Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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Sentiment Leans Strongly to Buying
Side of the Market
IJ Corn In I'stnhllahrit Above 50
Cent si nml It Will Tnkr n Com
Mnntlnn of ClrxMinmtittirea
to ltrenk the Price.
OMAHA. Jan W. 1913.
Wheat specialists were. Inclined to take
?.iJi?.ns!?"at,V0 vlow ot market laat
night They friendly to the buying
ill on but said that there has
iil.n h,v; reduction In the short In
t'.and tnat tllB Chicago crowd held
JSnK "hat than for some tlmu
Pnt rhfl market appears to have reached
a stage wlvere the cash wheat Is passing
into consumption freoly. and those who
fcero bullish said that under such condi
tions the bear does not stand nvh show.
omo of the conservatives io looking for
i small setback, whllo the out-and-out
bears predicted that prices wem high
enough for the present and a good break
"as not far off.
It was noticeable yesterday that a num
ber of commission housrw which have
been bearish were Inclined to look with
favor on purchase on breaks. An Im
provement in tho milling demand, for
wheat proved to be the potent factors In
wheat yesterday.
There were claims also of export sales
from Kansas City, continued large for
eign demand for Manitoba wheat, nnd
largo sales of flour reported at Min
neapolis. Meanwhile the shorts In general
were scattered buycra and scattered com
mission with, well distributed selllng
orders supplied the demand. Yet Min
neapolis claimed that the country sold
but little wheat at Interiors.
There were, nevertheless, large sales
mado from the country to yet como to
.Minneapolis. Tha volume t-f trade broad
emsl out materially nnd i-cutlmcnt atllt
leans strong toward tho buying side of
the market. Many In tho trade friena y
to wheat at these prices aro said to havo
hesitated about taking the btilng side
because of the big prlui'i. v movement.
Cash wheat. Michigan, good to K
with May corn well established above
."Or It was the belief of traders last night
Hist It will take a big Increase n the
selling pressure nnd larger receipts with
a greatly reduced demand to break and
bold the prices down Cash people were
Inclined to be bearish las. night, an the
country Is getting 40c and Is more dis
posed to sell at this level or above. Cooh
rorn unchanged to ic higher.
Oats traders figured that Chicago shorts
bad bought 2,0n0,000 bu. of oats yesterday,
which accounted for the advance and
broadening of the trade. Cash oats, un
changed to Uc higher. .
Clearances were: Wheat and flour, ,93,
tM btl.j corn. 120.0)0 bu.; oats, 52.000 bu.
Liverpool close. Wheat, ld to 'id lowel ,
corn, 'id higher.
Primary wheat receipts wero l,om,O0O
bu. and shipments 4t,00Q bu. against re
ceipts 329.0U0 bu. and shipments J03.000 bu.
last year.
Primary, corn reciipts wero 1.153.0X) bu.
I'iltM A RANCH I, AN US Kllll S.VI.K
Hu.v this farm and the Increase In land
.ilue yourself.
140 acres 30 miles from Omaha. 3 miles
from It. It. town, about 100 acres In cul
tivation, balance hay and pasture with
living spring water; plenty of timber for
shade, fuel and posts; small house and
stable; land fenced nnd cross fenced
Price only $(3.50 per acre; easy terms
The land In cultivation and hay Is fairly
Ninooth; tho pasturo land Is rather rough
und cut by a draw, but the soil Is black
loam with clay uubsotl, suitable for com
or alfalfa. Any Industrious, thrifty
farmer can make this land pay for itself
In a feu 'years and greatly Increase Its
value. Level to smooth farms In the
same nelghborhopd ,nro bringing from
tlW to JIM per acre. Tell me- In your
llrst letter whsnyou can go ,to pop this
J. ll. DUMONT & CO.,
Phono Douglas G9Q. Iti03 Farnam Street
Do You Want a
Larger Farm?
l'ju acres, level land, with 7-room house,
gruna.ry. chicken house, two barns, two
cribs, orchard and grove. This land
produced on 112 acres in 1912 3,900 bushels
of corn, TOO bushels of oats, 200 bushels
wheut and 60 tons of ulfalfa. The re
maining 3b acres Is m pasture. A splen
did farm homo or a good Investment, as
It would bring a high rental either In
cash or share of tho crops. Only 10 miles
from Omaha, 4 miles from Florence. This
Is the cheapest farm for sale near
Omaha. If not sold within 30 days will
be withdrawn from the market for this
year. PRICK, $110 PIIR ACRE. Will
take in part payment a farm of 40 to SO
acres, 'near Omaha, at Its cash value.
J. H. Dumont & Co
1003 I'arnam .St., Omaha.
Phono Douglas 690.
20-ACrtK tract Texas land. Located
about a mile from Providence, Tex., 35
miles from gulf coast and 70 miles from
Houston. IC.rcllent climate, gulf bieezc,
best soil in Texas, Can raise any fruit
except apples. All vegetables. Paid $35
per aero four years ago before country settled ut all. Country all settled
and good crops raised every year. Plenty
talnfall. Present valuo ?3U per acre;
sacrifice for ciulck sale at $37.50 per acre.
Will sell all or part of tract. Call Doug
las 14.rG op Harney 2091, or address N 429,
ahip live stock to South Omaha. Bay
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. I.lve Stock Commission Merchant,
IIYHU" HHPS. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. at Exchange Uldr'
LAVKltTV HHPS.. W Kx-.tinl-ce BldgT
MARTIN DROS. i: Co., Uxchance Bldg.
Office of Lee-Qlass-Andrecsen Hard
ware Company, Omuha, Nebraska, Do
cember 14th, 1912. Notice Is hereby given
to the stockholders of Lee-Qlass-Andre).
ben Hardware Company that tha annual
meeting of the stockholders of the com
pany will be held at the offices of said
company, corner of Ninth and Harney
ttiects. In the City of Omaha, In the
h'tate of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January
, Hth, A. D 1913, at three of'clock p. m..
for the purpose of electing a board of
llrectors for the company to serve during
ihe ensuing year, and to transact such
uther business as may be presented at
tuch meetlr.g.
H. J. LEE, President.
ttcst; J- CLARKE COIT, Secretary.
I SEAL.) D14J14.
Stockholders' meeting of the Union Land
Company: Notice Is hereby given that
me m. .,. ..... ...... ... aiucKnoiaers 1
of The Union Land Company for the elec
tion of flvo directors and the transaction
of such other business as may legally 1
tuina - ug field at
Hoom 1103. Union Pacific headquarters
aullding. 15th and Dodge streets. Omaha
Nebraska, on Monday, the IJth day 0f
lanuary. w, u -.lutn, a, ji. Th .
nock tranater books will be closed 10 dais
jrevlous to tho meeting. Alex umV. l
Secretary. New York City, N. Y Dec
'4, 1912. D 54 to J U
The annual meeting of tha stockholders
of The Hee Building Company will b
held at the company's office at 4 p. m
1'uerday, January 21st, 1913, for the eler'
Hon of a Board ot Directors for the en.
suing year and the transaction of such
other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
By order of the President.
D29d24t N. P. FEIL. Secretary
nd shipments l.OOi.W bn against roclpt
tW.CCO bu. and shlbments 432,00 bu, lust
Prlnwrv oats receipts wero SK7.000 ha
and shipments 03S.O00 bu. against re
ceipts m.M bu. nnd shipments 324,000 bu.
last year.
The following cash sales were reported
WHEAT N. 2 hard winter. 1 car (soft).
$5e; 1 car. 84He; 6 airs, 4 No. S hard
winter. 1 car (soft). $6c: 6 cars, SSftc. No.
4 hard winter, 1 car, 82c.
OATS No. 3 white, 2 cats, SJHc; 4 cars.
tric. No. 4 white. 1 car. 32o.
