Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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i in: ni,h: omail, sati kdav, jantauv n. inn.
r oCNDRP nv riiwaTTd uosbwatkr ,
vn roiTTjoaBWATHn. RlHTOlt I
her iu ikpinq. FAftNAM AND 1TTII. i
Kntrred at Omnlia po'toftle as "econti
1 ta matter
Knnday tie, one year tt.W
turday Uee. one year W
l(Oly Bee. -ntthout Stinda. one year. 4.JM
Pally Ilee. and Sunday, oil" year
Bvenlng and Sunday, twr month JOe
Kvenirur without Sunday. rr month.. JSC
Dally Uee. Including Sunday, per mo. .c j
Dally Nee, without Sunday, per mp... e
Anareen an compiainis or iririuma
k.. ilVi : itnr. nr no.iM order.
I a J' Able to The lien rubllMiIlJB company.
Onh 2-cent stamps received In payment
of small account Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and astern ejehanae, not
Omaha Tlie Bee biilUllnp.
Smith Omsha.-H N street.
Council Bluffs-li North Main street.
IJhroln--W l.lttln bulldlnif.
hlcaro-40tl Marquette bulldlne.
Kansas Cltv -Itellnnce building
Nw Tork-a Vet Thlrty-thlid.
St I-onls tn Frisco bnlldlnp.
WaihlnBton-Ta Fourteenth 81 N .
rommuZS'Sflo'n.w, and
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
Sta r n' Nebraska. County of Douglas, as:
Dwight William, circulation manager
of TVr Bee Publishing company, being
dnlv attorn, says that the average ilallj
in utation for the month of December,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed fn my presence and sworn
n hefce lue this 31st dav of December.
Set! Notary Piitllc.
Hulnribrrs IniTlnir lli city
I'mpnrwrll y slinulil hnie The lire
mailed to tbem, Addrrna ttIII tie
rhnnirit n often na rrrinratrri.
The imsrcnger who blocks tho
nlslo is not moved by the nutnbor of
Mrcet enrs.
Why, certainly, nnd besides "losls
latlve counsel" in 'much more
I ho supreme court objects lo -allowing
Mr. Pnttcn a pn.tcnt on com
JiioillM' corners.
Duo lo tho price, probably, the
J'ipio hRH hold IIb own fnlrly wll in
forbidden fruit.
. j
W .hat a rcfrcahlne variety for Nw
ork If it does have n Rivcrnor- wi ;
cally Is governor'
Hut they haven't draggod Put
C'rbwe Into the caso of Mr. Rocke
feller's dlHanpearnnco yet.
Tho oldest Odd Fellow In Xo
lirasWa jn dead, but the oddest old
fellow I? nlwayH with us.
Mr. Morgan Boonih to think 't "Id
no easier to unlock Interlocking di
rectories than to uiificratnblo v.fn.
We feel miro that it few tnoro
names could bo dug up that have not
yet been suggested for the now hotel.
If Castro perslstB iu sticking
around until tho baso ball rohbou
opens, wo proposo making him n
major league umpire.
Anyway, our old friend, John O.
YolBor, Is getting it lot of free ad
vertising out of It. which Ih what hoi
is after. No charge for this one.
The democratic
atorm and stress
party has years of
ahead of it-World-
Now, you're talking right out loud I
In meeting.
Nobrnska school tenchors nre not
likely to bo "taken in" by any
transparent trick of vengeful pro
moters, caught with the goods on
It looks ns if ono of those loft ovor
steam rollers had been set to work
again in tho national convention of
the Women's National Democratic
Chicago'i pollco are InBtruotci! to
4 get the auto bandits," who they will
know from their excessive speed
That is it dangerous met hod nt
Specking as "one in thc ranki."
the colonel says he will permit any
man who wishes to Join his proRrcs-1
slve party an' take hs chances on ponder.
Vosslng with the rest.
' , ,, . Simplicity at Inauguration.
There Beems to bo a difference of President-elect Wilson has given
opinion already about the now city-: i,truoHoiw Tor n very Blmpio inau
planning movement. Perhaps tho ,.Euratlon ceremony, eliminating as
first requirement will bo plans and ! of the trappings as possible,
specifications to get together. w, npti l0 copy jefferson, insist
. ; ," r"i7r" tT i u ,on r,(llnir to tho White House mulo-
.41. 1.IIOUII B UVIIUUIUltVIM 111 l'l-2.
iclcctlon of his cabinet Ik salt
mean his determination to pick only! , , T V .
