Henpecko the Monk- Hadn't Been for the Shopping Season i out ? THi 16 mr. HGNpeo;o'a I Uild ate I xoua top, and' DRMe us, ff nT WILL -TOO TELL cu, f"1 1 ") L lF,T 0F ALL TO B6ST fr THE nC m SfcNr Mtj. HENPECKO OUT OF J T S Ain't ? WHAT? I TO !4 ' UtL, BIG 5ME ( trf HENRY ! TO7 TW I I wm tx.s " Storrn nn it Officer, FOR offices, stores, see F. D. WEAD, pfOl Farnam. STORE and basement, 1907 Cuming, WO. JOHN W. RQBBlNS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. OFFERED FOK SALE Fnrnltnro. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice (owner leaving city) complete set of fur- 'nlture for five, rooms. Including chink and silverware: fumed oak parlor set. Call Harney 64S9. FOR SALE Round Oak heating stove. Igas range and lamp; cheap for cash, 11 Shelby Court, near 22d and Leavenworth. lifowe Ventilator, furn. cheap. 2620 Cum. SPLENDID bargain, 7-room flat full lot good furniture. 2M6 Woolworth. Hnr. 4016. Typewriters. . TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months, J6. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. TYPEWRITERS rented three months for 15; rent applied on purchase price. Omaha Typewriter Exhange. 411 S. 16th fit. FOR our $100 -wholly visible typewriter free,' would you bo willing "to show the typewriter to your friends and ask them to write for our offer? For particulars mldrcss Emerson Typewriter Co., Box 482, Wodstock, 111. A BARGAIN IN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Will sell contents of my beautifully furnished apartment at a great sacrifice. Phone Harney 53GC . TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer of the makers, by the month $3.00 or three months for $7.60. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam St Phona Doug. 2213. Mlxcellnncous. FOR SALENew and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collonder Co., 407-409 South 10th St. STORM SASH. CALL WEB. 2577. "SAFES id-hand. American Supply Co. " .'T I . ... ....... .4 n-ntrsYtmrn IhwaW p'coats, trunks. Jeff son Loan Co., 41B N. 18. d-FL COAL; it s good: try a ion; oeei lor p" money. Web. 84S Harmon & Weetli. STEWART steel range, first class con dition. 2560 Ames Ave. i b7d brick, $3.00: lumber, $12.00 to $15.00 per m. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co Kindling. $ H. Gross, lumber & wrecking AllltTnds machinery bought, sold and ex changed. H. Gross, Mach. Ex.. 3001 Doug. TOR SALTS A tailor made broodcldth dress suit In perfect condition: slzo 35. Price $10. Address F 451. Bee. ' NEARLY new No. 10 Remington; sac rifice; owner leaving olty.B 452, caeBef; PERSONAL MAGNETIC '"W1; E. Brott. Dver 710 8. 16th., D. 7893. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve IFood Pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Massage. Mrs. Qoldsburg. 308 Boston Bid. 6S-DAY BLOOD REMT5DY. Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. l T A SS A fiV, Swedish movement. Apt. AUVCSOAlJlIi , 1S02 Kamam. D-6240. ANNA MARKS Massage. 1803 Far- THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast joff clothing; In fact, anything you do not 'need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 131 IN. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the I worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. , YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro invited to visit tho Young (Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. FOOT aliments successfully treated. Mrs. llaynes, 707 S. 16th St. Douglas 449S, BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. Drugless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B. MASS AG K. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 203 "Wlthnell Bldg 15th nnd Harney. D. 7685. MASSAGE Expert treatments by lady operator: select patronage. 203 S. 13th St. Room VOS. Close 10 p. in. FOIt nervousness, rheumatism, heart diseabe, Inillgedtlon. constipation, goiter, catarrh, etc, try Chlroprartlc; one ad ?UHtnient free. Dr. Dexter, 3lrth and Far liam Sts. MEN Prof. Osborne's Fullmotor Per fect Organ Developing Appliance. Os borne Co., 4G07 Delmar Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Semi for free book on Developments. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con HUltatlon free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, G24 Bee Bldg. POUIiTIlY AXirsi'Fl'lTlFJS BAH RED Plymouth Rock cockerels for Kale. $1.25 each. J. A. Haney, Gretna, Neb. " SINGLE Comb White Leghorn cock erels for sale, $1 each. Leon Haney, Gretna. Neb. ALIVE or dressed, 15o for springs; Ho or old ones. Phone Benson 235. PET STOCK FOR SALE A Scotch collie dog, pedi gree furnished. Tel. Web. 3309. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on farms and Improved city froperty. 5 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. I. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam St. WANTED City loans and warrants! W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th,, and Farnajn. D. City and farm loans. John N. Frenxer. 3ABVXN BHOaSSBSt fStT&lK: HARRISON & MORTON. 316 Oma. Nat. " MONEY to loan on business or real dence properties, $1,000 to $50,000. W. IL THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 101C Omaha National Douglas 2715. Cr' CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Ox, C jio-IU BxondeU Theater Bldg, HOME PURCHASE PLAN We make a spec ialty of loaning $1,000 to $5,000 on home s monthly payments with the life insurance fea ture attached. Wanted Loans of $5,000 to $200,000 or more on down town centrally loca ted properties. Low est rates. No delays. W. Fnnmm Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam 8L $10,000 Private Money TO LOAN OUT QUICKLY. 6V4 or 6 Fr Cent. Harrison & Morton LARGE loans our specialty. Btull Bros. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Oriu S. Merrill, 1213 City Nat. Bank Bide. MONEY to loan on Improved farms In eastern Nebraska. Loans made for tVi per cent, with privilege of paying all or part of the principal after 3 years. For further particulars write to home office. The Equitable Loan Co., Percy E. Gwynne. Ass't Seo'r, Omaha, Neb. FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. WANTED TO UV ""WANTED To buy 6 or 6-room "house to be moved on a lot; would like one within 15 blocks of 24th and Franklin. Telephone Red 430L WANTED To buy old broken watcher and old gold. M. Nathan. 109 S. 13th St. 6-ROOM, new bungalow, modern, on corner lot to exchange for vacant lou Call at 413 Karbaoh Blk. Phone D. 3607. WOULD buy span of mares. If all right except sore feet from city use, If priced right. Phone Harney 3310. WANTED Outbuilding 8x10, suitable for chicken house; must bo first claps; here In Lincoln. Address G2S Llttlo Bldg., Lincoln, Nb. WANTED By man and wife, room and alcove, or two rooms and meals, except breakfast, with private family; references. Address, Ii 453, Bee. FOR SALK OR EXCIIANUK TO TRADE 20 A., $50 per A., for resi dence. 0 A., $75 per A.; on bay front; fine. 160 A., $100 per A.: Imp.: artesian well. 818 A., $20 per A., for good hotel. D. W. GRANT. PalacJos, Tex. MY EQUITY In SO acres of good Irri gated land, located in tho heart of the Big Horn baplng, Wyoming, close to good town on the Burlington R. R. I want Jersey or Holsteln dairy cows or heifer calves, a good standard and registered marn; will give good trade; square deal; Investigate. Address owner, P. O. Box 12S, Greybull, Wyo. WIANT a good, clean stock of Imple ments In northern Nebraska or Soutn Dakota; will exchange good Improved farm land In the Rosebud country, priced right, for a good stock. Address r 2S0, Bce.t "FOR EXCHANGE Have "a-splendidly located property In Sours' addition, West Side, Dea Moines, la. Will trade for small stock of merchandise or cheap land. Price $3,000. Miss Jessie Foster. Box 204 Clar ludH, la. VOll UXCHANGE-Three nice Income properties nicely located six blocks east of Union Station, St. Joseph, Mo. Price $5,500; small mortgage; will trade for mer chandise In So, Dakota or Kansas land. Miss Jessie B. Foster, Box 204, Clarlnda, Iowa. A VERY FINE 280-acro Cnss county, Iowa, farm; no better In tho county; ex cellent Improvements; practically all In cultivation; all No, 1 land, cheap at price of $150 an acre. Would consider good property In exchange to $18,000 and carry balance on the form. SIX ATTACHED, close In S-room mod. orn houses, with room for two or thrco more; present rental $1,800: can be In creased In tho spring to $2,160. Owner wants a good farm about same value. Price. $1S.000. 