Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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See Also Pages 5,
December SI. lfOl-Mr. Louts E. Kneale
and Mis Edith Stuht. both of Omaha,
were married nt the Kountte Memorial
church before a very large number it
people. Rev. H. W. Kuhns, who twenty
two years before united the bride's
father and mother tn martlage, read tli
marriage aervlco and tied the nuptlnl ,
bow Misses Millie Horn and Ncllk. :
Wood attended the bride and Messrs. A '
F Conradt and Herman Stuht the groom j
T ie bride Is tlie daughter of Mr. Ernkt 1
Stuht. who was a well known contractor
and builder. The reception was held tit
the. residence of the bride's parents.
December" 3U 1831-Mr." William C
Blackburn and Miss Sarah E. Toster,
both of Omnlm, wcip married at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Foster. The beautiful resi
dence was decorated with a profusion of
flowers, the halls and room being
banked with potted plants' and the wal'i
deftly and prettily decorated with rose
and smllax. Mr. FrnnklJ. King was the
best man and Miss Emily Porter th
bride's attendant The' ceremony wa
performed by Rev. George M. Drown of
Omaha and ll6v. V. s. Blackburn of
ElmWood, father of the groom. Thr
happy new pair left for an extcndM
wedding tour of the west.
December 31. 190.1 Mr. Allen 1C. Hannay
or 8t. I oils. Mo., and Miss Katharine
Ixwe, eldest daughter of Mr. W. W
Lowe, were married In extreme secrecy;
In fact, such secrecy that none of the
Omaha friends of the young couple know
anything about It until almost rour
months afterward. Both of the youm;
people had scores of friends In Omaha.
December 31, 1503-Mr. Le Kehnahl,
on of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Kennard, and
Miss Mabel Christie, daughter of Or
W. ir. Christie. Bolemnlxed their mar.
Wags at the First Baptist church. Miss
Christ! was attended by Miss Alice
Kennard as maid of honor and Misses
Buth Dahlman, Ida Smith, Edith Butler
and Gladys Ufargrave of Lincoln as
bridesmaids. Dr. nalph Christie wax
best man and Messrs. Haul Cooley, Will
Wood, Jame's Allen and Austin Coltctt
were- ushers.
December 31, 1910-Mr. Joseph Baldrigc
of Omaha and Mrs. Dudley Wolfe were
married at Warrenton, Me. The cere
mony waa. performed by nev. Woodman
of Rlekland and was witnessed only by
lmmedato members of the families.
Thcso Included Mr. Benjamin F. Hmltl;,
Messrs, Clifford Walfo. Dudley Wolfe.
tln Wolre nnd Ml Gwendolen
AVolte. children of the bride! .Mr. and
Mr. Howard Baldrigo and Mr. W. Far
nam Smith of Omaha.
December 'tU 1907-Kdward " I. Boyef
Is one of the sons of Omaha who was
marrltd In Omaha, hi a bride being Miss
Blanch Howland.
Kensinfeion for Miss Smith.
Mr. J. w. Orlfflth "entertained at n
Kensington Monday afternoon In honor of
her ,nia. Miss Allldred Smith, of V.
mlngton, N. cJ. Tho rooms woro prettily
decorated with Christmas greens nml
iho present were:
t-fiir.",". Mlsses-
J lolet Jotlyn. Katharine McClanalfn
Pauline Hourke. Holen Hcoblc,
w!!'.,,1?Patt.?r,0M' ma Hammer.
Milrfri CmL "'tchm Williamson.
' Kathrrlno Beesoii.
Mesdames MeitdAtii
Harold Prltchett. Warren Black well,
i '
For Gamma Betas,
Muss Florence Lake and Miss' nculah
Byrd entertained tho Uamma Betas, a
club composed of senior glrla of the 19J3
class of tho Omaha High' school, at tho
home of Miss Beufah Byrd.
The house was bright with Christinas
decorations and high five , waa . played,
the prises being won by Misses Martin
Dolan. Dorothy Itaverly, RIU Carpenter;
and Messrs. Balph Wclrlch, Harold
Weight and Lloyd Myers. Those present
Mr,and Mrs. Donald Holbrook,
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Mvm
r ana jura, ai. j uyrd,
Florence Lake,
Marlon Dolan,
Iol Byrd,
Freed. Wooley.
Ruth Hunslker.
Dorothy Haverly,
Uetiluh Byrd.
We Did Not Have a White Christmas, But We Wiil Have a White New Year!
