4 Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit - f A BOLL AND V CHNK EH? PoSTTOAe yY CASE. FOR TOtVW TIHp.,5 A BULL WTW vruMkr ouTSlDE HSVRD W6HT AV2- CURTAIN READY TO GO UP All Plans Completed for Cornhuskcr Entertainment Tonight. OVER TWENTY SCHOOLS LISTED T.ntl .Vnmtirr of (tnit 'Who HMvr ocepted Invllntlnn I'nr llrynnil Kxnrclatlnnn of Ciitnnilttrr In Chnrgr. Nchciol L'urnhimkrr flniHiurt, Lincoln. Omaha, iouth Omh. Grand Irland, North Flattr. 'olumbus. Wcplng 'Water, McCook. Ashland, Valley. Council Bluffs, . Huntings, -UontHcf, . Ord, Kearney, lllitlr. Nebraska City, Shelby, Fremont urcte. State University. . Representative totalling more than 100, and coming from various high schools, of the state, wilt ba present tonight Ht tho hlg banquet and entertalnmriil to be ulvcn In honor of tho University of Ne braska and high school football elevens ty the Omaha alumni of tho tate unl Terslty. Tho banquet Is to be held In tho new quarters of the University club, on h top floor of tho Board of Trado building, at Sixteenth und Farnarn streets. Headquarters for the. visitors will bo at tho University club.durlntr the afternoon and evening. Following tho banquet tho visiting delegations will be quartered at the. Home hotel. 8omo of tho delegates frill arrive this morning; the other are expected to be In tho city by 6 o'clock. The Cornhus)r party will i probably como In ori the Burlington train i ; . .. This HsmeMadg Cough I Jyrup Will Surprise Yod Storm Even Wkoerlac Coach Qaleklr A Paptly flpply at Small Ceat. I m . Hero Is a homemado remedy that kM hold ol ooURh instantly, and will ivuBiiy euro lira most siuDoorn cato m pH hours. This recipe malceii a pint ftsough (or a whole family. You couldn't Ibay as much or as good readymade rsciuch syrup for $2.50. u Mis one pint of, granulated sugar with R4 pint of warm water, and Ur 3 fcuautcs. Put 2 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add Mho Sugar Byrup. This keep perfectly (and has a plea win t taste chlldrejn like U Braces up the appetite and U slightly pautiVe, which helps end a cough. You prohably know the medical Talua f pine ia treating asthma, bronchitis sd other throat troubles, sore lungs, rtc There is nothing hotter, rinex Is Lhemoit valuable concentrated compound Norway white pine extract, rich in walacol and all tho natural healing pine stscaenta. Other preparation will HOt mrk la this formula. UThe pronpt results from this iaexpe. to renedy Imtb nade friends for it ia tkeusaada of homes in the United States tad Caaada, which explains why the piaa has Wea iwitated oftes, bat arrer laeessafallr. i vA eaaraatvof aheola4 BAlUfaitl. ni sey promptly refunded, goes with this pe . Your drugs;! st has Plnex, or will it jor vou. ir not, send to The Co., i t. Wayne, lad. Tho above cap is an exact re production of tho fur cap that we -eell at Two Dollars Jt Is., made of one-plcce, silk lined, aad looks as good as the highest priced seal cap. AIL SIZES, 6 to 74. Order By Mail Wo prepay., charges on this cap Jo. your, door by parcel post-r-no, matter where you lire. Um'$ $2 Hats 818 R, 15T1I ST.. OMAHA. Special!! n Jlatti exclusively. mm mm H&rtfi'i THIS CHI CAUOr JWEMCI linn tue utJinrn . which Is du to arrive about 6 o'clock! this evening. ' Check lip on (Jurat. In order to be certain lust how marij; j guests there wouM,'bo thfi alutpnl banquet 1 commitleo had all nchools wire tho exact ( number of playftni that would be sent. ! These telegrams were received yerterday, . the committee Is certain of the exact number of guests who will bo on hund. Delnyod trains, of course, may Btall some of the delegations, but the CornhurJcor believe that the total number of repre sentative will approximated that which was announced laat ovenlngi! Because of tho limited jipnce In tho new University club quarters the committee will bo able to tako c&ro of Jess than Soft guests. Practically all Mcketsifor theft'eat which were Vcsorved have been Hold, so thut any belated. , alumni Who wish to attend the bunquet will havo to notify some member of tho committee this fori. noon because anyone" without aMlckel by nopn today will not bo admitted to the big banquet. 