8 THE BEE. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. 1013 Only One Way To Stomach Hialtli KM Three Meal n Day and Let Stuart T).V!ncp!ln Tablet DlRCit Thcni. The Stomach Soon Re cover Mt This llricf Rest. Ti t very won't thlntr you can 1o Is to starve vourcelf to nverfm stomach mis ers Slake our inealo Just a comprp hensivo as poMlbln. fae Stuart's ! PMwia Tablets freely tor awhile and all trace of stomach trouble will be gone. Dletlnp Is a fallnoy. The tntenlve farm ing ami CHrdnnlnK of the present day for. ps such, quick results that our dletorr la larking In the quantity of flmh-formlni? MrtscntB of former dara. Thus r get h Can You Draw a Moutli? Ton Can Males JBvsry aal JPasl Snuff. nurplus of March; nval'i nrc often ile t.polled of much of thti.- nutritive quality: the noli Is dopWwl of Uio amount of vege. table unit It oucht to have. We do not obtain tlio natural rlpned fruits and eKctabIes hrn.Jp the stomach requires mxlstancr to digest an overabundance of rtirotm material ami lake rare Of fruit arlds that Nature haI no chanoe to con vert Into srano sugar. Ro we need more pepsin tlmn the syBtera cah ttupply, more diastase, more of Ue natural tonto and preservative properties which ripened voKetatlon should irlve ue. Thi defici ency Is mode up In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and Is the only wny to have rtom-nch-health under .modern oondlUon. JuM try ono box and you will never want to be without this wonderful rem edy for storwich troubles. Muart's Pys pepsta Tablets contain an Inirredlcnt, one jrraln of wWf.li will rtlgeat 3,000 jrralna of food. They am. so entirely harmless be rtuiso they have absolutely no effect on the system ono way r another except to do just the one tltfns-Ulirest foodi Kvnry dnut store soils and recommend Ptuarfs Dyspepsia Tablet. Tho prlco is M centa per boxv Ailvertlsoment. t. i. A j -c i J Competitor's Name '. Address PRIZES FOR THE BEST MOUTHS-$3.00 first prise;. $1.00 second prize; $1.00 third prize and five prizes valued at $1.00 each. RULES Competitors must be amateurs. All drawings must be on the face cut out of The Bee. Competitors may submit more than one drawing if they desire. Contest oloses Wednes , day night, Jan. 15, 1913. Address, Contest Editor, Omaha Bee. CONNECT HOMELAND SCHOOL Dr. Winihin Talks Before University ' ,y Club on Education. H Jf 't ) PAEENTS' FAVOR CO-OPERATION (j Say 3Inny of the Criticisms Asnlimt the Schools of the I, anil Arc J) Jfot nnsril on foundation J nt Piicli, 1 K L 'The whole tendency of education to- I day Is to bring together the home and j me scnooi n an errort to round out the life of the boy or slrl." snld Dr. A Wlnahlp of Uoston, .editor of the Amerl est) Journal of Kducation, In his ad dress before the University club at the noon luncheon. He took for his subject, "flome Recent Criticisms on Hducallon.'" lie said there was a great dal of criticism against asking children to study at home In the evening to prepare les sons for the following day, but declared that the crlliclscm was scattered and would have no effect as the vast mnjor lty of educators and parents were In favor of this co-operation. ill mentioned soma Illustrations of un founded criticisms thnt have been mado against the schools of the land and against conditions, lfe called attention to the criticism that sometimes Is mado and gets Into the public press, that there are 23,000.000 children of school nge In th United Btatea and that only 20,000,000 of them are In school, "The fallacy here," he said, "lies In the misunderstanding of what Is meant by