Regardless of the Elements the Great White Sale Starts at
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.'s on Thursday, January 2, BrVoVeS
We should cover all Omaha with our beautiful white
Linens , dainty Under muslins Bed Linens, etc. indeed,
we predict that a large number of buyers will be in at
tendance from all over Nebraska and Western Iowa,
We have added largely to our Linen Section and have prepared months in advance
to make this sale, tlie biggest ever held by us. Close business relations with the best linen
manufacturers of. the world for nigh half a century has given us an experience and knowl
edge, which comes to few mercantile htiuses. The knowledge, skill nnd business connec
tions are all at your service and the' benefits will be yours to a greater degree than
ever on JANUARY 2.
Cohfdrming to Former Custom, We Will Keep Open House.
Yn Will
m w ww w I
tie In
The Greatest of All 'Our
Linen and Undermuslin Sales
Starts Thursday; January 2, 1913
Da'nty Luncheoa .. erred from 10 A. M. to 5 P. H.
Most Cordially We Wish You a Happy New Year.
the Day
With Us
Corlnna Drummy,
Hlta Carpenter.
Million McCaffrey,
Nora. Ulyhil,
Ltssetta Smith, '
Augusta Mengcdoht,
Kendall Hammond,
Ralph Welrlch.
Arthur smith.
CAtl MontKomcrv.
Waltor Hlxenbaugh, John Pltipatrlclc,
KpreK Byrd. Chester Inman,
Harold Wright,
Mercerized Damask, C4 Inched
wide, our regular price 60c,
at, per yard 33ts
Silver bleached all Linen, our
former price 90c, M, pur
yard ..... 75c
Kino Bleached Damask, our
former prlco 1.00, al pr
yard 75C
A few pieces of very fine Da
mHHk, formerly $ 1.75, will bo
sold at 81.10
?5.50 Lunch Sots, cloth nnd G
napkins, nt, Bet ....S4.G0
Extrn Ine Madeira Sets, wcro
$15.00, nt. net .... 810.75
Madeira Napkins -At
82.75 instead of $n.2G
At 85.25 Instead of 7.00
At 87.50 Instead of $10.00
At 80.75 Instead of $12.00
At 810.50 Instead of $13.60
Union pauiask, largely Unon,
usually 7Gc, at per yard 50c
Another Special In Napkins,
24x24, formerly $4.50, at
dozon 83vl9
Our $1.25 leader, Sliver nicach,
will bo sold at per yard i)Sc
$1.25 All Linen Dleached Da
mask will co at OSck
All our regular stock of Cloths
and Napkins will be sold nt n
reduction of 20 from formor
$G.50 fine Lunch Hots, Cloth
nnd G Napkins, at set 85.59
Madeira Sols, Center Pieces
and 2 bIzcs of Dollies, usually
$0.50, at 84.08
25 discount ftom all scarfB
nnd cluny pieces these are
part of a recent Importation
favorably bought.
An odd lot of wonderful val
ues on Cloths G6xG7
each 81.00
Silver Bleach, our prlco form
erly G5c per yard, at par
Our $1.50 Damask will go at
por yard 81.15
Extra fine Damask, formerly
$1.60. will be Bold at 81 15
Great value. w,xo
Lunch Sets, all Linen Clolh,
36 inches square, 0 napkins, 15
Inches square, formerly $4.60,
at 83.60
$26.00 Madelrn Bets -will be
Bold at, sot . . .817.50
Tea Sets of Madeira, were $18
$15. $ig, $22; you can pick
at $l).75, $10.50,. (J 1 15 and
918.75 sot. - .
Rxtra special Napkins, 22x2,2,
nil llnon, were $1.50 dozetfi
at 83.20
24x24, fprmerly' $5.00, at;
doicn 83.98
G6x35 all linen Clbths
cnch -82.19
Spreads Bought, In liberal quantities from themakers, in most cases, means much saving to yoU.
Our . Matchless Spread, always
M.50. al ....81.29
Tho Harvard Spread, usually I Our Own Spread, formerly
$1.85, at 81.49 $2-25, at 81.89
Heavy 'Marseilles, Usually $4.50 each, on sale at, each
Extra fine Bed Spreads, Satin finish, formerly $6.50, at, each . . .
