L3 THIS WW. OMAJIA, 'lWRSDAV, JANTAK.Y i), 35)13. 13 I k I;-QK SALK OK KXCUAXOK . WE handle successfully exchanges of merit. It you have anything to deal In lln a hum', call Star Ijuid Co.. 21; Xat'l. Fidelity & Casualty nidg., or phono Doug- IBS .jw. I HAVE several factions of land In Jawson county, Montana. I will exchange clear for good Omalm -Property. i iuso have good well-Improved rarms hear countv seat town In other atatea. will exchange dear for Omaha property. 1 uui on or address 734 umuna .National llonk building. Telephone D. 4040. HUM, USTATE A11STIIACT". 4F TtTI,B. HEED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fline In Nebraska, 20! Hrandels Theater. CITY l'ltUI'Hll'l Y I'Oll SALU THE HOSBDUD LAND CO. handles exchanges of all kinds. Koom 8, I onttnental Blk., Omaha. TO BUY, SELL OR HKNT, F1H8T SEH JOHN W. KOnittNB. 1803 FA11NAM ST. MAP OF OMAHA BTUEET8. Indexed, free at office: 2 stamps by mall. CHA8. 11 WILLIAMSON CO.. Ileal Estate, In surance. Care of Property. Omaha. FOR l.VIiE Oil HXCIIA.MSE. EXCHANGE XX) acre. Thomas county, Neb. Small Improvements; price $10 per acre, want Omaha Income or residence property. 112,000 equity In Omaha Incomo property; renting 1102 per month. Price $16,000. Can trade both for a good farm or ranch. w. b. frank, IOCS City Nat'l. Bank Bid. REAL ESTATE KAIIM A UANCH I, ANUS FOR SALE Arunnaitn. FORTY acres, 5 miles from Nashville, on public road, 30 acres in cultivation, Rood spring, 6-acre orchard. 4-room house, Rood outbuildings. Price, $1,000. Southern Realty & Trust Co., Nashville. Ark. Iovrn. FOR SALE A good 2o-acro farm. Im proved, threo acres of fruit, one mile from Bentley, la., 17 miles from Council Bluffs, possession March 1: good terms; u. bargain: no trades considered. A. J. Whlnery, Bentloy. Ia. Missouri. LAND FOR SALE Wrlto for prices Of corn, clover and blue grans lands. Co operative Realty Co., Humansvllle. Mo. Acbrmka. FarmsFarmsFarms Driving distance of Omaha; bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sires, all prices, all terms. ORIN S. MERRILL, Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. Your chance to prosper and live In Sunny California, Buy ten aores on the most attractive and productive suburban fruit land, within four and one-halt miles of the rapidly growing CITY OF SACRAMENTO Ideal for a home or an Investment Every acre proven land. Water piped to house. Klectric lights. Good drainage. Every city convenience. If desired. Dotted with magnlflcont live oaks. On the bluffs overlooking the American River. Oranges, lemons, pomolcos and dccldu oils fruits, growing to perfection, within a short distance. Prices right. Terms 20 cash, balance $1.00 per acre per month. Excursions January 7th and 21st, Spe cial refund to purchasers. W. T. SMITH CO., 815 City Nat. Bank, Omaha, Neb. Phone D 2S19. 0-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 to $3 PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres ot Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest tarm land, where the crop yields for 11 years, including 1910 and 1911, averaga with the best In the State Alfalfa alio a leading crop. Better soil. w-tr and climate cannot be found. Write' for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINQSLAND INVESTMENT CO , SIDNEY. NKB 160 ACRES of land In Valley county. Nebraska, for sale or trade for Council Bluffs property. Business lot for sale on North Main streot. Inquire. F. A. Spencer, :::I7 Broadway. Council Bluffs. New Vork. A POSTAL card will bring you de scription of .some of tho best farms In New York state, that will bo sold for less than they are worth and on easy terms. W. E. Feller, Wcltlny Block, Syracuse, N. Y, Tcxni, 20-ACRE tract Texas land; located about a mile from Providence, Tex., 3S miles from Gulf coast and 70 miles from Houston. Excellent climate. Gulf breeze Best soil In Texas; can ralso any frUlt except apples; all vegetables. Paid $33 per ucre "four years ago, before country waB settled at all. Country all settled and good crops raised every year. Plenty rain fall. Present vntuc, $60 per acre. Will sacrifice for quick sulo ut $37.50 per acre AVill sell all or part of tract. Call Doug las 1456 or Harney 3091, or address C 215, Bee. Miscellaneous, FARMING lands for sale, cheap, on long time. Send for list. Scandinavian American Land Company, Amery. Wis. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live slock lu tsoum 0111114. mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful inten tion. Live Sioeli Coimiilialon Mercliaula. BVKU BROS, & ro. Strong, reliable CLIFTON Coin. Co.. : Exchange Hide. LAV HUT V HUH!-, I .IN Kxutial.re Uldg MARTIN BROS, As Co., Exchange Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Stockholders" mcettne-of the Union Land Company: Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Union Land Company for the elec tlon of five, directors and the transaction of such other business as may legally tome before the meeting, will be held at Room 1103, Union Puclflo headquarters building, loth and Dodgo streets. Omaha Nebraska, on Monday, the 13th day of January, 1913, at 10 o clock, A. M. The btock truns4Cf hooKs will be closed 10 dava previous to the meeting. Alex Millar Secretary. New York City, N. Y Dec! 24. 1912. D 24 to J 12 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Building Company will be held at the company's office ut 4 p. m Tuesday, January 21st, 1913, for the elec tion of a Board ot Directors for the en bulng year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before' the meeting. By order of tho President. D25d2H N. P. FE1L. Kecrctary STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING! ' Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeetlhg of the stockholders of The Hankers" Reserve Llfo Company of Oinaliu, Nebranka, will bo held" at Its bonie office In the City Nutlonnl Bank building. In said city, at 4 o'olock P. m on Wednesday, January IS, 1913, for the election of directors und the transaction of such other business as may properly come beforo It. Omaha, Nebraska. Dee. 19, 1912. R. C. WAGNER. Secretary. Decl5-26-Jan2-9 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-METALS-Cop-per arrivals, 405 tons; exports this month, 3.1(0 tons; IOndon copper, dull; spot, 176; future, fl2 6.1. Indon tin. dull; spot. ISit ia; futures, 22S 10s. tendon lead, 17 13s 9d. London spelter, 126 f. Iron, Cleve I.iihI warrants, ws 6d In Iondon. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8. METALS Lead, film: $1.20. Silter, firm: $7.30. Sukiic .llni-l.cl. N EW YORK, Jan. S -SUGAR-Raw, 'ailv inuscov.tdo. Hi test n.05c, centrtf '!' W test, J . molasses. (est, JiOc, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET General Snow Over Wheat Produc ing States Causes a Drag. CORN MARKET MAKES A GAIN Spirited Short SrlUnt Wm Done on the Advance nnd the MnrUrt In Helped on Its Wnr hy This Pressure. OMAHA, Jan. 8, 1913. The general snow over tho growing wheat states was a drag on the market yesterday. Buyeis succeeded In getting the May deliveries up, but In doing so overloaded themselves and sold out below 92c The wheat they had brought about that figure. The new crop months were under the Influence of the snowfall and failed to follow tho advance In May to any material extent. When a few early buyers attempted to unload they found that the market had been supplied from the scattered commission sales that had been made all the way up. The weather and effort of receivers to clear up the congestion at Minneapolis cause, 'lighter receipts at northwest ter minals, but the total thcrn nevertheless was sbout double those of n year ago. It was tho goneral opinion near the cloo In the absence of outside speculation and so little cash demand that valuta may work somewhat lower now that the growing wheat has temporary protection. Cosh wheat unchanged. Corn specialists yesterday said after the close that It looked as though he Armour Grain company, which has been buiusrf of late, had sold May corn under cover, the selling of Chapin and KI.14 Parnum being credited to It. There weio also others, who claimed to know, who said their selling was for other Interests than Armour. It was noticeable that many firms had a good deal of corn to sell when the May option reached 60 cents. The market made a distinct gain yesterday. There was some attempt at realizing the little trailing Ions late in the day yesterday, and, as In wheat, It was found that tho scattered selling by commission houses had filled tho market up. Spirited short soiling was dono on tho advance, the market being helped on Its downward way by this added pressure. Cold weather with geueral snow prevailed over mdat of Uia corn belt yesterday. Cash corn un changed to Ho down. The trade In oats won light yesterday, the market In sympathy with corn eased off on selling by Chicago bulls. Cash oatH unchanged. Clearances were! Wheat and flour, 40S.000 bu.; corn, 134,000 bu.; oats, 215,000 oil. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged vo rtd lower; corn, '.i4H.fi lower. Primary wheat receipts wero $64,000 bu. and shipments 520,000 bu against receipts of 242,000 bu. and shipments of 207.000 bo. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,467,000 bu. and shipments 911,000 bu., against receipts of 864,000 bu, and shipments of 465,000 uu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 903,000 bu. and shipments 694,000 bu., against receipts of 22J,(ui bu. nnd shipments of 774,000 uu. last year. The following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 2 haid winter, 12 cars. 83tfc; n0. 3 hard, winter. 1 car, SSc: 1 car, 82Vic; 1 car, 82Kc; No. 3 spring, 1 car, S2o; I car, 82fcc; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 83c; 1 car, S2ijc. OATS-Standard, 1 car. 324c; No. 3 white, 5 cars, 31ic; no grade. 1 car, SlVic. tuiux-jvo. a wnue, 2 cars, Myic; 1 car, 44c; No. 3 yellow. 2 cars, 43V4c; 4 cars, 43!4c; 2 cars, 43c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 42Hc. No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 43c; 1 car, 42?ic. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 42Hc; 1 car, 42c. Omaha Otan t'rlce. WHEAT No. 2 hard, S3i864sc; No. 3 hard, S2S3Ho; No. 4 hard, 77iffSlo No. 3 spring, 82S2?ic; No. 4 spring, MbVc. COHN INO. 3 white. 4tc4i4o: No. 4 white, 42&8'43c; No. 3 yellow. 4343!ic; No. 4 yellow, 4242V4c; No. 3, 42',4g43c; No. 4, 4IW42V4c: no grade, 38039c. OATS No. 2 white. 32S32V4c; standard, 31Q32c; No. 3 white, 31HWic; No. 4 white. 31031UC. BARLEY Malting, E2Q63c; No. 1 feed, 4045c. RYE No. 2, E36D4c; No. 3, G8HSS)s. t'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago "11 466 131 Minneapolis- ... 1S4 ... ... DulUth 197 Omaha 43 62 17 Winnipeg 213 Wires, down from Kansas city and dL Louis on account of storm. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fcatarc ot the Trading and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Thrce-elghtha of a cent covers the fluctuations of the dull grain markets today, closing pricea being without a material chango rrom yester day. Provisions were slightly more active and prices moderately higher. Prostrated teLegraph wires curtailed business. There being no news of Importanco r.a affecting tlse wheat market, that pit was left largely to tho whims of professional traders. The result was diagnosed as a "narroy, choppy and utterly unreliable." market. Cables wens colorless, receipts curtailed by tho cold weather and snow, which Incidentally was reported to pro vldo a sufficient cover for the fall sown crop. The story of corn was the story ot wheat retold. Handlers of the spot articles were unable to got reports regarding overnight orders and stagnation re sulted. Prices wcro a shade down at tho close, but tho undertone was firm. Oats were slightly easier. Cash traders hedged a bit, selling May, which, how ever, went to local' traders. Provisions were firm and active on a small run of. hogs and a sharp commis sion houao demand. Receipt at tho stock yards were curtailed by the storm. One thousand tierces of lard, and SO.OUO pounds of ribs wero delivered on January con tracts. Futures ranged as follows! Artlcle Open. High. Low. Close.Ye'y. Wheatl May, 1914! 9214 H4 9I?4 Oil, 91 (Sli July. Sept. Corn May. July. Sept. Oats May. July.' Sept. Pork Jan.. Man. Lard Jan.. May. Ribs Jan.. May. 8Uffl'9i! MUSDiV4 89U Mlt 49-.(&n 8St 4914' iV.4 I 1 I 4954 514 4H 50Vifli' 49?i'3'H! fi0i 50U6. I 1 51frSl 51W, S3U0J.1 33i 03U 33il 33H 3314 3314 17 60 IS 071, 9 45 9 7214 33W4I 33J4 33149 V, I 17 70 U 12H 1 17 80 17 70 17 S3 18 20-22 9 62Vs 18 10-12 9 47W1 9 7214 I 9 C24 18 1714 9 C0-521 9 7714 9 47-6CH 9 72-75 9 62H1 9 7V72 9 SO 9 6714 9 73 9 G5 9 60 9 70-72 9 72-751 9 65-67 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red. $l,101.12Mi; No. 3 red, $l,04iW.0S; No. 2 hard, SKu&oec; No, 3 hard, 844j93c; No. l northern $9V&fiU0l4c; No. 2 northern. 