14 THE TIKE: OMAHA, KBIDAV, .IANTARV 10, HU3. !ff $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPECIAL (In Basement) Jlucfc Towels -up to 10c, basement each , - Worth in the 4c FRIDAY, THE BIGGEST BARGAIN DAY OF OUR GPAT JANUARY SALES Thousnnds of short pieces, remnants and odd lots of desirable winter merchandise, left from last week's selling, will be cleared awny Friday nt sensationally small prices. SPECIAL BARGAIN ATTRACTIONS IN THE BASEMENT Yard wide, light and dark style, drees percales; not one pretty pattern is miss ing; at yd., 8V&C r.H-inch, heavy un bleached sheeting 2 widths make large, extra wear ing sheets; sale price, per yard, at Gc Fine quality, white and colored pique in dress lengths; values up to 25o; on sale, at per yard 15c Linon finished suiting, one yard wide remnants of the 15c grade; on Bargain Square, per yard, at Brown Linen Orash For kitchen use the 17-int'h width special, at per yard 3l2c Manufacturer's Sample Strips of Beautiful Cambric and Muslin Embroidery Edgings and Insertions to 5 inches wide many worth 10t'; main floor, at, yd. 3V2c SATURDAY- Any Man's Overcoat or Suit in Our Entire Stock Regardless of former selling price they have been selling regularly at $25, $30, $35 and even $40 your choice at A CLEAN UP OF ODDS AND ENDS DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND VELVETS Popular weaves in serges, whipcords, novelty suitings and Broadcloths - double widths in, 2 Ms to 7- 4T yard lengthy, worth up to $1; 1 fcC on bargain square, at yard Ilomnnnls of all wool challies in dots, stripes and borders many match up; at the yard 15c' nemnanta of All Wool Coating, in lengths up to 4 ynrdn worth up to 7Q-, ?2, at, yard.. JC Drum Goods Kotn nanU, worth up to 86c, In tho basemont at tho OCkf yard siC CLEAN UP OF SILK REMNANTS at 25o, 39c, 49c Several hundred yards of black and colored silks, mes salines, chiffon taffetas, fauoy silks, black and colored vel vets, etc., at ronr of silk jmle. Fancy Dress Silks Beautiful patterns, worth $1.00; at a yard 50c Yard dress worth yard CLEAN UP SALE SHOES Main Floor Old Store Broken Lines and Samples Women's Shoes Worth up to 4 aq $5.00 a pair, at. . . "O Included In this splendid croup are high cut 10-inch shoes for women, in tan or dull calfskin, Ticl kid, patent loatber. oatber, 98 velvet and satin at, pair, . . . Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes at $1.98 Patent leatbor, tan calf, gun metal and vicl kid, button or lace styles -with newest toes none worth less than 3 many 4Q1 worth 3.60 and $4, all VI sizes and widths, pair...' NEXT MONDAY We offer the eutlre surplus stock of renmauta of SILKS, DRESS GOODS and VELVETS From tho Morris Woolf Silk Co., Chicago, At About Ouc-Httlf tho Actual Value. "White crepeB, soft, mercerized finish for -waists, dresses and fine undor muslins; at per yard 7V&C Sateens in mill lengths for lining purposes all the popular shades worth 18o; o n sale, per vard, at 7Vic 5- SPECIAL SALE Redland's California Oranges The famoun Rono brand and Camellia brand Navel Oranges, "the bent of the best." On sale all day Friday, in the baBoment, at, each 1 Medium and Wide Convent and Cambric Embroidery Edgings Also 17-ineh. em broidered Cambric and Muslin Flouncings j worth up to 2oc; main floor, ' ntayard XC and Sc $ Short Remnant of Preis Goods, Manu facturers' Samples, Etc., In bano- -g mcnt at .... 