Imported Spreads, tnftde In England, 72x97, were $6.00, nt, each
uxira iniportou spreads, maue in h;ng,ana, were ?u.ou, at, each
$13.50 Superior English Spfcad, on sale at
And many other numbers reduced proportionate ly. V
We 6iivt Wash Cloths at 2 for 3c, and the 5c Wash Cloths 3 for 10c
Very fine Huck Towels Roman key borders and
ends, 22x40, some have hemstitched ends, beiotu
76c, for this sale . 40c
Individual Hnnd TowelB, 5c each; won't last long.
Cotton H'uck. Towels, colored ends, 18x36, regular
pfler too.- at . . . .'. . . .7d
Dish TbwelB, were 10c,, at 8 Vac
Union Huck, wore ,10c, at 8c
Bleachct) Htick, 18x3S, rdgular price 12Uc, ca. Od
18x36 ,pirt linen tick Towels, usually 15c, at,
eacn . I ii C
Bleached Huck, scroll' ends, formerly 19c. ea. 10c
Bleached Huck Fleiir de lis ends, our 26c great
lowoi, ai, eacn 21c
Our 35c beautiful Towel, at, each 29k
Turkish Towels, 10c grade1, at, each 8 l-3
ICO dozen special number Turkish Towels, our
25c leader, at, each 19J
12&C Turkish Towels, at, each lOic
15c Turkish Towels, at, each 12
Now ydu will understand that heroin are only hints ot the wondcrrul gathering of special lotB pre
pared. f6r this great said Manifestly mention can only be made of a portion of our immenso stock
spread .over as lUwlll- be far beyond the limits of tho department covering the various squares. At the
Book ia'nd" Stationery Sebtlon ns always there'o good picking for first comers. Wo will have a large
and efftfcent array of salespeople to wait on you.
For Mafly Days Pe8$le .fcave Been Anxiously Inquiring About Our Bedding, Blanket and Sheeting Sale
Supposing a merchant paid $5.00 for a ploco of Cluny and marked It to sell at $7.50, which would be
a fair profit, don't you think? Then suppose ho adv ortlscd to sell Cluny pieces al M: of (staple brand
and better goods, mind yo) that would bo $3.75 or $ 1.26 less than cost how long would ho lost? And
yet some philanthropic merchants ndvertlao that way somotlmes perhaps in this very issue.
Washed, all Cottoil,
limited quantity, 14 H
Inches wldo-gya Td.
Puro Llnon Crash, ho
filling with gum, reg
ular prlco 18c, on snlG
at 13 Wc- 17 in. wldo.
20-ln. fitio glass tow
ojlng, usually 17 c,
will go ut yard 13
Blenched Cotton Twill,
16 inches wide, 5VC'C
In G0-yard plucen. Not
mora than 6 pieces to
nny. customer.
18-ln. Crash, splendid
quality, worth 20c, at,
Guest Toweling, 16 In.
.wide, regular price 50o
at. yard 30 e
Llneuized Crash, 16 In.
wide, 7c yard; tho
value Ib 10c.
Glow, Toweling, 17 In.
wldo, usual prlco 10c,
at, ynrd 8c
22-ln. Guest Toweling,
Usually GOc nnj 66c,
45c Pur yard for this
All Ltnen"jfJra8hV plnln
or strlpdd border, al
ways 12c, yd. 1QC
GlaBs Toweling, pUre
llnon, 17 In. wldo, reg
ular price 12 He, at,
yard . . . , A . .lQe
24 and 26-in. Guest
Towollng, sold nt 75c
and 90c, this sale 50c
I,ON(J CLOTHH will bo sold, by tho bolt of 12 yards
Quality which sold nt 10c per ynrd nt 85c !
for tho b61t bf 12 yarda.
Quality which, sold at Uc por yard', at . . . -81.25
rf Quality wntcn. boiu at 13c por yara, at Quality v
B "for thoibolt of 12 yardB.
Quality which sold at lCc per yard, at ....81.50
for tho bolt of 12 yards.
Quality which sold at 20c per yard, ftt . . . .82.00
ior i no doii oi iz ynrus.
.Early In 1912 we determined to smaEh to
smithereenB all phst records In this 1913 January
8alc--aild unless all feigns fall, It's golnr-." to bo easy
Rqady-tb-uso I'lllow Cases, at Pc, 12 c, Mc,
lfc, 0c, OSc, 09c, 73c," 85c, 80c, $1.10 and ipi.HO
Qvery-hUmber" SPECIAL. ,
ReadV-to-use -Pllldw Cases, at Oc, 12 He He.
iOMc lc, Hie Und.J4e.
A cut of 3c pcr-yatd from the ptlces ot all pop
ular sheetings, lc of a cut from the prices of all
Pillow 'CaHlng.
