10 Oh, Well, Anyway, Jeff Was ( 7H,! i ) KcweR.THeCUR.TAIN jjj fCAFUU ' "gg $ rggBTp; 1-- fuotKWCAP- for each act. you M now, neR.e )? jpfef-:- rr's . ., ! WANT ADS Wnnt nils received ot any tlmo, but to instu-u proper clsslflcntlun must bo presented beforo III: 00 o'clock noon for tlie evening clltlon and before 7 :.'t p, m. for morning, and Sunday ed'iloiu. Want huh re eHved after cli hours will linvo their first Insertion under the licnil. lnc, "TV (i CASH KATES FOR WANT ADS. . REGULAR CLASSIFICATION, i v . I l'wi c iiioi-v .iiits..ii. .. .-:i-Uum l)tt cents a won!. No mlvor-liniuc-nt taken (or 1cm than SO xsnts. CHANGE RATES. Six words to the line. On Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or nioro contccutivo Inser tions J) cents per lino. Ono lino per month $1.80. 1 went j- ccntH n minimum ciiarpe. Advertisements churned to patrons likTlng accounts are measured by tho line, not by tho word. NOTE Tho lico wilt not bo ro sponsiblo for more than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho 10th or tno following month. An advertisement insert ed to bo run until forbidden must bo topped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accent ml. cxnu OK TltA.llH, Mr. ond Mrs. V. V. Lewis take this means of thanking their many friends for the kindness and sympathy In their re cent bereavement In the death of their little daughter. MAiiuiAoia lici:nsi;s. I'ermlts to wed liuvo been granted th Xollowinjr couples; Nuroo and Address. Alie. Kilo F. atockwell, Omaha fti Jlona J. Shearer, Omaha .5 Jj. P. Shell. Omaha 21 JUlna. Watson, Omaha iv "William A. Sellner. Isnbelle, S. D 23 Amy I. Miller, Omaha.. 23 Joseph Jellnek, South Omaha. .1 U Bophlo Llsovo, Omaha A 2& Frances M. Edcerton, Omaha..... 24 Myrtle Booth, Omaha 19 IIIIITIIH AND DHAT11S. Births-Albert and Jonnlo Crum, SOU Ames avenue, girl; E. It. and Jane, Jones, hospital, girl; Joseph and Anna Hnvra nek, 1110 Bancroft, girl: M. V. and Lillian Wlllbourne, 81B2 Amss. girl; M. C. and Mamie Hush, 632J North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl. Deaths 8. K, Covrnns, 20 years, Kear ney; Mary M. Williams, 71 years, 1642 South Twenty-eighth: Frances. Lewis, 2 years. 312 North Twenty-second; Ja'mes II. Gordon, 60 years. 2231 Faruain: Corda West, 19 years, 404 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Ill II.UINU I'UIIMIMTH. Missouri Illver Lumber company, Thir tieth and Boyd, frame shed, $3,000; C. N. Moore, 2227 Ogden, frame dwelling, $3,000. UEIiP WANTED EEMAIiE UuBsekeepers and Uomesttcs. TUB BERVANT OIRL PnOBLBM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant i Olrl Wanted Ad Fit EE until you get tbt desired results, This applies to residents ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, Bring your tul to Th Bee offte or telephone Tyler 1000 COMPETENT girl for general hoURe worn; desire references. Call llarnoy 630(1. WANTED h cook tor hotel. Write or phong. T. 1'. Johnson. Valpralso, Neb. WANTED Olrl for general housework. No washing, plain cooking. Call at 603 Bo. 29th St. WANTED Experienced second girl. 424 No. 3Sth Ht. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family. References required. Phone Harney S25. llcstdencc 123 Bo. 35th St. ; . WANTED A competent girl for general housework: good wsges. 3S70 Dodge St. MAID for general housework; good wages, pleasant room and bath; small family. t09 Jones t. iiarneyjOTZ OMPMTENT white irlrl for general Housework; references required; good wages. Harney 6046. RESPECTABLE mlddlo aged, to do housework In good home, 1S16 Harney. WANTED Two girls for second work. Mrs, Woodruss, 2O05 St. Mary's. Ave. NEAT young girl to assist with general housework. Telephone Harney 2DQ1. Mlxct'ltmii'una. WOMEN Get government position. t month. Write Immediately for list ot positions open. Franklin Institute, DPL 31 W. Rochester, N. T YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St. Thire they will bo directed to sultuble boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aueutx. Salcsiueii and Solicitors. AGENTS, "SOLICITORS It you are a live wire and looking for someth'ng good Jager Bros. Mfg. Co.. 07 Brandels Theater Bldg "Nuff ced." SOLICITORS, magazine proposition. 