Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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rnrc ber: omatta, Wednesday, .lAxrAJiv i. win.
Mill Lengths of Mercerized
Table Damask at 10c Yard
Beautifully finished mercerized
Damask, (54 mid 72 in. wide,
in lengths of Vj to (3 yds.
actually worth up to f)0e n
yard January price, i A
wcFancy Linens 25c
Thousands of beautiful hem
stitched, embroidered drawn,
work and lncc scarfs, lunch
cloths and center pieces
worth tip to $1.00 Janu- 0
arv sale nrlco. each AiOC
WORTH $15 and $20 at $5.98
Most extrordlnary bargain ever offer
ed in a special sale. Here are finest
hand loom Irish Linen damask cloths
-212x212, 2Vfex3, 2'x3, and 24
x4 yards every cloth perfect. Ac
tual $15 and $20 val
uesJanuary sale
UliV'VU -LAV. -
This Annual Sale beginning Thursday is the result of the concerted efforts f the most powerful buying
organization that operates for the benefit of the people of Omaha. Our Omaha buyers, our New York office
and our resident foreign buyer have cambined forces for this sale.
Immense consignments white goods and linens bought abroad at great sacrifices, shipped direct in
bond to Omaha result in remarkable savings. In this sale are factory accumulations, sample lines bought at
reduction from time to time during the past year. Prices will be lower than ever before quoted in Omaha.
$10 Double Damask Dinner Table Cloths, $4-98
Fine weave, double damask cloths in sizes 2x2 Vii yards -flfl AO
actual $10 values, at 1l0
$10 Dinner Napkins at $5 Doz.
Here is one of those wonderful bar
- gains that makes the January sale
the most remarkable event of the
year. 26-in. large size double satin
dinner napkins, exquisite floral and
conventional designs $10
values, January salt)-
UUKll .........
mil aim
$5 Cloths 8-4 size,
at S3.50
$7.50 Cloths 8-10
size, at JS-l.oU
$1) CIoths-8-12 size.
at S5.50
24-Inch Dinner NapkliiH to mntch above cloths, 15, DO vnVuos, at, per dozen 93.93
$3.50 Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads at $1.98
Largo size, Satin Marseilles SpreadB goog firm quality splendid J1 QQ
assortment, at x J) 1 0
$8.00 BED SETS, AT $5.50
Comprises "largo size, scalloped Bed Spreads -with cut corners bolster cover
or pillow throw to match January Sale price, per Jj)5 50
Largo slzo 13-4, heavy crochet Bed Sproads In Marseilles patterns do OO
with cut corners $3.50 values, at pJZ
40c Huck' Towels, 15c
No store in the United States has ever
iitadc this offer! Extra size all pire'
linen pin huck towels with hemstitch
od borders all guaranteed perfect.
Never sold for less than
40c regulth'ly .January
sale special, each
For Thursday, tho first day of tho salo, wo offer alVoiir exquisite French cluney scarfs, contor pieces, table covers; all our fine Madeira nt
table covers, center pieces and doilios. together with all bur Jap drawn work. Austrian and Irish hand onibroldnrmt iin'ono omi " "r."7
inles at jUBt ONI5-HALF tho prices of twp weoks ago. " "
during our holiday mile
Madeira Luncheon Napkins
Worth 81.00 dozen, nt $11.10 a dozen -rl5-Inch
Pure Linen Madeira Lunchoon Nap
kins with rich hnnd ombrotderod designs In
corners. Limit two dozen to customer.
One of tho wonderful fea
tures of this salo, at, per
dozen ,
$1.39, 72-inch, double Damask, 95c yard
Extra quality, pure linen, Irish Satin Da
mask quality, at per Ar.
yard ......... ,f sJtii
$1,50, Best Austrian llantnuk, Ijll.lfi n YanlLtuin
dera beautifully.'l'ery durable- 1 r'1 -I-J?