Embroidered PJUow Cases In canons, one pair
In each I ,
The 85c quality 0q pit. The $1 quality 85c pair.
Tho $1.25 quality l&l.OO pr. The $1.50 quality 81.21)
:G-lnch full yard wide MTtslIn, Fruit of the Loom
and LonBd&le, 84c Our Own, 7J4c Duchess, OHc
3,000 'Ladies' Cloth, yard 12c
Lohsdalo Cambric, ( yard 12 C
Arid now for a Htting wind up to the blggr.Mt
Beddlhg eeAson wo have over known Note the still
further cutting In prices
Coiton Blankets 11-4, Bold at $1.35, for this sate
at ...,...' .....81.10
Cotton Blankets, ;ll-4 Bold at $1.75, for this sale,
"al, ....81.40
Woolnap Blankets, 11-4, sold at $2.50, for this sale,
af ... 81.05
Beecoh' .Plaids, 11-4, sold at $3.00, for this sale,
nt -v- 82.30
Beacon Plaids, 11-4. sold at $4.00, for this Bale.
at 83.20
White Cotton Sheets, 74x80, sold at $2.00, for this
sale at .' 81.50
60 Wool Plaid, sold at $4.50, for this sale 83,75
Another Wool Plaid, sold at $5, for this sale 83.98
All Puro Wool Plaid, sold at $6.50, for this Bale,
at , $5 QQ
All of our Fine White and Plaid Blankets which
sell at from $6.00 to $22.60 will every ono bo re
duced. No space to quote all.
Auto Robes, Indian Blankets, Bath Robo Blankets,
all at cut prices. Beacon Bath Robe Blankets,
81.98 and S2.98
Comfortables, which are Sllkoline covered, pure
cotton filled. Comfdrtables 81.69- Great value
T. K. Special finest cotton, 82.49. Silk bordered,
sold previously at $5.50, on sale at 83.75.
Wool Filled Comfortables, at 83.98: excellent value-
Down filled Comfortables, formerly $6.50, at
85.00 Those which were $12.00, at 80.75
Tho very fine ones which sold at $13.50 will go
at 810.75
Not ninny establishment carry In stock assortments
of Silk and Satin cohered Comfortables, 84 o to
8l7.75 each THURSDAY.
Big. purchases of Shaker Flannel, 3 special lotB, all
underprlcod, 14c. 0C and
Outing Flannels, rare values at 12 'fee. lOVsc
and 7c- Flannelettes In 2 lota both special
at ,.--9c and 12 c
Tuesday, December 31, 1912.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. V, W. thorne annoulico
the engagement of their Uaiurhter. Tky
KittMa, to Charles II. Ooss. The. date for
the, weddlhg has not been set.
Seller Skating Party. . -
Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. Wlihelm and
Mr. and' Mrs. J- K. na'uih will, entertain
at a large roller rkatltiK party this even
ing. at Chambers' academy, followed by
supper at the home of Mr. nnd. Mrs. C
M. Wlihelm in honor ot Mlse.s Erna
RJ, Virginia Offutt. Catherine Ilauni
Hnd Esther Wlihelm. Those present will
Misses Mlssefc
Greco Allison. Margery Btnlth,
Klsto Htorx.
Mary Fuller,
Iluth Cnrtpr.
nianche Welch.
l.:i.ii. . . . . . . ' . ' . - .
IIB QUESTION Is no longer asked. "Who was tho most beautiful
. girl at tho dancing party?" or "Who Uad tho prettiest gown?" but
"Who la tho clovorest Tango dancer?" It 1b the samo way with
tho men. The foot ball hero and tho handsomest man ara no
longer tho most popular. It Is tho man who' can guldo his fair partner In
tho cleverest and tho quickest manner through tho Intricacies ot tho Ar
gentina Tango.. . , .
"Are you dancdug this evening?" some ono asked a young matron.
"Io, you "sco I dance ' only the waltx and tho two-Btop and 1 am ashamed
to g6t on tho floor and not dance any of the new dances,"
. Ono of tho. largest and, most beautiful dancing partiM ot tho season
was given .Monday oyentng by, Mr. Frank Burkloy for his daughter, Miss
Mary Burkloy, who Is ono bf the debutantes. An elaborate decoration ot
plue trees transformed the ball room to a forest scene, making a beautiful
background for the dnnceerf.