678 Brandels Bldg. "WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell caps as a aide line; good commission; references. I. Bothbaum. Bt Joseph. Mo. :'t.i-Utry unit 'lriulen. f.EARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business, learn it complete In the largest and best equipped training school in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesms:i t'e to demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE CCIIOOU - Dodge St. Omaha,Xeb. Krua store inoij Uyta. Ktoiest. Uce Bids. 4 111,1;!' AN 1 i.l .MAI. I'. I'netory "nil 'I rnd. WANTEDMon In the city and out to lenrn the barber trade. The new Jaw In creases the demand for dean burners; HX) needed at once, Can qualify you for good wages In few week. Home money earned while learning. Complete onttlt of tools given. Holders of our diplomas recog nnlzcd everywhere. Tlilrt.-'-thrro lirancheis United Stilted and Camilla, our advan tages cannot he dtiplh-nted. Call or write, today. Molcr liurbw College, 110 a. ;4th St. MIm'i-IIiiiii-iiub. Oeorgo's 10 & ISc reMiuirnnt. 1324 Dodger H.-.1LWAY mail cit'tkx wanted: iyi inoiiih; Omaha examinations coming soon. coachliiK free. Krnnkdu Institute. Devi. IIK V H.x hMter. N. Y WANTED TOIl r. S. ARMY Ahle htidled, tinmarrti'd men between iiges of If) nnd X; riUtena of t'nlted HtutiK, of good churacter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tho Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting orrir.tr. inth and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; C05 Fourth St.. Sioux City, Iowa; 1.10 N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb. EXPERIENCED man for pawn shopT Must be first class watchman nnd Jewelry salosman. Good position for tho right ) 1 man. E. Bernstein, Pueblo, Colo. I 600 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at I onc for electric rallwny motormen turn conductors; JW to l(w a month; no ex perience necessary; fine-opportunity; tin strike. Wrltn Immediately for applica tion blank. Address Y 281. Bee WANTED- Man and wife to take chargo of farm. Address H 301, OmUha Bee. ARE you unemployed or dissatisfied lth your woik, or get very low wngti with no prospoct for advancement? Th' automobile business offers you oppor tunltles. Our graduates are trulned by practical experience In demonstrating, r V li Ink and driving all makes of autJ. mobiles, hnd command large sal.irln Knormou nolo of automobiles has Mi treat shortage of good men. Write fir full particulars and learn now before thj spring rush. National Automobile Train. Ing Association, Omaha. Neb HEIA' WANTED 3IAI.H AND 1'E.MAI.E. WH FURNISH competent stenograph ers' services freo to employer and cm. ployes. L. C. Smith & Btok. typewriter CO., 131G lmam St., Phono j)oug. 2213. '1ELEURAPH positions guaranteed yuu by the Union Pacific nnd Illinois Con. tial railroads If you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Address for particulars, lit B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles college, Omaha. Neb. MEN, WOMEN Cel government Joos; HO week; write Immediately for list ot positions open. Franklin institute, Depv JlT W.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED .SITUATIONS LAUNDRESS wants day work Tuesdays anu weuncsuayB, r'lioue llarncy KOT. WANTED General hnUHiiwnrk In1 unod colored ,ady. 1VI l'ark Ave. B 420, Beo. YOUNG MAN attending Boyle's college wants work for board. Douglas 1M0. COI.OHED woman lidURcwotk. Web. 4494. wishes general COLLEGE GIRL wants place to work tor room ami board, iouglas siw. YOUNG MAN wants to work for iMinnl and room. Address F 4G6, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 16 INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. ) SUBSCRIPTIONS EACH MONTH until June to THE LADIES' HOME JOUR NAL, $1.50; THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, $1.60; THE COUNTRY GENTLE MAN, 11.60; earn $S.000 for THE INVALID PENSION ASSOCIATION. Sixteen In yallds will receive $10 a month., leaving $1,080 for advertising. Every order worth 60 conts. YOUR RENEWALS COUNT. Won't you help? Also any publication whslavni. MITUrP It AX'!.- Til U111)a.D1TI ......... v.. . . ...V. .4 . . IV l V. TJONS IN JANUARY. Phone Douglas ubo. Ainuyj auuress GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA, NEB. MONEYS TO LOAN-LOW rate. 310 Be Uldg. Phono Dougf2904. I'nlon Loan Co. D. a Griffith, wig mfr.. 1J Frenxer Bit NEW HOME RESTAURANT. 15a meals; you will wonder how we do It 15H Capitol Ave. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. AND when I eat, I always eat with pleasure at the Woodmen Cafeteria. Gibson's Buffet 332 South 16th St. L1EBEN. costumes. 