Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Who Is This Man?,
Ho Is Known All Over the World for j
llli Wonderful Vegetable Com-
pound. Ho I tlie Famous .
Dr. W. 8. nurklurt.
Council Bluffs
Scientist and Osteopath Appear
Before School Board.
0iimrs Ciimptilaory Ksnmlnntlon nt
(irrnllr Inclined to Ilnlsr Atll
Inrir of l-"er In Mlndw of
Dr. W.J5. BmVW At He Is ToAVr. Owes Hit
Rebut Health and Gain of BO Pound
to Tsklac Hit Own M.dleine, At
Neld. (ft tfcr r.. as v.,,.
Just uk any druggist, Who Is Dr.
iMrkhartT He will tHi II that he in Un
man who allow yo'J t-i deposit 25 cent
for a 30-day treatment of Dr. lturkhart's
Vegetable Compound. And If at the end
of X) days you are not enrol of stomach,
liver, kidney and bowel trouble, the drug
gist will return your 25 cents.
And he hall been doing tbla for twenty
five- year. ' Over twelve million treat
nienta are used annually In all civilised
countries, shelving What a remarkable
medicine It Is. Dr. Burkhart has a repu
tation to be proud of. His fair, honest
method of allowing vou to use hi 30-ty
tteatment and charging only X cent for
It on a poult Ive fruaranteo to repay the 25
cents If not cured haa won him a host
of friends.
livery druggist knows him, knows his
word Is Rood, knows he will do oa agreed
so do not hesitate to try his Wonderful
Vegetable Compound; Ret rid of headache,
Hour stomach, biliousness, rheumatism,
constipation, liver and kidney trouble If
jou don't get wall In 30 days, you set
back your 23 cents.
And ou Rot moro for a quarter than
anyone else would ask S5.00 for. Uet this
Si-day treatment at once. Take the doctor
at his word. You won't bo disappointed.
Do sure to ask for and see that you get
Dr. llurkhart's Vegetable Compound.
Council Bluffs
Omaha people have found out that A
SINGLE DOBE of simple buckthorn
hark. glycerine, otc., an compounded In
Adlcr-l-ka, tho German appendicitis
remedy, relieves constipation, aour stom
ach or ua on) tho stomach INBTANT
IT. This simple mixture antlseptlclses
the digestive organs and draws off the
impurities and It Is surprising how
QUICKLY. It helps, ' The Sherman
McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge,
and the Owl Drug Co., 16th and Har
ney. Advertisement
D., L. & W. ,lf Kn
No. 2 Size Chestnut
No. 2 chettnut la umo Qual
ity poal as No. 1. It la ollghtlf
smaller In alio and la now usod
extensively for basoburnora,
alao for mixing with othor
sires. This Ib a superior qual
ity of hard coal.
Opposition to the proposed medical In
spection In tho publlo schools waa voiced
last night at the meeting of tho Board
of Education by Colonel I.. W. Tulleys
and James Hnldwln, leading Christian
Scientists, the latter the first reader In
the local church. Thev opposed anything
I that waa In any measure compulsory.
Dr. Earl Delllnger, member of the board,
defended the proposed action and ex
plained Its noncompulsory character.
Owing to the absenco of President Tin
ley and member Schoedsack, there waa
no. Intention of bringing; the matter up
last night, although It was the time set
for a report to be made by Dr. Delltngcr
and Superintendent Deverldge. Dr. J. F.
Mlnear, representing the osteopaths, was
also present, and upon motion of Dr.
Hettinger the gentlemen wero requested
to stata their objections to the proponed
medical supervision.
Colonel Tulleys presented the conten
tions of the Hclentlsts In a very impres
sive manner, il'velllng upon the power of
fear to produce disease, giving many au
thentic instnnces where fatal diseases
hnvo been developed by thr fenr excited
In tho minds of Impressive children and
uneducated parents. Colonel Tullcys said
he won not opposed to the physicians,
that he had tho highest regard for tho
medical profession of Council llluffs,
whoso members were high-minded gentle
men. As a Christian Scientist who hnd
sufficient demonstration of the utility of
dangles healing, he opposed the enforced
medical Inspection because he believed It
to be wroiis In vital and fundamental
l-Vnrn Mrellrnl Trust.