Buds, school girls nnd mntronb were brilliantly gowned. Flame color
nnd verdant .greens seemed to predominate. Tho young wbmen and mon
homo from eastern schools brought many new ldea aud steps for tho new
dances, bo that scarcely any couple on tho floor were dancing the Tango
In oxactly the samo manner. Sotno ot the young men home from colloge
are qulto .export enough to give fancy dances. They whirl thoir partners
In truo M or ilk In and Pavlown manner and, strange to say, always land
safely on their feot. Tho dreamy waltx and tho one-time popular two-step
are truly a thing of the past, and everybody Is learning tho Taugo.
HeUn Kiutman,
Hazel Updike.
Dorothy Smith.
Kyelyn Ledwlcn.
Hlnnche Deuel.
Krna. Heed.
Ttay Millard.
Charles liurgess,
Douglas IMers,
Charles Allison,
Jtldson Kqulres,
Fred Bucholx.
James RaVnold.
Leslie Williams.
Denman Kountte,
Wjllard Millard,
Morton Vakely.
Mufgoty Mei'oid,
Marion Howe.
Vlrgliflft Offutt.
lienrlrtta Kort,
Iluth Kinsler,
Katherhfe Ilabm,
Kiht Wllhe n.
Culllnghnm, Msurlco Ilnnmn.
Dudley Wolfe. .
Joe Millard.
t'larenco Squire's,
Tlipmpaon Wakely,
Kaward Crofoot.
Carl Halbach.
Jarvls Offutt.
Jabln Caldwell. '
Philip Chase.
Jiurdetta Klrkendall.
qorgn 8tocklnK.
In Honor of Mn. Bell.'
Mrs. Kilwanl Porter Peck wus hostess
at a tea this afternoon .at her home from
3 to 5 o'clock In honor of her daughter,
Mm. It. n. ' II. Hell. The rooms were
brightened with Christmas greVns and
cut flowers. About 200 guests were pres.
ent and assisting Mrs. I'eok were:-
C. W. Lyman;
Campbell Fair,
J. A. Taneock.
A. M. Ilorglum.
M. a. Colpetser,
8. 8. Caldwell.
Miss I.andl
OeOrge Mclntyre.
HtOrrs Howeiu
Arthur nuiou.
. Clara Powell.
Tyljr Kelt.
At the Country Club.
Tho old year out, and the new year In
will be duly celebrated -at the -Country
club. Supper will be served at 11
o'clock and a table d'hote dinner served
plecedlng at 7 o'clock, muslo and dan.
clng to-start at o'clock and last 'until
the New Year.
A rWUon wilt be given at. liljh boon Numerous dinner parties are planned
at, Frt Omaha at the home of the cotn-i for the club. ;
nrnttfH officer. Major carl V. Hart-. Major and Mrs, Evans will have as
A Tert Crank. . .
One of the largest watch parties for
New Year eve will be at Fort Crook.
The officer and ladles pf the post will
glr a hop at the post gymnasium and
many guests from Omaha will attvnd.
rcsuwi and Mrs. Itartmann, New Year's
ay tftm U U 1 o'clock for ths officers
and' Isafeea of the post and a few intimate
frUiWss Item Omaha, it will be a mill
tarr IWMNKtofU with all oC the officers In
full 4ra unMorm. The decorations will
their guests at the Country club Tues
day evening Colonel- and' Mrs. Howell.
Captain and Mrs. nifeuberlck, Ueuten.
ant and Mrs. Magruder am) General
Fredcrlc'4 A. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Huntley will have
Ue red r iiid Jtw. JIarty Clregg. and, as thtlr dinner guests TuesJay evening
Mrs. WlUrnr JMalne of the post will serVe 'at tho Country club Mr. and Mrs. Kd
ggoj. jwln'Bwotx. Mr. and Mn. A. V. Kin.
sler and Mr. and Mrs. -S. S. Carlisle.
Dining nt another table will bo Mr,
and Mrs. V. J. Foye. Mr. and Mrs. W,
A. fledlak and Mr- John Itedlck.
Another party wlU Inolude Mr, and
Mrs. IxuU Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Y, Smith, Mr,
aud Mrs. Edwin Swobe, Miss Mary Alice
Rogers and Mr. Frank Keogh.
Among others who will entertain
guests at the Country club New Year's
eve are Mr. and Mrs. U. W, Hamilton,
who will have six guests) Mr. and Mrs.
N. 11. Updike, six guests; Mr. and Mrs.
F. I. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, J. It.
Ualdrige, sis; Mr- Stockton- Heth, six;
Mr. and Sirs. Flank Coloetter, four,
Cuthbert Potter, nine, Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Peters, fourteen.