CORN No. 3 white. 2 cars, 4.V. No. $
yellow. 8 cars, 44c f 1 car. 43ic. No. 4
yellow. 2 cars, Utic. No. 2 mixed, 1 car.
44c, No. 3 mlxd, 3 cars, 43Hc. No. 4
mixed, 3 cars, 43c.
HARLI7Y No grade. 1-3 car. H4c.
RYE No. 2, 2-3 car, 53-VirC.
nmnhn Cash Price.
WHEAT No. 3 hard. SSWSSUe. No. 3
hard, S3fit6c; No. 4 hard. 74JMc. No. 3
spring. S2-53c; No. 4 spring, 80ffS3Hc.
COKN No. 3 white, 44HtN6c: No. 4
white. 43-i4N4c; No. 3 color, 440Soi No.
3 yellow, 43HS44-; No. 4 yellow, 434Ho;
No. 2. 44c. No. 3, 4.Hi'43'ic. No. 4. 42H
43c. no grade. SJfWOHc
OATS-No. 2 white. 32BV;c, standard.
334c; Nl. 3 white, CHCfa2frc: No. 4
white. 314HtUc.
BARLEY MaJtlng, 533J4c: No. 1 feed.
HTD No. 2. 69flaV4c; No. 3. SStte-.
Cnrlot Receipts.
Wheat. Cca. Oats.
St. Louis re 61 M
Chicago 123 450 159
Minn .335
Duluth 1SI
Omaha W
Kansas City 37 4J 1
Winnipeg 333
Fentnrra of the Trndlnir nnd Cla-slnfr
Prices on Ilonrd of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Wheat prices were
buffeted back and forth with no marked
advantage to either side today, until tho
arrival of a cablegram prgdlctlng the col
lapse of the pace negotiations at Iondon,
when prices advanced sharply. This news
also affected corn and oata bulllshly. Pro
visions closed with little change.
Wheat olened ',ic to '4c off under the
Influence of cables which reflected only
slightly tho emphatic advance on this side
yesterday, and enormous shipments from
tho Argentine. Selling was lberal, but
the output was well taken and an under
tone of firmness was q)ulte apparent. Then
came a report of a hitch In tho peace
negotiation and shorts scurried to cover
until May at Its best sold lc over yester
day's close. There was a reaction from
the top on profit taking, but tho close
was strong. May Hc net higher.
Corn opened slightly lower after yester
day's advance of a penny, but recovered
quickly when It was seen that there were
plenty of purchasers at the concession.
Prices for a time fluctuated narrowly un
til arrival of the disturbing message
anent the peace negotiations, when May
attained an altitude "c over yesterday's
final figures. Profit taking sales sent the
price back "o at the close, which, how
ever, was He over yesterday.
Oats followed the path beaten by corn
and wheat and closed at the top. Argen
tine shipments were liberal.
There was only a small, Indifferent
trade In provisions. Fluctuations were
narrow and the close a shade under yes
terday. Futures ranged as follows!
Artlclel Open. High. Low. Close.Yes'.v.
92W4 93U0!r
SSTif S94
33Hi 34li
33,1 344!
3341 34413
IS 00
IS or.
18 37-32
18 374
W 20-221 IS 3241 18 324
9 G241
9 624 9 65
9 60
9 85
9 60
9 85
9 75
May. 19 S7fcS
9 S74 9 80
Jan.. 9 724
9 6741
May.9 SOfj82 9 S24',9 724j70
9 80
9 ROfiS2
Cash quotations were as follows;
FLOUR-Steady; winter patents. J4.2S
4.90: winter straights, J3.POg4.6C: spring
patents. 4.00iJ4.:0: spring straights, J3.80tft
3.90; bakers, $3.G03.G0.
RYE No. S. 64c.
BARLBY Feeding. Miink : malting.
SEED Timothy. $3.0003.90; clover. $10.00
fj 19.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, $I774W
1.S.00: lard. $9.00: short ribs, $9.1249-87H
Clearances of wheat and flour, S28.000
bushels. Irlmar' receipts, l.CM.OOO bush
els, against 329,000 bushels a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat,
93 cars; corn, 322 cars; oats, 163 curs'
hogs, 16,000 head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
$1.111.134; No. 3 red, $1.04(91.09; No. 2
hard, 915uWc; No. 3 hard, 89i94c; No, 1
northern, K914c; No. 2 northern, S
90c; No. 3 northern, 83ssc; No. 2 spring,
8Sg&9e; No. 3 spring, S6"X8Sc; No, 4 spring.
74n4c; velvet chaff. 8389o; durum, 55
&90c. Corn": No. 3. 4740-484c; No, t white.
mi&Wc; No. 3 yellow. 4744S4c; No. 4.
4CH5-474C: No. 4 white. 4744S'ic; No. i
yellow, 4oi474c. Oats: No. 2, 3o; No.
2 white, 344635c; No. 3, 32ic; No. 3 white,
33!434c; No. -4 white, 32f333',ic; standard,
3fg344c. Rye: No. 2, 64c. Barley, rait
72c. Seeds: Timothy. $3.O03.9O; clover.
BUTTER Steady; creameries, 2tv3H4c.
ECiOS Easy; receipts, 4,705 cars; fresh
receipts, at mark, cases Included, 2226c;
refrigerator firsts, 194'8'JOc; firsts, 26c.
CHEESE Steady: daisies, leifS-Uc;
twins, 16453164c; young Americas.
I 17c; long horns, I6f?17c
POTATOE1S Easy; recjlpts, 27 cars;
Wisconsin, 42fg45c; Michigan, 4447c;
Minnesota. 435j47c.
POULTRY Eafy; turkeys, live, 15t';
dressed, 21c; chickens, live. 14c; springs.
VEAL Steady at 9QI4&
St. liouls (ienrral Msrkrl,
ST. IX)t:iS. Jan. lO.-WIIEAT-Cash.
firm, track, No. 2 red. $1.1101.13; No. J
hard. SOS94C.
CORN Higher: track, No. 2. tSswsiic;
No. 2 white. 504c. 4 '
OATS Iower; track, No. 2. 334iH3lc:
No. 2 white. S5c. . '
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT Higher; May, SlfttMUc; July.
CORN-Hlgher: May, B0aG04c; July,
OATS Higher; May. 34c; July, 34Vc.
HYI-Unchunged. at 624c.
FLOUR Stronger; red winter patents.
$3.0Qfru.25; extra fancy and straight. $4,000
4.80; hard winter clears. $3.40fl3.fi5.
SEED Timothy, $10.00.
BRAN Strong; sacked, east track. $1.03
HAY - Steady, timothy, $12.00017.(0;
prairie, J11.0OH14.W.
TWINE Hemp, Sc.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job
bing, $16.75. Lard, unchanged; prime
steam. $10.95Q 11.05. Dry salt meats, un
changed; boxed oxtra shorts, llic: clear
ribs, HHc... short clears, llc. Bacon, un
changed; boxed extra shorts, 12,p; clear
ribs, 12Hc; short clears, 124c
POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 13c; spring,
15ei turkeys, 16o; ducks, 15c; geese, 13c.
BUTTER Firm: creamery, 27ac.
EUGS Quiet, at 25c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 7.000 10 000
Wheat, bushels 91,000 09 000
Corn, bushels 73,000 58 000
Oats, bushels 87,000 09,000
Minneapolis Cirnin Market,
May, mic; July. 904c Cash: No. 1 hard.
87c; No. 1 northern. &tftS!c: No. 2
northern. S485ic; No. 2 hard Montana.
864c; No. 3. S2CS3ie.
CORN No, 3 yellow corn. UWHWe.
OAT-No. 3 whIU. 30'K'331c.
BRAN In 1tO-lb. sacks. $19.0rai9.M,
FLOUR First patents, $4.30S4.65; second
patents, $4.16-t.40; first clears, $3.1O3.40;
second clears, $2.30f'2.60.