. r i . i. in acterlied for their democracy may
seasoned tlmbor. Wo hope it "will,.. , . . , A. A. , ,
. , .. .. fln' 0 serious objection to this, and
not be over-seasoned and knotty. ' , ,. . . ... ' ,
. ! yet It Is not an event subject entirely
HoncstenTwho'havo succeeded t0 I'eraonal tastes, for It Is not the
Iu their own business" aro the kind ! ,nduct,on of nn HvWuaI into office
Govornor Morehead proposos to tip-' 80 much a8 Inauguration by the
point to the new board of control. (American republic of a new chief ex-
That is
too good a resolution (
The " patronlre-home-lndustry "
slogan Is to bo raised again by our
retaflers. Tlie Bee has waged sev
eral successful home patronage cam
paigns Tor our merchants, and keeps
pounding along that line all tho
Reports from California citrus head. The office of president is au -
orchards: First day, fruit damaged gun enough to carry what little for-
hy cold fPO.000.OfO: aecond day, mal.ty has marked the Inaugurations
$25,000,000; third day, rain follow.: at Washington, and we are not so
Ing cold did much good. Impossible sure that the nation will entirely ap-
lo estimate damage A few dava nfmrovn dispensing with thf. old ,ui-'
...... . , i ... .. ....
Wilson and the Women,
Tn0 election or president of the
Woman's National Democratic loagtie
turned on who truly typified the tax ,
and tariff prlnriplen of President-,
elect Wilson. Kach candidate and,
faction clalmod the honor. After'
the tellera had reported, the loser I
says to the winner, and other dele-'
1 am very glad. ladlea
that you have
elected n
new president. lleKardlns the,
referring to Mr. Wilson I wlh ;
J( tj(f
Mr. and Mrs. Wll6ii
' ...I'll. in u. III. iff,
and t know he would
Lnt Interfere In an election of
this 01-
ganinttlon. I propose that he shall hear
how His name has been brought Into this George P lleinis. a. W. Ames. Thomas
affair. I have lost the election because , Olbson. Charles Chllris. Memorials J. C.
of the question of whether I am a freejl'owtn. George U. Miller. C S. Chsse, K.
trader and single taxer or not, and since ' Hosewater. Joseph Metcalf. Arbitration:
tlil l the inse I do not earn to preside ' C. r. Ilousr.r. Max Meyer, John Brady,
over such a narrow-minded set of 1 H K. French. D. a Barrlger. Metereologl
women. leal: Thomas Olbson. Henry P'Jndt, C. F.
No wonder Mr. Wilson falls lo 1 Goodman Election: l. 8. Goodrich, N.
worry over such trifles as the selec!"' I,al""'"-. John ans.
,, , .., . . . The electric light company will ntsrt
tlon of a cabinet and personal nnl- , tn!n,. .ampp
moBHies anu Ulsputea between ClarK .
Bryan and Hearst and Under
wood and other party lenders of the
masculine division. Incidentally, the
unntial campfires of the D. A. H.
may no longer enjoy certain exclu
sive distinctions, since the militant
Woman's National Democratic league
nan decided on Washington an its
field of battle.
A Sample Recommendation
At tne last ec stature a rommlionn 1
was provided to report the tesults of Its,
Investigation, nnd to prepare ablll for a
informed that there Is to be a ma Jul Ity ,
rniHcin I'VI II I TU HUM HL'l. I M lO '
ami a minority report. I have seen neither ,
of these reports, and have no Informs-
tlon as to the recommendations to be
made. Sixteen states have already
enacted this kind of n law. The Investi
gations that I have been able to make
lead me to believe thnt the provisions of i
the art of the state of Washington more one fllM Jn ,SSC, In which City Treasurer ! b" maintained. Others may be organ
nearly meet our requirements than those Uolln had attached a tourist sleeping car lz',', nut thp" two cannt,t b" dlsbandud
of other states -rGovernoi Aldrlch to the to force tho Pullman company to phj ' without congressional authority to that
legislature. v 'taxes which it had allowed lo become , rffccl- w,th the colored regiments now
(iovernor Aldrlch appointed a delinquent. permanently stationed abroad, the. prob-
ii , i. .. I Tlio grinvaiici- Lon.m.tteo of the Order ''" whlch has periodically confrontel
vu(. . ... .,,,! I lo tUJf ItHlUay rr.nnmeti for the fnlon Pa-,""'
vcHtlgate this subject.' It Ib true thelclf(f hM n ,)Ufly mM.t,K , ll)0 ,,
commission Ih divided on certain fea
tures of the proposed legislation, nut
without waiting to hear from the
majority, or the minority, flovornor
Aldrlch recommends enactment of
a 0f (i,c (ypC known ati the
Washington law. which i favored
n . (u ,.,miui a
which has1 been
the other slates.
copied by nono of
No Line of Disunion.