One of the parties will Include;
Miss Dorothy Morgan,
MUs Gladys Peters,
Mr. deralil Wharton,
Mr. Halph Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D- Hosford will have
as their guests at the Country club New
Year's eve:
Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Colpetser,
Mr. and Mrs. Cllenn Whsrton.
Mr. nnd Mrs T. U Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Itlchard ,Uoford.
Another party will Include:
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fairfield.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Sbrague, .
Miss Lynn Curtis.
Mr. Earl W. Gannett,' .
Mr. C W. Hull.
an Orpheum party Tuesday afternoon In
honor ot her niece, Miss Helen iCast
man. The trucsts "were entertained nt tea
nt tho Omaha club after tho matinee.
Ten wero prenent
Orpheum IParty. ' .
Mlsn Annette Kelner entertained at an
Orpheum party Monday evehliig. Fol
lowing the theater supper was served
at the home of MUs Kelner. Ten guestu
were, present.
Pan Hellenic Lunoheoh at Home.
The semi-annual luncheon of the Pnn
Helli-ulo association was held at the
Rome Monday afternoon. Tho guests
were seated at long tables decorated, with
Christ man greens. At the business meet
ing which followed the luncheon the
following officers were elected: Miss
Doris Wood, president; Mrs. Itaymond
Gould, vice president; Kllss Stella Ilutler,
secretary and treasurdr. Following the
business meeting tho afternoon wa
spent at brldgo and prism were won by
Mrs. Daniel Edgefety and Mrs. Hobctt
Gantt, the first being ah lmportedt coral
cameo and the Second a gUn metal bag
and chain Those present were:
Josephine Frailer,
nuth Holler.
Olive Mrnln.
Mary Sutton ot
Poplar Bluffs. Mo,
Grace Morris of.
Ilensslaer, Ind.;
Louise Bedwell,
Uuth O'Dell,
Bertha Wlese,
Minnie Plrott,
Ruth Thompeon,
F.dlth Fisher.
Julia Bolomon.
Marjorle -
Verna Hayes,
Mary McCagut,
Doris Wood.
Louise Northrop.
Carol Howard.
Hastl Howard,
Elva Hmmr
of Harlan. In.,
Flora Cooper or
Council Bluffs, la.;
lone Armstrong Of
Council Hluffs, la.;
Elsa Haarmsn,
John Morrison,
Kabert Gantt.
Daniel Eagerly,
Thomas Allen
of Lincoln.
Ix-slls Hlggtn.
Bryc Crawford.
H. n. Prouty.
W, n. Howard.
W. 8. Rothery,
Mntinee Tea.
Mra. Charles Kountxe entertained
Edna Sweeley.
Agnes Russell,
Katherlne Vorls.
Eleunor Dlcklnsoh.
Ella Marty of
Berkley. Cal.;
Bertha White,
GrgCe Itohrbaugh,
Stella Butler
of Arlon, la.;
Mary Phllllppi,
Louise Stegner,
Alfreds Powell.
LaUra Peterson,
Etui Nlssen.
ot.Kennanl. Neb.;
Bess Mitchell,
Berenice Ouren of
CoUndl nluffs, la,
Helen Prlco of
Council Bluffs, la.
Ashes Pheney.
K. C. Crockftr,
W, H. Yetter.
Wllllsm Ramkey,
Hugh Meyers.
Frank Wllklns.
Clifford Calkins,
Richard Webster,
evening "will be spent In dahclng at tho
home of Miss Alice Kennard and for sup
per the jrhestK will adjourn to tho home
of Mr.- and Mrs. Lee Kennard. The guests
wilt unmask it mldnlrfht and greet thn
New Yeor. Twenty-eight guests will bo
present. i
Kensington 'for Visitors.
Miss Nellie Crandall entertained at a
kMitlngton at her honie Saturday after
noon In honor of Mrs., Floyd McCaffree
of Scott's Bluff. Neb.i and Mlsa Mtmv
McDowell of Bloux City, both formerly
of Om&ha. Tlie rooms were dbcoifited
with Christmas greens and twelve guests
were invited.
Mr, atld Mrs. I Meyerson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rosenthal.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyerson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fonarov.
Mr. aid Mr. G. Myenon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Solomon.
Mf. and Mrs. A. Wels.
Mr. and Mr. J. Ross. .
Mr. and Mrs". L. Woolfson.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. J. fichdekert.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Meyerson.