January sale prico, nor yard . P.JLJLD
Ca-Ini Napkins to Match the Abovo . . d0 QO
Damask, nt per dozen , . . . P 70
50c Mercerized Damask 29c yd OS-in., fine
weave, mercerized tnblo damask that sells every
where at HOc, January Sale Price, 9Qr
per yard ...... .Utfij
72-inch, best woven, Mercerized Damask, 50c yd.
Positively our best grade of mercerized da
mask and easily worth 75c, January fxfkgb
Sale Price, per yard w"t
$1 Silvor Bleached Table Damask, 69c yd. Spe
cially adapted to hotel, restaurant nndNboarding
"house use; bleaches out white In a few washings
and gives the best of service--the $1, val
no at January Salo price, per yard OwC
$2 Table Damask Extra fine quality at $1.39 yd.
Heavy, genuine double satin damask pure Irish
. linen in attractive floral and conventional de
signs January Sale Price per (gfl OA
yard f $lt3V
$5;50' Naplrinain1;24-inch size to match "the abovo
Damask January Sale Price, per (Q JQ
dozen at , weJ.tJO
lUJSc Huck Towels Oc, large,
heavy weight of firm weave
always 121fcc, January
price, each
Kxtm quality llurk Towels 10c
each, .largest size and firmly
- woven with red or plain whlto
bordors usually lCc
and 19c, at oach ....
UOc Hemstitched Unmask Towels
In pretty patterns,
at, each . . ;
Largo, heavy, double ply Bath
Towels or fine Turkish Face
Towels, tho 2 5c grade, 1 P
at oach A O C
10c Initial Towels a."ic, largo slzo,
uxtra quality, pin huck Uncn
towelB with any initial woven in
border, at, ' OC
oach mOC
30c l-'nre Towels 25c each, largo,
linen hucltf towols bf flho absorb
ent quality, worth 39c ng
and 50c, at 6ach-. v . .-. mOC
All pur finest Imported Linen
TtWvels. wfti-th SllUfi i-r
.r-5.00, nt cacli . ...
17-inch Hemmed, Pure Linen, Silver Bleached
Napkins Splendid for hotels and restaurants
good, firm, fine weave in dice patterns, nr.
January Sale Price, per dozen JC
$3.00 22-inch Linen Napkins, $1.98 dozen-Snow
white, pure linen napkins fine, soft finish, laun
ders splendidly regular $3 values during fi jj 98
January Sale, per dozen vl
$6.00 Dinner Napkins, $3.98 dozen 2G-inch, fine
Irish, double satin damask dinner napkins
beautiful assortment of patterns at (gQ An
dozen $00
$2 Mercerized Napkins, 95c dozen Best domestic
and imported grades, worth to $2, during our
January Sale at per QC
dozen, ,. . , . - ecPC
$1.00 Mercerized Napkins, 690-18-incli, finest '
weave, mercerized Dinner Napkins," doz.. . . .69c
Ueautlfuli oxtra weight, fast color Turkish Bath a q
Rugs, that have been selling nt 7Cc and $1 TTcC
$7.50 to $12. 50 Bed Spreads at $5
We offer you the choice of finest Marseilles
Bed Spreads In our entire stock, plain hem
or scalloped embroidered. Made by tho re
nowned Barlow & Jones, Manchester, Eng
land. Heguiar ?y.uu 10
$12.50 values of finest
quality January sale
special, each
iter, Eng-
Mexican Lace Bed Spreads
Worth $3 to $3.50 at $1.49
There aro only 500 spreads in this lot, and
will not last longer than ono day. Woven
in most cxquislto designs, suitable for large
.beds. Positively ?3.50
values, January salo
Bpeclal, each,
BuuaDio ior large
98a Linen Pillow ' Tubliig
SOotn-lii., round thread
pure Uncn pillow tubing;
a Htaple 98c value CQp
ut, per yard,.... Uau
All linen Barnsloy Crash
of nice smooth weave
the old reliable homo
toweling',' always, sold for
14c; at, per I fr
yard..-. I Ul
Waih Cloth lino ualr
Hy Turkish wash clothH,
.jilain wlilto or. ,(lth col
ored borderii i 'regular
7o values, 9l,n
at, each t 2u
18-lnch, extra noavy
weight, pure line it,
round thread crash
towellnp, tho best ob
tainable for roller and
lmnd towels, I ni.