Tho subtle scheme of forming
a second so-called state teach
ers' a'KRoclatlon In
as exposed by the
School Review, Is unworthy, for ll li
actuated 'by nothing but peovo and
spleen. Woud Its sponsors oponly
defend tho practices whose discovery
,nn,(l exposure led .to their J.aHjr pro
ject? Nebraska teachers want no
more North and South Platto lines of
disunion :snd discord. Those with
the best Interest . Of tho state nt
heart have done what they could to
efface such a lino whenever it ap
peared ntid nro promoting instead,
union harmony In all educational
The Siuncndcr in Suspense.
Thc suspension of n suspender fac-
tory uxplnined as in part a result 0(1
"'" i''i . i'--i.u.m m MlM w ,alic,lett l)ulI( Hn mI(rp
again that while "clothes do notibeforc tho Omaha Philosophical society
mnko tho mnn," styles may break a I on "The Myths of f.itev.iture" in ntirlor R of men. And this old.
friend, tho gnllus, which hns stood
tho test so long in thn interest ot
coniTbrt, .must nt Inst give way to a
flcklo fancy that encircles tho wulst.
Rut recalling how, down on tho
farm many years ago, dad and
brother were wont to do with but
half a gallus or nono at all, as the
case might be, one cannot wonder
much at this total eclipse. And ho will
not wonder at all, if he reflects on the
slavish devotion to fashion charac
terising this day. Tho habit ac
quired as part of refined summer
dress, soon obtruded Itself into the
winter season, when somo of tho
more natty Insist upon discarding,
not only the dear old galluses, hut
tho vest excuse "wes'cut," too.
Ah, well, even thus suspended be
tween unpopularity and disuse, we
yet look for a rcdlvivus of the sub
back, but proposes to set somo prece-
' it tint a In u I m n Ini t A nniMtln V
ccutivo. ti. tnereiore. uie people
should object to Mr. Wilson's ideas
and prefer a more elaborate core-
mony, their will, and not his, should
Prevail. Of course, the people are
not apt to do this; they will gener
ously let the Incoming president hare
his way, but not because , of any
precedence in this relation belonging
to the man about to be Installed for
mally as their chosen administrative
)$hn Backward
V .....J JAX.'ll.
TJl'r,r. Voar Ago
uuaiu 01 1 raae committees for the. en-
ulna; year are as follow. Trananorta. I
t rt-.u.r-.M i v n, n w
Heed. N Merrlam. Manufacturers': A. U i
Strans. Charlei Dewey. O. W. UnlnR-er.
i:. W Nash. R. N. Wlthnell. IJve stock
J. P. Wheeler. J A. McHhane. Herman I
Koiltltse. V. V K. Allen. P K Her
Douslas Count v Un,l: r H f'h I
The neHther Is growing milder, but the
sleighing continue good.
Kitchen Bros, have sold out their eat
ing house on the lines of the t'nlon
Tho granite for paving Tenth street
Is being plied on the corner of Tenth
and Douglas streets.
The plat of Walnut Hill addition to the
city of Omaha was filed wlththe county
clerk It covers P) cres of land, owned
by Dr. Mercer. Just west of the water
works reservoirs.
George A. Joslyn has returned from
meeting of the Wentern News asocla-
u t t.i
ni.ii mi ir:. j.iMiiirn,
TivrnU Vi-m.
MIH M H T V Aller n
teacher in the
Wetmiw Hohool'. fellou tne sidewalk nenr;bp n ,,arlnB 1'"nB ny admlnlatratl'm
t)m sohool nnd broke her arm.
f'nlnni w. v. cHi- irtiirfnin rtnii niin
In from ChloArfo l,i tl,e morning and de
parted for his' home at North Platte In
the evening.