240-ACRB central Nebraska farm; 120 In cultivation; 30 alfalfa; good black loam Boll; no sand: 1H mllex to good buKlness town; 40 roila to school. Price, $12,000. Will consider half good Omaha Income property and carry balance on tho farm at $5 per cent lnterent. W. W. Mitchell, 414 Bee Bldg.. Omaha Neb. FOR SALE or exchange for city prop erty, following automobiles In flist class condition: 7-passenger Stanley Steamer; 5-pass. Stanley; 4-paas. Stanley; 1 elec tric; one 5-pass. Stevens-Duryea; one 5 pujis. Staver. Now. If you want autos, here le your chance. STAR LAND CO. 217 Nat. FldHlty & Casualty Bldg. 12th and Farnam. Tel. D. 2265. And ba quick. WANTED Omaha property for land. Palmer Land Co.. 1106 W. O. W. Bldg. I WANT COTTAGE, for my quarter black soil, underlaid with clay, no sand or atone, plow overy Inch; get price back In two crops; 6 miles from main line V. P., 400 miles west of Omaha: I owe $1.50 per acre each year for eight years. Prefer Omaha cottage, but might consider good town, Add rest) K 418, earn Bee. TTIE OMAHA I'OIIJ-Ail- Oil KXVUA SGV. vll SAIjK of exchange (14S) ICO nwvs Merrick Co., Neb.. ml. I from R, It. No Imps, excopt fetich. Fine I ntfalfa nnd corn lund. Price, S'."3 per .i-ic. Inc., $3,u00. Want general mdsp. i (149 S0.000 or $7,000 stock of 2enn1.1l r.ier- chamllsc; good llvo town, Hutler Co Ni i. l'arty wants small farm In eastern Ne braska near town, for a home. (151) 2,(60 acre ranch In Gnrfleld Co.. Neb.; fine Improvements; !K) cattle 10 horses, machinery, etc. Price of all $2i, 000; mortgage. $900. Want nm.1tlet farm In eastern Nebraska. (153) 61(1 acre alfalfa (am, Valley Co., Neb.: Improvements wotth S2O.C00 : 300 a. .alfairo. This fnrm made S75.W) in five years. Price. $125 per acre; Incumbrance $29,000. Will trade for small farm cr property worth the money. , (155) 160 acres Saunders county. Ne braska. 3it miles west of Certsux 1 air improvements; 120 acres broke. Price $12 per acre. Clear. Will exchange (or mine land at less price. OSG) 160 acres Irrigated land. t4 miles north of Henry, Neb.: 91 acres of this land under government ditch, 40 acrs al falfa; no Improvements; only foncetl. Price $10,000; mortgage $1,200. Want hatd waro stock. (158 ) 240 acres Furnas oounty. KebraaWa,' 3 miles from Wtlsonvllle. Highly Im proved, good neighborhood, i;ood roans, 150 acres broke. Price 50 per acre. In cumbrance $4,200. Want eastern Ne braska land or would consMr merchan dise or hardware. (160) 2C0 acres land In .""bavin county, Now Mexico, In Artealiui bult. flowing ar tesian well on It, 10 miles from city of (8,000 people. 4 miles frorri b.i? aoutn I Springs apple orchards. Price $5 Ver (acre. Will exchange for Ncbrauka land. land, 'good community. Prlc .W l'e. acre. Incumbrance, $2,60. .ilt trade lor sinaller piece of land at hlsncc "rice. ( vnrni ri . : (102) l.OSO acre ransii ' :. Colo.. 9 miles from town. ' a. alfalfa.. Al .land adapted for alfalfa. Rancn and Improved. Price ?J5 per u. A 111 luKo ; eastern land as para paymom. 5i mllss S. E. of A. K Neb. Ail "Vr,1arn1an;;5,o?: l-l l.li u. " t due 8 years. J. A. ABBOTT & CO.. Wt-7 City Nafl Hank BUV-f.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ii.. nitAnorfV. ,) H. DUMONT & CO., Phone Dougnls cgOlOffl Farnam St. TT-.'m .. ...111 IrnrlA fnr WANT1CD iO ren, ii eastern Nebraska or Kansas land, Iowa or Missouri; stock clean, "nlsts otso; creles. Bhocs, furnishings and dry goods, good business; good reasons for "ellliiB Will not consider Oklahoma or western land. Stock located In southeastern Ne braska. F. A. Colglozkr. Peru, Neb. " SIX-ROOM new bungalow, modern, on corner lot. to exchange for vacant lots. Call nt 413 Kabachjllock. Phone D. 3607. " REAL ET.1TE Mlh l ItACT.S OF TITLB. REED Abstract Co., oldet abstract of fice In Nebraska. SC5 nrandeli Theattr. ACItn.Mlf: KOIl A!.E. Acres 5 acres on Ames Ave., well Improved, with good house, barn and other build ings, all kinds of fruit. 