2-S Outside the Asylum DOCTOR- Dorrr feel. JUVT RIGHT a cot a CAIH IN TH& BACK. OP My HUH" WELL. jAeLL vsre cV bo Carter Lake Club Members Draw for Lots for Building Members of the Carter Lake club, for merly the Hod and dun club, were kept busy nt the offices of the club In the Omaha National Bank building Saturday choosing a lot apleco from the recent 2P0 )ot tract purchase, located Just west of Courtlaiid Beach. Drawing for the choices were made some time ago, and the members picked out the lots accord ing to the number 'drawn, The club win organised by Frank I Weaver, preildent; A. P. Whlttnore. Scott King, C. I Dundy and David Christy, and theso gentlemen were given their pick of tho lots In the order named. One hundred and fifty members paid tUXI apiece, entitling him to a lot There will bo fifty lots for the club to dispose of after The members' have hnd their pick. The different buildings located on the beaoh Itself are undergoing Improvement at the hands of the club. The skating rlnk has been moved to another part of the grounds, the .dance hall has been re. shingled, while a new bathhouse and boathouse have been built. NEWS POR ALL BOWLERS (Continued from Page One.) bowiers7but no doubt several stars will be developed frm Its' ranks. i Howltnir Notes. Ole Johnson loaned his yellow tie to Martin. "Muo" has been picking up since wearing it. Hansen of the Cadillacs produced a good game, with, 503. Soma snooting for this league) Tho COO game In tho Omaha Friday night were Cochran, 624; MoMnrtln, 60S, und Cain, .007. Jack Cobry will play anybody In town for money. Ho will win. too. Another cigar, plcuse. Tho pin boy says, "If Toman won J2 at the Midwest tournament, how much did Pleronnet (net)T Tho Old Saxon Bran, while still leading the league, has taken a droll and only has a lead of three games. ' Firestone Is rolling a rood game In South Omaha, but he has (o use a Peter son ICandy Kid ball to do ,L The Omaha league went up against new pins Friday night and as a result there was a drop In avorages. The Old Btyle Lagers will be the only Oato City league team to roll In the class U sectiop of the city tournament. Terrell Is still experimenting with his ball. It failed tho last two games Thursday night and ho only rolled 401. That ball baa been working since Chief Brlggs put a load In It. Come up to Omaha, chief, and raise that 13 average. Fegerhurg has been off form recently. He has been dropping into the Onflow alleys and handing his roll to Pat Angles bury. Why doesn't the El Paxos lay down and wait for the crowd to catch up. They mow have a lead of nine games for first place, If the Lux u a tram was as good getting turkej'B In their games as they are win ning them they would be leading the league. Ooldenberg. the smallest member of the Magto City league, has the highest league game of the season In that organisation with Sfl. Jack Kvans tias gotten over that dis ease called "coldfeeto" when It comes to making the ten pin. He makes It rcgu larlv now. FlUgerald has been working that old ball of his nicely lately. In fact, he has worked It so good that It has aided him financially. . Firestone was unable to put tru fiirse on them .Friday night. He garnered ten splits, two cherries, only one double and finished with 456. The Advos were off their feed Friday night and poodled two games to tho Hoepe'a. But what of it. They have t-Ki big a lead, anyway. Willie Learn has been appointed chtf nolle maker oMhe Midwest Tailor team. Willie can deliver the goods when It comes to making the noise. The Met and Burktej- teams started rolling ut 7 o'clock Friday night to enable a few of the fight followers to attend the prlieflght. Guess who went? To be a successful bowler. McCabe ofttlmea did hope; But he has been a failure Since he cut out the