Among a lot of old wises dismissed from
the fVvtornl tiviket hv .lnrli?n rninHv vat
hotel, where "ooductus were deliberating
on demands to be siihmltted to the com
pany. Bntkem"n met at the Barkor. The
trainmen said that, while they hail no
grievances, they had several (natters to
he Htrulghtened tip. Present at the Order
of Railway Trainmen meeting were: John
S. Ktsslck of Denvce. cliannsn; D. D.
Huberts. Oieyonne. vice chairman: II. It.
McUrlde. Grand Island, secretury.
llev. C. W. HiiVldge nn.1 the- Peoples!
church secured an option on the building lo, " "l , "'""' "T .V '
of the Baptist -hutch. Fifteenth, and! wl"1dl 1,Iftt; a"' I Torney flrst term
Davenport streets, for I5.0W. overythlmria" hcl"1 f thP ann5' medical dcVartment
Included, church furnishings Hnd all. me ' oxplr,,s- An " situation prevails
option hart until February ,1 to run. ncco,,',t ,of t" ?My '" 8Ubn,Ut,lnK
this nomination. Formerly tho reappoint-
Ten Years Ago
n. Thaw of New York whs In the
city trying to Intoret business men with'
money In the manufacture of paper from !
the fab and fiber of corn stalks.
Mr.' and Mrs. A. I. Howe, bride aiv?
groom from Fremont, wcie honeymooning
at the, Millard
flmifroiVn body ot VV'.'.U' BccKeli;-bVe
a prominent attorney In Omaha, was '
found by Henry Baop. a"rmlkman, .iesr .
Benson. Beckett had hten last seen alive
In Benson the day 6'efo're.' He" was -H
years of age and left a Widow and two
. ... ,.
Uh home ne-r Benson at night wllPI1 1 there Is an cxccutlvn session of the sen
overoome by the Intense cold. ate. c-onflmilng the reappointment o
It was announced thnt thc Klrkendall , (;r"era' Tor,"'y- lhs 8,IrBcon cral will
Shoe company had clo-ed a innitract with1 1)0 on 0U'"ar-v H' automatically and ef
the Ben Hur compnnv. which had recentlv I fcctlvoly separated from the military es In OmaJm. lo. the manufacture f I tabllahment. He will be. no longer an
w pairs of ltonmn sandals
which hnd
bcfoie lieen chiefly supplle-l from Now i
Yoik. - .
of v the Paxton. Mrs. Borgium Ring n
solo. It Mas announced that James It.
Mcintosh would on th following Sunday
sponk on "The Power of Congress to
Regulate Industrial Corporations."
People Talked About
Out of conversations In St, James' hall,
Iiondou, It Is possible to pick the Impres
sion that thn Turks are willing to let thn
allies go honiM without exacting territory
or Indemnity for the talkfest.
A Chicago woman, whose taxlcab was
commandeered by tho police In pursuit of
I "auto bandits," was herself clapped In
Jail for refusing to isiy tho chauffeur for
the extra mileage used up by the police.
Can you beat It?
Judge William U Kelly or Paul.
Minn., ns a result of his judicial expert- j
ence. says that "If all the law books In ,
tho country were burned In a single night
wo would have better laws In ten years,
than we. liave at the present time." .
Mrs, Willis Cowan of Wnrren, I'u.. has 1
la small Bible In her possession that was '
prlntod In Inibm. unglnnd, by Charles
Bill, In the year 1SSS, and Is, therefore,
about 214 years old. It was carried to
church by her nnceftor, Ebenezer Dow,
one of the founders of Voluntown, Conn.
Tho microbe of kissing has more terrors
than the doctors tell about. Miss Wini
fred Aokermau of Hackeniack, N. J
white ohaalng a boy' who had "never been!
kissed before." stumbled and fell, break-
Ing an arm. two ribs and getting spmu
palntul bruises.
Tlie unklssed kid eo-
Thirty-two years ago Dr. O. C. Wilson
of Maplowood, O., Iot his pocketbooU.
which contained $S. He has recently re
ceived a letter from a woman at Cold
water. Mich., stating that her children
had found the purse, but as the family
was In need they had spent the money.
She Incloxed tlu money with Interest.
