Till' OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: DEOTCMBEIJ !20, Pi, 5-C GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weakness is Shown in Wheat, with Moderate Trade. Only LOWER OATS LOOKED FOR Corn Receipt incrcnac nt Primary Polnta nml Elsewhere, MnklnRr llir Tone of the Market OMAHA, Dec. 2S, 1912. Instead of strength ana activity, as looked for by the bull longs In wheat, be cause of the advance of So at Uverpool yesterday, there was weakness soon after the opening and only a moderate trade In the aggregate. The cash business failed to show any Improvement, as Bales at Chicago amounted to only tfi.ooo bushels, white. Utc; No. 4 white, Slt43Wic; standard, SHi8tr. RYE-No. 2, file. TIMOTHY-W.00ffK.P0. OLiOVBIWlOtOoy IS. jO. BAia.HV-tfTSC. Bl'TTER Steady . creameries. ,AHtta EGOS Easy; receipts, 2,419 cases, fresh receipts, SUfStc; regular firsts. IJiio; firsts, 5e. CHEESE Firm ; daisies, lftlTo; twins. 16Vi0lS',ici young Americans, KMflTc; long horns. 16i4il7c. POTATOBS Firm; receipts. IS cars: Michigan, 4Stt0c; Minnesota, ITJJuOc: Wis consin. 451j60o. POl'LTRY Steady; t'irk-.y.. dirsndl. 21e: chickens, live, 12c; springs. ;ie, ire. VEAL-3toad', Pljllo. NEW YOnIC (iKMF.HAI, MARKET ttnolntlona or tTie liny on Various rnniitindltte. NEW YOntC. Dee. S.-FLOCR-Qulet; sprtiiK patents. $l.40if4.4.'i; winter patents, $1.63.00; winter extras No. 1. JI.05flM.15; Kansas straights. $1,003 l.io: winter while at St. Louis three boat loads were 1 1;"",., j VXSl 't-l -Mine clears S1 166 Inlllin fny hlrnn.nt .hmxl Thvrn wna I '.0o.8PTmB Clears, I.10 taken for shipment abroad. Thero was ns much fuss made over the sale ot Brain at St. Louis as one would expect to hear over the sale of three boat loads under ordinary conditions. Those who bought wheat a few days ago on the. talk of dry weather In tne southwest made up their minds yester day that their action was a little prema ture and they sold out at losses. Tno Modern .Miller, In its outlook on the south western situation says that while the wheat plant is In need of rfcln In many sections, good downpours would chanKe the situation entirely. A message from Kansas City told of the country as heavy sellers of cash wheat, and said that no tices of liberal acceptances to nearly every firm thero were In evidence. This selling on the part of the country shows that the wheat plant Is not de teriorating. The Santa Ke road officials say their advices as to crop conditions contain no drouth complaints whatever, save In the Panhadlo section of Texas, but In every other part of their territory the crop Is doing nicely. Conservative men of wheat view the northwestern sit uation as one ot the most bearish In the history of the Chicago market. There Is a big accumulation of wheat at Minne apolis, In fact, the railway switches are so badly congested that It Is Impossible to handle the cars with any freedom. There were Increases In the Minneapolis and Duluth stocks this week ot 2,900,000 bushels. The tone to corn was pronouncedly heavy owing to the Increased receipts at primary points and elsewhere. A Buenos Aires cablo reported a better demand for com, but the receipts from the interior are pair and the quality good. The open winter has cut -down the feeding of corn materially and this fact Is being felt In prevailing prices. With the slow demand for cash oats and continued larger receipts lower levels ahould be witnessed. Many traders favor the selling side of May oats. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 265,000 bushels; corn, 6,000 bushela; oats, 6,000 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat. !4d to V4d Inner! irn. Ud hlarlier to ltd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1.4O3.O0O bushels and shipments 319,000 bushel!", against receipts of 624,000 bushels and shipments of 19S.O0O bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,637,000 bushels and shipments 653.000 Dusneis, against receipts Of 653,000 bushels and h umcnti of 309.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts wero 1,165,000 bushels and shipments 34i,wo ousncis, against receipt of 787,000 bushels and shipments or 397,ow ousncis last, year, The following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, S3c; 2 cars, 82'4c. No 3 hard winter, 1 car, MUe. No. 4 hard winter. 1 car. 81c, No. 3 spring, 1 car, SlV4c No. 2 northern, 1 ear, sv4c. no. 3 mixcu uurum, j vnr, S2ic. OATS No. 3 white, 2 cars. 3t'4c; 7 cars, 31',4c. No. 4 white. 1 car, 31Uc; 2 cars. 31a No grade, l car. 3ic. CO TIN No. S white. 1 car (choice), 43c 2 cars. 2c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 41Vic: 1 car, 41c. No. 4 color, 1 car, 404: 1 car 40c. No. 3 yellow. 1 car. 4114c: IB cars. 41e. No. 4 yellow. 1 car, 40Hc: 4 cars. 40Uc; 4 cars, 40c. No. 3 mixed, 3 cars, tic; 5 cars. 40?ic; 1 ear. 40Ue. No. 4 mixed. 2 cars (local). 40Uc: 6 cars. 40c; 1 car. 39?ic; 3 cars, SOHc; 1 car. 39',,c; I ear. 39c. RYE No. 3, 1 car. MV4c. Oinnhn Cnft'.i Price. WI1BAT No. 2 hard, S2iS3c; No. 3 hard, ilflslc; No- 4 hard. 77B81c; No. 3 spring. 8108114c; No. 4 spring. 77890!4. COHN No. :t white, 42ft 13c; No. 4 white, 41sMlUc; No. 3 yellow, 4i474lV4c; No. 4 yel low, M(S40Vec; No. 3, - 40Hsf41Oi No. 4. 4'J'Q 40',ic. OATS No. 2 white. 31er32c; standard, 3H4S."l;c: No. 3 white. 3li3114c; No. 4 white. 3lr31Vc. BARLEY Malting, B2Q63c; No. 1 feed, 40'al6e. RYE No. 2, BSHOBOc; No. 3, ESftSSHc. Cnrlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 32 700 318 Minneapolis 473 Dujutlt 202 Omaha 33 Kansas City 8L St. Louis S3 Winnipeg 299 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Bears Successful in Depressing All Farts of List. BANKS SHOW GAIN IN CASH Same indications of More Conserva tive Fcellntc In Trade Contained In Weekly Reviews lnt tlnl nes Is Satlafnetory. !7 IU 109 4.45; winter extras No. 2, $3.95fft4.05. Rye flour, quiet: fair to good. S3.fl0fla.8GJ choice to rancj-, x&HKei.oo. ijucitwncat uour, quiet, $2.40 asked for 100 pounds. (JORNMEALr-Steadv: f ne while aim yellow, $1.3(gi.35; coarse, 1.S91.S9; kiln dried. $3.25. RYE Quiet; No. 2. 05ViC7e. c. 1. I.. Buffalo. BARLEY Steady; feeding. 69UC c. I. f.. New York; malting, C970c, o. I. t., uurraio. WHEAT Snot market easy; No. 2 red. $1.07, nominal, elevator and $1,08. nominal, f. o. 1).. arioat; No. l northern uuiutn. 971SC, f. 6. b., float. Futures market closed Wif net lower, December closed at 95Uc; May. 97 l-16Wtfc, closed at 97 3-Jflc CORN Snot market easy; export, wc. f. n. h.. nflnnt in arrive. OATS StmL market steady: standard white. 40c. nominal on track; No. 3. soft 3314c: No. 4. 3714H:!4c; natural wnui:, 3S40c: white clipped, 39tf42c. HAY Quiet; standard. $1.05; No. 1, ti tnutm ifl- Kn " ti.yr?l.02V4: No. 4. 801i6c. HOPS Quiet: state, common 10 cuoitv, 1912, 2Vif!Sc'. 1911, l&B15o; Pnclflo coast, jf(i'so; iwijjw;. llTDEB liasy; central America, .m. Bogota, 27ST28CV LEATHER Fl rin ; Hemlock firsts, 2S 29c: seconds, 27ffl2Sc; thirds, 2ig2Cpj re jects. 