dope." McCarthy only managed to roll 462 Fri day night. Mac can't be blamed, how ever, as ho has a good deal on his mind these days. Congratulations, Mac. The Ilexnor Heaters and Eclipse Hangts are tied for first place In the das league with twenty-two games won nnd eleven lost. Their percentage Is The Gordon Fireproofs kept their grip on first place by taking three from tho Permits. Old Man Beselln did the heavy work with a 20C single game and a 617 total. Every league on the Morrison asHocia tlon. Oarlow and Metropolitan alleys will be forced to discontinue rolling their .scheduled games during tho city tourra ment. There Is still lota of Kansas City toui tut went talk jeven at this late date. New stories about the bowlers have on com og to light lately, but they must not bo put In print- The Nebraska Bulck team In the Au tomobile leaguo is still at top fpeej and Is leading the rnco by nly me KtmoiTha Htors Si-.pply team Is rubbing the Bulck s hind wheels. The Jotter were not going fast enough last week In the Omaha league to catch a slow mule, but the, Luxus team laid right down and let them walk over them - for thr straight. Al Wartchow spent Christmas down on the farm. Al did not get out -t firm, however ax he spent most t-T ills tlino railing pumpkins at fenc post Ho '.rpt Xio record of his scores. ther elt'l trye ,-.e ib of tn. C oininr rclal league who ore not satlt led - uu( uumUi dan. It might HOW ISTHC polse ooc fldals to resign And turn tho rein over to these Individuals. In a money match Friday night, Angels burg and Cain took the purso away from Pruyn and 55arp. Angolnburg hnd 831 with Cain's 684, total 1.112. Pruyn hnd CCS with Zarp's 640, total 1,100. MoMartln tried a now system nga'nst the Metis Friday. He put Bliurr. on the leadoff and himself on tho anchor. It must have worked because tho llurklsys took two games from the brewer?. The race In the Trl-Clty Dentists league Is bocomlng hot. The Briefs lead by a small margin of two games. They are closely followed bv the Cosmos and Items, who are tUd for second place. m. Ti.... i r . .1 1 . . t 1 .... An Alio uuAue. ' 1 1 1 tL 1 1 ii imiAic -; 1 j - velopes are having nn awful scrap fur second place in trie Omaha leu'ie. J no Metz and Burkleys are tied for lovoral and the Luxus are only one game behind, Fitzgerald of the Knights of Columbus league, lias been called t'e .Milium Bowler". He has a habit of throwing the ball while be Is on his hands and kneei. He la also able to roll n cigarette before tho ball hits tho pins. Martin sure has something on his ball now. He rolled It Into a pin rack last week, and as a result, there Is nn eight Inch scrntch on It. "Mao" considers tins a lucky omen and says. "Watch me go now. lie roiieu un rriany mgm, Sunday afternoon. January 5, tho Luxus; team will play a special match with tho Peterson Candy Kid team, who won third placo In tho Kansas City tournament. Three games win bo piayeu on unriow s alleys and threo on the Association nlliys. Lcpluskl. the elongated member of thn Murtln Tlgera. bcllovoH In smoking cigars to match his figure. Ho was offered some cigars nt the banquet the other Uigur- mar utnrn nf tlin iMubhousn idiune. but Flank refused thorn nnd bought K'jmo long Pittsburgh stogies for hlmiilf. The McCabe-Bliaw cqmbtn.Ulon and tho Loam-Kolanchlck team uro tied for Mxih placo In the Oato City league Tho pr'ces for the sixth and seventh nliccs nra a box of cigars nnd a bottle of wine. TMoy are going to roll oft the fo In u nerles of threo games. th winners to tul.e both prlxes. Joe Berger will start another merry-go-round tournoment on January i. ue will try a now stunt by making It n freak nierry-gn.round. No score over ,12.i will count. This will give all tho , bowlers n cl.atico. All ties, will be rolled off. The big not will be divided with 30, 33. 