The pathos of th winter tragedy In
California Is not wholly In the WTeck of
orchards and flowers. Adcrofters of
transcontinental railroads whose artistic
work in prose and ploture made Cali
fornia a perpetual sunny summerland are
entitled to a few scalding tears. Please
ahed them now and be done with the
Louis R. Glavls. the land office agent
uoius iu uHtrif. me iuiiu oiuce agent:
, j .... i . , , "
ho secured all kinds of halos a few
tur avlor of Alaska's coal
W1 ' resigned under fire from the
iS?i!3 .nl ?"!S&
jot the tand game in California. dmwm
,tat salary and at the same time
Working on u commission basis for two
" coinpa
companies eai,e. to iitu timb-
Army Gossip
. t.nck of Military IriTrittlone.
J On of the peculiarities of the reason
1 1 the absence of new sua-fteatlons which
J are ordinarily furnlvhed to the military
,and naval authorities who have to do
! with tl)e development of war material.
Under the usual conditions, the bureau
. u . ' -"" " "u.tou
or oranance of the Navy department and
",C ,armJ' of ordnance nn,, forU.
,leRt,on Plentifully supplied with silg.
gestlons from all Imaginable sources.
Most of them are of no real value, and
the average quality of the "' proposl
Hons annually received Is not worth
much In the way of expert attention. The
observers of the prevailing cbndltlon
nre at a loss to figure out the reason
fur this lack of material from a hitherto
piollflc source. They believe there mti't
be an explanation, because there lias
been such a sudden and appreciable re
duction In the supply. Perhaps the situ
ation may be attributed to the Interna
tional disturbances abroad and the fact
that In that direction there Is a chance
for distinction and reward. Probably also
j thoHf who are Ingenious enounli to fle
vlre new methods of warfare also enter-
tain abundant faith In their deslgna to
believe that the failure to obtain. Ameri
can acceptance will not diminish the
chance of foreign adoption.
Important CoiKeretici'.
Hverythlng Is In readiness at the War
department for the January conference.
, ,w nUelldM by n the enu officers
I... .. . , 1 ,t.
of bureaus. The discussion will relate to
tho reorganisation of the army, and an
Incidental topic to be taken up, It Is un
derstood, is the abandonment of the Col
ored regiments, cbnccrnlng which there
Is a difference of military opinion. It will
to recommend that tho colored regiments
be mustered out. Of comae, this could
not be done without legislation, Inasmuci
as the two infantry and two cavalry reg
iments composed of colored soldiers have
been created by law. which requires that
that many regiments of colored troops
mllltAry authorities hs to their Iota
i tlon In the fnlted States appears to hav
been solved. It Is quite' certain that any
recommendation of the War department
to muster out the colored trbops would
lend to trouble, regardless of the mili
tary Jiibtlf lea tlon for such a proceeding.
Nomination f Suracoii-lienernl.
Tho president last week sent to the
sennto the nomination of Brigadier Gen
eral George IT. Torn', as surgeon gen
crul of the army, hrln? a reappointment
mo',t of, b,UreBV c",cfB.1ot lJ"- wr.,dp;
''"""'cnt has been anticipated so that
. -..-.. .
t,,e fal,ure on tho 1urt of thc
nominate or on thc part of the sen-
n,u lo infirm tho nomination of such
Mo ,tnV,laet of "plratlon
r their trrms of office, 'n the case of
Torv tbpr,e, appears to have
nc"$suuiei oversight; at ajl events tho
';V1rnt, "M n Possesion, .of the
..' - ' " ' v- """,,
' tlmt-iintll after his return from the visit
to Panama. . There will probably be no
'session of the senate military committee
before Thuisdaj. January 9, and unless
orflcer ot tne army. Army uim snj
Twice Told Tales
Hale nnd alert on her TSth birthday.
Mrs. Hettle Green munched an onion her
Infallible preventive of colds and talked
che'illy with a New York reporter.
"Nowadays," ahc said, "peopla compla'n
that I dress too plainly, but when t was
n girl they complained that I was too
elegantly dressed. I was a Quaker In my
girlhood, you know, and that Is thc best
"How scrupulous the iluakers are! I
remember a quarrel between two little
Quaker brothers. At the height of this
quarrel the older brother, ' exasperated
beyond endurance, selred the younger by
the shoulders, shook him, and hissed:
" "Thee llttte you. three!'
'Then the enormity of his' words over-
(came him, and he added earnestly:
'Plfase don't tell mother I swore. "
Tp, tIlr ulhrr ,.,,,,..