Ills ureatcst fear, hoWpvcr. was that the
physicians of Council muffs hnd per
haps unwittingly permitted themselves
to become the ngents of the American
Medical association, which was seeking,
through the Instrumentality of the Owens
bill, now pending In congress, to build
Up a giant medical trust, to be adminis
tered by perhaps one school of medicine.
lie said Americans were naturally Jealous
of their liberties and that the Owens bill
wm meant to rob the people of some of
their cherished liberties.
He told of the bad results of the en
forced Inspection In Chicago, where the
action of the Hoard' of Education In ono
day sent CO.000 children to the sick room
and -at tho beginning of tho next school'
year gave tho Chicago physicians 300,000
patients, from whom they received more
than 1300,000 In the first weeks of school.
He said that after each of these medical
examinations disease was the subject
talked by the children and the parents
and the susceptible child mind generally
felt the exciting fear that produced dis
eased conditions often of most serious
champtar He said he was opposed to
the" vtheotyot , compulsion Because It
icacnes uopenueuce jnsicaa oi lnaepena
ence, and warned the board that It had
no authority In law for an order author
izing nny kind of compulsory Inspection
CARBON fi"9 nn
COAL- 5f ,UU
AH Sizes 1
The best noft coal mined.
LUMP and
Superior quality Illinois coal.
Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded.
People's Goal Go.
Formerly Ooutant & Squires
lirandcln Theater nidsr.
JIO South 17th Street.
Telephone Douglas OHO and
Tyler J 751.
Ynwls nth and Jth Sts.
and Chicago ami Cass Streets.
Dr. Helllnitrr Hepllea.
Dr. Bellinger made a courteous und dig
nified reply to tho arugmeuts. declaring
that he could not enter into the thought
that denial prevented or lemoved dis
eased conditions. He expressed the bo
lief that tho great stumbling block of the
Christian Scientist was his refusal to ac
quaint himself with tho scientific side of
tho medical problem. He declared that
ever) progressive and successful physi
cian today accepted and dally used about
all of tho demonstrated truths of drugless
healing, und that (0 per cent of the doc
tors no longer rely on medicine alone.
Tha doctor who relied upon drugs alone
todny would fall In. the treatment of half
his cases. Ha oxplntnod at length that It
was not the purpose of the board to In
augurate compulsory inspection, but to
make it possible for tho teacher to Kccure
medical assistance for the child who Is
being handicapped by physical defects
that can be readily, removed.
lmirovliiar Conditions.
Such Inspection as contemplated meant
prevention of disease by bringing about
Improved hygtenlo conditions. He said
that halt of the children In the Glen-
wood institution might be greatly Im
proved or wholly cured by possiblo sur
gical treatmont. He said many or most
of the diseases camo from bad teeth.
nasal adnotds, enlarged tonsils and other
simple defects easily remedied. Ho. fur
ther declared that statlitlcs showed that
every child who had been dropping be
hind In school work was suffering from
some defect that could be quickly re
moved. He also believed that 90 per cent
of the taxpayers of the city", who want
the best educational results from th
money they pay for the maintenance of
Ayer's Pills
Headaches BOJousaess
CowtipsUon Indigestion
Sold for 60 years.
Ask V r Pecter. tJC&
f comes ih child. sorrcNs it. auis Ati-
It brx. rtmtdr for DIARRHOEA. Ji i
luulr lumliu. Dt inn ud uk tn "Un.
Window's Soottlsx Sintf" ut b out
Ws. Tatr-li( Mil a halU:
innniiii 1 4.110 tons
SMi Herd
ine i-arceit ana innest ut earner to
KomuJ Trip. IW A as. lit i!ui ssclailTot,
fWtJsTS stltloaAl aUtmcr Vt, A
tnviaTa ntrj tuh;7, txfiBBUg 1
Tckt lDtrchsD(sbU vita QuU B.S.CO.
Programme (Royal Mall If. Folder)
ontalnlpg Maps and details of 38
different tours to
may be had on application
The Royal Mall Steam I'acket Co.
hANDKJtSON A HON.. Gen. Agts., IS
tltt L811q Bt.. Chicago, or any
local steamship ticket agent
the schools, were In favor of the kind of
medical Inspection contemplated.
Dr. llelllnger also said the American
Judical association waa not back of this
movement, thnt It was purely sanitary,
hygienic and preventive. The board
could not and would not enforce any order
for the treatment of a child. The ex
amination, whenever required, would
show the condition of the child, nnd it
would then be up to the parent.
Dr. Mlnear desired only to know the
character of the Inspection and said he
would not oppose It If It did not Imply
compulsory treatment.