20. Vj and 10 ter cent. Tho tournament will be opart, to nil. The bis match of the Hoason will be tlin nnn ImlWnnn TMlfV nlld UamCV BilttW. Tracy Is nutting up the. Omaha Rubber Co. ngivlnst tho Morrison alloys. At leant, mis is me siory irai ibuk. hm wnrlr. fnr tho nnmha nublr pomlinny, nnd In all probability ho is quite capable of stretching things. The best news of tho seaison was re ceived when the Mercantile league re viewed tho situation and announced Its Intention of Joining the Creator Omaha Bowline ussoclatlou. There Is no doubt but that any league Joining tho associa tion Is taking tho proper step There are still a few leagues which have not signed up. The Oato City merry-go-round Is the most successful one pulled off In Omaha for many moons. A pot of iiw was divided. Terrell was the big winner with $37; Learn next with 123, followed by Kvans with 19, Hhaw S1G and Kolanohtck HI. Several merchandise prises were also divided among other contestants with lower scores. trilll anil Tiwl V.nti Imfn I . 1 1 1...! tho anmlty of tho South Oniiina boy.i h)i not showing up for that baniiitnt. Pen could not come because McCtih his Hilef hclner. was playing o'lt In the street with some children and did not t'omo to let Ben off. Ted was wo busy nt the bank, He had to count and wrap siiveral mil lion dollars worth f pannlss nnd this, of course, takes tlm. Phil Wnlens lies been anD'Olnted chair man nf thn arliMlliln committee of the city tournament. Phil has had mnny years' experience In this linn and there is no doubt but that lie will again get up a practical and Impartial schedule, aianing un & tnurnnmnnt schedule Is ml hard as beating an egg with a hatpin, so let every bowler co-operate with rim anu ins com mittee and not knock any Uttlo flaw that Is bound to epmo up In any schedule. Chief nrlirra of South Omaha was so sure that he was going to win tho turkey with his 657 score that he purchased llie trimmings and had Invited guests to help him enjoy the bird. He was sorestrlckon when Firestone made a 670 score nt 10 o'clock the last night of the contest. Chief says that he don't object to toeing the Christmas turkey, but that he lutes to have a Jew come along and tal:o It when he could have gotten along Just us well with kosher porkchope. The matches played by the Standard Oil bowling clubs uro played pn Saturday afternoon. This league could rightfully be called the Matinee league. This Is the first daylight league organized th Omaha's history and Its progress will be closely watched by the city's bowling heads and boosters. Omaha's main weakness Is bowling now Is the lack of daylight bowling. The alleys at night are taxed to their capacity, but the alleys In the daytime are proctlcully deserted. Daylight bowling Is necessavy to make the ullny business pay. The Martin Tluers and a few friends nt down to a Christmas spread Thurs day evening In Martin's cafe. South Omaha. Firestone acted as toastmaster. That Is, he did most of the talking. Be tween the toastmaster's talks, short speeches were riven by Messre. Oarlow and Leplnskl. Mr. Kennedy, upon being promised a second dish of French pees, was coaxed to sing some Irish ballad. He must havo sung some late song, for what he did sing had never been heard before. After tho feast the crowd ad journed to the bowling alleys, where the Martin Tlgerw helped to digeit their food by rolling their regular match. THOMAS DE VANNEY GOES WITH KING-SWANSON CO. Thomas De Vaimov. the well known advertising man. at present manager of that department of Orkln Brothers. Is living that concern Monday morning to take up his new duties with the King Swanson company, where he will step into the shoes formerly occupied by Charles T Walker. Mr. Walker has pur chased un Interest In the Benson & Thome