Apropos of a railroad wreck due to a
defective .bridge. Jerome S. McWade, the
Vulix sociologist, said the other day:
,.T,)e rHlroa(i coo, stnnd about thls
,lrlrt r,nin,,. m , . nr.
case about a toll bridge In the south,
"Tho toll bridge was rotten, and a
woman fell through a hole In It and waa
drowned. Her Indignant townspeople held
a mas meeting, and In response to their
resolution of protest the company wrot:
"'Gentlemen: Your resolution about
our bridge has been duly received. It
will be laid before the board at our an
nual meeting, eleven months hence. In
the meanwhile, to prevent. If possible, n
recurrence of the small accident to which
said resolution refers, would It not be bet-
ter If all your cltleens used the com
pany's other bridge, three miles to 'the
north of the town? The water there "Is
scarcely deep enough to drown a min of
full height.' "
All Tnstea Agree,
Theodoro Dreiser, Um novejlst, was talk
Ing In New York about a critic who hnd
condemned his "dreary masterpiece,"
"Sister Carrie." With a smile, Mr.
Drelsr ta Id,
"I should have answered him, perhaps,
na Whistler answered a crltlo of one of
the 'nocturnes.' This critic said the
nocturne In question wasn't good. Whitt
ter screwed In his monocle and grinned at
the man.
" 'Don't say it Isn't good,' he said. "Say
! ou don't ltkt It. Then you'll be safe.
.,. ,.. , , .
Anu now, conic over here. Here Is some
,,,, ' ,. r
"And Whistler led the critic to a side
board whereon there stood a whiskey
Uesertlwar thr Crowd.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
As we understand It. Senator Bailey
' s tie nation la going to destruction.
'fc.iU tic decline to go with IU
In Other Lands
A Political Trannformatlon.
The stars in their courses are lighting
the pathways of Ilbertv and progress In
Great Britain and sowing confusion
among the reactionary. A few months
ago close observers of political conditions
I in London predicted thc early downfall
ui uie Aquun nunistry. uaas wsn- or
tered that It would not survive tlie vear.
A succession of defeats In bye-elections,
the Ulster demonstration, the aggressive
unity of the opposition all thc forces of
privilege hit by remedial laws and pro
posed laws put up sinh a fighting front
that ardent supporters feared a crisis
from day to dav. Kven as late as No
vember 10, the day of 'lit snap Judgment
on the financial provisions of the home
rule bill, political doctors expiessed the
gravest doubts of recovery. That event
seems to have been .he turning po'nt. It
brought home to the liberal allies the
perils of the situation, nrouvd their
fighting spirit, rallied the laggards and
pessimists and turned discouraged de
fenders into an aggressive attacking
force. The vigor of liberal assaults tie.
veloped the weakness of the toties. Lend
ers blundered on their own Initiative and
walked into traps skillfully set by the
mlnlHtry. The- new year reverses the
situation of last year. The torles are now
divided and floundering In a political
morass, while the liberals vigorously press
tbelr advantage. The Irish home rule
enters the third reading stage on January
U and will go to the House of Ijrds
about January 20. Lloyd George has over
come the organized attacks of the doctors
on tho sick an unemployment insurance
law. and opposition to the Welsh church
disestablishment bill is waning.
Prenltleiillnl t'lindlilittc In Krnuce.
, On Friday next the senators and depu
ties of France will nssemble In Joint con
vention In the royal palace at Versailles
and ballot for president of the repub
lic, to serve tho full term of seven
years. President Falllleres Is not a can
didate for re-election, for, while there is
no written law against a second term,
there Is a tradition such as that In the
United States against a third term. Six
men distinguished In the service of thc
state are. aspirants for tho honor. Ray
mond Polncalre, prime minister. Is re
garded as the most likely candidate. en
Joying tho prestige of a position most
favorable to vote getting. He Is a man
of great learning, an able lawyer, n
(Statesman of the first rank, nnd In the
prime of life at 52. Second only to the
premier Is M. Antonln Dubost. president
of tho senate, a post from which four ot
the eight presidents of France have been
drafted. He has been In the service of
the state since 1S70. as deputy, fenntor
liinu minister, huh is in ins iui year
M. Paul Deschanl. president of the
Chamber of Deputies, Is a man of differ
ent type, a brilliant parliamentarian nnd
the best dressed man In the chnmbcr. IU
Is 55. M. Gcorces Clemenceau. former
I premier. Is tho senior aspirant for the
presidency, being 71. but his chances
are not good. A doctor, an author and
a wrecker of ministries, he has such a
long record of political knockouts that
his vote-getting power Is nt a low ebb.