6 acres In Keystone Park, one mile west of Benson, on paved road, unim proved, $1,000, Owner anxious to sell. Bostwick 218 S. 17th St. DAIRY OH OinCKEN FARM IN THE SUBURBS Only !4 mile west of Benson, wo have a 25-cro tract; on the paved mail; nicely Improved with a good 6-room house, fine new ham, chicken houses and othor out- . ..,,-, 1 !.!,. 1.1 1.1,. ,1. T , . . I Vouldn't find a better location for dairy and chicken rami. I'rico j,-jso. iceaaon able payment down, balance yearly. Will be glad to take you out any time, PAYNN rNVESTM RNT CO. Doug. 1781. Ware Block. "40Acres $25,000 24 MILES FROM CITY HALL Harrison & Morton CITY I'ltUI'KHTV i'UU SAIIU. THE ROSEBUD LAND CO. handles exchanzea of all kinds. Room 1 i:(intlii"nlal HII:.. Omaha. WE HAVE listed with us a fine prop. OKttiou for some one. A four-cpartmrnt flat, on large lot facing two street thut are paved und paving paid for; on the other end of the lot there Is a largo wagon shop, and barn; Also garage. Price, $12,000; also a two-story apartment flat. I'Hr; $1,750. This all belongs to one man and Is clear of incumbrance, and wants to trade It for good farm; If this Is not enough, will put In some more to suit deal. Now, If vou havo exchanges of merit that you rellv want to trade, try tho- STAR LAND CO., ' 215 and 217 Nat. Fidelity & Casualty Co. Bide, Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas 2265. HOME AND BUSINESS PLACE Combined. On Fifth Ave. car linn. Coun cil Bluffs, adjoining good business corner, S-room cottage, with bath, gas and elec tric lights. Nice light front room, near street Suitable for utmost any small business. $l.yiO buis It, $50 cash balance $li and Intereit per month McGee Real EaUtu to , 1W Pearl St, Council Bluffs. SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 20, 1012. Copyright 1915. Nntlonat REAL EST AT 11 CITY IMUII'KHTV F(U XAI K. $14,000 Last Chance to Buy Two well built brick flats faring tho new million dollar hotol, renting for $1,140 per annum; never vacant: teimuU take care of repairs and wiCsr tax. These opportunities are once !n u life time. urouna 4ixii. netting 9 per ceni on tho price usked. Sec us Monday. This will not be offered again at, this price. A Happy Now lear In Popular Dundeo Can lit? Had At 4913 Callfonila St.. for $6,750 8 nice, large rooms, practically new. built by owner for a home; line four good bed rooms; finished In oak and pine; location unexcelled, between two car lines, on one of the most beautiful und shady slrectH In Dundee. Capitol avenue between 51st and 52d, nt $4,800, a beautiful, well built six room stucco houne on full nlzed lot; three bed rooms and sleeping porch, and up-to-tho minute throughout. Paving taxes all paid, You can't miss It on this property as there Is a future profit for the buyer. House just completed. 4813 Douglas St.. $5,500. i rooms, hot water heat; fireplace, finished in oak down stains beautiful decorutlomi and possession at once. Owner left the city, says sell quick. , 5140 Burt St., $6,500; overlooking the beautiful Happy Hollow cirolo and boule vard. This Is ono of tho most beautiful sites, surrounded by fine homes. Exterior construction Is stucco; hot water heat and eight nice large rooms. Any of theso are good buys. Want an offer this week on uny of tho above. Glover & Spain, 1319-22 City Nat' I Bank Bldg. Doug. M New Bungalow Must Be Sold In located In beautiful Kountzo Plaru; has 5 rooms, all on one floor; tho living room, dining room and, den are finished in oak, balance of house In hard pine; han window stmt and Plato rail In dining room, also bookcase and ' columns be tween dining room and parlor; sliding doors between den and parlor; Is strictly all modern; tho best workmanship und material thut can be had; In a locality of all now homes; only half block from car and one block from beautiful Kountze park. Owner hns moved south. This Is new and Iiuh never been occupied; price reduced to $3,150; locutod at 1619 Pratt St. Phono Webster S24. House and Lot, House Partly Buriied Will Sell For Best Offer. $650 BID. OWNER ASKS $725. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. J363 South 21st St. House can be re paired; full block foundation; cement sidewalks, city water In Iioubo. Has 5 rooms; only 15 minutes' walk down town. It cost owner $500. Terms, $50 cash; $10 a month, HASTINGS & 1II3YDBN, 1614 Harney St. Apartment Houses Are The Best Investment. See Us For Choice Sites. 26th, between Farnam and Douglas, 50 feet on paved rtreet, paving paid. Per manent walks; large muple trees on lot line. Price, $3,750. Paxtun court. Jtut off Farnam, 50 feet, paving to b) paid in full with walks. Price, $3,250. Harney, near 28lh Ave, 55 foet, paveil, choicest location for flats or apartment.". Price, $3,500. Other cIon In pieces Just right for flats or apartment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phono Doug. 1C06. ONLY $200 CASH Halaucc $35 monthly for a brand now. I strictly modern oak finished home of seven rooms. j'Uii two HtorieH. MViug room, dining room, den nnd kitchen on flrtt floor; :i good IhmI rooms, 4 closcti, tiled bath and sere eried-ln sleeping porch on ftecond floor. Stairway to attic. Guar anteed furnace and plumbing. Iarge lot, 50x140. Ixicated on Omaha's prettiest mlie at 2219 Ogden St. One block to No. 24th street car line. Price, $3,750. Phono Owner Harnoy 5210. WEST FAJRNAM 4259 Farnam; two blocks from Dundee car; 6 rooms und bath; full basement, furnace, laundry, combination electric and gas, window shades nnd cookliiT range free. Stairway to floored attlo. Biggest snap In .Went Farnam. Rent $2. Front door open all day Sunday. T. J. Willows, Mt Brandels Bldg., Phone Red 1798. Best in Omaha Iargo Residence Iot, East und South Front. 3Sth and Webster. Harrison & Morton Fairacres Excellent comer, south and oast front, best homes, high view, only $2,100. O'KKBFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Ornuha National Bank Bldg. Evenings. Harney 333 or Harney 4778. GARDEN AND FRUIT Five-room cottage with threo lots, all set out In bearing fruit trees and vines of all kinds; good neighborhood; close to car. I-rlco only $l.fs50. BEMLS-OARLBERG CO. 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. , BEAl TIFl'L lot on 24th St, faclng Mlller Purk for t'XJO. on time b 1 JDlTi? W. BEDFORD & SON, News AssodatVn RliAI. KSTATU CITY PIUUT.IITI I'llll SVI.K. BIG 1913 INVESTMENT i Owner leaving clly, offers her hamlsoniu , new double brick flats each front near 2Sth nnd Harney, renting for $1,500 per annum, for only $11, Em rjush required only 13.500. I This building is flushed In hardwood throughout, including nil floors; plumbing, heutlng and wiring of tiu very bent, and Is rented to flrst-ohtss teiiautH on yearly leases. And please imtn tho most Im portant thing of nil. LOOATION-rlght til tllo midst Of llitlv iln'ilimniMnt. A'nil will bo in right If you buy this property. U HNK.ST SWEET. 1 City Nut. D. 1472.' DUNDEE OWNER GONE EAST I'eriiiuntontly lust weelv, say, '"Sell for what it will bring." my new 6-room mod ern homi'. on full lot in pumlee. This property should bring-about $3,500, but $2,000 will tulto It, and perhaps less, If bought now before It Is rented. Seo It today and make jour offer Mon day morning. H Is IW9 Webster street. ERNEST SW13BT. 12M City Nat. D. 1472. RENT TALK NO. 46. CHAS. If). WILLIAMSON CO. 1JOK OUT for tho next lensiiM. Tho Omaha Com mercial club, concurred In by the Board of Education, will take a census soon, iw to HOME OWNERS AND HOME RENT ERS. With which do you WISH to be classed? A thing of this kind often im pends on that one word. WISH (It's another uamo for ambition.) The wish Is often father to tho thought. If you WISH I in Id enough nnil summon a little nerve you can. In one move, switch from thn Renter sldo to the Owner. It don't take much nerve (nor money, either). TRY