Mrs. D. Richards.
Mrs. J. J. Simon.
Mrs. H. Racusln
Clara Paris,
Grace Woolfson,
Dlna Meyerson,
Katie Simon,
A.' Meyej-son,
W. Foraroy,
Clara London,
Sadie Racusln.
Lena' Meyerson.
M. Meyerson.
Afternoon Card Party.
Mrs. A. W. Allen entertained at cards
Tuesday afternoon In honor of her daugh
ters. Misses Lenore and Gretchen Allen,
The color scheme ot the decorations was
In green and white. The invited guests
Misses Misses
Paulina Front. Ethel Pettlnglll.
Gertrude Porter, Alice Porterfleld,
Hi-Inn Carrier. Gertrude Stout.
Snunders, Florence Neville,
betitla Van Buren.
Gertrude Brlggs,
Rthl Howe.
Marian Brown,
Edith Graff.
O&rnett Brlt-ca.
Elizabeth Studovant,
uoroiny Daniman,
bossed owl on the first page of the leaf
Tho grand march was led by Mr. Her
bert Ryan and Miss Helen Miller. With
the program, each dnnver was given the
club colors of gray and white.
On the committee for the dance were
Beryl Crocker, Arthur Klopp, Herman
Harte, Leo McShane and Wayne Selby.
Misses Mlnses
Mnritaret Gotten. Louise) Northrup,
Beulah Mondell. Florence HeKKblade.
uesaemona Baldwin. Helen King,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mlsa Helen Hayden of Washington, D
C, formerly of Omaha, has arrived ti
visit her uncle. Mr. Joseph Hayden. Mla
Hayden will .also visit Mrs. John Mail.
Taen and Miss Mary Burkley.
Mrs. Ellen Cood Jensen left Sunday u.
visit friends In San Antonio, Tex., for
several weeks.
Miss Rose Poska of Lincoln Is vialtlni
In Omaha for a few days, the guests o
Miss Irone H, Harris.
Etta Sullivan.
Mildred Morr.
Adelyn Wood,
Heien Chase.
uutn uoum.
Helen Miller,
Nll Ryan.
Nell Carpenter,
Harriet FarmeJee.
Knria Jones.
Dorothy Carns,
Gfacn McBrlde,
Harriet Copley,
ICatherine Daven-
IvOuIsb Bedwell,
Uarda Scott,
Jennie Undeland,
Alice Duvall,
Kathryn Crocker,
lielen CareV,
irotun Poetin.
Margharetta Burko, Mf anor McGllton,
Luclln Patterson,
Agnes iseiy.
Elizabeth uoua,
llaMe Hodge,
Helen aVn Dusen.
Mae Engler.
Janet Chase,
Helen stroignt,
Sybil Nelson.
Kite Sanders.
Irene Harder,
Pall no Knslne,
Nan Barrett,
riim Patterson,
Kathryn Robinson,
IxjIs HowelU
Margaret Mc-
Marlon Weller.
Helen Ingerson.
Kuth Anderson.
Gladys Robertson.
Ixuls6 WJg5?.
Maurea lJjPd.'
Ruth FlUKeraW.
Marguerite Prentiss, jrjorence Rahm,
Informal Watch PartV.
Miss Helen Scoble and Miss Bertha
Dickey will enttrtiln Informally at a
watch party this evening at their home.
The rooms will have Christmas decora
tlona and the evening will be spent In
formally with bridge and dancing. About
twenty-four guests will be present.
Masquerade Watch Party.
Mr. and Mr. Lee Konnard and Miss
Alice Kennard will entertain at a
mafcqutrada and watch party this even- j owls, the tiaUhia cf th club. The dance I
Ilia in f fWIt70. UV J . V. ,UQ ,..vo...,w -.v.v ..v.., m.,u V 4.1"
Katherlhe SnUnc
Florenc Rahm,
Mary nailer.
Carol Tracy,
Marian Pearvall,
Evelyn Morton,
Ruth McCoy,
Margaret McCoy,
Kubv Kllncbell.
KAtherlna OttrnherirMkrthA avzrr.
Gertrude Mattson, Edith Jones,
Bell Sombre, Pearl KUngbell.
Jaoy AlUn, Margaret Summers,
Helen JOhnnton. Margaret KUngbell,
Mrs. Frank Heckman.
Les Hibout Culb. lllboux club of the Omaha High
school held its seventh annual dance at
Chambers' Dancing' academy Monday
evening. The dance ' was' one of the
largest social affairs of the high school
and was successful In every way, there)
Ulng abbut eighty couples present, who
were made up largely of active and
alumni members of the club.