worth 19c, yd. I CV2u
100 UnbUaohed Crih 6c.
18-In, heavy .unbleached
linen crash towelliiR-
ror the January
sale, t ,pj yard..,
Wash CJothi 200 dozen
Turkish and knit wish
cloths, reafularly Wtoth
bc; January sale
price, cuch
Here are the most exquisite white fabrics
of the best informed Omaha women will
Fine White Dress Linens Our Own Importatitn
00-inch Whlto Irish Dress. Linon, worth $1.10, at a yard Q9d
4-Inch Itound Thread Linen, pure white and .grass bleached; worth J1.00,
at, a yard i 59
45-lnch Round Thread Linen, grass bleached, pure whlto, at yard 40b
45-inch Round Thread Llnon, grass blonchod, pure white, at, yard . .45
S 6-inch Round Thread Linen, medium light weight soft finish for uu-
dormUBlIns, at tho yard 25b
a6-lncb. Linen Cambric, at tho yard f 15i
Imported, hand embroidered English
and French Cotton Crepes, tho
finest collection over shown In
Omaha, at tho yard 50b up to 84
27-Ipch Puro White Voile of extra
quality in small checks and Btrlpcs
does not stretch 35c values, at
Per yard 15
S 7-inch Whlto Umbroldored Cotton
Crepe in fine pin dots and other
pretty, designs for waUts, drosses,
uudormusllns, etc. a 30c valuo, at
Por yard 15
28-lnch double fold, Mercerizod
checked Dimity n 15c valuo, at
from the world's best looms assembled expressly for this great January sale. All this month thousand
respond to these genuine bargains in goods of highest character. Never before were prices so attractive.
Fine Cotton Crepes
32-ln. Wlilto
Klaxon Shirting
and WalMlng,
very flnost
quality, In.
fancy stripes,
cords and jac
quard offocts
regular 39c
valuo, at yard
SI7-in. Whlto
Hcotch I) r o s h
Kwlxhca direct
1 m por tatlous
from Scotland
10c valuo, at
tho ynrd
42-inch Chiniozn, Japanese
from tho best selected cotton, launders
perfectly novor turns yellow '
box of 10 yards
Biggest bargain ovor offorcd In all
kinds of flno Cotton Gropes, col
ored or whlto for dresses and un
derimiBlins soft aoorsuckor
stripes, whlto with Persian borders,
whlto with black dots, rose buds,
vino effects, etc. the crlnklo In
theso cropes will neither wash or
stretch out and requires no ironing
fresh goods In full bolts, inanu-
laciurou especially for us tho
au men width worth
20c, at por
40-ln. White Hatlne, worth 50. yd.33o
White French
Pique, very
fine wenve in
nent jiicqnurd
designs the
Tjjo qunlity;
nt, por yard,
il'J-in. Persian
Jjitwn, nn extra
flno quality
made from se
lected combed
yarns regu
lar 35e values,
at, tho yard
3f)-inch Madeira Nainsook, soft, silky and
splendid for making dainty under- d QP
muslins box of 10 yards for $!.())
The Imperial Chamois Finish Long Cloth
Wo recommend It for flno underwear for It contains no tilling.
3G-In. w
3G-ln. width In 12 yd. bolts. .Q5c
width In 12 yd. bolts $1.10
,vldth In 12 yd. bolts S1.45
3C-ln. width In 12 yd. bolts SI. 50
3C-ln. width In 12 yd. bolts SI. 60
36-ln. width In 12 yd. holts Sl!70
42-ln. width In 12 yd. boltB S2i05
45-ln. width In 12 yd. bolts 2.65
45 Inch Pure Whlto Mercerized
Btarch box of 10 yards for .