15200. - - - .... u mom rt. mess, $l9.uosns.a; lamiiy, .wu-.w, short clear, $22.004f24.00. Beof. quiet! mess, $20.0021.00; family, $24.0!P5.oo: beef I',1"".- $30.00Tf32.00. cut meats, bellies. 10 to It pounds, S12.0wr12.ro, pickled hams, $14.(V)4'14.GO. Lard, weak! middle west prime. S9.R5dT9.fc': rcrined. weak; continent, $10.45; South America, $11.70: compound. $7.5037.75. TALLOW-Dull; prime city hhds, 614c, special. 7o: country, &9C?ic BUTTER Firm; reci'lpts, 4,So4 tubs; crcamerj extras, 377V4o; held extras, 33 W34c; state dairy finest, 32fl34c; process extras, 26V427c: Imitation creamery, firsts. 24Jf2514c: factory held. 23it'824ttc current make, firsts. 23J4iir21c; packing CHEKSK Quiet: receipts. S0 Iwixcs; stato whole milk, held, white and colored Bpeclal. 18c: skims, 3314?ic EQGS Firm; receipts. 5,9St cases; fresh gathered, extras, 31S02c; held fresh average beat, 2223c; .refrigerator special marks, fancy, local storage charges paid, Hc: nearby hennery whites. Tancv, largo, new laid. 42ii45c: western gathered whites, 2S(&0;c; nearby hennery browns, .3334c POl'LTRY Dressed, firm: fresh killed western chickens, 12ftfl9c; fowls, 12015c; turkeys, 1423c. St. l.oulu Cenerul Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec. 28. WHEAT Cash weak; track, No 2 red, Jl.Wli'1.09; No. 2 hind, 89tf93c. . . CORN Ix)ver; track No. 2, 4jc; No. 2 white, 48it9c. OATS Weak; track No. 2, 33!4c; No. 2 white, 3414c. ' Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Weak; May. 92M02?ic; July, CORN Lower; May, 1747!4c: July, iS'ic OATS Weak; May. 33c; July, 3314c RYE Unchanged, 62c FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.8o flC.05; extra rancy ana sirnigni. 4.50; hHrd winter clears, $3.40$f3.55. SEED Timothy, $10.00. CORNMEvL-$2.90. BRAN Strong; sacked, cast track, ji.oiin.ox HAY Firmer: timothy, $l2.00fiU..OO prairie. $10.00013.00. TWINE Hemp. Sc. ... PROVISION! Pork, unchanged; Job bing. $16.76. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $10.9oftll.05. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed extra shorts, llic; clear rlbf, Usc; short clears, ll?c. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 12Hc; clear ribs, 12?c; short clears, 12ic POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 12c; turkeys, ISc; ducks, 14c; geese. 12c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 27Q33C ECCJS Lower, 22c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls S.000 10,0u0 c I Wheat, bu 107,0) JS1MM NEW YORK STOCK MARffiTI&Saff ti.Miti; uisourseiucniB, nv deflclt this fiscal year $!,Mfi,P. as against ik deficit ot $53,458,370 last year. Tlio figures for receipts, disbursements and deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. London fftnrk Mnrket. LONDON. Dee. M. Money In strong il" mand. Discounts steady. Thn stock, marknt. although open until 3 o'clock for settlement purposes, cloned for tral'.li at the usual time. Husln's was meh.'ier at.d changes narrow. The only fenttlrc won the decline In Peruvians -n reiillsi'.iions. Rubber shares wero In uiod dennuM in anticipation of higher prlc s at tho nxt auction sale. Americana opened i.teady and advanoe.1 under tuo led of tana dlan Pacific. At the toc thi tone M steady, with prices VfflU over the final New York prices of ym-ril.iy. Contoli. monr-. ' i-iIHei w da trount . TS tUl9nlsTlln r Amst. Con-r. , 7ISM . K. &T. .... Alrhl.cn 1N. Y OjoJmI... PMUmorfl A Ohio. 1M NortolV AV,. Cnilln rclfle IMHOntsrlo a 'JV Ch.tk O urtnnrhnli .... CTilcano O. TV.... H IUtln; .m mii a St. i mufcoutlmn Hj... , llnr Ik Itlo O. ..II Fouinrn ntmt. Krl IS'lVnlon .. da ll M . HtJ S. ...... j tr..l. f-WaMlh . SILVER Har, sieaoy i .nip-iu NEW YORIC. Dec. 2S-Aftcr a week of colorless trading and stagnant markets, stocks moved In u definite way today and quotations were depressed in nil quar ters of the list. Trading becume more active following n featureless opening, with tne impetus coming from tho near taction. Thero was no demand fur stocks and the bears were ablo to mnk headway on comparatively moderate of- lenngs. .Most of ho prominent issues were depressed a point or more, with a partial recovery before the close. The weakness of steel was a depressing in fluence, and selling of Canadian Pacific from abroad affected the railroad list. Apparently there was no well grounded reason for tho weaker condition of tho market, wjtlcli whs more active than for several days, and the declines seemed to bo little moro than n response to opera tions of tho professional clement. The expected gain In cosh by tho banks was reported In today's statement which revealed an lucrense In tho actunl table of nearly $5,000,000, an amount In excess of estimates. There was, however, a de crease In excess cash reserves of $1,740,000. Some Indications ot tho more conserva tive feeling In trndo was contained In the weekly reviews. The holiday trado as described as uf recoid sire, but h blowing down ot business In ceitnln Hues Has noted. In general, however, tho trado situation remains satisfactory In "olume. The bond market wns under moderate pressure. Total sales (par value). $S96,000. rnltcd Stntes 2s coupon advanced It, tho 2s registered ?j nml 3s coupon 14 on cull on the week. Number ot shius nna leafllng quotations on stocks were as follows: Balis. HlfV. Ixw. Cloi, Amalitmitrd C&riwr., American Anrlcultur.il .. American Pfct Sugar . American On Amtrlcsn Can, pfd American Car &. I'Mry. .. American Cotton Oil .... American Ico Securities American Llnneed American Locomotive ... Am, Smelter A lift ... Am. Smelting & Ufa . American Stinar Ilet American Tel. Tel .... American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchison Atchbnn, ptd Atlantlo Coitt Una ... Baltimore Ohio .... Hetlileliem Steel Hrooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific Central Leather Cheaapeake & Ohio .. . Chlcairo, Great Western.. Chi., Mil. & St. P. . . Chi. A N. W Colorado Kuel & Iron.. Consolidated Gaa Corn lrodurta Delaware & lludaon Hener & Mo Grande.. Denver &. Hlo Grande ptd Dlitlllera' Securities .... Erie Krle 1st, ptd Krle :d, pfd General Electric Great Northern, pfd Great Northern Ore dfa. Illinois Central Interborough-Met InterborouRh-Met. pfd .- Inter-Harvester Inter-Marlna, pfd International Paper International Tump Kansas City Southern .. Laclede Gaa Lehigh Valley Louisville & Nashville.. Minn. St. 1' & S. Kte 11 Mo., Kan. & Texas Mlstuurl Tatlflo National llluult National Lead Nat. llys. of M. Sd pfd New York Central ?. Y., Ont.& Western.. Norfolk & western North American Northern Pacific I'aclflc Mall I'eunsyhanla Peoplu'a Gaa l'HUburah c. C. L St. U rittsburgh Cos! TresseJ Steel Car Pullman Palace Car 6.700 76H 7511 H SH i,m U't 47U 4,600 U SI'. Si oo m nil. iH'i 800 ii 04 U i.J'i 111 111 . s:; 1H . II . I1 .IMS .JM . TO . 