Matter Ones liver.
Member Luis, who presided In the ab
sence of President Tlnley, rnld the board
saw no way of bringing about such In
spection even thnURh It was desired, as
there was no money to pay for Inspection,
but that the matter would be further
considered by the board.
Outside of the regular routine business
of the session the only other business
transacted wan the approval of the bonds
of Contractor qeorge V. Hughes for the,
performance of his contract to build the
new high school addition. Ills bond waa
M per cent of the contract price, nnd was
furnished by the Fidelity Casualty com
pany of Omaha.
First Program for
Ames Short Course
Those In charge of the work of prepar
ing the program that will be followed nt
the Ames college Short course, to be held
at the Auditorium building In this city
January M to 23, have about completed
their work. The course will Include do
mestic science, grain and stock Judging
In addition to tho tegular agricultural
courses. The program as now arranged
provides for only the principal features
of the week. There will be many In
teresting special subjects Bnd courses,
the purpose being to provide instruc
tion for all of tho members of the
fanners' families. As com raising Is tho
chief thing In the farmer's prosperity,
the tentative program devotes the great
est amount of time to Its consideration,
as will be seen from the following draft:
Monday, 10 a. m. Organization meeting.
(All students meet together for 11 general
discussion of the week's work.)
1 p. m. Discussion: What Is the best
ear for seed? Four questions to be
asked about each car Intended for peed.
Indications that un ear will yield well.
Class work: Ticking out cars showing
good nnd poor qualities In answer to
question, "Will It Yield?" Placing three
best cars In ten on this point and writing
2:20 p. ni, For second section of cluss.
Work same as for first section,
Tuesday, 3 11. m. Discussion: Imllcu- -lions
that corn will ripen.
Class work: ricking out ears showing
characteristics that Indicate that earn
will or will not ripen safely. Placing
best three ears in ten on this point and
writing reasons.
10:30 a. m. Hume as 9 11, in.
1 p. m. Discussion: Imortcd and w.ed
house seed. Indlcatlona that seed curs
do or do not' show improvement. The
farmer's seed plot.
Class work: Ploking out eara which do
and do not show Improvement, Placing
best three ears in ten on this point and
Riving reasons, p. m. Same ai 1 p. tn.
Wednesday, 0 a. in. Discussion Im
portunes of a good stand of com. In
dications that ears will or will not grow.
Class work; PICktnK out cars which will
and will not grow- Study of germination
. 10:30 a. in. Bamo as at 9 a. m.
1 n. m.Demonstrotlon: Selecting, car
ina for. testing nnd preparing seed corn
for the planter.
'2:sa p. m. same as 1 i. m.
Thursday. 0 a. m. Demonstration:
Continued from Wednesday afternoon.
Discussion: "How to Plant atralgnt
Ilowa of Corn." Number of kernels per
hill. Depth of planting.
Class work: mudy or mounts snowing
different depths of planting.
10:30 a. 111. name as u a. m.
1 . m. Discussion: Corn root worm
and other Insects, notation of crops.
Class work: Study ot roots injured by
root worms. Study or samples or root
worms nnd other Insects.
2:30 p. m. Hamo as 1 p. m.
Friday. 9. a. in. Discussion: How the
oat crop can bo Improved. What can be
done to Improve permanent gross land.
Demonstration: rreparation 01 seca
oats. .
10:30 a. m. Same as 3 u. m.
1 n. m. Discussion: Quack grass nnd
other weeds. Preparing tho seed bed and
cultivating the corn.
Class work; muoy or samples or woods
and weed seeds.
2:50 p. m.-tfame as 1 p. in.
Tslks by local people and short course
mainly un ui,Mii.nii.ii. 1
Kxamlnntloh: Covering week's work.
Saturday (afternoon Corn sals.
Stockholders of
Auditorium to Meet
The annual meeting of' the stockholders
of tho Auditorium company wilt be held
at 2 o'clock Friday nftenloon In tho Com
mercial club rooms. Tho t meeting la to
bo pf considerable ImportanVo and Oeorge
F. Hamilton, tho president .of the Audi
torlum company, desires every stock
holder to be present or secure representa
tion by giving his proxy to someone who
will attend.
Report Shows Big Business Bone for
First Week.