1'lrM to Arrive. Players from Nebraska CltV will arrive this morning and will 'bo 'entertained by tlu alumni during the day. This afternoon' the Nebraska City lads anjij all otlver hlRh ntnuui youngsters wno come in timo will bo taken to matinees nt tho Oayctt. Knig and Orphoum theatcm. lit oo any of the students car to see either "Officer 666" at tho Ilrandets or "Tho J3rcat Di vide" at tho Iloyd, they will bo given seat for those performances, Tho visitors havo been requested to re port at tho University' club 'room as soon aa they nrriv In the city and register They also will be gtvon ticket and aided by tho alumni in getting Acquainted .With the city and it people. Arrangement havo been complotcd for starting tho, banquet promptly at . 7 o'clock. Tho first course will bo brought on at this time. Tho first number of the .program, of entertainment also will go on at this nour. Several surprises aro In store for the vlstturn attd'tho alumni think all 'chests will havo an excellent time. m 1 ' Ji r rranK unanoe ays He Will Not. Play Ball Tins-Season CHIOAdO, Jan. 7. TVank Chance ar. rived hero this aftemooi and confirmed the statement that ho wilt not engage In ' base ball next seas n 'fTie killing frost on the coast .yesnlay, he said, mode it all the more noect-snry for him to spend a year on hU fruit ranch at. Olendora, Cal. Frank t'axrcir. owner of the New York Arherlcary leugtiq clubs, preceded, Chance by an hour but declined to, discuss thv affair until ho haittalUrJ v tl the la.r. Tlie "peerless leador, as his' friends delight to call hljh,. Intimated (hat Karrlel) would not be surprised at his declination to go to New York. "My reasons are those of business alone," said Chance. ."Of course, It wasn't necessary for nje io como three quarters across the continent to say 'No' to Parrell; but it was rlecessary to come to sell my house on the northwest side of tho city, I will be here several days." Chance looked tho picture of health and said that he had never felt better. ''Haven't had a headache since' the last operation." he declared. ' He went at once to. the hotel to ice Farrell. After being closeted with Chance for a half hour Furrell told' newspaper men that he was negotiating with Chance 'and that he hoped with considerable assuranco of success to get the 'former Chicago leader to act as manager for the coming season. Meeting of National Baseball Commission is Again Postponed CINCINNATI. O.. Jan. 7 -The "annual meeting of the National Base Ball com mission wna postponed today until some time next week In Chicago. This an nouncement wus made when It became definitely known that President Johnson ot the American league would not be able to come here for at least a week. A pre liminary meeting which wa attended by Chairman Herrmann and I'restdent tiVncli of the National leagu. wo held, how ever, and the committee from tho Na tional Association ot Minor, leagues woa heard regarding the fixing of a uniform contract for minor leagues and tho In dividual salary question. It was an nounced that no decision would be, ren dered on either until the evidence has been submitted to Mr. Johnson. New Golf Club Excludes Women CHICAGO. Jon. T.