1 vC wide, , black mcsBalinoff, $1.00; at a 69J Beautiful black silk suitings and coat ings, p o r ynrd, at 39c Special Demonstration of the "Free" Sewing Machine it is poor economy to bring any but tho very best sowdng machine into the home. Tho "Free" runs lighter than any other machine, thuB doing more work or tho smno amount in Iobs time. It makes on absolutely porfeot stitch bocauso it is the orW machine with an abso lutory perfect food. It is the ideal machine for mother, wifo or sistor. Friday we offer a beauti ful, splendidly built ma- 2K.fr... $18.50 lOo bottlM Machine Needle, Obzen each . . Oil Cn -J for. wu Saturday Our Annual January Sale of Women's Tailored and Lingerie Waists. Thousands of beautiful Chiffon. Silk, Net and Lingerie Waists in advance season styles go on sale at to M their regular Values. FRIDAY SPECIAL (In noAcmmt) Mercerized Table Damask In 1V4 to 6-yd. IcnpthB; worth to 60c, af at, a yard. . . . v Remnants of plain and fancy white goods that an1 slightly mussed, will be. sold, at a yard SVC Mattress ticking in fancy colored and striped patterns the 12lc grade, from the bolt; on sale, at per yard 54-inch, Extra Heavy, Double Face Table Pad ding Usually sold for 60c; at a tn yard tl 1 (Fur and Fur Lined Coats Excepted) Friday Main Floor. Sale of Notiins .lannnned Metal Mafl noxen --Arranged for papers and padlock at 10c Dustles Mops Cleans and pollfihes;bls vol- jf ues at . . . mOC Chadwlck's ahd Jobn J. Clark's beat 6-cord thread, 3 spools , for , 10c Serpentine Collar Supports at - cards r? for oc 27-inoh to 40-inch wash fabrics - worth up to 75c, at a ivurd 25c worth :5c lo 25c Machine Belts I Oo 5 Important Changes in Time- ROOKY MOUNT ADX LIMITED to Denver, Colorndo Springs and Pueblo, will leave Omaha at 11:17 p. m instead of 10:47 p. m. ROOKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED to Chicago will leave Omaha at 3:05 a. m instead of 12:20 a. m. OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS EXPRESS will leavo Omahasat 4:15 p. m., instead of 4:40 p. m., arriving Fort Worth 7:45 p. m., following day, instead of 8:30 p. m. CHICAGO-NEBRASKA LIMITED will continue to leavo Omaha at 0:08 p. in., arriving Chicago 8:09 a. m. J. SNOW AND ICE AT miS SJ3ASON OF THE YEAR., WHEN THE GKOUND AND STREET OAR PLAT FORMS ARE APT TO BE COVERED WJTll SNOW OR ICE, ESPECIAL CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN BY PASSENGERS IN GET TJNG ON AND OFF OARS. REMEMBER"- Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. What Happened to Jones was simply tills: He had an evening onRngcmont and could not possibly got homo to sup per. But he was soon about ti-.UO at the WOODMEN CAFETERIA ,14th and PaWiam St. AMI JIKMEVTS. OMAHA'S TVTt OXMTEK" jo xurtir off "oziroxR aiKz.s" Omaha's Own Boy Actor Ed Lee Wroth SXTXATAOANSA A9B VAUDEVXLI.B Krank Wakefield, Jans I.a Ueu, Alplno Quartet anrt Qlnxery, Snappy Beauty Chorup. Best tHin-Muslc Show In '.'own. Z.adls' Sim Matlaeo Sally "Worth Climbing- the Kill." Bally Mat., lOo SrgS., 5-10-200 BOtjeXJMI BT. AT SIOKTXBBTTX Kytona Tandarille includes "Warren & lirocKwiy, Hnaie Koyor; Bxcela & Frank; Alexander & Beldlnir: IYiacary. (Slant Show at Swarf Price lUymond' A Hall. Hlpposcope Pictures, rzorn a to s: at 7 aad 9 9. U. Dally. Matinee Ivery Say 8il5 Every lTlyht 8:10 