of the show business Is evidenced by the losses that have been taken, by Idle theaters II over the country, by theaters being converted Into picture shows, or rebuilt for other business purposes. Worse than this, though, has been the other arid more direct effect of the policy nf tho New York magnates of the stage. In establishing theaters along llroadway lo the number of fifty-odd, whlln lu t easing the total In Chicago, Philadel phia. Washington, Iloston, Cleveland and Ft lials, they forced on themselves 1 1 1 tunlltlun of being compelled to keep tlit VEMMA. CALVE T Ab-irlLc'&XcLTxd.eiS T etars uf the stagu In theso theaters, many of tho former well known visitants to tho west have not been away from New York, save on vacation, in the last three years or longer. This meant that a piece successfully produced on Broadway and exploited In tho name of some star, would be Bent on tour with a company, per haps perfectly cupahle, but made up of nctors llttlo known or not known nt all: fplks In 'the "provinces" came to asso ciate tho name of tho play with that of tho star, and very generally resented the substitution. No. 2 companies did not meet tho demand; so the complaint came out from Broadway that, this, that or the other town In tho Interior wns losing ItB standing as a- "show town." Merely for tho reason that tho people wanted the stars. Just the same as nroadway wanted them. And Omaha was on this list. II would be tireso'mo to undertake to tell thp number of good shows Omaha has not had during the last three years; and this without the man In chargo In Omaha being in tho least responsible. For oxample. Heirry W. Ravage used to send everything be had to Omaha; It Is recalled that on one occasion he brought his "Woodland" company hero from Chicago for 11 single performance, and took It directly form here to New York, no othor town in the country get tine to see the production until after Its metropolitan engagement. Mr. Havage sent but one company to umaha last sei son, "Tho Girl of the Goldon West." This was not because ho did not have com panies traveling. It is also recalled that Omaha was the first city outside of New York to got "I'lorodora," Messrs. ltellley and Fisher opening the tour of tho coun try with their great show nt the Hoyd theater. Nothing of this sort has hap pened of late. The purposo of this ex hibition la to prove that the managers are somewhat to blame for tho condition they now complain of. In the last threo years effort studiously seems lo have been made to convince the folks of Omaha that they can find excellent amusement other than at the theater. This Is not hard to do. and It has sue ceeded very well, too, thank you. . I. in made to Win ; O W till ruuii . back the clientele that formerh gave such loyal support to the tlieaiei in Omaha. Tho nroduclng managers In New York, tho men who really control the ( situation, have corao to an understand- , Ins which virtually rmans the end of the ruinous compUtlon, and will cease the experiment of trying to make the public support two theaters where one Is ample, j Omaha has been put back on the map In , the New York booking houses, and the 1 list of offerings het down for tho Bran- ' dels Is as good as enn be found tn any theater In the country. We are again 1 to share the best with tho blsgest From . New York comes the word that no lont"- .o think that this city will be restoied to it-, former place of Importance in the -huu man's books. Tho experiment , or "No. 2" Iips been given up; the best Is to be shown. In hope that the people will asuin take up the theater as a place to spend at least one evening In tho week. Omaha Is big enough to glvo good sup port to ono first-class theater, presenting first-class attractions, hut not big enough to support two. Changes have been made In tiie per sonnel of the Vaughan Glaser Players at tho Boyd theater, for the puipose of strengthening the organization, and a practically new company will b pre sented this afternoon, when "A lottery Man," Hlda Johnson Young's clever furce-coiuedy, will be the bill. Miss I.eona Sinter Is to bo tho now leading woman, und Mr. James Cunningham tho new ; hading man. Theso players como with' good records, and tho tnauugement Is confident they will soon be established ns tho favorites. The policy of the houso will not be changed In any degree, and tho plays will ho pirsuiited with the same euro and attention as has been the rule during the season. The new players will all be in the bill for tho new week, which begins with tho matinee this after noon, and which runs all week, with other matinees on Thursday and Satur day. "Madame Sherry"'' holds over at the Boyd this evening, In order that tho popular demand for thin delightful musical piece might be satisfied. Tho company handling the piece this year Is quite clever, and the result Is most en- joyable. Frltzi Sclieff in Joseph M. Unites' pio- j ductlon of "Tho Lrfive. Wager," a now 1 opoxa. "of Hungarian origin and atmos- ' phere, will appear at the Brandejs theuter ! Monday night. Tho story Is from im I Hungarian farce and the libretto has been ' written by Kdith rails, Cary Duncan pro viding tho lyrics, and the composer t.i Charles J. Hambltzer, a musician whose EMILY CLEVE Voilin Soloist and Teacher I'upll of Prof. ,Tn Murak, Prague, Austrln, Studio 511 Kurbach HIiIr. lies. 'Phone, W. 01!80. 1 P The Chesapeab 1508-1510 Howard Street SUNDAY Table d'Hote Dinner I'Vom 11:30 a. ni. to 8 p.m 50c and 60c .January lL', lOKl. JACK DUNN IS Manner. "X' V"r"tH u"' '"covered and . wiiliicti mr oy .iiFB ."ctirir licrseir. "Tho Love Wager" gets Its tltlo fiom tho plot, which deals with a wager madu by MIUl (Miss Hcheff). tho fascinating and mis chievous child of an Hungarian widow, that she will glvo a handsome lieutenant ono kiss for euch of her three elder sis ters if he succeeds In marrying them off. Ho agrees to find husbands for ull of them, mid by a series or incidents suc ceeds In making three of his friends pro poso In succession. This makes Mltzl the eldest unmarried daughter, as she wanted to bo. for according to Hungarian custom only tho oldest unmarried daughter can receive inurrluge (proposals. But when tho lleiitonaut comes to collect his three kisses tllCre Is ail lltlevfl.rl,l .tila,,..lnHIn...llM I...- . i.i. ill niuiiuiliK, ' ' ultimately, of course, he gets the glimpses or dull green nnd yellow chlf "reo kisses wel) , ellarmlnB mUnued on Page Ten.- Mntiueo every luj-, 2: in Kvery night, H:tr All Week ADVANCED VAUD EVILLE The Distinguished Actress MISS AMELIA BINGHAM In Hir Original Idea, Big Moments from Great Plays11 l.ula Grant MoConiull U Simpson In their latest succors "The Btirht OlrJ;" by Herbert Hull Wlnslow The Klectrlv Displaying Ills Power Over Klex-trlclty Dane. Lillian Claudius t Scarlet Presenting a Musical Melsn go 'The Call of the Sixties' The Or eat A Sextette Twlrlers und PATITE'B WEEKLY REVIEW Prices Matinee, Oallerjr 10oj best seats 3So, except Saturday and Sunday. Klfc-ht 10c, 35o, 60c, 7So. HP EMPRE OPENING The Date .Alice Xazaa? Mltzl The cast provided by Mr. (ialt Is unusually strong In vocul abilities, and Is headed by (leorge Anderson, who last season was the lending baritone with Miss Scheff In "The Night Ulrds." utile s , supporting Ml.s .Sclieff ure Charles II Ulallaghiir, Frederick llowaid. Ilonue , Wright. Hubert Lett, Oeorpo Uunstuii, j.MIIdrc'd lingers, Tena Itasluiuo, Inez Die trlch. Lea Mascagni. Cecil Heiiaril and 1 1 chorus of fifty. Somo of the gowns In A. II. Woods' gorgeous production of tho Franz lhar comic opera. "Gypsy Love." which is schedule!! to bo presented ut the Brnndels theater Tuesday. January 14, for three nights and Wednesday matinee, are ro marknble creations which excite mid in terest tho feminine patrons. Pin Ills Partington herself, wears ono' of tho most unusual of these costumes In tho second act, when she appears In the res taurant scene attired as a Gypsy girl. In directly tho costume suggests a Turkish cozy corner, but upon examining It care fully through oera glasses one may dis cover that It Is made of layers' of chif fon. At the bottom, edges of the dress liavti been slashed off hi uneven lengths I In- tin Itn.tontU. Iimwl unit tllnrn n r, WEEK STARTING TODAY Wis Amelia Bingham Problem i Hiinbe i 'buries Burnham fc Irwin A Song Sketi h at I'lU'lO the Tornados, 1 of Aorlal ' Athletes i Edwin 0org Conic-Han and Almost Juggler OP THE WORLD'S EVENTS. MONDA Y, ...NOON... You've Been Waiting For ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY NIGHT .l()s. M (.Mils I'lcvrnln Till Itltll llWT OIM.lt TIO ST It FRITZI SCHEFF l II Kit I.ATKST SI (TICKS THE NEW LIGHT OPERA LOVE WAGER Book by Edith E11U Lyrics by Gary Dnncan Mmlc by Olin. J. Ilanbltier l (iMI0Ti:i OltCIIKSTIt V t OMPWY OK 8(1 Prices 50c to $2.00 NO l-KKK I.IHT TUB SEASON'S EVENT FRIDAY MIGHT AT S:15 BURTON COLLVER (Ino.) PRESENTS IWladame Emma Calve and GALILEO GASPARRI SCENES Or rAMOUS ORAKD OPERAS with SCENERY AND COSTUMES M. EMIEIANO RENAUD, Planlit. Prices 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2. Seats Now SATURDAY MATINEE and NIGHT THE ZJRANDEIB AND BOYD THEATERS SCHOOL OP ACTIWQ SATURDAY MATINEE ONE-ACT PLAYS IMiQlil Performance THE WIFE SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, 4 DAYS MATINEE WEDNESDAY THE ABORN OPERA COMPANY Presents THE BOHEMIAN GIRL SAME mr PRODUCTION OF EAST SEASON. 100 ENSEMBLE 100 BOYD'S-1,000 SEATS AT 25c THIS AFTERNOON, TONIGHT, ALL WEEK i EXCEPTING WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Vaughan A BIO LAUOHINO SUCCESS THE LOTTERY MAN" NKJH'I If, not- Wodncstliiy Next Week "HEARTSEASE" Devoted to Strlotly High Grade Extravaganza and Vaudeville TWICE DAILY week Mat, Today THE TONIC for JY Al, Slob's Brand XTaw Show, JOLLY FOLLIES WITH THE PROOBESSrVE nil 1 1 ATT In The Two-Aot Musical raxes, "A Royal Four Flush" IT SPARKLES XrKE CHAMPAQKE Company Includes Magnetic Alice Eazar, Frank (Bud) William ion and a TYPICAL AL. RICH BEAUTY CHORUS lieitr Header Ai Itich mire did splurge When he outfitted tills troupe beutt. tlfiil si-cnlcally. unci such ward robe' Tho glrlH aro Hwuthcd HWidl A' will iiovor luivo to bark uwny defeated If ho run Mimes to maintain this show's iigh staii'Jard of cleanliness K f, .KJMNHDN. Mgr (lavetj Evenings and Sunday Matinee ISc, 250, SOo and 7Sc Week BJIATC 1 Co 9Cn Tew T)ay iiiniu, OIIU eww at SOo 'hew gum If you like. but no Kmoklng ZiADIXB' 1An AT ANY WEEK TICKETS -B' DAY MATINEE Bnhy carriage (larago In the Lobby Certified Milk for the Asking unruirr J3l. JAN. 20th SPECIAL $1.00 MAT WEDNESDAY A. H. Woods Offors tho Franz Lahar Comic Opora Success of Eng land and America The Ono and Only Iriginal Company Playing tho Opora PHYLLIS PARTINGTON AUTHUR ALBRO and 80 Capable Singers ENLARGED ORCHESTRA PRICES, NIGHTS, 25c TO $2.90 Wcdnosday Matinee, Entire Lower Floor, $1 Glaser Player NIk"I. Crelulitoii Uloo Chili. On Douglas St. at lBth Today 1, 3, 1 and 9 V. X. Tomorrow and Week, .3 to S; At i ana 9 r, u. usuy HYTONE Inclui VAUIEVILLE & PICTURES ALPINE QUARTET Vaudeville's Greatest Harmonists. BROOKS & CARLISLE t With a Can of Hum or DEODATA Eminent Italian Conjuror. OLIVE CAREW Staffing Comedienne FRANK & DORR Violin and Harp Duo JACK BURTON Eccentric Dancing Comedian OUR NON FLICKER Conoaded Hipposcope Omalia'a Best XovUi. atbTSo .0c&20c DIME MATIKEE DAIXiT. Itnx-rve coupon llrltrti (!0c) iro eM tor the orthtitra chalre for tin eYenln per rerminre iturtlnK t 7' o'clock Such tlckete be rcKcrvnl 'or ticket holders until I I' M After thit time thej will ba rtcoi. nltnt only artmlanlon ticket! to any un uccupla 20c eiiti, Yi.nti. n.no tllLUT A3Q teddy simonds TUES. WED. THURS. AUTO GIRLS in a musical, rARCi: "MARRIED FOS A DAY" 25-Mlfty Glrlics-25 Country More fri. MgA& The Twelve Pound Look of a young and juicy roasted goose with trimmings speaks a language all Ha own at tho Woodmen Cafeteria 1 1 th mid Karnnm Sts. i TILE OMAHA BIiK Tlio Homo 1'uper ut Xebrasluia