4 The rate of1 discount In tho open market for Bhort bills Is 4 16-1 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 w-ltt per cent. Clearlnar House llnnk Stntement. NEW YORK, Dec. 2S. The statement of the actual condition of clearing house tinnk n,i trust comtianles for the week (five days) shows that they hold $,39,000 reserve In excess of legal requliements. This Is a tlecrenso of $1.744,WM from las' week. The statement follows; ' Actual cond tlon increnro. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET S Cattle of All Kinds Higher for the week. : . in m . ttt 1W T td M ) T W M T l NTS . 7 ! Sit .311 3tt H00S LITTLE LOWER FOR WEEK Sheep nml t.nmha Aclhf Seller K the Week, nith Prices I'ortj Kle to vutr-l'lve Cent lllBher. SOUTH i 'M AHA. neo, , 1913. Receipts were Cuttle, Hons. Sheep. tie . M . 17 103 7t TS s n I TS Official Monday Official Tuesda Dfflclnl Welur.- 1st Official Thursdaj Official Friday Estimate Saturdnv tl4W I.SSI .. 1.4B .7fil ...Holiday. 3,1 1.240 52 3.191 .443 7.tV lt.tl ?tS t;.:;t; Six days this week . 7,07. H0.S5S 23.4SS Snmo days last epW..1R.77 4S.W6 40.775 Same days 2 week ago 24.SI1 ffl.74ft 47.381 Same days 3 weeka ngo I4.7M 09.417 42.914 Kiuno tiayn 4 weeks ago 15, 45t 4,1.M 43,357 jsamo aays last ear. .17,491 33.4H -.!. The following table snows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date aa compared with Isstyear: 191 1911. Inc. I'" Cattle 1 .005 Mii 1.172.IW5 .. . Itt7.0) Hogs 5.S71 3S :.:l.(Vi 5;D,4$3 . , . Sheep 2,9VM 2.9T2.1S3 43.032 The following tuHo shows tho range ot prices for hogs ot South Omaha tor the Inst few days, with comparisons: Pate. 1912. 191l lSlll.IS.l'AVS.l!K)7.!l!H; Loans Specie Legal tenders Net deposits .Circulation Ev. lawful reserve .$t,K2.379.0lO $13,K9.0O0 , $02,442,000 l,R91,O00 82,fS90.0i 2,9a.0M . l,67tsT36.M 27.79.,00o 4MWS.000 SJI.OOO n,.W,W k 1.744.MX) Hti Tl'a 410 43 4lt 900 7IH 71U 11U 500 714 UK its, IPO 117 117 M'i TOO 111 141 W 27 S00 SOVs 39Vi 3V4 00'1M( 10 105 200 mk iosu ion; TOO 131 lit 1S0' 30O lOl'i 10t 104 . MO il4 31 3'. :,no tz,i !'. 9ti s.aoo ,:s74 7'.i :s TOO Tl't tVi a; 600 TH 78U T IS 00 llt',1 1UH Ill's 300 i:i 13V 133M 354, 13911 TOO 14 14 1ST, 1S3 son m: w.i 100 38U 33; S8H too :i'j :oT si 900 3! 31i Jl'.i 49 30 1W) li ISS'i Itl'i 2,900 130 1!9H 1294. 40 J2S 900 l!s ltU IMs 1.T00 3i C3 63i fiO Hi lit 111 UVi 121s TOO 19 19 18' 2i 101 3,100 IMS 16Rs li 100 1411b ltl'.i 140 13S Too :H M'i :U SftO 40; 40H 40); 153 S3 Is S7 Doe.. l'J. Dec. 20. Dec. 21. Dec. n. Doe. 83. Dec. 24. Dea ST.. Dec. M. Iec 7 04' " 074 7 12 I a 'ii 5 !" 7 l(i I a 7 13j f,7l I f. ail 4 311 13 57 ! C Jl 4 S41 fi 19 ft. , Wt' 8 29' 5 36 4 33 6 09 0J V M S OSi Ii nil 7 7 S 11 6 47' 7 23;1 6 0.. 7 2lTi) 6 9V Deo 28.1 f iS. I 6 SO 79 S TO' S rtO f. Bi I 41 4 36 ti 13 4 29 21 4 S9 f. ir. 4 41 0 U Ranks' cash reserve In valuts, $3i". Trust companys cash rccorve In vault', $39,H,CKiO. Aggregate cash reserve, $393,132,000. Trust companies' reserve with clearing house members carrying 20 per cent cash reserve. $46,970,000. ' Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not Included In clearing house statement: virtus $564.S9,t0 I.MB.JOO specie fio,ka.4oo rzm Legal tender S,009.100 34,200 Total deposits 60O.SO7.40O 1.141,200 Decrease. ttiiatoii Mlnlne Stocks. llOSTON. Dec. SS. Closing quotations were as follows: Alloues M Miami Copper 2S AmaUamated Cop.. TS'iMohawk Am. Z. U Sm. . :41sNevaila Con 19U Arlsona Com 3HNIplaln Mines.... tlreene Cananea . Norlh llutte 3ii n. . C. r. ft a M. 5U.Ntjrlh Lake ii Calumet Arln .. TOHOId Dominion M'i Calumet & l!ecla..t30 Osceola 103 Centennial ITHQulncy t. .. T Cop. Itne C. Co 6;8hannon 13li Hast Pulte Cop. M. 14'iSuperlor SSJi IVanklln SHSuprlor &. Hos. M. Hi Ulroux Consolidated ITiTamsrflrk 31 Granby Conenlldatcd M t S. Sm. Tier & M. 43 flreene Cannes ... St, do pM 494, Isle Iloyallo (copper) 31 UUtaJi Confolldsted. . 10 Kerr Lake. TStJtah Copper Cat... &7 Lake Cupper 2JVlnonn 3" LaSalle Copper .... S Wolverine (9 Sunday. Hollthv Receipts and tllsposttton of live stork ot th Union Htock .trds, Kouth Omaha, for twenty-four honts ending at 3 o'clock yesterday; IlKCBIPT" CAR8. I K l M 151 . ! (V IW . . I M M at t h ci . m . T STH w. 4 M T H . . . T ffl'i T Jet leo T 10 t'lOS. U.K. IM 21. i . n . i w ii. It lit . T 00 w. 1 .. IU (0 10.. HIIKKP Am tisual on a Saturday noth lug lit the ti of lambs and sheep showed t'P at the vards, hence values are qlio lably the nme hs on Friday. For the genetal nin of good killing lambs itnd sheep the mnrket I closing iiromiil Mfiti$e higher than a week ago. While the week a trade hna not been noted for lis snap, there was sufficient demand st nil times to clean up supplies In good season AnVthlng at all desirable on the fnt order sold readily and prlnel p.4lly on account of a very moderate sup. ply of both aged Miern and lambs, prices Hdwmred sharply. As usual Ht this time of the year few If any wethers or year- It difficult to compare values on that clsas or ngpii sneep. As might be expected during Chrlstmaa week the marketing of sheep shows a considerable decrease front laat week and tno weeks ago, but was only rllg.ttly less than during the corresponding time one year nco. An unusual thing at this time of the year was the arrival of quite a fw shlumentii from thn northwestern states, but very little If nny more of that Kinn or stock is cspoctec; on the inornet from now on. A notable feature of this week's supply was tho gradual Improve ment of tho of Mines from day to day, the bulk of tho stuff consisting In the main of fed westerns. There was a very fair sprinkling of natives on most days or tne weeK. Quotations on sheen and lambs: lAtnb.1. good to choice, $,trvfl$. 0; lambs, fair to good. $7.ti.'sj8.O0, Iambs, feeders, $j.WKTf7.00; i yearlings, limn. J3.T.w,.&o: vrarllnes. !heuy. $'..rMIR.75. yearlings, feeders. $4.50 9ffi.ni. wethers, good to choice, $4.6ftiti.OO I wethers, fair lo good. $l,2Mf4.5: wethers i r.-.l.i 41 'y.'.t I tJ. An...a m.n.l r. I. I $4.fi5fN.s!i. ewes, fair to good. $4.3Hf4.5 owe, feeders, $3.2Mfl.75; cull sheep am' bucks, J2.waa". I'll ICA till 1.IVI1 S TOCK MAIIKKT a. m. & st. p WahHsh Missouri l'aclllc Union I'aclflc C. A N. , east O, & N. W.. west C. t!L P.. M, A- O C, R. ft Q east t' 11. Q , 'wf str c, R. I. & r., east.... , II. I. A V., west.... dlllnols Central C. Q. IV Total receipts Cuttlu. Hogs. S 1 1 17 .... .. '.) IS , 19 II I 7 C Kit DISI'OBrnON-HKAD. Cattle. Hogs. omaiia ;i:m:iial maukkt, Morris & Co tlwlft and Company. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Schwarts & Co . J. W. Murphy .... Other buyers Totals.. 