Inquest nt .Mount Plensnnt .Shoirs
the Antltnrltlea Were .ot to
Illnnie for Dentil of
noliert Jnpllne.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKH MOINES, la.. Jan. (-.-(Special
Telegram.) A report from the local post
offlco on the business done under the
parcels post system made today shows
and he climbed on top to start It. The
board on which he stood gave way and
he fell Into the machine Just as it started
again. He was well known In Outhrie
Cost of CollrKes Is Immense.
A statement from the state treasurer
today shows that the cost of the three
state colleges of Iowa is becoming enor
mous. The present annual payments out
of the state treasury apgregate for Ames.
JS77.324, and 1327.W0 Is to be added at the
next session of the legislature if the ad
vice of the board Is followed. At Iowa
City the annual payment Is $eM: and
j 100.) more Is ne;dcd. At Cedar Fall" 1
the cost Is J252.DB7 and H7.M0 Is to be
added. With these additions. dcemcO
necessary to carry on tho work In the ,
most economical way. tho aggregate an
nual cost will be Jl.max). In addition i
Children Need "Cascals" When
Cross, Feverish or Constipated
Any child will Rladly take "Cascarets Cnndy t athartlc" which act gentlj
never gripe or produce tho slightest uneasiness though cleanses the Utile one's
Constipated Dowels, sweetens the stomach and puts tho liver In a healthy condition.
Full directions for children and grown-ups in each package.
Mothers can rest easy after giving this gentle, thorough laxative to children.
that In the first week ot operation n total
of 15.SS2 packages were mailed under the 1 the legislature Is nsked to make special
new rate irom tills ornce. Only 3,343 appropriations for tho two yeurs uggre
packages were received nt the postofflce. i KutliiK S3!,3li0.
10 CeilfSs Never BP" or ,eken
for delivery here. The outgoing buslnem
was made large by the fact that 'on the
first day of the system the state sent out
a large number of packages of automobile
plate numbers.
Imineat nt Asylum,
Dentli of Prominent I'.iliu-ntor.
Iter. 8. D. MjicFmlden, vice presl.ant
of Highland Park rollcKe. died todoy of
anemia. Ho had been for 11 number of I
year prominent In church work and was
pastor or tne Westminster 1'resuytenan
Judge ltoblnson of the Statu Hoard 0c'ch"li of hls city. When Highland Park
Control attended an Inquest held nt
Mount Plearnnt over the body of an in
sane patient who died at the stnte hospi
tal.' The Jury found that the patients
death was hastened by the action of
another and irresponsible patient In the
hospital, and- exonerated the manage
ment of the hospital from any blame In
the affair. Tho deceased, Robert Jop
llng, had been assaulted by E. A. Wlrtz,
the latter having volunteered to assist an
Itntr Case; to lie Prepared,
Thoro was a conference held at the
office ot the Sluto Kallroail commission
todAy to consider plans for presenting to
the Interstate Commerce commission the
matter of the complaint of Interior Iowa
cities regarding, freight rates to and from
far western points. It Is said that gross
discriminations arc practiced nnd that the
schedules of some of the; roada neod re
vising to he fair to the Iowa trade. Rep
resentatives of various commercial or
ganizations and traffic men were present.
The evidence Is to bo presented to the
Interstate Commerce commission at Chi
cago January 21.
l'nlU Into Threshing; Machine.
Hutlcr Scott, while threshing near Bag
ley, fell Into a thrcslilng machine and
one leg was ground off to the hip, the
other to the knee. Ho died a short time
afterward. Tho machine became clogged
college was taken over by the Prosby
tcrlans he becamo connected with It and
had devoted himself to Its upbuilding
.i'xf A lilt mloiiliie Hnllroad.
Farmers living along tho lino of the
Newton & Northwestern, wflilch is In part
to be abandoned by order of the federal
court, have taken nn appeal to tho ap
pellate court from the decision of Judge
MoPhcrson, and they Intend trying out
tho question of the right of a company
to abandon a part of Its property nnd to
continue operating the remainder The
farmers Insist that by giving right-of-way I
and offering other Inducements they nc I
quired an Interest In the property and
huvo a right to Insist upon operation of 1
the same.
V' titWFBr Just one nameH
sVmt Wntch Illnmed for Wreck.
MARSH ALJrOWN, In., Jan. S. (Spe
cial.) A slow watch was today declared
by Jacob Hoogan, the engineer, to
have been the cause of the head
end collision In which four train
men were Injured near Albion on . the
Minnesota & St. Louis yesterday. Hoogan
said his watch had lost time without him
knowing It, In spito of the fact that tho
watch had been Inspected only a low
days before.