Im. Alexandre Rlbot Is another candidate
of distinction, one who has served the
state In many responsible positions, twice
ns prime minister, and has an American
wife. He Is 61. M. Ieon Bourgeois Is a
senator and lawyer of distinction, hav
ing held many ministerial posts and has
been president of th- chamber of depu
ties. He Is K. Among the "Blso-moii-tloned"
nro .Alexandria Mllleraiid. minis
ter of war. and Theophlle Dclcasse. min
ister of the navy, both loynl supporters
of Premier Polncaire
Turkey' Tears.
Turkey's teurful appeal to tho allies for
the retention of Adrlanople, on senti
mental grounds, move the ktors
a Uttlo bit. Pathos Is such a rarity among
Turks In dealing with a fallen foe that
It lacks a moving quality. It Is especially
out of place before men who know tho
Turk better than any other In Kurope.
and whose gravesides iio lined with vic
tims of Turkish oppression, assassination
and lust. The "Jewel of thc Orient" took
Its name Tor lwmian Jiaunan, aim "
Jewel of the Greco-Roman empire long
I .1.. l, liitmnilfl nroKMpd
' IH'IOrt- llirr .,llin.i.lttiui, -
I the Riwphoriifi and obtained a footing In
I Europe because of the feuds among Chrls
I tlnu sects. As for tho Adrlanopje mosque
of Murad, a 'Mohammedan shrine, falling
Inin the hands of unbellovcrs, tho Church
of ft Sofia, at Constantinople, which the
Turks retain, is a Christian sanctuary In
ferior In Its sentimental associations only
to the Church of tho Holy fepuleher, at
Jerusalem, or St. Peter's, at Rome.
Mill Owner roneil.
Canadian Immigration agents have
played havoc with tho supply of working)
girls In the mill towns of Kngland. Tho
stream of emigrants to the now provlnoos
i of Canada lias been ro steady for two
years past that factories are falling short
of hands and wages aro advancing. This
I Is a gratifying featuie of a worklnr sltua
i tlon hitherto but a few degrees above In
1 dustrlal slavery. Touching tho pocket
conscience has aroused the mill owners to
the danger of a girl famine, and efforts
are being ma.le, by improved conditions
and better wages, to destroy the Canadian
China' Pride Hurt.
A correspondent of the New York
Tribune .writes from Peking that the
Influence of the United States In China
Is on the wane since our government
Joined the slx-power group of money
lenders to force a $0O),000,O&) loan on
China on conditions humiliating to tho
pride and detrimental to the Independ
ence of that country. The. failure of the
United Ptates to recognize the republic
Is equally hurtful to national pride. These
acts go far toward destroying China's
appreciation of the generosity of tho
United States In declining to Join In
the demand for Boxer war Indemlty.
StriinKlliiif Pernio.
The Belgian financier projected by
Russia and England Into Morgan Blas
ter's place ns overseer of Persian fi
nances Is having a few troubles of his
own. It Is reported that, calling by In
vitation at the shah's palace, he found
the courtyard filled with angry Bakhtierl
tribesmen, who are government creditors
for military and other services; and that '
his escort and servants were badly
beaten, though he himself escaped. He
i had no money for the tribesmen. He told
1 the shah that, unle.-s railroad conces
sions were granted, money was going to ,
be scarce. This la the stock plan ot
working up an excuse for "temporury ;
, occupation" sure to become permanent I
Russia Is never too busy elsewhere to
overlook a chunk of territoiy. T i la I
of the lVi'stan lumb govs with the hlut
Oddities of the Hour
A pnlr of trousers bagged at the
knees were found In the Interior depart
ment of a Florida alligator.
A Kansas judge holds that a wife
should tell hor husband everything she
knows, but not at 2 o'clock In the morn
ing. A Kentucky editor welcomes the par
cels post as a good thing, and remarks
that, as proof of Its goodness, "wo would
not be averse to receiving a big. nice
country ham, or something like that, on
Fishermen of British Columbia report
that whnles are very useful in herding
shoals of herring toward thc shore.
A lonely Iowa woman who advertised
for a husband drew WS0 out of the game
before the wistofflce Inspectors confis
cated tho deck.
The ghost of Hamlet has been arrested
in New York for unpnld alimony .