9J) 1.1M 2,07 2.1U8 128 C3 C.StX 1,400 10S 107V1 10'H 31 msi 77 1,310 1HM.I 1201 129 27 600 is i:ii ins 100 114i 114Vi 114 100 300 23H Sl'.i 23H S3 163 Heading 12,300 167U lUTs 16iH Features of the Trailing; and Cloaliitf Prices on llonril of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 2S. The grain markets today fluctuated slowly within very nar row 'limits, whllo liquidation carried pro visions down 7Hliil0c to 26c. Wheat closed unchanged to UHo under yesterday. Corn a shade to U4rHc lower and oats a shade to ',1c depressed. For the first time there were bids for September de livery on corn and oats, 4914c being of fered for the former and a2c for tho latter. The wheat market, while still bearish, on the foreign situation as reported yes terday and the accumulation of stocks in the northwest, was In the mam charac terless. Somebody reported "rain In tho Argentina," but the trade regarded it largely as a cry of "wolf" and Ignored It, May ranged between 9lHc and 91c, closing USJHo under yesterday at 91',ic A range of U marked the widest flue tuatlon of corn prices. May sold be tween 4Slic and 4So and closed u shado down at 4S18Hc At the bottom thero were plenty of buying orders, but these wero easily filled without stiffening price. Export bids wero low for working, but the Inquiry was efeady. OaU were stagnant and the tono slightly easier. May ranged between 32410 320 and S2si32c, closing a shade lower tit 32ic. Lower hogs and continued liquidation of January options wealtened provisions. May pork closed 15c off at $17.S3; May lard 2c down at $9.60 and May ribs, 7HM0c under yesterday at $9.60. Futures rangec as follows: Articlel Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn, bu. Oats, tiu. 131,000 114,000 69.000 108,000 AVheatl I Dec.l S5( 8 Mar. 914'.l 91 s July.88HHH(8SiTit Corn. I Dec..47Ua',i May. 4S I July, 49 ! Oats. I 47UI 4$ S5H 91 47 4$ 49 4SiStt' Dec. May. July. Pork. Jan.. May. Lard. Jan.. May. Kibs. Jan.. May. 33UI 3-il 22V i32i!3aJl?4 S3 17 53 17 87-951 i ,9 70S7 9 750' i9 65862 9 j2iti0 9 U2H 33 I 837, 17 M 17 37H 17 9714 17 S2V4 9 70 9 62H 9 73 9 70 9 A3 9 60 9 0 S5i W 9is91,iin4 47S47H 47li 4Mt48i 4SW 4ST4 49 32320Vi 32fj324 32HWT. 32T4I 33 I 17 10 ' 17 62V4 17 S3 18 00 9 24 9 76G77 9 70 9 S3 ! 9 BO I 9 fiO I 9C0 ' 9tr7',4 Kansas City CSrnln nml lru Islons. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 2S.-WllliAT -Cash, unchanged to hie up; No. 2 Hard. 83f90c; No. 3. 82.f?S5c; No. 2 red, 1.01j 1,06; No. 3, 93!4c$l.OC. CORN uncnangea; 'mmc 'uj; .iu... mixed, 16v4ii47c; No. 3, 43c; No. 2 white. 46JN6V4C; No. 3. 4(c. OATS uncnangea to ',4c uown; ;o. j white, 34W30c; No. 2 mixed, Xi'c. Closing prices 01 iuiurrs; WHEAT May. 83Tio; July. SU?4C CORN May, 4674c: July, 40c, OATS May, 34Wfa'34?ic. RYE Unchanged. HAY Unchanged. KGuS Extras, 23'4c; firuts, 2314c; sec onds, 14SflBo. POULTRY Hens, HSUlic; roosters, So; young turkeys, I6H0; ducks, lllif 1 4c. iteceipts. nnipinents. Wheat, bu 81O0 04,000 Corn, bu 75,000 uR.OOO Oats, uu n.ww ,tl liiiiruiioll'i (irnln Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec, 2R. WHEAT De cember, 8i'(4c; May. S3sc: July, S7ic. Cash, No. 1 hard, 83He; No. 1 northern. 81H083c; No. 2 northern. 79ilHe; No. 2 hard, Montana, S2?c; No. 3. 77MiWc. CORN No. 3 yellow, 4141Hc. RYE No. 2. R5Q58C. RRAN In 100 pound sacks. $19.001(19.ty). FLOUR First patents, $4.05ff4.aV, second patents, $3.901.13: first clears, $2.9033.20; secjnd clears. $2.1OU2.40. FLAX-$1.2&?n.23U. BARLEY laaOQc. Liverpool Grain Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Dec 58. WHEAT Spot, nteady: No. I Manitoba. 7s Tttd: No. 2 Manitoba. 7s 54d; No. 3 Manitoba. 7s 34d; futures, easy; uecemoer, u 'i'l March. 7s 4Ud: May. 7s 24d. CORN Spot, easy; American i.ilvej. nid. fi 2d: American mixed, old. v a ual veston, Os 7Hd; futures. Irregular; Janu ary, 6s id; February, 4c 'iu. Mllirauker Grain JInrUell MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Dec. 28. WHEAT No. 1 northern, sstftsw: o. z nortnern. 860870; No. 3 nara winter, :sc; Decem ber. 000; iay, MHeo"c. ennv-Xo. 3 vellow. 45'4!c: No. 3 white 47V4c; No. 3. UhW&c; December, 4SV4e; May, 4Mmv,c. OATS-Stntulard. 33',61iB4c. HAJlLEY-a;$c. rtepubllc. Iron t Bteel.. Itf public iron Si H. tfd Hock island Co Hock Island Co. ptd.... bt. L. Ac S 1'. 2d pfd.. Seabnurd Air Line .... Reaboard Air Line, ptd.. 6. Sheffield 8. it I Southern I'aclflc Southern Railway Southern Railway, ptd.. Tennessee Copper Teis & Pacific Vnlon Pacific Union Pacific, pfd United Stale Itcalty.. United Btate ltubler ... United Statea Steel .... United State's Steel, pfd. Utah Copper Vlrglnla-carollna, mum.. Wabash Wabash, ptd Wciitern Maryland WcBtern Union Weatlnahouse Clcttrle .. Wheeling & Lake Erie Total sala of tne aay, iii.to. I M0 900 294 2i'i Cuh quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Quiet, steady and unchanged. RYE No. 2. 62fl63V4c I1ARLEY Feed or mixing, 4S6ilc; fair tn choice malting. 51ffr7Bc. SEEDS-Tlmothy, $2.7&g3.90. Clover, $18.7519.00. PROVISIONS Porlt, mess, $1C7J117.00. Lard (In tierces), $9.7214. Short libs (loose), $9.0009.60. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 233,0u0 bu. Primary re ceipts were. 1,103,000 bu., compared with 430 OuO bu. the corresponding day a year ngo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 60 cars: corn, 358 cars; oats, 101 carsy. hogs, oz.uw neau. Uulnth Grain Market. DTTLUTH. Dec. 2S. WHEAT On track No. 1 hard. 83c: No. 1 northern, 82'ic: No, 2 northern, swic; Montana so. hard, 8JUo; July. 87ic, nominal; Decent ber. 82Uc. bid; May, 8Vc, asked. OATS-Sic. 254 81 4'.t 23H !3S 43 2H 4S',i 40 2,(00 1044 10IT4 400 2T!i S7'i 27!i 10) 79Ti T9Ti "914 100 38 38 3714 200 2214 224 2214 1,200 1S9K lfh 1471s 1V4 300 TS T3t4 T4ii 1.400 63 U 63 !,, 22,200 674i H 66 600 109H 107V4 109!4 100 HA M H 300 43U SJ)0 464 100 114s 200 19 4 46V. U'i 114 7 46i 14H 1814 .Vev 1 ork Money Mnrket. vmv YORK. Dec, 28. MONEY On call nominal; no loans; time loans, easy: sixty days, 6 per cent: ninety days, 64 tier cent; six months, 5',i per ount. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 41 per cent. ....,.. ... BTERLINU j'i,xt- tiAury r inn, witn nctual business in bankers' bills at $4.81 for slxty-duy bills and at $4.85 for de mand: commercial bills, $1.86V4. SILVBK- uar, oi-.s, .u"n,u uuiiau, HONUo" uovernniciiv, aic&u , iiuiruiiu, easy. , . . Closing quotations on bonds today were m follows: U. S. ref. 2s, ret iiinier-Marine efte..Mi, do common ... '"i japaa i-js h V. S. 3a. rc 103HK. ('. B. ref. I. . 7" do coupon .101HU 8. deb. 4s (1931) ii g. 4s. rei U3KL ft W. Un. 4i . 00 uupon ...1UHM, K. A T. 1st 4s r.niinl Ss. couduu.. 10111 do sen. 4V4. . Allls-C. 1st 3s. ctfa... f7'4Mltsourl Pacific 4a Am Arrlculiursi ss..iuu oo runr. ss.... Am. T & T. cv. 4a 10WN. Hys. of M. 4Hi f6 Ani. Tobacco 6s.... UlttN. V. C. isn. SV4 W Armour i Co. 4'i.. 1'. do deh. 4a 9114 Atchison ten. 4s. .. 