Co. and he will. In turn, take up the position formerly occupied by Fred erlck W Thorne Mr DcVsTiey has twcl e years of Ms life In the business and fnows It from THE OMAHA WFLL WELL' WELU LET Looking After 7BANK King & Co., for two years and for tlio last several months has been with Orktn Brothers. Wells and Burns Fight in Calgary March Fifteenth CALQAllV, Alberta, Dec. !. Announce ment was made today that Bombardier Wells. English heavyweight champion, and Tommy Burns, who claims tho championship of the world since the re tirement of Jack Johnson, have agreed to fight fifteen rounds hero March 15 for a purse of $37,000. A syndi cate of local sporting enthusiasts, It Is stated, is financing the battle nnd the money will be posted with a Calgary bank January 2. Burns stated ho had Intended to begin training the first of tho year for a pos sible fight with the winner of the Palzer- McCarty fight at Los Angeles on that date. He accepted the syndicates terms, how ever, and will start preparation for tho fight at once. It Is understood his sharo of the purse will be 2D,00a McFarland Reports Missed His Train CHICAGO, Dec. 28. Packey MoFarland. the lightweight pugilist, Won "lost" for a few hours today, but tonight he showed up nt soma of his old haunts and re lieved the fears of his frlendB. McFarland was scheduled to fight Fred u" to Daniels In Omaha last night. He started to the train, but missed It and as a result did not keep his Omaha engage ment. Neither did he notify the pro motors of tho bout, his manager or his family that he had not left Chicago. When It was learned from Omaha that McFarland had failed to appear friends began searching for hlin- A story was circulated that lis had split with his manager. Kmll Thirty, and that was tho reason for his keeping out of sight, but Packey explained tonight that missing the train was his only difficulty. COLUMBIA AGAIN WINS ANNUAL CHESS TOURNAMENT NEW TOniC, Dec. M-rFor the third sue osslve time Columbia won the annus! chess tournament, the twenty-first of the series with Harvard, Yale and Princeton, by taking three points out of four from Princeton In tho match postponed from the tirst round and played off today Ml bPS- Rf IffIf WJjjjjjjjjjjjjb W.AVJsbjsbjsbjsbjsbjsbjsw m m m If v i j Columbia finished with a total of tlsH ' points, Harvard with soven und one half I - . - ir, H. J i .STXDAY J3ICR: DECEMI3ER lii), i,iz. HATTER -DOC? I OH - II If 'I X the U. of N. Alumni Banquet smbbsbiMsii1bsbbbbsssmsbZsm vastftaiw WJBsjBsjsjf mmm m m m m m i VJbsjbsjbsjbsjbst hsh sbbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW m ssi , and one-halt points and Princeton Inst with four. By meuus of this success, Co lumbia overtook Harvard In the long series of which these two universities have each nine victories to their credit. In addition, however. Harvard tied once with Yale. Princeton and Yale, have each won one tournament. Willard Knocks Out Kearns in the Eighth NEW YOIlK, Dec. 3.-Ocss Willard knocked out "Soldier" Kearns. In the eighth round of u scheduled ten-round bout nt Mad(sou .Squuro garden tonight. The knockout came suddenly. Keums lauded a hard left to the ribs and a right to the neck. The blows appeared to auger the Texas fighter and he Immediately rushed and In a mlxup brought a left hook up under Kearns' chin and followed it quiokly with a right hook. Kearns dropped backward and was counted out. Neither fighter showed much knowl edge of boxing.. Willard. who had an advantage of halt u foot in height, missed many swings. Keurns' played mostly for the body, but wasted his blows on Wll lard's arms. The weights were Willard .11 and Kearns 194. Willard scored a knockdown In the frst round with a right hook to the Jaw, but Kenrns rose Immediately. In the fifth both men were tlrod. Willard drew blood with a left Jab to Kearns' nose. Kearns, after missing with a wild swing, floun dered to the floor on nil fours. Sheriff Harburger of New York county attended .... ...... 