FLAX $1.2.
BARLBY 45(fiC3c,
MHnanker (irttln Alarkrt.
1 northern, O100;c; No. 2 northern,
SS4'ac; No. 2 hard winter. 87431:; May.
90ic. July. 89Hc
CORN No. 3 yellow. 474c. No. 3 white.
49c Np, 3. 47'6'474c, May, 6143S14c, July
Weakness of Copper Iiue Affect
Market Advenely.
Another I.nrae Cnsh Gain lr Hanks
nm Itrsnlt of WrrU's Oprmlon
Porrcnslril nnllroml l.
unm WriU,
NBW YORK. Jan. 10. -Weakness of the
copper stocks 1tad an unsettling Influence
on the general market today. The hpavl
new of the list had Its Inception In the
copper rroup, but spread to the transcon
tinental railroad Issues, which responded
to moderate pressure,
Among the coppers Chlno. with a de
cline of 24. was weakest Chlno 6 per
ceint bonvfc broke 134. There was no new
development to account for a phanre In
speculative sentiment and the movement
appeared to be chiefly the result of
maneuvers by tho professional element.
Although tho increase In tho United
fitate Steel corporation unfilled tonnage
leu short of some estimates, It was not a
disappointing showing and denoted the
large volume of forward business orders
on hand are estimated as sufficient to
keep the mills of the corporation busy for
half of the year. Never before In the
twelve years of that vol poratlon's hi
tory has It begun a new year with si
larger a carry-over of business on Iti
books. Production Is now carried on tit
the highest rate In Pie history of lie
The December report was not u fi'ct.-r
In tho stock market. The price of seel
remained stationary foi some time after
publication of the figures.
Weakness of the coppo. Mocks wm
associated with tho f -rthor break of the
metal abroad and with repirts that sail
ing agencies here had been closing con
tracts under the official rates of lie.
Another largo cash gain by the banks
as a reult of the week's oiierntlins was
forecasted. Estimate suggested a gain
of JlR.000,000 or J2u.000.000.
The bond market wax sloaJv. Total
sales, par value. J2.295, hO. United States
bonds were unctuuiged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
SiUi. Hlr:. Low. Clnu,
AmaltfunitM Cepper
American Arrlculturil . .
American Ht Sutar ..
American Can
Anwlcan Can pfj ...
American C & V
American Cot I on Oil
Am. Ice Recurltlas
American Unseat
American Ijoromottva ...
American B. & R
Am. B. A n. pfd
Am. Sunr lletlnlni
American T. A T
American Tobacco
Anaconda Mining Co ..
Atchlnn pfd
Atlantic Cbast 1,1 ne
Raltlmore t Oblo
Bethlehem Steel
Brcoklyn JUpId Tr
Canadian Pactflo
Central t-atlm-
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago O. W
Chicago, it. & St. P....
Chicago & N. W
Colorado F. & I
Onaolldated Oat
Ccm Producta
Delaware & lludton
Denver & Itlo Grande
Denver & R. O. pfd
nietlllers' Securities . ..
Erie 1st pfd
M.009 TJ"i m,
100 lit
100 (it(
400 424 4 2 4 42
10,000 74 7J4 714
700 IJD'V- 1394 1S4
3.200 24, :0 2M
1.7M 394 SS4 3U
l.COJ 1MH 1CK! 10
100 1014 1014 10t
' soo iwii ioo', 10SK
100 404 40i 404
i,nv m tt
i,m Kim 2(4u ui'i
6t 2S4 2tS 2
100 714 7J4 7S'i
400 174 17 114
:,m ut 1154 us
20) lit IIS 1S74
tOO SJ'i IS 34
(00 1414 1414 1414
200 14 1J4 114
300 41 404 04
400 324 224 324
20 4 414 4S4
2,400 1104 HOU 1304
203 41 tH, 40
10 128 121 12S
(00 114 18 184
2,000 Kti (14 (3,
100 110 no 1104
Erie Sd pfd
Clcneral Rlectrlo
Oreat Northern pfd.. ..
Oreat Nbrthern Ore ctfa,
Illinois Central
Interborough Met ..
Inter. Met. pfd
International Harvester..
Inter.Marlne pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Kansas CUy Southern...,
I,aclede (las
Lehigh Valley
Louisville & Nashville..
M.. St. r. S. 8. M...
Mlsfourl, K. & T
Mluouri I'sclflc
fffstlonal niscult
.Nstionsl iit
N. K. It. of M. id pfd..
New York Central
N. Y.. O. VV
Norfolk Western
rtorth American
Northern) 1-aclflc
Taclflc Mall
-im is;;
.,400 1M4 Ui 16
r? i.fv? ma'
000 Ht4 14l,
,,l 4
414 424
200 274 274 24 !
coo 1M4 lout, ioiv 1
soo 334 S3 3su
3) 1134 ill's list
100 114 811, si!,.
1,200 121 1204 1204 I
100 314 314 2014
00 lil-i 1214 m
People's Gas 100 115H 11SH lit I
P.. C. C. St. L I0JS, !
Pittsburgh Coal 100 M4 W,i 234
Presiod steel Car 34
Pullmsn Talaca Car 104 Hi its 1(3
Heading 15.000 Wi lli 1'7
Republic I. & S m MS !54 IMi
Republic 1. S. pfd 400 5it MV, 8i
Rork Island Oo SCO 2Hi J4H 1'4
Ittxk Island Co. pfd. 100 444 444 44
St L & S. P. id pfd. 100 is :s IT',
Seaboard Air Line... .100 :04 2li 20
Seaboard Air Un pfd... 100 ITU 47 47
Blosa-Shef field 8. I
southern Pacific 11. KH) 107U 106S 1 .
Southern Itallwij 104 :it it 21
So. lUllway pfd tOli
Teonetsee Copper .'. ST
Texan t Pacific 234
Union Pacific 1S,00 111 160H 1SU
Union Taclflo pfd 200 81V4 I4 1'
United States tlealtjr... . 100 Tl TB'i
United Slates Ilubber. .. 8,00) "i T t,Ti
United State Steel 24,100 CD Tli 7S
M. S. Steel pfd 200 llOVi 110U 110
Utah Copper - ... 1,100 tl SMi I8H
Va. -Carolina Casmlcal 424
Wabash 34
Wabash pfd 13
Western Maryland M0 41 404 40';
Western Union 100 74H 744 75
Weetinghouse Electric . :oo 71s 71 71
Wheeling It L. B 14
Total sales tor tha day, 200,400 share
vr York Money Market,
call, steady, at 24(63 per cent; ruling- rate,
24 per cent; closinr bid, 24 per cent; of
fered at 3 per cent. Time loans, firm,
sixty days. 4 per cent; ninety days, 4
44 per cent; six months, 44 per cent.
per cmt.
actual business In bankers' bills at J4.t'-i
for sixty-day bills and at 14.87 for de
mand; commercial bills, 34.824.
SILVBR liar, 63Hc; Mexican dollars,
HONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closlrur quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. 8. rr. 2s, rs...101 K. C. 80. ret. Is., is
do coupon 101 I,. 8. deb. 4s 1131.. 124
U. S. yi. re ( U24L ft N. unl. 4a.... 8D
do coupon 1024 M. K. & T. 1st 4s. ,
V. S. 4, rsg 1HS do in. 4s ti
do coupon 1124 Mo. Paxltlc 4s 70 U
Pajiama 3s, coupon. .1014 con v. is 874
A.-C. 1st 5s OHN R R of M 44s. 874
Amsr. Ac 1014,N. V. C t. 2Hs... S44
A. T. A T. or. 4a. .1104 do dsb. 4a ut,
"Am, mDacco a. .in 1, n. 11. it II,
Armour & Co. 44s. 2 cv. 14a
Atchison ira. 4s.