9.N. Y..N.H.:!!. c.Ha I4H do cv. H. (UWf ..111N. & W. cv. 4a. mi dn cr. Da 105 Northern Pac. 4s 94 A. C. U lat 4s 93 do 5 4814 Uslttmore O. 4s.. SJu. o. u rrdf. 4s.... n in ;',t IHsPenn. cv. !V8 (lilt) 96 Ilrooklyn T cr 4a.. 91V4 do couv. 4s 1014 Central o( O 6a. .10TV,neaillnj ten. 4s .97 Central Usther 3s l SX. U ft 8. W C4 1044 r n (Us 9941 do tD. tia. ... .It do conv. 41s- 9'WSt, L. i B. V. cla 0i Chi. Alton 3H 44148. A. L adj. 8a..T',i C. II. a Q 1 la--- SSbuthern Pac. cr. 4s 94 do gen 4a ..94 ! col. 4 9IH CM tflt P. r. 4', 105U do lt ret. 4s. 93'i f Jl. I. & F 1 4 6HSoutbern Hy, f.. ..10 do rft. 4a Mtt n. 4s 714 C. aV S. r. r. IH llUnlon Pacific 4a. . MTs Dslaware & It. cv. 4a 97U do cv. 4s i I), It It. II. ref. (a. . its do 1st & ref. 4. 95 o Plstlllers' 6s. i b. nuDoer s. .. jra " . Cl- nrlnr Hi SSVi T5i 94 8614 70ft SIVs IJITTTER-No. 1, 1-lb. carton, $6c; No. 1, GO-lh. tubs. 3j4o; No. 2, 334C CHEEST Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri can Swiss, 26o, block Swiss, $4o; twins, 20c; daisies, 20o; triplets, 20c; Young Americas, 21c; blue label brick. 0c; Urn berger, 2-lb., 21c; Mb., 22q; New York white. 20V4c. BEEF CUT PRICES Wholesale prices of beot cuts, effective December 23, are as follows: No. 1 ribs, ro',4c; No. 2, 16c; No. 3, HV4c. No. 1 loins, 22c! No. ?, lHo; No. 3. 12V4C No. 1 plates, 8c; No. 2, 7'tc; No, 3, 7c. No. 1 chucks, 914c; No. 2. SKc; No. 3, 8c. No. 1 rounds, 13c; No. 2, lie; NO. 3, JUftO. POULTRY Brollera, $S per dux; hens. lie; cocks, iic; aucas, ibe, geese, isu; turkeys, 24c; pigeons, per doz., $1,20. Alive, broilers, 16c; hens, 10c; old roosters, 6 iic; ducks, full fcathored, 10d; goose, full feathered, 11c; turkoys, IGc; pigeons, tier doz., u0a; homers, $2.r, squabs, No. 1, $1.60; No, 2, 60c. FISH (Fresh) Pickerel, 11c, frozen; white, 14c, frozen; trouto, 13c. frozen; largo croppies, 14c, frozen; Spanlih mackerel, 16c; eel, lEc; haddock, 13a: flounders, 13c; green catfish. 13c; shad roe, per pair, 40c: salmon, 13c; halibut, 16c, frozen, 12c; buffalo, 8c: bullheads, J3c, Oysters, bay Btandards, $1.30; northern, $1.M; selects, $1.76; counts, $2.00. FRUITS-Oranges: California navels, fully colored, id size, $2.00; 9ti aire, $2.25; 126 cizc, $2.60; 150, 176, 200 and 216 size, $3.00. Grape fruit; extra fancy Florida, 40, 64. 61 and SO, per box, $3.50. Cranber ries: Wisconsin long keeping, extra fjincy Howes', Jumbo, per bbl,, $9,60; extra utticy Jersey, per bbl., $9.00; oxtru fancy, liclls und Cherry, per box, $3.00. Lemons: Air Ship brand, 300 or 360 size, $6.75. Cocoanuts; In sacks, per sack, $5.75; per dozen, 80c. Honey: new Colorado. twenty-four frames, per case, $3.76. Dates; Fard, 16 lb. box, per lb., 12c; New Hall, bulk, per lb., 7c: new Anchor Pkg. (30 cartons), per box, $2.25; new Dromedary (80 cartoon), per box, $2.75. Figs: new 12 12, per box, 88c: new 5 crown (Turkey), 16c; now 6 crown (Turkey), 16c; new 7 crown (Tur key). 17c. Apples: extra fancy Washing ton Jonathans. 113. 123. 138. 160. 165. box. $1.85: extra fancy Washington Qrlmos' Uoldcns. 1L1, 123, 1S8, 160, box, $1.76; extra fancy Washington Roman Reautlea, 72, 80. im. iu:i, 3, box. 11.16; extra fancy Washington Illack Ifcn Davis. 72. 80. ss. 90, 104, 123 count, box, $1.76; oxtra fancy Waaliington Red Wine Saps, 104, 112, 125, IM, oox, ..'; extra lanuy i-iiik cneeic Waxen and White Winter Pcarmaina, 90, 101. 113. 125. 138. 160. 163 count, box. S2.00: extra fancy Colorado, unwrapped. White winter 1'earmains, jc, ibo, 200 count, box, $1.65; extra fancy New York Bald wins, ncr bbl.. $2.90: extra fancy New York R. I. Greenings, per bbl.. $3.25: ex tra fancy New York State RuEseU, per ddi., !3.uo; extra rancy .Missouri Jona thans and Grimes Uoldens, per bbl.. $4.00. 5 bbl, lots or moro, assorted, 13u per bbl. orr: extra rancy Missouri lien Davis. Her bbl $2.60: extra fancy Missouri Wtno saps, per ddi., m.si; extra lanuy Missouri ,,!....!.. n V. V. I . t f. . w . enMM.. ,11- I II'IJIIID 01 uui.i c.u n tnttjjf up. sourl Willow Twigs. Ulack Twigs. York imperials ana otner line varieties, per bbl.. $1.23: extra fancy Missouri Red Jano. Per bbl.. $Z.H0. VEGETABLES Celery extra fanev Jumbo California, per dozen, 80c, Sweet Potatoes, extra ruin Kansas, per bbl., $2.00. Potatoes: Minnesota Whlto or Red Stock, In sacks, per bu., 66c. Rutabagas, per lb., l'.ic. Squash- Hubbard, per lb., in bbls., i'o. uauoage, Wisconsin Holland Seed, In crates, per lb., lc. Onions: Min nesota Red Globe, extra large In sacks. per lb.. U4c; Spanish, (about 43 lbs.) pej orate. $1.60. NEW VEGH7rA14LE8 California cau 11. flower, 24 heads, per crate, $3.25; Califor nia tomatoes, 4 basket crates, per crate, 11.76; head lettuce, per doz., $1.2S1.60; leaf lettuce, home grown, doz.. 40c: rud. Ishes, southern, per doz., too; parsley, per doz., 40c; cucumbers, hot house, per doz., $1.50fi2.C"; peppers, 6 basket urates, per basnet, wc, snauoits, per aoz., ioc, Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Dec. 28.-CORN-l&c lower; No. 3 white, 46c; No. 4 white. 4XV4c; No. 2 yellow. 16c. No. 3 yellow, 14j44i4u; No. 4 yellow, 4y4f(43c; No. 3 mixed, 44c; No. 4 mixed. KWaic; sample. 40Q-41C. OATS Unchanged; standard. 32t&83c; No. 3 white, 32c; No. 4 white, 31c. Toledo Seed Market. Tm.KDO. O.. Dec. iS.-SEEDS -Clover: Prime cash. $ll.u7'4: December. $11.67'4; February, $ll.77'4: March, $l!.77fc. Alslke: F.rl. Drier lien. 4s . WAV. . Steel 2nd Cs, .107 do tn 4 75 Va.-Car. Oiam. (a.. 74i do c 4 ar!ea "11" T Wah. 1st at ext. 4a JVi III l' 1st ref 4s.. MHWestern Md, 4s,. . tlx. Inter-Met. 44s SO', weal, isiec. cv. (a,. U Bid. Offered Wis, Central 4s 905J iv York Mlnliitf Sloi'kn, NEW YORK. Dec 28. Closing quota tions wore as follow : Comitock T. Stock.. I Llttl Chief 4 Comstoek T. Donda 11 Mrtlcan 90 Con. Cat. t Va a Ontario 2i0 Iron Silver VA Ophlr : Leadyllle Con.... 7 Raadard 100 Offered. Yellow Jacket ... 20 llnnk Clenrliiica. OMAHA, Dec. 28. Hank clearings for i-mcuKu t-onii . ""T ".ywa; , ALr' C." 4 prime casn, u., ureraiutr, todav were :r,io.7. anu rot- the mr I.Wf-"i7-,u,x. '.l.i Jffl.'S 7 1 .Maroh, 411.1v. 'iimoinj . prune tuan, a . tespoiming uute last yoar. .477,;91.91. hard. &aMifi-. No. I. ' oJ December, J1.W4: February. $1.97; Clearings for the week wore S13.M4I.301.93. 2 " f 7rtK;n StiiwTc No 2 aorlnrT. ,aru"- ,"' ... ? a '."rWT """"...8 eK ,a.t year . I 4'attou Market. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 2S. flecretarv Hester's statement of the world'a vlslhln supply of cotton gives the total this week an 6.S93.0O4 bales, against 6.17S.062 bales last weeK; u,wo,bif tne same week last year and 6,238,379 the same week year be rora last. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 2. COrTuV-diJot, quiet: prices easier; American middling fair, 7.a: good middling fair. 7.3iu; mid dllng. 7.11(1: low middling. fl.P3d: good or dlnary. 