Nainsook a fine quality
free from
-S3. 23
36-Inch -Imperial Nainsook, 12 yard bolts SI, 10
3G-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12 yard bolts S1.45
40-inch Imperial Nainsook, 12 yard bolts Sl.OS
45-lnch Imperial Nainsook, 12 yard bolts S2.4A
Extra fine, pure white 19c Victoria Lawn
'lliausanda of women will remember the
we never had suck splendid lots of Cotton
wonderful bargain
in farmer sales, but we can positively say that
and nowhere have such phenomenal bargains been offered.
Plain and Fancy White
Goods, Novelty Lawns, Ba
tistes, Piques, Marquisettes
India Linons, etc., in waist
and dress lengths, worth up
to 25c, during our great
January Sale, iyi
per yardy 2C
They have oreated a sensation in one of the 10th street show windows Here are a few of the hundre s of specials.
45, 42, 36-in. Bleached Pillow
Tubing, one of tho best
standard New England
brands that would regular
ly sell at lGc, 18c and ovon
20c, on special table, oppo
site Muslin Dept., fl i
at a yard '8t
Yard Wide Long Oloth
Nainsook Lonsdale
Fruit of the Loom Wara
usutta and other fine mus
lins thousunds of yards in
perfect mill lengths on bar
gain square, at
tho yard
Imported Madras at 15c yard, ab
solutely tho finest, imported
woven madraB white and col-
- ored grounds with black and
colored woven stripes very
deslrablo for men's shirts, wo
men's and children's wear 35c
would bo putting the value at a
low figure during the January
Sales, on Bargain
Square, at tho
9-4 Bleached Pepperell
and Aurora Sheeting
the most popular of
all the well known
standard brands dur
ing January 1 0
at a yard .... JLyvt
Thousands of yards Un
bleached, yard wide Mus
lin, on bargain A
square, at yd t
Apron Check Ginghams, fast
colors in blue, brown and
green checks, at the Janu
ary Sale price, per Q 1
yard O 2C
Whlto Flaxon and other high
grade white goods In checked,
barred, striped and plaid pat
terns such bargains as these
will bo found only during the
January sales instead of 25o
and 35c the price, per - 1
yard, will be laC
Main Floor
January Sale of Fine Embroideries
Main Floor
18 inch Fine Embroder
ed Cambric and Muslin
Flouncins and Corset
Coverings, excellent de
signs -in eyelet, blind
work and combination
effects, worth 20c to 25c,
on bargain sguare,
at yard JlC
18-inch Fine Embroider
ed Swiss Nainsook and
Cambric Flouncings, Skirtings
and Corset. Coverings, excel
lout needlowork "beautiful
designs in floral, eyelet, blind
work and combination effects;
worth to 50c,
at yard lUj
27-in. Fine Embroidered,
Sheer Swiss Nainsook &
Batiste Flouncings, Hem
stitched and Scalloped
uoracrs, exquisite designs in
floral, oyolot, blind work, com
bmation, crochet, filet and
Encllsh effects, nlsn
dainty dealgns for chtl - AAA
drcn'a dreBses, worth mffl
up f 75c, at, a 9jfJj
Fine, Swiss and French
Batiste Embroidered Gal
loons, dainty floral and
combination designs, 2
to 3i inches wide
worth up to 25c, on bar
gain square, at
the yard LMj
Beautiful Cambric & Con
vent,, Hand Loom Em
broidery Edgings, in eye
let and blind designs frorn
4 to 10-in. wide 2 big
lots, worth from 15c to
25c, on bargain square,
at the
yard .
10c : 15c
Fine French and German
Val. Laces and Inser
tions, platt vals., cluny
curtain laces, French cot
ton torchons and inser
tions many to match
worth 10c, on bargain
square, at a
45-inch Fine Embroider
ed Swiss and Batiste Em
broidered Skirtings, and
45-inch allover embroi
deries In eyelet, floral
and new combination de
signs worth up to $1.25,
on bargain square; fiAj
at the yard .... ef L