school age." For the purpose of thoscstatlstlcs the school agn Is taken to be'from 5 to 21 years. Now there Is no cnueo for alarm In these figures, for If 'we find that there are a number of 21 year old boys that are not li the public schools, there Is no cause for panic. As a matter of fact, tho nge of compulsory education Is from li to 15. Taking then the figures ukmI by these (.Titles, we find that according to their own atnteinont that 20.000,000 are In the schools, we have In the public schools 5,(00,000 more than those of school nge." ML DD A "XTTYC7TC! OHPrYT T7C k ny Man's Overcoat Of Sllit n Our Entire Stock No. Matter Whether the Former Selling Price was $25, $30, $35 or even $40 Only One Way to END CATARRH Itoach the raw, tender, Inflamed membrane Infest ed with Catarrh senna, and deatro them. You can't reach tht nooks and crevices'' wth liquid preparatlonsA-thftrsj la 0nly onft way breathe the gorm destroying air of Booth's IIYOMEI (pro nounce It IMKh-o-n.ie) di rectly over U Inflamed and germ Infested mem brane. IIYOMEI contains no oplum cocaine or other harmful drugs. It Is a bal sam lo air made of Austra lian eucalyptus, thymol, and some Llsterlan anti septics. It Is guaranteed to end the misery of Ca tarrh and Croup, or money hack. It's fine for Cohli and Cougha, Aak about Booth's HY OMIil outfit to-day It is Exact Sit only I.0Q. Extra bottles, if later needed, 60 cents. Druggist nverywfiere. Just breathe it no ntom- ,arh dosing, A tiD NOW Chicago Ib to have a brand nowgolf club, barring women from mcraberetilp. The Omaha Rolf clutos originally had rules that women were not to play Saturday afternoons and Sundays, but o few women In thin city continued their Interest in coif, that tho rules were gradually forgotten and the Country club last year put up several trophies for the women to oncourage. their Indulgence in the sport. The Country chb boasts tho largest number of feminine players of any of the clubs. And the members, are justly proud of Mrs, ,H. H Bpragiie, who is champion of th, club and. of tho state, and basj represented Omaha at several tournaments In Chicago and at Palm Beach. Miss Arabella Kimball and Mrs. Jerome Mageo are two other Country club players who enter tournaments while sperfdljig the winter in the south'. Altogether, the Coi'Mxy tlub has about twenty women members who play, and about six who "keep up their ame." The Field club, which is probably the largest golf club ia thestato, has about 600 members. Mrs. I. J. Dunn is, no doubt, the only feminine member of tho club who plays nearly the year round; About tensor fifteen At Happy Hollow well the -women told tuo that thojr did not keep their scores as yet, 8b I think they do not play very often. HANDS CHAPPED CRACKED OPEN Sverjr Wlntw:. At Z.sct Vt& Bsslaol. ImEBaiat"KUf. TroaM Boas, 81 Louis, Mo., Oct. 14, 1012. '.'I hare been troubled every winter for years with chapped hands. They would crack open nt the finger omSi, and at t,hoIUe of the Joints on the Index fingers. These places were quite painful. I tried every remedy I know of, but with only temporary sue uess. I commenced using Reslnot Soap and Iteslnol Ointment last winter, and after the first application found Immediate lellef, and continued using them for month, and was not troubled any n.wra," (Rlgned) J. A. Bruffee. 740 AuberL Ave. When the Iteslnol treatment has once Cleared away these dlatreealng sliln af fections, the regular use of Beslnol Soap prevent their return. Iteslnol la upeedlly effective for Itching, burnlnir eruptions, pimples, dandruff.