6.47d; ordinary, 6.99d; the sttlen were 6.000 bales, of which "500 w.rj for speculation and export und Incl'linl ".MX) American, Receipts were i,M bnle-. In cluding 60,600 American. CATTLE Receipts uf cattle have been very moderate all the week, ns usunl ht this season ot the year They have, how ever, been considembl lighter even than last year, owing to the fact that operator, on tho market have made ovtiry effort to keep receipts down at all points so ns to glvo tho markets ot tho country an opportunity to recover from the glut of early Inst week. Under tho Influeneo of moderate re ceipts thnro has been come Improvement In tno market, but this Improvement Ims been duo to moderate shipments at nil points rather than to any Increase In the demand. Tho fact Is no one Is looking for a very brisk demand al any point until tho surplus stocks ot meats In the coolers of the country have been cleaned up. During tho week beef steers at this point have gradually strengthened up until they aro uround 25a higher than last week, but It Is very evident thut tho dn- mand Is still slacic. Cows and heirers have shown moro im provement thnn any other cluss of cattle, being around 4n"tf00c higher than tho low point lost week. Stock cattle and reeoers navo mno shnu'ii Horn,, Httvncth nml they aru pos sibly a little stronger than nt the close a wenlt ncro. It might lie wen lor tne rummy u (lifirniiffhiv timierstanu 1 ill inu urtiui early last week was brought about by overloading eastern markets. The severe slump In prices In tho oust carried down westorn marKets. aitiiougii tun iinum' m u'.lAni nolntM wax nut HOllI'lV SO HOVet'O as tho eastern bieak. Therefore, when the country is cautioned against snipping i"" freely It noen not menu inui in "' avoid western markets and snip tanner east, but that they should hold hack the cattle In the country until me. inuracin have had sufficient time lo gut on their feet again. The fact Is that western marketa right now would he In very good condition wero It not for tho remnants of last week's glut at eastern points Quotations on cattle; necr sicnin, mio r nhnire I7.wvir9.00: beef steers, fair to good, $50O6.90; beef steers, common ' to fair. .OOftjfiJO; good to cliolce heifers, $6.76ftC75. good to choice rows, $j4OW3.I0. cows, fair to good grades, $l.4O3fu,40; com mon to fair grade. W-WM.40; good to Minima Mt.w.l.'niH 11 ml feeders. JOJiVUNWi utne.kers and ft'edern. $6.bOJ CM', common to fair Blockers and feed- 0.25; veal calves, $j.(Wf9.00; bulls, stags, etc., 14.4040.40. . . , .......... HOGS An extremely ueannn 1 11 11 lc nldn of the hog trade before tho actual opening ot the market this morning. Thuro being a good run ot hogH bore aim nine euiniieiiuuii on the part of ehlppers and speculators the packers weie given another chance to pound the market The packers buy ers seeing their opportunity lined up for another ot theli bearish rains ubi out bidding prlcos uwisc or lorgny i lower Tor good nogs. Al itrni ocinin wero not dispose! to part with their holdings nt so large a reduction, but it being a Saturday and early reports In dicating similar re.iu. tlons In Ihe general trado at all outside IKJIIlin, uie.v grnuu- ally one by one Mild their hogs at a 10i?lEc decline, most of the sales being fully 16o lower th.in the genernl market yesterday. The big bulk of the hogs moved somewhat slowly at prlceB any where from $7'Vd7 1B, with a couple of InaiTfl hrlnelnir 7 2Ti. the highest price for the day. and 1 a nunc lower tunri leHilnv-K tnn. It Is quite apparent from day to day that hogs are In good demand, hot tli onrkera uo uivir im-di. 111 ieini. the cost of their .'rchaaes every tmio tho reoelpts are larco enougn to aiiora an nniinrtnnltv. As noted ittxjve. while the movement wns t no time active today there was apparently a good outlet for tho entire supp'v at tno truucnon 111 prices nnd practirolly everything changed tnnnds In very fair season. Today's bulk of sales compared with a range of r.lOf7 15 for tllc majority of the offerings a Reek ago shows hogs to ! nelllnir onl ateaily to a nickel lower than last Patn'ia The top price this n.ornlng was tho same as the close of int ii-.,l.' ti, 'ugh it was fjhristmus week receipts 'e larger thnn tlie same week n year ik" but short of Inst week nml two welikK ik'" In round numbers the supply ai-m inted D0.40H head, against . - . - - . A . I . aA 'jrsA 1 . . . I A.. 41.100 head iai ei, iu.e in-.ui iwu weeks ago and ' boa4! on year ago, Repreaenlatl.' i.a"' Vs. Av. Sh. rr No. )l)eniniiil for Cnttle unit Mheep Steady IIokis LtMTer. CHICAGO. Dec. 2S.-CATTLB-Rccclpts. 600 head; market, steady; beoves, $5.70 9.50; Texas steers. $l.C04ff..SO; western steers. S.".7C4f 7.60: Blockers nnd feedei-M, 4.26117.:); cows nml heirers, K.,rof7.ui); cHives. n.ro4fiarii). HOGS-Recelpts, 2O.000 head, mnrket, mostly 100 ower; light. $7.(X7.40; mixcu $7.l(Vir7.ro: heavy. $7.or7.M; rough, $7.03 l7.20; pigs, $5.6tXif7.'.Ti: bulk of hiiIcb. S7.aH17.. SHEEP AND LAMIlB-ReeclpU. 2. heiitl: mntket. steady to h shado lower; native. 14.2vfi6.60: westorn. tl.MWl yeaiilngs, $0-001t".40; nittlvo lambs, $1.10 (IJK76; western, $o.4rijs.7o, St. .lucpli Live MloeU .'flMrket, ST. IX)U1IS, Dec. 28,-CATTLI'J-Re colpts, 2,000 head, liniudlng 300 head Tex- ans; market, steady; choice to rino steers. $9.fioii 10.76: good to cholco steers $S.NMft).C0; dressed and butohei- Bteors, $G.'.'5 7.30: stockcrs and feeders, $o.H4it..o cons and lie.lferH, $t.2Mf7.00; iiuiners, Iit.fJYri7.ri0: funtft- cows. $3.65414,001 bulls, $4.ilti.6n; calves, $C.0W10.W; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.wiri.iju; cows anu helfern. 13.6.V!i4.!i0. HOGS Receipts, H.000 head; market 10c lower; nigs and lights, $.60r7.1) mixed and butchers, $7.2.VJT7.Co; gooO lieHVA. Sl.4(ri7.ti!. HI1EEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.wJ head; market, sternly: muttons, $4.K( 4.75; yearlings. $i;.CiOfr7.2fi: litmus, xj.u.m' 8.0O; culls and bucks, j2.ooiir3.oo. I4miiii t'lty Lle Stuck Murkel. KANSAS CITY. Dec, 28-CATTLE-Re rnlnlH. J head. Incltldllig 100 head 01 southerns; market steady; native ti.if Jli.&tW'.S; HOUinorii sieem, ei,.-,.i..u southern cows anil holfrs. $3.(W"..:5 rmtlvH, r.owB and heifers. $3 tiOUS.OU: stock' ers nnd fenders. $3.Wf7.43; bulls, tlW'it CM; ciilven. $0.OO$flo.(W! western steers r. rvt.n 10. ',trtrn ..nwtt. 13.75irtl.&0. ilOO's Rccelpls. 3,KX) head; market lOiJ -. t,.,....r. l.nllf nt miles. S7.0O!T7.2o: heavy. $7.26t7.35; packers and butchers. $7.15 7.30; light, $6.90rti7.20; pigs, IS-IHHHM". I 1 ' St. Jnseith I.tve Stock Maelt't' ST. JOSEPH. Dec, 2S.-CATTLB Re celpfy. 100 head; market, steady : steers $6.76M10.00; cows atid heifers, $3.765j.00 .nl..n. 15 (HVTHl tV) ' HOGS Receipts, 6,ri00 head; market 10a to 15o lower; top, 7.3o; iiuik ot sates, nu r.ifl 1 HUMHP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 160 head; market steady; lambs, $8.7Djfl.00, Stack In Sluiil. Ilecelnls of live stock at tho five prln clpri western marketa yesterday: .attie. iipg. on 1 1. 60 7,100 ... 100 C601) 150 .00 3.000 .... 2.000 8,000 1,300 600 20,0(10 2,000 South Omaha St. Joseph . ICunsas City St. Louis ... Chicago ...... I upon the sole ground that the atto: 1 j general must appear In person, and e no piiggrnuun mat eiicn nppeninii' e not duly authorized. 