The hJ.ll.wus decocted with , the club
colors of graV and w'Klle, with two gray
and white coxyi corners. The room was
hung with silver leaf branches and the
wall were partially covered with gray !
rllha. Hammer
. ot Harlan, la.;
Fannie Lane,
Bertha Mensfield,
Adelaide Funk
houser, Al&rjorie Beckett.
Adela Davis,
Marjorle Foot.
Edith Hamilton.
. Messrs.
Robert Edwards,
Richard Ballman,
Lisle Keyes.
Maurice Loomls.
Clarence Patton.
rtuss Philip.
E. C. Harte.
Clarence Slbberson,
Herbert Ryan.
Dave Bowman,
Randall Curtis,
Shelby White.
Harry Perkins
of Lincoln. Neb.;
Gilbert Loomls,
Walter Klopp.
Harry B. Ryan,
Samuel Carrier,
Walter Jones.
Viughn Bacon,
Arthur KIopp.
Everet Burke,
Roy Gould,
Jack Bowen.
Philip Payne.
Chester Arnold,
Herman Harte,
Rawson White.
Gt-orge Grimes,
WlU Noble.
Morton Wakely,
Beryl Crocker.
JUdson Squires.
Arthur Smith.
Robert Inkster,
Lysle Rushtou.
Kenneth Norton,
Wio'na Slby.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reed,
Mr. and Mm. Crosby Wyman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. U Selby,
Mr. and Mrs E. H. Crocker,
Mr. andMrt N H. 1-oomls.
Ur nrd Mrv Charles I'urlce.
Mr- and Mrs. II. IS Susmann.
. .TfUlUltlt,
Gertrude Alkln.
Carolyn Clancy
of Chicago.
Gertrude Dickinson.
Grace SC"B
Francfs Senford
of Lincoln.
Harry Claiborne.
Leon Nelson.
Paul Hornlg.
Robert Wood.
Farter Durkee,
Liorlng Elliot,
Morton Engleman.
Harry Rogers,
Harry C. Carpenter.
Warren Howard,
Clyde White,
t Ralph Doud,
Harold Thomas,
Otty Beckett.
Homer Phillips.
Isaac Carpenter,
William Petersen.
Merle Howard,
Virgil Rector,
Caroll Belden.
A-.L. Laurence.
Clarence Darlow.
Edmund Booth.
Wallace Sheuard.
Robert Loomls,
Leslie Putt.
Slevers Busman,
Sidney Meyer,
James Durkee,
Foy, Porter,
Edward Cockrell.
Maurice Northwall,
Paul Flothow.
Chester Nleman.
Coe Buchanan,
Howard Blttlnger,
Al Slbbersou.
Phil Downs.
Edward Patton-
The Best Cough Syrup Is
Easily Made at Home
.Coata Little and Acts Quickly.
Money Kcfnaded If It Falls.
This recipe makes a pint of cougl
ijTup, and Baves you about $2.00 as com
pared with ordinary cough remedies. II
tons obstinato coucha even whoonind
cough in a hurry, and is splendid foi
tore lungs, asthma, croup, hoarsencM
knd other throat troubles.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar witV
pint of warm water, and stir for a
minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinex (fifty
?ents -worth) in a pint bottle, and add
hs Sugar Syrup. Take a, teaspoonful
every one( two or three hours. Tasted
This takes right hold of a cough an
Rives almost instant relief. It stimu
lates the appetite, and is slightly laxa
tlve both excellent features.
Finer, as perhaps you know, is tliv
most valuable concentrated compound ol
Norway white pine extract, rich in
gtialacol and the other natural healinf
pine elements.
. , No other preparation will do the wort
of Plnex in this recipe, although strained
honey can be used instead of the sugai
Jtup, if desired.
Thousands of housewives in the TJnitci
States and Canada now use this Plnea
and Sugar Syrup recipe. This plan hai
often been imitated, but the old success
ful forsiula has never been equaled. Iti
law cost and quick results have made it
Immensely popular.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, oi
money promptly refunded, goea withthit
recipe. our druggist has Plner, or will
gi lbJ0T 01Htt If nt. nd to Th
isex Co, Ft, Wayne, Ind.
Cf S Vigor
utl a little care and staall cxt-eaie,
that's aU. bn't a bead of rich.
neavy uv worth wMe7
Ask Yew Doctor.