IT. FOR THE "NEWLYWED." Nice new 2 or 3-room limine (can change plana to suit), on one, two, three, four or flvo lots, an you wunt. only 5 minutes from Florence cur lone fare, no transfer), In new addition, little place for small family; brand new, ready to move In ." days or less, small payment down and $7.50 up per month, according to number of lotH and rooms Cathedral Dlxlrlit. choice building lots (two on cprnon, Poilgo St. Owner needs money, or will exchange on account of good West Fanium home. Remember, we give free a $100 to $500 Accident Insurance Policy with any prop erty sold while they last. Remember CHARIAHEW HEIGHTS and our additlona alioht that beautiful p:nk, Fort Omaha. CHA8. E WILLIAMSON CO. $36,000 halt cash, will buv a 74-room holel In a very delrable neighborhood. The build ing and lot cost over 75,Ouo. n Is rented to a party foi $I,UM per year. Tenant makes big money $30,000, $10,000 cash will buy a 30-room hotel with an elegunt store below In tin A No. 1 .retail district. Owner will t:ika lease and pay $3,3TO ior year. $tW,000 buys a brand new holel building on a main stronl Rents for $6,000 per year. A good business corner. All above uie good bargains. J. B. Robinson 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas BOOT. Start the New Year Right by buying that fine little nix. loom. com. pletoly mortiru hmne on North 21th street. (near Fort street It's a beauty, newly 'decorated and milv three yearw old; fine I yard, 47x120; pHitl) fenced; good shed I barn, suitable f auto; puvtd street, I paving paid. Just reduced from $3,200 to J.3,000. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. .10 South 17th St. $2,800 Home For $2,000 '$400 Cash A nearly new k-nmin house, near 24th and Suratogu St- modern except furnaro. South trout lot House alone would cost $2,400. Propertj imi-t be sold before Junil. nrd 3, 11)13, h owner Is leaving for Europe. The Byron Reed Co, Phono Doug, w, 313 So. 17th, BKXSON $1,450 will tk I but dandy 4-room cot tage, almost iv with paneled dining room, built-in Inset, electric lights, city water and fine well; good sized lot. 50x 133; good barn with electric lights; chicken house, some fruit trees und grapcM. Place l nil fenced and only two blocks from cai lliieT Owner leaving city. A snap. BI3MIS-( -A RLBERG CD. 310-313 BrandelB Theater. BARGAIN BY OWNER $4,900 Mold club. New, modern, 6 rooms; finest material throughout. Beautiful location, Block from cur 914 So. J6th St. Call Har ney aOC6. NON-RESIDENT, In the city for a few days, wishes to sell his home In new part of Kountre Face would consider acreage or va ant lot us part payment V. Ii. Wead. 1M1 Fwnam St. Drawn for The Bee REAL KSTATB I'lKIPKllTV Ftllt SAI. Kountze Place Homes Kounlxe Pluce Is one of the most desirable residence sections In the city. There aro 8 flue churches In the addition and the Lothrup school Is one of thn bevt soliiKiW In the city. Good cur service on acb side nnd, the Florenco boulevard runs through the center. It Is a good place for you to buy and we have some good bargain In new homes there. I 2224 WVANS An especially good buy In a full two story square house. Just being completed. Scuth front lot on paved sttcut. ,one-1ial f block to car, full basemont cemented, pressed brlcl; foundation, good furnace, reception hall, with open stairway and colonnade opening, living room, dining r oom, kitchen, pantry and rear entry, bi'uutlful oak finish and floors. On the second floor there are 3 ffno bedrooms (ono of them 12x19 ft), each bedroom having good closet. There Is also linen closet In linth room, best of plumbing, good lighting fixtures. Set this house today. t 1808 P.1NKNEY STREET, $4,500 A nice home on a splendid street of h onies. where all of the lots are Improved and this lot Is especially nice, being 0x125 feet, on south front lot, on paved street, rim lawn and gurden nnd a substantially built garage, 12x16 foot. Tim liotifo haa reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and rear entry on tho first floor, Tbroo fine bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, full cemented basement. Electric lights and gns, fine fixtures, alt walls decorutcd. Tho owner of thin house Is go Lug to California to Uvt and wants to sell at once. 1808 LOTIIROt STREET, $5,000 A splendid, practically new, two story square house, In one of the nicest lo cations In Kountze I 'hue. on a south front lot 50x124 feet, on paved street, with 11m 'entire block built up with fine homes. Tho house has reception hall, th ing room, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and rrur entry on first floor Four fine corner bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, stairway to large floored attlo, Tho living moms aro finlsl ed In onk, with two pair of colonnade openings mid flue oak floors. All of the rooms In thn huuso are nicely decorated, flun combination lighting fixtures, There aro screaus for all window's and doors and thu large front porch Is screened; also storm wlndowH for all windows. The buck yard is fenced and them In an especially nice lawn with terraco. You will find this houso complete und thotough in every way and the owner has .spent a mt or money Keeping tho place in goou condition, uomo out touay ana iook it over. Do not bother tenants. Seo us for further particulars. Charles W. Martin & Co. Douglas 3X32. Stop Paying Rent Jan. 1, 1913 Apply tho money on tho purchiuie of one of tho following home".! $2,:W On Saratoga avenue, neur 2ith St. Six rooms, modern except heat; only three years old ami In good condition. This Is a simp at the price. Houso ulolin could not bo built for tho money. $350 cash will handle. $.1,400 Scvon-room modern, two-story square house; beautiful, high locu tion, near 36th and Lafayette uvo uue.Ixit, 40x158. House not In best of condition, but could bo bought at your own figure. Terms. $3,5(10 'Six-room, alt modern, in thu Hnns com Park district, and only n block and oiio-hair from three first-class car lines. House has four rooms below und two with hath above. lot, fxl2."i; south front, on paved street, $500 cash, balanco llko ront. $4.250-ln tho Field Club district, we give u Blx-room, now, nil modern house, with sun porch nnd sleeping porch: oak upstalm and down. This Is a dandy and would rent easily for $31 per month. Wo can sell It on h $50J cosh payment nnd balance ut $1 per month. See us for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 South 17th St. A South Side Home, Easy Terms. 1411 Martha St., 8-room house In a good location, close to Catholic school; It will pay you to look at this house; has re ception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on the first floor; the one bedroom, parlor nnd dining room are finished In oak, Including the floors; has two largo sleeping rooms, with good closets and bath room on tho second floor; first class plumbing and heating throughout; has 50-foot lot, nicely sodded: has cement walks. Owner says to sell this on payment down of $600 and bal ance same as rent. This Is a chanco to get a nice new home with small pay ment down. HASTINGS Jt- HEYDEN, 1614 Harney SI Phono Doug. liKM. NOT ADVERTISED BEFORE A very desirable, modern, up-to-date home, with full east front lot, In the Field Club dlftrlrt. Price $7.S00. This house has a large living mom on the first floor, four Inrge bedrooms mid bath on second floor; oak flnlrh nnd ouk floors In first story. It Is located on n paved street In one of the most popular neigh borhoods In tho city. If you want to seo this house today call H 2014, ,1. 11. DUMONT & CO. Phone Douglas 630. 1603 Farnam St, Kountze Place A beautiful home, Just completed and well located. Every residence In this block la 1im than one year old; large living room with (Ire place, dining room with paneled walls and beam celling; kitchen und rear entry. Thrco largo bed rooms on the second floor, one of them Is 12x19 feet, and bath room with flno fix tures. This house Is finished In oak throughout; all walls nicely decorated, abholutely complete und ready to occupy, located at 2121 Pratt St. I'rico $3,JG0. Easy terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg, Phono Dougiaa 4370. Dundee 5010 Chicago St. A splendid 8-room thoroughly modem house. Flno living room; sun parlor: dining roam with built in buffet, breakfast room, kitchen with ample cupboard space; toilet and lava tory off hall; 4 good bed rooms, finished attic. Open for Inspection this afternoqn. E. W. Stoltenberg Harney 3416 or D. 1610. 