All Kectal Diseases cured without a surgical
operation. No Ubloroiorm. luncr or oilier gen
eral aneasthetia used. CURB GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME. fBXAMiKATioN free.
DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Baa Building, Omaha, Nebraska
Persistent Airsrtlslng Is the Road to
Blii Returns,
Tho Best Advertising Mediums in Their Territory.
CSvv3 CSviSv C&0 CSvSv CSv&v Bv&vS Ss&s BfvSvO Qv&yl tSvSvC
y it
o sera man eko mo mo ceo asm mm ceo ora mo rasa mi
Hit It HARD!
Give that cold three knocks
a day and make a quick end
of gueeze and cough with
Xftoh knock ix a heaping table
gpoooful of this well-known
builder of strength.
Welcome to the taste as any
other wboiKme food, it beats
a cold to death and thus pre
vents dangerous bickness.
Whoever is thin in flesh or
poor in blood aad therefore a
target for cold, may drive
it out with OZOMTJLSION.
1 os. AW SMHSRI os.
ORT DO DOB, la.. Jan. ..-(Speclal.l-J.
C. Edwards, the Watertown, S. D.,
former who was found here suffocated
In a car of potatoes that was kept warm
with a charcoal burner, had made various
trips of this kind In refrigerator cars, ac
cording to his relatives who came heie
for the body, The young nian was a very
successful 'farmer and shipped a gToat
many potatoes, always accompanying
them to their destination. He slept In
the refrigerator cars In which they wero
shipped, always equipped with an iron
bur which ha Inserted In the door before
It was sealed so that sufficient air mlgli;
circulate In the car. How he happoned
to make this trip without adjusting the
Iron bar his relatives cannot understand.
They took the body to Watertown for
Mite Horses Burn to Death.
ORINNEI.U !-. Jsn. t.-(Speclal.l-Ttie
livery bam belonging to T. F. "Wiley,
nine head of horses and a doxen buggies
and other vehicles, harness and equipment
were burned by fire of unknown origin
etrly this forenoon. The loss Is 17.KX),
partly Insured.
Amen Armory Sold nt Auction.
AMES, I.. Jan. 8.-Speclal.-Fallln5
to be a paying investment the armory
of the local state militia company was
sold at public auction today for n.SW.
The building was built by public sub
scription, but It had never paid Interest
on the Investment The company prob-
Oni of tht Squadron ef Twenty-Four Whitt Motor Truth Owned by Armour and Company y
CAtcajo, and Operand by than in tht Principal Cities of tht United Statu
10 ,
The predominant use of White Motor Trucks 'by the foremost
mercantile and manufacturing firms, not only in the United States, but
throughout the world, is the most convincing proof of their superior
merit in practically every line of service.
A Few Well-Known Owners of White Squadrons
American Can Company Joseph Home Company
American Chicle Company Hudson's Bay Company i
American Steel and Wire Company Illinois Steel Company '
McCreery and Company
Armour and Company
Berghoff Brewing Association
Booth Fisheries Company
Brazilian Government
Coca-Cola Company
Cudahy Packing Company
Diamond Rubber Company
T. Eaton and Company, Ltd.
Marshall Field and Company
Gimbel Brothers
R F. Goodrich Company
Gulf Refining Company
National Cash Register Company u 1
Pabst Brewing Company
Philippine Islands Government
Postum Cereal Company, Ltd
Remington Typewriter Company ' .
Russian Government
W. and J. Sloane
Standard Oil Company
United Cigar Stores Company
United States Government
Winchester Repeating Arms Company
White Motor Trucks are built in capacities of 34, 1 1-2, 3 and 5 tons,
and all models are uniform throughout in parts and design, thus making
them the most practical for the standardization of delivery or transpor
tation service. Literature and detailed information furnished on request
Gasoline Motor Cars, Trucks and Taxicabs
' i"tS
fllif w ra
rvnrm rrerurM rtrsrMi
111 111 11!
CSNfcfsS3 Kviikta
Bssrfgy,r cSvJSnj vSva
Chunky S or. brown aainela bom. fr iW' will be nuutered out
I mm rni5nn mm fnoi
.JO OU. 1U ti JV.
Sv cvi2v3 cSnv
ET5"T1 F'iT'V IC&yZYl
Sxravs ebxrfiv csvsvo
I by mall on request to Oxomulslon, tit 1
I ftwl SI, Nl Tort. j Kt. to tht 8ituatl..n-B Ad.t.tmnj.