1 I ..nanl,.. . t I IIIC UUUl III 111 VHiUUI ;WU Ikllt. 1 watched the cohtest closely, but made no move to Interfere After the bot .lie said he had seen no rcusou whatever for Interference During tN aUiifiooii ! nad eceucJ a 1 te.legi'a u from Uovrno( Dlx lOive.iung Drawn for The Bee by George McMangus 7 wiTt THE Ah&VEt? HO!.' CLYDE E.EXXIOTT ' iV '")' i 4 1913 FOOT BALL CAPTAINS i:iit. Collego. Position. Nuine. Princeton Halfback Baker Yale... ..Center Ketcham Pennsylvania Knd Young West Point Knd Hogo Carlisle..... Quarterback ... Welch Dartmouth Fullbnck .... Kngelhorn Brown Fullback Henry William 13nd Vliml Syracuse Halfback Hllfinger Amherst..., Fullback McGay Wesleyan Knd Kustls Kwarthmore Halfback Lutz Haverford.... Halfback Sangrea Lehigh Halfback Kilck Holy Cross. ...... Knd Metovle Colgate 7..... Center ..,.... Peterson Trinity v.. ..Halfback Iiwler Lafayette Tackle ... Wagenhurst Bowdoln.... Halfback ... Weathcrlll Tufts Tackle Bennett AVash. and Jeff... Quarterback .. Goodwin Vermont Tackle. ...W. D. Whalen Bates Knd Danahy Hobart Knd Hall Mass. Aggies Fullback..H. W. Brewer Bucknell Halfback Kelscr Albright Center Yost Phllllpfl, Kxetcr . Halfback Kelly Phillips, Andover. Halfback Qault "West. College. Position. Name. Chicago Halfback Norgren Michigan Center Patterson Wisconsin Fullback Taudberg Illinois Halfback Rowo Nebraska Halfback Purdy Missouri Center Wilson Ohio State Guard , Gelssman Oberlln Halfback Fisher Wabash Knd Howard Iowa Fullback McMlnnis South. College. rosttlon. Nome. Georgetown Quarterback . . . .Costello Virginia Guard Carter Vanderbllt Knd Brown Ahibama... Halfback . . .Vandegraff Sewanee.. Guard McCallum Georgia Tech Halfback Cook Tennessee .'Imam Hayley ucurgiu iiuiiuuck .. iicw uorvcr HUNTER TURNS IN BEST CARD IN PINEHURST QUALIFICATION PINEHUUST. N. C, Dec. IS.-Paul Hunter. Midlothian club, Chicago, out played Walter J. Travis, the Garden City veteran. In the qualification round today of tho ninth annual Pinehurst holiday week golf tournament. Hunter brought In a card of 75, while Travis covered the course In 2- A high wind made play difficult. In the rounds today eighteen of sixty nine entrants qualified for play In the match rounds, which continue through nil next Tuesday. Among the leaders wen the following; C L. Becker. Woodland, SS: I. S. Itobe son. Oakhlll. 91. It. G. Shaw. Brookllne, C L. Bishop, Yale, and A. H. Shaw, Brookllne. 91. C B. Hudson. New Suf folk. H 8. Horton Midland. J. C Llnne mau. Shawnee nnd T B. Boyd. Glen Fcho. 1S. H O Crocker. Brooker 94. V S nathtx ue, Detroit. It J Clapp. I i...ln..l r XI Thiitiitfnn Kttrlni7iu vv n J i an4 W V Tusdul. Vax Hills. W. nOV THt THINC TO DO lt TAKE THINGS EAVT FO A FEN DATS) -I THE ACCENT IS ON THE LAST AS IN THE SHALL AVAtT DEVELOPMENTS - I tlO Pl-CAE j-J v nuri FOOT BALL RULES PRAISED (Continued from Page One.) the present standards and extend the benefits of co-operation to that end," Lieutenant H. M. Nelly of West Point was the only now member elected to the foot ball rules committee. The nomi nating committee proposed tho following ticket, which was elected:- President. L. B. R. Brlggs of Harvard; I vice president, Prof. T. L. Moran of Purdue: secretary-treasurer, Prot. Frank W. Nicholson of Wesleyan university; for district rtpresenfatlves, C. Bolser of Dartmouth. Prof. W, L. Wilson of Le high, Dr. Ronald Abercrombie of Johns Hopkins. Prof. Walter Hulllhan of UnU verslty of the South; Prof. P. S. Page of University of Minnesota, Prof. W. O. Manley of University of Mississippi, Prof. Hugo Bezd 't of University of Ar kansas, and Fr V Castleman of Uni versity of Color;-.'