A Detroit man. arrested for trying to
pawn his wooden leg without the consent
of his fnmlly. made such a kick thnt the
court let him go without the regular
A Brooklyn mnn who tried to start a
balky mule by applying the lighted end
of a cigar to Its left hind leg hopes to
get out of the hospital In time to view
the pnrade on St. Patrick's day.
PokI -Thompson has gone In for settle-1
ini'iit work.
P.irker Helping the poor or bill col
lecting? Modern GUI If you really loved me all
the time, why didn't you let me know?
Modern Youth-1 couldn't find a post
card with the right words on It
When little Bob humped his head I nele
For best results
use Perfection Oil.
With a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater you dress
in comfort on the coldest day.
Later you carry it to any other room, and breakfast,
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The New Perfection is easy to light and easy to
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Aah your Jaalmr to mhow it to you
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Nowhere but ; Florida will
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Shores like the Mediterranean, lakes like Scotland's own,
golf and tennis, matches and tournaments, motor boating,
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The picturesque blended with the beautiful.
Nowhere but in Florida will you find old Spanish forts
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Fetes, dances and Old-World carnivals, in a realm of
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Only in Florida is magnificence like this the common prop
erty of all. To winter here is to breathe Romance itself.
This is Florida! Come!
Kansas City-Florida Special
From Kansas City Daily at 5s 55 p. m.
It carries all-steel, electrlc-lighttd equipment through to Jackson
ville: electric fans; Pullman sleepers of the latest design, and
steel dining cars under the direction of Fred Harvey It's as
fine a train as ever ran on wheels.
Last chance to see the Panama Canal Work
bfor the water 1 turned in. ..Kliht ptrona1lv
conducted tours In the iteamthtp Evinrellne," from
Ky West to Colon, returning ri Kinftton and
Havana Tliavettel la new, built In Scotland during
1911-13, eapeclallr for touring tho tropica. It la equipped
with Marconi wireleaa aervlce, electric llg-hta and fan,
and all modern conyenlencee and luxuries. It will
leave Key Weet January 7th and 31 at, February 4th
and 18th March 4th and 18th, April let and Utti. An
eleven-day trip. Including meale and berth at eea
and In port, for SI 10. Stopover privilege! granted
at Colon, Havana and Kingston.
Train Sttltdutu,
PulUnan. Slctunjklp Rtstrvallonl
ami llluttratad Dtiaifttv Ultra
twm may ba obtoinrj by atUrassing
Waldheim Building, -.- Kansas City.
is a-
aii' said
"There! Ill kls It. ami the pain will
all be gone." Cheerfully smiling, t f-
youngster exclaimed:
"Come down into the kitchen; tha cooK
has tho toothache."
He dropped a line to let her know
That marriage was his wish.
He failed to bait with gold, and so
Went otherwhere to fish.
"Pop. what Is a skeptic?"
"A skeptic, my son, Is a person who can
read a patent medlclno ad without feel
ing that he has any ot the symptoms de
scribed." Madge Didn't you have a good seat at
the opera?
Marjorle Lovely: We were near enough
to one of the boxes to hear every word
the society people said.
With apologies to Rudyard K
When 'omer smofp his bloomln' U re
An" 'card men sing by land nnd sea.
No 5 cents shows did 'e require
To spin 'Is yarns, like yott and me.
No seven burgs 'ud .spent their tin
To prove 'e first saw light o' dav
Inside their walls, If 'Omer'd been
Announcer In picture" play.
But If 'e owned a nickel show
Today. Its safe to say this much.
Onl 'Omer wouldn't have to go
Around a-beggln", on a crutch. Life.
Ilin-U lii Hurtli.
When Yuletlde came I spent my cash
And cut a godly swath.
I reveled In the turkey hush
That was Its aftermath.
I danced around In care free swny
Beneath the bolly bough.
But wo are back on earth today;
I'm for retrenchment now.
AVhqn Yuletlde enmc 1 spent my dough
Enough to fill a trunk.
I bought a lot of mistletoe
And other Yuletlde Junk
I had a gay time Christmas week,
As freely I avow.
But these days find me very meek:
I'm for
retrenchment now Courier
J ni uath r il the vouiigi-tri in
LEEPING with the
windows open is a "first
(aid" to health and beauty.
But it makes getting up in
the morning a chilly ordeal.
J. C. Lovrien, SMM , MM
Dlv. Paa. Agt- Frisco Lints. fiiw UJ liM