-Another new golf course, one which Will admit no woman to membership, ia to be added to the many already along the North Shore. It was announced last night that the club wll he known aa the Old Elm and will occupy ground on the old Green Ray road at Fort Sheridan. The reason for making one for men only It Is said, 1 to insure golf to the I members of the organisation at all timet without an? waiting The membership , 1 to. be 11m ted to ISO. The course will bit ,IU out Q' er u tttiacre tract- Thq - Then He sPent Tlv opyrlght, 191 UK T7VTES J H IF NICK J.OZ7 n HICKle: THROU6H i Hole in The wiwe-we- WO-J-D HICHOLM, HICKLGByf fN&CHflUNCyHflWcor blithflv nt, Ht?Mnte his ENTBMiCB rv ftcrr amid AfP!Lnuse stopped ,HO7r f&HiS fCLL ON B,DDy "lohc;,the- Htrrvoine "nd sinus ioec, thb BfiRN Brnce7 yvillie! tej.l Him to I L.U GO AND FIND THE OCEAM 10 -t I rULL OF club Is tho second new ono to be formed within a few weeks, tho other being tho Winnotaka Country club. This brings tho number of gojf courses In Chicago and vicinity up to fifty. MATURO DEFEATS DE 0R0 IN FIRST BLOCK OF MATCH .,it ,. , i NHW YOrtlC, Jan.' ,7ilJames llnturo ot Denver defeated rAlfrod Do, Oroj; world's pocket billiard champion, hero tonight lh the first block of a GOO-poInt match, 000 to U9. Maturo's best continuous run was 33; De' Oro's, a. Six scratches were made by the challenger and eight by tho champion, De Oro played In his usual spectacular form. Moturo gayo a fine exhibition, showing his knowledge of the finer points of tho game. Using tho "open break," Maturo cleared tho table six times and De Oro four time. O'NEILL HAS NO DESIRE TO CHOOSE NEW HEADQUARTERS UNCOU. Neb., Jan. 7. In a letter to Secretary Whitten ot tho Lincoln Com mercial club, received today Norris U. O'Neill, president of the Western league, suys ho lius no Idea tho head quarters will be moved from Chicago, wllcro he saya It hghtly belongs. In cusc, however, the league decides definitely to mako a chunge, O'Neill says he pre fers to havo the eight members designate Yankee Firt Baseman ! i xr a Hal Chime l Joy t-rjoytnl it tin- thought of bilng under the management of Frank Chance He ttopva h" ii-fv manager will take- chprgv of ttu mill- and g(- THE BEE. rnr.YTTA. 'WEDNESDAY, .lANTAKY 9. 1913. Months in the Hoose - 1. National, News Am'n. I hes voo look Lirce FGLy.' OONOVAfJ ,jr ) 1 . illjlll 1 '. n Henr neuifs thb topkstok to r Gentleman bc scatcd' To-ony ro DVt,NK IHTEKLdCUTOTf. weu, THE Bp Boine-No s,uh. but cnn TELL M" WHY HE WrtS UlKtrn ri-nce wHew Day rkp-,ik INTETZLOCUTOFt-rlO, wrtV?' Bones,. BECnu&tr he wns rt zxzr tho city to wlilch ho shall move rather than havo him make' his own selection. McOarty Eefuses . ToitWillard cijfCAG Jan.HIl Mtcirney manager lot 'Luthen .McCarty;, thJilng; of tho.whUer)ic'4v'Welgi)s, torfa-j- fia tele1-' gram' to a Chicago newspapcrj isald '.In ffept that Jess VlllaVd,'.'tho local tighter, 'must make a repUfationvhefbrp 'l.tfa will fbe given a fight by the ruer of the big jai vision. AVlllard recently "wus. given a nowspaper decision over McCarty In New York. McCarnoy maintains that his man won. Tho champion nnd his manager will be In Chicago In tho course 'or rj week, It' Is expected, and Wlllard Intends to renew hi ohallenge. ; I focal syndicate to marufge him. Ho an nounced ho would stand by his friend, Charley Cutler, a wrestler, who dis covered Willarjl. Ti6 fghtcr sas Cut ler also fed 1dm for u-evcral months after making tho discovery. JOveryliody Uolnir It Notv. Doing what? Insuring, themselves against colds float wet feet by dropping In at our storo. We have a complete line of cold weather goods. Omaha Itubber Co, Advertisement. I , WHOS THS?J j l him a vraek at smhIiuI I.m. ! .u-nuM .1 JL Mi , 3k.ViP JmmmAjLmJi I like to show theip." u Chasy. "that I II i-ii talc- cur of the necond stuilon luM I -n xrll ts a. iy light bander." i mm Gow S e. - 5 - FATTVGT- VAS OWE OFCUP-EMK-IEST" .SETTLERS EH - the &taik Kirpojzren v&6 m THff Or-e. HE .rtnD OOVTeri WIND OFfl MOHOEKI PERFORM' CO BV THe BS&T LpCflL THLCnA ninJ Wfl TOLD HCTCOOuD LEnFtH rne oerniLS, ov call- INO U7 IB34-. 