-. Tho new track iiles committee Is com posed of F. W. Marvel of Brown, W. A. Lambeth of Virginia and Frank Castle man of Colorado, The basket ball 'rules committee Is made up of Dr. James Nnlsmlth of the University of Kansas, originator of tho game; Dr. Roycroft of Princeton, Ralph Morgan of Pennsylvania, Henry A. Dlsher of Columbia, Oswald Tower and Dr. LouIb J. Cook of Minnesota and L. W. St. John of Ohio. The executive committee decided to hold the next meeting on December 30, 1913. The place was not selected. Glenn Warner, athletic coach at Car lisle, declared during tonight's discussion that base ball In colleges should be abol ished. "Our cxperlonce at Carllslo has con vinced us that Instead uf base bait mak ing men of Indians, It was more apt to make 'bums' of them. I speak not of base ball In colleges, but of the profes sional game the student gets Into after leaving college. Sp. wo ubollahed base Tball at Carllslo. Ws substituted for. base ball the game of lacrosse. I bellevo the only solution of the baso ball evil In our collegcb is to substitute a game that Is not so professional." This Indictment of base ball resulted In the appointment of a committee of three to take up the bs.se ball matter. Work on Big League Schedules Begins NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Secretary John Heydler of the National leaguo started today for Atken, S. C, where ho will as sist President Ban Johnson of the Amer ican league and President Barney Drey fuss of' thn National league club to draft tho schedules for the big league base ball season of 1913. Dreyfuss Is already in Aiken, having gone there ten days ago on account uf his health, and Heydler sold Johnson was expected In Alkcu today. Tho threo will formally meet on Saturday to sift out as many conflicting dates as possible. These conflicts are almost a rarity nowadays, there only having been five last year, nil of which were in -Chicago. In the schedule making of flvo years ago there were thirty or moro con flicting dates. Although April 10 has been announced as tho opening date for both leagues the full schedules will not be made public until the middle of February, when the National and American leagues have their schedule ratification meetings In New York. Driving for Women Becoming Simple Goorgo E. Daniels, vice president and general manager of the Oakland Motor Car company of Pontlac, discussed re cently tho question of "The Woman Driver and the Automobile;" stating that the Improvements on gusollne cars had now done iiway with the objections offered In some quarters against thr gasoline car fnr woman's use. "Women, us well as men today," he said, "can learn the Ins and outs of motoring within a fow days by reason of the simplified construction of gasoline cars. Time was when, a woman had more or less anxiety about attempting to handle cars of this character, but everything Is now so simple that the manipulation of the lever and pedals be comes natural; In fact, almost auto matic In a short while. Far Instance, !n the Oakland car tho spark and throttle levers are on tho steering wheel, the clutch and brake pedals at your right. Their proper nnd instantaneous handling requires but little practice." Mightv Michigan Sold in Germany The Packard distributor for the German empire, through his representative, W. R. Werner, lias Just closed arrangements with tho Michigan Motor Car company to handle the Michigan In conectlon with the Packard. Carl Dreymann Is the head of the Packard-Michigan Interests in Germany with headquarters at Dusseldorf. After clos ing with the Packard, Mr Dreymann made It known that there Is aUo a gen eral demand In Kurooe for a renresenta t've AmeiUar medhnn-pricej car and i that be desires to add one to his agency SELLABLE VORD Accordingly, after extensive; Investiga