. l N. 4t W. lt c. 4a
.10S4 ii cv. 4s
-106U N"u. Pacific 4s
. i do Is ...
. 14,0. B. L rfd. 4s
. HUPsan. ct. SUs 1u
do cv. 4s 1H0
do ot. Ss
A. C. L. lit 4s.
Pil. & Ohio 4s..
do 5Hs
Drook. Tr. ct wao ton. (a..
On. ot Os. (s 101 Rssdlns ren. 4a.
Cen. Is.tbeT ts ij 8. L A 8. r. tf 4s 74,
Cnes. 4t Ohio 44..1O04 do ten. Is ;u
do coot. 44s tS4St. U 8. W. c 4a SI
Chlcaso A. 4- 248. A. L sdj. 1 7
C. B. Q. i. 4i.... 4So. Pac. eol. 4s . .. H4
do (n. 4a Si do cr. 4i H!
U It ft B r CT Iqi.iliSH 00 isi rat. II
Cn.r.dc P. c. 4s. 4o. Hallway 6s
do rfl. 4s St do cd. 4s
C i ST. r 4V. 44s. UbIad F'acKle 4s...
P. 4t II. it. 4 74 flo ct. 4s
D. & R. O. r(. Ss.. 844 Mo 1st ref. n
Distillers- 6a .. tV,V. 8. RubUr (a .
Erts p. I. 4s II4U. S. Bleel 24 Ss...l0l4
o ssn. 4a . ... ISUVa.-Oar. Rhern. St.. tt
do ct. 4s, str 774-Wab. 1st A ex. U. tl
III. On. 1st ref. ,4 in; Western Md. 4, . 8JU
Inter. Met. 44s St4Wsst. Klec. cr. (s.. 14
Inter. M. M. 44.- sSHWIi. Central 4i .. lu
Japan Hs S04
Bid. Offered.
,Vew York Mlnlnp; Stouk.
NBW YORK. Jan. lO.-ClosIng quota-
lions on minini, siocas were
Com. Tunnel stock,, I italran
... 10
... It
... n
. :o
do bonds
124 Ontario
Con. Csl, 4t Va.
Iron Bluer . ...
IxadTllls Con,
Little Chlif ..
. SO Onblr
.U0 Small Hopes .
. I "standard
. 4 Yellow Jacket
II n 11k t'lrxrliiica.
OMAHA. Jan. 10. Bank clearinrs for
today were $2.821, 886. 18 and J2,420,S9C.56 for
the corresponding day last year,
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Jan. 10. American securities
moved Irregularly durlnir the early trading-
today At noon Canadian Paxlfio waa
"4 lower, -shlle the test of the list ranced
from 4 above to 4 below yesterday's
New York closing.
Trtmimcllnna of AaaoHntrit llnnka
for the Week.
NBW TORK. Jan. 10.-llmdstiwls
bank clearings report for tho week end
Ins; January 9 shows an aKKreRate of
$3,.!0.!54,POO. as BKalnst $3,CC4,S'.lW lact
week and $t.4fl0.$l$.W In the correspond
init week last year. Follow ItiK Is a list ;if
the cities:
Amount Inc. Deo.
:..W.721,tX, 16.01. .. .
342,105,liV 21.0 . .
im.WO, .4.0
l'-S.-m.CW 25.2
j".s7Ji,fix) rs.r.
00,!S.0() K.4
re.KCOix ... .
00. 415.W 10.01
A!4.0iVi ... . to.r.
.ii.4r.aia. hi.c 7.7
S3,lJ7.0i0 J7.!
r7.ioi.uio a. 7 . .. .
y.,fsr7,fi r..f ... .
1K.OS4.0iX1 !.0
17,316,000 28.S
16.MI.O0A 5.0
18.SftS.0M .1
12,SR0,0a 24.0
12,,0O.M 14,!
1l.l2S,axi 17.3
14.4fiJ.Oal 32.
10,W,(X .7
io.r.s,tno n.o
10.270,(101 23.7
10.13f.,ax 10.3
S.V.4 !.!
n.maw n.o
.7S2.O0i 1R.1
7.rt3,a 21.0
r..2,ax 20.8
10,27.0it K,9
fi,(?A0O 64.7
4,761,000 2.6
3.31V4,O0O 5.3
6.329,OX 50.S
ti,64.t,O0O 4.'..3
5,!ftrl0 C7.5
4.72S.OW 10.2
4,WS,in 2t.2
4.7!'.,(IX) '27.4
3.752,000 15.8
4.W7.000 1S.2
3. fi4.0a .9
4.1l1,a- 2S.2
4, W7,I 12. 1
3,R46.aV 43.3
4.416.0a 37.5
3,542.000 42.9
2, tW,X 13.5
3. M9.O0O 19.S
2,M6,000" 10.9
2,S82,t0 20.5
3,320, 1B.7
2,&S,000 31.5
2,45,rt 12.4
U39,a 26.3
2,703,000 22.2
3,O59,0iX) 32.6
2.2O7.O00 29. R
2,055,000 8.5
3,539,000 44.4
2,217,000 21.0
1,923.(00 10.7
2,105,a3 27.7
2,010,000 25.3
2,231,000 56.1
2,121.000 10.5
l.WOOO 24.5
1.R16.000 W.S
1.94 1, at! 39.9
2,022,000 43.2
2,200.000 18. 5
1.756,000 69.2
1.2S6.00O 1.5
1,5(3,)0 49.7
1.394,000 18.3
1.4S7.00O 41.0
1,014,000 80.C
1.1S3.0OO 15.7
1.417.&10 34.8
1. (7,000 21.4
t,55R,a) 46.9
1.163,000 25.3
1,115.000 21.3
1,055,000 4. -4
K35.000 9.2......
1,034,000 25.3
1.090,000 2R.2
994,000 31.6
791,000 14.6
1.065.C0O 44.8
918,000 93.2
5X4,000 5.1
910,000 .1S.C
935,000 40. U
904,000 38.2
879,000 87.0
632.000 29.7
675.000 29.0
459,000 2.3
752.000 95.R
412.000 24.0
523,000 17.5
460,000 7.2
49,W3,ftlO 2.8
22,290,0(0 10.4
New York
ChlcilKO .
St. Ixuils
Kansas City . . .
ian Francisco
New Orleans .
Los Angeles
Portland, Ore
St. Paul
Washington, I. C..
St. Joseph
Salt Lake City
Fort Worth
Nashville '
Spokane. Wash
Ies Moines
Oakland. Cal
Peoria ,
New Haven
I InKli.nnvlll. tl I
Grand Rapids
Sioux City
Sprlnjrflnld, Mass...
Oklahoma City
Portland, Me
Little Rock
Charleston, S. (.'... .
Wheellnif, W. Va..
1 San Dleg-o
I Heading, Pa
WIlmliiRlon. Del. ..
I Cedar Rapids, la...
Waterloo, la
Full River
.Canton. O
I Spring-field, ill
I Fort Wayne
I New Bedford
Lexlnirton I
York. Pa
.Columbia, C
I Brlp, Pa
Stockton, Cal
Boise, IdaJifl
nockford. m
U,.i,lurM oui
Kalamazoo. Mich...
I oulncy. Ill
' Uloomlmrton, 111...
; Tulsa
ORden, Utah
Chester, Pa
Sprlnirfleld, O
Sioux Fulls, S. D. .
Jackson, Miss
Decatur. Ill
Mansfield. O
Farsjo, N. D
Fremont, Neb
Houston ...
QalVeston .
Not Included In totals becuuso contain
Ing other Items than cleat'Inus.
BUTTER No. 1, 1-tb. carton, 3cj No.