Adranoed TaodeTllle. Thli Wek BLANCIIS WALSH Jk Wllus A Co. Lrdl Brrr- Ilrbrt'a Loop-th-Loof and Ltlni CanlnwQrult Kmmatt it Co. Owtn Clirk S14ar Btxltr. rrlixi! MtUn. Oilltrj, 1C belt uiU 15c, txcept Siturdmr anil Suodir Mlkt, J0. Ue, Mc, Tie. Hayden Bros.' Meat Dept. Is Ntw OwRtd ni CHsiited by Thtm All Mea.ts, Pish, Bacon, Hams, Etc., are of tho very best qual ity and the prices are in accordance with our noted trust busting Grocerj' department. PISH I PXBHI PISK TOX, PBEDAY Krh Halibut, not frozen, lb. 17Uo Pike or Pickerel, lb. . . 18o .17Wo . 7tJo I6o ,134o ...16o Trout, per lb KresU Herring, per lb FYefth, Halmon, per lb. . Fresh Flounder, per lb. . Finnan Ilaildle, smoked, lb. Smoked Wilte Klsh, lb. .. KtpperMl Salmon, lb , . .20c Smoked Btlirgeon, lb. 85o Fortune or succeus have' often come through a little want ad. Have you read the want ads yet today? via Rock Island Lines Effective Sunday, January 12th. S. McNALLY, D. P. A., 14th and Parnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. Wait until the car stops! Get off the right way! A 81 US KM KNTS, BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight, Saturday and Sunday. Matinee Saturday. The mnslcal race of two continents MADAJIK SHKItltr Big- Cast and Frodnotlon Monday Nlg-flt Only, Prltil Soheff In THE LOVE WAOEK. Tnoaday, 3 Says OYPST X.OVB BOYD'S 1,000 Seats, 25c Tonlf-ut, Sat. Mat and Nliht, The Vaufhan Qlaacr Players In THE GREAT DIVIDE Hzt Wk "Tin tottery Uftn." Krug Theater Mat. Today, 3130 Wight, 8:30 THE PACEMAKERS A REAX, SHOW Country Store Prtday Right ladles' Sally Slme Matinee. The Tuesday Morning Musical Club Presents MAX LANDOW In Piano Xecltal, at the V. W. C. A. AUDITOIUUM TBir&SBAT BVENIlfO, JAXT. 9, 1913. Besenred Seats 81.00. How selling at Kayden Bros.' and A. Kospe's Muslo Departments. Hiuoked. stripped boneless H'er- rlnsr, per lb. l7o Smoked Halmon, per lb 23o Salt 'Markeral. each . . , .10o Salt Whttn Fish, per lb So tialt Herring. for &o V No. 1 Codfish middles, lb. ,.16o Bnlk Oysters, Prlday, quart... 38o Watch Friday evening papers for Katurday'n big special. DON'T MISS BARGAIN FRIDAY A General Clear ance of All Item nants of Stocks and Odd Lots. Remarkabli Clearanei Bargains ii Silks Hundreds of Silk Remnants in both plain and novelty weaves, 1 to 5 yard lengths that sold up to 60c a yard, i Q on sale to close, Friday, at, the yard IOC Thousands of yards of beautiful silks that sold at 75c to $t.26 a yard, 20 to 36 Inches wide In a broad assortment of heautlful weaves and colorings, broken lines from our QQrt-ylQ-regular stock, marked to close, at yard .OOC-flOC 85c lining satins, 36 Inches wide; Just 6 pieces in this E5fs;r small lot; white, brown, tan and gray; to close, at yard. . OUC Yard-wide dress messallnes and taffetas; 20 pieces that sell nrn regularly at $1 and ?1.26 a yard; to close, at yard..,.. . f Ov January Linen Specials Pure linen, hemmed buck tow els, worth 50c, each.... 25(J Puro linen, hemmed huck tow1 els, worth 29c, each.,..15 Celebrated "Rub Dry," full size towels, worth 45c, each 25c Uarnslcy glass and huck towol ing, worth 17 'Ac, yard, 10c Extra size, cream or whlto Turkish towels, worth 69c, at each 35c Full size, twisted thread, Turk ish towels, worth 45c, each at 22c Cream or white, heavy Turkish tovfrels, worth 35c, each 19c f A Gnat Uiderpricing of Wto! Dress