1614 Howard 8t IRON fences repaired and --painted. Douglas 6214. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles, 60c postpaid; samples free, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ATTRACTIONS. OMAHA film exch., llth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain. AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS repaired. 203) Farnam St Murphy DidltfSf- DRUMMOiWS BIG NEW GAEAGE At 26th and Fax nam. Best repairing, Best auto shop In city. Prompt service and reasonable charges. about; never been used. Address A 127. care Bee, SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES On account of my business In tho south, I will sell my garage and leaso the build ing. This proposition Is legitimate and good, my guruge Is well filled, uud Is storing on uu averngo uf 2S cars. Mod ern and well equipped and an elegant lo cation. I want to leave during the middle ot January, but that does not mean 1 Will seciiflce. I offer a good proposition to prospectlvo buyer Will take Home property us pan payment I. IIS, caro ot .UK BICE: Headliner A. B. C. of Omaha A ARON'H jewelry nnd Rift store. Jan uary gift Kale now In progress. 16th ind Karnain. B ELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Crutch rubber!", crutches, elastlo trusies, all kinds of rubber' Roods anything you I want from adrtiK store. I ' WOKLUV IJitOlS.. m N. lth. Home- maiio wine,, l gallon, two uart uouies oecr, s, DUNDfiI5 o5LEN MILLS, 16th dnd Harney 8ts. il 6 suits and overcoats tnaUo to Older, t;usmnteed to fit. I7c6n6my iclectrlo SIRns bfllifbusl nesS: save cost In.llehtlng. B. M. -J i art li.th dhiI Iknliclrirt ntririhB T.MJgTBlt BARICElt, ,t Brandels M Bldg., Doug. IcO. Uencinl Insurance irnod III tellftblo companies. GROSS WUEOKINOvCO.". Doug. 201 S. ,10th. All klhJv ot second hami machinery, lumber and alt kinds of building suppilts. Write us for prices. ill l OMli'of "the LONC TON' All tlie I I good Kinds Lf toal, soveral good - substitutes for haril coal. L. B. McCoUn Co.. 1201 So. .16th, D. 753. I NCR HA HE your bliHinoAS by advertising in tiiu ci.uiH.iioti columns or Thu OmiUift Bee. . A. BCiTroEDER will tell you any thintf Vod wish to know about the Moose' lodge. Trtl, D. C,S2q. 416 H. 17th, K 5 err,. Abutract -.Co., ,an6 ,SO. .llth rtt. uetter db sate man sorry, navj iux.iIo ji'our iltle work. . t ANKTREE Kloctrlcal Co. So. Uth I . St., Tyler 1011, Alhklhds of electrical inttli-m ilniif. iiM iili fiflniiM M uNlllslTS. Mir. of wigs, toupees, nwltche lrom comblngH, i$i, Mon helt s buuuty pariuiu lJ s. 16.D.2JM. NEBICA8KA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Dmiglu im. We rent, lep'nlr, sell needles, parts of all sewing machine. OivIaiIa stbvu Itopsir wolks, 1206-u Douglas bt ,1'ei. Tyler M. Water tropin and culls lor turnaces. Steam aiiJ watel' neuters; rep'rs; (mm to do work. Putroli'IIm coke,, liu.&O per ioil Greatest hea( giving liiel oa tne market. No ashes or smoke. Oivo us a, trial or der. Union Fuel Co., Douglas m Q UALl'i'Y prliitlhu; prices right. Ph',jne MUUI. 4IU IHIU'lUl UB t.UUlC JlIUCal UII prlntinK. Barton Ptg. Co.. tito S. Uth. KEIO liottl, tldw open for UUSlnoss. .Modern eVory fospect. special fam ily, late by wk. or mo. ltJu Cumins. Elf) hottl, tldw open for UUSlnoss. w18TEK tailored suits. Gowns, remod is ellng.and repairing; reasonable cost 201 City NatidnAI. , Douglas TAKE your fflond to tlie MondarTn cnto, HDD Douglaa, upstairs. Omaha's cxciuitlve, Chinese cttio. Music ey n gs T TNlTEl) Clothes Shop. 16U Farnam I J 3t. suits, cvorccatn, raincoats Rnudy. w lo-Wear-$10 & Why pay ihure? V auuum, uieaners, Tne rigiu Kinu at the rlBht price. $4.S5. Plume Red ll. jaeger tiros., urauueis nicuier mm. w estein "iJflllnCry sctTool, 412 Paxton uih. npring ana summer ciubbcs prepare ror eoriy positions. -V"?-ULLO aitATE, TON JS.60. k The A A nearest to anthracite; anfohiteiy smokeless, coal Hill Coal CO. D. 01s. doors, and windows made cold, dust, and rat 1 16 proof, by consulting n, tuhnisx as tu,, wo ware Blk. . u . ,. . tww. ZElOLEh doll. jAlTslies. per ton. $7.00. D..L. & W Scrnnton. Ohostnut and n other slie. per ton $12,00. People's Coal Co., Phono Vous. HO or Tyler 1731. SECOND HANJ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE practically now Harvester auto truck, 22 horse power, traveled less 76 milt s; apply to C32 Ilo Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or oUk of business, call on GANGE8TAD, 404. Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. WOULD like party with some money and' service, to take Interest In my busl hess. Cnh gtvo best of references. Ad- drees J its llte. titr wun Euua louiuain iicro. ia your lolngta good business at a bargain. Oliver Grove, 'Amherst, Neb. FOR; SALE Complete moving picture Hhow; a snap atid moneymaker; having two, will dispose, of one cheap. Address J. u. rnug at jo.. uniowa. iseu. South Omaha, new front and newly decorated; unexcelled location; room for 360 chairs; no fixtures! excellent op portunity for a,n experienced show man. Hall Distributor. Co., 4S3 Ramgo Bldg. Douglas 7400. FOR SALE A good laundry In western Iowa, a town ot 6,000 with no competition, doing $126 a week business. Owner has other business So desires to sell or trade. Small capital can secure It. Y 12S. Beo, RIOHT party can secure permanent po sition. Franklin, UOS Douglas St. , BUSINESS PERSONALS. "" Arolilteut. " DUILDERS-Plans to suit $5 and up. J. F. Cottrell. Architect. Pilce light. W. ESI. Olva me a trlaL Uhtrorrto)-a. J. C. Lavrrence, D. C 2322 Howard, D. 8461 Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. C33 Pax. BIK Red 45H. Carrie J Buford. 633 Pax. Blk. Red 4637. DR. MONHEIT. 403 S. 16th, Douglas 2233. Crvnnii-rles, UMlrlrs and biiypllea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. . t'aavl .Dealers. PARTRIDGE-THOMSON CO.. have moved to SOS South 17th. Sell best coala at reasonable prices. Dreasmaklng. Terryjs Jressmakliig college. 20th & Far. Dressm"aRlngtiyfhe day." Wib. 7037' MISS D. MALLOY. altering ot ladles' suits, refitting, rellnlng, etc. Suite 204 Boston Store Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 3471 ETcrythtnir Eleuirlenl. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 252 Bee Bldg Detective. ' , JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville block. Evl- deuc secured in oil casos. Tylyr 11S6. L. "wT UJN'U n kXIli KTCiiX Ka'rLacu' BTkr Drags. DRUGS ut out prices; freight paid on flO orders: catalogue frte She. man & ;icCjnttell Drug .Co., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA, TUESDAY, JAXTAJIY 7, 1013. HUSlNEbs PERSONALS LOST ANI. i OLM j Ol-l r.llhl) lOR RENT PERSONAL. FlnrUtn. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. P. 1001; A-IOOl "lIESS & HWOBODA. HIS Farnnm Bt. ! BATH'S, florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam, D. 12.18. BRANDE13 cut flower dept.? new store. fomidi'leM. McDonald Brass and Btonse foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 14tff Jackson. lllntn for till: Ilom. TRY JOHNSON'S $5, COAL for cooking, or $5.60 for fufnace or heat ing stoves. 18th and Izard. Tel. Doug. 1702. .Mull iik- atornKf and, C'lennliiu. MCLaud fc Eon,' Van tc B:, S-kbrso van. 2 men. 1.2.' hr.. 2 hrs 31 h-..D mjVSR Furii. movitiK; 2 men, $1 perhr. W. iU SI unloul natr nnW-ii l . Francis Potter, Agent ,for dlbson Man dolins. Guitars and Farlarid Banjos. 20th and Farnam. Nurserio nttU 'Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMA'N. 110 N. 16th. Osteopaths, Alice Johnsonr808-9 nrahdels The. Bldg Key to tho Situation Deo i Advertising. Printline. DOUGIAS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. Ml. Lew W. Raber, Printer, De0'5!!hiBs BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. I'Mruti. T7TT5AM A CTftTjhrt t-n,..".. I, ....... (46 Brandels TheateK Bldr. Doug. 34?V. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Hlk, Tel. Red 71177 Storo aad Ofjrioe Fixtures. POOL" tables, stord, restadrant fixtures bought sold. Levy. 619 N. South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scaleVhowcasts. shelv ing, etc. We buy, we Sell. Omaha Fixture and 8upply. Co.,. 414 .jgriil, rio. ,12th. D. ZIU. Wines and tlilior. WILLOW Springs beer, llquhr cigar. sandwiches. Alex, Jetes, 602-3 So i;th Bt VIRGINIA DA Ilia wine, 5c a largo bot tle, Klein Llqllur HoU. 622 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL Save40Now Tho Y. M. C. A, schools reopen Mon day evening. Jan. 6. The courses offered; Architectural Drawing ,4.,10 weeks.... $3.00 Freehand Drawing .......14 '' .... 6.25 Cartooning ,.14 " .... 6.26 Showcard Writing ...... .,14 " .... O.Si Arlthmetlo 10 " .... 4.00 Bookkeeping . .16 " .... 