87 8SHc; No. 3 northern, 84a7c; No. 2 spring, S7iiSSc; No. 3 spring. 84fcc; No. 4 spring. 7Sf(84c; velvet chaff. 8389c; durum, Kiii 8914c Corn, No. 3,'46l4(jj4714c; No, 3 white. ii'WsviCi io. J yellow, WfVPii'M; MO. 4, 41ir4614o; No. 4 white. 461ift47c; No. 4 yel low. 44l4i84lie. Oats, No. 2 white, 34f 34V4C. No. ?, 32B321c; No. 3 whit", 32W 3314c; No. 4 white, Jl'433e; standard SH4'rf33Hc. Rye, No. 2. 4c. Burley. 4972c. Timothy, fj.coga.so. Clover. $10.O0ffid8.5O. HI'TTRR Stnailv: rnnin.rl,, I EGGS Receipts 2,006 cases; 'fresh re ( celpts at mark, cases Included. S&Ej-usc; iviiibeiuiui- urir, ivn1, lirsi, ic. CHEESE Steady; daisies, l65B17c; twins. 16'.4ftl614c; young Americas, 164H 17c; long horns, 16ftl7c. TOTATOBS-Steady; receipts .17 cars; Wisconsin. 42Sr47c, Michigan, 464tc; Min nesota, 45848c. PO ULTRY Firm; turkeys. allvo, 15o; dressed, 21c; chlckekns, dressed, 14c; springs, alive, 1414c. VEAL-fcJteady, 9fHc. , Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'IV-Steady; winter patents, $4.2&gi 4.90; winter straights. $3.904.C5; spring; patents. $1.0004.20; spring straights, $3.StW 3.90; bakers. $..40tf?.GO. RYB No. 2. 64c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, f365c; aflr to cliolce molting, 54j71c. SEEDS Timothy, $f.(ge.90: clover, $10.Kjj18.60. PROVISIONS Moss pork, new, $17.7Mf 17.K7V I-ird, $9.Ktt4. Short ribs, loose, $9.12lJl9.75. Clearances of wlieat and flour were equal to 4W,000 bu. Prlmarv receipts wero HH.Of Uu . against 208,000 bit. a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat, It' eats. orn SIS v.irs. oats. K5 civr!; hubs 8fc,w) la-ad BITTER Steady . creamery. S4JH.V. 1XH1S -Receipts, iV; .use, fresh re cr.pt at mark, cm I moIihU-1. JMWRo; rt frlgerator. 19Hc; firsts, Ko. CHK15Sn--Htfudy; recolpts ST cars; Wis consin. 4-tHTc; Michigan. iSfNc. Minne sota, IMHSc Pol" LTRY Firm: turkeys, alive, 1e. dressed, ao, chickens, tlrvBsed. lc: sprlURH, alive. Hfeo. VBAlv-titcaUy; ftgl4i NKW YORK UU.NKItAI. MAIIKUT Unotntlnn of the llnr on Vnrlona Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. S.-FLOl"R-MBrket quiet; spring patents. $4.404M.; winter straights, tl.4J94.S5; winter imtents. $ .65 fffi.00; spring clears, $4.1&0I-4T: winter exttas No 1. $4.0f.4.ir.; winter extras No. 2, $3.Mf4.0S; Kansas straights. $4.Ctttf 4.10. Rye flour, dull, fair to good. $S.W 3.Sfi; choice to fancy, $3.90M.oo. Buck wheat flour, steady, $i40 per 100 pounds. OORNMKAL-Steady; fine whlto and yellow. $1 30130. coarse, tl.Sl.W; kiln dried, $3.15. RTE-Qulet; No. 2 western, 6&tf67c c. I. f. Buffalo. HARLEY Steady ; feeding, 59c c. I f. New York; malting. 60070c c. 1. f. Buf falo. (WHEAT Spot market ensy; No. 2 led. $1.0ti, elevator, and $1.07, f. o. b. afloat, both nominal. No. 1 northern Duluth, K", f. o. b. afloat Futures market was dull, closing 'ic net higher for regular and Vc higher for bonded wheat. CORN Spot market steady, export. 65 e. f. o. b. afloat. OATS M pot market quiet; standard white, 40c, nominal: No. 3, SSHtlS94o, No. 4, SSigato; natural white, r'i'frCWHc; re ceipts, ffi.OOO bu.; shipments, 14,000 bu. FEED Steady; western spring bran (100-pound sacks), $24.00; standard mid dling (100-pound sacks). $24.00: city (luo poiind sacks). $24.60. HAY Steady. Rtandard. $1.05; No. 1, fl.V7mfl.10; No. 2. $1.00011.024; No. 3, M f8,V. HOPS Steady . state, common to choice. 1912, 23ir.12c; 191ft 124fl5e; Pacific coast 1912, lOfjSSe: 1911. UtflGc. HIDESSteady; Central America. 274c; Bogota, 274Mc LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 1S3 29e; seconds. 27j2Sc; thirds. 2IJr2Be; re jects, 19.ff20c. PROVISIONS Pork, easy, mess, $1S.T5 ew.25; family. $22. 00 23.00- short clear. $22.0Wf2l.0O. Beef, quiet: mew, $20.COii2U"l; family. $24.00Sr2T.00: beef hams, $.W.(XV3I 32.00. lard, weak; middle west pi line, t9.6Sfi0.7S: refined, quiet; continent. tlo.4.i, South America. $11.20; compound, tT.TWj) 8.00. TALLOW Uuny; prime city, hogs heads, 6',4c; special, 7c; country, CtfffVic refined, steady. Bl'TTER Unsettled; receipts. 5,000 tubs; creamery extras. 36ff364c; firsts 32Qc; factory held. 22Wft24c. CHEESE Steady and unchanged: re ceipts 1,000 boxes. EGGS Firmer; receipts, 7,561 cases; frenh gathered, seconds and lower grailus, SWr23c; icfrlgcrator. Bpeclal marks, fancy and locnl storage charges puld. 205I20V4o; nearby hennery, whites, funcy, large, now laid, 35006c; western gathered whites, 26 41 32c. St. 1, mils (iencrnl .lurkcl. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8. WHEAT Cash, higher; track. No. 8 red, $1.005fl.l2!4; No. 2 hard. 88H4fl92c. Conx Higher; track, No. 2. 46c; No. 2 white, 49MfW4c. OATK-Steady; trnck, No. 2, 33'ic; No. 2 white, 35t. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Firm; May, 92?ic; July SSVitp SSHc. CORN Weak; May. 48?4:; July. 49Tc. OATS Firm: May. 334c; July, 31c. RYE Unchanged nt C2',c. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents. $4.90f5.10; extra fancy and straight. $4.00 4.60; hard winter clears, $3.40if3.tV0. SEED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEAIi-$2.90. BRAN Strong; sacked, cast truck, $1.02 1.06. HAY - Steady,;, timothy,' $12.00t17.00; prairie, f 11.0014.50. ' BAGGING 9760. TWINE-Ilomp, So. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job bing, $16.75. Lard, unchanged: prime steam, $10.95011.05. Dry suit meats, un changed; boxed extra shorts, llc; clear ribs, HJc; short clears, 11c. Bacon, unchangud; boxed extra shorte, 12Hc; clear ribs, 12?io; short clears,. 124c. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 12c; springs, 14c; turkeys. 17c; ducks, 15c;, geese, 12c. BUTTER Firm; creamery. 2735c. Eaas-Hlgher at 25c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bunds 6,000 11,000 Wheat, bushels 48,000 115,000 Corn, bushels 53.01) 101,000 Oat, bushuls 61,000 103,000 KniiHiis City Grain nnd Provisions. ICANSAS CITY. Jan. 8.-WHEAT Un changed: No. 2 hard, R4fWlc; No, 3, 8.1 90c; No. 2 red, $1.0341.07VS; No. 3, 97ciai $1.0514. CORN Steady to 14c lower; No. 2 mixed. 4614c; No, 3, 46c; No. 2 white. 434 i?49c; No. 3. 48c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 34t!5o; No. 2 mixed. 3Mi03Hc Closing prices of futures: WHEAT May. 8014c: July. SV.tmVAc. CORN May. 4Sic; July, 4S?i(4S7ic. OATS May, 35c. t HAY Unchanged. RYE Unchanged. EGGS Extras, 27c; firsts. 24!4il'25c; sec onds, 15c. POULTRY Hens, 12M3c; roosters, Sc; young turkeys, 18c; ducks, 1 134; 14c. Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bushels 43,000 63,000 Corn, bushels 32.000 42.000 Outs, bushels 20,000 3,0(10 Prorln Market; I'EORIA. Jan. 7. CORN 14 lc up; No. 3 white. 47c; No. 4 white. 46!Jc; No. 3 yel low, 4M47c; No. 4 yellow, 4KWc; No. 2 mixed, 4014c; No. 3 mixed, 451i6 4614c; No. 4 mixed. 44Mtft45Uc; sample. 4!4c. OATS UWHc up; No. 2 white, 34c: standard. 33l4c; No. 3 white, S3e; No. 1 white, 32',5c. Mlhvnukrr (irnlii Sliirket, MILWAUKEE, Jan. 8. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 89tfWc; No. 2 northern. SeCSSc; No. a hard winter. (HB3o,; Muy, 89!4&89Hci July, SSVfSSHc CORN No. 3 yellow. 46',4ft47c; No. 2 white, 4714c; No, .1, 46'a46V4c; May, 49-14c; July, COlic. OATS-StandRrd, 3314c. Peorlu -tlnrUcl. PEORIA, Jun. 8.CORNUnchanged lo lie lower; No. 4 white, 45c; No. 3 yellow 45i 46;c No. 4 yellow. 44J445Hc; No. 3 mixed, 45H'&46;c No. 4 mixed, 441i-l5iic: sample. 4214c OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 33;c; standard. 834PiBVic; No. 3 white, 32ic: No. 4 white, 32H32?4C. ' MlnnenpollH (iralu JltarUel, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 8. WHEAT May, 8C?;c; July, 88c; cash. No. 1 haul, 81V4c; No. 1 northern, S4fS5ic; No. 2 northern, fcafttiS-ftto; No. 2 hard, Montana. S34c; No. 3. NXeSH4c. tills nnd Ilnaln, SAVANNAH. Jan. 8. TURPENTINE Firm at ,U40c. ROSIN-Flruu type F, $5.325rC33; tyDe G, $5.42iiC.45. lype Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8. WOOI-.steady territory and western mediums, 2lr20c' line mediums, 18ft20c; fine, 1&?17c. ' SAYS MAIL ORDER LUMBER DEALERS ARE PERSECUTED CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Persecution on the part of tho Retail Lumber Dealers' asso ciation was testified to by Henry W. Scott, owner of several mall order houses In Davenport, la., today before Special Examiner Roy E. Fuller, In the govern ment case brought against the retail lumber deaers under the Sherman anti trust law. "They employed any means short of murder and fire," ho sold, "They had de tectives In our plant, bribed our employes and traced all of our shipments and then warned dealers In the towns to which we shipped." The Persistent an'. Judicious Use tt Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Dullness Success. 1 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Copper Issues Depressed by Increase in Metal on Hand. TENDENCY OF STEEL IS LOWER With Decline of Activity In Lenders There Is Diversion nf Specula tive Interest to l.esn Prom inent .Stocks. NEW YORK, Jan. S -Copper shared were depressed today by the unexpectedly large Increase In the stooks of thn metal on hand, which was disclosed lu the producers' statement for Dcember. Steel also showed a sagging tendency, nt one time, selling off a ixilnt Aside from the metal stocks the movement among the favorito speculative mediums whs un usually narrow, with a heavy undertone toward tho close. With tho decline of activity In tho lenders there whs a diversion of spei 11 latlvo interest to less prominent stocks, a number of which developed strength. Beet Sugar sold 3 points above. Its low price of yesterday and Western Maryland Issues advanced shnrply. The Increase of more than 19.000.000 tons In copiw stocks wn larger than had been forecasted and the iiniounl .f tho metal now on hand Is tho largest Blneo November, 1911. ..!?1J'ln' yMt'rdoy" engagement i f H. tW.OOO gold for export, announcement was niacin today of tliu engagement of a similar amount. Although the rise lu for eign exchange rates has been pronounced quotations "are still below what Is re garded ns the export point. The bond market was Irregular. Total Jales, par vnluo, $2,735,000. United Htutes bonds were unchanged on call. NVunber of itlfa md Ih!Ioi quotation! on tocln wr it follm: , . SiIm Itleh. Uw. Clow. AmlmtM Copper .... 30.000 '9, 17 TTU Amu-Iron Agricultural u American hn Sunnr.... H.MO JS 91 H Amortonn rin too ijtj ja i- American Can ifd io ni, mi4 jUi. American tV P joo M4 (5 U American C)Unn Oil too 17U M M Am Ice Htrui'ltlM American I.lneeed ' 1014 American Lx-omntlre 4114 American a. . It c.ooo "i", i, Am. S H. ptd M0 10, m lifti, Am. Suar Tletlntna; uj American T. ft T cm lSMt UVi S9li American Tobacco l.TCo SMli :u t4 Anuconda Mlnlna; Co S.loo 40' .U St Alchlaon Kx 104 lo lo Atchlion pM 500 101 101 100H Atlantic CVaat IJn jjj naltlmorn A Ohio l.joo IMli 105H 106H Bethlehem steel Moo sm, M. S, nrookljn Rapid Tr. 2,(00 M'i 1S Canadian racltlc a,J0t) Ml?, tJ', sIV Central Lcaiher jjit Cheanpeaaa & Oho ?vt C1Ucao O. W m 16S 1114 nn CJilcaro, M. & Rt. P.... S.sno m, 115 1IJH Chlcsin .V. W wo 197 JSI Urt cioriuio v. & i 100 33?; am Consolidated Uaa IPoo 141S 10 140H Corn ProducU 700 1H IIS 13U Delaware Hudaon 100 17 17 15 Denver & Illo tlrand. .. 4W 72 11 tli Dener & II. 0. pfd 1,00 401( M4 Si IlIMlllera Securities .... 1.400 M'i U 1914 5rl" 1,700 SSH S3 3S' Krle lit pM 400 4li 4I 4i4 Krle M pfd 39 Oenerat Uectrla MO 1S 1SJ 111 Great rlhern ptd 3.S0O ism 131 13U, flreat Northern Ore ctia, 10O CO 4 401J 44(4 Illinois Central U7H 137 127 Interbormmh. Met. :oo isii 114 , Inter. Met. pfd 700 Wtt 61'i International llarveeter. . 300 lit ltt not; Inter-Marino pfd 104 International Paper H International Pump WK) 17 17 IT Kasans City Southern 3(4 I. arlede (laa 300 lOCVi KM 4 1034 lehtih Valley 700 147 1C ltt lxu!llle & Naihvllle 141 M , St. r & S. H. M J404 MlMiourl, K. A T M0 394 3$H !84 Mlauutl raclflc ,700 13 414 C!4 tUtlonal lllacult , 121 National Iend is N". It. It. ot M. M pfd 37 Sew York Central ,1 lot N. V , O. t. W 31 .Norfolk & Weatern 111 North American 81 Northern Toclflo l,Ti0 133!i 1314 113 Pacific Mall 31 rennaylvanla t'K) 133S 1334 1U4 reople'a On COO 118 lit IIS r a. c. bi. Ij 100 rittaburith Coal 33; Prrraed Steel Car 100 9 3t 354 Tullman Palace Car 166 .Readlnr lt.MO 1674 16S 1664 nepubllc I. &. B .100 234 4 M!i llepubllc I t H. pfd.... 300 $e; l Ml; Itock Inland Co 34 Tlock Inland Co. ptd CUi Bt. U & B, F. 3d pfd 3Ti seaboard Air Line 1t' Seaboard A. h. pfd 300 C54 IS4 ii Bloaa-Rheffleld 8. & 1 43 Houtheru Pacific ,! 1074 0t 1014 Southern Hallway 2,100 :4 174 21 Bo. HallKay pfd SO 4 Tenneaaee Copper SO1) 374 374 374 Teias & Pacific 300 234 334 33 Union Pacific 14,300 160H 1564 4 Union Pacific pfd 700 81 804 904 United State Ilealtjr 73 United Btutea Hubber.... 1,100 (44 Sili MS United States Steel 19,100 684 74 674 V. 6. Steel pfd 6ft) 1104 1104 1104 Utah Copper s.. 4, COO S04 574 67 Va.