Fabnos 300 remnants of wool dress goods in wanted weaves and colorings, that sold to 59c a yard; some aro slightly soiled; Q to close Friday, in one lot, at yard IOC 54-Inch fancy suitings, handsome' "weaves and colorings, AO. that sold to $1.25 a yard; 15 pieces to choose from, at, yd.l K5C $1.25 and $.1.50 wool suitings, Vicunas, diagonals, etc.; not aU col ors, but tho greatest lot of value ever offered at aq this price; 52 and 54 inches wide, at yard. . . . vOC Rousing Specials Remnants of flannellettes, good weight, 9c value 6;ac Remnants of apron check ging ham 7c values 5c Remnants of 36-lnch percales, values to 12 He 7JC Remnants of outing flannels, 9c values, at 6Hg Remnants of curtain scrim, 15c values, at . . 10c Remnants of dress ginghams, 12c values 7&C Black sateen, 30 inches wide, 18c values 12 c Poplins, plain and striped, all the Furnishing Goods Men' extra quality flannel shirts In blue," Brujv tan or lirown. worth to J 3, on Hale, fl48, !)8o Men'x and boys' swmiter coats In eray or colors, worth to $1; on sale at 68o airns anil boys' ontlnc flannel night Hhlrts, aJl sizes; worth $1. an sale, nt 49c Boys' coorl, heavy, fleece llneil union suits, all sizes: on sale, nt 39o Men's fine wool and fleece lined union suits; worth to J2.R0, jto at S1.45, 980, 780 Indies' extra quality union suits In wove or fleece lined; worth to S3, go at . .' Sl.SO, 98o, 75c bH dies' and children's union suits, all sizes, worth 75c, at 35o Men's Bopd, heavy, f loeco lined and Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers, worth, to $1, at 49o, 33o Blankets and Comforters Good size, tan cotton blankets, good weight, .fancy borders; $1.25 values, for 05 e Extra large size, well made, good weight, cotton blankets; good $2.50 values, for $1.05 Boys' and Men's Clothing Men's Suits, an assorted te lot, values to $10, at.. fD Roys' Knee Pants, assorted col ors and sizes, values to 75o, at . aTTwC Boys' Suits, large assortment of colors and sizes, some have extra pair of pants, t 05 values to $2.95. . . . J 1 Odd lot of boys' Overcoats, ages from 10 to lti;, browns and grays; values tO50 $5.00, at pc HAYDEN 'S BIG SPECIAL A Saving of 5 to 50 21 lbs. Best Granulated Susar ....81 10 bars I.enox, Beat 'Km All or Dia mond C Soap, for 33o 8 lbs. Best llolled Breakfast Oatir rrl, for 35o 7 lbs. Best Bulk Laundry Starch. .ao 4 lbs. I'lancy Japan Hire 35o 10 IbB. Best While or Yellow Corn meal for 17Ho The Best Domestic Macaroni, Spu- Khettl or Vermicelli, pkR 7iio 3 packages On Tlnio Starch lOo 2-lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, for 6i4o 2- lb. cans Wax, String-, Green or Limn Beans for 7o 3- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Squash, for 7Ho 2-lb, rails Solid Packed Tomatoes, for 10o The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 8Vio Peter's Breakfast Cocoa. Ib 20o Pint Jars Pure Strained Honey... 36o 5 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .35o 1-lb. cans assorted Soups 7V4o Grape Nuts, package lOo Corn Flakes Breakfast Food, pkg. 0Ho The best Tea Slf tings, lb lOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb 35o Butter, Cheese, Effg-s and ButUrla. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb. 37c The best Country Creamery Butter, lb 300 The best Dairy Butter, per lb.... 35s 2 lbs. good Butterlne 3Bo 1 lb. Rood table Butterine... 