I, 60-lb. tubs. 354c; No. Z. 834c
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri
can Swiss, 26c; blo:k Uwlss, 24c; twins,
10c; daisies, 20c; triplets, ric; Younf
Americas, 21c; blue label brick. 30c; Urn
berser, 2-lb., 21c. Mb., 22c; New York
white, 204c
REEF CUTS-Wholesale prices of beef
cuts, effective January 6 are as follows;
No. 1 ribs, 20yiC; No. 2, 154c; No. 3, llio;
No. 1 loins, 22c; No. 2. 164c; No. 3, 124c;
No. 1 chucks, 4c; No. 2. 84c, No. 3, 84c,
No. 1 round, 13c; No. 2, 114c; No. 8, 104c;
No. 1 plates, 84c; No. 2. 74c; No. 3, 74c
POULTRY Broilers. 15.00(66.00 per doz..
hens, tSc; cocks, lie; ducks, 20c; Reese, ISc;
turkeys, 25c; pleeons, per doz,, 81,20. Alive,
borllers, 16c; hens. He; old roosters, 64c;
ducks, full feathered, 12c; (reese. full
feathered, 16c; turkeys, 18c; pliteoni, per
doz., 60c; homers, (2.50, Jiquabs, No. 1,
II. 50; No. 2, 60c.
FISH (Fresh) Pickerel, 11c, frozen;
white, 14c, frozen; trout, 14c, frozen;
large crapples, 12c;. frozen, Spanish
mackerel, 16c; eel, 15c; haddock, 13c;
flounders, 13c; green catfish, lie; hlmil
roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, 15c; halibut,
16c, frozen, 13c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, ICc.
Oysters, bay standards, 81.90; northern,
(1.60: selects, SI, 80; counts, J2.00.
FRUITS Oranges: California navels,
fully colored, tO size, $2.00; 96 sla, )2.2&;
124 size, 12.50; 150, 178, 200 and 216 size,
13.00. Grape fruit: extra fancy Florida,
4, E4. 64 and 80, per box, 13.50. Cranber
ries: Wisconsin long keeplnir, extra fancy
Howes', Jumbo, per bbl., I9.&0; extra fancy
Jersey, per bbl., 83.00; extra fancy, Bells
and Cherry, per box, 83.00. Lemons: Air
Ship brand, J00 or SS0 size, 16.75. Cocoanutsi
In sacks, per sack, 15.75; per dozen, 80c.
Honey: new Colorado, twenty-four
frames, per case, 83.76. Dates; Fard, IS
lb. box, per lb., 12o, New Hall, bulk, per
lb., 7c; new Anchor Pkc (20 cartons), per
box, $2.25; new Dromedary (20 cartons),
per box, $2.76. Figs: new 12 12. per box.
85c; new 5 crown (Turkey), 16a; new tl
crown (Turkey), 16c, new 7 crown (Tur
key), 17c, Apples; extra fancy Washing
ton Jonathans, 113, 125, 1SS, 150, 165, box,
(1.85; extra fancy Washington Grimes'
Goldens, 112, 125, 138, 150, box, (1.73; extra
fancy Washington Roman Beauties, 72, SO,
88, 96, 103, 125, box. J1.7; extra fancy
Washington Black Ben Davis. 72. SO, ,
(8, J04, 125 count, box, $1.76; extra fancy
Waehinston Red Wine Saps, 104, 112, 123,
188, box, $2.00, extra fancy Pink Chceii
Waxen and White Winter Pearmalns, 96,
104, 113. 125, 188, 150, lta count, box, $2.00;
extra fancy Colorado, unwrapped. White
Winter Pearmalns, 150, 165, 180, 200 count,
box, $!.&, extra fancy New York Bald
wins, per bbl., (2.90; extra fancy New
York R. I. Greenings, er bbl., (3.2S, ex
tra fancy New York State Ruitset per
bbl.. (3.00; extra fancy Missouri . ana
thans and'Grlmes Goldens p. $4.00,
5 bbl lots or more, assorted, per bbl.
off; extra fency Missouri Ben Davis, per
bbl., $2.50; extra fancy Missouri Wine
Baps, per bbl., $3.25: extra fancy Missouri
Pippins, per bbl., $2.76: extra fancy Mis
sourl Willow Twigs, Black Twigs, York
Imperials and other fine varieties, per
bbl., $3.25; extra fancy Missouri Red
Liverpool ISraln Mnrkrt.
dull; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 9.1; No. 2. 7s6idj
No. 3, 7a 4Vid. Futures, steady; March,
7s5d: .May, 7s2T4d; July, 7s 2;d.
CORN Spot, easy; American mixed,
old, 6s; American mixed, old, via Galves
ton, 5s7d. Futures, steudy, January,
6s Hid; February, 4s 104d.
ProrlH Market,
rfX)RIA, Jan. 10. CORN-L'nchanged
to V4c up; No. 3 yellow, 464f47'4c; No. 4
yellow. 4Smj46c; No. 2 mixed. 464o; No
3 mixed, 46icj No. 4 mixed, 45Hc: sample.
OATH-Uc up. No. 2 white. 34c. stand,
ard. 83V333"ic, No, 3 white, 33ic, No. 4
white. 32V4c
Little Change in Cattle, as Usual on
Pliroii nnd t.nmli itor In About thr
."miir .ilclir no ThnrsdK
Shnrp tilinni-f on All
Kinds fur WrrU,
, SOl'TH ti.M AltA, Jan. M. 1913
,,J.t,.0,,,?. 'v,,rr- Cattle. IIoks SheijP.
tlfftplnl Mn.,.l. w. tin a vii 1 1 71.1
""'' iwewiny 6.WJ 10,(!
OffMal Wednesday.. 3..W 7.J04
Official Thurwlay .. . 3.2S3 ll.
tvetlmiUe Friday .... 1.300 1,txx
14, M.
3. MX)
live days this week 19.1J54
Same days Inst week. 17.452
47 2J4
-.-nine- nrfK5 HRO. . .
Harm vk ngo
SlllTlf rl-jfs. U.l .......
61. 417
Tho followlnfc tables shows tho tecelptn
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omahn
for the year to duto as compared with
lflMt V'ur 101. lal Inp lli.
cattle x.WO 34,445
HoRS fiS.iM 97,434 . .
---- . ,. .,.
ll(t,1 tM,OS v(' '
The followlnc table shows the raltte of
prices for hogs nt H.uith Omaha for the
last few days, with comparisons:
D;te. I 1913. 1913. 1 1BR 11910. 11909 1Wb.IP07
Jan. 1..
7 10A.
6 OS
I 8 241 5 tS
4 35
0 24
Jan. 2
7 084
6 00)
r 85, ,6 J5
4 36
6 21
6 2
6 30
C S3
7 144
7 134
7 16
5 90
8 031
8 30
8 38
8 47
8 49i
4 40
4 35
6 90
7 90
7 76,
7 80!
6 I?'
7 82;
7 SI
5 70
6 a
5 781
K 49
6 85
5 S2
6 00
Jan. 6
6 17
1 .11
Jan. 7.
7 80'
5 751 ' -11
6 19
$ 43
4 23
6 2S
6 03
4 3t
4 22
6 XI
6 M
8 23
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at tho 1'nlon Stock yards for twenty
four hours ondlnir at 3 p. m.. yesterday:
Cattle. Hobs. Sheep,
C. M. ,t St P. Ry....
Wabash Ry
Missouri PHclflc Rv..
Union Pacific Ry
C. A N.-W.. east
C. N.-W., west
C. St. P.. M. it O. Ry
C. R. & Q., east
C 14. & Q., west
C. R. 1. & p., east...
a. R. 1. .i p.. west..
Illinois Central Ry...
C. O. W. Ry
I 11
.10 10
37 2
4 1
5 2
27 1
, 5
, 12
Total receipts 55
Cattle. Ho
Ki. She
uorris & uo
Swift & Co
Cutlahy PackltiK Co
Armour Co..-
Sohwnrtr. & Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packluir Co..
W. B. Vnnsant Co
Renton V. S. & l.u.nh...