-Carollna Cheivlcal .. 300 414 4 Wabaeh 4 3M !,i ,,- 3V WahiUh pfd 134 Weatern Maryland ....... 4,000 414 384 404 Western Union 1,500 76 75 744 WeatlntliotiK lllectrto ... 200 78 78 78 Wheeling & U B 7 ISx-dlvldend. Tulal aalea fur the day, 210,100 atlajei, Spyr Vorlc Money JlnrUel, NBW YORK, Jan. S.-MO.VEY-O11 call easy, IDJQfl per cent; ruling rate, 2i per cent: closing bid, 2 per cont; offered at 3 per cent Time loans: weak; sixty days, 4 per cont; ninety days 44, per cent: six months, 4ty per cent. PRIME! MI5RCANT1MS PAPHIU-cVoCH per cent. .Sterling oxchapge: firm, with actual business In bunkers' bills ut $4. (Ok) for sixty day bills und ut $4.S0 for de mand. Commercial bills: $4.8Pi. muVBR Bar, KOic; Mexican dollars, 43c. nONU.S Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. ciuxiiiK nuotatlons on bonds today were is follows: U. S. ref. la, ret... 101 K. C. So. lef. (a... H4 do coupon 101 8. deb. At 1931 914 U. P- 3s, ret 10; 4 1,. & V, unli 4a.... 1184 do coupon 10r4 M. K. &. T. fit 4a. 944 U. 8. 4i, re 113 d nen. 44e.. . 84 do coupon 1134 Mo. raMflc 4 704 Panama 3a coupon.. 1014 do ioiiv. 6a 88 A.-C. 1t r. ctfa... W N. II. It. ot M. 44a 8I4 Amer A. 6a. .. .10I4N. Y. C. g. 34 -.. 87 A. T. Ac T. cv 4 .110 do deb. 4a 914 Am. Tobacco 6t... 1304 N. V. N. II. A II. Armour A- Co. 44 14 cr. 8H 864 Atchlaon gen. ca.. (TH N". & W. lit c. 4a. 7 do cv. 4t IKjO 1034 'do ct la 1134 do cv. a. ...IO04N0. laclflc 4a 314 A. C. U tat 4a 984 do 3a 04 Hal. t Ohio 4 97 O. B. U rfdr. 4a... 93 do 34 9l4Peen. tv. 4a 1916. 74 UroOk. Tr cv. 4a.. 914 do con. 4a 10JH On. of (la. 6a 107HIttadlnc ren. 4 974 On. Leather 6a 914 B. U & 8, F. tg 4a 74 Cnea. L. Ohio (4..1(4 do (en. (a 834 do etinv. 44a 934St. L. 8, TV. e. 4a.. 804 Chicago tc. A. 34s-. 1 8, A. U ad). 6a.. . 74 C." D. t Q. J, 4.,.. 648o. I'ac. ool. 4i... . 934 do can. 6a 96 do cv. 4a 934 C II S !' n 44a.. JWU to lat ref. 4 934 C, It. I. tc P c. la. 6 60. n&llwar (a... 1084 do rfg. 4a 88 do gen, 4a 78 0. ft 8. r tc e 44a 94 Union Pacific 4a.. .no D. It. ov. 4a T do cv. a 97 D. ft It, O. ref. Sc.. 834 Mo lit ft ref. 4a . 55 4 DlitlllCTa' Ca (94 U. 8. Hubbor 6a. . .1034 Brlo'p. I. 4a KV. R Steel 3d 6a. .1014 do gen. 4a 754 Va. -Car. Chem. 6a. .98 do cv. 4r. er. II 7VWabeh ltt & ex. 4a 634 III. Cen. tit raf. 4a ff(4 Weatern Md. 4a.. . 83U Inter. Met. 44a.. .. 6l4Weet. Hlec. cv. t.. 934 Inter. M M. 44i - M Wla. Central 4a.. Japan 44" 90 llld Offered ' Itiiatoii .Mining: Slock. BOSTON, Jan. 8,-Closlng quotations on mining stocks woro follows: Allouea 41 Mohak . f( Amal. Copper 774Nevada tVm . .. Jl: A- Z. 1 & 8 . . 394Nlplialng Mlnea ... Mi Arltona Com SShbrth flu (to 314 n. & C. C, S. M. 6M North Ijika 34 Cal. Arlwna (9 Old Dominion M Cal. c llecla 616 Osceola n Centennial 11 cjulncy ' 7J Cop. Itanse C. C . 494 Shannon 134 Kaat Ilutta Ct, M . 144 Superior ig! Franklin 84 Superior & D. M... 34 Olroux Ojo 34xamarark n Oraoby Con. . .. 894 L. S. 8. 11. M .. 484 Orcene Cananea ... 84 do pfd 494 Ille Itoyale Copper. 314Utah Con 104 Kerr Uke 34Utah Copper Co ... 674 Lake Copper 214 Winona ju I Halle Cupper. ... S Wolverine 71 Ulaml Copper . J Aiked. (iiiiilltlon iir 'I'rriiHiiry. WAHIIINOTO.V, Jan. S.-Tho condition of the I'nlted Htutes treasury at the be- crlnnlni? nf ltllHlnMn Imlai. xrA.i.i balance, $s$,672.f17. In hanks and Phlllp- i"W irpury. 6j,'V!'.vU, 'total v geuelul fund. $U.2SI.1.V. tieceipta yeaterdav. $l..isx.-', dlsbutsements. $2.75.4,141. The deficit this fiscal vear Is $t,tl,KK, ngalnit a denclt of $:t.M.7SH Inst year. The fm ui es for i-ecolpts. dlsbursenients nnd deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. i - - ."Sr-vr Ycirk llnlnnr Slock. NI5W VOltlv, Jan. S.-Closlng quolaUotis on mining stocks were: Corn. Tunnel head IIHMeirran M !,cadttue Cea. ,. . 6 Ontario 30 Iron Silver 190 Ophlr It Coin. Tunnel itoek.. 8 small llcrea 16 Utile Oiltf 4 Slandard 1M Cen Cal ft Va. . .21 Yellow Jacket It Mo bonds . . . 134 Ortered. London Stuck. Mnrket, LONDON. Jan. S. -American securities opened steady and n fraction higher. Trading was tight during tho forenoon, but a good tone prevailed. Ilnnk Clenrlnua. OMAHA. Jan. S. Bang clearings for to day Were $2.7ai.7lV25 and $2.4?2.fW7.03 for the corresponding day last year. OMAU.V (JliMTltAI. MAHKIIT. CHliESlS Imported SwUs, Sic; Ameri can Swiss, "tic, block Swiss, 24a; twins, too; daisies. 20c; triplets, Wo; Young Americas, 21c; blue label brick. SOc; lim pergor. :-lb c; 1-lb . 33c: New Turk white, 204c- BF.KF IH'TS- Wholesale prices of beef cuts, effective January 6 are as follows: No; 1 libs, Wc; No. 2. l&Hc No. .1. llc; No. I loins. So; No. 2. 16ic; No. 3. lljo; No. 1 chucks. 9t4c; No. 2. S;o; No. 8, 84o; No. 1 round, 13c. No. 3, UVc, No. S. 10Hc; No. 1 plates, R4e, No. 2. 7He; No. 3, "Uc. POUUTRY llrollers. $5.0iri).00 per dox., hens, l.V, cocks, llo, ducks, 20c; geese, ISc; turkeys, 25c: pigeons, per dot., $1.20. Alive, bnrllers. 16c; hens, lie; old roosters, 614c; ducks, full feathered, lllc. geese, full feathered, lac; tut keys, ISc. pigeons, per doK., 1W0: homers, 2M. squabs, No. 1, $1 W; No. 2. 60c. FISH (Frosh) Pickerel, 11c, frozen; white. 14o, frozen; trout, lie, froxen; larxn crupples, 12o;. froxen; Hpunlah mackerel, 16c, eel. 15c, haddock, l.V; flounders, Ita; green catfish, lie; shad roe, per pair, 40c: salmon. 15o; halibut. 10c, frozen. 13c; buffalo, 9c. bullheads. 13c. Oysters, bay standards, $1 90, northern, $1.00; selects, $1.80; counts, $it. FRUITS Oranges. California navels, Cully colored, SO else. $2.00; W Mve. U.'ii; 12(1 slxe. J2 W; UO, 176, 200 and 21S alge, $3.00. Urape fruit: extra fancy Florida, 40, 61, 1 and 80. per box, $3.(0. Cranber ries: Wisconsin long keeping, extra fancy Howes'. Jumbo, per bbl., $!).tAi; extra fancy Jersey, per bbl., $9.0); extra fancy. Bella und Cherry, per box, $3.00. Lemons: Air Bhlp brand, 309 or 360 slse, $176. Cocoanuta; In sacks, per suck, $6.75 ; per dozen, too. Honey: new Colorado, twenty-four frames, per case, $3.76. Dates; Fard, IS lb. box. per lb., llo. New Hall. bulk, per lb., 7c; new Anchor Pkg, (30 cartons), per dox, new uromenary cm cartons), per box, $2.75. Figs, new 12 12. per box, h&c: new C crown (Turkey), 16o; new 6 crown (Turkey), 16c, new 7 crown tTur key), 17o. Apples: extra fancy Washing ton Jonathans, 118. 12S, 138, 160, li box. $1.S5; extra funcy Washington Q rimes1 Uoldens, 11,1, 125, 138. U0, box, $1.76; extra fancy Washington Roman Beauties, 72, 80, bS. . 