- burns, old sores and plies. Sold by all druggists. For fre samples write to Dept. ST, itesinoi (.'tiein. Co.. Vaiumore, Md. 9 oothache Gum STOPS TOOTHACHE uucaniiy Qttws th csnritr, prvrnta decay. AU dnix Hoft u by Bull, 1 3c C 8. DCMT & CO.. DETROIT. MlCM. TWENTIETH QENTURY FARMER 'i'it Ik Wttt, ByMELLITIOIA, BEEHIVE Tuesday, January 7, 1913. For Miss Scobie. Mrs. rinrro C. Morlarty entertaineu in formally at luncheon today In honor of Miss Helen Scobie, who leaves' next weulc to spend a few months abroad. Covers were, laid for Mlases Helon Bcoble. Bertha Dickey, Violet Joslyn. Mildred -nosers. Margaret Oreer HaUin. Margaret mc Pherson. Mildred Jlutler, Mrs. Pierre C, Morlarty. Fleaiura fast. Mrs. John 1, Mcitohon entertaineu ms.' urday evenlns In horror of her sister, Mrs, li. It. Jtaura or Manneapons. ir. und Mm. U U Baum wre ofrmerly of Omaha. DahdnK was tne pasurae unui a lata hour. Those present were: Mlss- , Mlssrs Nettle Bchooley, Irene lllgby, Katheryn MoMohon, Margaret Herman, Estella loee, Agnes Lament,. Marie Oabler. Gertrude Keeper. Messrs. MessTB. Howard CronK, llussell Bvans. Clarence Hall. Percy Qwynne, Claud litre. yji. Earl tisenhart. Kd Lafferty. Mr. and Mrs. U. i. xtaum 01 ounntiiwiij, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson. Mr. ana Mrs. iiornaru juwsb. Mr. Hall Davis, , Mr and Mrs. j. j. iucaionon. ae4ay Jiorning Musical Club. The meeting or the Tuesday Morning Musical club was held at 10:SO o'clock Tuesday morning at the residence of Mrs. T. A. Nash, Tho program consisted of numbers of modern composers and ?a tn charge of Mrs. H. Beeuher. Howell. On the program were Miss Olive Seymour, plapo; MlssiOrac MoBrldt, violin; Mrs. Hsjeel Smith Eldrldge, vocal, and'the ao. companlsts wtre Mrs, Henry Cox, Miss Nan Cunningham and Miss Marts Bush. Studio Tea, Miss Isabel Lowden entertained at a delightful studio tea Monday afternoon. Mrs. Klttlespn read "The Transfigur ation of Miss. Phllura." Mtts Lowden was assisted by: Mlsaes-. Misses- Violet Joelyn, Katherlne Mi- Iluth Latsnser. viananan. ' Prances Todu, Mildred Msrnain, Ilose Smyth, Helen Matters, Paulino Bourke, Burns, jr.'. J. T. Stewart Snd, W. H. wnoeier ana Wartl BurgcsB. Tho members o'f the Original Cooking ciuo gave an enjoyable theater party Monday evening at the Brandols to soo "Otnosr W4. Following the theater supper was served at the Omthi M..h The tables were decorated with swssU peaa and rose. After supper the time was spent dancing. Columbian Circle. The Columbian circle will entertain Wednesday afternoon' at their? hall, Twpnty.second and Locust streets. The hostesses will ,bo Mrs. Kdvrard Sweeney and Mrs. Tompkins. Dr. Thwaites Speaks at Palimpsest Club Dr. Iteubcn Oold Thwallrs, president of the Mississippi Valley 'IllsUirlcal .associa tion and secretary and-superintendent of the Wisconsin State Historical society, will be the speaker, at the next meeting of the Palimpsest club next Jkmday night, his theme being "The Mission of iMJical History." Dr. ThWiiltes has been spoken of by Prof. H. Morso Stephens of the Univer sity of California aa "'Incontestably the most Industries and accomplished' editor of American historical documents, having to nis crcnii i(io magnuicpnL scries ,.ir seventy-one volumes of "Tho Jesuit Rela tions,' thirty-one volumes of 'EUrly West ern Travels' and tho original Journals- of Lwla and Clark In tight volumes." $ StL ur an( ur i Brl!l Lined Coats C-f I MM"'" -Men i Visas (a -w m 15 Saturday Jan.. 11 irow to Unnkrupt'the Doctors. A prominent New Tork physician says, "If It wero not, for the thin-stockings and thin soled ahora worn by women the doc tors "would probably bo bankrupt" When you contract a cold do not watt for It to develop Into pneumonia, but treat It at once. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Intended especially for coughs and, colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of .these diseases. It Is most effect ual and Is pleasant and safe to take. Kor sale by all dealers. Advertisement. This is Bf andeis Great Semi Annual Offer that Omaha are All Waiting For AVe positively will not lay asldo an overcoat or suit for anyone until tho day of sale, s' Parcels Post Users Are (JorOperatiug With Mail Service "The problom of handltug parcels post matter Is going to solve Itself largely," says. Postmaster Wharton. "Monday a largo business firm In Omaha brought a load of fifty-two parcels to be mailed. The firm had weighed and stamped them at th,o office, and when we went over them .wo found in the fifty-two packnges only one that waa not correctly stamped. "That, Is a splendid showing and Is an example' of tho way the matter Is going to work out. Tho larger places that have occasion to mall a great deal of parcels post matter, have already procured a large Supply of stamps from the post of fice. Home of them took hundreds of dollars worth the first day they . went oft sale. They have their scales at their offices. Wo. have supplied them wltli the zone maps, the tables of rates, and now .they are weighing and stamping their own parcels. When a large quantity of such, matter comes to the post office we have It unloaded at the back Platform 9iof the postofflce and then have, it brought tosthe scales to be examined. It Is a wonderful saving of Alme to have the stamping dono before the parcels come to the post office." OMAHA WELL REPRESENTED AT WOOL GROWERS' MEET Omaha is to be well represented at tho January meeting of the National Wool Growers' association., held at CheyennJ this week. An extra sleeper was at tached to the Union Pacific's late train Tuesday. This carried a party of twenty five from South Cmaha. C. J. Lane, gen eral freight agent of the Union Pacific, will be at the convention, as will also J. II. Leonard, general manager of thn Chicago stock yards. Local men Interested In sheep and wool say that the meeting at Cheyenne this weak will be the largost ever held by the association and that the attendance la likely to reach COO. For the Future. - Mrs. Frank Sheets will entertain' the members of the Juanlta qlub Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner 'will en tertain the members of thi club, January 11. 10 Harmony January Wcddiag, The wedding of Miss Hattle Summer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oustav Sum mer of Chicago, to Jay I. Singer of Omaha, will take place January 27 In Chicago. ket when '::l:.'z:'"i ''I'll' v-V'"-'.' -" ...-.!." - Ett and Gil Thin Yes, and nice tart ones, too the kind that grow big and plump in the rich cranberry bogs of Cape Cod. No danger of not finding them in the mar No danger of their being wilted or spoiled. You can always have the very best of cranberries by purchasing you them. At the Army Posty Mrs. Carl V. Hsrtmann was at home Informally this afternoon at her home for the officers and lates of FVrt Omaha, The next hop atVTort Omaha will oe Friday evening. January IT. when a num ber of guests from Omaha and Fort Crook will attend. -' The next hop at Fort Crook will W Friday evening.- Major and Mrs. 