1 S. A beuuet In the following woiu "I herebv will devise and beriilentb I the oxerutnrs of this my last will an i testament $frO.00i) In trust to purchase 1 ite nna nulla thereon h lininc for ))' working gills, expending not more tlini one-half ot said sum for the purchase o Aid lto and erecting a building thereon and Investing the balance In Intere ' bearing securities nnd applying the in eresi dcrivea increrrom to tne support if the sold eharllv." I sufficiently Mir clflc to establish a public charity 6, When thero are Inconsistent anil unreconcllablo provisions In n will t'i' latest Is generally supposed to cxprrpt tno intention of tlio testator, This rule owever. does not nODlv to amb eunn- or apparently Inconsistent words In the same sontencn or provision. a clause or provision of a w must, if possible, be so construed im to give effect to. the Intention ot the testa or. ir doubtful or ambiguous words. 11 their ordinary literal sense. aDnear to be Inconsistent with plain nnd tir ambiguous language In tho same clause or sentence, such words will be so ton strued. If reasonably possible, as to render the whole clause or sentence In telltglblo and consistent. iron. Advance Thresher Co. agalnt Kendrlek. Appeal, Dawes. Affirmed awcett. J. "Where the conclusion reached bv tlio ury was tho onlv one permissible ui tier the pleadings and evidence. tM- Judgment will be Bfflrmed. In sii. 1 case, errors occurring at the trial could not nave been nreJudlelsl. ' Vernon against Union Llfo Ins. Co., M Neb 494. 17016. Zttnlk sunlnat 1'nlnn Pirlfl, 1? Co. Appeal. Douglas. Reversed nnd re manaeti. sedgw ck. J. Reese. C j dissenting separately, Fawcett. J , con curs In dissent. 1. If a corporation and Its einoloie o agent are mied Jointly for damages ni leged to be caused by negligence of tin defendants and thero Is a general vet nici in lavnr or tho employe and agnliip tlio corporation defendant, the verdict cannot ue siiMainrn without evldenci that employes or agents of the corpora tion other than the one so exonerated wero guilty of negligence rhlch was thq proximate cause of the Injury. 2. If the petition in an action fo damages charges tho defendant with certain acts of negligence, tho proof must agree with tho allegations, and tne jury is not nt liberty to Inrer thnt the defendants wero noclls-ent In ntlu matters not alleged. . ine ruio of "the last clear chance' Implicit that tho one charged with negli gence Knows tho perxon Inltlted wa not In a placo of danger and ncgllgentlv failed to avoid Injuring him. but his testimony that ho did not havo such Knowledge is not conclusive. Such knowledge inav bo shown hv nroof that the person Injured wart In a situation of imminent dnnger nnd so situated that the one Injuring him. If ho used ln senses as human beings ordinarily do. iiuibi nrtvo kuowu tne unnger. 1. 'J tie fact that thn neron lnltire,! was III a situation of dnmree nml m situated 'that ho could have been ob served by the defendant must be proved by a preponderance ot the ovidence. Tho Jury Is not nt liberty to estimate tho proDnniiitics in Hint regard without sub stantial proof. b. A verdict Inconsistent with Unfit must be sot aside upon application of nil parties prejudiced thereby. o. ine jury naving round that the engineer In charge of tho engine which killed the decensed was not negligent nnd there being no evidence of negll gence on the part of any other agent or employe 01 tne aorendant company, the plaintiff and the defendant com pany having both nppenled. the Judg mont of the district court Is reversed and tho cause remnndod. 1669.1. Gerlng agnlnst lyda. Appeal from Cnss, Reversed and remanded with directions to dismiss notion at plaintiffs costs. Fawcett, J, Lvldcnce examined and held Insuffi cient to connect defendant with tho crim inal prosecution of plaintiff, set out in the petition. 16695. T. M. Partridge Lumber company against Pholps-Burruss Lumber nnd Coal company. Appeal from Lancaster. Af firmed. Reese, C. J. 1. "Where, a certain sum or money Is tendered by a debtor to a creditor on tho oondltton that he accept It In full satis faction of his domand, the sum duo helm? In dispute, tho debtor must either refuse the tender or accept It as made, subject to tho condition. If ho accepts It, ho ac cepts the condition also, notwithstanding any protest he may mako to tho con troj.'TreAt against Price, 47 Neb, S7j, 2. "When there Is a bona fide dispute bi twenn parties as to the amount duo upon an account, and tho debtor tenders a leas amount than tho claim In full sottlcmeur. which the creditor accepts, with knowl edge that It was tendered ns il full t tlemant, the dispute will bo a sufficient consideration to uphold the settlemnnt ana wjii Dar a recovery upon the re. mainder ot the claim." Chicago, rock Island te Pacific Railroad company against Buckataff. Cfi Neb. SS4. st m w 42. Totals 2,850 44.COO 3,460 41 170 ii?.'tc. Vn a snrlnkT. SlfiVlc. No. 4 spring. 7Sfctc; elvet chaff. Wis, duruai. S3 Mc Corn No. 3, m-UUc; No. 3 white, 41UWC . No. 3 yellow 4WV; No. 4. t!fi42,c. No 4 white 4'.J46c. No.. 4 vellow 424a42c Oats No, 2. 32V. No. I i?hV fflifWit. No. ?. t'.c. No. J Sugar 3lnrket. NEW YORK. Dec. iX-SUGAR Raw, steady, muscavado. 89 test, 3.42c; centrif urgal, 9C test. 3.92c, molasses, JO test, 3.17c, refined, steady, crushed, 6.60c; granu lated fine, 4 90c, powdered, 5.00c Trcusur) Stulriueut. WASHINGTON. Dee 2(i.-Tho condition of the United States treasury at the be ginning of business today was Wotting; balance, $&8,437999 In banks and Phlliu- LnnUoit Stock Market, LONDON, Doc. 28. Tho holidays and tliii yearly soujomeni interfered with ti 117 business on the stock exchange during tho Its ill week, which was confined to some rallH 74 Jl7 and a few continental favorites, such aa I IT Tit Peruvians and Sun Paulo mils. These 1 10 l Ifhuhs Improved under continental and4 t local support, but price In other hcctlons W barely moved. American railroad IssueH U ivurn iinnhMnsrfHl til SI. 00 lower un tlu. I TO 191 TI i? M 140 4J.... n 11 9 70 TJ il IT 114 ..157 ..111 ..1S ..110 ..10 ..114 . .ITS ..173 .110 ..toi ..111 ..2:1 ..1M ..110 10 " ... I o 94 k 'D ... I 9" M M ... " . . " ' 40 ' week. e ''" so ( no , . 7 w 7 mi ... 7 00 , . ; m 40 : M . . 7 W .. 7 It ; "0 7 ' 44) 17. . II... 71. . 41.. 17.. 71.. 61 . TI. 7,. Tr et.. .. Av. fth. l'r. . ..Ml 40 7 10 .. ,.J74 S0 7 10 .XI 10 T 10 . ..JK . . T 10 MO ... T 10 JIT 40 T 10 ....MS 200 7 10 211 .. T 10 J 114 T 10 . . . M . T 10 . .. all ... 7 10 .274 W T 10 II. .' 1 : .... 1 1 a. 11 ..I,., 5 NEW YORK, Dec. 2S.-DRY GOOD.S I ?," Cotton goods and cotton yarns inatkotn ii " closed uulet and firm. Burlaps werul?V" steady. Linens wero very firm. Under- to! wear and hosiery were In annA .u (or ; next fall. to .1 ...m .. ra T4 1117 210 w Ml 1K) ....ni m ; it ..,.270 (0 T 10 ...,M9 .. T 10 OS Xi ito T 10 4T 0 300 T 10 T2 i0 240 T 10 II 241 1M T 10 Ti 210 ... T 10 42 IM lb) 1 10 at Mt V' T to t. . .. 