150 Ft. on Harney At lth. $50,000. Harrison & Morton 3 C by Gus Mager II K.Mj KSTATU PltUPKHTV FOI1 aii:, t ri v STREET, $3,750 1018 Omaha Nut'l. Bank Btdg. Dundee Houses $4,2oo 6-room, all modern house, with oak rinlfih and flors 1st floor :i bedrooms; full cemented basement, hot water hettt. Muko us nn offer, $5,300 for a good, modem bungalow, with 7' rooms! onk finish nnd floors; con venlently nrnuigcd und well built hot water heat; reasonable terms, $5,200 for a 6-room modem house; near the Huppy Hollow club und on tho cur line; onk finish; furnaca heat, well arranged; reasonable terms. $S,ii00 for n 10-room modern house, in Happy Hollow and overlooking the boulevard and Happy Hollow Golf club; selected oak finish; oak floors throughout: white enamel finish 2il floor, with mahogany flnlheil doom; 3 large bedroaniH and double sloeping porch; largo room finished on 3d floor In white enamel; mam special and convenient features throughout the house; Investigate George & Company Tel. 1. 766. 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. New Brick and Stucco Bungalow East front, near new Cathedral. A beautiful homo of five large, airy rooms and bath; ull on one floor; enclosed stair way from dining room to floored attic with large dormer; could bo finished nt slight oxpeae, making two additional rooms 14x16 eaoh. Beautiful oak finish downstairs; whlto enamel in bedrooms Htid bath. Full basement, with every modern convenience: Heat of plumbing and heating plant. Seo us for price and further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tylor 1636. 210 South 17th St. NINR ROOM MODERN KOUNTZK PLAGE HOME, CORNER LOT, $U,600.00 House has hardwood floors, two ftr places ono for coal and one for gas; hall, parlor, sitting room, library, dining room, kltohen and one bedroom on 1st floor, four bedrooms and modern bath on 2d floor; iimw furnace, underfeed; barn; lot 50x124, fronting south and east, both Htieeta paved, northwest cornor 19th and Iocust, houso number 1902 locust. W. H. GATES, C44 Omaha National Haul; Building Phone Doug. 1294, Web, 26SS, NEW BUNGALOW, 3913 MODEL Just completed and now rented for $25 I ir month, a Htrlctly up-to-divtc, 6-room bungalow, finished In oak; nicely located, one block from 24th St. car, on a full wwth front lot- Tho property Is worth $3,250 nnd you can buy It for $3,975, only $100 rush, balance $30 rr month. You had better hurry. PAYNE N VESTMENT CO. Douglus 17X1. Ware block Huudnyx ami evenings Webster 1239, New Home, $1,400 For $100 cnsli and the balance only $15 per month, you can movo Into ono of our flno new houses In Cottago Home View Addition. Close to car line and school These houses wero built by day's labor and from selected materials. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., II. M. Christie. Mgr. Real Est. Dept. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 10o4. NEW COTTAGE Living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, with room on second floor for two more rooms, hardwood finish, electric lights cast front lot, nice cellar, only $1,600, $50 cash, balance $15 a month. Located six blocks south of 13th St. and Missouri Ave. Hero' Is a dandy homo for soma one on payments. BEMIS-OARLBERG CO. 810-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOlf SALE at a bargain, solid, imperv ious brick houso to bo finished about January 10. Owner was building It for a home, but Is compelled to leave clO. Built by day labor and strictly modern. Hardwood finish throughout. Cost about $8,000. Two blocks from Hanscom Parlt and car line. One block from Windsor school, four blocks from Field club. 2US So, 31th St. Telephone Harney S350 for key.