'VES;tfi,D tSt, POT FlPi&Tl.ETrIC f&k voo ft QUESTION'. '&HOOT,' &r,,o 7He KEPOflTErz . "wcL1.(l- THE butch Gate bill was ow-rfr WOCi The- Beer curr- 6TSD MnCK CVJLD.' THff cmyon to flthy with inoisna M THE 161MrC WHO PUT THE BUCKW 1BUCKEH Automobile Races 'Given to Savannah NEW YORK, Jan. 7,-Savannah, Ga.. wa today awarded-the next running, ot the Vandorbllt cup and aranrl Prix, auto mobile race. No e&act d,t?s 'tpr, .thecon tes'ts were set.-but .they wtljibe ruri bc twn. Novcmuer 1,. mi. and ;Fjbruary r, 19H. This nnotuncement was made tonight by HarVcy Granger, represchtatlvo of the Savannah Automobile 'club, who, with a 'committee of five other Georgians, con ferred this afternoon with tho Motor Cups Holding company. Mr. Granger said that bcjli races were awarded Savannah without stipulation or 'opposition. So far as he .knew, Mr. Granger added, there were no other appli cants tof hem. Mr. Grv 'er said the Savannah course, would bo .lortrned by about ton mile and that on' the days of trie races It would bo policed by Georgia state militia men in order to prevent accidents to spec tators. THe course Is now In such fine condition Mr. Granger aid, that the con tests could be hold In forty-eight hours. According to Mr.- Granger the Automo bile Club of America and the Savannah club will start work Immediately In an endeavor to have a 'largo number of for eign cars compete. The" Persistent and Judicious 'Use, of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. 4 . i Drawn for The Bee by Tad 1 r CJCKOO cuckoo I CUC.POO J f JAIL ESCAPEISFRUSTRATED Sheriff Learns of Nitro-Glycerin and Automatic Sevolver in Jail. DIGGS NOLEN'S CELL SEARCHED Nine Steel Unvrm Are Fonnil nnd Also aturk ShoTTlnsr Effort Hn llcrn Made by Prisoner 1 to Ue Them. ,Escape horn the new county Jail on the tbp floor of the new county building with nitroglycerin, and an automatic pistol,, would havo been attempted last night by Dlggs" Nolen, the desperate federal prisoner facliig a charge, of using the. malls to defraud, had not Sheriff Mc- Shanc und his deputies In tho ja:i learned of the plot yesterday morning. The nitroglycerin and the pistol are secreted somewhere In the Jail, according Jo Information Sheriff McShano says has come to him, Nolen has been removed to one ot tho solitary cells and his former quarters, the boundover department, are being Fearched tor the explosive and tho firearm. Nine steel saws were the only result ot the search up to 3 o'clock In the after noon. On tho bars of Nolen's cell were found marks which showed the saws hod been used In vain. The bars are tool proof. Grating over the ventilator of Nolen's cell wos found to have been pried loose, hut this did not afford a mean's ot exit, being too small to permit passage ot a man's body. In the solitary cell Nolen admitted the contemplated break. Ho said the saws had been smuggled to him by a trusty. He denied nitroglycerin and an automatic pistol had been delivered to him. Neither1 the sheriff nor Deputy Sheriff, W. A. Foster would divulge the source of the Information that the pistol and the nltro had reached Nolen. It Is believed the Information came from some fellow prisoner- of Nolen's not In sympathy with the contemplated Jail break. Sheriff McShano's theory Is that tho saws and other articles were furnished Nolen by his cousin, Ernest Nolen, , who was In Omaha about two weeks ago,, when Tobe Dunn, seeking an Interview with Dlggs Nolen, was arrested. Shortly after Dunn's arrest search wiu Instituted for Ernest Nolen. It was un successful. Nolen was believed to nave taken fright and fled when Dunn was ar rested. Sheriff McShtme, however, be lieves he remained long enough to devise and execute some plan to provide his cousin with means to escape from the county