103, 123. box, $1.75; oxtra fancy Washington llluck lien Davis, 72, 60. &i, US, 104, 123 count, box, $1.76; extra fancy Washington Ilcd Wine tiaps, 104, 113, 133, 138, box, $2.00; oxtra fancy Pink Cheek Waxen ami White Winter Pearmatns, W, 104, 113. 126, 138. 160, 163 count, box, $2.00: extra fancy Colorado, unwrapped. White Winter Pearinnlns, 160, ltSJ, IkO, 200 count, box, $l.t6; extra fancy New York Bald wins, per bbl., $2.90; extra fancy New York It. I. Urecnlngs, per bbl., $3.26; ex tra fancy New York Htato Hussets. ner bbl., $3.00; extra fancy AMsaourl jonn- l,.xa o.C MaLIah, a.. .Kl i.ul 6 bbl. lots or more, assorted, lfo per bbl. off; extra fancy Missouri Ben Davis, par bbl., $2.60; extra ianoy Missouri Wine yaps, per bb! 13.25: extra fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbl,, $2.76; extra fancy Mis souri Willow Twigs, Black Twigs, York Imperials und other fine varieties, per bbl., $3.26; extra fancy Missouri lied Uano, per bbl.. $2.00. Wool .Market. BOSTON. Jan. 7.-WOOL -Domestic trade in are looking forward to the 1913 clip with considerable satisfaction, as the old clip If. well sold up and prices are holding f.'ilrly firm. The demand for scoured wool is more pronounced, Terri tory stock In original bags and nearby tlceces are dull. Home Inquiry Is reported lu Texas twelve months" stock. The lead' lug domestic: quotations follow; Ohio fleeces Delaine washed, 34c; XX, :i2o; llillf hlnnri cnmlilticr MlUJftOn? 4 hrA.tt-li t h blood combing, &Vc; delaine unwashed, My:SMo: fine unwashed, 24o. Michigan , and New York fleeces Finn unwashed, 2:''rtlc; delaine, unwashed, 24Q24Hc; half union, same, imao; o Diooa, iinwasnca, ,U.r,m, VI,w,ii.lt, nnil (lnnllH'rlir. eighths olood, 3f31c; quartor blood, .KW uic; uentucxy ana similar unit uioou, un washed. S728c: three-eighths blood, un washed, 31 H) 32c. Bcoured basis Texas, line, six to eight mnntht, fif0i7c; fine, twelve months, C2tC3c, fine, fall, 475f4Se. California- Northern, rafjftV; middle coun ties, rSC2c; southern, 4StfW9c; fall, free, tSfiOOc. Oregon Kastern, No. 1 staple, Git'Cflc; enstern clothing, COc; valley. No. 1. Me. Territory Pino staple, VSfi7o" fine, medium staple, 64CfC3o; fine clothing. COfi62c; fino medium clothing, 6"G6Uc; half blood oomblngs, CZiafAo; thrco-clghths blood, combing, 67iJI6Sc; quarter blood, combing. 6341C6C!. I'ulled. fine A, 67416V; A supers. fiQ47c. HT. IXimS, Jan, 7.-WOOL-8te,Tdy; me dluin grades, combing and clothing, 2314 5l2); light fine. l321c; hcaT flno, 13W 18c; tub wanticd, 274)06c, CMICAtJO MVK STOCIC JMAItlvHT Cattle Slriidy to Higher Hogs Mtronu- In HlKher Sheep IllKhrr. CiriCAGO, Jan, S.-CATTtJV-Ii-celpts,, 14,000 head; market steady to 100 higher; heoves. $5.90to5.40; Texas steers, ft.7CftC.fiS; western steers. f."i.70tl7,IO; stocllcrs nnd feeders, $!.4g7.ri5; cows and heifers, $2.R5(fi,7.80: calves, $7.00tiI0.7I. HOflri-Hecelpts, 32,1)00 head; market strong to 6c higher; light, $7.20fft7.45; mixed, $7.30iT7.47; heavy. $7.2Oi7.60: rough, $7.20ii7.30; pigs, $3.7&U7.45. bulk of sules, $7.25S7.4S. HHUrSP AND LAMBH-Ilecelpts, 18,(W) head; market, 10S16c higher; natives, $1 frfff.15; western. $4.76fJ.2r.; yearlings, $6.2Sf9.25; lambs, native, $6.UVt7D.16; west erns, 3J5.7Bfr9.lt. tit. LuiiIm Lire fClock Jlurkel. ST. IOFIH, Mo., Jan. S. CATTLri Xtecelpts, 3,100 head. Including HOD Tex nns, market 162So lower; choice to fl-ie steers, $8,76fj9.W; good to choice, $7,6011 8 76; dressed und butcher steers, $S.lVo 7.60: stockers anil feedrs, $3.25f7.90; cows and hrlfers, $.V6OrfS.90; caiincrs, $4.60177.00; fancy cows. $ti.lO-ii.7.t)0; bulls, $3.fAff4.00; calves, $4.CKyrfT).7fi; Texas and Oklahoma stners, $3.60ij7 90; cows and heifers, $a05 86.00. HOOS-Ilecelpts, 12,000 head; market t"o lower: pigs und lliflits, $6.767.60: mixed ami butchers, $7.2Va7.&0; good heavy. $7.4&fi7.&0. SJ1WHP AND TAMBft-HecolptS, n.000 head: market 20c lower: muttons, $4.35 ft.00; yearlings, $7.00MS.10; lambs, $il!5fi 9.00; culls and bucks, $2.00fi0.00. ) Kbiiioi City l.lvr .Stock IMnrkrl. ICANSAS CITY, Jan. R. -CATTISH-Ite-celpts, 7,000 Ixuul, including 1,000 south erns; struers strong to l&c lower; others steady, strong, active; dressed beef and export steers, $7.76fj0.10; fair to good, $7.00i37.76; western steers. f0.0OBfi.60j stockers and feedors. $5.tt-(ir)".50: southern steers. $6.0a7.CO; southern cows. $.1,760 6 25; native cows, .i.7&'ii,7r; nallvo heif ers. IWt&IMl bulls. $3.031.60j calves, $ii.(yjfioco. IIOOS- necelPts. 8.WM head; market steady to 6o hlglier, bulk of sales, $7.26fjp 7.40; heavy, $7.337. 42V4; packers and butchers, $7.26'7.40; light. $7.1Or7.30; Pigs, f6.6O1ifi.90. HIIUKP AND LAMBS Iteceipts. S.OlO head; market steady to lOo higher; lambs. $7.Wi.2S; yearlings, $n.0O37.R0; wethers, $5.WiVi.0O: ewes. $4.3V&6.25; stockers and feeders. firjOtftOO. St. .Insepli lily Hlnck Mnrkef, ST. JOHHPH. Jan. S.-CATTU5-ni. celpts 1.600 head; market steady: steers, $0.7WH0.); cows and heifers, $3.7tist8.00; calves, $5.fea0.C0. IIOOS lleeelpts 6.200 head, market Steady; top, $7.35; hulk nf sales, $71587.30. S1IURP AND LAMBS Ileceipta 1.0U0 headlmorket st-ving to 23c higher. Iimbs, $.00Q?.00. Slock In rilichl. Hecelpts of live stock at the five prln elKil western markets yetseray; Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Oniahu 3,200 7..W 12.300 St. Joseph l.UO 6,200 1.0O1 Kansas City . .. 7.0H0 S.M! 8,000 St Louis H,10H I2.UX) B.0OU Toluls 2 VW B' 31 41,300 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET No Very Great Chungc in Cattle of Any Kind. CATTLE STEADY WITH TUESDAY Sheep Miirl l.nniba 5trnnir In Ten to KUtrrn t enia Hither Than Tnea-iImj- anil Active nt the Alliance, SOFTU OMAHA, Jail. S. 1911 Iteceipts were: Cattle, lloxs. Hhep. Official Monday M69 6.014 1I.T2S Official Tuesday 6.203 10,4i 10,470 ltallmate Wednesday.. 3,200 7.3"W 12.3X Three days this w'k.t4,(4 2t,$20 34,413 Same das last wreki.12.iV7 18.474 33.236 Same duys 2 wks. ago. 3,fA-. 11.612 13.606 Same days .1 wks. iiko.U.OOJ 26.4W 20,2V) Same duys 4 wks. ago lS.OSiH 37,72 36,8' Same days last ear.. 14,019 37. 2W 27.S77 The following tables shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the, year to date as compared with last year: 1918. 1912. inc. Dec Cuttle 30,130 24.VM . ... 