'Noyes will enUrtaln tt For Crook Brldgs elnb. Wednesday evening. MAKEPEACE Evaporated Cranberries Orif iasJ Cooking Club. " Thi Is tumtng an old phrase faea about, but saodtrn methods of reducing fat havo mad tais " revision possible. If you are orerfat and also averse to physical exertion and likewise fond of the table and Mill want to rtducs your excess fiash asreral ywft4a, sV this: Oo to your druggist (or writs the Marmola Co.. Parmer BlMlncn Detroit- Mich.) an sjv film (or Mod tbeta). Tt eeats. For this saofeat asaovat of uvmvr tea 4ruMlst will pt you In the way of st ttytaf yowr aasbftion for a nlea, trim, silm Mure. Ho will hand yon a targsj -as.se of Uarmola Prescrlytian Tablets (compounded t accordance wVth the fk- i which you must take after ach meal ' K - J . 1 . ..II . 1 I tu. your fat at the rata f IS to II ounces No waste you don't have to wash or M pick them over'- even sterilized before being evaporated. You can keep a package in your home far a year and they won't lose their flavor or freshness-because only the water is evaporated, Then when you wish to use them, sim ply soak in water and you have cran berries that will make, the most delicious Sauce, Pie, Pudding or Jelly. Tht flavor of Makepeace Evaporated Cranberries it the most appetizing you ever tasted, because there selected -berries, ripened on the vituand picked by hand when at their ripest and best. Ordinary berries sold in bulk from barrels have to be picked green,-you know. Ask your grocer today for Alakepcaca Evaporated Cranberries. . Cooking re ceipts inside the package just follow di rections - then if you- don't say they are better thanany cranberriesyoueverbought simply take them back to the dealer and he willcheerfullyrefund your money. Com parison is the real test Vou be the judge. a day. Teat Is alu Just go on eating what van like, leave exerelatnx to th I - fc a a - - - un ., s.iiL ... .i i...k t- .v.. v ' iiro, m ywur m iiniu taun- , VCiIi 4i V. ,., , I lit I nl wlthxnrt a ouht that fcbby v. v . nwi win wncsir iw-a usio iia win xavinc mmiio tt ion Rnsi STMKint wer Mesdamrs Ooorsi Prlnx. CaartM KoUnttc, Luther KounUe, Samutl SMly cWMhMI ,la natural ftsk a4 g. i self. trUa 1 ki tki wsdsValy avaat of your dealer not harts Makspsaca Erap. raUsl CraafearrJe, tell him ts fat them foryau freH his jobber. A.D. MAKEPEACE COMPANY, Warcham (on Cap Cod), Mtit. CAMPBELL a WEST Diitributor, - - . - . . Omaha WakWaWmmWBtkWammmmEkmmmm GLASGOW 2H U- BELMONT 2H ia. . MEOORA 3H taw Arrow Kotdi COUjARB "Gel the brack of the NOTCH 15c each-2forI5c CSaett. Feabedy ft Co.. Makers Builds Up Thi is the work of Ayer's SarsapariUa. Strength. Power. Rescrre. SoW for 60 Ask Yer Doctor. . kSTlfc HOTELS. "Tho notel of Americas Ideals" W&shiflgtsi, l.C. Hotel Powhatan Pennsylvania Arcnae at 18th and H StrceU Ksw. Plrsproof. European Plan ioouiw, ueiucneu buiii, 1.6i, $2.00 up. Hooms, private bath, $2.50, $3.00 up. 100 per cent Fire, Germ and Dust Proof. Two blocks from Whits Houbc, and near all points of Interest. WHITE) FOR SOUVENin BOOKLET WITH' MAP. X.ECTXS HOTSIj COlgPAinr, Xaa, Ownsrs ana Opsrators. Slrsotlon and SCanairsmsnt CLIFFORD M. LEWIS The VANDERBILT HOTEL 34th St. East at Park Ave. lv Subway Entrance NEW YORK The World's Most Attractive HoteL Each room with a bath TARIFF Sinjtle room, with lath. $3, $4. $5. $6 Double room, with bath. $5. $6, $7. per oar. Doubje Wroom. boudoir drewng room and ' bate. $7. ia $12, per day. ' ft1 P"Jor. tedroom and bath, $10,' $12, SIS, $18, per day T.M.HUUard, Managing Director Walton H. Marshall, Manager Marquette Hotel I8th nml Washington Ave. ST. LOUIS, MO. 40Q Rooms. 11.00 and Sl.GQ, with bath J3.00 to $3.50. A hotel for your Mother.. Wife and Sister. T. U, Chwtcy, Pre!