7.00 BuBlnesa Corrcsiondence..l8 " .... 4.00 Business English i " .... 4.00 Electricity i. 12 " .... 1.00 English Coming A'm 4 " .... 1.60 Mechanical Drawing ..,,,,16 " .... 6.00 Plan Reading and Est.. .10 " .... 4.00 Penmanship ., i .,16 " .... 4.00 Publto Speaking ....Il " .... 6.00 Shorthand and Typewrit ing' 16 " ....10.50 Spelling H " .... 3.25 Tho 3 R's ..................10 " ....3.2.", Singing 4 " .... 1.00 Electrical 15nglneerlng ....14 " .... D.60 By enrolling now, 10 per' cent discount from above prices will bt allowed. The average cost of each cpur Is about 5 cents per day. An educntldflal member ship of $3.00 la charged all nonmcmbers qf the Y. M. C. A. You cantiot select a more valuable New Year's gift for your self for your son for your employee. Call, write or phone now. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Founded 1891. A private training school for stenographer- Enrollment limited to those whoso age and education insure their success In the profession ot steno graphy Our cataloguo will gtve you all the information yon desire. Write for It Room 18. Wend Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of man dolin, guitar and banjo. Instruments sold on small payments. 20th and Farnam. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JAN. 6. Day and .Night Complete courses In business, bookkeep ing, stenography, telegraphy, civil serv ice and salesmanship. The cattalogue is free tor the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address II. B. Boyles. President Doyles college. Omaha, Neb. January 6, Mosher-Lanipman College Opens Its "Wintor Term Unsurpassed classes. Finest, quarters.' uraauaies are guaranteea booci positions. Work for board. For tree catalogue and full information address. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. 1815 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. Dnnclnv. Macklo's. 3 .class njghts,rjer wfik. D. 2146. LIVE STOtm FOB SALE Horses nnd Vehicles. ONE horse, $23; one horse, $35; ono mare. $?&. Roy Young. UH Douglas St. LOST AND FOUND. PERSONS having tost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Ratlway compacy to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company Is anxlovv to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las is. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Pearl sot trom rUg; reward. Ap ply Victor Gladstone, im Douglas, or Phono Harney 49. GRAY Anglla cat. answers to name Joe. Return to .2101 California St. Re ward, wo questions asked. P"f"lV fit,. nf-V nlin. li.t ft... ........ . I 'U . , U J lV tween 45th and Burdette uud 47th; return to 4.35 Buidette; reward. Mrs. J. H. Koehltr. Drawn LOBT Fob with monogram "II. 'A. R" In gold: reward offered; phone Harney 124S; ""LOSTIn dow.ntown district, a lady's luilf-karat djamontl rtng; V2 rewnrd. Call nt Bee office. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures Plies, Fistula nnd other rectal diseases" without surgical operfttlop. Outu guaranteed nnd no money paid until cured.- - Wrlto for book on rectal dlscarfr With. testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee. Bldg., Omaha. MOEV TO LOAN Snlnry nnd Clutttels. $fKEw'j$'; tt D O Li SI $i LARS ft IS ARE AL- : $$.W.A-Y-?S4t $$,N EE D EDI ta a t y M - n-iiiir rnlli rt $$ CAN OBTAIN, U .$$-THE.DOLLARS-S$ KOF US ON$$ -.$$ Y.O U R -FUftNl-$ $Tt u r e. pianos. $ TliORaES. WAGONSlS $$ OR ANYTHING OF$$ $$ VALUE OR ON YOUR $$ U PLAIN' NOTE IF YOU $$ $ HOLD A BTEADY UAL- it $T AIDED POSITION. : THE S$ $$ MONEY, IB ADVANCED $$ $$ uuicklV,, Pit I V ATELY $$ ,$$AND.AT.LfcHB COST.THAN $$ $$ ANY OTHER. COMPANY $1 $4 WRITING INTEREST RATES S$ U IN THE ClTi. REMEMBER S YOU .USE THE MON It Y AND M SECURITY AT THE SAME. TIME S$ $X AND CAN PAJf IT BACK IN SI ts SMALL WEEKLY HR MONTHLY $$ PAYMENTS. DO NDT RE" MISLED $s H iUT uuMJii tu A cuursn x ihai $$HAS. BEEN IN -HBSiNESS FOR $$ M YEARS, AND NEEDS NO OTHER S$ $1 HKCOMM EN D ATI 0 N. A UOOD. S$ II viuiu& ai. u uuni lun.i $4 DEAu IB'WHAT.YOU WANT THIS $S $$ AVE UUARANTEE. $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$ it s $ $ $ $ s $!