Jail. United States Marshal Warner, Sheriff McShane and Deputy Sheriff Foster, spent the entire morning and most of the after noon In tho county Jail conferring and searching the boundover. Arthur Mullen, former state attorney general, attorney for Dlggs Nolen and Tobe Dunn, spent the morning In Jailer Can I IPs office bag ging an Interview with Nolen. It waa denied him. Persistent Advertl&lng Is the Road to Big Returns: You'll ' EBBW ' Prices You'll Like Our first Semi-Annual Clearance Sale continues until Saturday night our regular, this season's stock o'f absolutely new, high-grade Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Furnishings at sharp reductions. We have not bought a dollar's worth of merchandise expressly (or this sale. We have not put a fictitious price on a single garment. The original price tags tftill remain. Don't shiver arid shake again to morrow for the lack of a Warm, comfortable over coat. Don't dtspise your own clothes and admire someone's else, the next time you're out in company. It is not necessary. We can dress you this week as you have always wanted to be dressed stylish and distinctively, in clothes that fit and stay fit and at prices that put them within your easy reach. Prevailing discounts of 10, 15, 20 and even 25 fo in all departments. DEEMER 413 South Sixteenth Street Actress Starts Ten " Thousand-Dollar Suit for Damages Dccause the stage 'manager waa so uecpiy engrossea in a conversation wii'i another actress he let the curtain pole tall upon the' head of Mrs. Marie Moi rell Farrell, according to a deposition in Mrs. Farrell's 110,000. damage suit against H. KrupfJ and Mendel M. Arohson, pro prlcors of the Cameraphone theater, HKJ Douglas street. Trial of Mrs. Farrell's suit was begun, before Judge I-ec S. Estelle intho law division ot the district court Tuesday,' Mrs. FaitcU lives In New York City and could not be present, hence her'deposltlon was read. Mrs. Farrell. whose stage name always has been Marie Morrell, Is a handsome' woman of ,4-1. She was Injured on the night of bruary 22. 1919. Hers was a, trained dog number. According to her deposition Herman Goldman, the stage manager, dropped the curtain just as she bowed at the finish ot her act and before she could step back far enough to avoid the falling curtain. She said an actress, Miss Grace,, who was popular with the house patrons, was about to go on for a song and Goldman was talking with her. Mrs. Farrell swore-that ever slnco the accident she has. been so troubled with headaches and pains In the bock of .the head and the back that she has been un able to work. She formerly earned about $40 a week. Oh cross-examination Mrs. Farrell denied that later In the evening on which she was hurt she was well enough to. dine at Louie Akho's. , Protest Granting of Saloon License to Eudolph Gerbeii -j? i . 'J. Ht McDonald has protested the granting of a saloon license to Rudolph Qerber, who has applied for a license at the Wick & Moore location, 912 Dodge street, and the city commission has set Friday afternoon ;at 2:30 o'clock for a special hearing. McDonald says the petition presented by tho applicant for 912 Dodge was in sufficient, being signed by Nhlrty-three men, all Third warders, but not all prop erty owners. Further, he says the coun cil should know that no "daylight busi ness can be transacted at 912 Dodge street," and that,- therefore, violations of the law nre contemplated and will be committed If -tho council grants the license. Commissioners are at present Inclined to refuse the license. McDonald eays he will vigorously con duct the protest and will leave no argu ment for tho saloon unrofuted. The councilmen say tt Is not material to them who protests, as the license would prob ably be refused, whether there was a protest or not. Clothes Want at