3,868 Hogs 40,1V. M,M Sheep 51,087 42,353 8,734 The following talile shows the range ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for the lust few days, with comparisons: Date. 1913. I912,19U lIO.1900.lloa.l!'07i Jan. 1.. i IOal 8 CWI i 5 241 6 63, 4 86 6 24 4 3 6 21 4 40 2 4 35 6 30 6 33 4 SI 6 78 4 31 4 23 6 38 Jan. 2. Jan. 3. Jail. 4. Jan. 6. Jan, 6. Jan. 7. Jan. 6. 7 Oltjl 0 CJ0, 7 Ml 16 76 7 12H 6 901 mill v Mr a S 02 8 30! 7 14tj S 90 I 6 W 7 W S 331 5 70 8 47 6 8 Ci'i 6 iSi 7 $0 S 49 7 7i; 7 SOI 7 13 tt 17 7 1)i 6 17 6 1 S 4I 5 fv'; 'Sunday. Iteceipts and disposition ot live stock at the Union Stuck yards, South Omaha, for the tnuiity-four hours ending at 3 o'clock, January 8: niicntPTS-OAus. Cattle. Hogs.Shrep. UVs. C M. & HI. P.. lly 4 2 Wulmsh 4 ,, .. Missouri Pacific. 6 t'nloii Pacific It. U. A: N, W. lly. trust).. 6 C. N. W. My. (west).. 40 ('.. SU P., M. A O .. 24 V., II. & Q. lty. (east).. 3 V., 11. & l). lly. twest).. 3rt C. !L 1 A P. (West).. .. Illinois Central lly" 2 U Q. W. Uy 1 2 .. 1 2S 13 .1 A 1 31 4 .. m 7 2 1 .. lo ; l 3 24 .. I '2 2 Total receipts HI 102 61 DISPOSITION-!! KAl). Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, M6rrls & Co XA 1 M 1,901 Swift and Company.... !2A Cudaliy litcklng Co.... 873 Armour A Co x ScliNsurts & Co 1.IP.C l.Wd 1,768 2,644 1,402 2,62u Morroll Ill Lincoln Packing Co., 21 .... W. 1J. Vunsant Co.... 04 lientou, VntiMunt it L. 13 .... Hill ti Sou 127 H. liwls 174 Illusion & Co 10 .1. 1). Hoot & Co Ul .1 11. Hulla , 44 li. F. Husk 66 .McCrcaryi A Kellogg.. 73 .... H. F. Hamilton 20 Sullivan llros. 2U Kothschlld & Krb.... 37 Alo. & Kans.-Cuir. Co.. 9 Cllno ft Christie 32 Other buyers 434 Totals 4,215 6.355 M75 CATTLI-Cattle receipts woro moderate today, largely on account of the severe cold and stormy weather. The total fur tho three duys this week, howevcl', shows a gain of about 2,000 head over the corre sponding period of lust week nnd Is tully as lurgc ns a year ago. The market as a whole was In pretty fair snapo ana a large proportion ot tne cuttle sold lu vory fulr seuson. Heof steers were rather slow nnd dull, Salesmen, owing to tho small supply, were very much Inclined to try to xorco an advance. On tho other hand buyers were not sufficiently anxious for cuttlo to push prices up even unaqr tho prospect or light receipts for the remainder of the week. Thus It happened that the forenoon was well advanced beforo tho tnoderute receipts had ohungd hands, and prices as n rule did not snow any gloat change In either direction, but such a change as took place wus on the side ot stronger prices. Cows and heifers commanded about steady prices, and the bulk ot the re ceipts changed hands lu lair seuson. While the country dcmutid tills week hus been very moderate, tow buyers com ing In while the weather Is vo severe, still cattle of that description generally commanded steady prices. Quotations on cattle: licet steers, good to choice, $7.tOQ9.00; beef steers, fair to good, lu.v04iti.lKj; bee.t steers, common to lair, $6.0OiiiL90; good to choice heifers, $d.7tVfj6.7j; good to choice cows, $5.40fj6.0; cows, fair to good grades, $l.40j,40; coin moo to fair grades, $3.uO04.4o; good to choice stockers and feeders, tt.60i$8.0o; fair to flod stockers und feeders, fi.Wxf 6.60; common to fair stockers and feed ers, $5,003.80; stock cows un heifers, $160 U 15.25 j veal calves, $5.ooitM.oo; bulls, sUgs, otc, $1,404(6.40. Ilopreacntatlvo sales: HUF.F 8TBBHS. No. 31 u'..'..'.'.'. so.!!!!!! 14 it io!!!!..'! 37.'!.'.".'.'.' ii!!!!!!! a 10 io!!!!!!! n Ay. 1'r. No. At, rr. 1113 7 80 io;t 7 to 1010 7 to ...,.1170 7 (4 13SS 7 M 1113 111 1103 7 t 1130 7 IS HO 7 7i in n m.,, .... 492 t (0 11... (33, t 14 11... ... 734 -6 7... ... 714 ( M 71... .... Ml 7 00 11 .,. tea 7 03 t ... 373 7 1 9 73 ...333 7 15 i ...1033 7 30 4 .... 911 7 3D 13 .... 77 7 2) it,.,,,. ... 730 7 39 13 , ,...1033 7 23 -I...... US 7 iS 13..,.,. ... 143 7 Zi It ... 3)3 7 3D 23 ... 313 7 30 it ,...1024 7 33 . U ...1130 7 (0 7 ...13(3 7 71 ...1071 7 73 ,,.10(1 7 10 ...11(4 7 10 ...10U T 13 ...lilt 7 13 ...1341 7 K) ...1447 I 10 ...1M0 I ...1S3( I 30 .HJ) i 33 STBEHB AND HEIFKIIS, w jo I Tit 7 10 . ... iw a w a, , . , CIO (0 17.... .... 117 7 00 . 112 7 U . 1140 7 33 COWS. .... 77 3 0 r... UK 6 66 ... I0 I (S -...1013 S 63 -...Hit 6 70 1034 t 71 .... J4 t 75 .... 312 t 73 4 6 73 313 S 71 1173 S 7S ....1113 ( 7S 371 r. 10 -..1131 S 10 ion t so .... 373 t li ....1MI t j ioj ( ss 1330 S IS .... 110 4 M 11 ....1033 ((0 10 ....1000 4 70 11 ....1100 4 7; t .... 173 4 76 t .... W 4 7t 17 .... 143 4 10 3 ....1060 4 IS 17 ....Sit I 00 S...... .... 170 5 l ' .... 310 1 00 H .... 343 i OS 6 .... 341 6 10 11 1 04 t IS 33 .... Ill S 30 II .... 130 S 20 ( ....1011 S 34 7 .... ISI .1 33 10.... ....lilt I ii 21 ....1071 t 3S 13 ..,.1034 I 43 33 .... m ICt 17 ....IOCS I SO 7 ....1JM S 10 30 ,...10l S SO 3 ....1111 Ii M 3 ....1033 6 10 I .... 37 t (0 3 ....IMS 6 CO 3 ....1111 ( (0 3 ....1034 S M 2 .... Kt III i 14 3 3 ( 10 I 2 ( 67 7 , 1 I 2 4 II 30 It at 7 c 20 4 24 It ( I I 5....;.. t i 3 I 1 1 1 i 1 1121 S 15 130 10(1 1073 5 to 6 0 I 00 ,...1MI ....1033 00 6 00 1010 06 I 10 I it ( IS I 36 1031 (40 .....10M 133S ....IJ60 I30S 11(0 SO e w HEIFEnS. ... 111 5 :s ...ISI tit . .-. 30 I SO ... Ill IH ... 77a i li ... CS S 7 ...IOC t 10 ... no s to 3.. :ii im 711 00 711 (jo 73S are. S40 ts X 40 M0 40 3.. i!! 2... llUXLrl. ..1300 4 H ..13S0 EO0 . . ISO S 36 ..1113 I 30 1. ..14(0 S76 ..1110 74 ISM S to --isoo too -II70 6 00 1130 0 ..1IJ0 I IJ -.1270 (o . 660 ( M ..1(10 S 40 I .1340 t 40 5 M 1 1301 1.. S73 S 71 1. 1. 1... 1... I... !... 13... 11... t... 1... 10... .1000 i 73 CALVES. 1... It... 1... 1... I!!! 3... 211 S 60 371 6 71 3U S SO 384 10 JOO 00 IM re 330 00 IM 00 ISO t O) 130 t 00 US I 3 2 I 60 400 SO 330 1 00 STOCKERS AND l-'EEDEHB. 3 410 I 00 1 SI0 I 00 II. 7(S I (0 .9(1 (6 SI3 (3 . 736 i (3 7M I 70 7(0 71 731 ( 10 t 4t I,.,.. . .. 310 13 136 2. . SOS 3 336 I or, I U I 30 ( ( 10 II. H 711 SO 17. ..... 7M I Io 1' . .... (70 I W II . Ml I SO HOCJS-Uulk of tho hogs sold In about the same notches as yesterday, as th range of prices was $7.0iS7., the narrow lange being around $7.1037.20. Somi choice offerings made a lop ot $7.25. To describe tho market In another way the majority of the heavy grades moved around $7.2Hl7 50. butchers $7.204T7.a. mixed loads $7.1017.16. and light stuff front $7.10 dawn. As tho aualltv of tho supply In general was not ns good aa yes-rl-rduy values are really bettor than the figures Indicate. Trado was more acttvn and not hearty so uneven ss on tho pre vious day. Hecause of so much fluctua tion on Tuesday's market It was posslbln to pick out sales this morning that looked weak, some steady and others higher and on that account comparisons were hard to make. Whlto trade displayed no moro than n fair degree of activity a satisfactory clearance was made In good season. ltreclpla amounted to about, 1M cars or 7,Ol head, being almost twice as large as last Wednesday, but less than half what arrived on the same day one yehr ago. For tho first three days o,f the week the supply was about the sama as during the same time Inst wfk, but only' half of tho supply for the same time one Year ago. No. . at. Sh. rr. 71 ill .., (to No. AT. Jh. Tr. 71. .. tit ,., 7 1 74 173 ... to It 369 M in (1 .137 ... I K 3( 333 40 7 11 74 173 .. IS J7 331 UO 1S II . lt , . 7 00 SS 310 ... 7 IS 37 117 10 7 00 76 33.1 to 7 IS li lit '10 7 00 71 130 ... -7 is ( l2 . . 7 00 71 3(4 ... 7 IS 41 113 ... 7 00 42 377 ... T 1 l 117 ... rJ (1 371 S'7 30 4 IM ... 7 01 CC 3 ... 7 JO (I. .. 207 4) 7 08 41 ill l im ( 307 -.. 7 OS 71 311 71 It 330 ... 7 Oil t(......3IO ... 7 20 203 40 7 071, 43 311 ... 7 SO 31 31 30 7 07H SI 33.1 ... 7 30 0 333 ... 7 1 0 It til ... 7 l SO ... 7 10 70 IU ... 7 30 t 3M 20 7 10 eo.....;ti ... 7 74 X ... 7 li J4 330 ... 7 3l 3io :o 7 10 7i 340 ... 7 :o TS 137 ... 7 10 11 137 ... 7 to 34 HI ... 7 10 (.1 3J 1(0 7 30 4 30 3M 7 10 ;t 210 ... 7 til II.. ......274 4.) -7 10 147 Ill H 7 30 '4 381 . . 7 10 61 811 210 7 20 71 313 ... 7 10 11 141 ... 7 31 30 ... 7 10 11 2t 210 7 3fi 1M ... 7 10 74 !42 ... 7 31 44 2S5 ... 7 10 7S 341 ... 7 31 ' Ml ... 7 10 41 mi SO 7 2A 74 311 ... 7 10 I( 303 ... 7 2 l 3lt ... 7 13 7 Kl ... 7 I I" ... 7 ItH II 311 ... 7 31 ' 301 7 IS 73 SSO ... 7 31 4 ,231 ... 7 IS St 333 130 7 30 '0 ! ... 7 IS 31 307 ... 7 ... 7 IS 13 31 ... 7 M 301 ... 7 IS II 33 . . 7 3 " . . 7 IS II t4 .. 7-3.1 '4 213 ... 7 IS SI...... .331 ... 7 34 PIOS. 23 112 ... I to , SHF.Bl'-Moni strength developed In tho sheep trado this morning and as a ru bu It tho bulk of the lambs and aged shetp sold anywhere from strong to as much as lOaiio higher. This advance todk pliico in spite ot the fact that receipts were again of fairly liberal volume, them being n broad demand for anything at all desirable aa killers. The tnont Im provement was noted on fat year lings aa a hunch sold as high us $7.60 during tho first hours. Ewes also sold to a good ad vantage, a three car shipment bringing; as much as $4.85 as against a top ot $4.7S for choice ones on Tuesday's market. 1 Iambs were In somewhat limited supply, and nothing really fancy was offered. Several loads, however, brought $3.75, Identical with the highest Point reached, u yesterday. Boms shorn lambs commanded -. $7.76. Trade on the whole displayed con- . slderable activity and was oven snappy at times, most everything especially on " the handy weight order being disposed; i of In very good, season. In the neighborhood of fifty-nine cars) , or 12,300 head, wero reported In. Th supply was considerably larger than le.it Wednesday, which was New Year's day, t but very little different from that oh the same day one year ago. Fit sheep made up tho big end ot receipts and the general quality of all the offerings was very fair for this time of the year. While the re ceipts for the first three days ot the. wtek are a little larger than the samn tlay. last week, they tall slightly below the supply for the corresponding time last year. quotations on sheep and lambs. Iambs, good to choice, $8.60Jf.85; lambs, fair to good, $3.00a.60: yearlings, light, $7.K& 8.00; yearlings, heavy, S7.0Otf7.6O; wethers, good to choice, $5.60flt.75; wethers, fair to good, $5.7tVS4.20; ewes, good to choice. $4-0004.110; ewes, fair to good. $l.3&3'4.60; cuil sheep ana ducks, i.uxut.iw. , Representative sales: I No. Ay. Pr. 20S fed lambs , c 60 8 76 263 fed lambs 82 8 60 363 fed lambs 74 8 40 208 fed owes 104 4 tf tOO fed ewes DO 4 60 218 red ewes 100 4 $5 1S2 .wethers, 118 6 60 13d fed lambs , 74 8 25 Ml fed ewes 101 4 l 432 fed owes...... 120 4 76 237 fed lambs , 120 8 30 09 fed lamb 68 8 70 162 shorn lambs ... 70 7 76 600 shorn lambs 76 7 75 259 shorn lambs ,. 77 7 76 110 fed lambs 63 8 85 615 fed yearlings 91 8 ft) 124 fed wethers i 130 5 25 4D2 fed lamb , 78 8 75 461 Mexican wethers.,..,..; ST (11 ONE KILLED, THIRTY-SIX HURT IN BIG FOUR WRECK IjAFAYETTK. Ind Jan. 8. One person was killed, three were probably fatally Injured and thlrty-tnrco slightly hurt when six cars on a passenger train ot the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago ft, St. iouls railway (Rig Four) from Cincinnati to Chicago Jumped the track ai Stockwell. nuur here, this afternoon. The train Was running at high speed when a wheel on the baggage car broke, throwing that car, the smoker, day coach, the diner and two Pullmans Into tho ditch. Tho dead; HI) WIN 7.UNNBII, Rochester,, N. T.. crushed to death. i The seriously Injured: Heuben Akeson, Cotinersvllle, Ind,, head crushed. Victor Nicholson, Dwlght, III., back, hurt and Injured Internally. Theodore Ingalls, porter, Chicago, ribs' broken and Injured Internally. Among the others Injured are Jame Dcarmoud, express messenger, Cincinnati; W. Voght. Albany. N. Y.j M. M. Love lace, Doston; C. K. Powers, Cincinnati! George Montgomery. Cilcago, and Miss Jane Goldcnflsh, Iloston. Whon the smoker left the track It over turned, but trie Pullmans and diner, though thrown down a fifteen-foot em bankment, held together. The daycoaclt was demolished. CIVIC LEAGUE INVITES OTHERS TO CO-OPERATE Directors of tho Omaha Civic league ; held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the Commercial club rooms and adopted a constitution and by-laws. A committee, of two was appointed to draw up n ln s vltation to be extonded to every Improve ment club and nopolltlcal and non sectarian organization In the city to join IIih ranks ot the Omaha Civic league for the bettering of Omaha. Another meet lug of the directors will be held Friday afternoon for the purpose of starting tho league In Its work, EMPLOYS AUTO IN RESCUE OF GIRL FROM STREET CAR 1 JX)H ANQEIES, Ca!., Jan. 8. Oolnrfull .1 speed, Ij. C, Hardeman, a realty broker, boldly steered his automobile with one hand In front of .a suburban electric car, and with the other hand snatched Miss Itay Murphy almost from undor the wheels of the heavy coach, An Instant later car and automobile collided. Tho motor car Was wrecked, but Hnrdemaa and Miss Murphy were not hurt.