17tto Prices neprcsent. Bnt a Very small Part o f Their Worth. Lace Curtains Odd pairs of lace curtains, at . ,98c, $1.45, $1.75 On!y 1 to S pairs of a kind come In -nlilt ecru and creum. Pretty patterns, values up to 18.00 a pair. Odd curtains, 'worth to $1.25 a pair, on sale, at pair ............ .19c Colored curtain scrims, regular 25 c a yard value, at yard ...12145 Full size couch covers, great snap, each. . . ,98c Drapery remnants of all kindB, to 45o a yard val ues, at yard 5c t Domestic Room best colors, 25c values... 15c Robo Land fleece for kimonos and bath robes, 29c value, 19c Scotch and Shepherd plaids, 15c values :... 10 Wjest Wind muslin, 38 inches wide, 7 He values 4?C. Pillow cases, well made, size 42x36, 12 He values 10c 18-inch brown crash toweling, m 8 He values 5c Moonlight pillow casing; 45 lnche wide, 15c value. . , .10c Ready-Made sheets, 72x90, 50c values 30c Women's Suits, Coats and Drassis Women's lonsr Caracul Cloth Coat, all well made and sood styles; values up to H, at 53.35 Women's Winter Suits, all rood styles, assorted colors anril ntzs; values to $K. ., ...M.as One-piece dresses aerices, r.ordu royjs and mix t urea; values to S. at $3.08 Women's house dresses and wrap pers, all well made, good styles and colors; values to $1.60.,8(o Children's winter dresses, fancy plaids, good styles; values to ll.GO, at 790 Children's bearskin hoods, worth 29c, for 19o Large size comforters, good, me dium weight, colors and pat terns, $1.25 values, for .j. 05c Well made, hand knottod com forters, filled with good quality of cotton; $2.50 values 81.05 Staple and Faney Notions at Half and Less Hump Hooks and Kyes, card. ...lo Invisible Hair Pins. pkg ....lo SI Pearl Buttons, dor av&o 6c Brass Safety Pins, cardoOVjo 5c Toilet Pins, paper ..bUo UOO yds Sewlnir Thread, spool 3o 10c Collar Supporters, each. .'.4Ho lOo Metal Back Corr.'bs, at.,.4o 10c Needle Books, each 4Uo 10c and JEc Iaces, yard Co" Cotton Clunys, I.lnen and Cot ton Torchon and Point die Paris Laces and lnsertlns-n. Inrlinl,l V J GROCERY SALE FRIDAY to the People of Omaha 1-lb. bricks fancy table Butterlne, equal to creamery butter, per lb. 3So Full Cream, Young- America, N. y White or Wisconsin Cream Cheese! per pound , a8o Full ream, Brick Cheese, lb. ... .lBo Oranges. Oranges. Oranges. Oranges. The healthiest fruit grown to eat this time of the year. Thursday we are going to make a special sale on 200 and 216 sizes regular 20c and 2Sc sizes, sale price per dozen ijJ 288 size, regular 16c sellers, sale'nrlce per dozen . . . . i These are all Highland Navels', thn finest, richest flavored and sweetest orange grown. THE VBOSTABI.B MARKET OP OMAHA. Saves ttat Paopls from 60 per cent to 100 per oent. The best lted Ulver Early Ohio Pota. toes and give 16 lbs. to peck., .,15a Demand 16 lbs., the law requires It. Fancy Cooking Apples, 12 lbs. to the peck, at aoc Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips of Shal lots, per bunch' 0 Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb , . ioo Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7ic Fresh Spinach, per peck is0 Large butjehes fresh Radishes, , , .4a 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. ,6o Large Head Lettuce, 7 He and,... Do 3 bunches fresh Parsley so Large Grape Fruit, each ...,5c ( "ay. Try Hayden's First it ftyt 4