tion of all the medium-priced "40's" made in tho United States, the Mighty Michigan was selected on tho points of strength, construction, performance and artistry, for which Packard experts are accus tomed to look. HIGH SCHOOL LADS WIN FROM THE ALUMNI TEAM In a fast but losely played game of basket ball the Omaha High school bas ket ball -five, defeated tho Omaha High school alumni by the one-sided score of 46 to 22. Although playing with occa sional flashes of form the alumni played a looBer gamp than tho local five and lost. Several bf the high school' former stars were In the game against the pur ple and wlhte. For the alumni every man played a,bout tho same quality of a game, there being no particular stars for the high school graduates. For Omaha Icelle,'Burkenroild and Kdward Bauman starred, getting all of tho points secured by Omaha, .and playing rings around the older players. Following Is ,the lineup; OMAHA HIGH. . ALUM NT B. Baumann...,R.F. UO....W. Bauman n Phillips L.F. R.G..... Howe Burkenroad C. C Rector-Israel Lnrmon R.G, L.F C. Gardiner J. Gardiner L.O. R.F Myer Referee: Gideon. Timekeeper: Moore. Scorekecpor: Reyl. Substitutes: Platz for Larmon, Cahn for Howe, Ilowe for Meyer, Rector for Israel. Foul goals: Burkenroad (2). Meld goals: Omaha, Bait jnunn (2). Burkenroad (16); alumni. Rec tor (6), Meyer (2), Gardiner (2) IsraeUt jiuwe, j. line ul imivus ju;w. Commercial l.eiiHiic. The ' Sporting- News team -' Win ' two games 'from triu Nn'melessTn 'tmfCdm1-1 merclal league. Learn was ' filgfi -with ' 223 and EC8 totals. Score's! SPORTING NIDVva. ,l 1st. 2d. -3d. -'Total.' larn 163 173 220 M Shaw 155 jag i7g , in Abbott 154 179 181 . Oil Sc'Plo : 211 172 117 MO Utr. ir, ISO 157 419 Totttls 815. SIS 2.CS2 NAMKI.KSa 1st. 2d. 3d'. ToUl, Newcomb 192- 193 171 , 559 Grislnger 14-J 112 Ul 391 Moyna, D LUl 177 168 Mr, Straw MO 160 JGO 480 Moyna. J ,173 184 161 CIS Handicap 1 ' '1 1 3 Totals 877 827 735 ' 2.4W Omuhii I.ptiKUr. LUXUS. 1st. 2d. Sd. TOtal. Firestone 154 137 163 ' 456 Chrlstensen 1S4 173 101 618 Cain 1S3 234 190 C07 McCarthy 179 133 141 4t . Jones IK arj 174 KU " Totals 8C6 885 834 2,575 JETTER'S OLD AGH. 1st. 2d. 3d.-Total. Solomon 150 150 215 ' 5ft Ohnesorg 160 10i 157 4R3 Goden v 148 205 Ids 511 Pruyn , 230 179 181 DSO Zan 186 1S2 177 MS Total 861 SSS 888 2,631 ADVOS. 1st. 2d. 3d.' Total. Sclple 195 184 164 M3 Tracy , 164 187 193 544 Schonemau 192 1 63 153 511 Zlmmman ISO 160 1&5 - TM Qoff 203 179 180 661 Totals 930 873 862 2,671 HOSPK CO. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Toman 164 176 159 499 Hall 132 169 165 461 Brlggs 177 162 179 5 Cochran 195 205 224 ' 624 Hull 27 190 Hi 671 Tptals 895 902 ' 881 2,678 METZ. 1st. 3d. 3d. Total.' N,a) 193 181 160 o46 Conrad m 220 170 al3 Denman 193 182 "3 & Huntington MS 145 184 ,. M7 Blakeney 1W 1W 1SS KS Totals W 831 BURKLBY ENVELOPES.,. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Stunz 161 131 163 M Johnson W 2U 190 ?48 Halzer 200- 167 IKI oil Wartchow 1M 202 160 otj McMilYtm 202 199 207 W Totals 892 .960 902 , 2,754 Fairmont Creamery League. DBL1CIA. 1st. Id. 3d. Total, lam- 133 131 ICS 419 Herger 121 83 Hohlnger 115 104 W. JU Rohrer 91 117 115 m Molgard 163 132 113 is. Totals 021 625 561 l.M7 FAIRMONT RANCH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. MeWllliams 142 116 . li 05 Wilson 104 114 y JW Gasser 109 136 1) i Wlugol MG 11? IK JU Holcomb 164 1US 161 , 4itl Totals .4 649 697 W0 BETTER BUTTMR. ... , 1st. 2d. 3d. ToWI. Jensen w " ,2S Deems 1H ITS .IPS ! Hooper ' 167 16S W fO Ollwn . I. 143 1M m 4'H Bertweu :::::::::.::..i w iso Totals r..630 717 727 2.WI DIADEM. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tout. Cavett I35 1 I35 3,6 Hettler 109 VR VA Q Ahart . 5 104 4iS Snyder JM IT. W Totals 727 699 74J Z.HO With the Bowlers:!: