TUh BKK: OM IL, SATI RDAY, JANTARY 11. 1913. Open Until 9 P. M. Saturday Greatest Clothing Sale Held Regularly by Any Store in America. The Great Semi Annual Offer That Omaha Men Are All Waiting For. ANY MAN'S OVERCOAT or SUIT IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK "Whether the Former Selling Price was $25, $30, $35 or even up to $40 SATURDAY at Every Overcoat and Suit in Stock Is Included. Nothing Has Been Reserved. Fur Coats and Fur Lined Coats Excepted. In Our Store for Men. Brandeis Old Store. Included in this amazing annual event arc all the Hirsch-Wickwire, all the Rogers Peet, all the Stratford System clothes, all the Full Dress Suits, all the Tuxedo Suits and all the Prince Albert Suits. our MEN'S PANTS &tsMe As a great special feature of our semi-annual sale for men we offer hundreds of pairs of men's high-class odd trousers in newest patterns and best materials, in these three lots: All the Men's frl and $4 Pants at $1 98 All the Men's $5 and $(5 Pants at $2 98 All the Men's $7 and $7.50 Pants at $3 Great January Sale of Women's Waists SILK WAISTS, LACE WAISTS, CHIFFON WAISTS, LINGERIE and TAILORED WAISTS in NEW 1913 MODELS at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES 5,000 NEW Tailored and Lingerie Waists for Women Also many colored waists and shirts all sizes high or low necks up-to-date new stylesa stunning lot, worth 75c, $1 TA and $1.25, at..tJJC Women's Silk Shirts aid Waists Taffeta & Messaline Waists, worth to $4, at $1.70 Just 750 waists in this group, all new styles of chiffon, taf feta and messaline waist?, brocaded and Persian pat tern silks and silk shirts long and short sleeves, plain ipul fancy effects; , colors and black, many samples, worth (0 1.01) and $4, at J1.79 1 .1 Here's the Greatest Special Feature of the Sale! . Women's Silk and Chiffon Waists Actually $5, $7.50, $8.50, ud $10 Values at $2.95 and $3.95 The most stunning now ideas in Waists of silk and chiffon, lace and fine net many are Spring 1913 samples- made with long or short sleeves scores of dress and evening models 2,000 Waists in these two groups- These are $5, $6.50 AT a S7.50. $8.50. and a few l Vtl n ' 7 - y - I even as high as $10 values sm- & $395 1 $1.50 AND $2.00 QUALITY Lingerie Waists at $1 Each One remarkable Jot of wo men's waists in U)Y. models; long and short sleeves, high and low necks, plain and fancy patterns, all si.es; not a 'waist is worth less . than $1.50 and many are worth $2, sheer and heavier white fabrics, at, each 1 GREAT SPECIAL LOT THE FAMOUS "Herald Square" Waists We have assembled into one great group, hundreds of fa mous Herald Square, all linen waists and shirts for women. These are sample, odd lots and broken lines from our winter stock. Thev are $.'!.")(), $4. $4.5:) and $5 tail ored wais-ts, at. 2.5 EXQUISITE LINGERIE WAISTS Correct 1913 styles, many charming new feat ures shown for the first time; beautifully made and worth up to $;i, at $1.45, $1.05 ALL KING TAILORED WAISTS AND TAILORED SHIRTS IN STOOK, OFF These famous waists are well known to 0;nuhn women. The reductions affect every waist in our stock. A Showing of All the New Spring 1913 Models "Herald Square" Waists. Beautiful new Ideas in both cotton and silk stylo ideas that nre ex clusive anil original for 1913. A Matchless Showing of the Cleverest 1913 Ideas in Lingerie Waists. Here are the early spring models in fine lingerie waists that the best dressed women will demand; attractive groups at $2.50, $3.98, $5.00 and Up Black and Colored Wool Waists These practical and serviceable wool waists are made to sell as high as $:M each in cluded in this $1.UU lot arc many flannel waists and shirts in grey and stripes, ea., $1 Clean-Up of Men's Hats EAST ARCADE Odds and ends -of Men's Soft and Stiff Hats worth up to $3.00 in two Wff q EJ higlots, at each OC-l.Q All Men's $3.00 Fur Cup, at $1.50 All Men's $3.50 Fur Caps, at $1.95 Men's $12.50, Genuine Sealskin Caps, at $8.50 Men's $15.03, Genuine Sealskin Caps, at... $10.00 Men's Silk Lined Oloth Caps, with fur inside bands, worth up to $1.25, on sale Saturday, at . ,50f Hoys' and children's caps, worth to 50c, at 10f, 25c Saturday Candy Specials 25c Freeh Black Walnut Taffy, at, pound . . . Assorted Cream peanut Nug gets vanilla, chocolate and itrwbtjriy; at; -a ic pound '. A uC Homemade Caudl 29c every day In the Pompelan Room. Pompelan Bitter Sweet and KwUs Milk Chocolate, at, per pound Frosh Maple Contec- tyf Hons, at, a pound. . . bUC You can see them made Greater Bargains Than Ever in Our Great Clean-Up Sale of Winter Shoes Men's Shoes Women's Shoes Worth $3.50 and $4.00, Pair, $1.98 Ian calf, patent leather, gun metal calf and vici kidskin hut ton or lace styles many are im ported English shoes -regular $3,o0 and $4 shoes, in CI AO i all sizes, at pair l.VO j Boys' Serviceable Shoes in tan and hlnck leathors button or lace styles special, at per pair $1.48 Worth $4.00 and $5.00, Pair, $1.98 Also high cut, 10-inch boots in tan, calfskin, dull calfskin, vici kid skin, patent leather, velvets and satins all this season's styles regularly sold at $4 AO and $5, at pair ipl.VO Girls' Shoes in gun metal calf skin, patent leathers and white buckskin; also Nemo boots worth to $3, at pair. .$1.48 Slen's High Cut Shoes, In tan clkskln leatb- , era--?6.00 and JG.UU , values, at, par pair, only .... SS.SO Men's Storm Cut Hub- Wonien'H Storm Uiib- ; otuiarn' storm ub bers, light weight, 4 bers, flrat quality. In bars, In banement. . 39o but of extra quality, ! all sizes, Jn base- , . In basement, at, pair. n.ent. at, per pair. I"'- H,ftTy n-B" only 75 only ... ...50H Arotlc. bapement 98c WomeuS Fancy Slip mm, rutins, suedes, patent aurt dull leath ers, worth to $4, at, pair S1.08 Sale of Leather Bags Jewelry Department Leather Hags, leather lined, with 10 and 11-inch frames r regular $1.00 values, on sale at OUC Handsome Seal, Walrus Grain and Ileal .Morocco nags, with real leather linings metal or leather covered 0 to 11-lnch frames all sizes und shapes, actually worth $3.00 rt rr and $3.50, on sale at pl.&y Ileal Seal Peggy Dags, with double and single handles somo are silk lined fancy bags worth $5.00 and $0.00. rt - rd special at Jl.l70 $1.00 Ivory Plcturu $1.00 Roger's and Hamilton Cold Meai ' muici, r-ii f ui k mill Ullier OUU r f at.. wli7 U pieces t5J7C special Cut Flower Specials Saturday Beautiful Violets, large bunches on )f sale at UC Beautiful Fresh Cut Carnations,, on OQ sale at, dozen ; . , . 0C Beautiful Paper White Narcissus at, C( dozen ,. OUC alcRedlandCal. if jr ia Oranges Famous Icosc brand and Ca mel la brand Xsvol Orangjo -largo size, of extra quality, in uasement, at, each . lc 1