210 .. 7 10 r." H Tt t 7 I2tt w U US 121 T til, ... M .. ..fit 100 T ISS 0,1 ... tr . t is ... (I M . 7 ti 11, n ni w ; 11 .T . . Mt aa T IS 11, 1 sm :o 7 n Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 2S.-COFFEE-FU-turcs opened barely steady at a decline of 15 to lfi points under bear pressure. The closo wan steady, but a net decuno ot 16 to 20 points. Sales, 80.250 bags. De cember, 13.08c; January, 13.10c: Keuruary, 13,15c; March, I3.4O0; April, 13.63c; May, 13.)0o; June, 13.72o: July, 13.78o; August, 13.85c; September, October nnd November, 13.930. Spot nominal; tuo is, i,v,ac; Bin- os 4s, 15lc, Mild, quirt; eoroova, nom inal. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 10744 Farmers Bank ot Lyons against Dixon Appeal from Dixon, Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. If a ncKotlaoie promissory note is trans ferred tn n bank as collateral security to an Indebtedness to tho bank substantially equal to tho amount of tho note, 'and tho note is so inKeu ny .1110 mm in 11111 regu lar course of business and without no tice of nnv defanso thereto. Ihe bank bo- comes an Innocent holder und the note Is not subject to defenses that may have uxlBtud us ngalnst the original puyea. 10760. village or Keni'Siiw aguinr.t trio Chicago. Burlington s wuiney itaiirouu company. Appeal from Aoaras. Ainrmeu, .ettoti. .1 1. Fuller the corporate and general tHiwern conferred by chapter II. Comp. St., 1909. upon cities of thn second daBa and villages, 0. vlllugo has the right to maintain an nction in equity to eruoin the maintenance and continuance of ft public nuisance. 2 An Injunction lo prevent tho manU tenanco of the necessary facilities for the loading of live stock by u common car rier will not do granteu as a matter 01 right, but only when It Is upparent that tho duty may bo carried on conveniently eUewhere and that the OVils complained of are substantial and cannot bo other wise temedlcU. a. in antactlon to 1 e train a common carrier from maintaining slock yards at a certain point within n village it is not the duty of thn luiurt to fix tho place to which they should be removed und a do. ciee which leaves the question of tliolr future location to the defendant, outside of certain limits, la not so definite aa to lo be erroneous and void. 16776. MC&nane against uiiuuon ate- Creary against Furay. Appeal from Douglas. Mflvrrsua una runiununu inm directions. Sedgwick. J. Fawcett und Barnes, J. J., dissentnlg. Reeao, C. J., concurring In dlment. I. The county court nas exclusive, nilglnul jurisdiction of the probate of wills and the settlement of estates, and Its final orders within Its Jurisdiction are binding ui"m all parties and not subject to collateral attuck. 2 An order of tho county court In the settlement of an estate by which distri bution Is mode of tho asuettj. Is appeal able to tho district court; the proceed-Iiil- linlnir In rem. all persona Interested In the HssctH are parties. It A asks for an nriinr of distribution that will exclude II from participation in the assets he cannot afterwards object to tho appear ance of B to protect his Interest In tho countv court, or afterwards upon appeul to the district court. ' 3 a titibllc charity Is a nubile bene fit and the uttorney general, upon re quest of the governor, may represent the public In giving force and etrect to Milch oharity when Its Interests are not iihnrwlae adequately represented. I. When It Is the dutv of tho attorney gtrtteral to appear in 1111 notion or legal proceeding lie hihy autnutui' uiuur nitim WHAT THE TRAFFIC WILL BEAR Some Remark nnd Incidental lie. flections) on the Aviation of nrtrery Fees. Members of the medical profession and loymon as well nro Interested In 11 New Orleans lawsuit, by which It Is sought tc recover a fee of $30,000 for an opcratlor for appendicitis. Is such u fee excesslu The question brings up the old and In tercsttng one of professional charges. Thlt particular fee seems to bo a rather exng geratcd case of assessing "what the truf. fio will bean." Most men possessed ol $20,000 would rather, pay It ull nnd cwa tako a chance of going Into debt for more, If such 11 payment were tho neces sary shield between llfo nnd death; and doubtless somo operations require un usual, perliaps unique, skill, The etliU-i of the matter depends upon various clt cumstanees. Harper's Weekly ha.i made a pointtd contribution to the current discussion, ui follows; Now for the othor side. I nm u surgeon and havo 110 sliding scale. Every opera Uon of a certain kind Justifies a fee i $60,000. If a muu cannot puy It. I make him a present of a difference betwcei: that amount and what ho muy comfon ably puy Eminent Surgeon In tho New York Times. Nonsense! Also impudence. Come ot your high horse, leave off one clphe and bring your statement down to tlx plane ot discussion. Ana nera are some tnouguts lor you to consider. If you are really an eminent surgeoiv how did you become so? Did you Invent surgery, or did yet como along and learn what your pred cessors had discovered and atiDly Mint own skill to tho practice of what tit' ' gave you 7 And your education how did you g.--l ltt Most from charity The schools it which you learned were maintained bj funds provided by the benevolent or hup piled by taxpayers; tho hospitals In which you got your skill wore built and maintained by the same means. Tho doctors who taught you what you knu taught you not so mucn lor tees as o t ot a senso ot duty; because they ft't they owed It to humanity to hand dowi surgical skill Into fit hands for tin; publlo service. You are a oharity scholn' most of us are, but you especially, and you especially are dedicated to tho pro motion of heulth and the relief of suf. fertng. You nro not an independent in dividual speculating in surgery tor dol lars. You are part ot the apparatus ot tho twentieth century, In debt to your time, as all men are, nnd bound by Ita obligations. Your suggestion that every patient for whom you do a difficult capital operation owes you $50,000 Is enough to drive eveiy self-respecting person from your doom. Who would wish to become the debtor of, the author of an assumption so arrojunt and so absurd! Key to the Situation Bee Advertutn. I! It 71 " 4 ItrltUli llurk Wrecked. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Dec. 38. Tb. i" -inaktcd Hi It Uli bark Goanulale .u nalinrn nnnr hern today 111 U terrific t(" m bers of the bar to appear for him, and ( which swept the Pacific coast, ltt- i.m pleading or othei papers executed In I tuln and crew of thirty men wen -a . 1) Ins natiu 1V r' xpon- ible memberit of the 1 by the life savir Tho Goorsdule p'0U.v bar of tint o"rt M not be disregarded bly will be a total loss