1 1 til & Bon
F. H. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. 11. Hoot & Co
J. 11. Dlllla
L. F. Husz
McCrrary ,t Kellof-K. . . .
Werthelnier ,t DcKen..
H. F. Hamilton
Mo. ,fe Kun.-Cal. Co
Cllno & ChriHtle
Other buyeis
Toluls l,fSX 10.R02 2,W12
--------- ""niv irmii'in nrio ci f
light (his inornliiff, there belnc only forty
nine euro reported In, This wo n.H
cnotiRli to really mako a market or really
teat out values. For this week receipts
foot up 1H.254 head, belnir the InrKest of
any week hIiu'O four weeks ago, und Just
about 011 a par with tho run during the
correspondln-r period a year ago.
1 hern wero only a few scattering loatln
of beef steers In thd yards and not a
'i .uu umt cuum 110 tiescrineu nn
reilllv fr.inrl Tt, ,n.....t ...... 1
dull and entirely devoid of now or In
teresting features, ns Is very apt to bu
the enjo 011 a Friday, or for that mattor
on any other day when tho reoelpts aro
so light. Under such conditions It Is not
an easy matter to quote prices, but they
wero without any noticeable change u
fimt1i.fH ...11, I .. .. rr.1
-. mini uii. 1110 nmrKei
on beef steers Is now very little different
from what It was at tho close ot lout
Cows nnd heifers, tho same ss beef
Steers. vnr. nlnti, ami ,1,(11 t.,., ulll
did not show much change. As compared
with a week ngo the market Is a little
stronger, somo would say as much as 10if
1'eednrs were in acllvo demand this
morning and anything of that description
changed hands very readily If It had qtial
lly;.t Lo""non nnd Inferior stockers we.-o
a llttlo slow. . For tho week feeders jro
rully as strong as they were nt the close
of last week, which means as high ns
tliey ever wero In tho history of the tnitlj
Light stock cattle on the trashy order
are po'slbly a little euslcr,
Quotations on cattle: Beef steers, good
"'eoJl'JSS!89:00'. --eer, fftlr 10
good, (6.0O5J6.90; beef steers, -common to
Jf&H'?'90: -O0- iQ choice heifers.
$5.76ff6.75; good to choice cows, $5.Oi6.40:
cows, fair to good grades. $4.4OjJ5.40; com
mon to fair grades, (3.0O4K4O; good to
choice stockers and feeders, (fT50c8.00;
fair to good stockers and feeders, (i.i&a
C.60; common to fair stockers and feed
era, $5.00g5.80; stook cows and heifers, $4 so
0.26; veal calves, $6.003J.O; bulls, sUxs.
eta.. $4.4030.40
Representative sales.
' at. l'r. t2i 7 ti
No- A. Pi. 5 10(0 7 M
n 5 1117 7 &S
" . . 497 TS ( id;i 7 M
1 8 M 3 111! 7 u
' 106' 4 M i ) r u
10 4 S I mi 7j
6 ! 4 7S 14 115S I IS
2 loso sr.) loss s no
4 1M S CO 4 Ill' oo
J 6 K I 1XJ) 6 (K),
2 HM 5 40 II Ml S S
1014 6 40 II (It) C IS
6 104S I 40
' w : 1046 I IS
o 1 -it , a
744 1 10 4W 1 50
' 10 1 1000 1 to
105 I 10
I 1 "SO 4 CO 1 mo 00
J 4 11) 1 1140 e 15
1 1U0 I 20 1 1100 I ;
i-i ""J sto 1 1310 ty.
t-i 120 C 00
J 62 1 100 I so
1: no 1 so
Mi e it t oi tr,
14 ) 4S 10 M 7 10
2J 707 45 Ml IK
" 10 x no 7 ss
67J 70 40 1(B1 7 Jt
G4 cows KfW 6 25 2 cows. .
64 cows. ...1030 (1 25 2 cow..
65 cows 1035 Ii 85 2 cows..
..1125 6 25
..1035 5
.. 98 5 25
1 COW 940 C 25
Wallace Live Stock Co.. Wyoming
5fi feeders.. R7K 7 40 2 cows 0M) sin
?'V0n" S00 -uu1" WTO 6 20
5 bulls 1442 5 20
Wm. Dallas. Wyo.
25 feeders.. 90S 7 40 3 cows m 6 75
HOOB Tho packer buyers apparently
had quite a few orders to fill and not
withstanding a generous supply they
started out bidding steady figures. Wh le
a few droves were put up at about the
same cost as yesterday the bulk of tho
offerings sold at prices mostly 6c higher.
Tho range of prices for the majority of
tho offerings was uround $7.157.2s as
compared with $7.1n4i7.20 on Thursday
fabovo the highest point reached yester-
nay. ii anyinuig traui seemea to get
better us tho morning advanced, the
market closing ut the high point of the
day. It might bo mentioned that the ad.
vance wus morj marked on the light
grades as somo sale of this class of
stuff looked as much as 54) 10c higher
The mixed loads as a rule showed the
least Improvement whllo the heavy pack
ing kind were generally a nickel up
Though trade on the whole could not be
described as any better than fairly active
a very fair clearance took place in good
The receipts amounted to about 144 cars
or 10,000 head being 1.911 hood more than
last Friday 1,557 head naore than two
weeks ago and . 001 head more than of
the same tluj last year.
SUHUP-. 1 hough not many sb?ep and
lambs showed up for a l'rldav there were
enough on hand for what the puckers
wanted. As a timtter of fact the packer
buyers bought henvllv all the wrk, con
Jl'ielitl.v were not In need of much more
killing stock tliln morning Trade in gen
eral was somewhat slow nnd while sellers
tried to get a little more money tlmn
iila the worn unstioressful. as the
lllojorll of tuth the shwp and lamb of-feriim-s
t-hMnged hands at prorllcally
steady flgiiu.s. Although the demnnd
seemed uuher limited this morning then
coutlnties a strong tiudeitouo to price,
tho Hlttiutloti In toditj s trade being duo
to n IIU'HiI supply on most daj.i of the
jveek fJotue fed western lambs" sold i.t
(VS5 anil a couple of cars of Mexican
c4iiilngs brought (SO). A verv fancy land
of fed ewes brought as much rm (5 lw.
Most rvrr thing was Cleared at a satis
factory hour. The total receipts amounted
to nlMiut 17 cars, or 3.01 head, being only
about half of what wan yatdrd n week
ago. but more than on the sntne day ono
year ago
Comparing the maikrt with ihe cIoe
of Inst week. Inmbs and rwa may be re
gurdod as lOfl.'A- hlgti.M and vinrllngs
anywhere from 5tV to 7,'h- up. t'ouU'ri
tlvcly few wethers or any kind have been
Miowlug up. (Vinseijuently eoinpurlFOns nre
tlirflrtilt to make, rtonin Mexican uethers
towards tho elope of this week richcd as
high ns (fi.ia It might be added that re
ceipts havo not otilv been liberal, but
the quality has been good, prevailing
price In some casoti being n. high os
tho highest inilnt reurli.-d during 1912.
Quotations on sheep nnd lambs: limbs.
good to choice. $S.tiOirK.!H; hunt, fair to
good, (S.0VfV50; yearlings, good to rholr-.
(7.rA8..(W; yearlings, fair to gocnl. (7.nOh
7 50; wethers, good to choice, $5 7MH.2o;
withers, fair to good, $5.r4tfC.75; owes,
gootl to uholi-o, $l.75rJ5.10; rwes. fair to
good, $4.50iH.75; CUlN, sheep and liUi.Ke,
$2 rAHtl.25
I UK Vt;il ,IVH .T4lt'K MHKI!T
Cnttle Meinly to I, on rr lions
StroiiH to lllltber Mliren Weak.
CHICAGO, Jan. tO.-O-ATTLB-Recelpts.