$$ Wishing You A A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A . .HAPPY NEW YEAR. $ $ $$ $ RELIABLE CREDIT- CO.. $d Floor, 3V1-S Paxtotl U10bki,217 S. 16tbSt Phone DoUglas llll. I l I t t i s I ii i t : s n it $$$$$$$$$ $,$$$$$ $ DIAMOND' LOANS ut 2fe and 3 per cent. FLATAU, 1614 Uodgo St. Tul. Red 6619. FURNITURE. , SALARY. LOANS. Let UH advance you enough money to pay every one you owe And START THE NEW .YEAR RIGHT With only om place to -pay, you'll be more satisfied and surprised how cheaply we can do. It. , NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. LOWEST RATES. CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Established TWenty-ono Years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Phono Doug. 2293. Room 219, Board ot Tfado Building. MONEY LOANED 8ALAIUED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. 11. Tolman, rs now um. fiat, i'k. inog. dMAITKL LOANS 36 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO... 601 J'axton Block. Money oh furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rato of interest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1366. 30 Bee Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and S per cent GROSS LOAN CO., 410 North 16th. OFFERED FtJlt RENT Hoard and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Dduglas 611. Merrlam hotel, 26th and Dodge, under new management, single and en-sulte. I'uriiUhfd ililuiua. WARM, pleasant room; modern house; $2.26 per week. 3664 Douglas street. 2312 Douglas. ,ew tarnished rooms, mod. 2702-4 Psrnam Large south front room, with alcove, also other rooms, all nicely iiiriimneu. inpuern, re-aBonapit, il. mji, DODGE. 2417 Nicely furnished, dawn- stairs front room, wlth uso ot parlor; suitable for two business women.'' Red 7323. Furnished HonseUcepInu; Room. 201S Davenport .two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Kurfttaheil Aitut-tmeitta. FOR RENT during winter months. 7- room furnished apartment, .centrally lo cated; references lequlred. Address K 461, uee. Hotels and-Apartments. DODGE HOTEL modern, reasonabl. Furnished llouses. MAN and wife to share furnished house. Special Inducement to reliable people. House Is, all modern: In walking distance. F. D. Wead. 1(01 Farnam. Apartments anil Flats. FOR RENT Modern-6-room flat 633 S. 2th Ave.; references wq'qlrM. Tel.H. 3170. SPLENDID store and, apartments for rent cheap, Clowery Court. O. P. Steb blns, Agent, 1610 Chicago St. $93 Urge rooms. pa:t modern flat. 1915 Kim street, xoi. iiarney u. iwiitrwrlv mnnKiiN j.mnm .i.am heated apartment In THE ALBION. 10th and Pacltlo Sts.; one-block, south of the Burlington depot, excellent janitor service. ARTHUR MAROWITZ. 736 Brarldets Theater Bldg. Doug. S623. straM. HEATED nDartmants in the New Toy, 8009 Harney, to sub-lease to Oct , 1913, of -4 .rooms, every Improvement and janitor: no children. THOB. W. HAZEN. 107 McCague. D. 1300. 6-r.. mod. brick flat. 1802 N. 16th, US. 11-r . mod. brick flat, 6!l 8. lSUi, $30. THOS. W. HAZEN. W McCague. D. 1300. 8-ROOM modern flat, 332 So. Telephone Harney .414L 2ith Sc. Ilousra and Cottasca- 1 for The Bee by Houses nnil t'ottnues.- APT. A TIT) Son move trunks. 25c, UIX U 50c. Dottglas 4338 RE,DY Jan. 1. NewK- finished through out, new furnace, plumbing, etc.; 7 rooms; walking distance ' $2). Mr.Caguo Co, FIVE roomsT 1S07 Furnam. modern: suitable location for offices, studios, den tal -or dressmaking rooms for tenants wishing homo adjoining. Hat!, 433 Ramge Uldg.. DOURiaS 7IU6. FOR REN'tT 5 and 6-room hotiHes. new: ?5 block from car. Tel. Webster 2161. 674 ii. 28th , St s" rooms completely triod ern. Hall. ..43.1 Ramgw. D. 7406: A-440C. $203117 BURT, ricw6-room cottage, all modern except' furnace. 1I. B, Boyles. D. 1603. . 4-r. cottage. 1914 Bancroft St Red Gout. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE Cu. packs, m&ves, stores, and ships household guods and pianos. Douglas 1496. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-age. $2 per rriorith. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4233 and D. 5783. Offices 117 8. 14th St. 520 N. lGth. CENTRAL Nothing like Itt steam heat. (all modern 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d St 2S12 Poppleton- Ave;, 6 rooms,- modern, with large sleeping porch, nnd small barn, $22.60. 64th and Center, 4 rooms, $5; 6 rooms, $7. HALLER. C41 Paxton. - .Douglas .6477 FIVE-ROOM .cottage, partly modern, 916 North 23th Ave., sit. six-ioom house, 2109 Grant. $20. Eight-room house arid barn, 930 North 25th St., $25. THOS. W. HA?EN. Doug. 1300. 207. McCague Bldg. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods arid pldnos Is our business. Omaha Vari and Storage Co., fireproof stoiar.e, 80C S. 16th. by the viaduct. Branch office, X9 S. 17th St. Tel. Douelas 41C3, A-1359. S-ROOM modern house at 112 S. 44th St., on West Farham-Dundee line; warm, comfortable home. Tel. II. 3361. MrtTca In all Harts of the citv. "uual'0'- Crelgh. SOhs & Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR RENT 2-storV frame dwelling on Cass St., between SOth and 27th" Sts., all modern Improvements. The Crclghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. Stores Riitl Offices. CROUN8E BLK.-Offfco room. 119 N. 16th St, opposite pottofflce, $7 per month. Conrad Young. S22 Brftndels Thea. ,D. 1571. FOR RENT For wholesale, light man ufacturing or retail purposes Farnam St. after December 31 the three-story and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St. Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314, First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1242. HALLS for rent. Phone. Doug. 5446. FOR RENT Office room. 25x30 ft., on ground floor front. In'tne Edward Crolgh ton institute, 210 8. 18th St,opposlte city hall. Telephone Douglas 6845. FOR RENT FoUr-story and btiAement building with trackage in rear alley. Will be vacant about April '1. Apply to The Beo Building, Co.. Bee office. BRICK store and tpnement. 2211 N. 2tth St. Tel. Florence 192. OFFERED FOR HALE Farnitnre. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice (owner leaving city) complete set of fur niture for five rooms, including china- and silverware: fumed oak parlor set. Call Harney evo. T) fiOHfi Qu'k buyers of furniture and " household goods. 'We pay more. HOtlRRItflT.n i.. Si IT" 86th St. ,11. 6031. Musical Instrument's. KIMBALL ORGAN, nearly new, bar gain. 308. N. 16th. FOR SALE Wegman piano: leaving city; must sell quick. 4521 N. 89th St. Typewriters, TYPEWRITERS for rent.- 3 months, $1. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER. EXCHANOg FOR SALE-Smlth Premier No. io latest model. Bargain. Home Loan Co. Room 8 Patterson block. TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $3; ren applied on purchase price, Omaha Typewriter Exhange. 411 S. 15th St TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an U C. Smith & Bros, type writer of thu makers, by the month ii. CO or three months tor $7.60. L. C. Smith Ss Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam St Phone Doug. 2213 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th St SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. bn COAL; It's good; try a ton; best for P" money. Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth. NEARLY'. new No. 10 Remington; sac rlflce; owner leaving city. E 452. carfiBee. CHEAP Show cases, shelves, cashier's desk, largo sate, fine jewelry cose, gas lamps. 314 No. 16tli St Phone Douglas 1660. Kindling. $4. II. Gross, lumber & wrecking. FOR SALE 75 printers' cases: three stands. J. P. Cooke, llll Farnam St. MANURE FREE Apply to Omaha Gas Co., 1208 Howard. PERSONAL Massage. Mrs. Goldsburg. 808 Boston Bid. BEST bracer tor men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. C3-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. AT A HQ A fJl? Swedish movement Apt MAOOAUJi . ivi2 Farnam. D2L ANNA MARKS Tp. F&ISS: THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fapt anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 1S1 N. llth St, for cost uf collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will calL ArARSAfrF,i Corns removed. 23c. Mrs. Payne. 107 S. IE. D. 4431 MASSAGE and Salt Glow. Mme. Allen, 109 So. J7thSt. IsJ floor. D. 7665. MASSAGE Expert treatmentsby lady operator: select patronage. 208 S. Hth St. Room 30S. Close 10 p. m. "Bud" Fisher YriTTNn wmnen comlnc to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or Otherwise aaslsted. Look for our travelers' aid- at tho Union station. FOR norvousness. rheumatism, heart disease, ihdlgestloit. conBtlbatlon. goiter, catarrh, etc., try Chiropractic; ono ad Justment free. Dr. Dexter, 20th & Farrtnm. BEST bracer' for men. Gray's Ncrvo Food Pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE" Drugless treatments. 703 S 16th. Apt. B. MASSAGE. Mrs. Snyder. Baths, electric treatments s uran. men, uiqk. u- Persistent Adveertialhg Is the Road to Big Returns. Ttf AfJTrtrpif1 treatment. K. Brott. iVliVtjri.Ni'vlHj nvnr 710 S. 16th. D. 7S33. BODY MASHAGE-222-.1 Neville Block. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1S20 Farnam St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Oma. Nat $100 to $10,000 made , promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Uldg., 18th and Farnam. GARVIN BBOS.&S33- MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,C00 to $50,000. W. H. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National Douglas 2715. tr A DUt T " A M C Manx rim a Yin nfi orm. mission;-optional payments! cheap money. Orin S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. LARGE loarts our specialty. 8tull Bros. G01L CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co.7 " 310-313 Brandels Theater mag. City and farm loans. John N. Frenzer. djja on itirnia unn iniiuuvvu uiLy property, 5, 6 and 6 per cent; no delay, J. H. DUtnont & Co.. 1U03 Farnam St. FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices tor furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1(07. -Wanted to buy WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house to be moved on a lot; would llko one within 15 blocks ot 24th and Franklin. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED To buy old broken watches and old gold. M. Nnthan, 109 S. 13th St. 6-ROOM, now bungalow, modern, on corner lot to exchange for vacant lots. Call at 413 Karbach Blk. Phone D. 3007. WANTED ARC LAMP We desire to purchase Immediately a 110 D. C. Arlsto Arc Lamp In good con dition. Address George R. Wright, Bee Office. " NTh.D TO Itl'NT WANTED To rent 80. or 120 acres of land. Cash or grain. Address N 458, Bee. WANTED By young man of good habltti, a room, with breakfast and sup per, with private family; references ex changed.. Address G 464. Bee. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE " TO TRADE 20 A.. $50 per A., for resl. dence. -60 A., $75 per A.; on bay front; fine. 160 A., $100 per A.; Imp.; artesian welt 818 A., $20 per A., for good hotel. D. W GRANT, Palaclos. Tex. WE have listed for exchange for. mer chandise, i a proposition that lookA like money" to us. 480 acres land In Keith county, 5 miles southwest of Paxton, Neb. Every lrieh ot it tillable; two sets of 'Improvements, new and In flrst-closa shnpe. Price $45' per aero. One of our representatives has been over this land and it Is worth In cash price asked. Star Land Co.. 217 National-Fidelity & Casualty Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE General mer chandlst store In South Omaha, doing, a cash business; stock and fixtures will In voice about $4,000. Will discount for cash or trade for Omah clear property. Will pay dlffefence'. If necessary. Address J 162. Bee. WE HAVE all kinds of land for clear loty property. Palmer Land Co., 1106 W. O. W. Bldg. Everybody's Doing It Doing what, trading with tho Palmer Land Co.. 1106 W. Q W. Bldg. WE handle successfully exchanges of merit It you have anything to deal In In a hurry, call Star Land Co., 217 Nafl. Fidelity .& Casualty Bldg., "or phone Doug las 2365. REAL RTATK AUMKAt'lb (IF rilLK. RJC1SD Abstract Co., oldest abstract ot fie In Nebraska. 106 Branien Theater. ACItEAUIS pur sal. is. WILL EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE. 16H-ACRE place adjoining Council Bluffs; rich garden land. Good house, barns and sheds: water works which cost $600 or $800; plenty fruit ot all kinds. Formcr'owner became well off from tho profits from tlila place. Any Industrious man can do well on It Price. $6,000. Owner has equity of $3,000, for which he will take small houses in Omaha. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 103 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs. CITY I'ROPEn'tY FOll SALE - FIVE-ROOM bungalow, 2124 Templeton St Call Douglas 6041. THE HOJ-KUUD LA.D CO. bandies exchanges of all kinds Room (, cumin- ntsl Hlk., Omaha. FRONTING HANSCOM PARIC Substantially built, 12-room house with either 61H or 11114 ft front by 211 ft deep. Hot water heat. Oak finish, barn, large shade trees. WILL SELL, WORTH THE MONEY, Inquire ot A. D. MARRIOTT. 1720 So. 32d Ave. or 733 Brandels Bldg. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FtRSa EH JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FARNAM tT, REAL ESTATE F.iltM A It A Nt II l,NDS POU SAI.B Ariiaitfcas. 430 a., rich dark loam land; 119 edit; bal. timbered! level; no rocks; 1 rat ry. 112 a., H down. Robt Sessions. Wlntbrop, JuVu. Dept B,