3.5iM hentl Market steady to 10c lower;
beeves. (5. Willi. 30; Texas steers, JI.7,V(i5.So:
western steers. (5.i)Vtr7.30; stockers and
feeders. (4.60m'7.iVi; cows nnd heifers, (2.S5
JJ7.S0. cHles. $7.0.l(lf 10.75.
IIOGS-HecelptB, 23.000 head. Market
strong lo 5c higher, close 5c below Thins
da'n nvrriige; light. (7.257.55; mixed,
$7.2541 ,V; lienxy. tT.tO-JJT.fJj; rough. $7.1(V!1
7.25; pigs, (.VTT-hrO: bulk of sales, $7 .VVTf
HIU'KP AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 20.000
head. Market weak; native, (4.754ii.25;
western. (4.85K..25; yearlings. $fi 4ff S.30;
lambs,' nntlve, $.iifti0.26; western. $7 00f
Kntisna 4'ltj- l.lvr Stork Market.
celpts l.too houd Including 500 southerns.
Market steady: dlessed beef and export
steers. $7.754f'.10; fair to goml. $7,0047.75.
western steers, $C.0O-.50; stockers and
feeders, $3.25r--?.50; southej-n steers, $fi.00
517.50; southern coiys, $3.78-4nt.Xi; native
cows, $3.754111.76; natlvo helfors, $.1.25((f7.75;
bulls, $3.0(Vr(fi.W; calves, $C.riOST10.26.
HOOft Receipts, 8,000 hend; market
strong to 5o higher: bulk of sales, $7.25fr
..; henT. r.4t47.52H; packers and
butchers. $7.3tnr745; light. $7.2ilr7.40; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts ,oort
head . Market. 10c lo 15c lower; lambs,
$8.0dli0.10; yoni lings. KOOflS.OO; wethers.
$S.0Ofi;.00; ewes (4.50r5.r.; Blockers nnd
feeder, $3.6041 5.50.
St. I.oiiIm l.lvr Stock Market.
ST. 1,01118. Juti. 10.-CATTLB-Ke-crlpts,
2.200 head Including l.soo Texan.
Market, steady; choice to fine steers,
$.S.7.'Jfi!.60: good to choice. $7.50iT.73;
dressed and butcher steers. tfAxci'M;
stockers and feeder. (.iZTJI.W); cow and
heifers. l5.60JiR.on; cannet. $1.rAij5.rO;
fancy cow. bullH, $3.414,1-1;
ciiIvch. ,Wdi.:i Texas nn'd Oklnhomii
stocrs, $5.254j.00; cows nml heifer, U65
HOGS-Rwinlpts. ll.OW head; market 10c
higher: pig and lights, tii.75fi7.C0j mixed
jr7m 1 ' '-m'!s'0: KO-oU "envy. n.4o
uiri.-i.-t a vt r . . . .
i...ihi. iiecetptn, i,;m)
liSfVi' rhut' ,0c I'lRln-i': muttons. (5.00
M.W: yerKBi jT.oftfjw; tnmlis, (U.-.-.
9.2.t; culls and bucks. $i,'.00frfaoo.
S4. Josrpli I.lvr Hlm-k MnrUi-l.
ST. JOSRPH, Mo.j, Jan. 10.-CATTMJ-Recelpls.
1,100 head; market steady;
steers, $8,764)9.25; cows and heifers, $.1.7545
8.00; calves, $
HOOS-RccelptH, a.m hend: market
strong; top, $7.40; bulk ot sale. $7,224-3)
1.35. ' '
HHKKP AND LA MHR Receipts. 2,000
head: market steady; lambs, S7.nOff8.10.
f44ook In Sluht.
Receipt of live stuck nt the flvo prln
clpul western markets yesterday
.... , Caltle. Hog. Bheep.
South Omaha raw in on,-)
.... tfVr-U,l 1,1HJ
Kansas City l.ono
Kt. fxnils 2,2ft)
Chicago 3.C00
...9,000 5?,200 32,900
Kaiisna t'ltr Urnln nnd Provision.
i: No' 3 re''' I'OiWi.o.vA; No? "1
9Sc4f$1.0S. '
v.CX,n3.7?'4 J,,K!lvV.No' 2 ""'. V4o
No. 3, K'Ac; No. 3 white, 60V4o; No. 3, 60c
OATSSteady; No. 2 white, .limj.-Kc;
No. 2 mixed, 33144(310.
Closing prices of futures:
WI H3AT May. 87Tilrtc; July. W,'tV
COPN-mjlc higher; No. 2 mixed, 47UC;
OA.Tr7 May, 35Tic.
HAY Unchanged.
HUTT ICR Creamery. 33o; firsts, 31c,
second, 29c; packing, 21c.
iiXHlS ICxtiii. 214c; firsts, Hc; sec
oucls. 15c.
POULTRY-Hn, 12Vsff13o: rooster. Sc;
yting turkey, 18c; duck, 134jllr.
Receipts. Khliments.
Whent. bushel H7.000 fifl.000
Corn, bushel 25.000 23.000
Oat, btiHhelH 7,00) 17,000
Wool Msirkrl.
UOSTON. Jan. it). WOOIThe Com
incrclul llulletln will cay of tho wool mar
ket tomorrow: There has been a mod
fiatn amount of htislnu tiaimactetl In
tho HoHton wool market this week, prlciw
holding firm un deMlmble lots of wool,
while off soiIb ure eay In tone Ameri
can crosi-brodw have been the wools
creating chief Interest In the trade, some
old nnd now clip wools selling. Other
wise there tin been little activity except
In fall TexaH wool, which have old
fairly well, both Hcoured and In the
greHe, nt full rate. The whlpment of
wool from Uoston from January 1 to Jan
uary 9, Inclusive, were $3,67StS.'l lbs
against 9.897,361 lbs. fot' thn same period
laxt year. Tho receipts from January 1
to January 9, inclusive, wero 2,815,748 lbs.,
against (1,322,103 lbs. for the samo iierlod
last year.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 10 WOOL-Steady;
medium grades romblng nnd clothing.
X'Ml'Xc. light fine. l&472!e; heavy fine.
134J1M'; tub washed. 2703O-.
Coffer Market,
NMW Y'ORK, Jan. 10. COFI'i:b-Fu-tures
market oixmed steudy at u decline
of 3 tt fi point. Offerings w re not ur
lieu arly heay or uggrosHlve and prices
nilfd urounii tho oponlng flguus until
hi tho late trading there wa a rally on
bull support and covering, with the close
steady, net 1 point lower to 3 polntH
higher. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 13V
Santos 4h, 15-V-. Mild, quiet; Cordova.
lG4t18c lfavro, franc lower. Hamburg,
'i to Ki pfg. lower. Rio, unchanged;
Santos, GO rels lower. 4s, "$). 7b, 7(150.
bsv rtaln ma unl.
to I
1 eirrs ar fat. Do you know whether the food
TOU tire your bens iocs to mska
m'.Ue tail we bare Just publltbed a pamphlet that will
teUxou-A pamphlet on amall beckyard floeks.
It tells how tomake the hens most produetive and
profitable, how tokaap thamlaylnfiall the tlsna.eTen
when moulting, how to keep them from being a nuisance
to self or neighbors, how to moat economically build
houses at, J jarda, bow to maka tha nana work in tbo
garden, not scratching up what fovx have planted, but
scratching between the rows of fruit and vegetables,
cleaning out the weeds, loosentnr up and fanluzlng the
soil. Write tastay for this pamphlet, free.
IE0. H.LEE C0.liii6Harn(yit.0miha,Nib.
Business in Nearly All Departments
1'orelKii Trnilr StntUtlrs Contlnne
to Itrflri't Hip ronnlrr's llltv
t'oniiiirrce. noth Onlrrnrd
I nml Inrrnrd,
I NI3W YORK, Jan. lO.-Duns Review ot
Trade tomoiTOW will sav:
I Ilttflunss In nearly all departments con
tliutes very sntislnctory. the vnlumo of
' transactions n .titltig an Imposing total, as
! Is exldetii-.l h the week's statistics of
( bunk -l-Mtl'igs. There In a general feel
i lug of fYinservittlve optimism. Whllo tlm
negotiations for in net In the Balkans nrs
tlolaytvl the ti'rtln Is lessening.
I Favorable enndltlntis In iron and steel
are fullv miUntiilned. 1-ro.luctlon of pig
Iron continues at a high rate and what
Hpproaolws ii oongD.tiou of 'orders pre
vails In steel products. Iibor troubles
In the New York clothing (nidi; produce
more or lots uncertainty In Us various,
branches, but dr gcods generally dlsplav
Extreme cold weatner has nrevnllert in
; manv sivtloni an ! damage to tho fruit
crops is reporieii.
Foreign trade statlsllea contlnun to re
flect the countvv'i big commerce, both
outward and Inw.tii
In Iron in J Hn, an advance of $2 ,i
ton on st...l plntci has been announced
by an Independent hiterest. but the mllttt
are tt congested with btislnros that no
iV ..ties are promised for somo tlmo tt
Wldrnnrrnit Cold Wnvr Hum Ilenrfl
clnl Kffrrl nn tlnnlnrss,
NHW YOR1C Jan. 10.-liradstreets tt
morrow will iay:
Tliom Is moro life In trade this week
Tho wldcKprcad cold wave, accompanied
by snow nnd rain, had variable effects on
retail trade, but on tho whole it waa
beneficial, helping distribution of wear
ing apparel, shoes, nnd rubber goods. In
addition, tho coal trndo was benefitted
and thn winter wheat crop, hitherto buro
received 'a fnlr snow covering, On the
other hnnd. the western railways felt the
retarding effect of tho storm and tlm
coldest weather In thirty yeivr In south
cm California caused heavy damage.
In the Iron and steel Industries, pig
Iron is quiet and tho railroads are out
of tho market for rails, but demand for
ears and equipment are very large. Pro
duction in nil line is large.
Tho movement in price has been Ir
regular. Cold weather ha affected quo
tations of somo farm product. On tho
exchanges the features nre the appear
ance of moro strength In the grains, but
cotton Is thirty points off on unloading
by tired longs, aided by larger than ex
pected ginning returns. Building nt nil
cities probably broke nil records last,
Ruslncss failures In the United States
for tho week ending Jhnuory 9, wero 37
and compare with 421 In the like week cf
1912. There wero 48 failures In Canrulu
last week.
Wheat, Including exports from the
United tSate and Canada for tho week
ending January 9. nggretrate 5,651,944 bush
el, against 4,696,018 bushels last week,
and 2.600,821 bushels this week last year.
Corn exports for tho week are 650,190
bushels, against 1,SB2.B bushels last
week, and 812,035 bushels In 1912.
Quotations of Ihe I)nr on Vttrlonn
NBW YORIC. Jnn. 10. FLOUR-Market
stcadr; spring patents. $4.404j4.G5; winter
straights. $4,4544.55; winter putents. $6.1
W5.00; spring clears, 4.154jt.45; winter
extra No. 1, $1.06414.15; winter extra
No. 2, $3.964.00; Kansan straights, $4.W
4.10. Rye flour, dull: fair to good. $3.w)
43.SG; choice to fancy, $3.D03--00. Buck
wheat flour, steady; $2.40 per 1C pounds.
CORNMEAL-teady; fine white nnd.
yellow, $1.304J13S; coarse. $1.25jl.W; kiln
ilHml. 111",.
i KYI Quiet; No. 2 western, C64jb7c c.
1 I. f. Huffalo.
llARI.EY-Steudy; feeding, kvo o. 1 t.
Now York; malting. 604t"70o c. I. f. Buf-
"wilEAT-Bpot market, firm: No. 2 rod,
$1.0GH, elevator, and $1.0714, f. o. b. afloat,
nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth. Sl.tMVi.
f, o. b. afloat. Futures market wan easy
early, but rallied on export sales of fifty
loads, part yesterday, and less favorable
ttiir now, closing "4c net higher.
CORN-Spot market, firm; export, 5ic.
f. o. b. atlotvt. Receipt, 54,0 bu; shlp
inentH, 17,00) bu. . . . . ,
OATS Snot market, quiet; No. 3, WW
S9c; No. 4, 37H4)3Sc; natural white, 37-tlTT
40n; whlto clipped, WhMUiO. Receipt.
82,000 bu.; shipments, 3,000 bu.
FUHD-Steady; western spring bran
(100-pound sacks), $24.00; standard mid
dling (100-pound sacks) $24.00; city tlW
pntind sacks), $24.50.
HAY Quiet; standard, M.OG; No. I,
I1.O7H01.1O; Io. 2, $t.004J1.02H; No. 3. to
HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice.
1912, 23ST32CJ 1911, 124Jl5c; Pacific coast
1912, lt323c; 1911, 13f2tlGc.
HIDES Steady; Central America, 27HC;
Bogota, 274123c
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 284J
29c; seoonds, 272Sc; thirds, 24325c: re
jects. 1920c
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, ((S.75
tfU.25; fHmlly. $22.txB3.00: , short clear.
(22.00'd 21.00. Beef, quiet; mesa, $20.0021,00,
family, $24.004t25.00; beef hams. SSO.OOtC
32,00. Ijird, firm; middle west, prime,
(9.704iO.K); refined, quiet; continent, $10.5.
South America, $11.20;, compound, (1.75
TALLOW Steady; prime city, hogs
head, 6!cs special, 7c; country, 64J6?,c.
CIIBI3HE Earner; receipt. 907 boxes,
state, wliolo milk, held, white or colored,
specials, UMtlKu; sklmn, 2fd4Hc
UUTTEIt-Stcady: receipts, 5,4il tubs,
crenmerj' extrns. .!3"4'36c; firsts, 324)3Gc
factory held, 23l44l'24c.
EOOH Steady, receipt. 7.013 cas.-ri
: fresh gathered extras, 314jS2c; rcfrlger
' ator firsts, local storage charges paid,
.iicfliio; neaiw nennerj. white, good to
largo alio, new laid, CVu3Sc; western
gathered whites, 284J35C
POULTRY-Dresseil. firm; fresh killed
western chicken, 121J 19c , fowls, 13H410kc;
turkeys, 14423c.
'l'arprntlnr and llnsln.
Quiet; 45c. Sales, none; receipts. 305 bbls.;
shipments, 32fi bbls.; stocks. 20,267 bbls.
ROSIN-Flrm. Sales. 3,0f5 bbls,: re
celpts. 919 bbls.; ihlpmcnt. 9,150 bbl.;
stock. 150 895 bbls. Quote: A, B, $5.15.
C. D, S5.lSTiC.25; E, $5,2545.3-; O. $5.40fii
6.47H: II. $3.4g6.50- i, .6AK.70: K. $.ao,
M. $71.0: N. $7.13; WO. $7.25; WW. $7.35.
Dry 4'noils 3Inrkot.
Tho cotton goods market are steady in
tho domestic division, but are somewhat
eawlor In a few line of convertible.
Blanket and napprd poods opening nre
attracting a large share of attention
Jobbers report are to tho effect that
shipments are oelng hurried by request
of retailor.
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
A dlTldsorl ot To Dollirs psr sbsrs ulll b
pilJ on Wednstdsr, Jsnuiry IJ, 1111, to stxk-
holdsrs of record tt tbo doss of bustoscs os
Tuesdsy, Uecsmber it, llll.
WM. R. DRIVER. Trtssursr
Tu4t(l) d u
roes either in-
eirirs or sroeatn
(SHE, k.